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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY SEPT. Railroad Time Tattle. . OOIN'O SOUTH. WntTi TAke Paisensrer 7:WA. M Geneva Uke Express 8:29 k. m. ffcniv* links Freizht ..-.-..-.1:15 p. M jNwmbMt Express ........5:16 p, a. 00two WORTH, i Steamboat Express .... ....10:00 A. *. OcncTii l,akc Freight..... ....10:02 A. M. Genera Lake Express.... 5:4!' p. M Cenova T.ake Passcnscer 6:53 REPUBLICAN RALLY. AT RINCWOOD- A Grand Republican Rally, und°r the auspices of the McHenry Garfield and Arthur Club, will be held at Ringwood, on SATURDAY EVENING, September 11, 1880. PROP. BOURNE --AND-- O. H, GILMORE, ESQ., Of Woodstock, will "be'present and address the meeting. Let every voter turn out and^hear'tliese.Champions „of the"Republican Cause. ' OUR Public School[opened on Monday with about the usual number of Scholars for this season of the year. The teachers for this season are Prof. S. D. Baldwin Principal, Miss Etta Torrance Intermediate Department, Miss Addie McOmber, Primary, and Mrs.Colby. Teacher of the Gagetown iDivision. All the same as last season accept the latter. HE opened the door cautiously and poked his head in, in a suggestive sort of way as if there was more to follow, inquired "Is this the editorial rink- tum?" "The what?" mv'friend, "Is this the rinktum--sinktnm--sanktum or some snch'place where the editors live." This is the editoral room yes. sir. Come in." *'No I guess I won't come in. I wanted to see what a rink­ tum was like, that's all. Looks like our garret, onlv wuss. Good dav." WE are'under many obligations for the splendid Serenade tendered us a few eveningsjsince. Come again. A SMALL Steamer, from'Elgin. witli a party] of hunters, passed*Tup ithe river, bound for the Lakes, on Monday. REV. E. A. CLEVELAND.M.D., of St. James'Church. Dundee, will officiate at St.JJohiis*Church,jAlgonquin, on Sun­ day, September 12, at 10:10 A. M. "REV. PETER ARVEDSON will hold services in the IE piscopal Church, at Spring Grove,011 Sunday ^next, Sept. 12, at halt past two in the afternoon. JOHN IIUEMANN had the ^misfortune to lose one of his horses while in Woodstock one day last week. Inflam­ mation ofjthe bowels was undoubtedly the cause. THE Hancock Pole, at Johnsburgti, Was successfully rrised on Monday, a goodly number of the unterrified being present from Woodstock and other places. MRS. MORSE, having sold lier resi­ dence in this village. will remove to Garden Prairie, make her home A. J. Harris. Boone County,* and with licr son-in-law. WHEN you come to see Van Am- burgh's big show 011 Monday next do not fall to call at Fitzsimnions & Evanson's and see their bigjstock of Goods just received. THE editor of ;the Manitowac, Wis., Tribune has fallen heir to a large fortune. He had better get out of the publishing business at once, and not tempt Providence by remaining in it a day longer.' THERE is a very nice Sunday School piece entitled "Put your ^rtnor on my boys." There is one young lady in this town that does not like to hear it. She says it sounds like "Put your arm around me boye" and it makes her feel lonesome. WE learn that L. Stoddard has bought the Morse residence, just north of the Public Square. Also th%t .John Flusky has bought the residence of David Parker, near the Parker House. Mr. Parker, we understand, will move "o a farm in Lake County. The County Fair opened on Tuesday, and with the favorable weather we shall expect to see a big crowd 011 the two last days. The entrees are said to be larger than for many years, and the show promises to be one of the best for yeats. *""E. D. SLAFTEU has sold his Rouse to J. Story, and purchased the house owned by August Fisher, on the North fide of the Public Square, now occupied by John Lumm. There is considerable change of property in this village tliis Fall, but the prices paid are compar­ atively low. 1 1 THE editor of the Wisconsin Banner pays: "Wednesday's mail brought us a letter addressed 'Rev.. ' another the *Hon., ' another 'Col.,* one 'Mr., ' and .the last'Esq., ' On the way to'dinner wo accidentally stepped on a woman's trail and she addressed us thus: "* you brute." TnE Railroad will sell Excursion TiCKets to Chicago and return, during the Exposition, at reduced rates, only on the following days: September 7th, 8th and 9th, good until September 13th, September 14th and loth, good until September 20th. October 19th, 20th and 21st, good until October 2">th. Br a notice elsewhere it will be seen that a Buggy and harness was stolen on Friday night last from the barn of Chas. Mead 011 Engli?h Prairie. A re­ ward of $50 is ofjered for the recovery of the property' and capture of the thief. Read the description in the no­ tice and keep a good lookout for the villians. A PLEASANT little party gathered at Grand Hall on Saturday evening last, and^enjoved a few hours in a real social manner. The gathering was gotten up in honor of the Misses Jones, of Darien Wis, who are visiting with friends In this village. Dancing was the order of the evening, and the party broke up a little before twelve, all agreeing that they had had a pleasant time. LIKE the stumps of a primative forest. Which decay with the dry rot, so the typical stump speaker passes a^vay. The prestage of power has vanished. The newspaper wiped him up. And. to tell the truth, independent thought is giving the newspapers an "evil eye." The American eagle is developing dignity. He wears specs 1 takes bis local paper. THE annual Harvest Home Festival will be held ir. Algonquin on the even­ ing of Thursday,' September 16th. Service at St. Johns Church, which will be decorated with choice samples of the produce of the ground. At 7 p. M. short addresses by Rev. E. A. Cleve­ land. M. D.. of Dundee, and by the minister i,u charge. After the service entertainment and supper at Masonic ITall, provided by the ladies. Admis­ sion by tickets onh-, vvhich will be sold at the floor. Price of tickets 25 cents. For children under ten years old 15 cents. Net proceeds to anplv towards purchase of a bell for St. Johns Church. Friends far and near are cordially in­ vited. PETF.R ARVEDSOV. Death of Miss Mollie Searles- It ' is with feelings of the utmost sadness that we are compelled this week to announce tli<* death of Miss Mollie Searles, second daughter of Smith Searles, who died on Tuesday night, after a painful illness of le6S than two weeks. Mollie was a young lady of an amiable and agreeable disposition, whom to know was to love and respect. Lively and cheerful at all times, her pleasant voice and agreeable ways will be sadly missed bv old and young. Her parents and sisters have the heart­ felt sympathy of all in their severe affliction. H. H.NICHOLS the "Ross' ' Painter in this section, has been doing a rushiu? business since he opened his shop in January last. His shop has been full of wagons and buggies the entire time, arid 110 sooner was one finished than another took its place. Tills is a sure guarantee of his superior workmanship and it is a fact'that when a buggy comes from under "Tips" experienced hands It is perfection Itself. Since January last he has Painted Sixty-Si* Buggies, Wagons and Cutters, besides doing a large amount of other Painting:. sucli*as House. Signs, <£c.. and still is crowded, his shop being full at the present tiiu.e. His work will bear the closest inspection.and we would sug­ gest to those who contemplate getting Painting doije to, call at his shop and examine his work. It cannot be beat in the Northwest. ' -- ^ | | M • ' THK MC'UKRN MASTODON COMING. A Monster Show. The Great Van Amburgh's Golden Menagerie and Frost's Roman Circu6 and Colosseum will exhibit at McHenry on Monday next, Sept. 13. Without a doubt, this is the largest consolidated show now traveling. It has been be­ fore the people of this country for over fifty years, and for thirty-five consecutiye years under the manage­ ment of Mr, Hyatt Frost. In this stu­ pendous aggregation will be found twenty-two cages of wild animals, birds and reptiles--compiising a rare collection of over 500 living curiosi­ ties. Besides those in cages, the show has the largest elephant in this coun­ try, the only two-horned Rhinoceros in America, a herd of camels. A circus company composed of over forty of the principal equestrians, acrobats and athletes in the profession. The num­ ber of horses employed in transporting this huge institution is ISO, and the number of men, women and children, including performers, is 1G5. The great Van Am burgh show has always been one of the leading institutions of this country, and we are assured that the combined menagerie and circus this season is fur superior to all former ones. That the great show will meet with liberal patronage in McHenry will not admit of a doubt. It is merito­ rious as an exhibition, and its reputa­ tion for upright and honest dealings with citizens, lias gained for it a name most enviable. Remember the show will be here next Monday. TUB Fair is this week, but Fitzsim- & Evansou are always fair in their dealing* with their customers, and will give you more goods for the same money than any other tirui in the county. " IN VEXTORS employing attornies fa miliar with the Patent Ofiice. rarely fail of securing patents Experience ensures success in prosecut­ ing contested entries and Mineral Land claims before the General Land OflSco* Long practice gives success in securing pensions. Presbrey & Green. Attor­ neys, 509 Seventh street, Washington D. C. have had long experience in all brandies of practice before the Depart­ ments. Parties having buisness should address them (enclosing stamp) for in formation. PERSONAL. Miss May Russell, neioe of the editor, was called suddenly to Owatonua. Minn., on TueSdrty last, by the danger­ ous illness of a friend. Miss Clara, Mary and Lev! Jones, of Darien, Wis., have been the guests .of Miss Mamie Owen and Miss Ella OIU- tou the past week. Miss Clara Wiglitman. daughter of H. E. Wigbtman. of the Riverside House, started on Saturday last, for Chenoa, 111., where she will attend school the coming Winter. Wesley Ladd, of Ringwood, with his wife and daughter, started,on Monday, for a trip East. He will visit Boston, New York and histoid home In New Hampshire, and will be gone about six weeks. Mrs. S. Button, of Rochester, Minn., Mrs. S. Newel, of Dwight, 111., Frank Rorer and wife, of Clifton. 111.. C. E. Newel, of Elliott, III., and Mrs. E. Merrill, of Dwight, III., have been the guests of Wm. McCollum, itij thin vil­ lage the past week. " THE OLDEST ON THE KOAD. Van Am burgh & Co.'s Great Golden Menagerie has been consolidated with Frost's Roman Circus and Colosseum for the season of 1880, and will pitch its thirteen tents in McHenry, on Mon­ day next, September 13. This is the 60th consecuti ve year of the Van Am- bnrgli menagei ie--the oldest show orr gauization in the world--which has always been recognized as the leading exhibition of wild animal", both in this country and in Europe. As years have gone by, the Van Am burgh show has striven to keep pace with the times, and to-day, it boasts of a greater va­ riety of beasts, birds and reptiles than any other exhibition 011 the continent. The present consolidation with Mr. Hyatt Frost's Roman Circus and Col­ osseum, places the combination in the very foreground of all institutions of a like character. A perusal of the ad­ vertisement in this week's paper will convince the most skeptical of the real merits of this gigantic aggregating The monster show, as now organized, gives constant employment to over 250 laborers, and has a troupe of nearly 100 lady and gentlemen performers; among the latter no less than twelve equestriennes, and of the latter the only female hurdle rider in the world. It requires 110 prophet's pen to see that we are to have a superb show, and we predict crowded tents at each per­ formance. Read the advertisement in this week's paper. WOODSTOCK EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--It is some­ thing new under the sun to ballot forty three times for slierift in a Republican convention for McHenry County, and the manner of reaching the final result is severely criticized by the friends of the defeated candidates, and the Dem­ ocrats are laboring quite enthusiastic­ ally, endeavoring thereby to create a schism, thus wishing, (the foundation is not sufficient for hoping) to be able to slide in a Democrat. Ask Asa about that hat. and if he does not give you satisfaction go to Diesel. The weather is 011 the smiling side of Nature once more and the friends of the Fair arc indulging hopes of good weather and a successful Fair. Some of the Democrats slid out for Joli.nsburgh this morning. The political waters are serene and undisturbed. Thus far if It were not for some of our street orators we would hardly know it to be presidential year. We have a Garfield and Arthur club, but the executive committee work so silently that little or nothing is known of its doings. Cider making is in fulljblast down at Jewctt's.on the Montgomery place. The Methodist Church will furnish refreshments to those who hunger an,d thirst during the Fair. WAUCONOA- EDITOK PLAINDEALEII:--The rainy weather is still a legitimate topic here, apropos of which comes our "muse" and pipes out thusly: A farmur who lives towards Volo, Kemarke<1 in a voico tuned quits low , J us: after a rain 1 Tlie ru4<td 11111 ku me nrofane, When <tmva to WuHCOuaa I go. The fact has been noted tp this cpl- umn that when there isuHuiuoli of any­ thing done there is little to write about. Now how In the name of com­ mon sense could anybody go anywhere or do any thlng'the week past ? Uuless perhaps, they saw fit to sit by the window and wonder when gthe rain would let up. The community was suiprlsed and shocked 011 Monday last to iearn that Mr. Hugh Courtney, who had been for several months in the Lake Superior country had there died and that tiis body was then 011 its wav to this place for interment. The funeral occurred on Saturday last and was largely* at­ tended. We are informed that Mr. Henry Mcge'rs, who lives a short distance east of this village. haV.lng'showu signs -of mental aberation, his friends found it necessary-to have him taken into cus­ tody and .placed in • an asylum. Mr. Megers buried a fourteen year old ion about two weeks ago, since which time he has been at times quite violent. Rev. Mr.-Greeifhas secured a lease of the residence owned by Mrs. Amity Smith and will shortly move from Har­ rington. About noon 011 Friday last, a wind cloud passed over this section doing considerable damage in the way of opening up the sprouting grain s;acks, laying low the cornr(some fields looked as though an immense roller had passed over them) and other such fan­ tastic freaks peculiar to wind storms. Fortunately, nothing really serious occurred near here, although reports from towards Half- Day claim many barns and outbuildings overturned and destroyed. Mr. II. D.Wells, It is said, will leave here on Monday, the sixth, to take the position of card writer in the Rotunda of the Palmer House. Chicago. Dr. Barker returned to Chicago 011 Saturday evening last, ills presence here as Mrs. Burritt 's atteli lant, being no longer considered necessary. Jf the visiting ones (who, though tliej' call from the best motives, would be doing a greater kindness not to call at all.) do rtot succeed in tiling Mrs. Burritt out, she will soon be able to be up and about. Owing to the bad roads, only about 25 eon pie were out to the bowery dance of Saturday evening last. The music was excellent as usual, and a very pleasant time was had. The M essrs. Kirwin, Jim. Ed, John and Arthur, arrived here from the West Sunday Morning with their cov­ ered rigs and teams, looking as natural as life. "Not any moreJwesi in mine, if you please." An election was held just after the Sabbath school serviof* on Sunday last in the Baptist Ctiurcii which resulted in the choice of the Rev. Mr. Green^ for Superintendant of the Bnnday School for the coming year, in place of Mr. B. K. Duers, who at that time in a very neat little speech tendered his resignation. Should Mr. Green prove to be a better Superintendant than Mr. Duers has been, he will indeed prove a good one. Chris Thomas don't seem to be so ex­ uberantly happy (all the time) as usual. We'll be "gol darned" if we can see how or why fifteen or twenty bolls on a man's arm at one time should make him any the less smiling, but "gol darn my picture" they do. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT s. r. BENNETT. S. E. HKSNETT U fiorofov authoring louke subscriptions ami or.tors tor advorUsiui? »u<t Job Work for the IM.viNOKvi.Ktt, iwoive money theroforaivl ri»rei)it tor tliy svue.-- All or tor* loft villi him will receive prompt attention.--Editor. STORE FOR RENT. The fine new Store in my block, late­ ly fitted up for a Millinery now oftered for rent on reasonable terms. Is nicely fitted up with coun­ ters and shelving, handsomely painted, is well arranged and handy for any kind of business. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned, at his Boot and Shoe store. FRED SCHNORlt. McKcar/, Scjit. 7tb, 1360. 850 Kevvard. STOLEN, from the premises of Oris. Mead on English Prairie McHenry <'o. 111. on Friday night Sept. 3d. 1880 a new one horse buggy, one single har­ ness and one half set of double harness. The buggy is painted black with red stripes 011 spokes and sides of box. It is w hat is called a tight box with low seat. The thin piece oh outside of frame had been broken by being stepped 011 and been repaired by putting in two screws, the repairs are 011 the right hand side In front. Cushion of corduroy or material made for that purpose. Top rail 011 dash bent down between supports. Single harness, plain black trimmed, nearly new. The double harness was the same trimmed, the collar being cloth lined instead of leather. The above described property is supposed to have been taken by two persons seen near Wilmot, Wis.. 011 Friday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, go­ ing South, 011 the east side of 1- ox River. They had with them a small light grey or white Poney or small horse, with shoes 011.forward feet only. The horse had on a saddle and part of a harness; one man was riding and the other leading the horse. They were middle sized men and one had red hair and whiskers and one wore a white or lightcolored hat. Any person giving information where said property may be found will receive a reward of 625, and also 825 more lor the apprehension of the thieves. Address OlIAS. MEAD, English Prairie 111. FIXE PICTURES FOR SALE, Miss Clara B. Owen, having decided to go to Europe, will ofler for sale for the next few days, her choice collection of Fruit.Flower and Landscape Paint­ ings, at prices within the reach of all. These pictures were all painted by herself, and embrace some of the finest to be found in the country, and they will all be sold at remarkably low pri­ ces, as she is going awav soon. Call at once and make your selection, as-: there is sure to be something you want. Waucondalce Cream Parlor. E. A. Golding would respectfully inform the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, is now open where the best of Ice Cream will be served every day and evening by the dish or quantity. A full line of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. My Parlor is ahvavs cool and quiet, and I respectfully Invite all who wish anything in this line to c;»ll and I will try and pluase them. Ice Cream furnished at Wholesale or Retail, for Festivals, PicnicS or Fami­ lies. E. A, GOLDING. II. NEW MILLIXERY AT MRS. II NICHOLS. Having repainted and fitted up my store in a substantial manner, I am now receiving a full stock of the latest Fall Milli nery, to which I invite the especial attention .of the ladles of McHenry and surrounding country. My stock for the Fall and Winter trade will not be surpassed in the county,and my prices will be 011 the "live and let live" plan. I shall also keep a full Hue of Cloaks of the latest styles a-id patterns, bought with especialreference to the wants of customer', which I will sell at prices as low as the lowest. If in want of either Millinery or Cloaks, be sure and give me a call. MRS. H. N. NICHOLS- CIDER MILL. The Cider Mill of JOHN W. SMITH, at his farm, one mile south of Ring- wood. is now in first class running or­ der. where all can have their apples made into cider on short notice, and in the ,best of manner. This is one of the best Mills in thi-s section, and no pains will be spared to please all who come. JOHN W. SMITH. FARM FOR RENT. I ofler for rent on reasonable terms, 235 acres of good land. 120 acres under plow, the balance pasture and hay land. Apply to JOHN KOUN. Seek the House wlierqgthe largest re­ turns are given for your money. They say that place is over at Fitesimmons & Evanson's, west end of town. WE haye a large stock of the Mason fruit Jar? at reduced prices. STEVENS & SCHNORR, Mr. George Nethercut and wife, of NebrMka, visited their editor brother J. K. Nethercut, last week. "Bon voyage,"" to the uewly wedded to their western homo. Judges Murphy and Smith, of Wood­ stock and A. B. Coon, of Marengo, spent a part of lust week in Richmond, taking depositions in the water power suit of Cole, Cooley & Co. v« Frank W. Mead. Davie Gellesple will get on in the world. Such lads the town Is proud of When you want to buy uaiuly, remem­ ber that "Davie" has a uiee stock, just received fresh from the manufactory of M. E. Paige & Co. Chicago. If our dead-head tickets had been sent around wo would have mentioned that the great Van Am burgh circus is ex-tenslvely' 'bulletined to exhlbitit in Richmond on Sept. 14th. As it is, of course "inum's the word," The Rev. Mr, Stevenson, a Second Adventist, delivered an address in the Baptist church. 011 Sunday last to a large audience. In the afternoon of the same day lie baptised by Immersion Mr. and Mrs. Carey, of Genoa, Mis? Emma Wray, and Mr. Wilson, of Rich­ mond, The ;public sshool opened on Monday, with a full attendance. Mr. Fisk, a graduate of Beloit College is Principal, with Miss Darling in the intermediate Department and Miss Killey In the Primary. We hope the school year, which opens auspieously, may show a record of faithful and successful work at its end. Our young people have organized a "Dancing Club" for the purpose of having a series ot dances the coming fnll and winter. The first dance was held one evening last week, wlth^good attendance, and such arrangements were made as to assure the success of the undertaking. The McHenry Band is to furnish music. The dances will be held In the new hall over Smith & llavthorn's store. William Killey, an old resident of Richmond, was found dead in bed last Friday morning, lie had complained some for two or three days previous to hi* death, but his family had felt 110 concern for his'safety. He was a native of the Die of Man, and settled in Mc­ Henry county many years ago. Appo- ploxy or heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of his sudden death. On Saturday, William Gardner of Solon, accidentally di«loeated Ills right wrist and fractured the lower end of the radii*.a* well. H«-wa»*fcwork on the new residence of Mr. Walters, near Tryou's Corners, and was putting up a moulding when the bench on which he* was striding broke down. He came down to Richmond and had the Injured limb properly adjusted and put up. We are sorry the accident happened. To day, (Wednesday, Sept. 8th,) at II A. M. UIM Carrie Potter, only daughter of D. A. Potter, Esq. was married to Mr. William Heath, of Benton Harbor, Mich., at the Baptist Church in this vldage, A reception was held at the residence of the bride's parent?. Immediately after the services and at five o'clock the "happy pair" took the cars for the east. We ha ve only time to note this much now, if our readers see it in print this week, t>ut shall notice the wedding more at length next writing. A few days since the C •& N. W. R. R. were restrained by an injunction pro­ cured by the Village Board, from raising the grade of the bridge across tiie cut on Broadway. On Thursday last the General Superintendant of this Division of the road, and Mr. Hickev, Superintendent of bridges, came out from Chicago and had a conference with the Board, which resulted in an amicable adjustment of the matter. The company will put in a new bridge 22 feet wide, with 6 feet sidewalk on north side, in place of the old 16 ft. structure. from the Richmond Gazette. INMKMOftVOP SAMVKL H. WALKER. Who died June *3d, MM. BT l ltSVLA MCLEAN. Wc a (till luivt Uim. Atoauoil tiis ch<kS0ii ono, Wlio walkcii in auiutyflktiuta,-- His K«uorous head / il;vt» hrijjlit with HoweF# './ Wittit>L>cn, UvUli hdmla./ We shall mis» Him, Woileii UU i1 child, Wiio«« gooii-uUht k.i*c was given One eve befor* iuruu>»r dawn Op'Atl Will* th« Of ttMtVeQ,-- To a *wr», toll-wura |J»»»UHT, Whose ttVrk *11 auhlf tluu*, Ere he >ln>pv»*,l hit well warm armor 'NetUli ttie sultry dimmer sue, To IM< laiii by tender, r«vur«ul bands, I u swe»t fra>rrHut earth. While the soul Mutt wore the cuinherons toad, »oWe to$» higher, nobler birth. Wc shall mi is him, Sigheil the pioneer. Who \ilou\;heil the fertile lands, Wheu toil-stained hands were passports clear, To thejhighost 8ooUI|bands. We shall miss him, Muse t the man of toil, Who always mikuueii a boat, F»r iwverty-wrecLed mariners. Ami brought us saf* to port. When safely anchored from the blast. lie pave us huovsof hoite, And Imde us build knottier craft. And sot oursaUes afloat. W e shall misa him, Sadly miss him, said tho soldier with a sigh, Whose ear wns'promptly upon. To the Nation » au^uished cry, For to turn lite tide of treason, SwecpiuH o'er u» tierce nnd Wild, Who #ave his substnnce freely. To tiie soldier's wife and child, .Ami thought IOsbounty donhly,paid, Wheu i>eiic« aerenely smiled. We shall miss hinv, Wcjil the orphan. Whose quirk ear wfts never deaf To our timid, shamefaced cry for br«»d, IV hose ha ml k»vo ture relief. We shall miss him, Slid the mun ot'Wod, Whose menus were freely given To till the lumps our hands hold up To guide men's sou'h lu Heaven. We hare lost him, hut shall find him, When this brief life is o'er. We shiill strike #lud hands in Heaven, On the other, shining shore. Business Notices. Mr. James Aldrich has taken advan­ tage of the last few sunny days and now has the cellar walls laid for his new building. This week he keeps a lorce of fifteen men constantly at work who will soon erect it. This edifice will be of a handsome brick and when finished will be handsome addition to the town and one of the neatest build* ingg in the county. The upper part will be a large hall for the use of the Masonic fraternity. The old store has been removed to its resting place across the street and as fast as possible is being refitted for the occupancy of Mr. Cheviiliou, who intends to continue his business in the same. We are sorry to know that diphtheria iiiasevere form, ha&again made its appearance in this vicinity, in the family of Mr. Henry Krumpen, three miles north east of the village. One child a bright little girl, died on Thurs­ day, and four more of the family are very sick at the present time. The disease seems to have been taken to tjie house by visiting friends who had lately had it in their own family. We have time and again repeated the warning as to tiie contagiousness of diphtheria. We doubt if any intelli­ gent Physician now believes that tiie disease is not, in common parlance "catching.'" Only the most thocoghu disinfection of the house or the cloth­ ing where the poison lias made a lodge­ ment, can destroy its power to give tiie disease. Adults are not very likely to become affected, but children are, and should never be uni.ecessariiy ex pos«>d by allowing them to go where it is, or be with persons who have lately bad it, or been with it. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. f)0 Trimmed Hals from fifty cents to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. ftearies. We have the Boss Glove Depot. riT/-SlMMON"3 A EVANSON. The best Threshing Knuckles Aft £. M. Owen's. The Moline Sulky l'low at X. M Owen's. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. Clocks, from 01.00 upwards. War­ ranted. At O. W. Owen's. When in want of work in my line, give mea call and 1 will try and please Kobl. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nundn, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzslmmons & Evaitson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til yon have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. You arc paying1 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trtuioat a cash store, and make this saving. STEVENS * 9CHNOBR. Wo are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVBNS A CUMoaa, Tho largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that neiv dress pattern eall on Stevens & Schnorr. They keep, the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckeyc Force Owen's. Pumps, *1 JL H All tits first-class Plows at E. Owen's. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. •_ Ten lf» light Windows, glass 8x10, all perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owen. Ladies of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All work in repairing done on short notice. Parasols. Fans, Ladies and Mitts now cheap at & Evanson's Lace Gloves Fltz6lmmons We "rive our special attention to I) Goods, Trimmings and Buttons. You can always find the latest at ounstore. STKVKSSA8CHNORB FOITREXT. Tiie celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery in the village of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession given at once. App!y to E. M. OWEN. Various Causes Advancing years, care, sicknesa, dis- aprointment. and hereditary predis­ position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them Inclines It to shod, prematurely. ATKR'S HAIR VIGOR will restore faded or gray light red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cure* daiulruft snd humors. By Its use fall­ ing hair J* checked, and a new growth will be produced in all eases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beauti­ fully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its oper­ ation, It 1« Incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone It imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye. and will not soil nor color white eambric; vet it lasts long on the hair, aud keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOB SAKE BY ALL DEALERS. Attention, Fanner* and Dairymen Sherman Bros., residing two tulles West uf McHenry. on the Woodstock road, keep on hand the following arti­ cles to meet the wants uf farmers and dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied lor) oon- sisting of boxee for water, any slxe to suit. Barrels may be used or any wa­ ter vessel, spring or weiK IHtlk runs with oovwra tu exclude all foreign sub* stances aud allowing the he%t aud Steam te esoape. Ami a skimming de­ vise. tiie most perfect ever invett ted. Riding Plow Attachment, (t'at. ap* plied for) by which you can attach any kjud of a Plow to any «oru sulky cul­ tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied (or) can be applied to Wind mills. Ac., to convert a forwsrd aud back motion into a rotary Bullion. All the above articles we will tell very low to suit the times. Call aud examine for yourselves. S. ft J. *HER]f AH. FARM FOR SALE- . The undersigned offers for sale his farm known as the Dnnn Farm, con­ sisting of 80 acres, situated 3| rotles Southwest of McHenry. Said iaim is in good condition, well feneed, fair> buildings, and one of the best orchards in the section. Never failing fanning water for stock in pastnre. !• short one of the bept and most desirable small farms ln«the county for either stock or grain. For pnrtfetilaj^ Inquire of Chas. II. Parks, near tins premises,1 or address, J. L. I>VK*. Lawrence, Kansas. K. M. OWEN A SOW have Just re­ ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to which they Invite the atteutiua of those wishing to purchase. Tuey are as fine as any to be fonud in the mar­ ket. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures fever and Ague, la the Whole (fHtory ot Medtcln* No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Aver's Cherry Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long continued series of wondcrfnl cures In.ill climates has made It universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Agal**»t ordinary colds, which are the forerun­ ners of more serious disorders, It acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. The firotection it affords, by its timely nse n the throat and lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable reme­ dy to be kept always on hand ia every home. No person can afford to be with-, out It, and those who have onee iisecf It never will. From their knowledge' of its composition and effects, Physic­ ians use the Cherry Pectoral extensive­ ly iu titeir practice, and clergymen recommend it. it is absolutely certain lu Its remedial effects, and will always cure where euros are possible. For sale by all dealers. Low Prices and good work. Murfitt, Jeweler, Nunda, 111. Robt 17 cents will buy one pair of Ladles* Balbr'ggan Hose at Fitaslmmoas A Evansetrs. Go to I. N. Mead near the Depot for the Best Mowing Machine. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Store lately occupied by J. K|, Vasey In the village of Ringwaodl Possession given March 25th. For further particulars luquire of Mas. AM TMIV. Ring wool, March 17,1**>. The very finest Lines of Ladles' Misses' and Children's Walking Shaes ever shown In this place, and jnade to our own order, now offered at reason­ able prices. We warrant every pair. riTZSlMMOHS & XV4XSOK. a week In your owrn town. oalll 900 frae, No risk. Header, if you waat a busines at which ueraous of either sex can make great pay all the time thev work, write for particulars to 11. ALLKTT A t*rt- ami, Muiue. The Fall Campaign Now Opened, AT VOLO, LAKE CO., ILL* 3000 YARDS PRINTS Fast Co'ors just received at the Low and Popular Price of 3 Cents per Yard. Wehnvonlso tho finest Col­ lection of Useful and Ornamental Articles at the Low Price of 5 Cents Each. Call aud see them. H. ROCERS. Yolo, III., Aug. 17th, im HOSIERY. The very finest, nest and cheapest line of Ladies' Hosiery shown in the place is now open at the store of Fitzsinunoiis & fcvanson. PRICES EEDUCBD! One half on our entire line of Era- broidery. Call and secure these bar­ gains. STEVKNS & SCHNOSK. Autograph Albums, from flro upwards, at O. W. Owen's. cent CARRIAGES, BUGGIES,&c. We are now exhibiting a flue line of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of best make, and warranted at lowest prices. £. M. Owur 1 Sow. pg- Mawtat tonic IS A THOROUGH VREMCB In case of Ma! trial Fo*t'r or r« an<l Agif>, while for a'.-orlt*r-> *>£ StOBMI HMTIDITVOFTHE IMTLJWWTIOA TAF DFRFE- turlKMu-f S of tho anitntl for--.-*. «hj« U OeMlU. tale, ithas •«»equivalent, *•*>« !»»»* aa^ nuluaitu te. It shouM not be with iriturwt** romi»>un>t* of cheap «pirH4 :tnt1 «•«-<'>1 tial oils, ottou noM aatl<»r the nam# of Bitten. BT ^ Hflffait, ' finrm aivi Wiaf MerelNUit# ttw;wk«i«

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