TO THEONE. * * BY VHS J. V. H. KOOM. VlMB from life's dnll and proqjr care Ky weary spirit turns In quest of holier rent elsewhere, For love like that vhi'-ii burns "Within my own heart, then I <jaMT From the fount of poetry ..v TIT many a fresh, neotarim Tho.iii<', ami think of thee, • BecuuNe 1 fwi thy soul hath felt r #. '.<••? Ito sweet, entrancing power, Before its shrine that thou ha-st kneit At twilight's holy hour, Aiid, while thy npirit upward soared In deep devotion there. To God thouVt hymned thy praise and Thy heart in fervent prayer. That thou hast, in life's lonely hours, Oft wandered forth and wreathed Fresh flowers from thought's ambrosial bonan. And swoet aroma breathed From all the neetared dews that shine , Upon life's flowery shore, And fe't that none but hands divine Such balmy drops could pour. That thou hast nestled lovingly On niture's wooing breast^ And felt while th»re a sanctity, ! A pexu'cfal, quiet rest, That liothing *1M», no other place, To thoe could ever give; Nor fill thy thirsting heart with Ufa 'Twere heaven on earth to live. In deep and xirayerful tenderneee My heart goes forth to thee; Thy faith and love ana gentleness Are full of poetry. Though reveied here no more to meet Till earthly tieH are riven, Together nt.ill up there oiir feet Hhall prftP the path* of heaven. Till then I'll trus t thy love and thee, • , Nor doubt a heart like thine I'Upray for theo, pray thou for me, Theone, and trust thou mine. haunts of wily men of the world, was given over entirely to farmers and farm ing interests; simple-minded and simple- mannered people, who live out their un even tfu.1 lives in the routine of daily du ties. The small market town of Northam, fonc miles distant, was sleepy and primitive, never awakening from its slumbers save on the weekly market day. It had its parson, its doctor, and its lawyer--Harry Leete; all three of them being nearly as simple as the farmers. Not simple in the point of in tellect, it must be understood; but as to life and manners. This Thursday was market day. James " Into Nortliam! day." "No; but I've got a little business there--about those sheep, you know, Dinah Ann.* I shall get them at my own price, after all." "Of course you will. I told you so all along. But I do wonder you could not wait until to-morrow." THE experiment of importing live hogs from the United States to Germany has proved a success. THESE is a rumor in London that a daughter of William H. Vanderbilt is to J marry Lord Duplin. , , , , THE late I)r. 1). T. Coit, a graduate of "Oh--market-day s always a hustling j Yale, class of '25, has left a bequest to day; one forgets half one's business, or j that institution of $100,000. has not time to do it. Anyway, thought I'd go in this afternoon." "I should like to go with yon, James !" Mr. Harbury received the impulsive Harbury had gone to it in the gig of a j "wish with a blank look, and had no brother farmer, Peter Hall, his own < retwly answer at hand. mare, which he either rode or drove j " I want to buy a new silk gown, and generally, sick. He was a tall, ; to order a best cap, and ever so many slender man of 39 years, very fair, with : things. Yes, I will go with you, James, exceedingly handsome features and mild j I won't be Jive minutes getting ready." blue eyes, looking as unlike the popular j "But--Dinah Ann--not to-day. I notion of a farmer as a man could look, J can't take you this afternoon. You shall and presenting a marked contrast to his j go to-morrow, instead." agricultural neighbors. So far as ap- " Why can't you take me? " pearance went none of them, poor or ; "Business," he shortly replied. And, rich, could vie with James Harbury, and his gig being just then brought round, his temper and his bearing were alike * White Bess in the shafts, he got into it, gentle. j without more ado, and drove away, call- He had one fault, though, perhaps, i ing out 4' Good-by !" to his wife, all people would1 not call it a fault, love ! "I'll be even with you, Mr. James," nodded she. THE HUSBAND'S SECRET. " Not a word, mind, to Dinah Ann !" Dinah Ann herself, the speaker's wife, having strolled down the garden in the sweet stillness of the summer night, •. heard these suggestive words as the gig pulled up at the gate, and her husband descended from it. She was a pleasing little woman of seven or eight and thirty, with dark brown eyes, a bright, fresh fafce, and a natural propensity to take her own way, in the house and out of. it. Drawing back from the gate behind the '^ell-kept hawthorn hedge, she waited •c for what was to come next. of money. That he was one of the " warmest" farmers in the district was universally believed, and the most sav ing of men. Too saving, his wife would tell him, and where was the use of it, she would ask, considering she had neither chick nor child? And every now and then she would make the money fly, for she was a dear lover of smart at- Tlie gun was setting when he drove in again and round to the stable yard. Leaving his horse nftd gig with Evan, he was crossing to the house when his attention M as caught by a huge volume of black smoke puffing out of the chim ney of a narrow building that was for- merlv made to serve as brew-house and tire, and of -having pretty things about i wash-house until the large one was built. her. James would wince, and bid her be careful; but he never went the length ©f telling her she hail spent too much. He was fond of her, an she of him. "Neither chick nor child, fact had lain a sharp sting. As it was out of use now, w:is not in fact used for any purpose whatever, or en tered by anybody from month's end to month's end. Mr. Harbury naturally thought of tire. He rushed to it like a ' In that j madman. They had j In the fire-place under the furnace a been married eight years now, and the I &Te blazed away, upon which more coal sting was wearing 'itself away. Time j had recently be en thrown. Whiter than softens all thing's. He had never given i death, James Harbury made one frantic "Not a word, for your life, mind, to } h?r cause for an unhappy thought until j move toward it, while a yell of what [nali Ann!" i to-niirlit, TTo hn<1 nnv reallv seemed like terror broke from IT is estimated that the money paid for Texas cattle during the past five years amounts to $180,000,000. THERE is a Latin term for cod-liver oil, but none for the taste of it. The Latin races were not well up in pro fanity. THERE was Paginini the fiddleist, and here's Cawpanini the tenor. Bather sin gular how many diuniea get into the musical ranks. MR. S. L. M. BARLOW has presented the mate of the ill-fated Sewanahaka, Benjamin Kirk, a gold watch in recogni tion of his bravery. As UANY as 32,000 emigrants left I Hamburg during the first six months of { 1880. The number for the correspond- ' ing period of 1879 was 12,000. THK principal cotton ports of the ! South rank as follows in the receipts of I the staple : New Orleans, Norfolk, Sa- j vannah, Galveston, and Mobile. " j A CONSERVATIVE clergyman in En- ; gland has chosen to omit the prayer for ; Parliament since the election, on the i ground that. " such a lot " are not "worth ) praying for. j OF the discoverers and conquerors of more or less fineness of make in the mind, and miserliness and cruelty the contrary, hence that of Isaiah : \ " The vile person shall no more be oalled liberal, nor the churl bountiful.' Mrs. Rip Tan Winkle in Bridgeport. "When the St. Clairsville omnibus stop ped yesterday in front of West & Gil- more's drug store, an old lady passenger leaned out the buss window and inquired .of the druggist: "Where is Gray & Sturgeon's store?" ' 'Gray--and--Sturgeon--Gray--and-- Sturgeon?--oh, yes! tlierq was such a firm here once, but they nave sold out long ago." "Nowyoti don't tell mal And Jerry Sturgeon, inhere is he?" . Dinah Ann " No fear !" replied a voice, which she recognized as that of her brother, Harry Leete ; "Iknow what women are. She'd be for--for revolutionizing the house, and herself too, once let her get an ink ling of this. No fear, James! Take care, ,on your side, that you don't lose that-- or let Dinah Ann find it." " I'll take care. When are you com ing to smoke a quiet pipe with ine ? I shall want your advice as to " "One of these evenings," interrupted the lawyer, as he drove up the lane. " Good-niglit!" James Harbury, substantial farmer and agriculturist, came through the gate, and turned to fasten it. Had he turned the other way, to the left instead of to the right, lie would have seen Ids wife, _ standing against the hedge as close as to-night. He had never had any secrets ; really seemed like terror broke from from her, except that he never could be • him. Another yell succeeded, and still brought to tell her what the exact sum j another ; then he collapsed utterly, and was that he was enabled to put by at the j fell upon a low wooden stool in wild end of each year. Dinah Ann Harbury ! despair. did not care* for that; she knew that, j "'Good heavens!" exclaimed Dinah however much it might lie, it was all for i Ann, who had been stooping over some her. > / j - S j. | l%nj^ets iu- the fax corner, " what in But she did care for this--tnis mys- | tlie world is tlie matter'? Is it spasms, terious secret which had come to iter j James? Let me run for the camphor." hearing to-niglit. S^e kiiew how good- j ~/"Camphpr, indeed !" exclaimed the, iinlmr.nv man ** "Rrni She knew how goad- j * "Cam looking James was ; liow Universally he ' unhappy was liked by man and by woman, and i Poison, what a kind heart he had--she put it "sott"--and something like jealousy began to torment her spirit. When James came in again the sup- man. "Bring poison rather.. You've" He's off' his head," was her pitiable' suggestion. "Let me rub you, James. Where is the paiu ? In the chest ?" He flung his arms around in all direc- j per-tray was at one en4 of the table, and ! tions, so that she could not g»t to his j Dinah Ann, an unusual light in her ! chest, or to auy other part of him. ieyes, sat at the other end, near the "Who lighted this fire?" he gasped, j lamp, having taken up her knitting. , "Phoebe lighted it. 1 ordered her. she could stand, almost into it. He did i The farmer's general manner was easy ' The flue in the proper wash-house has not see her, and went straight up the path to the house. When his foot-steps had died away, Mrs. Harbury wound her light summer gown over her black silk apron, caught hold of her lilac cap strings, lest the cap should fly off, and ran swiftly, up the narrow sidewalk, got round to the back, went through the house, let drop her gown, and entered the sitting-room, ' all calmly, nearly as soon as her hus band. " Got back!" she exclaimed, with quite a look of surprise. "Just come," replied the farmer; " Harry drove me in his gig." " What brings Harry up here in his gig at this time ? And why did you not OOme back with Hall ?" inquired Mi's. Harbury, who liked to be at the begin ning and the end of everything. * i. " Harry had to come," said the farm er, who seemed to be walking about rather restlessly -- and who never thought of such a tiling as refusing to satisfy his wife's questions. " He got a message from the Down Farm, to go over there without loss of time. I thought I might as well come up with him, Dinah Ann. As to Hall, I left him stuck in the tap-room of the Taw- »ny Lion; he didn't order his gig to be ready before 10 o'clock." "Just Like Peter Hall! You'd have taken the reins yourself, James, I reck on, had you come back with him." "Oh, lie*11 not get its bad as all that! But, I say, Dmah Ann, it's a sad thing .about Piutridge at the Down Farm. A day or two ago he went out with his hay makers--and you know what a man he is to work when he does set about it--- got into a heat, and drank a lot of cold and placid, though he had certainly j taken to smoking frightfully. The seemed restless after leaving the gig, but i blankets are to be washed to-mon bw, now he was calm again. j and will be put in soak to-night. But the New World, Columbus died broken- J old gentleman." hearted, Roldin and Bobadilla were -- - - drowned, Balboa was beheaded, Cortex was dishonored, and Pizurro was mur dered. THE Bishop of Peterborough, in a letter to the Church of England Temper ance Society, expresses an opftiion that there is decidedly less intemperauce now " Dead long ago." "Now, indeed! And Adam Junkins --does he live here yet?" "No, Mr. Junkins died many years ago." "He did? And his son, the doctor, I suppose he is still about--Milt they called him?" , "He is dead, too." "Well, well! And does Moses Rhodes and his good lady still keep the hotel here?', "No, madam, they too are dead--died before the war. " "Well, well! Where is Doctor Me- Connaugliy?" "Dead, long, long ago." "And Doctor' Affleck, does he still live up on the hill?" "No; he died long ago." "And Vincent Mitchell--I suppose he ! is dead too?" No ma'am. He is here, an active THE NEW YOKE WEEKLY Stnt will be found a nM auxiliary by all who are earnestly working for the lefotm of the National Government. Throughout the Presi dential canvass of 1880 THE SUN will (ire ita mdsn a fan, ckrar and honest report of events and opinions. Believing that the evils which have so Ion* beset the country can be cared only by a change of the pirfy ii> power, it will support, for President and Vice President, HANCOCK imd ENGLISH, the nominees of the National Republican Democracy. It will also support such can- didates in the Congress districts as may give tlra best promise of keeping the National Legislature out of the grip of fraud, bribery and corruption, and in the control of common sense and patriotism. Tf» all those who sympathise with oar purpose, we commend the circulation of THF WEEKLY Sirs. In order that, they may most, efficiently co-operate with os, we will send THE WEEKLY SCN to clubs, or single subscribers, postpaid, for twrnly-flvr rents,till the Presidential election. As tills barely coven cost, will be no discounts for orders, however large. Baise dobs in every school district. jlndoUu|«llm I campaign. Address THK 8TJN. New York City. McLAtX'S VERMIFUGE BOXBOXR for Worms in GhiWrm am leHcioua and never fail to COM. !9 RKCOXMKHBFB % b y j b y y , m m r n its, by Nur?«* in JfiotpitaU, BT BVER1BOBY. Pill KILLER &£ Diurkea, Bneater] en. and all Bewel Con is A SURE ri Ri: Threat, c <el7, arrhea, and all Bowel CowplainU. PAIN KILLER! World for 8«ck tKtar Ok* M Tff Iv BEST RES. EM known F<> FFE* 'tin Jwcfoe. Pain in !• UMt IU«, Kheaa>a<lHi USOREMOSJABTT MM 4 ^ lit tqual havinjt n^Mrrwet b*m fotinn. •IT* For Sal.® fcy all Medicine PTTTLUHT tlQ • we«k. WtsAayathone CMhr 9/k Outfit free.Addi ass Taxis. A Co., Ayg:i-i.v Ma. We haw made a taction In prices* i P« nearly all n-- q noted by as in frit* - of tUi» HAMBURG -I NOTICE! List No. 2T. Any ret nai in nomwlwot onrPrkeLisi 37 nhoiud (.end tor a copy iatmcxi tatetjr* Free to any addtcn. Bedurrd prltM limited to innat 21M, 188©* MONTGOMERY WARD & C8., SMs* «9r. **9 WikMfe Atc^ Chicago* W' Republican Maima! CA38PA1CW Of History,fUair " ' " »f the Re " " 'He is? Well I am glad to liear it. And old Mrs. Rip Ysui Winkle patted her foot on the onmilhis floor and had a fur-away look in her eye us the driver started his team.-- Wha ling/ Leader. How to Afflict His Enemies. He did not have the right kind of face among all classes than there was ftfty j to inspire confidence, and his clothes years ago. ; looked as if they had served a third term, THE St. Louis policeman who clubbed ! ^ least. a man for replying, when asked what he ! " Are you the fellow who makes fun was doing out late at night. "It's none °f people in the \enaf' of your and gone mouths. . SOME wood-choppers at Canton, 111., gfbr y°u Wlth clabs- ^ ing out late at night. "Its none 01 people in tlie ^\eivsf r business," has paid a fine of $50 uowspaper m;ui owned up he was ne to the penitentiary -for six ; " tharor tliamlMmts." ^ / » s , '• 'Well, I come to warn you. Thev : (u. lii. -1.-1... rm " sent a boy to the top of a tall Iree, which they had" cut almost through, to sway it in the direction in which they wished it to fall. The plan was successful, ex cept that six bones of the boy were broken. WILLIAM PARISH was told by the Poormaster of South Toledo, Ohio, that he must take himself out of the town be fore nightfall, or he would be sent to the workhouse. "I'll do it," said Parish, and he swallowed a fatal dose of laudanum. THE population of Charleston, S. C., consists of '24,005 whites and 25,994 ! " Not to hurt, I reckon," » .. ,, " Yes, they are ; Injt, dyuVbe «44rfcid[.; I'm your friend. . t* can stirv'i| niy list through a man and walk oiF with him on , my arm, just like as ho was an empty ; market basket." , "Oh, get out." j "I'm not joking. I'm your friend, j and" I am down on your enemies. Look here. Can't you lend a feller a quarter--temporarily, only, of course ?" ! "Now, you look here. Didn't you ! just now say you were my friend f" | " Ho I am." "You don't talk like it, but, I'll take " Well," she (said, as he cut himself a slice of the cold boiled beef, " and how did you find White Bess ?" "Oh, she seems comfortable," he re plied, looking round for the mustard- pot. what is the tire to you, James, that you should be put out about it ? " " It's everything to me," he faintly an swered. " Five hundred pounds has been burnt up in it." Rising up from the stool--and Dinah You deceitful villain ! You know : Ann wondered the creaky old thing had you did not go near the stable," thought not come down with his weight--he hast- his wife. " You are sure you think so ?" ened in-doprs, sat down by the table, shejidded, aloud. • and buried his face upon it. She found "Aye. White Bess will be all herself him so, his face hidden in his hands, again to-morrow, Dinah Ann." ! "Now, James, just tell me what all " It's more than I shall be," thought j this means--if you are not quite out of Dinah Ann, "unless I can come to the ' your senses. Come ! I intend to know." bottom of this." j " Yes, you may know it now," he said, He ate his supper nearly in silence, ! lifting his face and its despair. " I had like a man who is mentally preoccupied. \ placed in the fireplace of that old fur- And he enjoyed it, too. for he was very ! nace,in my old green pocketbook, £500 in hungry. " , bank notes. And--and -- they are "James, do you ever hear anything burned! They are burned, Dinah Ann!" now of that Emma Land ? " Dinah Ann paused. " Where did the notes como from ? " " From your brother--to me. A long while ago, years before I knew you, I lent a friend over £400. He ran away " Did I ever hear anything of. Emma j with it to Australia, and I lost my money, Land ? " he repented. " What can make ' and set him down as a rogue. But he is not so dishonest as I thought him ; he has made his fortune out there, and is back again in London now, and last week he transmitted the debt and inter est to your brother for me--£500. I blacks. Of the males more than '21 you at your word. years of age 5,629 are white and 5,943 j " Jest count 011 me." colored. The colored population of the "You say you want to help me, and city has decreased 213 in ten years. j you Wiuit to hurt my eiielnies." THERE are said to be now 170,000' " That's about the size of it." Georfafisln London. An immense immi- | " Then you go and borrow a quarter tion has occurred since the war. The 1 them and loan it to me." James Harbury laid down his knife j and fork in surprise at the question, and j looked across at his wife, w hose face was I bent over her knitting. e repei you ask that, Dinah Ann ? " What can make me ask it ? I don't know. .The query happened to come into my mind. Why should I not ask it? " " There's no sense in it--that I see." " But do you ? " " Do I what ? " " Ever hear of her?" " Why, you know she went out to-- where w;is it ?--the West Indies, I think --to her friends there--ever so long ago. cider. It struck to him for death, they uPon eight years it must be. You - _ _ . . 1 TT • « 1 * • UNU I A " know she did, Dinah Ann. " But she may write from the West Indies. Perhaps she does. Does she j write $0 you ? " He shook his head to imply a nega- tive, and occupied himself with his sup per again. Emma Land had once upon ! n time been a somewhat-sore subject be j tween them, for Dinah Ann was jealous ! in the old days. | " Do you ever see her, James?" ! "See who?" j "You know. Emma Land." j "I can't think what has put all this ! into your head to-night, Dinah Ann. • How is it ? " J "But do you?" j "Do I what?" i "See her?" I "Why, how could I see her?" re- I turned lie, in a sort of helpless tone, j that his wife fully thought was put on. " She is in the West Indies, and I j here." j " She may not be in the West Indies i now.j' ! "1 don't know whore she is. She's j there for all I know ; and I'm sure it does : not matter." j " ' Ask no questions, and you'll hear ! no stories,' " thought his wife, quoting I the line familiar to her in her school-girl ! days. " I should not at all wonder, James, but Emma Land has come back again." "May be. Two or three years ago we lieard'she w as married out there "Who heard it? Who said it?" "I know I heard it; I remember it quite well. But as to who said it, I for get that--your brother, I think. That she had married a cousin." " Oh ! not that that's unlikely, for j she was ready to marry anyl>ody. She'd She laid Bay; and Harry is gone to make Ins will." " What a dreadful thing !" exclaimed Dinah Ann, who liad a feeling heart with all Her curiosity. "Ay, 'tis. 1 think I'd like a snack of cold beef, Dinah Ann, though it is late. I got talking to your brother in his of fice, and missed my tea, so I've had nothing since 1 o'clock dinner. While Phoebe puts it I'll just go and take a look at White Bess. " White Bess is all right," said Mrs. Harbury. " So much better that Evau thinks you might have ridden her in to day. No need to go and see her now." "Better, is she? I should like to give her a look." He took up his hat, which still lay on the table, and went out. Mrs. Harbury's eyes followed him; they were full of speculation, and her mind, also. . "I don't believe he is gone to look at the mare," soliloquised she. " He'd not disturb her, now he hears she is all right. And how absent and fidgety he seemed ! There is some mystery agate, and I should like to know what it is. I wonder whether--I should not think-- no, I should not think he can have stolen out to meet somebody," she concluded, her tons dubious in spite of the stress laid on the "not" _ Stepping lightly into the kitchen and giving her orders to Phoebe about tlie supper-tray, she caught up an "old water proof cloak that hung in the back pas sage, threw it on to hide her light dress, and crept out after her husband. It was ' a very light and beautiful night; in fact it could not be said to be yet as dark as it would be, and that is never dark in the tine nights of summer. "For linn to lose his tea," ran her . . thoughts, " of all things ! It°must be : have married you, you know. some uncommonly urgent business to traps for yon." induce James to forego a meal of any j "That's about true, I believe; but I j kind. I do v onder what secret they | did not fall into '.hem, Dinah Ann." ! have between them. * Not a word, for i And, laughing good-naturedly, James j your life, mind, to Dinah Ann,'cries he. I Harburv turned from his supper-tray to | ' No fear,' answers Harry. ' I know what | reach his pipe. Dinah Ann rang the bell, i women are, nnd she'd be for revolution- resumed her knitting, and fell into an | izing the house and herself, too.' Yes, ! unpleasant reverie. ! that I should, but it's them I should j * * * * * * * j revolutionize, not myself," she emphati- j A few days passed away, tilings going ! cally pronounced. " It may be that old i on smoothly at the farm. Dinah Ann I love affair cropped up again ; that worn- j had recovered her temper--at least, she an who threatened to bring an action for j displayed 110 signs of its being ruffled, breach of proini$9 when James married j James Harbury was as usual, save that me. Perhaps she has been let- i at times he seemed a little absent and ters to him. ' Mind you don't let Dinah ! thoughtful. One afternoon he went up- Ann find it,' says Harry, or perhaps-- j stairs to change his every-day coat for a perhaps J ames has been foolish enough . better one. to let her meet him. Harry, not a mar- j " Where are you going? " cried Mrs. r-ied man himself, and a lawver, would I Harbury, quickly, as he came down lend himself to any earthly thing without J again. 80 mi-' ^ lawyers do.' j " Only into Northam. I shall be home xnis rural district, remote from the earl1 | brought the notes home the night Harry ] drove me here." j " And now just tell me, Ja nes, how I you could think of putting bank notes i into such a place as a furnace fire- hole ? " "I did it for safety. Nobody ever went in there, and the furnace was never used." " Safely ! Was there not your bureau up stairs iu the bedroom ?" " That's never locked." " Why, it's always locked." " Any way, the key is never taken out of it." " Ah ! I see what it is. Yoxi were afraid I should see the money and want to spend it. "And so you would, Dinah Ann--a sum like that coming unexpectedly," he meekly rejoined. " Bonnets and frills, and fresh chairs and tables--you'd not have known where to stop." " Well, I must say, James, you have | been rightly served for your want of | confidence. No husband ever has acon- j cealment from his wife, if she's a good j wife, but he's sure to be paid out. It is | a loss, though, £500." ! He groaned. j "My business in Northam this after- i noon was to consult with your brother I about a good investment for it." ! " What's this ?" asked she, placing ! before him the identical green case-- ! with the bank notes inside it. j James gasped. "Dinah Ann ! My dear Dinah Ann!" 1 "Ah ! it's my dear Dinah Ann now-- I and where would you be without me ? I j j have given you a good fright, however. ! j Don't you conceal a thing from me I i again, James." ] " I don't think I will," he s^iid. "How j 1 has it all come about ?" * I | "Why, I have just been playing a lit- j | tie as well as you. I was at the gate last : j Thursday night, and he.ird what you ; j said to Harry as you got out of the gig. j : It excited my suspicions and my curios- ! j ity." ' | 1 " But what did I say ?" asked the j ! farmer, really not remembering between ' | the excitement of the past misery and i the present happiness. j " 'Not a word, miud, to Dinah Ann. ; Not a word, for your life, mind, to ! Dinah Ann !' " ruthless conscription and tyrannical ; Government of the Fatherland sends j thousands of her sons abroad. A DAISY house at Christiana, Norway, ; has established an agency at, St. Paul j for the shipment of Minnesota butter, : cheese and other food products to Nor- j way. This is the result of a shipment ! to that country from Minnesota last j spring, and it is thought may result in j the establishment of a large trade. j A PAIR of prospectors near Leadville | encountered a pack of hungry and there- 1 fore fierce mountain lions. One of the men fled to a high rock, carrying away the only gun, and leaving his defenseless companion to be killed. But his own death was still more horrible. He lost the trail in his fright, and for eight days wandered without food. He was at last found by miners, but was too far gone to recover. THE London EconomiM says hun dreds of thousands of sheep, if not millions, have died of plague in En gland, and the Russian, Turkish, En glish and Afghanistan wars, as well as those of Turkey, Syria, Persia and the Tridan country, have caused tens of millions of sheep to lie killed. It fact, wool-growing in Turkey, Russia, Persia and India has been almost given up, on account of the wars and the low prices current for the past five years. Adjourned.--(ialvcxton New ft. A Councilman's Recommendation. | [Cleveland Plain Dealer.] ' In Cleveland, the Councilman from the j Fifth ward, J. Jackson Smith, Esq., recently recommended St. Jacobs Oil to a prominent j politician, who was a martyr to rheumatic j pains, and who by its use was entirely cured I j MRS. J. W. MACKAY, who has the dis- j tinetiou of l>eing the richest American lady in Europe, has been subjected to a J great deal of annoyance by tlie actions 1 of a woman who personated her in 1 Paris, and contracted large .kills in her i name. | , ^ > , '• j fWaueau (Wis.) Central Wisconsin.] | We love everything that's old. Old friends, i old times, old manners, old hooks, old wine. ! And the famous author might have added j --old medicines, because of their known s worth. In a late communication, Mr. Eus- I tace Saucr, Medina, Mo., thus speaks of an i Old German Household Remedy: I prize I Hamburg Drops very hkhty. I had suf- 1 fered for seven years with a severe disease of the liver. I vainly expended a great deal ! of money upon physicians and for mcdi- ; cines. I concluded to use Hamburg Drops. The trial was crowned with the highest suc- I cess, as I am to-day healthier than I have been for years. A WINE merchant at Rheims, in France, is the owner of 200 bottles of Leaders, and Achievements ©f Mofirrapt TMRII By E. V.S»AU.KY,of the Nevr Y< 3ers, and Achievements of tLe Repnobc r> PutL A book wanted every inleUiftrc^ voter. T:s-'.tbertaf arsenals from to draw amnvunitii .ri '> k An ologant eJoth-hfumji volnine at a i Jrsica, ; pc clinrrt its. lar teat fie*. FOIL sale bj the leading bookseller m AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE. ' Tribune Building, New YoriK. SAflff&CWMUHtt IT Look, Agents? maa wants km property bunds.!:;. r*ecr^ acem-y f.vrti* *-*i ty Wtnilow Ine" in yn::i rttiiiV giKck. 3 light. Its. Terms frer. rtrrsi C. M CAB! HAH. Clcrelj.:^. (h AIM ESI AM) ST»R£-KPRPI:R<«-Tm can pet Choice Oo«wt* eho-?p, by writing <>n ajMrtd ... oar Price List, wtiichennbies yoo to -n u.-r t»v mall the ueat wiy. nnd see the many iiinvU at M-- cbs;tdi«K> wo kocp for s-::C at.suri>ri?,ins-!> ! »v, Wm send ww>V) of HsmHwg*. 1 atRB>fc«ms, ftitiflMt etc.. if Wo soil Wholesale ;md Hetril far Cash down. A 'i- w tombinntion sysftro tshicS o-.rh!® as W quote very nriros. YV>• ii&vn $1, nnd package* of mlu 113 r.hich cannot be boairi.; ,nr 5 ihn money e!fei7b. it>. all wanted in « very faraiiv. i< | (eturuedii not satisfactory. ' IIOl'bHTOV .V' DfTTiiV, Sa Tremont St., Bt-sv -n, I - 'it THE ORKJIT OEBMAS BLOOD PURIFIER, ; CURES DYSPEPSIA, titer Complaint, Costiveness, Bilious At tacks, Indigestion, Jaundice, Loss of App*tito, Headache, Dizzinns, Nausea, Hoartburn, Depression of Spirits, Sorts, Boils, Pimples, Skin Diseases, Erup* tions. Foul Breath, and all Diseases arising from f.i:pure Siood. Ttio Hamburg Oropa fire recommended *a being tho best and cheitpe^t Family Mt di ino ever offered, and are mid by nnitrgisM and DOKUTB nt SO C«>t« A Bottle. Directions in Klovmi Languages. Guanine the fito-dniile signature, and private proprie tary a tamp of A. VIXJIELKK Jt CO., BALTIHOSE, MO..U.8.A. The Croat Remedy For THE L'VER, THIS BOWCUMnd the KIDNEYS. Th«e great. o»yu>3 are tbe Katur&l c!-am«r»of thet>;-ste!n. If tUsy trork hccirh * HI tepw>. feet, if U.ey bccoir.oelogyoi!, dreadful urt developed oecahse the bk-od is poi»r.< d * aad throw aK UM> "teeaz*. Thoosai-d hare bM«I cowd, and all may be. For sale braUDi nCTrists. ' i ® O O « week In yonr own town. Term* and $6 Outflt iPOO fre«. Audree* H. HAIXKTX 4 Co.,Portland,Me. ftl IG LIT Scenes. 5 for 25 eta. Sent by mail senled. WlOrl I SNYftKR A CO.. North Chatham, N. Y. Rich,cheapb nds; heilthy.orderly; p un! crops. For circular address E. S.liraham.Graham.Y oun« Uo./Tex. YEAR «nd npcimi 1. Addret_ .. V1CKERY, Augnata, Maine. NorthTexas $ai jf # aaents. Outfit Free. Addreaa P. m • • O. V1CKERY, Ausnata, Maine. HQ CUT 9 UfH MTCn Best chance ever offered "Own I O ifHW I CUt to make money. Hauiple Free. Address METAL STRIP CO., Fremont, Ohio. FE1,T fARPETIXOS *0 to 45 cents per ywd. PKI/I" < for Rooms in place of Plaster. FEI.T ROUFINH and *III1.\U. For Circular and Sample addrees C.J. FAY, Camden, New Jersey. JaESTEY& C2 BRA.TTLE3DR0 VJ^ SORE EARS, CATARRH. Many people are afflicted with tbece toathmme ilto- ease-, bat very few fi«twell from them ; ths* »<%*•« to imptoimr treatinont .xifjr, a» they are roadily cnraTS- If properly trn:ited. Tun ia no idle bei-st i-uta faat I have piovon over .-tnd ovet a^atn by my tn ;it:nen». 8iat for M> little Booit,/t'«« to mil; it will Ml you all I III^ tine* matters and who 1 m My laroe Boo^. 3,6 du&J A«W"W« »«. O. & tJIAHUKJC1 Anral Sur-eoa, Meuuii;c, Pi, PETROLEUM Grand Mmlal »t Phi (idclp'to KxpoBitioD. TASEUSE-is* Thia woaderfol aabatar.^ to l by pknat. elana the world to b® the beat . « >,«(» Ji-. eaveivd for the oaiwof W«»uud«, Horn*, ""*-- tlim, skin blntix, A<'. Ulaeaaet, 1*1 Ira, lul;Jrri», 'TIT In order that ewijone may tiy it. Wlk> $350 A MONTH ! Attend Wmtnl ! Best-Selling Articles in the world • a>- ple/'m. JAY BHOuVSUN, DetroU, Mich. n»T/1 /I in CI for the TRADE. Territory sfiven. U||f1|I| L V KNTF.RPRISE CARR1AGRCO., U y y iJI |j y Cincinnati, O. Catalogue FREE. Hnrphlne Hnblt Cared In 1( toiWday*. Nopaytilll'Bred. 1)k. J. uxau'HKNH. Leb»nou. Ohio. NORTHWESTERN "COLLEGE, Ifaperville, HI, Full Faculty; eight courses; expMMS muHuallv low. Apply to REV. A. A. SMITH, Pretldeat, or REV. j . LKRull, Trenaurer. OPIUM SIM A R f* C A T,**'-l,lo rnd those oontemplat- Ewl flM K r>'. CP* bI 'n^ M'irrlaffe will hear of some-• m9«r*S.f tnlnie essential tohappinessby addrcspini;, with stamp, EtOX 5:iU, Itint'.ilu, Si. yOUHQ MEN earn"^*# to^i^M?a ® morth. Mverv fnadiiRte Ru.nrant^ed h p.iyiric situ*- K. VALENTINE, Mamijter. June&vilie.Wl*. [ champagne which he sava he will not sell at any price, because it was the only AGENTS WANTi ll, at 81*5 a month and expensed, to sell Cigars t.t JLteal-ers. Samples tree. For terms address J. F. WAl.TIII K & TCinci CO., Office and Factory, 63 Walnut St.7Cibcuinati,Ohio. HOLITIC'AL <;I,RI5K. We furnish all stylos of club uniforms as adopted by nuittees. Complete, with torch. Ordoin promiitly tilled. Send $1 A) for THE first step toward carrying out the augmentation of the German army pre- ! lot in any cellar of the city that escaped t scribed by the new Army bill has been | the clutches of the German soldiers dur- ' taken, and the Cologne Gazette points | ing the war of 1870. out that, when the new regiments are i ; organized, the strength of the armed I u DISEASE prevented and medical bills lessened forces of the three great military powers ! b? a usc of Ma,t Bltten' the Stite Central Otunmittees. iJomplote. with torch. F a c i l i t i e s . . . complete or your address on card I'm* teniia, and state what par ty, B. B. CONVKUBK & Co » C'iiioa^o. our WELL AUGER ctaeapoBt, bores the fastest. We ore tbe oldest and largest firm in America. Bend for our pictorial catalogue. UNITED STATUS UFOCO., Chicago, 111. on the continent will be, at all events in respect of thegparamount arm of the ser vice, very nearly equal; since the Rus sian European army will comprise 164 regiments of infantry, the German 161, and the French 154, or, including the four regiments of marine infantry, 158. ! DB. Y. J. ALLEN, a missionary of the j Methodist Church South, now at Shang- j hai, has been made a mandarin by the Chinese Government, the first instance on record of a foreigner being tiiua hon ored. This gives him great advantages. MUSTACHE & WHISKERS I li j fi CUi'S . .0 toi.B* ItitO «1* iBE.viiu I I'Lim t } INS SURE A positive Cure found at last. A Genuine Discovery. Un- For DTSPKPSI JA liko anything on tbe market. SickJfradack** Jind sure. 3 $1 bottles sent for $2 caah. Address, giviu# nearest ex> T pV IT presA ofiice, C. Groen^ndyke, Laluyette, lucL I IIV 9 1 _ T>1 . , , „ , THE care.vorn and overworked iind comfort IN the pleasant little lihemsh town of KMJ I„ jialt B.ttcrs. Bibericli there Uves a horse * - . . . . . . . _ ; e u n n n « uamihirw natural sagacity, wuose method ot deal- j VESTTVIUS, eleftnrally illuminated, ap- , RCLLII C llHlUlUllnL ing with an inebripte master lnts achieved | )>enrs now nightly as the " mountain of ' a well-merited celebrity. Whenever the j light " of tlie Etist-rn fable. The inde- latter appears incapable of finding his i sciibable prandeur of tho ^jjeetacle at- way from tlie wine-shop to his dwelling j tracts to Naples thousands df tourists AGEXTS wiahinc to oanvass for the Lira* BhooH write at once for Circulars and terms of agency to FOIUSHEE & McMAKIN, Cincinnati, O. )bt&in it from your draegbf, and you will ntyrf it to anything you hav* «v«r used. PENSIONS! New ].niv. Tlionsandu of Soldiaia and bein* -.titladL. Pencions date back todtiichar^uui dtuuh. Tiiae Addren, with stamp, ,| UtMBHE B. LEllOX, /' • Waiklastoa, D. Ct P. O. Dnwar 3*5. NATRONA8? is the beat In th» World. It best for Medicinal Purposes. Sokibyi and all Family U» abaohitaly pnrw. It la |k» It is tn,. f. r all Orot^nala and <Jto Psmi'a Salt ManiifacfiM Cn„ PMia. Tou f nve read this notice nboief nv timet fcrfure. But did you ever act up n1 tlie tion so cfteti niftde, naiuely: To liek any dealer for boots v.ifh t*ut u« mer Steel it I veg Solo f (* to outwear any Sol© ever made. If you have n t, »» the very next time^ou w?nt or sb<> ^ vrith that will wear like iron rod save repairs, • &d don*t buyanyotber. My roforeinw are ;;ny ti Company or ttieir agents in tbi^> country. the horse watchfully f< >il<nvs him hard at heel, and, applying its forehead to his back whenever he is about to stagger out of his homeward path, gently thrusts him forward in the right direc tion, nor ceases its timely ministrations until it hes succeeded in propelling him to his own door. A Gentleman. from the nio.-t distant countries of Eu rope and America. The Voltaic Belt Co., Jlanball, nicb., Will scud their Electro-Voltaic BelU to tbe af flicted upon thirty days' triaL 8oe their adver tisement in this paper, headed, " Qu Thirty Days' TriaL" i VEOKTINE is composed of Roots, Barks and ^ Hert's. It is very pleasant to take; every I child likes it. BOIL. 10 Otranoh 8*., W( Chicaco, IB. tl. *\ UOOIiKli Uoyos :R FEEDERS. John H. HcOowan A Co^ Cin'ti, O. OIL 30 DAYS1 TRIAL. EI**ctro*Voltftic Bs>lts and other ftlectric Appliances upon trial for 30 d ys to tuoas tfflictod Aervou* Jtebility and ditea*** of a 11 aivr*. Also of the Liver, Kidueys, KhenmatUBb Pa rah rsis» &0. A 9urr cure yuc , _ Voltaatc B«it Co.. llanball, BCIetu Before the Ball. " Mj* son, do not foiget above all to be very attentive to Mademoiselle X., whom at the last ba'.l you scarcely no ticed. You are to be a lawyer, and you know very well that you must make a rich marriage in order to pay for your studies." " O ! mamma, anything but Mademoi selle X. She is tliinner than a streak of moonlight! When one dances with her one feels nothing but bones." "She is a millionaire ; I tell you those bones are worth something I" WHEN you wake up in tlie night and hear the bal y <*ymg. look out for danger--there's a rock ahead. Dr. Bull's Baby ~ John Buskin presents his jidea of a i THE hebit of ruunms over boots and nl gentleman in his v.-cll-known work \ corrected with Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffcners. " M o d e r n P a i n t e r s . " T h e p r i m a l , l i t - i era!, and perpetual' mea'aing of tlie wcrd,; gentleman, ho savs, is "a man of pare race," well-bred,* in the sense that a horse or dog is well-bred. The lower orders and all orders have to learn that every vicious habit and chronic disease communicates itself by descent, and by purity of birth tlie en- , Lxvaa IKVIOOBATOB, the only veifetubl^ cuthartic tire system of tlie xiunian i)Outy aau soul j which acts directly ou tho Liver. Cures all elevated or--by reck- i Bilious diHeases. Fur Book addfjiss 1)IL SAM- KEBVOI'MXKRS or nnunnol impressibility of the nrrvous sywtciu retisury MEDK'l Ult, Wn.noFT'S Fev. r tnd Agne Tonic. This <dd reliable remedy now eelltt at ono dollar. Are You Not In Good IBoallHf If the Liver in the source of your trouble, you I can find an absolute remedy in Dn. SANFORD'S roBD, 162 Broadway, New York. DrBULIfS may be gradually lessness of birtn--degraded, until there shall be as much difference between the j well-bred and ill-bred human creature . HOFMAIVVN HOI* I>II.JNN. •> URM-RIFICRNRE (rtatoor paius », te tak™ witl.their j*£££ education) as between the wolf-hound j and the vilest mongrel cur. A gentleman's first characteristic is that fineness of structure in the body which renders it capable of the most delicate sensation, and of structure in the mind which renders it capable of the most delicate sympathies--one may say, simply, "fineness of nature." And though Tightness of moral eon- duct is ultimately the great purifier of race, the sign of nobleness is not in this Tightness of moral conduct, but in sensi tiveness. Hence it will follow that one of the probable signs of high breeding raralyw*. & IrinuM YOU CAN BE CURED OF YOUR CATARRH! HOW? Sand lOc to DR. C. R. SYKKS. Ht» R. Mndfcfon rt, Chicago, 111., nni he trill s«-nd by return m.til rhe'Iroil Ih»oiy of Catarrh .tnd full infonnatin:i.of a Sore Coil*. Name this paper, and writ«s wiliiout dolay. S-RSR*, RORXI MA.N oi: OLD, if 9ft .. •• til* (J6. i -ttaL SAPONIFIER FOR CHILLS AND F£VE® AWO AXiII CAVBKO »* 1 . Malarial Poisaokig i < i ^i*n OF THE A Wtaraatii Gmm Price# $1.00. Hr FOB uu IT JLU onMim. ' Hio« a CATs MML> WIH^IHM. »nct> H Mht irrticea, Ohroala evu#, II»c)4*^ia1 1* . ay b th« "Oiifiiial' Family Soap >l .ker. Concentratwi hjo and R»Uabl« . , Directions accompany each Ou lor making llurd, Swift and Tollft snap naleUy. It i» full wrLuot and strength. Ask roar gsoom fua HAPoS'lFIGK, and takanoothar. Penu'a Salt Mauufact^iis: Co., Phila. RED RIVER VALLEY 2,000,000 Acres Wheat Lands b«t la Um World, (or nil bj the tt. Paul, HiMeaplis & Manitoba R.B. r>!JN « CAIVOllCO! will pwitlwlj oara Ftnak of tin Ctrrua, Irfarorrb VKvri'.i. n oi" tba litem Vioodmg, t'ainfal. Su;'Piem»l autt irwiguS Ucn, .to. An old an<l rollable reKiedv : -i sard lor ft jwraphlet. with InttiNOt, <air> , cates from pnr«ician* ami patMBts. to Uijtt AK BAI.LA UD, UUfl». M. ¥» IfeSbviA Dn FBi- Important to the Fair 5ex|<' J i 'M'S fHP