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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1881, p. 4

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lf>1 WWWrn ' ; * , • - -v 'W -»«** •'•• ••*- • ' . ." - eMil v--='-- ;•* • * mM t-.V'iL -.; Valuable Pr.»»erty For Sale, ~«. E. ABBOTT, WEDNESDAY FEB. fvV'.vu1 :- ' VAN SLYICE, (£-*• . t , THK POOL BILL. P" T IM Tool Bill, Wlltcll LM< FMMMWD to third reading: In tlic State Sen at r. . «|oe# away with much of the present form of gambling being carried on In thl* country. FollotlftJ !• the text of the bill: SUCTION 1. Re it enacted, etc*, That %'hosoewf »ha!l keep any room* or IHiy portion tlieivof, or shall occupy Mnv place either public or private Miywhere within the State of Illinois, with apparatus, hooks or other device* for recording or registering bet* or wagers, or sliall sell pool upon the re» •tilt of any trial or contest of skill, •peeil, or power oTendurance of max, Wrti or bea^t.or bclu^ the owner, oc- cwpant, or lessee of any such rooms, buiMiuif, part or portion thereof, or J»rlv.-it<; grounds. shall know!ng permit the s* in* to lie nw»d or ocj'upicd for *ny «f the purposes aforesaid or sh*ll ' -therein or thereon keep, or employ * any device or apparatus for the pnr- Cise nf recording or registering such, its or Wagers, or Tor the selling of inch |»oids, or shall become the ensto- ° . dlati or depository of any money, prop? erty or other thing of value, staked. Wagered or pledged as aforesaid upon #«»y such result shall be deemed guilty ' -Of"* misdemeanor, and shall, upmi con- ... miction, he fined not more than $200 »or less than #10 for each oflense. Sac.*2. This act, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. RIITTKK ANDCHKICSB FACTOKV. I 1 EDITOR PLAINOKALKR:-- Having come into your community tor the purpose! of Investing iu au enterprise through which we hope to be able to benefit the people at large, and wishing to qiake the settlement of our purpose know to all interested at as early n time as possible, we avail ourselves of the medium of your columns, with yom kind consent, and wish to say chat we have liad the idea of establishing a Butter and Cheese interest in MeHeii. ry for more than A year past and with that end iu view our Mr. E.J. Oatmau, at the solicitation of tome of your best citizens, came here and carefully in­ vestigated the matter. finding an in­ terest manifested in the enterprise which has led us to make permanent arrangements for the immediate erec­ tion of a Factory, which we propose to manage in the best intereets of the Dairymen of this vicinity, according to the best dictates of our judgment, coupled with our experience in the business. We wish simply to say to the Dairy Interest* that after careful Investigation we have selected for the *ite of the Factory the most desirable point iu the village, as it appears to us. Judging from the stand points of the best interests of the Dairymen and the necessary requirements of a first-class Factory. We shall have the Factory completed at an early day. not later than Mjtjf 1st, and at that time we hope to welcome to our assistance, and to the support of the enterprise, every man who lias an interest iu the welfare and prosperity of McHenry and its dairymen. We shall put np such a building and (It it up with sucli^x. tures as the present advanced state of the business requires we should, that we may be able to do justice by our patrons, and a satisfactory business for one and all. In conclusion, Mr. Editor, we wish to ask the earnest co­ operation of every map. in McIIenry. wlie lias the interest of the community at heart, and in return we pledge our­ selves to use our best endeavors to carry oa a business which shail result to tie best possible advantage of the lite dairymen and all concerned, ac­ cording to the best of our knowledge and ability. • E. J. O ATM AS, For J. Oatman A Sons. XCHBVVT, February 1st, 1S91. Various Cannes-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis- aprolntment. and heredifnrv predis­ position--all operate to turn Ihe hair gray, and either of them incline} it »o •hed. prematurely, AYKKS HAIR ViftoR will restore faded or gray, light r» d hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving It a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruft «ud humors. By its use fall­ ing hair * checked, and a new growth will he produced in all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beauti­ fully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few I.KTTEII HAV.HONU. RE*. S IB AXD BROTHER:--It waa my aa well as pleasure to listen to your sermon on Sunday last, from the text, "Whtfre Is your faith" and I can you that I was led to rejoice with >o" as well aa others when we were told by the gool pastor who as­ sisted yon that the tfreat principles (of that grand and glorious system of reli­ gion that Christ, came to establish on earth were being received Into new hearts in Greenwood and that some were being turned from their evil ways and led to a knowledge of the ever living God. Your arrafgnmelit and criticism of those "blear-eyed, hoary- headed old sinners, whose souls ara hanging on the very verge of damna­ tion,*' who, no doubt, honestly differ from lis as to the authority on which we base our belief in the real Christ, and those divine principles and teach­ ings that flow from a knowledge of his life and the revealed will of God to man, w»t# perhaps equally as pointed as elegant. And you will permit ni« to as«ure yon. that Inmost sincerely heartily and fervently unite with von not only in yrtur prayer, hut in your gr*at hope that not only •'Boh" biit all others not only in GreenHvbod, but throughout the universe of Go,I, will finally listen to the voice of this same .testis whom "God also hath highly ex- alted and given a name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every l^nee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and thing* under the earth and thaPevery tongue should confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord to the glory of God the Father.*' These are indeed days of peril. Never before have the enemies of revealed religion been so determined In their assaults. Never before have their approaches been so skillfully planned.-- Never their hosts so ably marshalled. What, is our duty then? Can we af­ ford to weaken our own ranks? Rath­ er should *c not stand shoulder to shoulder in the conflict and bear aloft the banner of the cross to final victory. Can we afford to avenge such men ns Farar, Beecher, Uhapin, Swing Mc­ Carthy, Holland, Ryder. Thomas and the great host of such students and divines, and with less formally and authority than a drum head Court Martial, dismiss them in disgrace from our ranks and the masters service? The Rev. Dr. Thomas I never saw.-- His sermon- I have read, and if at any time in my life. I have been led not only to believe, but to feel in my own soul the influence of the teachings of this "Christ the sou of God,*' it lias been when reading the words that feiS from the lips of this devout man. How could you so heartlessly arraign such a man and hold him up to the scorn con­ tempt and ridicule of an intelligent audience. Is lie not a man of prayer? Dons lie not cling with most Intense devotion to the same Christ that you preach? Does lie not rend and preach from the same bible that you do? Do yon know of any thing in his whole life not in strict keeping with the highest christian character? .Then why would you have us believe hi in such an outcast. Whai if lie does preach in a theatre. Does that make the word of God of less effect? Have you forgotten that Abraham Lincoln, the greatest martyr that the wor'd has ever known since Christ, stepped directly from Ford's Theatre, in the city of Washington, into the city of the New Jerusalem, and was crown­ ed an Angel and now sits at the right hand of this same Jesus in whom you and I and Dr. Thomas believe? My good nrother. I pray* you think of these things. Yon said to us that you was a minister of the gospel, that de­ livered to us -Gods message ;isGod delivered it to you, and almost in the next breath you told us that "rag-shag and bob-tail of the city of Chicago j were his followers." Are you quite certain now that von were repenting the language of the great Jehovah as his spirit moved vou to speak? Hut 1 ii'iist close this friendly letter, pray­ ing. hoping and believing that the God of all truth will finally guide us all aright. "That nothing walks with Bin.lens feet, That not one Uie shall be destroyed Or cast as rubbish to tuc wind, Where God h uh made the pile complete." Fraternally, CII VS. B. TKYON. Hebron, III., Jan. 31, J881. ed; they, nearly all of tlieni, having been gathered by Mrs. S. from Ihe little home farm, viewing some ad­ mirable oil paintings, the handiwork of Miss Cora, and a very nice little cabinet of entomological specimens* we bade the company good night, and we sincerely believe that we enjoyed our night's sleep and the following day's religious exercises all the better for that evening's amusement. If there are those Who believe otherwise, let them, after a hard mid harassing week's work, worn and fatigued both in body and mind, try the experiment. The condition of Robert Schryver continues very much the same. In our last week's communication, where we would have said "twenty- eight years ago" you tirade us say "twenty.*' Was it wo or the Jype setter who left the "eight" off. Keep your hens well housed In well lighted, sunny rooms, and feed them well. As the Yankee would say. "eggs is egg«" at-seventy-five ceiits -a dozen and scarce at that. The Rival Concert Troupe at Mar- nhy's Hall on the 4th netrt and not on the "4(h aft" a« the Sentinel had it. We have said so netliing about fine weather. If the "Nor' easter" con­ tinues its pranks and whistling fury as just now indicated, we fe-ir your read­ ers will not credit us with being much of a Judge of line weather. Some af the tender-footed think..'yon are rather.personal on the correspon­ dent of the Democrat on . the bridge question. We understand the Guards have se­ cured Dr. Thomas, for the last in their Course, to happen sometime iu March. The property formerly used as a Hotel, in tlie village of Jtlugwuod, Is offered for sale. It, consists of one large brick House, containing ten rooms, ail necessary outbuildings, a good well of water and cistern, and one acre of land, On the premises are some of the finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery, &c., to he found in the county. It is a very desirable location and will be sold dirt cheap and on long time, for good security. Apply to SIMEON POTTED, Administrator, Of tho Ks'nte of Mrs. M. Crnndall. Shorthand TAUGHT BY MAIL IN 12 LESS0H8 FOB $1.50 The trrowinir interest in Phonography has created a demand for a Periodical to teach tue art, in a series of Lessons, comprehensive, detailed and thorough. The American SHORTHAND WEITSB, taking the initiative, is the only Magazine in Ihe world that tenrhos Phonography. A Full Course given even* year, one oininlete lesson each month, and tfte Exercises of all learners OORKKCTKD THROUGH THE MAIL Free of Charge Those who prefer to team •n a briefer time than >>ne vear, inn v join onr Correspondence Class and go through an en­ tire Course in either in or "2( weeks. Subscription to the SHOKTIIANP WRITKR, OXE YEAR - „ - ^ - *1.50 Si gla Copy, rontiininq First Lesson mailed to anv Kddress for 11 cents. Anyone wishing to learn this fascinating and valuable science ar«j requested to write at once for Free Descriptive Circular. no w ell & rrrcKOx . VlNKI.AXn, X. J. • Plea*e mention the paper in which you saw this.ndveit isment, IV applications will produce the gloss and fieshneps of WOODSTOCK. youth. Harmless and sure iu its oper- EDITOR PLAIXDEALKR:-Woodstock ailou. it Is incomparable as a dressing, m,..., ... „ and is especially valued for the soft , lke,v to hiiv,! H , , ,ore on,l»'ir- 1 list re and richness of tone it impart*, f "7 sensational lswsuit.or perhaps, two it contains neither oil nor dye.and ^ or three suits, growing out of a will not soil nor color white cambric: *et it lasts long on the lialr, and keeps it fresh ami vigorous. Bfetfclng Short or i;aml«t»kable Benefits. Conferred upon tens of thousands of sufferers could originate and maintain • He reputation which AVKIIS SARSAPA- KALLA enjoys* ft it a compound oi" the best vegetable alteratives, with the Iodides of Potassium and iron, and is the most effectual of afi remedies for terofulnns. mercurial, or bluod disor­ ders. Uniformly succe&gfui «ud certain III its remedical efievts. it produces rapl l and complete wire* of W^-^fula. Kores, Boils, iliintors. I'ini.|*les. ftrup- Hone, Sklu I)is*aw* aud alj disorders rising from impurity of the Mood. By lt« Invigorating it afwavs re­ lieves and often cares Liver Complaint Female Weaknesses and Irregulari­ ties, aud is a potent renewer of vital­ ity. For purifying the Wood 4t has no equal. U tones up the svsteni. re- etyres a ad preserves the health, and Imparts vigor and euergy. For forty years it has been iu extensive use. aud Is to:da$' the muse avaiiutde medicine for the suffering sick, anywhere. FOU SALE BV AI.I. DKAUIU, , I IL • Cash I5uyei> jtU-wnjii# of reducing our stock of v ii.ter goods-we shaM on 'i'hursdav /an. 13i 1«, commence <>nr annual sale uf winter ^ood<i.4.*oit«dMlng of Mens and Hoy* Kui«« and Overcoats, Flannels, hhawls. S«ar&. Xtihlss, lloods, Ca| Furs. Wool j/iitted Bout^ warrant and arrest before one of the justices of your own town. And con­ sidering the business mid social rela­ tions of the parties, should all the suits talked of by Madame Rumor be pushed to jury trials, some strange and questionable developments may be thought to the surface, and some of the mysterious ways of inoucy grabbing brouifht to light Or in other words some peculiar char-keteristics, hereto- foneiwixedup wiih meek liouor and honesty, may be eliminated from among the tangled meshes of pre&eu* sious, aud placed before the public Our people continue to utilize tlve fine sleijghijig gnd j.leasawt winter weather by way of sleigh ridas, draw- lug farm products to market,, etc. Another otf those Mirprise sociables ! was muchly enjoyed '*on light fantastic toe* at the residence of A. W. Smith ou Saturday ev-ening last. Your cor­ respondent .was present till about ten o'clock, One very f»iowiiueut feature of the eutertaiiuneut was a successful deteriu4nation l>y ell, aud particularly by the host and hostess, to gee to it tliateavh aud all sliou.ld ^njoy It. Af- **overt next •rW •;r • ter beiug shown through the uiany and Shoes. l*weH arranged conveniences of ttye jspa- »er good* Ac. As we are bound to j cious building, examining the geolog- r t i l u ' J t e i n t o f i a ^ , w i t h i n t h e , . . . . , 3<» davs,p«*ce« will W made to I U'al ^"^wens, whnd, aw quite y^riou* tViinj ntu] 6ce. I and extrusive, considering the kuimLI WAUC3NDA. EDITOR I 'LAIXDEALKR:--Much ori­ ginal autograph album poetry has been recently scattered about Won- conda. A reporter of "true merit," then, should be able to write poetry.-- This is evident. We can not escape, so here goes. "Chips" are up" saM our friend or rather, he thought it. ••They, arose" he continiued, "attached to a rotket." "And this is the fumy thing, My Man." '*A rocket that rises, no matter how slick.*' "Must surely deocead, a charred. worthless stick." 'Vftid the "Chips" don't amount to a d That delightful custom of noting the anniversary of the wedding day was sanctioned on Monday Eve last, (24th) by Mr. and Mrs. K. Harrison, the occasion being the lull; anniversary of their marriage. The rooms were ' well tilled, the presents were both j numerous aud handsome, the supper was all that could be<desire,l. mid the] only trouble with tlie music, the soci­ ability and the general good time was that there was not enough of it. Mid­ night came too soon. The hours were too sho:-;. On Tuesday eve, 25th, a number of Wauconda friends, joined by nearer neighbors, "put up a job" on Mr. Ben Morse, which few people object to.-- Both Mr. Morse and the friends who ••surprised" him will long connt'the evening a* one of the 2l>'casautcst of the season of ^l. Wc have recently seen evidences of the continued and Increased success and popularity of our old friend aud former townsman.Enoch W, Barker, now of Man Francisco. Ilis many friends here will heartily wish him "more yet."' A peculiar epidemic seems to be run­ ning through the Da>ry Herds of this section, the most prominent and dis­ tressing symptom being known among cattle men as "the scours." When one of the herd Is affected the rest are sure, it is said, to sooner or later come down vitli it Powdered Jamica Gin­ ger. 4 ounces mixed with castor oil, 2 tablespoonfuls and given at *a dose, is said hv a number who have tried, to be an effectual and speedy remedy. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ilill. who with their little ones are spending the win­ ter iu Louisiana, write home that they are having a fine time in spite of the unusual weather. The funeral of Mrs. J. A. Hubbard occurred on Friday last iu the Baptist Church. So many friends of this estimable lady were present that many were obliged to stand. Every seat being occupied. Rev. G. I,. Brooks conducted the service, choosing no text, but taking for his theme the simple word "Death,'1 At the close of Ills address he read a beautiful little poem by Watt Whitman and a short sketch of Mrs. Huhhard's life iu Wau­ conda. Mrs. Hubbard's sterling worth as a neighbor anil friend, her genial sunny manner in the past years (which earned for her so many warm friends,) her exceptional devotion to her home aud the loved oueg therein are so well known that no printed or spoken words Could add thereto. Or. Friday Evening the Literary •Society met in the school r,>o n, the attendance as usual being good aud the exercises entertaining and instructive. lt"ed*s Comedy Coterie gave four per­ formances iu Mat man's Hall beginning j Thurs lay last. The opinion ot one of 'Waiicouda's Literati" (ii* that Liter­ ary sky rocket teller called us) was not considered worth a pass '4itd ]is anyone even so remotely connected as we are with a newspaper is known to be chronically short of funds--we wiil be obliged to pass the show with the re­ mark that it is said, the attendance was good and the .performance like- wise. Since the advent of sleighing all un­ usually large quantity of wood has been drawn to town. Mrs. Dr. Wells has bo«n v'sitlng friends in Chicago since Tuesday last. Bliss Sadie Barker, who has made it her home In Chicago this winter, is making her people a visit of a couple Mortgage Sale* BY virtue of power of sale contained in a Sale Mortgage, executed by John King ami Anna King. Ilia wife--John ' l lcrbes and (iertrude lierhes his wife--to Samuel H. Walk or, April 7th, A. D. HTrt. and recorded in tlie Recorder's Ofll ' 'e of the County of McJlcnry inRoik'47 of Mortgages, on pasre :j:l . to secure tho payment of o' .o certain promissory note, of pvvii date with said mortgage, 'for the stun of four hundred dol­ lars, due one year after date, with in ,«srest at the raie of ten per cent, per annum until paid--said Note payable to said ®amuel II. W'llker, or order. *"Default having been made in the payment of the principal and interest of.said note--there being now due on the same the sum of one hundred and forty.two dollars and eleven cents as interest, and said sum ot four h indred dollars principal--and also the further sum of twent dollars nnt seven!v.five cents for taxes--ns. by the terms of said mortga-re, T shall, as Executor of ihe list will and testament of the said S:i>nnel If. Walker, dec -ased, on Saturday, the-i 'HIi day or Febrnary, A. I>-. 1SSI. at the hour of one o'clock, r . M . ot said dav, sit the east door of the Court II >11 se. in Woodstock, in said County of McIIenry and St-ite of Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public] veil, due to the highest snd best bi ble: for cash, the following described Reil Estate, situtted in the Coiintv of Mc.Henry and St i le of Illi­ nois, /o-K'tf;--Lot Xuinlx»r"Fourteen. (14) in the Village of .l . ihnsburgii, according to the snr- rcy of John ttr 'nk. in Section Xiniiber Thir­ teen. (1») Township Fortv-Five, (il) North of Range Eight, (H) East of the Third (3d) I 'rin- cipal Meridian, together with all the right »nd equity of Redemption of the said Mort­ gagors, their heirs and assigns. J- W- C3ISTY, FIrecirlor <>f Ihe P!*tate of Snmnsl II. Walker, Mortgagee. January 25th, 1881. Executor's Notice. Estate of John II. Mndgett deeeased. The undersigned Inving been appointed Ex- cutor of the last Will and Testament of John H. Mn Igett. deceased, l-ne.of the County of Mi'flenry, and State of Illinois.* lierebv give notice that •»«; will appear before the County ?ourt of McIIenry Connty, at the Court House, in 'Voudstock, at the Term, on the ford Monday in April next, at which time all persons hitvinu claims against said estate tire noUlted and roquesie'1 to attend for the purpose of having tliesaaie a ljusled. All per­ son« indebte I to said Estate, are ieqnest"d to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this H'.h ' lav »f January, A. !». I8:-<1. W -l. 11." M^OOKTT," Executor. Is more than ever fully pre­ pared to move on the works of the enemy who are con­ tinually charging the good people of McHenry county such fearfu high prices for their Boots and Shoes and Rubbers. He keeps in stock the celebrated Selz Boots and Shoes and will sample them both as to quality and price with any dealer in the Northwest. He buys and sells more Boots and Shoes than all other dealers in Woodstock and is the only exclusive Cash house of the kind in McHenry county. Call and see him. Corner Main St. and Public S juare "Woodstock, 111. WATCHMAKE Administrator's Saie. Y virtae of a deetet il order of the Countv Court, of McHenry Cour.ty. State of 11f- inois, in a le and entere I at the Puc .einlH . tr term thereof for tho year A. I>. H8'i , in a cer­ tain proceeding therein ponding, wherein H. C. Mead as t ' le Administrator of the estate of 1) ivi I C. Wilson, deceased, had applied to said court lor an order to sell Real Estate of said deceased, to pay debts; I will on the Uth day of Kel). !S«1, at the hour of one o'clock p. M.,"of said day, offer tor sale at Public Ven­ due, for cash, 'at the trout door of the Post oiUce, in the village of Mollenrv, the follow­ ing described propertv. to.wit: T 'IO East half of lot OIIO of the Northwest quartor of section six in Township forty-four range nine, containing Forty.two acres and twenty nine hundredth* of an acre according to Uov. ernnientsurvey. II. C. MEAD, Administrator. McIIenry, J**n. l i th, l-WI. Established iir-1855. eg irKi mn STERBA, ' Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, has again returned t<> Mclienrv County, and has on hand the largest stock of READY MIDE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in the Countv, and has evervthinr made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and *n0 me. JDMN 3TER3A. Near the Depot, McHenry. Come, Come, TO STitzsinamcms Ehransoxx, - At The West End of McHenry, For a pood, well mrule Overcoat For a nobby and well made suit of Clothes For o-onuine hand-made Boots and Shoes. For Hats and Caps in latest styles. For the most complete assortment of No­ tions, For '*ever> day" Dry Goods For Gloves and Mittens, For the best and purest Teas, Sugars, CoiFes and Spices, ^ j To sell your pood Butter and Fresh E<r/rs. < 'tune we say to make money on small jOi" larjure deals. Come aud convince yourselves; that we mem bus-iTicas. * I Over oOD Overcoats yet unsold tluit must be closed out. Come and see. FOR SALE. IOKKER for sale my Itlacksmlth and W.igon Shop and -Hock and Ton's on easv ternis. Now iloing a goo I business. Locale I iu McUenrv, McHenry Connty. Illinois, op|M>- ! site the Parker House. This is one of the j most desirable business locations of the kind ; in Northern Illinois and will bo sold cheap, I or wil ' sell Mock and Tools ami rent the i Shop, but would prefer to MI*11 all together Reasons for telling-- I'Ortlt ft E A I .TIL * ' For further particulars call on or address, T J CLIFTON. McHenry, III- REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O N THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, -- AT - Close of Businass Dsc. 31 '80 a RKBOUUCKS Loans and diACount.^. Over>lra Its 17. S. Bonds to secure circulation.. . IX. S. Itonds on hand Dee from approve* reserve agents. Due from otiier Nat ional l lcnks.. . . Keal estate, furniture and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes yaid.. . Premiums paid Checks and other casn items t 'other hanks Krc. ' l paper cur. uickelJ & pennies.. •Specie Legal tender notes Redemption fund with U. S. Treaa- urer £5 per c,ent of c.irru-latton) -- Due fro a IJ. 3. Tre isurcrotiier than 0 por cuui redemption fund |14t,!»27 4'i 4,.M)5 fi.r) 6tl,0(Hl 110 iT.Vl (HI 77 ti, 5:t!» *7 4,'JHl Ot) Mit M1 V> (K) f)S»8 !W 6,473 IX. ttia l.'t,'!.">> I HI 4,OOU (Ml 2,050 00 800 00 a ^77,.iVi 7!» Don't Read This, Unless --AND DSAL.EB IN-- WATCHES. JEWELRY, Silverware, &,c. RICHMOND, ILL. muro l e . . Has just put in his Stores Lsir^re StoeR than ever, and is selling at the very Lowest Prices possible. HAVE GIVEN PRICES BELOW. Extension Tables, $1. per foot. I3reakfast Tables, all walnut, $3 75. Centre i'ables, from $3.50 and upwards. Common Bed­ steads, $2.75, $3.00 French black walnut bedsteads, $5.75 and upwards. Common Kitchpft* Chairs, $3. Cane Seat ChairaM $5 up to $14, t Bureaus $i) and upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaida. Lonnjres, Brussels, Carpet, $8. Mattresses, all frizes, $2.75. Bu- reau^with 14x24 Glass, $15, . Loo?un<r Glasses and Brackets, Wall Pockets, ete. I also keep on hand a fine as- sortment of COFFINS AND CASKETS, furnished at 2^" llearse so nab .e rates. rea- JOHN B. BLAKE McHenry, Augusjt 23, 18b0. You Want to get BLOSSOM, Rich. FALL MB WINTSB CAMPAIGN OPENED. LAUEE & BECKER, Near the Depot McHenry ----- Illinois, Il.ive just filled then store M itli a full stock of tlie latest stylet and pat. terns of CLOTHS, --FOB-- F&U & Winter Suitings. Which tlicy are prepar­ ed to make to order on short notice, and war­ rant satisfaction. We also have a full line of FORMISHSNC GOODS Collars, Cuffs. Suspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &c. in which we will not be uuilersotd, quality of £<><>.'ls coii8i«lcre<t. In the lint line wc have the GarfleW and Il.iiu-oek. the lutest aiut nohl»i«st style out. When in want of a single gnnnenl or a run suit fto not fail to jfive us a call. LAUER A BECKER. Mc.Henry, Oct. fitli, M. k Total... I . IABIl . tTIES. Capital stork paia in fto.oon Surplus fnn'l :tl ,r2. '»*23 (Jn livideil prollts 'i .-VVl f t XutioiiHl Imnk notet oiitsi-anilinir tn.lMKKKi Imliviitiial ' leuo-iits mitijeet t ' jeiieck 147,-Jrt't Oeirtanii certillcates ot ' deposit 1,IJ1 i0 Total .. %T.VTE OF ILLINOIS, I- #277,393 79 OL WEEKS. Ills Ifouor. Geo. Mills. Karj. . I* with tlie s jHtre t><»ok ami it cxtCjiit yfterritory frvw whlcli . to buiot fv/xlt, nhonr look* tlMiiiifli annual »'i-y <>t" "lianl j times" mill "it t'lkes.'ill tlie money we can »iiare for la*«ir'ete.,etcM was about. M"*-Henry Connty, I, .John J. Murphy, Onshier of the a1>ove na'mett H ink. do solemnly swetr that the nltove statement in true to the host of my knowledge and belief. .I 'Hiv J. Mtrtri . tT. Cishier. Subscribed an I Nivorii to liofore ine this Sth day. of Jan., ISHi C. II. D^NVULLT, Notary Publi1 . COKRBCT--Attest: PHRRHAN WlltTIKO, W. H. •iTK.W VltT E. A, Ml 'Hfl lV. Oir-f-tor*. Money to loan on real estate, for long time at low interest. JOUK J. MUIU'HY. Tlve Woodstock Jeweler, Always Awake, Never Asleep. Is receiving New Goods every day until his store is packed with tine Watcher aui Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware Fancy Croctls, &c., dfce. at literally lery IS A THOROOCH III every case I - and Asrun, while for disorders of tlie Stomacji Torj-i diiy of the l . iver, Indigestion and djfc tiirlKtnres of the animal forces, which debillr tate, ilha.s no e<|iiiviiletit, and can have DO substitu te. It should not be confounded with tritiirnted conifMiunds of cheau S|tirltt n«d essential oils, often sold undor.tUe liama of Hitters. feotlth Side PllbllC Scjuare, Sl^u of the Uig Alitch* iDraggisti, Grocers and, Wiuc ci>n Uat u. Prices That Defy Competition- Remomb«r it 1.J for vour iht.erent to ffo miles to trnde with b'Tii It witt pay you. OE"NARWtfl./ '> LT EDGEx tevei

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