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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1880, p. 1

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C y - < - " "Pledged but to to Liberty fsn<f VOL. 6. M'HENRY, ILLINO BUSINESS CARDS. i n3 and no Pear Shall Aw«#tr NOVEMBER 24, 1880. jfejjenpy JfeyWef. Published Every W yter 0. SI^ITKIE! EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Oifice in Old P. O. Block,, --OPPOAITB RIVERSIDE KOCSB.-* TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION »ne Tear, (in Advance,), ...... ..fl 50 if not PaM witfein Throe Months ...! 00 fu^ittrlntionsrecuivoilfor three or six month the iamo proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.BROWN,M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SUUOEOS. Offle.e rtver the Post Ofllcc, opposite Perry ft Martin's Store up St urs, McHenry, 111. C. H. FEGKRS, M, D- PHYSICIAN AND SUUUBOX, JOhnglinrg 1118.--Office hours 8 to 10 A. M, O. D. J. HOWARD, M •>HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olttce at I inv residence, opposite; M. E. Ohur«n, Melfenry. 111. B- V. ANDERSON, M. I). PHYSICIAN anrt SurKoou. Office at Besley's Drn«r Store, Opposite Parker House, McKeiiry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. T A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac-co-nmoilitlons. Good Barn in connection Wancomlix. III. F.J. BARBIAN. CIGAR >Unufn»,t *ror McIIenry, III. Or­ders solicited. Shop, North East Cor­ ner Public S(inare.( RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Pescennd Conveyancer.-- Will attond promptly to the collection of lebts. Volo, Lake County, III. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a -omolete Abstractor Titles to land In M Honrv County,tll'nols. Office with Jbunty ( lerk, Woodstock, III. UOBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Roots and - Shoos None l»nt the best of matoral nsed and all work warranted. Shop North­ west corn r Public S'luaru, McHenry 111. E. M. OWKN. GENERAL Dealer ami Manufacturers A. Kent In Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. McHenry. N. 9. COLD*". MCHENRY, McIIenry c*>.. in. B eedor of Spanish Merino SU«op, Berks hire and Poland China ^ wine. A choice lot 'f.young Rnck stock for sale. Please call an<l examine before buying elsewhere. " «K0. SCHREINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry, III M*Fir«t class Hilliav.l and P<K>1 Table*. ' H» -- : : JOHN HENDRICKS. Br TVIV'S MILLS, ILL. Isnow prepared 'to sell and rcintir any kind of h Se\vinK ICachMtf* is, nh'iip-as Mte Will also ' MUur#your life'_and property at reasonable l^toi. pi«<iiso #ive 'ue a oal'. PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watcliej, Clocks and Jetfelry o' *11 kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best sMsible manner, on short notice ami at rea- W»n«blc rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop •Mt door North of 'Riverside Block, McHenry Tl. ' dl A OUTFIT furnished free with all in- XlU Htructions for conducting the most ^rotltaftle business any one can engage in. The business is so easy to learn and our in­ structions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great proilts from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women arc as successful as men. Bovs and gir's can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a simple week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage arc sur­ prised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can en­ gage in this business during your spare time It gre-it profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money should should write to us at once. All furni^y'd free. Address TRUE &CO., Augusta, Mine. The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. TIIE best of Beer shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- 'Orders solicited and promptly attended t Scott & Co., "Hatters to the Qreat Northwest." In. 135 and 137 Madison St., NEA1& CLARK ST. Have a larger stoek and greater variety of styles for you to choose from, than can be found in any other establishment In Chicago or the West. It will pay yon to call and see (item. Pricei the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts., CHICAGO. t M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS --DEALER IN- PURE WNES, LIQUORS AND CIGAHS. Woodstock III. The best Tonic in the world. Put up]|in Piut and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. O. S. GREEN ,, TfETERlNARY SUKGEOJT, V Illinois. JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor In Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. Blew Custom. House, Chicago. CHAS.H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW %n«t Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drag Store. C. H. TRUAX. CARPENTER and Builder, Nunda, 111.-- Will put up buildings by theJobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Acooucher. Diseases of Women and all private diseases of both sexes a Specialty, office and Residence on Clay Street Wo'odstock III. SIDNEY DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer. Al den. III. MCHENRY BAKERY^ -AND- RESTAURANT. OPPOSITE the Bridge, MeTIcnry, III.-- Warm meals a; .all hours. Farmers Lunch served on short notice. Ovsters by the Can or Dish. R. PATTERSON. F. J. CROSS, D E N T I S T . McHenry, III. Fnll Plates made of -the best material »nd fully warranted, t&OO. Filling on 8-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pain And free of charge where Artiilcial Xec'.h are in- serteil bv him All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxld© Cos „a,w*>*s on and for the p unless ex traction of teeth. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SALRBof Stock, Farming Tools And Goods of all kinds prompt lv attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post JBceadflrcss Algonquin III. W. H. SANFORtV Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a fit warranted- Give me a call. W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock 111..Sept. 27th, 1H75. H. E. WIGHT#AN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fnrnislied itt reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds iloncon short notice. M. ENCELN. au IV- SM I T H! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol- . , irihing Razors and S-~z& Shears and Table s»p= Cutlery a special!- ty. Repairing of all kinds done in ~~~-^*Stcel or Brass.-- AH work warrant- ed. A^so dealer in Guns. Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery.Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars,Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Ofllce, Mc­ Henry, III. FS OUTFIT sentfrce to those who wish 99t') engage in the most pleasant ami profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish yon everything. $10 a d vy and upwards is easily- made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. " Many new work- ors wanted at once. Many arc making for. tunes at the business. Ladic* make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one wliois willing to work falls to make more money ina day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will And a short road to fortune. Address. H. HALLhTT A CO., Portland, Maine. Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer, Richmond, III. Has an experience ot 15 vears, and wll guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from $5 to *10, according to amount afsale. All >rilers addressed to Richmond, III., will receive prompt-attention. Constitution Water; Af\ Drops of CONSTITUTION WATER three times a day, cures Bright's Dis. ease, Inflaination of the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Catarrh of the Bladder, Gleet, Dia­ betes, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, Childhood Weakness. Tot Female Complaints a Speciality. For sale by all Druggists'. Send for Circn 4ohn St'-N.rYSC'N &#tlE*,eO $66 a week jn your own town. ^ fft ou (Jt "w. No risk. Reader, if you want a busines at which persons of either sex cai make great pay ailthe time tltev work, v rit« for particulars to H. ALLETT'A CO., I ort. land, Maine, "Red Cross" c an be fennd the balance of the season at the stable of A. K. Boomei, Marengo, where those who wish his services can tee him. For style and speed, and in fact for every Knnt that constitutes a fine blooded horse, ed Cross has no superior, Farmers and others who wish to improve: their breed of horses should not fail -to see him. For Pedigree and other particulars apply •le " at the stable or to Dated sept. 23d, 1880. ET.MAH BUCK. Crystal Lake. For Sale or Rent. i offer my farm consisting of 100 acres well Improved land, situated two miles >vest of Monavillc, and one and one-fourth miles from Lipnincotts Fox Lake Resort, in town of tirant, Lake Co., III. for sale or reni on easy terms, If sold long time will be given if desired. Inquire of, or address. M. GAVIN. Fox Lake, Post Office. Village Property For Sale. For sale, in this village, the following pro­ perty. Six acre* of land, more or less, on the town plot, in the village, of McIIenry. Is finely located and will be sold cheap, , Also one House and Lot. Is in a pleasant, locality, has a good Well and Cistern, Barn, and other conveniences. Also one Block containing two Stores, and a fine lot adjoining. For further particulars inquire at this of flee -VIA- CHI AGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY 2,380 Miles of Road WEST FOR Cedar Kapids, Denver, Marsha 11 town, Lcadvitle, .l)es Moines Salt Lake Wigiix tjj ^THaTirTiiiis. Omaha., Colorado, Council B1 nft's California Columbus, the Territories OH lea go Detroi t, Monreal, New England, Buffalo, and all EAST FOR New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Canadas, Points Ea*st! SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, . i\Tew Orleans, 8t. Loris, Jacksonville, Columbus, and all Points South, -THE- "North - Western," Is the most OIRKCT WOl'TE, offering the traveling public Greater Facilitiesand More Advantage s than any road in tlte West. It is the only line running Pollnaa Hotel and Sleeping Cars, Between Chicago and Council Bluff's. Pullman Palace sioeping Cars are run on all night trains. This is the great Pullman Line ot itic Northwest. Palace Par or Cars run between Chicago and MilwauRee. First-Clas* Meals only AO cents at the Eat ing Stations on the North-Western. Sure and clore connections at Chicago with all Railroads, and at all Junction Points with all roads that cross its Lines. All Ticket. Agents can sell you Through Tickets and check your Baggage FREE by this Road. For information, folders, maps, e'.c.. not ob. tainable at Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Company, or Iff ABVIH HUOHITT GuneralSupt. W. H. STITFHETT, Gen'l Passe:igerAgen Money Made EASY! --BY PURCHASING-- Watte, Clock, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Specta­ cles, etc.. etc., of 11 BLOSSOM Jeweler. Woodstock. 111. Repairing of FIXE WATCHES, AND JEW ELKY a speciality. If you have any DIFFI­ CULT JOBS that others tell you cannot be repaired short of Chicago, take them to BLOSSOM and he will repair thein, Engraving neatly doife. All Goods sold engraved / Free of charge. Remember thenuinie, (E W. BLOSSCW, Woods'ock* Wit" at hei* be i|8 ifeefc. : Iti »toer September 18. £ mile iti 2:10 J her lt% down die home AR wlhtt. vvn»® * •seventeen feet. She ftVfttn] "*e;UjN»r^n a«v«l sitae, wltii a four |in fnuuf: ami au eight She l« u»u:t\ly twit to £ jbliltd reason of this driver, .Mr " TUurstl WhikT^. world is a 15 hands 2$ and 16 hHii in trotting her stride, a straight t great a when riii1 tr<i stride, wln-n stretch aga little less wears "shin carries a 15 Ounce toe ounce al- driven in a in the trial bridle was ui change, as 'Bair, is that September I mile in iif *4est to touch Iter lig^jnHth the, whip .when coming dow«|pM^^lh|di, She saw the wliiplifted for tiie'stroke an4 swerved Ironiflt, He then touched her oil the tinier side to straighten her wurse, audanother swerve, which* resulted in a break, by iarltioii Mm tost* a second of tiife, was the uonsequense. This was tlie fl|*6t time he had ever touched her wfp the whip, ami he ar­ gued that w!ttf**biinkergM lie could do this without c^(i<-ii)g lief to swerve. The result of Jakunlay** trial proved the correct nefli of his conchisionR; and ict her trial \creafter, the btinker* will always bf psed. • She is a inaW of very strong will and it Is neco«KN^y to handle her with' great gentleutea. A UIHII who would fight her would soon render her un­ manageable, Atul in this she Is the counterpart ®f ier grandtlain, Enchan­ tress. as well aspf her sire, Harold, atufi of his full brotMer. Lakeland Abdaliali' The old mare lud the courage and res­ olution of tho bsll-dog, and this quality descended to all of her produce. Har­ old and Lakeiarul Abdallalt both [K>s- sess it to a remarkable tlegn>e, atid if they had failed, when young, Ifito gentle and care^il hands, as Maud S. fortunately di<l,!u is certain thai both would have bt<en<di*tingtji«hed as last trotters. Black JUaria. a distfngHlfhed daughter of ateo j-^ifess- P8 the sanio^p^HpNM.y of dbpoVltiott. Iler head ij|fa > simite- olutlou, will. And ener^j', which, if carelully handled aud educiited. is the most valuable quality a horse can pos­ sess, but which, if abused and pervert, ed. makes a dangerous Instead of a useful animal. It has long been a sub­ ject of remark among horsemen who are familiar with the descendents of Old Abdullah, that in the matter of endurance and strong will power, they have no superior even aulcing the most distinguished throughbreds. It is no wonder, therefore, that Harold, whose sire and dam were by this famous old horse, should possess this trait, and that he should have transmitted it to his daughter, Maud S.--Chicago Live Stock Journal. exquisite^ co-adaption ciroumsfetances for man's life HAVK A GOOD TIMLC. My son, enjoy yonrself. Have a good time; pleasure is eminently right and proper, but a good time is not secured by a headache that lasts all next day The simplest pleasures are the most lasting. After you have spent two years in Europe, you will come back and sit down by your own fireside and think of a picnic you went to down at the cascade one afternoon in June, that cost you just eixty-flve cents. The "goou times" that you dare not take your wite to, my son. that you would lie about rather than have your •ister know about them--the '•good­ ness" of them never comes back to re­ fresh you and gladden 3*our heart as does the memory of that 65 cent pic. nlc, when yon chatted uonseiise with the girl you loved, and laughed just as the leaves rustled, be^nuse you could not help it. The "good time'* that wakes In the morning and wonders where it was and who saw it, and where all its money is gone; the good time that tails itself of! with a headache--there is precious lit­ tle fun in that. And it only takes a very little bitterness of that kind to poison and cloud the memories of your past. It does not take'many such 'good tiirtes," my boy, to mingle tears with your bread and gall with your drink.-- The "sting Is the smallest part of the bee. but when you pick him up by it, although the rest of the bee were as large as an omnibus horse, yet would the sting outweigh all the good, sweet, harmless, honey-laden portion ot the bee.and you would think about it ofteuer and longer.--Hawkeye. Sidnry Lanier, in Scribner for October, argues strongly In favor of the fcmal! farming system in the cot- which the results of the Jate war* forced upon that section of our country, as against the large farms of the Northwest. He concludes his in­ teresting article with the following beautiful tribute to his Georgia hoiile: It »s impossible to end without ad­ verting to a New South which exists in a far more li teral sense than that of small farming. How much of* this graeidtj# latul is yet new to all real cultivation, how much of It lies groan- fijg far the muscle of man, and how dmaiily tnournful Is this newness. In view ojf the fair and fruitful conditions Will hern hold perpetual session, and perpetual invitation npon all men to fcotne and have plenty! Surely, along that ample stretch of generous soil, where the Appalachian rugged- tfotted H jn»»ss calm themselves Into pleasant 1t}ll»i!^fore dying quite away into the g&tiboard levels, a man can find such mnee of heaven and earth-- airuggle with nature to draw od, with enough of bounty to sanction the struggle--that a more of all blessed need not be sought. It la with a part of that region that this writer Is most familiar, and one cauimt but remember that, as one standi at a certain spot thereof and looks ofl tip and across the Oemul- gee river, the whole prospect seems distinctly to yearn for men, Every where the nage and gentle slopes kneel and pray for vineyard, for corn Held*, for cottages, for spi res to rise up front beyond the oak groves. It is a land where there is never a day of summer nor of winter when a mnn cannot do a ft»tt flay's work in the open field ; all the products meet there, as at nature^ Qwn, agricultural fair; rice grows alongside of wheat, corn along* side of sugar-cane ;eot ton alongside ot clover, apples ai«Agstde or peaches, so that a smalt fan^iMiy often miniature the whole UnitedStates in growth; the little valleys everywhere rut| with living waters, askinggrasse* and cat­ tle and quiet crlst-niiils; Jill manner of timbers for economic; uses, and trees for finer arts, cover the earth; In sh.irt, here l« such an neighborly congfega- tionr of climates, soil*, minerals and vegotaljlcs. thftt >fl thl|i the com pass of !»»ii "may lit4 stone, or brick, of oak. or of» pine, to furnish it in woods that would delight the most curious ere, and to supply his family with all the necessaries, most of the comforts, and many of the luxuries, of the whole world. It is the country of homes. And, as said, it is because these bliss­ ful ranges are still clatnorious for human friendship; it is because <«many of them are actually virgin to plow, pillar, ax or uiill-whecl, while other have kuowtl only the insulting and meancultivation of the earlier immi­ grants. who scratched the surface for cotton a year or two, then carelessly abandoned all to sage and sassafras and sauntered on toward Texas; it is thus that these lauds are, with sadder significance than that^of small farm­ ing. also a Xew South. KSfThe Democrats in the 8th Ala­ bama District are trying to count out Lowe, who received a majority of 2,000 over his Democratic competitor. The pretext Is the same one rosorted to is the same one recorted to in the case of Lynch, in Mississippi. The law requires that no device shall be printed on the ballots to distinguish them. In this instance the word "Eighth" District was used instead of- the Roman character. VIII) and this the Democracy construe to lie ^ vloja- Viop of the'law I * f6?*Much as we may deplore the evils resulting from the excitements growing out of our frequent Presiden­ tial elections, we must admit that there is attendant good. So much so. in fact, that we may regard them as one ot our public educators. Notwith­ standing the fact that unprincipled demagogues scatter abroad a mass of lies and misrepresentations that would puzzle the ingenuity of the Prince of Liars, himself, to invent, yet there is, beyond that, a world of good speaking and reasoning upon the broad principles of our laws and government, that involve Immense reading and re­ search on the part of somebody. In this campaign the tariff has been dis­ cussed in all its ramifications by both parties, and we venture to say that there has been a clearer insight ob­ tained by the masses upon this subject than is possible to give In any other manner. The ablest men of the na­ tion argued and discanted upon it from the stump, and though often their powers have been exerted to mystify and cloud the understanding of their hearers yet new thoughts and ideas have been aroused, which must sooner or later, develop increased knowledge, with consequent good to the individual. In many States the balance of power ha& been secured by vigorously pushing the questions of free trade and protection upon the masses by stumpers and documents. So in other directions the ooun*ry feels the impress of the Presidential cam­ paign work, and we are not sure but what the agitation of politics every four years brings the country much more good than harm iu the matter of enlightenment of the people. OOIT WAHHISFITOS CORRRSP(nililSt< , WASHINGTON, D. C.. November 22,188ft. * Among the throng.-thc9e bright an* tumal days, promenading our beautiful avenues, are distinguished persansoges from the Celestial Empire, with their strange dresses, long ciies ami little feet. Sixteen of the highest dignltarfc* froir that wonderful land, sent here ii> the interest of a new treaty, ltav.> leased for their ^winter residence the elegant mansion known OB BOSS Shep­ herd's Home. In Virginia si well as a* other «ou»li. ern states there is a marked disposi­ tion to abandon the old bourboft Ideas, and to adopt the progressive policy of, the Republican party. With the ex­ ception of .Florida, every southern state has fallen ttilow in Its maioririe* the vote cast for Tilden in 1876. For the past two years reports show that the south.has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity, aml that crops have ex- eieded those of ante belitun days.-- With this improving tendency, it Is natural that the people of the .south should be thinking more of money mak­ ing than of President making. Icwil* be a happy condition of aflatrs when self interest becomes stronger than party t'es. Let us hope that the dawn of a better day Is appearing, when the common sense of the people will re by l against the domination of the bourbon leaders. Great Interest is being manifested In the next Presidential count. The citizens of the Capitol have not for­ gotten the weary months of 1870, when the peace of this great Nation was dis­ turbed over this same question. The wonderful bulletin posted by order of tne lamented Senator Chandler.-- •'Hayes has 185 votes and is elected" is framed and still hangs in the rooms of the National Congressional Commit­ tee. There will be no 7 to 8 business this year. The presidential electors will meet at their respective state capitals the first Wednesday In Decem­ ber for the purpose of casting and certlf}Tlng their votes. The votes so cast and certified will be opened by Vice President Wheeief In the pres­ ence of both houses of congressmen the secoud Wednesday of February. The votes will be canvassed and the result then declared. The new president will be inaugurated on March 4, 1881. Ai- rangements are already being made that will make it by far the most im. *@~Wh*n an Eastern man goes to Colorado he is called a ^tenderfoot" until he has been stabbed, shot at, en­ gaged in a free fight, has fallen down a mine, been kicked by a mule a»d ohased by a vigilance committee^ Then they admit that he ii getting used to the country, andwheu^he has killed his in au he is looked upou as a vi tizeu -- Ro»tw Military organizations, staC (Ideations, legislative bodies, excur­ sions and visitors to the number of 100,000are expected to be present on this great occasion. ^ Kelly. Barnum and Hewott will do well to go slow in their attempt to throw out the votes of the great stare of New York, There are bristling bayonets and brave men to use tlieni in numbers like the leaves of the for­ est, who will tolerate no such outrage. It is a cool piece of impudence to cry fraud iu New York to call ofl public attention from their fool hardy perfidy in countenancing the writing and issu­ ing of the forged Morey letter. It is hoped that the iniquity of tills wicked transaction will yet be fastened upon the guilty parties and that they will hereafter exercise theirf Democratic genius inside the grates atSintr Sing.-- This crime can never be adequately punished. It has been one of the most disgraceful a flairs ever known in tne history of American politics, and. if there is no other fate in store for them« its originators, aiders abettors will be consigned to everlasting infamy. . Maryland is emphatically a bouibon State, but Surrattsville--the home of Mrs. Surratt, hung tor her participa­ tion in the assassination of Lincoln- gave a majority for Garfield and Ar­ thur. The good seed it is hoped may spread until the whole State Itseif is redeemed. The actual cost of the postal servh e co the general Treasury during the past fiscal year was 92,786,341. This deficit is 9245.114 less than the deficit of the preceeding year. The net revenue from the money order business tva* 8269,205. These figures demonstrate a boom fn tho business of the country, but Barnum. Kelly and Hewitt would send the country to perdition to get a boom in the Democratic par:y that would seat Gen. Hancock. Gentlemen, you are In the hari kari business, as your party has been for twenty years past. Many of one notable citizens were attracted to Fortress Monroe to wit­ ness the great naval review. The President, members of the Cabinet, of­ ficers of the Army and Navy, and government official*, were among the distinguished guests. Great prepara­ tions had been made, A score of naval ships with flags flying, bands playing and cannons thundering, made it a scene long to be remembered. The ball in the evening, at the liygeia Hotel, was a grand affair. The next day the training ships were visited by the presidential party, and a fi^ur-utlie boat race was rowed, in whUm all the vessels were interested--aster which the entire fleet formed an enjbprt to the President down the bay, on his return to this city. The appearance on our streets of Senator-elect Mahone, of Virginia, gives rise to much conjecture as to his future party affiliations. As a* pres­ ent constituted tin? General |r$l ^bj. the hafanoe o/ power In th* 0e l« iii>t over coinmnnleativi >teriii«l that he w ill not j **i.ih tl#. "lfp§ wWie hi rl»e clfy Irtfre finite|Mibltafn» _ fllpliv C. <?pr!j«}ii and bell. Straw# eiwifr ferhfcb way _ w i n d b i o ; ^ r Senator tl W«»«M ?if» to another political patty formed. 4hi«li ^ rcamiifthfe 1 a eholee otit of tfw live . ^d for mastery at she >««« _ *1 He sajra he wa«$* a nutloual iitif party. If he la rfiswr^ he ettogjd 4mce join the party whU field. That is a goad e» party to last Hill his nat *£a*HieM Rwc 'Stall Rom «• . Bast? ball players arid the the sport ought to organise tfti selves a private boom on General Garfield's election. of them, lie never i»i«s«*i when one is within reach. that portion of the session of when ihe base balferjs biw% General Garfield uever In an appearand; at fW1 grounds. He is generally there time before tlie game i* called, the duties of an aft«rn»im •*--Ion ess.irlly require hiagrweg in House, lie l» sometli^i* 'kkM oq, grounds, bnt never taife 'toAp INN finish. Few people tafee the in the game that Iwr does.or f«s as closely. Sir Rilw.ud Thron||||| pretty sure spectator, t*uj he thevtntfivhf $n his carriage..,| Uarfi«>ld gets right down In row of «far*of the grand »ti kee|i« the score blmself ami every.- play as intently as If thonsanrls of dollars on the game, tiieers evety neat play, and gets *r< cited m apybody* After the gam* w^ks «low» to hla resi&Me «» I »ti Watimvie* St«r ' ̂ Mowjojtoes, according to *aine tors of the new sehools, are prophylactic againstt Injected by the stli tal whSuh. npou ani be Ideutical with; the mosquitobelnj to malaria ia ent »IM>, tho* slwaRfMiSMg sT^rt:"^rtr^ verse of ihe pr<»positIon, that^mt toes arc the cause of malaria? Certail ly the biggest mosquitoes and thos* tlint bite the hardest are found wliera chilis are most severe and fevers hoi* test. In Louisiana and Mississippi, wliere ^tlie "hreakbone'* fever rages, the mosquitoes have the reputation of being able to pierce'lhrough a bnck- skiu glove. In these sections, ladies do their sewing iiuiier mosquito nets, and the most ardeut lover, when he goes courting, always finds a "bar** between him and the objects of his alleatiOB.--> Exchange. The great tidal wave of politics seems to have been mightier in New York City than el*ewhare. Usually the Democrats have carried that city with majorities so great as to sweep away those of the rural districts as re­ morselessly and easily a» an ocean wave toases au egg-shell against the rocks. But this year tin people have risen to check this power, and. tvliether in tiie right or in the wrong, the lead* ers have been taught, by t.lie wonder* ful results of the November election, that the ballot in America can crush an well as elevate. New York City haa been worse cursed with infamous gov­ ernment in the last twenty years thaw in any other city of tlie world, and It is time, indeed, that a reform was In- stitnted there. Its Boss Tweeds, ami similar ca'tic. have nearly caused It* financial ruin. Its debt is so euorinoas that payment seems impossible, MY* the most able and di*creit -it its eitS* sons are again /Iven the role, / <ft)HY LIST. The following is the Ifet of JTorers for the McIIenry County Circuit Cowl for tho January toroi, 1881, * ' miT, .T Vibrio, David Wither. Jtaftes nard. James llayard. G B Carpanter, Horace Dwell v. Dennis Qninlan. MR Doran, A J Howe T J Nolan. Thftnw-- Kright, Frank Bu^ll, Jnlm S Conover. Peter Singer. Geo Crego. Henry 0*» horn. Allen llawley. John JialtS, Peter ISerger. Osg«io,| i 1« Dodie, J K I'lapsanltt. Amlrew BAMM, Ira Mailory. John Knox Jrv Xeaewal Crawford. D«*nuis Miee, K A ItoafeMw M O'Brien. Otis Flanders. tiltvso. Riley. Allen Sis»nn; Dimhaai, thauirl White, frank Wells; Burton, Iturttoi Stevens; Chemung. UtwiWl A; ms< rnuj;; Ahlen. L J HurilweUk Hi S Merry: llnrilnud. C M IliigheSv VMtMlt l.'oouey ; Senecn. M Butterfield? 1*aml_ James McCnni; Grafton. J J S«fitwlerk JF Handall: Itorr. Richard BdMtl, Sim«>u Briiik; Gjeeuw ood. W D art; llebmn, Ira R Phillips;] John Mvt'umiell; McHenry. • ."oiby; Xnnda, W« Mudgett; qniu, llenry K> yes; Marengo, Treat, John It l\»yer. PS The MadlS4*|| leading I>ein*waatle rtiuieii out whh the Deui« vrntic p:irty to ought to advi*e suuli a the **Solid Sk^itU* tu as lining out t?l hart lican iostiiutlous b*

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