mriff • V Soldier*' Department. eoxonoTED fir dr. s. f. b*sxitt % - • p#:' " Urm public lands. (No. 49.) TIlfBER-CULTURE--ACT OF JUNE iw<-- 7 ; , L&xi> ^ ' - IUTK....18.. my appli- M entlon N«....fnr an entry uniler the l|i provisions of an act entitled, "An Act to amend an act entitled, "An act to en s' courage the growth of timber on the Western Prairies.'" apjiroved June 14. 1878. do solemnly that I am the head of a familv. (or over 21 years of »ge) and a citizen of the United States. ; (or have declared my intention to be- ii; come ouch) that the section of land V specified in my said application is composed exclusively* of prairife Imxls. or other lands devoid of timber; that : this filing and entrv is made lor the cultivation of timber, and tor my own exclusive use and benefit; that t have made the said application in good faith, and not for the purpose of spec ulation, ami not dirooilr or Indirectly for the use or benefit of any other per son or persons whomsoever; that I in tend to hold and cultivate the land, and to fully «*»ply with the provi sions of this said act; and that I have not heretofore made an entry under this act. or the acts of which thU is amendatory. ^ Sworn to «uid subscribed before me this. ...dayof....l8.. (Xo. 60.) JflfcipE H-CUL TURE. Receive!** Receipt,) j Application No.... r r no.... ( ' ^i^RBOSIVKB'S OFFICK DATE. .. .18.. /fiwlved of ... .......*&he sum of ....dollars,....cents, being the amount of fee and compensation of register and receiver, lor the entry ot....of section township of range.... under the first Bection of the act of Congress, approved June 14th, 1878, entitled, "Au Act to amend an act en titled 'an act to encourage the growth of timber on the Western Prairies.' " - -v'> Receiver. - • * -'"j m f ;> $A'<\s - Interested and credible w¬ses, who must appear in person before tlie reg ister and receiver. They must declare that they have personal knowfedga of the condition of the land applied for, and the facts to which they testify; and their testimony must be reduced to writing in the usual manner. The party must also present and surrender the duplicate certificate isreed when the declaration was died. When thU Is done, and the final proof made to the satisfaction of the district officer*, the receiver will receive the addition al payment of one tlollar per acre re ceipt therefor in duplicate, and give the party a duplicate receipt. The register will also issue a final certifi cate of purchase. They will give to these final certificates and receipts a special series ot numbers, and will make separate abstracts ot same at the end of each month, sending up there with the final certificates receipts and proofs. In cases where declarations shall he filed under this act for unsurveyed lands, the register and receiver will immediately forward copies of the declarations to the surveyor general ih order that the proper surveys may be made. The claimants will be re quired to take their claims by legal subdivisions wImmi the lines of public surveys sliaii have been extended over the same. :S- * DlSEltT LANDS. By desert lands is meant a class of lands which will not, without irriga tion, produce any agricultural crop. Title to such lands in any of the fol lowing States and Territories may be acquired under the act of Congress of March 3d, 1877, viz., the States of California, Oregon and Nevada, and the Territories, of Washington, Idaho. Montana, Utah. Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico and Dakota. Any party desiring to avaii himself thereof must fl e with the register and receiver of proper district laud office a declaration In form prescribed. No. 51, which must be under oath, and may be executed before either the register or receiver, or the clerk of any court of record hav ing a seal. It must set forth that the applicant is a citizen of the United States, or that he has decla-ed his in- teation to become such, it* which case a duly certified copy of his declaration of inteution to become a citizen must be presented and filed. It uavel also be set up that the applicant ha* made no other declaration for desert lands under the provisions of this act, and that lie intends to reclaim the' tract of land applied for, not exceeding one section, by conducting water thereon within three years from the date of his declaration. The declaration must also contain a description of the land applied for, by legal subdivisions, if surveyed, or, if unsurveyed, as nearly as possible without a survey by giving, with as much clearness and precision as possible, the locality of the tract, with reference to k:iown and conspic uous land-marks or the established lines of survey, so as to admit of its being thereafter readily identified when the lines ot survey come to be extended. As preliminary to the filing of such declaration it must be satisfactorily shown that the lain! therein described Is desert land as defined in the second section of the act. To this end the testimony of at least two disinterest ed and credible witnesses is required, whose testimony will be reduced to writing in the usual manner; or the evidence may be furnished in the form of affidavits executed before the clerk ot any court of record having a seal, the credibility of the witnesses to be oertlfied by satd clerk. The witnesses must clearly state their acquaintance with the premises and the facts as to the condition and situation of the land upon which they base t|ieir judgment. After this proof has been made to the satisfaction of the district officers, the receiver will receive from the appli cant the sum of twenty-five cents per acre for the land applied for; the reg ister will receive and file his declara tion and they will jointly issue a cer tificate in duplicate. One of these du plicates will be delivered to the ap plicant. the other will be retained by the register and receiver with the dec laration and proof. They will bear a number according to the order In which the certificate was issued. The register and receiver will keep a record of the certificates issued, showing the number, date, amount paid, name of , applicant, and description of the land applied tor in each case, and In addi tion he will note the same upon his pilots and records as hi cases of ordi nary entry. At the end of each month he will, with his regular returns for. ward to this office an abstract of the declarations filed and certificates is- fued under this act during the month* accompanying same with declarations and proofs filed and the retained copy S«»f certificate in each case. Tlie re ceiver will also account for the money received under this act ir. the usual fikrqi. At any time within throe years after the date of filing the declaration \immJ toe issue of certificate the proper MflafaCtO!"* nrnnf *\f jjt^ing conducted water upon the land api^ietl for. This proof must consist fi two Ne* Hardware Store. I. INF. MEAD! NEAR THE DEPOT, --DKA.LER IN- HAEDVAKB, STOVES, Til Copper aid Sheet Iron Ware, Table and Poeket Cntlerv, Scissors and Shwin, Horse Rasps, Horse Shoes, Horseshoe Nails, and Kil«s of every description. Also everything thatis generally kept in a Hard ware Store. Being a Practical. Workman, I shall spare no pains in trvlna to give satis, faction to all who favor me with their patron age. All kinds of Jobbing la my line will receive prompt attention. «s Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere when ia need of anything in my line 1. H. MEAD. Mr.Heary.Oet. ISth. 187#. JOHNSBURCH forts, HENRY MILLER, --DKALKRjN-- America! and Foreitn MarMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. t Our Aim to Le And to do this we have brought t@ McHenry Co. this Fall, more foot wear than ever before. Our store is headquarters for the cele brated SELZ Boots and We buy-and sell more goods in our line than all other dealers in Woodstock, and buy and sell for Gash. Also are the only exclusive dealers ill Boots and Shoes in the County. W. «. 3DW3P0WT, W'OODSTOOK,ILL P I A N UPRIGHTS Established in Chicago O S . AND SQUARES, 25 Years,' OVM A. & HANLY & SONS 1 , ./<s < 'i. <?; ' * v* , • K'< . " *. ,V>, , -JMtOPRIETOa* o* •. .7" X. Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos only. * The Bauer Cabinet Grands, The newest an<l most Perfect Proluotion iu the art of Piano Making. JJy tlie introduc tion of an improved Violin-Shaped Sou nding Board the volume of tone is greatly increased, and left entirely free from Metallic Qualities. Promenent Artists Pronounce it a Marvel of Perfection. M ESSRS. J U L I U S B A U E R f t C O . , Ohicajto, III: G ENTLEMEN: The Bauer Piano I purchased of .you. I am happy to say, is growing m favor every day. The more I use it the better I l ike it . I have hud "pUn o* from many' celebrated faetoriu*, but liave found none to e(| i i i t l yours in power and puritv of tone,, elasticity of touch, and durability. I am i?lad that iii .v l irst opinion which prompted me in EXCHANGING my KN ABIC for the B AUK It has proved a lusting vjie. Vours respectfully, JOHN KEBLIKO, > Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. !W,|1879. ' 7 Factory, 125, 127,129 E 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be found atour Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER & CO. 182-184 WABASH AY. between Monroe and Adams St. CHICAGO General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks.of Goods ever brought to this market, consisting in part ot Dry Goods Shop Two. miles North of Henry, 111. •fohnftburgh, Aug. 20tb.!1877 Mc- 0. Henry, N u n d a , . . . Illinois, --DEALEB I K -- Agricultual Machinery, Of All Kinds. Agent Car the towns of Algon<i< and McHenry for the celebrated >n, Xi.n la Macormlck Machines, All kinds of mar.hin«ry sold as cheap as anv other dealer in the County. Give me a call. Nunda, Jnn« 15ttia WBO. C. HENRY. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Aetent Franz Falk's LAGER BEER McHenry, III. war f «in. Sm»,,rKe*» or nottlesNal consi.iored ° a,>er tha" *ny other" <»uaU a world vide reputation, and *Pkn?*,e<,S« »* cannot oe ear-pftseed iothe world. Oftlurt hv n>«II 11 prCmptSy •»»%> HVUUVM MH COLBY BROTHERS !! JACOB STORY. --DEALEUSIX-- BOOTSAINDSHOES, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, W ooden and Willowware, Groceries, Etc., Etc 4 t^-Weh ave one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found ill the county, to which we invite the especi:tl attention of the public, sat isfied that we can suit them both in quality and price. The Largest Stock of S T O V E S , Hardware Iron ail Steel, In the county Please call and examine. T. J. DACY! --Has recently Purchased-- WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. T>T^C» rp business now before th« public JjrjoJL You can make money fuster at work for u* than at. anything el«e. Capital not required. We will 'ntart you. *12 a day and upwards made at home by the industri ous, Men, women, boys and (Tir 's wanted everywhere to work for u«. Now i.-t the time You can devote your whole time to the work, or only vour spare moments. Xo other busi ness will pay you nearly as well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous ray by engaging atonce. Costly outfit nnl erms free. A. great opportunity for making money easily and honorably. Address Turn A Co., Au^iista, Maine. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. 111. May 5th, MM QUIDS to SUCCESS. WITH FOR Business A*D Society. BY FAIt the bwt Business and Social Guide and Maud-Book ever published. Much the latest. I t tells both sexes coinpletelv HOW TO OOKVKKYTHINC, in the best wav, How to be Your Owr. I .awycr, Mow to do Business Correctly and Hneeesufnliv How to Act in Society and in every part of "life, and contains a goUl mine of varies information, indisnensable to all <• lasses for constant rol". erence, W«MTK(i for all or spire time. To know why this Viok of HEAL value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for term* to At one time, 60 of which he re ceived last week and the balance aie now on the road, and I have this day sent my order for 60 more to be shipped in June. The increasing demand for the well-made, durable, thorougbl^ tested and low priced nri'iag-es made byE 11, Fisher & Co., which are d to every part of the Noi V erican Continent The favoi i " eputation these Carriages aave made in McHenry county, where they have been used for several years by Livery men. physicians and iarmers, has led to such a demand for them that we are obliged to resort to selling theni at Auction in neigh boring towns. Every carriage sold by us is warranted for one year. Our stock is complete and much larger than can be found with any retail dealer in the Northwest. T. J- DACY- Woodstock, June 9th, '80. H. B 8CAMMELL ft CO . ST. L0UI8, XO. TTT7»T "pYOlTRSET.VF.S by making mon- l l l > I ^ I e y w h e n a g o l d e n c h a n c e i s o f f . ered, thereby always keeping poverty from your dnnr, thnoe who always take adv*n- tnge of the good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve suchchanoes remain in poverty. We wajit many men, women, boys and girls to work for us risrht in their own localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinnry wajres. \V<> .4 ov,>o..<.lvn <... » flf untl nil t.bfl t yon need/ free. No one who engages fails to mal e money very ranidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or oniy your spare moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Addroes, ST IN SON AOO.. Portland, Mftiac. McHENRY. ILI. DKALEU IN Scissors, Shears* Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass. GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. 4 J. STCRY. Attention! WSi? We are Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to gi. e close bargains on all kinds of Farm Machinery. We make a speciality of ill the leading Machinery, among which are Walter A. Wood Reapers and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst & Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. Four leading Cultivators. The celebrated and, unrivaled iger Rake, worth Rakes and several others. Hoi lings- PUMPS PUMPS! PUMPS! We also have a full assortment of the celebrated BUCKEYE FORCE PUMP always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood Pnmp. • Buies! We keep an assortment of Wagons and Buggies ot all kinds, Howe's Planters, and in fact everything that a farrfter wants. Also If in want of anything in our line do not fail to call as we know the Old Stand, opposite the Mill. nc van ouit jvuj K M. 0>VEI> Ac SON. MCHENRY w Mir "m McHenry, - Illinois The ptifilie are formed that the above named firm have constantly on hand a large stock the very Finest Flour, Bolted Meal, Feed, m We have unusual facilities for- manufacturing and are well pre pared to do tti Work With all possible dispatch, and we are confident that no Mill in the NorthWQft can surpass us. either in the promptness of work done for customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY t3^-MERCH AXTS and others who handle Flour are especially requested to give us a call, as our different Brands of Flour are second to none in the market Thanking the public for pa9t favors we hope for a continuance of the same A. H. HANLY & SONS McHenry, 111, Aug 10,1880 Ready for Fall Trade. Has just put in his Store a Largre Stock than ever, and is selling at the very Lowest Prices possible. HATE GIVEN PRICES BELOW. Extension Tables, $1. per foot. Breakfast Tables, all walnut, $3.75. Centre Tables, from $3.50 and upwards. Common Bed steads, $2.7,'), $3.00 French black walnut bedsteads, $5.75 and upwards. Common Kitchen Chairs, $3. Cane Seat Chairs $5 up to $14, Bureaus $9 andv upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaids. Lounges, Brussels Carpet, $8. Mattresses.all sizes, $2.75. Bu reau, witli 14x24 Glass, $15. Loo!vingr Glasses and Brackets, Wall Pockets, etc. I also keep on hand a fine as sortment of COFFINS AND GASKETS. rsrH carse furnished at rea sonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE McHenry, August 23, 1880. Established Over a Quarter si a Century. F. C. MAYES, --AND DEALER IN-- Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths, Caftaimrre nnrl Wornteds to sell br the vnnl. Tlie latest stvles of Oonris on hana Ht nil timos. My stork of RGADT-XAD1 CLOTH 1JJG is now complete and 1 Wil l not be Underseid v Store in Old McHenry, near the Bridge. McHenry, III., Sov^ 4 M