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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1880, p. 5

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Me5cnri fkiiiealeii WEDNESDAY SEPT. IB. 1880. Railroad Time Table. OOINU SOUTH. Ifinsva T„ake H\««p«*or 7 Geneva Lake. Expreaa 8:29 A M. T.*fec> Kreilht 1:15 P. * Steamboat Express..... S:I6 r, M. OOTKO mm. Atmmbmt Kxnrcs* ... Oennv* Lake Weight Geneva Lake Express .:r.;r, ftenava Lakn Passenger ..10:00 a.*. . 1ft:«2 A. if*. ...3:49 p. tf 6 5SP.H FRESH Oysters just received at the Bakery. NEW Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. Cotton Batting.good qualify. 10 cts. ier pound at Fitzsimmons A Evansons. pet f l THE new Aurora Fox Lake Cluh will f call itself the "Lotus Club." W. H. 1 Hawkins is President. ^ New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block. THE "New Process" Flour, manufac­ tured by Hanly A Sons, McHenry, is giving unusual - satisfaction wherever £d, Ask your Grocer for it. R. WAITE has sold out his Market to ' Frank Ge'inett. who will hereafter run tlie same, and will at all times keep a rood supply of Meats of all kinds. IF in want of a good Plow, be sure to call and see those now on exhibition tibi r™ at I. N. Mead's Hardware Storf! near the Depot. The Ladies Church Aid Society of Ringwood, will meet at YVm. Lang- ham's ou Thursdaynext. All are in- vited. REV. PETKK AUVKDSON will officiate on Sunday, Sept. 19th. at St. Johns. Algonqtftn, 10:30 A. M.; at Dole's Chanel, Crystal Lake--Swedish ser­ vice at 2:45, p. M.; English service at 4 P. M. PKKgONAU <« T.M. Fish, Assistant Superintendent C.4S. W.R.R. has been spending a few days with the family ot E. M. Owen, iu this village. Gus Patterson and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. John M. Smith, of the Arm of Smith Bros., Osborne City, Kansas, was on our streets on Sunday. He was In the city purchasing the fall stock for that firm, and came out to spend Sunday with old friends. A. S. Wright and wife of Woodstock, spent Sunday in this village. F. B. Harrison, the Wauconda Drug­ gist. made our sanctum a call ou Friday. Sorry we were uot at home. A.A.Martin, of the firm of Perry & Martin, with his family, started Mon- dav for a visit to Grant Park, 111, WE would call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of W. n. Dwight, Boot and Shoe Dealer Woodstock, to be found in another col­ umn. He has one of the largest stocks of boots and shoes to he found in the county,and as he makes this his ex­ clusive business, bnysjjand sells for cash only,he is prepared to offer induce­ ments to the buying public found , at no other store. Ho makes a specialty of the celebrated Selz goods, and there is no better manufactured. Read his advertisement, and, when in Wood­ stock, give him & call. THE wool growing farmer now wrestles with his sheep ticks, the hitherto negligent housewife with the bedticks, and the anxious office seeker with politics. So taking it al­ together it is quite a ticklish time of year. ' WE made a mistake last week in our notice of the sale by David Parker of his residence, in the West part of the village. It was bought by Mr#. Thorn­ ton and not John Flusky, as we stated. We were misinformed, which led to the error. /OFOWARI» COLE, son ot Harm Cole, of / Richmond, has been engaged by the I firm of Stevens & Schnorr, of this v'l- I lage, and will' hereafter be found at 1 that establishment, where he will be V liappy to meet -all his friends when \*hey come to town. WE have received a new advertise­ ment for the Arm of Stevens & Schnorr. too late for this week, but it, will ap­ pear In our next. In the meantime. ' remember that they Have piles of new goods which the buying public would do well to examine. IT'S funny! but a soft-palmed woman can pass a plate of hot chicken soup to her neighbor at the head of the table w<th a smile as sweet as distilled hon­ ey, while a man with a hand as horny as a crocodile's back will drop it to the floor and howl around like a., Sioux Indian at a scalp dance. NEWS has just been received in this village of the death of Dr. Win. P. Melendy, of Covello, California, which occurred at that place August 20th. Dr. Melendy was formerly a physician Of large practice here, but moved front this village about eighteen years ago. He was a brother-in-law of E. M. and O. W. Owen. (i \ THE law now makes the taking of a newspaper and then refusing to pay for It the same as a theft, and a New York State paper has already com­ menced criminal prosecution against several persons who have attempted to swindle the publisher. It is a just law and one that should be put oftener Into execution. THE reunion of the veterans of the Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteers will be held at Crystal Lake ou the 23d inst. A free dinner will be given to the soldiers, and a general good time is anticipated. Judge M. L. Joslvn will set as President of the day, and Judge Smith will deliver the address uf wel­ come. _ THERE IS now a market for many ar­ ticles that are daily thrown away as worthless. Old rags and odds and ends of paper are worth money, and most any family can save more than enough of either one to pay'their subscription to one or two newspapers. Old brass and copper and lead command good prices and are always marketable. The prudent man will turn all these things to account. THO9K persons who desire personal notices of fi lends visiting from abroad, or who desire any other personal notices inserted, that are proper mat­ ter tor publication, will please send in said notices. While we are perfectly willing and glad to publish all such, the editor of a paper is not supposed to run around town to the dlfiereut houses, to find out who lias gone or who has come. • PEOPLE who are axked to patronize perambulating peddlers of printing, should know that they can get better and more satisfactory work at home, and at prices quite as cheap, consider­ ing quality of work and paper. Men 4^hosetid their own business of this kind out of town, cannot complain if they do not get their share of the trade from their neighbors. When oows learn to read, and horses want to be dressed in calico, instead of blank­ ets. it will pay to advertise on (lie fences--but It does not amount to much now-a-days. THE Republican Rally at Ringwood on Saturday evening brought out a good crowd, both old and young, and we venture th<» assertion that if they came there expecting to hear a good speech, they did not go away disap­ pointed. O. H. Gilmore, Esq., of Woodstock, was the only speaker of the evening, but he mnd«» one of the best speeches we have listened to dur­ ing the campaign. He strikes the De­ mocracy with plain facts and with sledge-hammer blows, and gives facts and figures that cannot be controverted. He Is a powerful speaker and is doing yeoman's service in this campaign. THE Senatorial Convention, for this District meets in this village to­ morrow, Thursday. The following are the delegates; W. H. Underwood. Riley; Win. Avery, A. D. Stewert, Marengo; J.C. Goodsell. Dunham; Lot P. Smith. A. W. Young, Chemung; C. L. Kingslev. Alden ; L. W. Sheldon, Seneca, J. A. Reed. Coral; C. M. Pen­ dleton, Grafton; G. K. Bunker. J. M. Southworth, Dorr, W. N. Willis.Green­ wood ; C. L. Mead. Hebron; G. P. Wo* dell, J. R. HyJe, Richmond; Burton Stevens, Burton; J. W. Cristy, Mc­ Henry; W. A. Hoffman, Ef E. Rowley^ Nunda; James Crow, Chas, Dygert, Algonquin. / CHARLES S. OWKN received his ap­ pointment to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, on Monday, and will depart for that place the last of this week. Young Owen is 16 years of ago, and is a youug niau of more than ordinary ability, as was proved by his excellent standing before the examining Board at Elgin, which secured his appoint- meut. His appointment is also a high |tribuie to the Principal of our Public ISehool, Prof. S. D. Baldwin, under I whose care he has been for the past live years. That one of his scholars jshould pass so creditable an examina­ tion ami receive thisappoiutment, is an honor of which he may well feel proud. To his new field, young Owen will carry the best wishes of every man, woman and child in this community, as he is honored and respected by all who know him. We predict he will come .back crowned with all the honors that Vjstitution can confer. COLBY BROS., who are the exclusive Agents for McHenry and Nuuda for John Foster & Co's celebrated Beloit Shoe, have just received a new stock of the same for the Fall agd Winter trade, and now flatter themselves they can offer a better shoe for the same money than any other house in thlrf section. They have so arranged their shoes that each pair is in a seperate box. thus avoiding the soil and wear of sorting thein over to find a partic­ ular size, and also adding much to the appearance of their store, the small boxes packed on the shelves looking neat, and tasty. Persons in want of Boots and Shoes should not fall to ex­ amine their stock before purchasing. Their mammoth store is also filled to Its utmost capacity with Fall and Win­ ter Goods of all kinds, which they have bought for cash and will sell at prices according. Their Dress Goods are al! new, seasonable and of the latest pat­ terns, and are well worthy the atten­ tion of the buying public. A\ exchange makes die following palpable hit on drones and croakers, which will apply just as well here as any plase we know of: "Either run your town with a vim, or just sell out and leave it. Men who are all the time trying to get out of business, or to get out of town, will never try to build up either. One of two things should be doue-^-push things; find means or a way to put some go-ahead into the business; run the town for all there it. in it; get up steam ;.keep it up or else quit the whole thing; sli«fe out and let nature have her way. Do you want trade? Bid for it. Do you want business men to come to your town? Encourage those who do come. Do you want to have a prosperous town, where people can come who are disposed to make it their homes? ^Then do away with, bury from *ight, all local differ­ ence, all jealousy, all spite; work no more for a few individuals, but all work together for a common prosperi- tv. and for a mutual beneilt. Wake up rub your eyes, roll up your sleeves and go to work. Don't go to work with a fear and trembling, but take it for granted that work will tell. Leave results to themselves, borrow no trouble,but all unite and make the big­ gest kiud of a try." tHK COUNTT FAIR. We found time to attend tlfe Fair at Woodstock but one day last week, and that the last day of the exhibition, and consequently are unable to judge of its success, either financially or otherwise. The attendance on Thurs­ day is said to have been large, but ou Friday was far below what it usually Is on the last day. The show of stock was fair, but not as good as we have seen it in former years. Dacv, the "Boss" Machine man had a splendid display of Bugsrles, Wagons aud Agri­ cultural Machinery generally, while Miller Bros., of Genoa Junction, Wis. had a good display of their handiwork in the shape of Buggies and Carriages. The new arrangement in Floral Hall was perfection itself, and the display of Paintings, Fancy Work and Plants was equal to the best. Whitson A Son and J. H. Earlie, of Woodstock, each Thad a fine display of Stoves, and arranged in a manner tnat could not fail to catch the eye of all who entered the Ilall.-- The vegetable department we have seen much better represented, and why tliis should be this year when there is such an abundance of everything in that line and that of the best, we are at a loss to know. We were on the ground so short a time and so late in the day that we are unable to give any extended notice either of what was done, or what was on exhibition, and shall therefore be obliged to leaVe that for others to do who were more favored with time and opportunity- During the afternoon we listened for a few minutes to a speech by some one calling himself Gen,! Healey, and from what we heard from the speaker and the remarks we heard from the crowd around, we were led to believe that the President, had made a great mi =- take in attempting to force liisovvn pe­ culiar political belief upon the patrons of our county Fair. There are times and places where these questions can be freely discussed, but tliev are not at County Fairs, aud any President or other officer who thus insults the peo­ ple. no matter wjiat his political be­ lief may be, should be immediately asked to step down aud out. To the door of such fanatics can be laid the turn-success of our Fairs. As regards the speaker he evidently knew as much about finance as Satan does about preaching. Many of his statements were so utterly ridicu­ lous that any school bov could detect their fallacy. If this celebrated Oen- erttl f from Rochester, N.Y., expects to make himself famous by hippodrom- ing in company with the Presi­ dent of our Agricultural Society, he will do jveil to study more amLspeak less, as every time he opens his mouth he isfeure to put Ills foot in it. If you will call your meetings. Mr. President, independent of the Agii- cultural Society j'ou will please the public better. We ask nothing for this advice. Greenback Meeting --IX MCHENRY.-- HON. RALPH E. HOYT. And other speakers will address the voters of McHenry and vicinity, at Grand Hail, Msllenry, on Saturday Sept. 25th, 1880, afternoon and even- iug. All are cordially invited to come out and hear the political questions of the day fairly discussed. For further particulars see Posters. By Order Committee. Greenback Meeting-. Hon. A. J. Streeter, Greenback can­ didate for Governor, will address the voters of McHenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Satin** day. Sept. 18th, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. M. All are cordially invited to come out and hear the question discussed. NUMHER of wagons, and buggies painted bv H. H. Nichols in his shop at McHenry. 111. since January 1, 1880: Ph. Hauprisch. wagons and buggies. 15, cutters. 2; L. A. Parker, buggies. 2; Geo. Hanly. buggy, 1; Chas. Cnrtiss, buggv, 1; Dr. Brown, buggy, 1; E. A. Smali. buggy, 1 ; Jack Flusky, Jr.. buggv. 1; Win. Thomas, buggy. 1; Frank Cole, bnggv. 1; Henry Hata- ma:i. buggies. 2; Peter Shead, buggies, 2; John L. Howe, bnggv. 1; Henry Miller, buggy, 1; E. Carpenter, bug­ gies, 2; Henry Relf, buggy, 1; Col. J. F^Nash, buggy, 1; Chas. Kuhnert, biiffg'es.2; Joseph Wiedemann, bug­ gies, 2; Gottleib Boley. wagon, 1; A. L.Howe, buggy, 1; Geo. Rotherma), bnggv. 1; Wm. Frett. buggy. 1; S. H. Walker, buggy, 1 ; E. J. Hanly, bnggv, 1; Tlios. Phalen. buggy, i; James B. Perry, buggy, 1: Smith & Walsh, bu«;gy, 1; Mr. Hockamiler, htiffgv, 1 ; Rev. P. M. O'Neil, buggy, 1; Amos Whiting, buggv, 1; James Race, buggy, 1. light wagon, 1 ; Mr. Reunal. buggy, 1; James McDonald, buggv. 1; John Stilling, buggy, 1: John Winkle.buggv I; James Kittle, buggy. 1; E. M. Owen, buggy, 1; Rev. W. A. Adroti. buggy. 1; F. K. Granger, buggies. 2; E. Knox, buggy, 1, cutters, 1; J, Fitzshnmous, buggy, 1. Total number, 66. STORE FOR RENT. The fine new Store In my block, late­ ly fitted up for a Millinery Store, is now oflered for rent on reasonable terms. Is nicely fitted up with coun­ ters and shelving, handsomely painted, is well arranged and handy for any kind of business. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned, at his Boot and Shoe store. FRED SCHNORtt. McHenry, Sept. 7th, 1880. CIDER MILL. The Cider Mill of JOnN W. SM FTH, at his farm, one mile south ot Ring- wood. is now in first class running or­ der, where all can have their apples made into cider on short notice, and in the best of manner. This is one of the best Mills in this section, and no pains will 1>e spared to please all who coine. JOHN W. SMITH, WOODSTOCK. EIHTOR PLAIN DEALER: -- This has been a week of events, effecting both public and private interests. For many years the Rev. . Was the dl«penser of Gospel truths to the Get mans of this community. But for tli*> past two years, leaving his family here lie has labored in other fields. A few days since he came home, got into a row with his family, threatened to shoot his wife, was arrested, "bound over" to keep the peafle, pawned about #10,000 in notes and (mortgages and started back to his new held of labor. In the vineyard of the Lord, reached Chicago, entered a house of ill-fame, was robbed, made a complaint to the Polioe, recovered his money, got well advertised and again sallied forth to obey the command, "To preach the Gospel to every creature." Our Fair has proved itself true to the county whose name it hears, and all, or nearly all, are pleased with the showing and the result®. The show of cattle consisted of Durhams, Ayre- shires. Jerseys, Holsteins and Grades, each lot having lively competition.-- The horse show was as usual large and of good quality. The sheep pens were not all full but there wa« arespec table exhibit. The hog department was light, only two lots being on the ground, viz: Poland China and small Yorkshires. Farm and Garden Pro­ ducts were respectable in their show­ ing. The Gallery of Fine Arts was well filled. Dacy, Austin. Miller, Hau- perisch and Bishop made a fine display of Buggies. Wagons. Machinery, &c. The inevitable s'de shows were out in full force. The races were respectable and enjoyed bv the crowd. The Ad­ dress of Gen. Healey, of Rochester, N. Y.. would have been well received at a Greenback Rally, but was considered by most as inappropriate for the occa­ sion. The music was good »nd amuse­ ments enjoyable. The officers,superin­ tendents and committees worked with a will in the interest of the occasion, and deserve the thanks of the people of McHenry County for the h.ippy results and triumphant success of the McHenry County Fair of 1880. The Methodist society fed the multi­ tude. and whet: ail had eaten their fill to satisfaction, took up oft lie frag­ ments many baskets full. Judging from the comments the Mc­ Henry County Agricultural Board now have as good a half mile track and as suitably arranged Grounds and build­ ings as any in the State, and it is to be hoped that the people, particularly all those who bought their 50 cent tickets, whether4 lady or gentleman, will attend our next annual meeting in December, and help us to secure the best citizens the county affords, to man­ age the affairs of the Board for the year to come. The Woodsiock Dramatic Club gave two entertainments for the benefit of the Woodstock National Gur.rds. Full houses, financial success and well pleased patrons were among the re­ sults, A grand 4MM4 o*i F<-idny evening also contributed to the net proceeds for the benefit of the "Boys in Blue." The Democrats held their County Convention on Wednesday, nominated S. VanCnren again for Sheriff, ^E. C. Jewett for Circuit Clerk, J. S. Burrows for State's Attorney. We did not learn the name of the nominee for Cor­ oner, nor whom they endorsed for the State offices. On the I8th, if correctly informed, the Greenbackcrs are to have a grand rally at tliie place, at which their can­ didate for Governor will hold forth. We have been reading the prospects for.the Maine election, which comes oft to-day, and from a Republican standpoint we have good reason to ex­ pect cheering news to-morrow. Whether we win or lose the State, all must acknowledge the good general­ ship of Blaine in the conduct of the campaign. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will soil at public auction, on his farm, one half mile east of Ringwood, on Monday, Sept. 27th. 1880. commencing at 9 o'clock A. M.. the following property: 4 good work horses,2 two year old colts, 8 milch cows, 1 heifer, 1 durham bull 2 years old, 5 yearlings, 9 calves, 14 hogs, 8 slioars. 77 sheep, 27 lambs. 6 hives bees. 2 lumber wagons, 1 democrat wagon, I sewing machine, 2 sulky cultivators, 1 one horse cultivator, 4 plows, 2 drags, I hay rake, 1 corn shelter, 1 fanning mill, 1 reaper and mower, the undivid­ ed half of a corn planter, 2 set double harness, 1 buggy harness, 10 milk cans, 1 milk cooler. 32 tons hay. 24 acres corn in shuck, 1 pair bob sleighs, 2 cooking stoves, and other articles of household furniture too numerous to mention.-- The tariniug tools have been used but three years aud arc nearly as good as new, TERMS OF SALE. All sums of 910 and under Cash.-- Over that sum a credit of oueyear will be given on approved notes at 6 per cent interest. JOHN KOHN. FARM FOR RENT. I offer for rent on reasonable terms, 235 acres of good land. 120 acres' under plow, the balance]pasture aud hay land. Apply to JOHN KOIIN. Colby Bros., have just received a full line of Youth's and childrens clothing, and can now fit any from five years old up. Their stock of clothing is com­ plete in every ptrticular, to which they invite the attention of the buying public. CARPENTERVILLE FLANNELS. All those wishing to secure some of these Goods should call on us. We have about forty pieces on hand.hut are fast closing out We have bought all of these and when gone can get no more. STEVENS & SCHNORR. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT 9. r. BENNETT. a. F. TiKHNKTT is hereby authorize! to take subscriptions and orli»rs for a<l vermin? i»n<l Job Work for the Pr.UNORW.KR, re<-«ive money therefor an'l rtweipt for the HMnc.-- A!) or tor.H left with hiiu will receive prompt attention.--Editor. The Public School Is quite full is all departments. A force of workmen are at work on the railro-id bridge, on Broadway. Six of the Kritinpeu family hare come down with diptheria to date. Of this number, one has died, four are con­ valescing and one Is y«»t very sick. Jud Stewart has a little hoy. about five years old, sick with inflammatory rheumatism. The disease is not com­ mon in children so youMg. The walls of Postmaster Aldrlch's "•'JK^M'lhling are slowly rising. The original plan of a "veneered" building is abandoned and the structure will be brick clear through. DIED--In Richmond, Sejit. 9, at II P. Eliza .1., wife of A. J. Howe, aged SS years, 2 mouths and 15 days. 1 AOARD. I I would hereby tender my heartfelt thanks to the many friends who light­ ened the care and somewhac alleviated the sorrow, by their kind help and sympathy during the last illness of my wife. Among the many who lent a helping hand I wish to expresss my particular obligations to Mrs. A. R. Al­ exander, Mrs. J. C. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Vinton. Mrs. Geo. Earring, Mrs. Milan Hicks, Mrs. G. B. Carpenter, Mrs. Rob­ ert Johonnott, Mrs. S. F. Bennett, Mrs. Geo. McConnell, Mrs. S. R. Ward. Mrs. J. W. Ilaythorn, Mrs. P. G. Skinkle, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. A. L. Brown, Mrs. J*. T. Eldredge, Mrs. Thomas Fisher, Mrs. Augusta Cornell, Mrs. Rev. DeLap. Mrs. Rev. Douglass, Mrs. W. A. McCon- nel. Mrs. Homer Hastings, Mrs. J, V. Ahlrich,Mrs.L. Peterson, Miss Sarah Peterson. Miss Inez Fisher, Miss Ida Sherman, Miss Louise Johonnott, Miss Carrie Pasher and Miss Frank lugalls. My thanks are also lite to my five old comrades of Co. C., 22d Wisconsin In- fiuitry, who left their business and came down to act as bearers at the funeral, viz: D. S. Allen, E. Button. Bloointield : J. M. Carey, Lewis Rollon, Orvllle Harrison, Genoa. That sorrow may long be a stranger to £*our homes, dear friends, is the wish of A, J. HOWE. Ladies of McHenry and vicinity should not fail to call and examine a first class line of Dress Goods, just re­ ceived at Fitzsimuions A Evansou's. The society event of the week was the marriage of Miss Carrie Potter, of this place, to Mr. Win. R. Heath, of Benton Harbor. Midi., at 11 A. M., Wednesday, September 8th, in the Baptist Church, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The pres­ ents were elegant ar.d costly. The bride wore a beautiful dress of the heliotrope tint silk, tiliumed with brocade silk and point lace. A very pleasant reception was held at the house at 2 p. St.. al which the following persons were present: A. B. McConnell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whit­ ney, Mrs. William Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. Vandecar aud son. Mrs. Robert Stewart, John J. Stew­ art, Mr. Charles Stewart, Miss Frank Nichols. Harry J. S;ewart, Miss Nellie Cox. Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart,Frank Smith, Miss Mary Darling,Mr.and Mrs. 1. N. Meade, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Alexander, Mr. aud Mrs. W. A. McConnell, Mr. aud Mrs. R. R. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cooley, Dr. and Mrs. 3. F. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown, Mr. aud Mrs. A. R. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hyde, Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haythorne, Mr. aud Mrs. A. E. Anderson, Mr. aud Mrs. G. B. Carpenter, Mr.and Mrs. OscarGibbs, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. John Vosburgh, Mrs. II. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bower. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cole. Edwin Potter, Mrs. A. B. Potter. Miss Cleinnie Norton, Mrs. Asa .pennett. Benjamin T. Potter. The following is a list of presents, as nearly as we could get it and is nearly complete: Allnrt Alexander and wife, point lace handkerchief. Fattier and Mother, purse of 9100. Brother Frank, complete set of crockery, 1. N. Moa<l ami wife, elegant carving set. Howard Heathand w ife, dozen silver knives. Maudie Carpenter, match sate. Frank Smith, cake knife. Jerry HobinRon and wife, set of teaspoons. Father and Mother, sot of forks. B. F Gibbs and wife, cake knife. Elder Anderson, a handsome book. Mrs. Cole, a volume of poems. Mrs- Minnie Overman, (Chicago) bracket and ornaments. Mr. Marrow, (Chicajro) handsome fan. Geo. Osmond and wife, glaits sauce dish. Mrs. A. I.. Brown, damask napkins. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McConnel, a beautiinl clock. hibbie and Lena McConnel, pie knife. Mr. ami Mrs. S. F. Mtath, cook stove. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morton, elegant castor and lamp. Mr. and Mrs. T Bowers, elegant berrjrdlsh. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. McConnel, cake basket. Mr. Win. Stewart and John Stewart, hand­ some water pitcher. Mr. and.Mrs J. Vosburg, gold piece. Dr. Ward and wife, " " Oscar Gibbs and wife " " Mr.and Mrs. Jesse Alexander, card re­ ceiver. Cecil Cox and wife, fruit dish. John J. Stewart, clock. Thos. Charles, cast«r. 1'eter Whitney and wife, spoon holder. Mr. and Mrt. ilennls, Elknorn, Wis., case of fruit knives. John VV. Ilaythorn and wife, nut picks. Win. Cooley ami wife, sugar spoon. Mrs. Vaudecar, (llwbron) berry spoon. Mrs. Gibbs, gold piece. Mr. aud Mrs. J. B. Hyde, beautiful toilet s«t. Mr- C. G, Cotting and wife, glasi water pitcher. ICd win Potter and daughter, butter knife and pickle fork. Dr. Bennett and wife and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Crosbv, bcautilul vase. Miss Nellie Moth, (Wanetkat) Individual ctstor. Albert Mygatt and wife, silver salt sets, and spoons. Geo. B. Carpenter and wife, elegant clock shelf. Wauconda l($ Cream Parlor. E. A. Golding would respectfully inform the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, is now open where the best of Ice ('ream will be served every day and evening by the dish or quantity. A full line of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. Mv Parlor is always cool and quiet, and I respectfully Invite all who wish anything in this line to call and I will try and please them. Ice Cream furni«iied at Wholesale or Retail, for Festivals, Picnics or Fami­ lies. E. A. GOLDIKO.' $50 Reward. STOLE*, from the premises of Cff%s. Mead on English Prairie McHenry Co. III. ou Friday night Sept. 3d. 1880 a new one horse bngify, one single har­ ness and one half set of double harness. The buggy Is painted black with red stripes on spokes aud sides of box. It is what Is called a tight box with low seat. The thin piece on outside of frame had been broken by being stepped on and been repaired by putting in two screws, the repairs are on the right hand side in front. Cushion of corduroy or material made for that purpose. Top rail on ilasir bent down between supports. Single harness, plain black trimmed, nearly new. The double harness was the same trimmed the collar being cloth lined instead of leather. The above described property is supposed to have been taken by two persons seen near Wilmot, Wis., on Friday afteriiobn. about 4 o'clock, go­ ing South, on the east side of Fox River. They had with them a small light grey or white Poney or small horse, with shoes on forward feet only, 'l'he horse had on a saddle and part of a harness; one man was riding and the other leading the horse. They were middle sized men and one had red hair and whiskers and one wore a white or light colored hat. Auy persou giving information where said property may be fouud will receive 4 reward of $25, and also $25 more for the apprelieusiou of the thieves. Address , CHAS. MKAl>, English Prairie III. FINE PICTURES FOR SALE, Miss Clara B. Owen, having decided to go to Europe, will offer for sale for the next few days, her choice collection of Fruit.Flower aud Landscape Paint­ ings, at prices within the reach ol' all. These pictures were all painted by herself, aud embrace some of the finest to be found in the country, and they will all be sold at remarkably low pri­ ces, as she is going away soon. Call at once and make your selection, as there is sure to be something you want. Attonton, Farmers Dairymen Sherman Brosr residing two mile* "' West of McHenry, on the Woodstock^ road, keep on band the following artl-" cles to meet the wants of farmers andf dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied tor) oon* sisting of boxes for water, any size tot suit. Barrels may be used or any wa*' ' ter vessel, spring or wells. Mi!k cansi with covers to exclude all foreign sub-> - . stances and allowi nc the heat "j;t| steam to escape. Antfa skimming de« vise, the most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap* plied tor) by which you can attach any kind of a Plow to any cora sulky eul« tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied tor) can be applied to' ^ wind mills, &c., to convert a forward aud back motion into a rotary motion. All the above articles we will sell' very low to suit the times. Call and examine for yourselves. S. A J. SHERMAX.. ,. ̂ FARM FOR 8ALE- f The und«*rsiened offers for sale hllf farm known a.« the Dunn Farm, con^ sisting or80 acres, situated 3J railed Southwest of McHenry. Said larm ii in good condition, well fenced, fail buildings, and on«" of the best orchard! >*',e section. Never failing running • water for stock in pasture. In short out* of the best and most desirable small farms in the county for eithei stock or grain. For particulars Inquire) of Chas. (1. Parks, uear the premises, or address, J. L. DLNN, Lawrence, Kausas. E. JM.OWGN "JK SON have just re­ ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to which they Invite the atteutiou «»f those wishing to purchase. They are as line as auy to be found lu the mar­ ket. !U BUY THE BEST. When you go to your Grocers call for the Hanly New Process Flour, aud take no other. If he don't keep it lie ought to, aud no mistake. For the celebrated Beloit Shoe, the best in the market, go to Colby Bros. Huaiiiess Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. 50 Trimmed Hats from fifty cents to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. Mearles. We have the Boss Glove Depot. FITZSIMMOX3 Jfc KVAN40M. The best Threshing Knuckles At M. Owen's. The Moline Sulky Plow at E. Owen's. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. Clocks, from $1.00 upwards. War­ ranted. At O. W. Owen's. When in want of work in my line, gi ve me a call and I will try aud please Robt. Murfltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite Inspec­ tion. Fitzsimmous A Evanson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searle*. We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. 8TKVBNS * SCHNOBB, The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searle*. For that new dress pattern call on Stevens A Schnorr, They keep, the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckevc Force Owen's. Pumps, at E. M All the Owen's. first-class Plows at E. M. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer A Becker's near the Depot. Ten lSlight Windows,glass8x10, al) perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owenr Lace Gloves Fitzsimmons Parasols. Fans, Ladies and Mitts now cheap at A Evanson's That Tea sold by Fitzsimmons A Evanson at 50 cents per pound la the finest new Jap for the mouev sold in this county. If you don't think so, just try some. FOR RENT. The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, theouly Gallery in the village of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession given at once. Apply to E. M. OWEN. We have the largest and best select­ ed stock of Gloves and Mittens of every discription, ever kept in tills town. We are sure we have just what 3'oi> want in this Hue, and, at close prices. STRVKNS& SCHNOKR. Hats and caps for men, vonths and boys In endless varieties and at such decided bargains we are bound te cre­ ate a boom in this department. Come at once and see for yourselves. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSOX. PRICES E EDUCED! One half on our entire line of broidery. Call and secure these gains. Em- bar* STKVKNS A SCHNORB. Autograph Albums, from Ave cent upwards, at O. W. Owen's. I AM GOING To make my fall purchases of STEVKKS A SCHNORR. They have the largest stock of Goods in town, and. sell the cheapest. Our stock of Boots. Shoes and Rub> hers for Fall and Winter is now in. We would be pleased to show these goods as we know them to be as good as any house in this county can produce, and perhaps we are selling them on a trifle smaller margin than others. It costs nothing to investigate. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. BOOTS! BOOTS! We have the best line of Boots In this market. Once known they sell themselves. The purchaser takes no chances. Fully warranted iu every particular. SIEVEKS A SCUKORB. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever and Ague. In the Whole tfbtorjr of Medletm No preparation has ever performed!- I, such marvellous cures, or maiutaineiflr| so wide a reputation, as Ayer's Cherry^R Pectoral, which is recognized as thei v world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long continued series of wonderful cures iu.'illclimates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Agai»st orditiarj colds, which are the forerun-' iters of more serious disorders, it acts speedily atul surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. The protection It aftords, by its timely use in the throat nnd lung disorders oi children, makes it an invaluable reme> „ dy to be kept always on baud in every "7^ home. No person can aftord to be with* ** out it, and those who have once usei| H it never will. From their knowledge ^ of its composition and effects. Physic* , - ians use the Cherry Pectoral extrusive* ^ ly iu their practice, and clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely certaiif iu its remedial effects, and wtll alwaysr cure where cures are possible. For salst by all dealers. Low Prices and good work. Murfltt, Jeweler* Nuuda. 111. Bobt 17 cents will buy oue pair of Ladies* Balbr'ggau Hose at Fitzsimmons M Evansetrs. Go to I. N. Mead near the Depot for the Best Mowing Machine. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Store lately occupied by J. E*. Vasey Iri the village of Riugwood. Possession given March 25th. For further particulars Inquire of MRS. A*K TiSBT. Bingwood, March U, 1880. You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saving. STBVBN3 & 3CHNOKR. IF yon wish to please your wife (and wh«» does, not) be sure and get a V Sack of that celebrated "New Process" Flour from Hauly's Mill. It certaiuly beats auy thing now in the market. Ladles of McHenry and vicinity ' don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods*, at Mrs. S. S^arles. Am now offer!ngt, fgreater bargains than ever. All workr u repairing done on short notice. TO WAGON MAKERS. To a good Wagon Maker and the s right man I will give the use of my Wagon Shop, FREE OF CHARGE It is one of tiie best atands iu McHnury County, and tor the right man there is a good opening. For further partic ulars call ou or address, T. J. CLITTOK, MCHEHRT, 111., July SOth, 1880. TO THE SICK. Owing to the removal of Dr. F. P. Brown from this place. Dr. S. P. Brown, of Elgin, will hereafter have an office at the Parker House. All those wishing to consult hiui will please call ou Thursdays of each week, from 10 A. M. to 1 p. M." Prompt atten­ tion given to all that may wish to see him. As the Doctor's tlnn is neces­ sarily limited it will be necessary for those desiring to see him to be prompt. a week in jroar onrn town. #S oatSt froe. No risk. Roador, if yoa want aSt busines at whlrh persons of either sax caw, make groat pay all the time thev work, wilt* for put-tieular* lo II. AIXBTT A Coc, X-ert- an<t, Mai no. The Fall C&mpaiga Now Opened, ':a .O, LAKE CO.. ILL- 3000- YARDS PRINTS Fast Conors just received at UM Low and Popular Price of 5 Cents per Yard. We have^o the finest Col­ lection of U tiljjMid Orimmentat Articles at the Low Vriee of * 5 Cents Each. > / & Call and see tbem. ; H. ROCKIt*. Yolo, 111., Aug. Ifth, 1! .s.xfL ~ 0 •!».>• Oil Ik . I d

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