WEDNESDAY OCT. 13, 1880. < Railroad Time Table. SOUTH. laneva LAKE PaMensfer.. 7:*SJA..JX Geneva Lake Kiprtu .8:2# A m. Lake Freight 1:15 P. « Steamboat Express 3:16 P.M. QOIJTO HOKTH. Steamboat Kxprcs* ... ...-- 10:00 A.M. Geneva Lake freight 10:02 A. M. Geneva Lake Express 5:49 p. M Ueneva I«*k« P»*sen*er 6:53 P.K REPUBLICAN MEETINGS The HON. JOHN C. SHERWIN, member of Congress from this District, will speak in this county as follows: At the Riverside Hall, MCHENRY, On Thursday evening. October 21st. At NUNDA, Friday evening, Octo ber 22d. Let every voter turn out. The Ladies are cordially invited. H. C. SMITH is building a large and and handsome addition to his hous*. Go to Mrs. E. W. Huwe for Cloaks and Dolmans. F THE Board of Registry were In ses- | tion at the Town House, in this village I oo Tuesday. Dry Goods and Notions for every body and prices low at FITZSIMMONS A EVAN SON'S. At the time of writing, (this Wednesday morning) Miss Addie Mc- Omber is pronounced no better by her Physician. W*. NICKLR. of Ringwood, will oc cupy die Pulpit at the M. E. Church on Sunday next. Services at the usual horrr. WE learn that Dr. O. J. Howard lias been fulte sick tire t»ast w«eek, but is mow reported better, and able to be around again. GRAND Republican Mass Meeting at Woodstock this Wednesday afternoon. (Governor Cullora and States Attorney Hills will speak. JF THE work of laying che abutments | tfor the new bridge is progressing fa- I worably. The Batavia stone is being \gjsed. WiE learn that Another "doctor con. (templates locating in this village. We •did not learn his name. It would •eem "to a man up a tree" that the r ^ field was full already. FOUND, in this village, on Sunday Oust, a Cost which the owner can have tiv caillinsr at J. J. Grilles' Saloon, prov ing property and paying for this aiotice. _ ' -Hate Md.U^ for men and boys fur «or cloth, high crown or low crown, late styles and good goods always cheap in price at FITZSIMMONS A EVAN- SON'S. REV. PETER AKVKDSON will offleiate •on Sunday, October 17th. at St, Johns Algonquin, at 10:30 A. M.; at Dole's Oiapel), Crystal Lake--Swedish Ser* •vices. 2:45 p. M.; English Services, 4 V. x . (THE social event of the past week •was the marriage of C. H. Beers, of Cliis village, and Miss Eva 0. .Tewettt of Grant Park. 111., a'nd H. B. Tyrrell, of Nuuda, and Miss Jennie Beers, of McHenry. Their many friends wish them much joy in their new departure. IN another column can be found the new advertisement of Bauer A Co., the celebrated Piano men, which those con templating purchasing an instrument •will do well to read. The Bauer PJano lias no superior in the market is the •verdict of all musicians. Read the advertisement. WE are informed that Miss Abble A. ItfcKinney, oldest daughter of S. S. Mc- Itinney, of .Malcolm, Nebraska, di-^d at tier father's residence last week of Ty phoid Fever. Mr. MeKinney was for merly a resident of this place, and his many friends here will be grieved to learn of this sad bereavement. WE learn that burglars^ paid the r*tore of J. W. Cristy, at Ringwood. a visit on Monday night, but only suc ceeded in getting away with goods to the amount of #25 or $30, As winter approaches these rascals are getting more bold, and our business men will do well to prepare to give them a warm reception. Good aim and ao .quarters should be the motto. IN our notice last week of the M. E. Parsonage, we said that Mr. Adron had raised about 01500 to bniid the Par- eanage. We should have said that 41500 in repairs had been made since Mr, Adron had come here but a por tion of it was donated. But neverthe- I lest it was all through the personal ef- \ forts ot Mr. Adron, and he is entitled V to great praise therefor. THE new comet is attracting the at- tention of our local astronomers. It is located !n the constellation Bootes, be tween Delta and Epsilon, the nearest bright star beinjr Arcturus. It is visi ble to the naked eye and ha* been growing rapidly brighter since its dis covery. The planet Jupiter is also •ory near us and its moons are visible wi th the aid of a common opera glasf. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS went to the rity ou Tuesday to buy her Winters Stock of Millinery, Cloaks, Ac., and will in a few days have in store one of the finest stocks of goods in her line aver brought tothi6 town, to which she Invites the ladies to call and examine, conjdent tliat she can please the in in quality, style and price. The latest styles to be found iu the city. .Call and 6«c lUcrn. THE Ladies Church Aid Society of Ringwood. will meet at Mr. O. Gflm- plby's, 1} miles south west of the vil- J|lgS*,on Thursday next. MRS. W*. I.ARGUAM, See'y. Br t notice elsewhere it will be seen that C. Steffemann has again been obliged to oiler a reward for the dis covery of the vandals who are destroy ing his property. This time his gate and fences were torn down and the cattle let into his corn and cabbage. It would seem that this kind of per sonal revenge were too low for any one to resort to, and we are sorry to know that such persons do exist in our midst. PERSONAL £. F. Parsons a»d his sister-ln-lAw, Mrs. Burnliam Parsons, of Malcom, Neb. are visiting with frieuds in t|iis vifec, r Clara B. Owen left Chicago on I Tuesday for Paris where t)M PROGNOSES I to remain about oue year. IT IS said that no counterfeit so difficult of detection as the $100 "queer" now in circulation . has ever been known in America, The plate is so arranged that it can be adjusted to suit the issue of any national bank.-- This makes discovery of the fraud al most impossible^ except at the trea^. ury, and there, strange to say. the cheat can only be proven by the superi ority of the workmanship expended upon it. Country newspaper publish ers should he careful to scan their $100 Mils closely hereafter. WITHOUT regard to '• the prevailing style," let it be distinctly understood that the materials for all of tiie gar ments which our words seem to fashion are woven in the loom of truth and justice; and if any men whom "the coats seem to lit." claim that they are "cut «.n the bias" of personal dislike, let them ponder upon the truth of the old and golden adage, "the way of the transgressor is hardand, by doing "unto others as they would that others should do unto theiu." eani that respect which modesty, honesty, truth and moral gopdness ever insure to all who possess and practice those royal vir tues. A. D. Lynn and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday in thl9 village. Mack Church. Republican candidate for She rid, was ou our streets ou Sat urday, County Treasurer Nish, Sheriff Sted- man, G. L. Sherwood, of the Wayeriy House, R. C. Jefferson and others', of Woodstock, were over here fishing ou Saturday. Rev. W. A. Adron started for the Annual Conference ou Tuesday. John M. McOuiber spent Siruday last witli his family iu this village. F. A. Ilebard started tor Kansas on Monday morning. He expects Mtu be gone three oOour weeks. Dr.-F. J. Cross and wife have been .spending the past week among frieuds in Milwaukee, Wis. Henry Kleifget;, of Chicago, who has been visiting the past two weeks with friends in this village, returned to Chi cago on Monday, Miss llattie Grander, neice of Hon. F. K. Granger, is visiting iu this vil lage. ' - s W. Parker of the Parkar House, this village, is visiting friends in New York State. PROF. R. D. SCOTT and family are rehearsing and will bring out at Dun dee on Friday and Saturday «* veilings of this week, the Opera of "Pinafore," or "the Lass who Loved the Sitilor."-- Prof. Scott l»as no superiors in this line, and we can assure the citizens of Dundee that a rich musical treat is in store for them. Prof. Scott as Sir Joseph, K.C, B., Mrs. Scott as Little Buttercup, Miss Mabel Scott, as Jose- phene, are each perfection in their parts, and sustained hy the excellent class which we are informed they have at Dundee, they will give an entertain ment well worthy the patronage of the public. We trust that they may have full houses on Friday and Satur day evenings. THE Sociable at the M. K. Parsonage on Monday evening was largely at tended, md was a very enjoyable af fair. The gathering was a farewell to Mr. Adron. who started for Conference on Tuesday morning, arsd the large arowd. showed the high regard iu which lie is held both as a Preacher and cit izen. The best wishes of this entire community will go wltH TilW in his new field, wherever it may be. The refreshment part was perfection.- the ladies, having taken this part into their own hands, had an abundance and to spare. Over two hundred took sup per and yet there was plenty left. After supper a voluntary donation was made by those present and about $G0 was raised. The **ven n ; was spent iu the most pleasant manner, music, sing ing, reading, &e., being the order of ex ercises, which was enjoyed to its fullest extent by all present. We believe no Pastor ever left McHenry whose de parture was so generally regretted by all. He had won the love and respect of the entire community, both in and out of the Church. That his lot in the future may be cast in pleasant places, is the wish of--yours truly. THE sociable held at the parsonage was well attended and was a very en joyable affair, the principle draw back being the limited capacity of the j house. Finally the crowd occupied | the church where they were entertain- ; ed for a short time with music, select i reading.etc. The refreshments offered were such as to reflect much credit up- j ou the taste,skill and liberality of tiie ladies, as over two hundred were fed j like princes--with the best of food and ; attended by the best of waiters. After , supper Mr. Granger made known the j fact that there was a small sum still due the pastor and that any who felt so disposed might contribute, The announcement met with a hearty re- | spouse and about sixty dollars were raised. The people here generally feel j that by the removal of Mr. Adron we | lose a faithful christain minister, anil ! he has their best wishes for his pros perity In whatever field that may be assigned him. CITIZEN. THE Republican lial!y in this vil lage on Wednesday* last, drew out a large crowd, and the speech by Hou.J. M. Hamilton was one of the best of the campaign. His remarks were plain, straightforward and to the point.-- lie called special attention to the ele ments upon which the Democratic party depends for Its support, and who if they succeed, will control the government. Taken all iu all his speech was clear, forcible and earnest, carrying conviction from its candor, which appeared in all he said. His ringing utterances were received with strong manifestation of approval and will bear fruit. He was followed by Hon. Henry D. Dement, Republican candidate for Secretary of State, who made a few appropriate and well timed remarks. The meeting was a success in every particular, and proved that the Republicans of McHenry and vicinity are alive, and will give a good account of themselves iu November. Keal Estate Transfers. The following is the list of transfers in McHenry county for the two weeks ending September 30,1880: G A Palmer ami w to J B Butler pt U 8 l>lk 2 Ellsworth's add to Nunda, *200. J K Uutlerand w to E Ballou. do, «2(0- «eo s Wi skhan ami w to J. P Wickliam 8\v\ sw!*' sec l!t a:i l 5 n in 11 \v V uw)£ Sec to UIHI ae1* ue*4 see 21 Allien, $JIHK). K Gr men and w to A Itosenkruna 00 a in sec 'J and 10 AlfroiKjuin.$-2500. S Sicilian to F Nicman 90 a in sec 27 Coral. $aooo. r, J U.JeUn#on v to Murphy * Kaaaon- p t l t a u f k 6 W o c p U t o e k , | 4 5 . Mary K Warner and litis to Clara Grimes 1 111 ami 12 l>lk 13 N inula, #600. 1) Mitchell and «• to J 1) Ferguson pc In vh auU sec 33 Algonquin, $1101). M A Howell and w to J MiUluuirhlin 202a in sec 13 24 and 23 Green wood, $1200. D ('lute and w to J lliicas pc in nw.Vt' sec 4 Coral ,$1700. C C Cox et al to C G Cox e„V «wj» (ex 10 a) sec 11 Altfonnnin, $1. David Spool and w to Delia Taylor 13.11 a in sec 22 ltiley, $85",25. X Sanford et al to Geo W alker pc in aec 22 Seneo.'i, #37.50. s K Gates an I w to C Pflngree 49 a |iit see 3 Al£on<iuin, $1372. A J Harrows and w to Wm Barrett 9 a in se.^4 set. 12 Dunham, $H4, J Jackson to A llGoodsell do, $12.50i Mary A^mithtoE K Ayer pt It 1 in bk 2 Smiths add to Harvard, VI.VM. T Huntley and w to W G and II G Sawyer It in Ilnntley Sta., $3d0. Win Trit to same und % It 2 blk 8 Huntley $800. Same to G F Butler Its in blk 1 Iluntley Sta #1500. J I) Rrinkerlioflf to J Gannon ne.V sec 22 Gral'tcn, Hear Ye! Hear Ye! When buying your fall and winter Clothing dont fail to examine the stock just purchased by F. G. Mayes, as his stock is now complete and bought for cash at the late decline iu goods. His assortment of Cassimeres and Worsteds for suiting is worthy of your especial attention anil will bo ninde up to order at the lowest prices for fine goods and superb workman ship. F. G. MAYES. McHenry, III., Oct. 14th, 18S0. $10 Reward, The above reward will be paid for evidence that will convict the person who broke to pieces and carried away the gate in front of my land, thereby letting in the cattle, destroying corn, cabbages. 4c. The dastardly act was done either Thursday or Friday night, and any person who can tell me who done it will receive the above reward. C. S5TKGEMANN. EDITOR PI.AINDKALKR:-- We nee In the Woodstock Sentinel of the 6tii Inst, that the Itev. W. Collins, who has been preaching at Nunda more or less for sometime past, proposes to take a va cation of three months. The people here are a little curious to know what he intends vacating, the pulpit or the use of the jack plane. This gentle man, we learn, came all the way from Waukegan to deliver his farwell dis course 011 Sunday last, but failed to do so, there being a lack of hearers, re turned home oil the same day disgust ed no doubt at the amazing stupidity and bad taste of the Nunda public.-- Query: Did he discover that misteri- ous hand, writing those telling sensa tional words on the church wall Mene Mene Pekel Upharsin. "Weighed in in the balances and found wanting.'1 Mr. Collins has earned a flattering re putation as a mechanic by which (if the ungiateful people refuse to hear him preach.) we heartily wish him success in gaining a good honest living. October 9th, 1880. Geo. Dickinson, ot Barrington, a graduate of the Chicago College of Pharmacy, has purchased the drug business of L>r. Horn, of Nunda, and will keep a full lino of drugs, medi cines, paints, oils, varnishes and colors, school bookfe, stationery, jewlery. pocket cutlery, etc. All goods will be selected with the utmost care, and will be sold at prices that will defy competition. WOODSTOCK EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--We were un able to make connections last week, but as there was very little news, your readers lost but little by the failure. Court has been in session for two weeks, closing on Thursday afternoon of last week. Judge I. G, Willsoii pre sided during the first week and Judge C. W. Upton during the last week. One of the most important case3 tried was the case of Mofiat vs. the town of Grafton for the relief and sup port oi a poor persou by the name of McGrath. Iu this case the equities and sympathies seemed .to be with the plaintifl. but he was beaten on a tech nical law question. A. W. Smith and O. H. Giimore for the plaintiff, and B. N. Smith for the defendant. Another very Important case was that of Hatch vs. I.euzing A Schaffer in which both law aud a predominance of evidence seenned to be with the de fendants, but which was decided in favor of the plaintifl. B. N.Smith for plaintiff and Murphy and Joslyh for defendants. We will name still another case which was of much importance ou ac count of the costs iu the case it having been cerried up to the appellate court and referred back for new trial;-,viz'., Cullen vs. Axtell. Verdict for defend, ant. Murphy and Giimore for plaiutitt and Lyon for defendant. The most contemptible case tried was an appealed case of Levi Disbrow vs.School District No. 3, iu Alden in which the real matter in controversy was only twenty-live cents, which the directors were obliged to acknowledge that the Plaintifl had earned but claimed some acquiescence in a partia] agreement to do the work for less than the plaintifl understood. Cheevcr for idaiutiB aud B. N. Smith for defend ant. The trial of tlte People vs. Abraham Jones for shooting a little boy by the name of Manly, resulted in a convic tion aud five years at Joliet. The case of the people vs. Hugh T. Donnelly for Bastardy, which was tried at the last March term of our County Court, and defendant found guilty ami appealed to our circuit court aud taken thence to Rockford ou aciiange of venue, is to be tried this week iu the Winnebago Circuit Court, whither A. W. Smith for the people and the people's witnesses go this Monday evening. Politics are "on the carpet" for a full share of the people's attention. The street politicians are devoting their energies iu behalf of the three parties, principally Republican aud Democrats and all are conscious, or seemingly so, of having saved the country by their personal eflorts, The Gartleld Club have had full and enthusiastic meet ings in the Court House for three suc cessive Friday evenings, addressed in order by Hon. J. C.VQarver of Rocktord, Col. Wilcox, of Elgln,Jind last Friday evening by O. H. ^Uinore and T. V. J$<hly».-<-l*«re out and enthusiasm of each of these meetings, Garfield aud Arthur are sure to win. It is quite generally under stood that the split iu this Senatorial District between this and Lake Coun ties Is to be satisfactorily arranged and that the majorities are to carry the day as they always should, having a proper respect for the rights of the minorities. Richard Marriatt has died since our last writing. Mr. M. was an English- man by birth, and a'man of quiet and industrious habits. He leaves a wife and three children who are zealously industrious and have the sympathies of the community in their bereave ment. But to go back to politics. The great day of the campaign in this county is expected to be next Wednes day when Ills excellency, Gov. Cullom aud Hon. L. L. Mills are expected here. The fact that our Governor Is to be with us should induce all who can to be on hand to see aud hear him. Aud as to Mr. Mills, his eloquence, ability and strict adherence to principles of right iu the discharge of his duties as States Attorney of Cook County have made him a terror to evil doers. Al though a young man he has already earned from those who know him best the title of "The Rufus Clioate of the West," and to fail to hear him would be to miss the occasion of the cam- paign. Both democrats and Republicans are waiting with anxious breath the result of the October elections as if that were to determine the issue in November, but we fail to ?ee why that need to be so. Should Indiana go Democratic nothing is gained by them because that is a Democratic State, but should the Republicans carry that State they will have great cause to rejoice aud be eucouragcd because to them it is a gain WAUCONOA. EDITOR PLAINDKAI.KR:--The first grand rally of the campaign, by the Re publicans did not take plaue on Thurs day night as advertised owing to the noii-vrrival of tiie speakers. It was un avoidable in their part aud as much a disappointment to tlietn, as to t)i9 com mittee and friends who came expect ing to hear the speaking. It was not a disappointment to every one by any means* for it turned out quite lucky for our Democratic friends as Mr..Perry H. Smith, Congressman Springer and unexpectedly arrived and secured the Hall of the Republicans thus And ing an audience awaiting them. There is to be another trial ou Tuesday even ing which undoubtedly will be a sue cess and well worth attending, Our street comes slowly into shape. A good drain has been placed in the lower end which takes the water into the Lake w<thout injuring anyone, aud a crossing has been laid iu front of the Pratt House. As the latter bridges the% two guihes it looks as though it it would go rather hard with a wagon if it struck it just right Iu the night, but perhaps a filling up on each side will remedy the evil. The prize of twelve copies of the Primary Teacher given to the town .which had the largest number of teachers in attendance at the summer Institute was divided between Deer- tleld aud Wauconda. Six copies going to the former place and six coming here. Teachers to whom they belong can get them at F. B. Harrison's Drug Store. Prof. Sahiu recomuicnds that they be returned when lead aud bound at the end of the year for the perma nent use of the Circulating Library Association. Miss Ella McLean died on Thursday night and her funeral was attended on Saturday. Seldom has death caused such sincere sorrow to so large a cir cle ot frieuds, aud it will be long ere her schoolmates and others who fol lowed her coflln and heard the earnest words of the preachur forget the oc casion. aud longer still ere they for get the one whom they all lovej but who has now passed away. Mr. Andrew Bang's little son was stepped on by a horse on Saturday aud hurt quite badly. No bones were broken so he probably will be running aroniul as usual soou. Mr. Barney Martin also had a little son kicked by a horse iu the face and cut severely. James Sherban reports two horses down with the episootic. CLOTHING. Latest Style, well made,good Cloth, warranted to fit and wear. For men. youths and boys our prices are always FlTlSIMilOXS & JSVAXSOX. McHenry Cider Mill. The Cider Mill, at Bishop's Wagon Factory, is now in tip top running or der, and Apples will be made into Cider on short notice at 2 cents per gallon. Bring along your Apples and we will try and please you. R. BISHOP. McHcnry, III. Oct.l2th, 181 « OVERWEARJAND UNDERWEAR. You will need both before Spring. Come and see us we never sell an un dershirt unless it fits. F1TZSIMMOXS Jt EV AN SOX. Just received all tiie latest Stylos and shades of winter Millluery, XttS. t. W.IIOWE. iQrThft production of sufficient su gar for the wants of the people of the United States, it not for export, now seems to be a fact to be counted upon at no distant day. One of the greatest drains of wealth from this country for the past half century has been to pur chase sugar, at one time as much as #100.000,000 going abroad annually for tiiat purpose, and there was on our part at one time a serious considera tion of purchasing Cuba to save that outgo. But in the sugar cane, sorghum and beet root there are now probabili ties that the census will show a begin ning which will warrant the hope of the production of all our own sugar at no distant day. Besides, the patron age of Cuban sugar growing is one of the greatest aids to keeping slavery alive in tliat island, and America has now grown past tliat relict of barbar ism, and it is with great pleasure that the eflorts to produce our own sugar will be contemplated. TUB "New Process" Flour, manufac tured by Hanly & Sons, McHenry, is giving unusual satisfaction wherever Atk jour Groccr lor it. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his farm, 2 miles northeast of McHenry, on Wednesday, October 20th, 1880, commencing at 9} o'clock. A. M., the following property: 4 work horses, 2 two year obi colts, 1 sucking colt, 6 cows. 3 two year old heifers, 2 one year old heifers, 2 spring calves, 20 shoats. 20 pigs, 2 wagons, 1 buggy wa«aJ»vU»&. iHriM&igh*! 1 double cutter,' 1 sulky cultivator 2 plows, 3 hariows, 1 hay rake, I broad cast seeder, 1 McCormick combined reaper aud mower, 1 corn Qplanter, 12 tons tame hay, all the farming tools and a quantity of household furniture. TERMS OF SAI.K.--All sums of 96 and uuder cash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be given on approved notes at 6 per cent iuterest. MARV DE(TRICK. QWO. H STKWART, Auctioneer. HOTEL FURNITURE FOR SALE. E. II. Richmond, of the Richmond House, Woodstock, will sell his Furni ture and Hotel Fixtures at a bargain. This is a rare chance for any one de siring to engage in the Hotel business. FOR SALE. One large Cook Stove aud Furniture complete,one Me.lium Cook Stove, with Furniture, Two Good Heating Stoves, one large extension Table, and aquantity of Stove pipe, all near ly as good as new. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at the Morse place, of I.. STODDARD. Mrs. H. II, Hichols has just received a nice stock of fall aud winter goods the Latest styles that are iu the Mar ket. The extra quality of our goods are giving general satisfaction. Do not buy until you examine our stock and ascertain prices. A trial is all we ask, all goods as represented or money refuuded. MRS. H. II. NICHOLS. NOTICE. I will sell Oak Tanned Harness com plete for the next 30 days for ^^l per set. G. L. HUIIUAUD. Harness Maker, Ringwood, III. FOR SAI.E. 40 Acres of land in Section 12, al! fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundanoo, in See* tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nuuda road. Good new house, barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKY. NEW Fall Millinery, latest styles, just received at Mrs. S. Searles'. E. M. OWEN A Sox have just re ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to which they invite the attention «»f those wishing to purchase. Triey are as tine as any to be found in the mar ket. Low Prices and good work. Robt Murfitt, Jeweled, Nuuda. 111. 17 cents will buy one pair of Ladies' Baibr<ggan Hose at Fitzsimmons A Evansen's. BUY THE BEST. When you go to your Grocers call for the Hanly New Process Flour, and take no other. If he don't keep it he ought to, aud no mistake. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ao. We are now exhibiting a fine line of Top Buggies, Phaetons, bpeu Bug- gies, Platforn^ Spring Wagons of best make, auii warranted at lowest prices, E. M. OWT> JT Sox. Business Notices. Reed's Qilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. 50 Trimmed Hals from fifty cent* to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. Hearles. We Itave the BOM Glove Repot. FITZS1MMOX3 A EVAXSON. ; The best Threshing Knuckles at E. M. Owen's. WR have a large stock of the Mason Fruit Jars at reduced prices, STEVENS A SCUXORR. The Mollne Sulky Plow at E. M Owen's. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. When In want of work in my line, 5;ivo tnea call and I will try and please tobt. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111, Dress Goods Stylish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec tion. Fitzsimmons A Evanson. Don't bny your Ilats or Bonnets un til you have seeu and priced goods at Mrs. 8. Searles. We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STKVENS FT SCI1NORR, CARPENTERVILLK FLANNELS. All those wishing to secure some of these Goods should call on u«. We have about forty pieces on hand, but are fast closing out We have bought all of these and when gone can get no more. STKVKXS A SCHNORR. I'he largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. For that new dress pattern call ou Stevens A Schnorr, They keep, the la- est styles, and sell cheap. Buckeyc Force Pumps, at E. M Owen's. All the first-class Plows at E. M. Owen's. A flue line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. Parasols, Fans, Ladies Lace Gloves and Mitts now cheap at Fitzsiinnions A Evauson's That Tea' sold by Fitzsimniuiis A Evanson at 50 cents per pound I# the finest new Jap for the money sold iu this county. If you don't think so, just try some. FOlT RENT. The celebrated Ford' Photograph Gallery, the only Gallery in the village of McHenry. A first-class location.-- Possession given at ouce. App!y to E. M. OWEN. We have the largest and best select ed stock of Gloves and Mittens of every dlfacription, ever kept in this town. We are sure we have just what you want in this line, and, at close prices. STEVENS A SCHNORR. Hats and caps for men, vouths and boys in endless varieties and at such decided bargains we are bound te cre ate a boom iu this department. Come at once and see for yourselves. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. PRICES REDUCED! One half on our entire line of Em broidery. Call and secure these bar gains. STEVENS A SCHNORR. " Awogr*WATt>ums, from five nant upwards, at 0. W. Owen's. I AM GOING To make my fall purchases of STSVKNS I£'SCHNORR. They have the largest stock of Goods iu town, aud. sell the cheapest. FOR SALE OK RE NT. The Store lately occupied by J. E. Vasey Iu the village of Ringwood. Possession given March 36th. For further particulars Inquire of Mas. AHN VASEY. Ringwood, March 17, lStMi. You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for vour credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saving. STKVBX* ft SCHXORR. IF yon wish to please your wife (and who does not) be sure and get a Sack of that celebrated "New Process" Flour from Hauly's Mill. It certaiuly beats auythlug now in the market. Ladies of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now ottering ?;reater bargains than ever. All work u repairing done 011 short notice. For the celebrated Belolt Shoe, the best iu the market, go to. Colby llros. CIDER M|Lf<. The Cider Mill of JOHN W. SMITH, at his farm, one mile south ot Ring- wood. is now in first class running or der. where all can have their apples made Into cider oa short notice, and In the best of manner. This is one of the best Mills in this section, and no pains will be spared to please all who come. JOHN W. $>MITH. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wttuoonda, is now prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PRESSES, to make your Apples Into Ci der on short notioe .aud iu the best man ner. PRICE 50 CENTS PER BARREL. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaotVou In every (particular. M. COOK. INVENTORS AQIPLOYINC attornies fa miliar with the Patent Office, rarely fail of securing patents Experience ensures success iu prosecut ing contested entries and Mineral Land claims before the General Land Office. Long practice gives success in seeuring pensions. Presbrey A Green, Atlor> neys.509 Seventh street. Washington D. C. have had long experience in all branches of practice before the Depart ments. Parties having buisness should address them Conclostug stamp) for la formation. NEW MILCH COWS FOR SALE. The undersigned has a number of new milch cows, grade Jerseys, half and three-quarter blood, for sale.-- Persons looking for a first-class family cow'sliould not fall to call and see them at my farm 4 miles from Wau conda and 6 miles from Mclleury, ou the W auuouda road. T. BACOX. New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard aud up wards, at t'olbyp OS., Kiveicide block Attention, Fanner* Dairymen 0 ShemfSn Bros., residing tw*» mllea West of McHenry, on the Wood.<*tot-lc road, keep on hand the following arti cles to meet the wants of farmers aa«t dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied for) con sisting of boxes for water, any sixe to suit. Barrels may be used or any wa ter vessel, spring or wells. MiJk cans with covers to exclude all foreign sub stances aud allowing the heat and steam to escape. And a skimming de- vise. the most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap« plied tor) by which you can atlarh any kind of a Plow to any corn sulky mo tivator. Patent'Farm Gate flanging. ' Patent Pout Hole Auger. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied for) can be applied to wind mills. Ac., to couvert a forward aud back motion into .1 rotary motion. All the above articles we will sell very low to suit the times. Call ami examiue for yourselves. 3. * J. SHKRXA9. In the Whalt ribtvrjr of Medicine No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is recognized as tliU world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long continued series of wonderful cures in all climates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Agai***t oriiiuai*} colds, which arc the forerun^ tiers of more serious disorders, it acta speedily ami surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving life. The protection it affords, by Its timely lilt in tlic throat and lung disorders of children, makes it an invaluable reme dy to be kept always on hand iu everjr home. No person can afford to be with out it, aud those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and effects, Physic ians use the Cherry Pectoral extensive, ly iu their practice, and clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely certain in its remedial effects, aud will always cure where cures are possible. For sale by all dealers. Various Cause*-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis appointment. and hereditary predifr* position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed, prematurely, AYKR'S HAIR VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it • healthy action. It removes aud cures dandruff sml huuiors. By its use fall ing hair checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beauti fully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair,on which a few applications will produce the gloss and fieshiies* of youth. Harmless and sure Iu its oper ation. it is incomparable as a dressing, aud is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone It imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye.and will not soil nor color white cambric; vet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOR SAI.K BY ALL DEALERS. MARRIED. TVRR18LL-- BEERS,--At the icildtnc* ejf" llio bride'* mother, on Mhur*U»y wTiniaa October 7th, 1880, by Rev. W. A, A<tron. B. 11. Tyrrell, of Nunda, and Miss Jennie BeevSk of Mi; Henry. liEKRS --JEWKTT.-- In the MrtMM Church, Uraiit Fark. Ulipoii. October % n?BMri1Vf1llMfHenry*ItL,mmi Jewett^uftinnt Hark, III OALE--911 AL ES--At the Parsonage, te Gouoa, WU., Oct. 2d. lsso, by Rev. If. J. llouKlieti. Mr. Addi*ou G. lisle, ot Woe4* stock, aud Mia* Kiitnia M. Shall a. of Nua<Ub * week in your own town. |f on Mi flpUW free. No risk. Reader, if yon waat a bullies at which persons of either sex eaa make great pay all the time they work, write for particulars I©41. IUHT Jt CO., land, Maine. "•fll-. The Fall Campaign Now Opened, AT VOLO, LAKE CO. ILL. 3000 YARDS PRINTS Fast Colors just received At the La Mr and Popular Price oij 5 Cents per Yard* * We have also the finest Col* ^ lection of Useful and Ornamental Articles at the Low Price o£ 5 Cents Each. Call and see them. H.ROCEM* Volo, 111., Aug. 17th, 1880. The Celebrated fitolltoei "Red Cross," f\an befbaixt Dalanee of (fee eaaaaw •• V the stable of A. R. Boontei. Mhrea§«w where thoae wlto wish tii» aervieea eaa htm. For style aud »peetU awl in fact fur every tmint that eonatitute» a Aae bhuxlwl Ivn*. Red Ctom has iui iM«|M.-ru>r, Varraers *b«4 others wbi> Vi»h to itnprois their brce«t hor«ea shwiM nut fail to n-e him. For 1'odiaree and wilier jiarlKuUw appv at the atahie or to Kimam Mrcf. OryeaalLak*. Dated sept. W, Mk For Sale or Rent. I offer my farm mimaainfr of ••'J improved land, situated two H*»te» MonaviHe, and one and (inwuMrtk from Lipnincotts Lake Resort, la low a of Grant. Lake IU. for »al» er reat e* easy tonus, If sold long time will w H*** if desired. In mi ire of, add rem. a.UtTB. Fox Lake, Post Offlee. ____________ Village Property For Sale. For *alc, in Uto tillage. Ikt Mflt pro perty. sis aere# of land, more « (•*». SB tit !»•»>. plot, »n the village, of Mriivw;. la l»»lf lot-a ted and will l>e cheap, \IM> one Hou«e and Lot. I* la a ... Waliir. ha«a Well a»4 Uktfeta, and tdlior ronvenienrea. AUo one t ouUiuuk* tw* State*. a»t* fine lot edjoiain*. for farther parti«alara lapab* at |Mi