°TTS LOtiiN DEPARTING SO!*« - • • - - •v.^' .•'**** aosssT r*Aji*EiomaH Dovt^l VMW blaatning wind* around me roir And dash to fragment* thoughts of Bine, I ane and ponder with love'* lore And aak to buk'lu frien<l»hjy'a ftliri®*. HhaD obstinacy stifle down , That love which I have often ahownf Can tears the memory no drown : 5 ;f? And harden hearts to hearts of atooa^.V ven proclaim a bleeping rare *«-_ > • - leave an impress on the aottl? fB-pi". can natnre, with her dowers fair. g^Y '£* Teach teasons that arc wholly wbrteTp Yea, yea, dear girl, it can but do M That which will moat ennoWe man ' It apeak* oat boldly, and mo true, while nature says: " Be with that van " Which peekx to ahow its lovely power Onto our lovely, gentle racft" Oh! let me lore the '• Prairie Flower"-- Ah! let not time her form efface. Oh! let the jewels of thy heart Forever shine in radiane« fait, And let not anger send a dart To make ono linger and despair. And may I say with him who said, "Oh! cherish grandly,'strong and long.** Oh 1 let thy heart become not dead. Bat let it rise up bright and atroog [ chilliness of the damp evening air, with- j calling gleefully for her pets, she was out a thing on its head or around it; th© j met by pale, awestruck feces which ALL SORTS. norse at a neighboring gate, wrapped in » handsome crimson shawl, doubtless the property of the l»aby, which site had appropriated when a safe distance from lu>me. But I am humbly thankful that my wife possesses neither the heart i nor the conscience of either Mrs. Brigh- i ton or Mrs. Eaton, and do you know, dear, that it pains me exceedingly to hear von speak of them as examples of mothers ? for the name, as applied to them, is simply a mockery. My prayer i> that God may ever preserve you from any temptation which r.ight lead you in the footsteps of either. But there seemed filled with dread and fear as she { Camfobnia expects to make 10,000,- approached. ! 000 gallons of wike this, year. " Why. friends," she cried, then and- j Thk window-glass blowers of Pitts- denly a consciousness of some dire evil j burgh are demanding more pay, oeemed to take possession of her, and rowing deadly pale she piteously asked, k Lily of the Valley. j One day our dog Towser was a lyin' in ; the sun trine to sleep, but the flies was j that bad he couldn't, co3 he had to catch j Via, «U'l birneby a bee lit on his head «nd was working about like the dog was • My babies, are thev sick ?" As she 1 T„ 1^:4 1. ... al. .. vV -JJ L AN The Carson mint liaa now on hand liis'n. Towser he held his head still, silver dollars to the value of $1,116,059. and when the bee was close to his nose the choir of the Presbyterian Towser winked at him like he sed you laid her hand on the door of her room, r p ^ Tan ^ clwhT^ ! *ee what this buffer is doin'; he thi^te she could turn the knob, a , o{ cymf}a,8 J ^ j I m a lily of the valley which isn't opened | but before kindly hand was laid on hers to draw her away, but she emphatically threw it off and Joshed on into the room. Oecu pied only by the silent figure of little Fred, stretched on his tinv white opened Grayson has the largest population of ; * et' *m,t » OH jnst '*** * blossom and any county in Texas-37,559; Sherman 1°" vdX 8645 ™ fun \,md 8,u? enuf is the county seat Towser opened his mouth very slow so | as not to fnten the bee, and the bee Eight voung men have been lined $5 went iuto Towser's mouth. Then Tow- „ , . . , . , ] bed, and f^p1" Jonestown, Pa. for loafing in ; 8(ir shot his eyes and his mouth, too, and oomes Fred for his promised rock and j limp, still body still trickled the little front of a church on Sunday mglit. iiaj hej?Un to make a peaceful sioiile wen swing," and, catching up the little fel- j rivulets of water, the long yellow curls Ibon, copper, gold, and silver ores I the bee stung him, and you never see a low, he placed him ui his mother s arms, j --now straight stnd reaching below the luive been found by prospecting parties ' lilv of the valley ack so in your life and, kissing both, left them for a lutie j little, plump waist--the white dress, 1 in Gravel hill, near Holland N J JitUcJo/i I agonized slurieks again and again rang And picture out to me the way. That I should travel as I go; And brighter make my darker day, Which once waa bitterest of woe. Buttiay! I know you wlU not yield To one who is an very low; I dream that I must leavethe Held-- Ah I like the Chinetfe, I wttrnf g» ! I do but (?<"> with deep regrete, Still wishiug that I knew yon more ; I hope that you will ne'er forget The heart that beateth o'er and o'er. Dear " Flower "--Ah ! I would I wers Betide thee close--to speak-- I'd press thy hand that is so fair, . And make an impress on thy cheek ! While you are traveling on th«> road Of joyB, of merry passing youth, I-ook out upon the highway broad, And apeak for me a kindly truth I Good-by, good-by, mayhap fore'er-- We may not ever meet; The road is rongh, but we most hear The bitter-wit.il the sweet! Good-by,, good-by, my lady sweet. May yours be ever bliss; On earth mayhap we'll never meet-- I give to tliee a kiss. BKNTOS, Jit * A SUMMER'S TRIP. BY IilZZIB B. m'kINNBT. "Pwease, mamma, let Fweddie go. Fweddie 'ants to go fwisin', too. Fwed die likes to f wis so bad." And the little 3-year-old stood twirl ing his tiny straw hat, his gVeat plead ing eyes full of t&rs as he watched his " pwetty young mamma," as he called her, pack her valise for an early start, for she and " Fwed's " papa were a very efsential part of a very gay party that •were to leave the next morning for sev eral weeks' shooting and fishing at the lakes. "Oh, Fred, dear, run away; don't tease mamma, please, when she is so busv ! Here take mamma's boots down to Norah, and tell her to polish them ; that's a darling little man." "But Fwed ain't a man. 'Fwed's mamma's dear, darling little baby boy!' zat's fwat mamma always says, only when she wants Fwed to stay at home. Fwed don't want to be a man. Fwed wants to l>e a little boy and do wiz mam ma. Pwease, mamma!" And the tears now became full- grown sobs, as he caught her around the neck and clung to her with all the strength of his bftby arms, as she leaned foiward to hand him the boots. " Ah! ah ! mamma didn't think her boy was such a baby as all this ! Come, run down stairs now," and she loosened the plump little arms. " Mamma don't want to have to be cross to her .little Fred. 'Run fast, now, and when you come back we'll rock and sing and send nurse clear off and mamnia'll put her little boy to bed herself. Won't that be nice V " * And Fred, with a shadow of a smile, though the deep, quivering sighs at tested that the cry was not all gone yet, pattered off down stairs, dangling mam ma's dainty boots, intent upon the errand to be performed. A "Why can't you take him?1 asked " Papa Harry," who outside of the home circle was known as Dr. Leslie. "It's too bad to leave the poor little fellow, 1 declare ; it takes away all the pleasure of the trip. Come, Min, what do you say ? let's take him." " Well, Dr. Leslie, you may take him and your daughter, too, if you desire ; she is only two years older, and is doubt less as anxious to ' fwis' as Fred is. But, as for me, I want a little recreation and rest, and if you take them you will assume the entire responsibility--babies, nurse and all. You gentlemen talk very magnanimously indeed, but you take a mother's place for just one week, and the probability is that you would not run away for a little while, but alto gether. I do truly believe that I don't take a half dozen steps a day when at home that either Fred or Bess, or both, 'are not after me. I sometimes think if there was a single place about the prem ises that I could slip to for just two minutes and be alone, I should be ex tremely grateful. Yesterday, I laid down for a short nap, and hadn't more than got settled and closed my eyes when I felt a scrambling on the side of the bed, and in a moment Fred's arms were around my neck and his little hand patting me on the cheek, as he nestled up close aud whispered: ' Mamma dothe you lug yo"ur little Fwed?* with such irresistible sweetness that I of course •aid ' good-by to sleep,'and turned to receive his caresses; and, in fact, that is the way my naps usually end ; both he and B^ss usually take that time to assure me of their affection, bless then* innocent hearts. But still, I do really get nervous and tired sometimes." " Well, little wife, I do sympathize with you and all the rest of womankind in all your trials and vexations," said Dr. Leslie, as with a caresssing move ment he drew his wife to him. " But then, dear, this would be a desolate world to us without our babies, after all. But I presume they will do very well without us for a little while. The best place for children, after all, is at home, and Norah seems to be perfectly good and trusty ; so don't worry about it. I know you do need rest; aud we want a little more of the old color here, too," and he playfully pinched the slightly tinted cheeks. "I am sure. Harry, that you know there are none who sacrifice themselves to their children more than I do," con tinued Mrs. Leslie. "There is Mrs. Col. Brighton scolds me continually; she scarcely sees her children day in and'day out--leaves them almost En tirely to their old 1>1 ack nurse. She often laughs, and says they think more of Mammy than tiiey do of her ; and Mrs. Eaton, you never see her wiih her children--the nurse always lias charge of them." " Well, I don't think any one will have charge of that bal>v oi hers very Jpng ; it is a beautiful cliild, but the most fragile little thing I ever saw. Last night, just at dusk, its nurse had it qui, and when I passed it it was sit ting in its perambulator alone on the edge of the sidewalk, in a little cobweb of a dress of embroidery and lace--the jpoor little thing!--perfectly blue in the while to attend to some necessary mat ter of business. j The next evening found our friends I seated just outside of the great tent . ~ . - j which had spread its white wiugs under \ through the great, still house as she j the noble old pines skirting the lake I bounded across the room and caught the | shore. Therein the quiet peacefulness [little one in her arms, lieggiug, plead- i of that midsummer evening, the m^on i mg. oh, so piteously ! for just ore word I shining Ijenignly down upon the shad- j •--to wake up and say " Mamma " just | owy scene, seemed a fitting place in once more, } its grand solitude for the forgetf illness of | "Oh, my darling! mv darling ! won't i all cares and anxieties, and a merry I you never put your little warm arms ;y indeed was here assembled, as the [ around toy neck again, and ask in your ' • sweet little way, ' Mamma, doth you | lug me?' and wait for the answer of | kisses, which was always yours ; for, mv i darling, X did love you ! God knows I | loved my baby boy ! but win'--why did j I ever leave liim ? If I had stayed with my babies, God would never have sent broad sash and tiny blue slippers, the , 1^° °°^' lani^ | 000,000 bushels of grain next season. 8^i the gaze of the mother whose i All^ a Pmdnra l»nu busy little baud. 3 TS3" 2 1 ~ZSL ^ to „,x,« 80, and a Produce Exchange has been estab lished. The arrivals of corn at Montreal from ! the West are enormous, and tax to the ' broadcast between the rows. We i utmost the whole carrying fleet on the ' *iave know n this to answer admirably in | St. Lawrence. . " . ' j checking the pace of the flies through ' the rows, and thus affording time for Rats. Bats are a great pest in every city and town, and, indeed, everywhere in this country. It seems nearly impossible to get rid of them, and any meth<xl that promises to secure this most desirable end is worth trying. Somebody reeomf mends covering stones, rafters, ami every part of a cellar with ordinary whitewash, made yellow with copperas^ putting copperas in every crevice oif cranuy where a rat may get, and scatter ing it in the corners on the floor. He has tried it repeatedly, and the result has been a geueral retreat of both mice and rats, not "one of which had at last, accounts returned. It is said that a coat of this yellow wash, given each spring to a cellar, will not only 1 »anish those ver min, but will prevent fever, dysentery, j or typhoid fever. Everything eatable -- ! should lie carefully secured against the Ax English seed firm of high standing I w"^ ̂ 80 intelligent suggests the following remedy, for the ; - -1 J ' turnip fly. It is to drill a little extra ! seed in the rows, and to scatter a little ' i/wny'a /-^says. that they will soon abandon places where they can get next to nothing to eat. The j rat we are most troubled with is the j brown rat, much larger, stronger, fiercer, j aud more ravenous than the black rat, which has almost entirely disappeared, ; | The railroads of Pennsylvania carried, th^nnvs< ami ttms attordmg time lor a | lw u £ more^n-niid^le1 si^e^The • 'lost vmi. a," * , I- i sulhcient portion of the plants to devel- j •• . • " »pf<ies. ine whiciTS* 8W o£j' 1 1 op from the seed leaf, alter which period ^ fluently call«*l the Nor-wnicn 3^5lo,UHt> tons were anthracite , i way nit, from the erroneous impression t: If? • • (SDwmISEDY FOB the plants are proof against th<| fly. ively chatter, social converse, musio and song fully attested. But this, the first evening, they separated early to retire to rest, of which they all felt, the need I: alter the long day's travel. I "Why, Min dear, what means this | long face and subdued air?" asked Dr. ) Leslie, coming suddenly u]»on his wife, j this cruel punishment! as sne stood waiting for him at the tent ~ door; "seems to me this is the last place in the world for a long face, surrounded bb we are by the beauty and sublime grandeur of this exquisite lakeside scen ery. Look at that broad expanse of water with its multitude of waves, lift ing their silver-crested heads, murmur ing and whispering to each other as they meet only to part in a thousand shining crystals, and these trees too, these great So she talked and moaned the whole ! night through, holding fast to the little, ! lifeless form--all efforts to take him away t proving unavailing--and not until the first day-dawn did the bright, glittering eyes once close ; then, s* ddenly, came the blessed swoon, and she lay passive and helpless in her husband's arms, un conscious of her sorrow and the agony with which his own heart was well-nigh bursting, but smothering for her sake, majestic trees, swaying, almost moan- j anfl, in the months that followed, when j ing ; their whispered chants scarcely j her life was given back after the raging j audible above the accompaniment of the j dilirium of the long weeks of brain | restless, tossing, frolicksome waves, j fever, and she moved about the house a Why, little wife, what could be more mere shadow of herself, she learned to grand or delightful, and only a few short weeks to enjoy it all ! Come, brighten lean upon the strong arm of a kind Father, who," though He chasteneth, still up, we must enjoy every moment to loveth," and, in time, she grew the same stow our appreciation and thankfulness to the Giver of all good." " Yes, I know, but it's all so still and solemn, it almost makes me ' so fwaid,' as Fred says, when he cuddles up so close in the night," and Minnie Leslie slipped her hand in her husband's arm cheerful, smiling Minnie of old, and she thought of her little one only as an in mate of that bright, beautiful city where " Never sets the sun nor fades the leaf." Though she still pales slightly and an swers tenderly, " I can't leave my little ones," if asked by a stranger to her ex- and drew closer. "And I can't help but ' perience if she contemplates a summer ] think how disappointed Bess and Fred I trip. j must have been this morning, when j Bukhnkll, iil ! they got up and found papa and mamma i gone. But I guess I'm alxmt as big a j baby as either of them after all," and . she laughed a little faint sort of a laugh. " But I'll be all right in the morning. My , littie molehills that I would scarcely ' give a thought to during the day would I become mountains at night, from the days of my babyhood.'* j "Oh, yes, all you need is a little rest; [ you're tired and nervous to-night; to- i morrow you'll lie all right." | And sure enough, on the morrow not ; one gayer in the party could be found ; all care was thrown to the breeze with the first rays of the morning sun ; aud that day, a fair sample of those that fol- ! lowed, was one of unalloyed enjoyment. j Fishing, shooting, rowing, the pro- ; gramme for the day, finished with music j and dancing in the evening. And into ! the spirit of it all she entered with all j the zest of her ever-exuberant nature; [ not one could take a steadier aim, or I row a boat more skillfully, for Minnie j Leslie, in her girlhood days, had de- j veloped a decided disposition to be what ; some proper persons term "fast," until I Songs of the Steeples. i In this age the Netherlands claim pre- I cedenco among the countries of Europe ! in Ix'lirv music. There are more chimes | or carillons in that country than in any I other. A great number of bells are re quired for this strange kind of music, | which is sometimes of a very elaborate i and intricate character. The carit/ons j a cfarivP are pkiyed like a piano-forte. J The keys are handles connected with the j bells l»y rods or cords. The vaHlfimneur j employs both hands aud feet in executing i the airs which charm the inhabitants of the Low Countries. The pedals com municate with the larger bells for the bass. The keys on which the treble notes depend are struck with the hand, which 'is cased in a thick leathern stall. It is recorded that a earillonnenr of Bruges was so expert he even executed fugues on those famous bells that hang in tlie cathedral of that ancient city. The rapidly-developing esthetic taste ot our people is gradually bringing the use of chimes and the peals into our American and 23,«V,682 were bituminous. Mrs. Hansen, a respectable oil lady ! A Fortunate lndoraer. of San Francisco, reports th&t the per- • [Indianapolis (Ind.t Daily Sentinel.] turbed spirit of the late William S. J I1 >9 our observation that not every one ! O'Brien, millionaire, visits her chamber j u backs his neighbor's paper " always { nightly and complains of his treatment ' escal>es with his purse untouched. But j in the other world. • there are occasions wive re a man can give j ' 'his indorsement and convey a benefit all j around. Mr. A. W, Wetzel, of Nauvoo, IIL 1 suffered tor years with Dyspepsia, and used all kinds of medicine in vain, until he tried , the Hamburg Drops, which quickly cured j him. He now warmly indorses this won- | de rt'u 1 remedy. Thk English is not a gallant language, else it would never use the same word to denote one who tends to horses and a uewlv married man.--Ohv-inwifi Gaz- -I:. . . A Greater OI*c«very than Electricity. I Chicago Tribune.]' I have spent over two thousand dollars, said J. D. L. Harvey, Esq., of Chicago, to cure my wife of Rheumatism. Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil 'accomplished what all the medical treatment and other remedies failed to effect I regard it as a greater dis covery than electricity and a boon to tlx' human race. Minneapolis, Minn,, has the largest^ aud finest flouring mill in the world in the liew Washburn--a mill rebuilt on the ruins of the one destroyed by explosion two years ago. It is fitted with tlie best machinery and appliances to be htid, and is capable of turning out 3,000 bar- rels of flour every twenty-four hours. "We don't want all this, we don't want it," said an attorney over in tin court house in Boston the other day to a valuable old lady on the witliess stand; " it is irrelevant." But the witness paid no heed and talked on; finishing with: "There, you've got it, whether you want and it isn't irreverent either." j that it came from Norway, which eoun- t try it did not reach until it had beeome ! abundant in Britain and America. It ap- I peared first at Astrakhan, in the beginr 1 ning of the eighteenth century, 'ami | gradually spread over Western Europe, | whence we have derived it It was onca ' known as the Hanoverian rat, because j the British Jacobites were pleased to be lieve that it came in with the House 01 Hanover, j a trial entaila but the eompaiadrMr An old lady _ from New Bedford visited " Kearaf^Scittfom,, Bmekach*, Sonmn if ti* Hlmt, Govt, QuinsfjSore Thro*t,&mlt- •' and Spsmms, Burn* Tooth, Ear oad Momdaeko. Frotiti Foot and Ears, and a// cHmr ^ . . Pains and Acbos. W» rwwatioti on earth equal* flt. Jaceaa On * ff**. •"J"*' and rfcaaji Ji Iwiil J™?- A trial •ntaiia but the eompatstiTely fsrdi j Boston recently for the first time, and, i while viewing tlie attractions of tlie pub • j lie garden, was pointed out the bronze ; statue of Charles Sumner. " Well, I de- ! clare," the old lady remarked, "Ineve, knew Sumner was a colored man l>efoi'e." Perry Davis'Pain Killer 1 it or not. Five boys recently discovered a num ber of old coins in a field near Mahanov City, Pa. They are mostly English pieces, and the dates run back 200 years. Seventy years ago a peddler named Foul- haver was murdered near this spot, and the money discovered is believed to be IS K K<xm M EX D KB «e»,by Xiii 'f.i in lionpitaU, BY EVKBYHUBY. pain c#a hare cheap and poaitfv* jwk>? of 1& Directions la KUwa lamg.inn ano BY ALL DRUQGIBTB AID umlWMi IH H3DIGHE. A. VOGELER & CO., BoWmowt JM* (7* i» Am |»-Ul«l«i|. tM,«. '• iu.iinr.Ki>>!!!. The upper general beauty of the English class, says Mr. Darwin, is <hie Uf MIN KILLER™ Diarrhea, Djme era, ami all Bowe PUN KILLER World for Sick ft part of tlie plunder taken from his body ' s*>l<H>tion of l>eautiful wives through churches in the places of single bells. In turned by the love of her grave, noble- j New York there are three sets of chime hearted husband, who, though he ad- j bells--those of St. Thomas's Church, on Fifth avenue and Fifty-third street, the j mired the bright, wild, winsome ways, i loved her for the warm, true heart, which ! he knew existed and beat far away in | the depths of a true womanly nature, j With a letter every day or so from home, ' apprising the parents of the welfare of i the little ones, the days glided by in | uninterrupted pleasure. The weeks are 1 gone and we again peep into the home where mamma and papa are now ex- i pected. Although several hours before ! time for the train, we lind Norah pre- ' paring the little ones for their advent, ! which, indeed, was no easy task. Per- | fectly wdd with delight, it was utterly 1 impossible for them to stand still t >vo minutes at a time ; but, finally, the task • was finished, and Bess and Fred stood i waiting in the parlor, looking very much ' more lie fairies in their dainty muslins, ribbons, and slippers tliau the two ver c nines of Grace, on Broadway. The bells of St. Thomas's, ten in number, were cast in West Troy, and put up in tlie beautiful tower two years ago. They are the finest in tone and tune. Their music is woudrouslv beautiful. The bells of Grace, also ten in number, have a united weight of lU,300 pounds. The largest bell, called the Rector's Bell, or the tolling bell, weighs 2,835 pounds. This splendid chime cost $(5,000. If you .wish to enjoy a new sensation, go up into the bell-tower -of Grace Church when Mr. Senia, the varitlonncur, is practic ing. He does not dance about amidst a forest of ropes, pulling one aud then an other and another, as the old-time bell- ringers of England did; but he plays on his carillon a vlavicr as they do in Hol land. They are there, ten chime-ringing itable fl'esh-and-blood children who, just ! ranged in a row, like the keys of before their debut into the bath-tub, had resembled very much the African species of humanity, having been engaged for the last hour or so in the very entertain ing and diverting occupation of piling piano forte. Those huge keys require the whole strength of his arm aud hand to move them. To each of the levera is attached a rope, passing through the ceil ing to the tower above, where it connects coal dust on each other's heads for the 1 its particular bell. Up in the light, j express purpose of watching it roll down : their faces and over their little white ; dresses, all of which they thoroughly ! enjoyed, judging from the shrieks of i merriment proceeding from the coal- ' house, where Norah had finally diseov- • ered them ; and now, to be imprisoned I in the parlor in this prinfully nice con- ! dition tor an hour or two was more than I the human nature of two such wee tots 1 could stand. They concluded that airy, latticed tower, far above the roofs of the tallest houses, hang the ten wide- mouthed messengers of sound, that only await the master's touch to till the air with melody. No untraveled American can uppivfiate it fully. It was the music of what Victor Hugo calls au opera of steeples. Brief Correspondence. Many people object to postal cards on Norah's presence would help matters ; account of their effect on personal cor- | considerably, and proceeded at once to ' resp< indence. It is one of the natural call her, but, as 110 answer came to Fred's | tendencies of human nature to avoid stentorian " Nowali, Nowah," they eon- i trouble as far as possible; and it is so eluded to go in search of her. The ! much easier to write a card than a letter 1 bath-room being the last place where i that it is •ften given the preference. So i they had seen her, consequently to it j that in fact the close intimacies that once 1 they repaired, but nothing greeted them might exist between persons who lived there save the great bath-tub, which ' far away from each other, fed and fost- i stood invitingly full of water. "Well, 1 ered by long letters which were really I won'er where Nowah is. Mamma autobiogrophies, arc no longer a. part of ! always tells her her must 'muse us when ! our social life, as they were to those of ' we's dwessed up, so we don't get dirty ; ' our grandmothers. Distance now sepa- ! now she's wunned off, so we must 'muse rates divided frieuds more really tliau ! our own selves, I s'pose. Let's do fwissen j did fifty years ago. It is a pit\ to ! in 'is bid baft' tub, Bess, till mamma i the charm of so many pnvate and buried by his murderer. At a picnic near Berryville, Ky., a five-hours' walking match, go-as-you- please, for a purse of $25, was indulged in. George Bates, one of the contest ants, hud walked for four hours and fifty-live minutes, when he fell on tlie track, completely exhausted, and had to be carried home. He had covered twen ty-six miles, and came out second best in the race. He died two days :ifter- ward. The Jamiu electric lamp consists of tliree carbon candles, tlie burning out of one, by actuating an automatic switch, throwing the next 'into circuit, and the consumption of this starting ' the third. M. Jamiu has demonstrated j the jierfect control under which these | lights are maintained. The caudles can be lighted or distinguished at will, and j lowered to any degree of illuminating intensity. Thk Boston Tmnm-ript says • " It is feared that the death of John G. Saxe's wife will have a fatal effect on tlie poet. He has lieen bedridden for some time, and was devotedly attaqhed to her, hav ing 111 several ot his works drawn his 1 best woman, both as to loveliness of | person and beauty of moral character, | so plainly after his wife that frieuds al- | ways recognized the }>ortr.iit. Miss ; Saxe, the oiily living daught r, is also an invalid, and could not attend her mother's funeral." Antoink Weker's wife went away from his Pittsburgh home, and he could not learn where or why she had gone. The pair had lived happily and content edly together, and tlie husband would not believe that she'had willfully desert ed him. Eight years passed without tidings of the missing woman. Then he accidentally found her in an almshouse. She had been crazy until recently ; and, on recovering her reason, could not clearly remember who she was; but the sight of "her husband restored her com pletely. The Home for Old and Indigent Ac tors, to which Edwin Forrest left nearly the whole of his fortune, is a handsome country house, with beautiful surround ings, near Holmeslmrg, Pa. There arc only five inmates, the number being re- | stricted by the unproductiveness of the j Forrest estate ; but the trustees have ! just come into an income which will en- j able them to conduct the charity in ac- i cordance with the plans of the dead tragedian. The Forrest mansion in ! Philadelphia has been purchased 1 ; School of Design for Women, I ' Ock young readers will perhaps be I surprised to learn that man is not the { only being that keeps milch cattle as a j food supp.y. The milcli cattle of the ' ants are small insects, which draw their J food from the sap of plants, aud give to j the ants a sweet and nutritious milk, I which they either eject for the ants or S allow them to abstract from them. In- ! stinet causes them to regard ants as I masters, and instinct causes the ants to j protect them. Each herd 1 f auts has its l flock of cattle, and it is s;iid often indi vidual ants have individual flocks of j these insect cattle, which are scrupu- ! louslv protected. numbers of generations. NATURE'S REMEDY. IflSIfil! "ihe C-ntM Biood Purifier Sore Throat* Murrhca, b>ienter)-. < raaip*. t'liol* | era, ami all Bowel Complaints IS THE BEST REM- EBlf known to the Headache. Pain In the Back, Pit!n in the Side, Rkenmattem and Ncnraliria. ITNQrESTIOXABLT THK Beat Xiixilmont Madei Iffi eq»at Aarinv new yet heen found. For Sale by all Medicine Beaten* Wake U Per Bay MXOjraa OTTB NKW ' >'i Platform Family Scale. >• ^ |W,»'jrlw.imm»t«ljropto B». hi »WfS !r*nct>«>nsit ;-f s%ht M i- J I to tMMwkmwn. Rei.i il prict* » . j OtlKHP family scales weigh n* 2*> Um. , > Can «>"! for !<«« tb,'»n t t-if A frit- V^*kntm. . v Ks<-1uh:m' TWittnrjr givoa.' Teim* mm) rapkl salesanrurlsooltl Atvi ts ,s«>nd i«i i> tr»iru!*r». sSw.r"""' " DOMESTIC Scaijc OO . ath Wi, CMMBimiati, O. jW $5to$20l?*r!,i'uhome 8aatplM worth $1 (Ma. Addiwa Stikson A Co.. Portland, Ma OF YOUR CATARRH! HOW 9 YK AR aapennCT to •fpmta. Outfit Free. Address P. VK'KKKY, Autuata, Maine. Mam* thte paper, and write without, delny. WILL CURE S-'rnfata. SoroftiN'U* Humor. CaneiT, Cam-criMis Jlmix r, Kryslivla*. Canker. Salt lllicnm, Pimples «r Humor Ui I Up Pare, CourUs and eoliis, I'leer*, llnnichttti, Ncuralfflu. 1>> tfiriwlA, Hlii-umatiiun. Pallia In lite Side, ConsttjKilioli. OosllVMiPs-. Hlioa, Diz.'.ltifss, Hruilnrlie, .Ncrvimsnets, Pains In tlvo Uiu-k, Paltiturw at the Stomach, Kidney Complaiut% Ft-male Wpiikvess and General Debility. Tilts preparation la scientifically and chi-n>lcaHy eom- liineil. and m> strongly concent latod from mots, iieita and I1.11. s, tliat its >.'<«*I citecU art> rejlltod inmit-di tely after commencing to take It. Tlicro is no disease of the hi.ni.iii K.VHiem fur a li nil the Vti;>riM. c nnot l,e used u it 11 i'».u- rtci-r s.wety as it does not contain any metillic <om- p 1 ill. 1'or eradic .tliu the system of «ii ini(i.rili isof tlie blood it l«s no equal. It lia* n ver failed to etlivt a etne Blvins lone an.l Mren^tli to the system deliil tatcd liv disease, lis wondeiiui i Ito' ts upon tne complaint* ii uiie.l are gr.vp IsIiik' to all. M:.ny uave Iwencur d l>y 111 • Vkuktink that Uave ir.etl qiauy other reiu.dies. it can we11 be called THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Remarkable Cure of Scrofulous Face. WcsTHtxiTER, Cob*., Jane 19,1879. MB. H. R. STXTENS: fieor iMr--1 can testify to the srwxl elTee! of your Medi cine. My I ttle F>oy had a Scrofula sore breaU out on his lunulas miv't'us aqnaiterof ado!;ar, and it wi-m down his face from one ear to the other, miner his i.ecK. and was "lie solid mass of soles. Two imitlea or your valuahie Vcom*! oouipietelv rured bint. v«..«».ruii6>luIiiATO|tt $777$ THREE NEW NOVELTIES!:REPUBLICANMANNAL Toy Koost^r mwl Beetle. nrloM in* • Tnvt' i! «tirl Mnnvo. • Toj K price ster and Beetle^prlce 2.V ; TovC it and Mouse, Mi tuae Scarf Pin, price 20c. Sfimples mailed to anv address on roc*'ii>t ot iirico. In etlrresiev oi' post- ' leaders, and Arhimements of the ltepoiihcan Party -*• -- * " - " • - -• » •»»« -» A.\tt AM-.\:i»hu», X. Hi. CAMPAIGN OF I Leader*, and with fall bliigr O N 30 DAYS' TRIAL. We will wnd our K1ectro>Voltalc Belt« And othei weotrio Appllhiic«» upon trial for 90 d to lt)OM wltti Aerrow# iJebility and diwisr* of a vor* ew' ^' a'""- Also of tho Llvnr. Kidneys, ivtiwumutiim, niralvUB, Ao. A onro curt yuara»teni or mo pay. AdarM VolUfto Bell Co., MurtlmU. Mick. KIDNEY-WORT The Croat Remedy For THK LIVER, THK BOWELS*ami the KIDNKYS. These great orpin are the Kutnral c lean sera of tbeSy9tem. If they work oel!, health will le per- fect,If they become cloeveil, dreadful diacama are developed because the blood is poisoned wl:h the lors that should bare e:,i)elled naturally. " will restore the natural action, diseane. Thousand have been be. Hiator^. Piinciple»,J->4rly rrjm ' THI! IS By K. V.:<ii.m,i,bv. of the \.*w York Tr hun-. iHiies • ii.%. «!•'! j-:!., ! A book wanted oy evoiy nteiligent voter. T::o !>»s* i f iU 1 arsenals from whlidi to druw ammunition lor caXk*^aiXB | Dse. An «!eu;ant <doth.i>iiiinii *• jiiine a; a inctionm tn» usual cost. Pric<\ •»«'cents; postime, 7 cent*. Cava- I lar aent fma For ml« hy Um le tdin* bnikwiler in •rwr I town. AMRR1CAN HOOK RX« »AN<iK j Tritium- Building. Neu Votk. DO NOT FAIL toa^nd ...« lor ItJBU. ««» nay jidilrtw upon ni»i>1 out .on. :•<»«* «wr>:|nn(fre« qnired for or mntUr use, with over 1 •WO lltustmt at wbotasalo prices in to Miifc the purobsper. The only institution la Awerica who make this their'16 . apeelal buainn^s. Ac" * .MU VI'GO.XI «n and Wal -• I II l(UI|IHHr9 M > la AuMrica .HKBYn AKI) A <!»; ikaw Atrraav, i*hira«(e» IIL. BEATTY Of Washington, Mew Jersey, sells X4-St op ORGANS •tool, book and music, !>oxod and shipped, only 98S.OO. New I'iano* IlilSA to *i| .0OO. Before you buy an in- tua-ument t>» sore to see hit Midsummer offer illtulraltd, Am. Addrsas DAK 1KI. F. BEATTY, Waahinftna. N J. Effect of ('11 mate on tlie Beard. A rtingular effW't of the dry air of >t, aud one which, if supported by it, similar facts, lifts u seieutitic value, is liw ! thus recorded : letters, ' An En^liMliuitiu who traveled up tlie Nilr and w-s a wi10iH spool o{ lwoad - ! writU-nTrom*the liearC and giving to the ; states that his beard which at home was absent, frank, of begim. » ued he, ruomng to the wimiow. "Nowah j " m,!m" VEGETINB riilii'AKED BY H. R. STEVEN8V MASK Vegetine It Sold by all Drugqistt. -A MKD1CINK WITHOUT A RIVAL." H U N T S R E M E D Y TELE GREATEST KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE •EVER KNOWN. Iit"NT'R KKMliliV has saved from iitigetV ig UiBease and deatli hundreds who have been von tip bv phvfieianw to die. HINT'S KKMEDV curei all Disease* of the Kidiifjii, Itliulder, I! r I nary Organs, Dropn-j, Gra'vrl, Dlibitrs, and Inconti nence and Retention of tlrine. II INT'S KEMJKIJV oncouragea sleep, create* an .'ipprtiti', bracch up the tsystcnj, and renewed health is the i'< sult. HI NT'S 11EMKDY cures Pain In the Side, Back, or Loinn, General Debility. Female I>igea»cK, I)l*turlM'»l Sleep, I.oa* of A|>l>etite, Itrliflit's Dltiease, and all Complaints of t>»' I'r, no-Genilal OiRana. HINT'S ItKMEDY quiekly lnduo<« th«' Liver to lioaltliy action, removtiid 1lu> mmae* |lMtpro<luce Billons Heaclaelie, ItyMpepMla, Sour Stomach, Oostiveness, riles, &e. Bv tho nse of HI NT'S UEMKDV the Stomach and Itowi'ls will f)u oililv n (i:iin their strength, and the Blood will lie perfectly purified. HUNT'S KEMEUY i» purely vi'frctalilc, and meets a want never before fnrnitJied to the pub- 11c, and the utmost reliance may be placed in it. HI'KT'S 1JEME1JY is prepared ex|>re8»- ly for tiie above diseases, and ban never been known to fail. One trial will convince you. For Sal® |>y all Drusitltito. Send for Pamphlet to WH. E. CLARKE, Providence, K. I- Priccs, 76 cents, and $1.26 (large alze). All) <k week. 8!2 a day at home eaally made. Onetty 9 IC OulJ't free. Address TliUE A Co.. AusutU. II*. ft ai Kfl H? Ml Usm TolnKmpbj and «ain ftiO to >• IIKJ • litu PENSIONS in cases filed July 1. will comtmmce on the day tlu* application reaches the Pension De partment. Wo shall con- tlfiue to give our undivided attention to the pn>i<oi;ntioii of (Hnimn. (^orrespondmjoe is respectfully invitoJ with Wfprenoo to oases not lilod and chm»s ti!«d but which am iliconipl^to. or ^us()euc!"d i -Uiitug a i>p^cutkj. Bxteen year*' experience. MILO B. 8TEVEN8 ft CO., Cleveland, Ohio, or Cliioigo, PETROLEUM Orand Modal TASELME£4 This wonderful snbatanee Is aoknowlodaad byphral. Isna throughout the world to b« the beat ren.ea? aia> "ert d tor the cure of Wounds, Hunin, Kheui tlcm, hklu klultit, it lli«en*e». I'llri, t atnrrh, t'kll In ordor that every ono rauy try it, It li Kt up in 15 and cent iuittlea tor btiufelutld 'fain iroin your druggist, and you will find it auperkx to - nvthtnir vou have mar ummI. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. BcM in the \Y*rld. Iladeonlv by the Frn- •er l.iibrlcator < ompany, at t hleimo. New Y*rk. uii4 Mt. l^onia. sou) i:yi:k r waKKM. SORE E1BS, OITLBKH. W1* w •»•««* Wttk Dm* kM«bMM MM, bnt vatwfew ewr weU ham thna; tkto isc toimproper tiMtneat«m##,** thegran rMdtbn if properly treated. Tbie ta»o idle boaat, tmta 1 ha»» Proren oyer and over aa*in by my tMSoMRt. for my little Book./>•«*> all,- It will Mt na all PENSIONS! 'tl; _ _ m • Xi>w Law. ThowtanJeef 8ol<Uere and baiiM^UtML y* Pfemaiona data tack todlBotwrgttar death.TtprUmtlif. 7* unp. ' OEOKtiK C. LKMO*, N» E8ft. Wn»kta(taa, D. NATRONA?! la tht oMt 1b the World. It is abaohiMy paia Ottolba ^ > beat for Medicinal Purpose*. 11 Ik thii haal n»l ItaVlai * «dall FamUy U»w. Sotdhy >0Piawlrta0«n»a«a, >|; PENU'A SAN MANOI'ACFIII CO.,PIILA.' Addreea. with itamp. P. O. Drawer i SAPONFFIER C.GILBERTS S T A R C H I. she " CtegtasI ai'diiy Snap Al Concentrated Lye a.»:l Reliable km:. Direction# accompany eaob Ou iiiaklnfr itl iirtl. Suit and Toilet Miap qilaldf. ft' full wi-itjtit m-td etrencth. Aak roar arooavtet kl'MXli'lKK. and take no other. JAESTEY& C2 Brattleboro VI always gwives us such wet^ short lilies." "But tliaiic atg too long," suggested 1 Bess. 1 *'Oh, 110, wev iiin't, only V hall'tub's I too short. I wish w e bad a gweat loug | wiver to fwis iu ; liut, oh ! Bess," he ; cn«d> jumping up and down gleefully, 1 " fhp8e j " Nowah's don an'lef'the cuvistern oijen. r • I We can go an fwis in 'at, 'en our lines f^iu,lm givt 11 | won't *>e too long," and away bounded both children. And all was quiet the I next half, when suddenly the neighbor- j hood was aroused by one prolonged j agonized shriek, and hurrying iu the di rection of the sound tlie neighbors found ! Norah in a dead faint just l>eside the open eistetn, aud little Bess rubbing her i eves in awestruck wonder wakening trom | a nap she li:id l>een taking 011 the shaded | grass just a short distance beyond. And peering into ilie great open-mouthed oirs of the present ami coming genera tions will be made. A lile of correspond ence cards, a drawer lull of "postals, will afford but scanty substance out of which to build up the fabric of history. Nti tender reminiscences can l>e gleane^l barren messengers; 110 of home affection; for of , » .)urse no one writes "Dear---- or "af- j fectionately yours," for fear of exposing 1 this wave of emotion to the observation | of the postman. No one likes to writ' i anything either affec'ionate or important j on so public a ruedmni; therefore the • sweetness of the sentimental corresjjond- I ence in which our ancestors delighted is i fast changing to -the bitter brevity of hard fact. diately upon arriving at Alexandria, to ; curl, and to grow eri>p, strong and i coarse. Before reaching EH Souan it resembled liorselniir to tlve touch and • was disposed in ringlets. He accounts : for this by the exceeding dryness of the 1 air, und considers that in tlie course oi ! many generations it permanently curled I and crisped the hair of negroes. The I hair 011 the traveler's head was not at- ! f.-cted. niortli Hen. Add: VOUNC MEN • ni.iriii Kvery graduate guaranteed a payiuit el -- • :lUs.WU >K.VAlJanu»K.MMnaiiwr.Jane»v Pttim'a Salt Miumfiict'iig Co., Phila* CELLULOID EYE-CLASSE8 ! mmawtUag the chotooat aeleeted Tortoiaw 8bt>U and j Amber. The Mghteet, handaunaaet aad etremmt known. ; Sold by OpUoiana and Jewelera, Made by 8PKKCKR : O. M. CO. 13 Maiden Lane. New Totk. I-! fori; ' by 1 | eban •end , ... ... I etc.. if reiiuentwl. . Carh down. A "• 1 na to qunti* ver> i K . rackimos of n >ti< nx the money ei««*heie. all w >ntei in every tamilv. ir'Jil-i 'Vifc-ir APCliiTC UlllllTCn Be>i ehim» wr offered PfatP • O W""1 1 t"- t4. m»lu nwney. Sciuple Free. Addiess MET.11ASTH1V CO., I'Vmnut. Ohio. A nsKA AXW STORE.lv KEPriW-You iu ret Oo«mI« obfp. *».v writfnjton a postal t;ur Price List, wliich en^hle^ .vmi j the by malt ti\e • est w;iy, rnitl see the many kitulM of Mrr- ; " ' ebaiidise wv ksep for wule at surprisiuKW low prices. We ' MDd gainpU-M oi Hiiinvu»(p», lace>, Ribbtmx, F'rin^es^ Wi« Hf»u \\ holosiilo and Hef.'iil for j r oouibintttion system whic'i »»nnble« ' i to quot^ very i-Kkms prices. Wu have $1, «"d | -rnich uttniH l to houicut for twice [ Money ! ilnm»d u RQtH.ttisttt« top-. j M«l J 'TO\ A- lU TTO\ | «Vi Treni'»ut StM Boston, Mm You l ave rend tl>» »»tl«* akavt twraly tlmm Iwfurr'. But did J»O met act upon th« aaaiM. lion so often made, namely: T.» aak any i CMS aoAaftM dealer for IxHits with t>u»drlek*a rati at 11*--B •rr MIC rl Klt' i I'retmMl M*lrf g-- Mliri to out uHiir any S«!e made. If yon hat* Kit de U the rrr% licit timo vou want boota or at]oea wttn aolea that will weir like iron •' nd aara repair*. «MI dont ycxa btu' anj other Slj' reforenapa are any ,aw*tnc " *' ComDany or tbelr xeats la this oi utitr?. it. «. (iUOIIKII H, 19 Church St., Wereeater, Maae, and 4 CRdca«o, 111. - •• •; tV ••HojSa A NOXTH ! A(rnt> Wanted ! 75 Best-Selling Articles in tho world , a asm pie/ret. JAY BROXSON, Detroit. Mich. $350 OFIU :̂ «6S DRBLJLL'S LONDON Truth says that when au ^ ^ ^ _ American lady takes a Parisian husband cistern nothing was "to be seen there save j fwis as if married only to a seihi- | a little -white sailor hat floating slowly and silently on the uniippled surface. Aud when a few moments later the front door of the handsome house opened and ' Minnie Leslie came bounding npstairs, human being who has9 mean ideas about living on his wife's money. DB. BULL'S Baby Byrup is in good demaqd ; evtryl><»dy kpeaks well of it The pitas is only S6 cents. Mwrehlne nabltCur«4l In 16 iOdnya. Kwtiay till t'Mifil. l»u. J. m jti-atNs, Lt'bunuii. ohl<i. \\ e<-l4 in your own town. Term* and Cft Oatti t-i- Aiiiirean li. HaLIJTT 4 (3o., Porl Und, lte Hr.kirnrtf Itfat rrnynn Purl rait -. 1'jxlS. .'ilvUULi lv. Knch lO cte.t y mnil AJso, othei oan- PflnriCl n didatcs. Aerate Warted. <JEO. bHliMCLU. I'KHIXK. 1«.U Xastuiu St.. X. v. Yiwlc. AOFA'TS wiahing to eanvaaa for the Uvea of GARFIELD HHANCCGR Should wri te nt om^ for^ 'srcnlarsnnd tennsof f j^pnryto FOliJrii KE & McMAKIN, Cmchv.ivXi, O. TOrNG nxx OR OLD, If tm nu• IstanaFt MmuhIi. Im «bi«k»n. • h--'* • IMPORTANT TO AGENTS. THE LIFE OP <;EN. .IAS. .4. OARFIELI) giwvn p"i3t n »l n ori.u•'<%. *« u n* en^th t>y H U. \<i minted mid Nmnd. >"nll "tw"! • trom u I.i^».f «kw M , <10 M BAKNKS A t'0;. Hi ict William Strwt, N<*>» \ork. A rnt> i-i't- o. L"i on««o for c<<mpk'(«* CLAVEKACK COLLEOE And Iludntn Klv«-r 3u»ti:ute. At <'l.iv»-»< k V. V.. i!m-e mi.'ea in in Hu !aon and x'lfiit from i' itili'11. Out of the iu .st ^ucceatlul and lurseet ' luiaidms scli-m'* in country, i-itsi boy.- trmmuirhly KK Kull t -l:<-«e (Jooi-se i n- Women. Art. Un- irusk't's :imi Mnsio. spfiialtie1; M Irmtriio'ors; Id I>e[mrt- mentf.. nod vi' iroiU'iis >"«pVuil «*r fi. Pu)>il*eiirhty«Kia and Utm-ard r."-civ.~t. I .'I ins KIM! lj iMinoe.i. IVrst.u;: I ' c ire in prinniy. Addi«*sj», for oatalocae and terms in ' dUfcr^nt dclKirtm -nts T'uit uill nu*t the «,-uiits«| erary j oae. Rkv. Ai.OX/.O FLACK, Ph. D., Pr<-»i<U»nt. FROM SYRUP M ' HlX «mM ( 9fM __ Dft. IWHULU Wtf. • Mil. Mam. i« UND for our JV« w r.»*o::rtnr of tha , \Vw EnirUmd Ci>a.«<'rvatory ot J.umu S15 00 to f20.00 for 20 lessons i« classes, I Students in the t'onservatory Coureocan lotuane ALL £>°uluh auAJicHWi rast P^t xoUEJfiB. Mbsw HALfc, Bonos. THE TO THE FARM FOR CHILLS AND FEVER AND AIiIJ PWW Ok • -- arsis »t ' -A Malarial Poisoning or THE BLOOD. A Warranted tar* PRICE, $1.00. nrrom mj w au. misiw. jgt • DR. MARCHISRS C^OL'̂ . •« porttlrely oura PtiBale Weakaaaa. aaw4 a» MIm W tb* Utona, LmmorMm. CttemOe hill nawWwiW Dlceiattoa of tba Uteraa, Piuodfa PBESIDENTIAL CHAIR B 4 i • n r . - i H r . - i . . n o n n > . \ u n d a n t t i r n t i r Life of tiwi. Onrtie'd. It oont ins ttm xtwl portrait* ot Gartield nnd Arthur, and ia indorwd bv ttu«ir im>»t inti mate fritsn in. Bt*ware of " caU'hj*jnn.v ' imilatkms. AWttntftl --Send fin circulars omtainiiiK it ui H