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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1881, p. 1

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{Published Krery Wednetday by s c;U. VA.BT SLYKE • f d t 1 . SDITOft AUD PUBLISHER Oilft© In Old P. O. Blodk, 1 -OWOilTI liriHIM HOUSE.-- TERMS or flUBSCniPTIOi ; Tear, (in Advance.) .*....$! M . not Paid within Three Months .... ....t 00 • IbbisrlptioMrenelvedforttreeoriix month s ^ the same proportion. ^ /.feiLi ' -- :=W' • !»4:} BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.BROWN.M.D. HTSIOIA* AND SURGEON. O«ee «Ttr lite Pott once, opposite Perry ft Martin's Are Np Siiirt, MeHenry, 11L I, O. H. rRORM, M. D. MVT*I6TW \VD suaago*. Illa--Oflce.hotir« 8 to M A. v. Johnabur g •>. J. HOTU!), M D. I>1IY8ICIAN* AND SURGEON, my residence, opposite M. MeHenry. III. Oilee at E. Church, W- V . ANOBRSON.'M. D. •HTSICIAN and Snrgeon. Ofloe at Besley's Dr>ir Store, Opposite Packer rase, MoHehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac- ea-nraoditiona. Good Barn in connection Waueooda, III. F. J. BARBIAX. -- #IIOH Manufacturer McTIenry, 111. Or. ders solicited. Shop, North Bast Cor­ ner Pablic Square. RICHARD COKPTON. JUSTICE of the Peaceind Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of Aebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. £ 8. E. RICHARDS. AS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land la M Henry County, Ili*nois. Office with nntjr ( lark, Woodstock. 111. BOBT. WRIGHT, Manufacturer of Custom Blade Boots and Shoes. None but the best of materal •sed and all work warranted. Shop North­ west cora r Public Square, MeHenry III. E. M. OWEN. ENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers [eat In Leading farm Machinery.-- lew and Terms favorable. McHeury_ N. S.COLBT. MCHRNRT, MeHenry Co.. III. B eeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkt hire atwl Poland China s wine. .V >'h<iice lot -f young Back stock for sale. Please call and examine frefore buying elsewhere. m OKO. SCHKBINBfi. »ALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite ) the Parker House, Mcilonry, 111 Ml^First class Billiard and Pool Tables. C.S.JGBEBN. •yETBRINARV BURGEON, Richmond JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed oral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. CHAS. II. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Ofllceover Stone's Drug Store. C. H. TRUAX. CARPENTER and Builder, Nnnda, 111.-- Will put up buildings by the Jobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. - old at'tod, opposite Bishop's Mill, ry. 111. The c loioest Wines, Liquors and r'ipirs to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sate by the C*n. GOOD ^TABLING FOR HORSES. SIDNEY DISBROW, _ NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer, den. III. MCHENRY BAKERY, --AND-- RESTAURANT. OPPOSITE the Bridge, MeHenry, III.-- Warm meals ai nil hours. Farmers Lunch served on abort notice. Orater* by the Can or Dish. R. PATTERSON. Village Property For Sale. for saie, in this village, the following pro. perty. Mix acres of land, more or less, on the town plot, in the village, of MeHenry. Is Sntly located and will be sold cheap. Also one House and Lot. Is in a pleasant loenlitv, has a j?ood Wetland Cistern, Barn, and other conveniences. Also one Block containing two Stores, aid a tine lot adjoining. ror farther particulars Inquire at this of flee ^ tft* F. J. CROSS, D E H T I S T , MoHenry, III. Frtll Plates fnade of -the best material and fully warranted, t&OO. fillingons-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regalhting bad shaped leeth. Teeth extracted wlthput pain and free of charge where Artiflcial 'i'eVTh are in- sorted bv him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Cas always on and (or the p.iiuless ex traction of teeth. «*• JOHN UENDB1CKS* LIVIK'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared 15 to soil and repair any kind of a" Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also ••sure your life and property at reasonable Mtes. Please give ine a cal*. i*ti l'Klt LEICKBM. REPAIRS Watchea,Clocks and Jewelry o til kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best wsibic manner, on short notice and at rea. p«l>le rates. .Vlso Violins for Sale. Shop it door North of Riverside Block, AfcHenr) . J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION K,EH -AND APPKAISEB, Algonquin, III. S.VLRSof Stock, Fanning TuOls and Goods of all Kinds promptly attended to. Farm •ales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post 34ceadores# Algonquin 111. Ws H. 8 AN FORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of O. H. Dickinson, Bast side of f ablicSquare, * WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- Give ine a call. W. H. SAXFOBD. Woodstock III.,Sept. OTth, 1876. Scott & Co., "Hatters to the Great Northwest." Kos. 135 aid 137! Maiisoi St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have a larger stoek andPsrreater variety of «tyies for you to cW»*e from, than can be found in any other establishment in Chicago or the West. It will pay yon to call and see ttnem. Price* the lowestjln the land forflgood goods. BRANCH STORES 8. E,Co. Clark & Lake stt & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison stt., CHICAGO. MARCUS' GERMAN ENCELN. SM I Til! Scale Repairing, Grindingand Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of ail kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. Also dealer in Guns, Revolvers, „ _ . ml , Table and Pocket Cutlery,Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes Cigars, Tobacco Violin Strings, Ac. 1 Shop tnd store near the Post Oflco, Mc. Henry.Ill. GMI M I WlHHTMAN, Proprietor. First , - class rigs, with or without drivers, fujni*hed at reasonable rales. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. HIRAM WIER, Boot and Shoe tfaker, Wauconda, ill, I would inform the public that I, am now pre»»ared to muke Boots and ^iioes to order, of the best material, warrant a Ht, and at LOWER PRICKS then any other shop in the eounty. Established Over a Quarter jU Centary. F. C. MAYES, icai MOT --AND DEALER IN-- * Ready-Made Clothing. Cloths, Cassimere and Worsteds to sell' b' the vard. The latest styles of Goods on han< atall times. My stock of RKADY-MADE CLOTHING is now complete and I Will not be undersold Store in Old MeHenry, neai the Bridge. P. C. NIAYK8. MeHenry, 111., Nov. 18th,1187<». Cad and be Wauconda, Nov. 30tb, 1880, Convinced. H. WIER, For Strength, Flavor Purity -THE- Has not its Ipai i America Histoid in Pound and Ifalf.Pound Pack­ ages ONLY-NKVER IN BITLK. See that the seals are unbroken and bear the signa­ ture of C. J KV N K. * FOR SALE BT Fitzslmmon* & Eyanson SOLE AGENTS FOR MCHENRY, ILL. C. Henry, Nun«Ja, . . - Illinois Agricuftural Machinery, Of AH Kinds. Agent for the towns of Algonquin. Hnnda and MeHenry for the celebrated Macormick Machines* All kiyds of mae.mnery sold as cheap as any • " Give me a calf other dealer in the County. Nunda, June 15th, 1880, ©• HENRY. A. WENDELL, CAEFEHTE8AHD JOINEB MeHenry, III. Will take »'ontract6 fur putting tip Rutldhij^.o and tfiip.rantee mv work will compare with any man in rlio State. I can and will do work from 15 to 2i, per cent. cheaper than other carpenters, as I have two of my hoys who work with m<<. which makes it possible for me to do so. All Jobs In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me avail. w A.WENDELL.' MeHenry. Dec. 29th. 1880. CONDUCTED IT DR. «. f. BKNNITT. r" ^ • The tluie for tiling applications for arrears of pensions expired on ths flrat day of July, 1880. It was lieved that lliis limitation would se­ cure the pr#ipt Hllnz of all claims of that kind-% thing devoutly to be wished. T%i» business in the pension departmrntlias besn like the widow's cruse of of oil. Although eo many years have piw-ed sine® the passage of the pension Jaws, the claims have kept pouring iu,itiau inexhatistlhie stream up to date. <|oiiW it be possible thai acclaims battle* at any fixed date the Commissioner would know the amount of work to be done, and better syitematlte tit so as to secure its speedy acciftn pllshment. Commis­ sioner Bent ley has been much blamed for the longways in the settlement of claims, no jjsiibt sometimes unjust- ly. Few catimiireciate the vast bust- ness of the department or the Im­ mense labor Bit must devolve upon that commtnAner who conscientiously fnlfllls hi* Aw. Since the expira­ tion of the inftte^l time about eleven thousand U<l]ftalni8 have been pre­ sented, and % remains to be seen whether CoMfhto will extend the ben­ efits of the aHfcrs section to them or not. JudgliK%y the past, it will- We have no flbit that the matter will he consider*JBit an early day, and justice deiuaiXtliAt the time De ex­ tended so aUo give all bonapllde claimants thajprneflt of the arrears. There is no Art that thousands of claims have flKN Hied,, which never would have fc&haii it not been ror the arrears t^ffibgpect. Some have been held baajilirougli a feeling of delicacy at of becoming pen­ sioners upon aBbounty of a generous Govenitnent."^pther?, because the pen­ sion to wliioluKey were justly enti­ tled would MKMHI and they thought it would OjOniy for the trouble. Others becaijjKjf the great difficulty of oktalnlii|jBr through the death of important finesses or their remov­ al to unkno«rflpii)es of abode. But all these dawjBpsrere tncouraged by the arrears t^uM| mako an ellort at last, and tlmBusftqiienue is that N flood of new jBplicatioiis iia$ poured in upon tbeJ^Kk*rtiu«tat ever since the pa*wg#-iWw%vy. lt'N est! nil red tliat the arrears schemo will, iu the end. absorb not less than four hundred inillioue of dollars. This is a vast stun, bat it will be worthily employed. Scattered among the hundreds of i thousands of pensioners throughout the land, it will carry co nfort, bread and clothes to their lamilies. And its way into the various chainlets of trade, and thus euhauce the national prosper­ ity as a whole. The Army Appropriation Bill amounts to92C,3iri,8W). Since our ar­ my amounts to about 25.000 men. the appropriation is at the rate of #1052.03 per mau. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE oi Michael Sutton, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed ad- ministtatoi of the Rotate of Michael Sutton, late of the County of MeHenry and State of Illinois, deceased, herel>y gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of MeHenry County, at the Court" House, in Woodstock, at the February Term,.on the third Monday iu February " next, at which tin:e all persons having clsiiiis against said Estate, are notifies and requested to attend, for I he purpose of having the same adjusted. All per-tons indebted to said Estate are re­ quested to make immediate payment to [the undersigned. Dated 90th;day of December, A. D., 1880. JOHN I'OWEliS, Administrator. Manufactured by F. MARCUS -DBALKB IK- PUBEWINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstook III. rS'.SfSiS;;*,""L r, MARCUS: PatantM. JOS. WIEDEMANN, *Ae;ent Franz Falk'a MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, MeHenry, Hi. Beer in harge or Small Kegs or Bottles al ' ays on hand cheaper than any other, quali. y considered. This Beer has a world wide reputation, and floodjudges acknowledge it cannot ue sur. passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS.: WIEDEMANN. MeHenry. III. May Sth, 1880. For Children THIB NURSERY Fifteentl Year. This Magazine will begin the year IBS! witli a new and ele- raut Cover and other improvements. It will continue to sur­ pass all imitator*.-- The January number will prove this.-- •LSOi vear. in ad­ vance. SewSubscrib ers get an extra num­ ber hy subscribing now. CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN, Tou are invited to call at Maiman's CLQTKOTQ v at!" OUS3J, AUCONDA, and be fitted for cold weather. I have the largest FALL and WINTEB stock ever shown in lYaucouda. O VERLOA rs. #2.65 O VERCOA TS, 83.75 U VERVAJA TS. $4.75 O YLl> CO A 7W.47.00 OVERCOATS: Al ALL PRICES Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- Forany thing made to order, whether a single garment or a full suit. Maiman's Is the place to buy. Also a full lino of UKNTV FURXISHltSO GOODS, Hats and Cans, Ladies Clonks, both Beady-made and Made to order. Having purchased a Pull Stockgof Millinery Goods invites the Indies of Wauconda and vi­ cinity to call and see her stock of MILLINERY. Hats and Bonnets trimmed In the latest stvies and at reasonable prices. MISS GIE3ELER is ready to *ec ladies who deaire her serv'ccs as Dress Maker. The best of work guaranteed, Koom with |fra. Waueonda. Military •'Mustangs," Our military <*stabli«hmeut Is not a large one, but It furnishes rooin enough for very bitter qunrrsls and contentious. Its ollluars are <!i- vidfcd broailly into two classes--those who are West Pointers an<l those who are not. The war caused a great in crease in the latter element, and i consequent decline In the strength of the Army King, which was once so powerful in the lobby at Washington. Had General Hnucock been elected President, tbi« inequality would have been redressed, and the regular King would have had everything its own way. He was its caudidute for the Presidency, whatever the previoti|B po­ litical affiliation of its members^ Since his defeat most of them have been in comlitlon of chronic sore-headeduess and litis lia« culminated in |ro*itiv« quarreliug over the recent changes and prouiotious. The ring lias had much to irritate It. It has not had a chance for a Presideut, except this one since Zachery Taylor. General Grant ought to have belonged to it, but his long absence from the service pre­ vented his acquiring its tastes and preferences. He was. and is, more of a citizen than a soldier. He is little better than a "mustang," to use its ele­ gant term, for those who have attained distinction without a West Point cer­ tificate. Mr. Hayes, and Mr. Garfield are both mere "muslaugs," and not Inclined to see the especial claims of the regular service upon ilie country. The people may be fond of solJiur Presidents, but somehow the lightning does uot seem to strike the King. The present di'Turbanee of amity has its occasion in the transfer of cer- tuiu high officers to the retired list, to make room for the younger men. This procedure «ve repaid as both just and wise. The military profession deuiauds of its votaries that they shall be iu the strengtli and vigor of their years. Our experience in the late war Mioivs how little was to be gained by keeping on the active list such Gen* erals as scott. They wers merely au em harassment to the Government. If we sent our Belisariuse; to beg by the wa3'side. there might be some ?;round to deprecate their withdrawal roin the service. But a Major General who has a pension of #4,000 a year for the rest of his life, with full liberty to increase it by any civil employment for which he has still the energy need­ ed, is hardly an objectof public com­ miseration.-- Philadelphia American. BOM. 4. C. SBHRWLIRS BILK On the 10th Inst. Hon. J. C. Shenvln, of thi* district, introduced into the house of representatives the following bill, which was twice read, referred to the committee on commerce and or­ dered printed, The bill reads: "A BILL to regulate the exportation of articles made in imitation oi but­ ter and cheese. *'Bs i( enacted by the Senate and Nome of Representatives of the L nit- ecl State» of America in Congress a*~ ttemhled. That evory person who shall export to any foreign country any firti- cle or suMt-ince in the semblance of butter the legitimate product of the dairy, and not made est clnsively of milk or cream, but into which the oil or fat of animals not pro­ duced from milk enters as A cornpon eut, part, or into which melted butter or any oil thereof has heen introduced to take the place of cream, shall dis­ tinctly and durably stamp, brand, or mark upon every tub. box, firkin, or package of such article the word ••olemargariiie," "sueine," "butteriue." or such other word or words as such article may he known or designated by, in plain Roman letters not less than half au inch square. ••Sko.2. That every person who shall export to any foreign country or place, or cause to be placed upon any vessel for exportation to any foreign country, any of the said articles or substances required by the first section of this act to be stamped, marked, or branded as therein stated, wlttiout first stamping, marking, or branding the same as by said first section provided, shall for each and every such oftense forfeit and pay a flue of one thousand dollars' to be recovered in any court of compe­ tent jurisdiction, om half of such fine, when paid, to go to the informer and the other half to be paid into the treasury of the United states, "Sue. 3. That the secretary of the treasury shall appoint an inspector of dairy products for the port of New York,and for any other port or pons shonl J lie deem it necessary, in order to carry out the purposes of tills act, whose duty It shall be to carefully ex­ amine aim Inspect each and every tub, box, flikln. or package 6f butter, otemargarlne, sueine, buttertne, or other articles made of the fat of animals uot produced from iniik, or Into which such fat of animals shall enter as acompoteut part, which shall constitute the whole or any part of the oargo of any vessel about to depart to auv foreign port; and if lie shall dis­ cover upon such vessel any box, tub, firkin, or package containing such art! cle or articles which are not branded, stamped or marked with the true Maine of the article they contain, in the manlier required In the tirst section of this act, lie shall at once report that fact to the collector of the port, and said collector shall not grant anr dear* ance for such vessel and her cargo until every tub. box. firkin.or package eon Mining any such article shall be truly branded, stamped, or marked in the I manner and I'orm described in said ! Mr*t section, and until such articles are correctly described iu the manifest of such vessel. ".>bo. 4. That It shall be the duty of the collector of the port of New York and of any port where an inspector of dairy products may have been appoint «MI. whenever the manifest of any ves sel about to depart for a foreign port shall have been delivered fo him. to examine the same, and if it contains any articles entered thereon as butter, olamargarinc. simine, or butterine. he sh ill make a list of said articles and deliver it to the inspector of dairy products for the port, who shall at once examine ami inspect said articles as provided in the third section of this act. "SEC.5* That the Inspector of dairy products shall, before entering upon Ihe luties of his office, take and sub scrilje an oath faithfully and diligent­ ly to perform the duties imposed upon him by this act. which oath shall be administered by the collector of the port; and the said inspector shall re­ ceive as a salary the sum of-- dollars per annum. This bill ought to. and probably will, become a law. Our dairy interests are so seriousl)* aflected by these adultera­ tions that'very strenuous laws ought to be eflected to check and aud if possible remedy their continuance. Our dairy­ men, and they are many, appreciate such legislation. AN ADVKNTUBE ON THK FLUNA A correspeudent of the Greeley Eye, writing from down the Platte, relates this: "A few envenings ago a family were atartled by the cudden opening of their door aud the rushing in of a in'»ii barefooted and covered with Ice, exclaiming. "Oh. God, 1 am frozen!" Apologising for his abrupt intrusion, he made the following explanation.-^ He had come from Sidney by the mail hack the week before, but could not get his baggage across the river -- Wanting a change of clothes, he pro> cared a team and set out to get theui; drove to the river bank and proceeded across on foot. On his return, it hav ing become dark, he frII through the ice and got well soaked. Alter get­ ting ashore, thinking it advisable to change, he pulled oft his boots, but his nether garments refused to come, they were frozen to liiin. In the meantime his boots had frozen so hard that he could uot replace them. He was in a bad Ax; a mile from any house, bare­ footed. and the mercury away below zero. Jumping into his wagon lie drove to the nearest lights arriving there badly scared and almost frozen to death." THE sweeping tide of prosperity la shown by the immense increase of business in the Patent Office, General Land Office, Pension Office, and other Departments of the Government.-- Patent cases. Pension claims, Contest­ ed Land entries, or other business placed iu the hands of Presbery & Green, Attorneys. 529 7th st. Washing­ ton, D. C., will have immediate atten­ tion. Eoclote Stamp for information ruANce. PABIS. France, Jan. M, 1ML DKAR FURNDS AT HUMSThe New Year which Is Just dawning here, wll! hire stolen a march on my letter to yon. Nevertheless, will telljtynn how the old year of 1880 ended. It brought great changes which will long be re­ membered. The breaking up of our Studio in Chicago, where we!worked so faithfully to prepare ourselves '/or a trip across the oc -a -, our safe arrival In a foreign land, our good health and great pleasures we find here, and fair start iff our work for thj yean ju«6 be­ fore us. We like Franco, -the people and their language, which is not 4t aft difficult to speak, ami given M no trouble to converse with all whom we meet. We like the French money. It is not so easy to carry, some of It, hut we coimt It quicker'than tli« English money we used In London. Christmas found us all together in oar new home and to dine with us ire had a young American lady friend of mine who resides here. Had little gifts to make It seem like a genuine Christmas, and were well pleased and very thankful for all that has eome to ns this year. The day after Christmas we visited the old palace or the Louvre wandering around the rooms looking at the grand old paintings which are always new. 1 wish very much to copy Rosa Bohncr's famous picture. "The Plowing Match,*' and shall probably do so as soon as I finish the "Gleaner." a lovely painting by Bectou, In the Luxenburg palace. It takes 'a canvas seven fei.t high. Tho guards and officers of the palace are very polite to iw, We received admittance here through our Anerluau Consul, to whom I brought special letters from home, and of the twenty-five artists painting in this room, we are the only ladies- Mrs. St J--and myself. The Luxem­ burg closed with the year, but opens again soon. Mrs. L--, of Chicago, will work with metlte coming week at the Louvre. Monday I called on Mr. Adron'a cousin, Mr, Barnshaw. Went to his place of business first. Had a pleasant introduction, aud then he took me to see his wile. I foun.f her to be a very charming laity, and was invited to dtne with ttient on New Years day. They are young people and I hope for pleasant ilays together, Yesterday I saw p balloon with two 'man In it go Into the cfotrds and out or sight. Have not heard from it since. Will speak of it wfren I write again We have had no frost or snow yet. It has rained a Nttle every day for a week. Hope in tho year I »t»y here to do some good work and be ahjc to show you a sample of it. So be good to yourselves tliat(|I may see you agaiu, and hold me fn remem­ brance. CLARA B. OWEN, Some commercial travelers, says the Providence Press, understand hu­ man nature pretty thoroughly. One of them, who had been through the South and West pretty extensively, but had never been East, came (o Providence recently. Going down one of tho principal thoroughfares quite early, he saw an establishment deal­ ing In his kind of goods. He stepped in. Inquired for the proprietor, and handed hi in Ills card. The proprietor gruffly informed him that they wanted nothing; had more goods in the store than they could sell In Ave years, Who asked you to buy auything said the traveler. "I am a stranger here aud uot feeling very well 1 want a glass of brandy. I thought you might be able to tell me where 1 could get one." The proprietor suddenly became very affable, and offered to go with his visitor. When they had i turned to the store they sat down and talked "about the weather" aud various other thing*, but uot a word about business did the commercial traveler utter. Au hour or more passed in this way And then the proprietor ques­ tioned his caller about Ills samples. The lutter was, apparently, very re­ luctant in showing them, but was finally prevailed upon to do so. Be­ fore he had left the store, he bad takeu orders amounting to about $9,000. His strategy was a suoce>«. woman who went to church costly raiment last Sunday was a little touched on hearing the preacher say "Them are some persons who have on their baeks clothes that cost more than would keep several poor families? But she said to herself: "Tree; but by the preparation of the material of the clothing, as well as the making and sale of it, many poor people have been given employment. Nor have I put any one in distress by getting my clothing. I have been saving. I do not waste so much as a scrap of foo keep neither cat nor dog, aud notb ing is lost in my house. There are poor families who throw away, every day. half a week's provisions that good cook would utilize. I am not called upon to save my scraps that wasteful people may eujoy my savings without earning theiu. I assist tuy poor kin; that is as much as I can do for I am in moderate--1 might say very moderate--circumstances. S*»/lf§.^tlie preacher talk."--Exchange. afir Within the past three month* not less than 2.600 Gt rtnan immigrant* have sailed from Europe for Texas di­ rect landing at Galveston. In this way they make the voyage somewhat mom ' cheaply than if they went by the way of New York; but tliey experience th* disadvantage of finding no provision made for their reception, and hundreds of men, women and children have had to pass cold nights on the wharves with­ out shelter of any kind. They also fall Into the hands of so-called emigration agents, for whose restraint there Is m > law iu Texas, and against whous tbert Is no protection, ns in New York. For those reasous German papers ruise at note of warning to Intending itnmi* grants. "A blizzard.* says a Dakota miui **is the Northwestern name for a of wind filled with snow and icy paf» tides, as fine as rice 'powder, with It tempratore ten or twenty degrees bo- low zero. A genuiue hllszard Is m fierce and dense that you can neither face it or distinguish objects ten feet away from yon. In Dakota and Mi%» nesota during the prevalence of thf blizzard farmers only venture out of their houses with guiding ropes around their persons to enable tlietu to Suit their wav back. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic WIM and Ague. Autograph Albums franc iM upwarda, at O. W. OwecV * | Fover r ' .»£ Ik2 \ '

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