• W Soldiers' Department. OOHKUOTKD BV DK. 8. F. BKKKBTV. TM1 PUBLIC LANDl^ Should the party present his decla- Vfttton through an agent, as authorized -Hi section 3300, said agent must pro- duo* s duly exoouted power of attor ney fmm th« nrini'inul defiriag to Viake the entry, who will be bound by tile selection his agent may make, the •ime as though made by himself. Where the party has failed to make entry within six months from the date Of filing, he is not'thereby debarred ttom making entry of the tract Hied tor, unless some adverse right has in tervened; and if so, he may enter some Other tract that is still vacant. 3d. The claims of widows and minor lu.irphiin children may be initiated by ^-V.&claration, as above. Minor orphan v dilidren can act only by their duly ap- t ffOinted guardians, who must lilo cer tified copies of the powers of guardian- chip, which must be transmitted to P . tills office by the registers and receiv ers with their abstracts of declarations. The law does not require, as a condi tion to enjoying its benefits, that the party should first file a declaratory Statement, and, as beloro stated, iwrue dtate entry may be made. 3d. Where a party entitled desires to make an Additional entry of a quan tity, which, with his original entry aliall not exceed one hundred and sixty teres, it is required that a full recital Of military service be (presented to this office, with due proof of the iden tity of the party making the claim* j|nd with proper reference to his orig- ' tnal homestead entry, and description of the land. In addition, a detailed •tatenrent, under oath, must be filed by the party in interest, setting forth the facts respecting his right to make •he entry, and containing his declara tion that he has not in any manner ex orcised his right, either by previous entry or application, or by sale, trans^ for, or power of attorney, but that the same remains in him unimpaired. He must also declare, under oath, that he has made full compliance with the homestead law in the matter of resi dence upon, cultivation and improve' ment of, his original homestead entry; and should further recite whether or not he has proved up his claim and re ceived a patent of the land. When these papers are filed and ex amined, they will, if found satisfactory, be returned with a certificate attached recognizing the rleht of the party to make additional entry under the law; and when presented with a proper ap plication at any district land office. «ither by the party entitled or his agent or attorney, they will be re ceived by the register and receiver, -and forwarded with the entry papers to this office in the usual mauner. The fee for examination and certifi cate, under the seal of the office, will be one dollar, which must in all cases accompany the papers presented for approval. Where 'the party's first entry has been consummated, the register aiul receiver will require him to make ap plication in the form prescribed, Xo. 44, and to pay the same fee and com missions as Incases of original entry; the receiver will issue his receipt for the money paid, and these papers wil] receive the current date and the prop er numbers in their homestead series Then to complete the transaction--it being the object, for the convenience of business, that the additional entry papers, and the Anal papers therefor In such cases, shall be kept separate and distinct--the party will make pay ment of the usual final commissions on the entered tract, for which the re ceiver will issue his receipt; the regis ter will thereupon issue his final , cer tiflcate for the additional tract, form No. 45, the receipt' and certificate to bear their proper numbers in the final homestead series,likewise a reference to the original entry and to the final certificate thereon by their number and also by tlielr district where the party's first entry shall have been made In a different district. Forui No. 43 as folio ws: (No. 45.) Additional Entry under Section 230ft of the Revised Statutes of the United St/atM. • Land Of eice at. ... (Pate) 18. BASKET MAKING. The undersigned Is prepared to fur nish Willow Baskets of hi«> own make, of %11 kinds. Fine Baskets a specialty. Market, Clothes, and all other Baskets made to order. Will also repair all kinds of light work. Give me a call.-- First House South of the Claremout House, on the McHenry and, Richmond road. NICK WINKLES. McHonrv. Iftth, 187#. New Hardware 8tori» I. N. MEAD! NEAR THE DEPOT, xDEAI.RR IN-- IN THE- STOVES, Tin. Copper anil Sheet Iron Ware, Tdble and Pocket Outlcrv, Scissors and ShiMira, Horac Rasiig, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Sails, urn! f.iles of every description. Atso everyiliinn thatis generally kept in a Hard ware Store. , Being a Practical Workman, T ahull spare no pains in trying to Rive satis, fiu tion to all who favor me with their patron age. All kinds of Jbbitig In my Une will receive prompt attention. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in my line I. N- MEAD- Mc.Henry, Oct. 10th. 1879. Boot and Shoe Business, And to do this we have brought to McHenry Co. this Fall more foot wear than ever before. Our store is headquarters for the cele brated SELZ Boots and Shoes. We buy aftd sell more goojls in.our Une tlian all other dealers in Woodstock, and buy and sell for Cash. Also are the only exclusive dealers in Boots and Shoes in the County.v && Mr •We SC, Ready for Fall Trade : : v A «;.* * 'Men-,' r Jt -V- r '• i teAj' ail McHenry, 111. -DEALER IN-- ** mm 1> > • 1 Atm wm •• i « a • Has just put in his Store a Larger Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet and Articles. ?*** than ever, and is senium at ° the very Lowest prices possible. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. WOODSTOCK, ILL. JOHNSBURCH Final Certificate No.... j Application } No... *'• f, • COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALEKS IX-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brought to this market, consisting in part ol Also Bottled Ale and Por ter for Family Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescript ions Carefully Compounded. Give me a Call. q yu BESLEY McHenry, 111., Aug. 20th, 1879. " " " Dri MarlWorts. HENRY MILLER, T-DKALKR IN-- American Mi Foreip HarMs. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American A Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, 111. Johnsbnrgh, Ang. 90th, r1877 GOLD Great chance to make money. _ We neetb a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest- cheapest and l>e«tUUustrate<l family publirn tion in the worM.' Anyone can become a sue ccssful agent. Six elegant worVsof art given free to subscribers. The price is r-o low that almost everybody subs 'vines. One ager.t re ports t:iking 120 subscribers in a day. A lady agent reports making over $200 clear prollt in ten days. All who engage make money fast. YOU can devote all vonr time to> tire BUSINESS or only your spare time. Yow neerf not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full di reef foil s and terms free. Elegant and expensive outfit free. If you want profitable work send u» your ad. dreas at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Address GKOBGE STIKBON & Co., Portland, Maine- It U hereby certified that, pursuant to the provision* of section 2306 of the Revised^tatuteB of the United State* has paid the fee and com mUMons and mail A entry of the....of section of township... .of range.. c o n t a i n i n g . . . . w h i c h a d d e d t o t h e quantity embraced in hi* original homestead No... .on which he line made final proof, a* per certificate No., does not exceed 160 acre?. Now, therefore, be it known that §n preoentatio i of this* certificate to lie Commissioner of the General Land Office, the said shall he en titled to a patent for the tract of land Above described. Register tn ease the party h»9 not made proof Oil fits original homestead entry wlie he applies for additional land, he will be allowed to make the additional en try on proper application, as above stated, and paving the usual fee and commissions for which the receiver will issue his receipt; the papers to re ceive their proper numbers in the homestead series, with a reference thereon to the original entry. There after when the party shall make final proof on the original entry, he will be required to pay the final commissions on both entries, when a Ami receipt will be issued for the mmipv, and thereupon a final certificate issued to call both for the tract, in the original entry and the additional tract. On these papers the register and receiver will make a reference to the original and the additional entry, and on tliem ew® patent wili issue for both; yet where it happens that the original en try and the original entry are made in different land districts, this rule tnnns^he departed from so far as re gard*! the lining of one final certifi cate and rfed'hit for both, ELGIN ACADEMY. ELGIN, ILL. DEVOTED TO A THOROUGH PREPARATION FOS COLLEGE. TEACHING, BU8IHE88 LIFE. Kail Term commences Monday September 6, 1880. Winter Term commences Mon day, November 29, 1880. Spring Term commences Monday March 13, 1881. Tuition from $7 to $12 Term ot twelve weeks. No Change of Teachers. per JACOB STORY, McHENRY. ILL. DEALER IN ,, uiuuuuy BOOTS AM) SHOEH, and Paints, Oils, Drugs, Medicines, •> Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and WiHowware, Groceries, Etc,- Etc, igT'We have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat isfied that we can suit them both in quality and price. The Largest Stock of S T O V E S , Hardware, Iron ait Steel, In the county Please call and examine. T. J. DACY! --ljas recently Purchased-- WOODSTOCK, II LINO. S. A Text Book in the Theory and Practice of Teaching will be introduced into the Normal Course A class will be formed in the Post-Graduate Course, taking the studies of the Freshman year of Vassar ollege. Classes in the Business Course at the beginning of each term. For Courses of Study and other Particulars, send for Catalogue. k/ J O. Davidsc A. G. J. Tefft, President. Secretary LR8, Principal. m"C*C! OfaMkinrig, Tumors, disc, hai >{<!8 oiBplnnil or mucous, ami all liseiises of the Rcrtuil M u i<*klv anrl norfectly curd 5>y a simple »tj ' 1**""fhiri jr remedy. Vol formation 1l.lren . 15 iW- .J.KAUKll A CO. 22 Ann St,. N. Y. 1) T? CT business now Ueforc'tlK- (nitilir J. You cati make money iiister :it work for us than at nny;hii>K else. Capital not required. We will start you. *12 a day and upwards made at liome l»y tlie industri ous, Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the tiiii<" You "can devote your whole time to th«i work, or only vour spare moments. No other busi ness will pay vou nearly '*» well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and term* free. A great opportunity for making m o n e y e a s i l y a n d h o n o r a b l y . A ' U l r e s s T I M ' K A, Co., Augusta, Maine. "GUIDE "to" SUCCESSr WITH FOR Business A N D Society. Is BY FAK the best Business and Social Onideand Hand-Book ever miblislied. Much the latest. It tells both sexes completely HOW TO IM> KVKKYTIIING in the best way, llow to be Your Own Lawyer, How to (lo Business Correctly apd Successfully llow to Act in Society an<l in every part of life, and contains a gold mine of varied information, indispensable to all classes for constant ref erence, A«SK>fTH W<%NTKO for all or spare time. To know why this baok of RKAL value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for terms to H- B- SCAMKELL & CO , ST. LOUIS, MO. At one time 60 of which lie re ceived last week and the balance are now on the road, and I have this day sent mv order for GO more to be shipped in Juue. The increasing demand for the well-made, durable, thorougbl^ testad and low priced Carriages made bvE # u, Fisher & Co., which ar i d to every part of the Noi i \ erican Continent The favoi1 i - eputation these Carriages nave made in McHenry county, where they have been used for several years by Livery men. physicians and tarmers, has led to such a demand for them that we are oblijosd,,-to resort to selling them at ^Q0Pou in neigh boring towns. Every carriage sold by us is warranted for one year. Our stock is complete and much larger than can be found with any retail dealer in the Northwest. T. J. DACY* Woodstock, June 9th, '80. AGENTS WANTED I . IFK AND ADVKNTI IIRSOF FRANK AND JESSE JAMES, THE MOTES WESTERN OUTLAWS. By Hon. J. A. Dae us, Ph. P. A true and thrilling account, (Illustrated) of their bold operations for 1* vears in -20 different tates and Territories, battling detectives and ofll eials of the law. Best Selling Hook of the year. 10.000 sold- in three months. SO cents for outfit; $l.ftOfnr sample ropy l.ilieral terms to A ire n t s . \\ I). THOMPSON' A CO. , Pub. lishcT.;, Jiltfl 'iuo St.,St. Ij«tu£, Missouri- HAVE GIVEN PBICES BILOf. Extension Tables, $1. per foot. Breakfast lables, all walnut, $3.75. Centre Tables, from $3.50 and upwards. • Common Bed steads, $2.75, $3.00 French black waliiut bedsteads, $5.75 and upwards. Common Kitchen Chairs, $3. C ane Seat Chairs $5 up to $14, Bureaus $9 and upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaids. Lounges, Brussels Carpet, $8. Mattresses, all sizes. $2.75. Bu reau, with 14x24 Glass, $15. Looking Glasses and Brackets, Wall Pockets, etc. I also keep on hand a fine as sortment of COFFINS AND CASKETS. ISlPHearse furnished at sonable rates. rea- Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket utlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass. GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STC RY. Attention! v- - JOHN B. BLAKE McHenry, August 23, 1880. A. H. HANLY & SONS, -- PROPRIETORS OF THE-- MCHENRY BRICK MILLS. \ K A R THE DEPOT. We are Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to give close bargains on all kinds of j Farm Machinery. We make a speciality of all the leading Machinery, among which are Walter A. Wood Reapers and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst Js Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and unrivaled iger Rake, Hollings- worth Rakes and several others. PUMPS PUMPS! PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the elebrated BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a W ooj Pmnp. We keep an assortment of Wagons and Buggies ot all kinds. Howe's Planters, and in fact everything that a farmer wrants. Also If in want of anything in our line do not fail to call as we know we can suit you, at tho^Old Stand, opposite the Mill. li.M. OW133> &sorv. McHenry, - Illinois The public are respectfully in formed that the above named firm have constantly on hand a large stock of the very Finest Flour, Bolted Meal, Feed, &c. We have unusual facilities for- Manufacturing and are well pre pared to do • Will fori With all possible dispatch, and we are confident that no Mill in the Northwest can surpass us, cither in the promptness of work done for customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY. ISir'MERCHANTS and others who handle Flour are especially requested to give us a call, as our different Brands of Flour are second to none in the market. Than king the public for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same. A. H. IIANLY & SONS. McHenry, 111., Aug. 10,1880. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDtCINK TRADE MARK. Tiio GreitKaftM TRADE MARK. lUmedy; An unfailing cure Apr Sitnlml Weak- sic-ts, Sperraator* Hi nt, Impoteoer, and all that follow M a ne* qucnce of Self- l*6for£ TYikiner. a* Loss of After Yakinf, Memory, Universal Lassitude. Palo io tU B»ck. Dim&tnef Vision. Premature Old Age, and manj other Di*ca*e* tfcal lead to lD*aulty or Consumption, ai>d a Premature Grare. <£T Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we <te»lr« t» vend free by wail to erery one. (T7*Tfce SpeciAc Medicloeta •old by all druggUts at $1 per package, or aftx pMkaget Ibr |&. or will b« tent free by mail m receipt ef ihe bmocJ bf bddreeeing TIIE GRAY HEI>rri!IR CO., llscit.xic'. B LOCK , Dmon. V MB . Sold in McHenry, and every where by all Driursri«tf. v I.N. MEAD, AGENT. ~" For Ruckcyc II;u vest«T, Binder and Mowing Machine, McHenry. 111.