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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1881, p. 5

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J^c||eary piaia2eaiep ̂ WEDNESDAY, FEB, 2. 1881. Railroad TJmelTable. nHXG SOUTH. toner* L%ke Pfmen^er Centra Lake FreUiit oaiwo troRTti. t>9ne»% Tr jlrtit Lik* P««seit*#p ..7:21 k. n ,.1:15 r. • Mrir K. * 1:51 P.* V stent, ry. 111 XcSsary Lsctars Coarss. NOli RALPH E. HOYT. -- AT THK-* Universa!is1 Church THIS WEDNESDAY EVE , FEB-2. SUBJECT--"Reform and Reformer*." Valentines O. W.OWHH#. ii» oiulles9 variety at NEW ENGLAND SUPPER, at Riverside Hall, Friday evening aext. Feb.4tli. Do not fail to at te nth Oysters by tlie can or'quart, cheap M- the cheapest, at tlio Mclletiry Bak- «ry. ' ' '• • / A FINE a«sorlrnent of Valentine*, ! John B. Blake V. We learn that Martin Nelson, of JF>h:i$bnrg:h. Is quite low, with but lit- tle prospect? of reenyprp- He is under the oare of Dr. Fibers, who, we be­ lieve. had Dr. Dtvl«, of Woodstock, in consultation with him .one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George" Washington, will be at the New England Supper oti Friday evening.ftt Riverside Hall. Tiik Western Farmers' Almanac, a valuable book for fanners, for sale at lis office. Price. 10 cents. Tills has been a good winter to pur­ chase a thermometer, as they got down about as low a? they ever„ do in parts. Rkv. J. A. Farkau, will preach in the Episcopal Church, at Spring Grove on Sunday next, Feb. 6th, at 11 o'clock The Party given by Mie Ivy Social Club, at Grand Hall on Friday evening last, wne very xlhuly attended, hut all who were present report a splendid time. Thk number of pe ed to form good resolution* and turn over "new leaves" on New Year's dav In Mcllenry wn« imme<ise. It was an arinv. The number who did aetualh* get so far as to resolve, or believe they had done so. was less, Itftwas .* com­ pany, And the number wiio lived up to their promises was still less. It was a squad; and before the mouth is out will dwindle to.-in insignificant few. a corporal's guard. A newspaper and newspaper editor that people don't talk about. and sometimes abuse, are rather poor con­ cerns. There are men. business inter­ ests and local Issues which newspaper*, if they do Iheir duty, discus*'"regard­ less of individuals, and thereby make enemies, If rliey disregarded their duty and slobber over every on>\ thev will 'have naught 1>nt soft soldered friends. The will go on and sav what it conscientiously brieves right without regard to any smiles or frowns. Tiikre will be four eclipses this year, two of the sun and two of the moon, and a transit of the planet Mercury across the sun's disc.. 1. a partial eclipse of'the sun. May 27th invisible in this vicinity; 2. a total eclipse of the moon. June 11-1-2., visible through­ out the Ignited States; 3. an annual eclipse of the sun. Nov. 21. invisible in North America; 4, a partial eclip«e of the moon, Dec. 5 invisible in the United States; 5. a transit of the planet Mercury over the sun's di*c Nov. 7. Invisi hie here. If j'on want to be carried back to the days of -'Auld Lang Sine." do not fail to attend the .New England Supper on Friday evening, at River­ side Hall. Reed's Comedy Company passed through here on Sunday on their <vay to Dundee, where they play ihis week. They reported good success at Wau- ctftida. Thk "WhmcoihU Boys" will give another of their popular parties ou Friday evening of this week, Feb. 4th. *t Mai man's Hall. Those who love io damte should bear this in in Mid. / ter-A MAN can fully appreciate the »rs of winter when awakes near ling and finds the bed-clothes on the floor, and himself engaged in a gigantic'struggle to crawl iipuudcr his cliirt. In the Chicago Evening Journal of Thursday la«t, we find the following, which will lie of interest to our read­ ers: "At the annual meeting of the Fox Lake Shooting and Fishing Club last evening, the following officers were elected: President. M. A. Far- well ; Vice President. J. B. Sullivan: Managers, J, H.C. Williams and J. M. Miller; Secretary and Treasurer. J. W. Nye. It was decided to double tlie accommodations of the Club at Fox Lake, to ask the* F!slj Commissioner to re-stock the Lake, and to double the stock of boats." Woe to the unlucky p«r«on wjio has to walk much these days. Ili* finds hi lit self constantly sitting down by the wayside and meditating on the ^ups" and "downs" ol' life, but tnoro especially the "downs." On Mouda}' Smith «& Snyder bought of Nick Schacfler ona hundred Hogs, fur which they paid him the haudso ' i r e #um of 81.890. They were as line a lot of llogs as we have seen together this C. II. Beers and Lmi McKinstrv were called by telegraph to Grant Park on Monday last, ou account of the death of M'ss Alics* Jewett, sister #»f Mrs. C. H. Beers. Miss Jewett was well known in thi« village. * We have got too many ornamental boys and girls these days. We want more useful ones. Don't be afraid to •oil your hands, but wade into your work and sensible people will admire y°n- See the advertisement in another column, headed "Shorthand." For those just learning this is a useful book and the subscription price is so low/ that it is within the reach of all.-- Kead the advertisement. Two dozen brooms. 15 cents; five dozen, clothes-pin', 3 cents; one wash- tub. 40cents, t|iree chickens, 8 wilts, etc., etc.,-and so you hear it in every grocery store, and the dry goods clerks are just as busy counting up the number of yards of tape remaining on hand. In short the average men-bant is taking an invoice of remaining stock on hand, and making preparations to strike a balance sheet. It is fair to suppose they have all made money, at least to some extent. The day labor­ er who is depending t )(xxi his hands for support will have hut little invoice, ami could not afford the time If lie had. The printers are unking an invoice, too. and thev find in stock a few "quoins." a "shooting-si ick." niaile, and several' dagger*, also stars, and em quads,M*'ein braces^' da«hes, and a car load of discarded manuscript. ItlNCWOOD. Editor PL\iNDfcAi.ER:--Asa repre­ sentative of the many friends of tlw Plaindealer l:i, ai)d in the vicinity of. Riu'gwond, I will try to inform the worthy editor <of the doings of the week. Tin* Lyceum on Thursday evening was <i success. Those who were present say that the question was ably limit died. Hereafter we will endeavor to he present, when we shall be prepared to do justice to those who participate in the exercises. Lyceum* at Ring- wood have always drawn a crowd, and we tru«t it will be so now. It Is with regret that we inform the readers of your paper that Mr. Robert Simpson, an old and respected citizen of this place, rs quite ill. There is hardly a person in this v!cinity who is not a friend of Mr. Simpson, and it is sincerely hoped that his recovery inay soon he brought about. Our blacksmith Nick Blake. Is at the old stand, and as tiMial is drove with work. The old maxim is, "drive your business, but let not your business drive you." Now in Blake's case, it is all drive, and when Will gets thai fine new carriage which Xick has but to will be drive with him* While In Mcllenry on Saturday, we noticed that Will Cristy has erected and filled-with corn two large cribs. Now the corn and the crib* are nil well enough, but if either or botli are to be used in that vinegar room, de­ liver us from throwing the cobs out of those horrid vats. Whoever wants to throw cobs may do so. but we--well, even shavings are better than cobs. While writing these items we looked across the railroad and sa\y a couple of boys coasting. There wa« a good flealof up-hill work about it for one of them. Well it was quite a pro­ cession. The band was in front play­ ing. We believe*it was the Harp. The party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Ball on last Thursday evening, January 27th, was the grand­ est aflair of J lie season. The cards of the party were the compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tweed, and were sent out for December 17th, 18S0. but trie party was unavoidably postponed. We had intended to give the names Of those'who were present, but find it impossible to secure the names of all, out trust it will be 'sufficient to say that they began to arrive in the after­ noon and continued to do so until about one hundred and thirty guests, and there wt-re still twenty-six others in­ vited. Mr. ami Mrs. Tweed. In Invit­ ing their company, thought not. a* many others, of tl.eir wedding parties, and consider to invite only tiiose whom, it is thought will briti£ a costly pi'esent. Not so. The £uesis were the early schoolmates and associates of both Mr. and Mrs. Tweed. The presents, how­ ever were rich, and many useful arti­ cles weii« io be seen in the collection of wedding gifrs. and now to speak of Richmond Department. Coxtbibctkd UY 9. t\ BENXKTT. S. K. Bbxxbtt is liereUv authorize*! to lake ati Inscriptions ami orlers for liverus'uir and Job Work for (lie I'r.UXUKAi.KK. r«*.-eive money ttiercfor nn't rereiut for All or tors left »v.itb hiiu Wi attention.--Editor. rill receive prompt J. R. Hyde, has just added young "blooded" hull to Iris Ills Wisconsin farm. a flue E. 8. Johunott 4shauling lumber for the purpose of building a large sheep barn. He commence* building as soon as the weather will permit. Last week "Reeds Standard CoteVie" held forth at Richmond House hall to good audiences, and gave ve»y general satisfaction. * This talk of going in search of the North Pole, is all "gutl"." In oar opiu " ion. the North Pole is coming iu seaivl of us and is now not more than half t mile ofl. When the bracing air of winter first strikes the man without an overcoat, lie feels that a great deal of sympathy is wasted o i the inipeui tent c«i*s who dies in his sin?. Wit. WitAY. of Bimu'sl.Mills. is th< "Boss" Peddler of Mclleury county. . lie carries a full line of Dry Goods Notions, &c„and will sell you any thing in his line as cheap as can b bought outside of the city. No use t go away from home tor your good when Wrav will bring them to vou door at less price than you can tlieiu In town. An exchange says: "Onions are an unfailing cure for diptheria. Tliey must be placed in a bandage in a raw ctate. and then beaten into a pulp, and the cloth containing them.juce and all, bound around the throat and welf up over the ears. In cases noticed the re­ sidue been almost magical, deadly pain yielding iu a short time to sleepy comfort." - We would call the attention of our readers to the no tloe in another col­ umn of a new style of Sleeve Button. It is the latest novelty out. By press­ ing a catch at the side, the top comes ©ff and the button can be removed without.injiiring or soiling the curt.-- They are made with real stone set ting*. Onyx, Cornelian, Blood Stone, Moxs- •Agate, and altogether 60 different Bead the uotiea. spac« New England Supper. The arrangements for the New En­ gland Mipper, which fs to be h< Id <tt Riverside Hall on Friday evening next, are progressing favorably, and everything promises a regular old fashioned lime. Appropriate Cos- tusiies, repri'MMitiug George Washing­ ton and wife. Widow Hedotte. Gipsies, etc.. etc.. will be worn, and evejythiug done that can be to make th-ise present think of the "Day- of Ani I Lang Sine." During t lie evening there wiil l>- Tableaux. Ilccilatiou*. Singing, ami other appropriate exercises, that can­ not fail of making it interest ntir f.»r both old and young. Good music will be in attendance, a:i«l after Supper tnoM- who wish can eejov theu^elves by dancing. In short nothing will be iefi undone to make it ideasaut for tbo»«* who attend. Admission to Hall 10 cents. Supper 50 cents per couple. HUTTfctt %NI» CtlliKIK FACTIMtY. question of a Butter and Cheese Factory in this village has been agitat­ ing the public for some time, and from present appearances it seeins we are to have two. J. Oat man Sous, of Dundee, have commenced opera- j tiotis oh the ground near Muu!v'> Miluj aud in anothercolnnin have a notice! over their own signature telling what I they propose to do. John Dorau & Co ! have, also commenced thawing sioue to j build a building on lite ground owned by E. M, Owen, just south of the Bridge, near Bishop'* Mill. Messrs Dorau & Co , also inform us that their Factory will be pushed to a speedy completion, and wiil l»e Iu operation at the earliest practical moment. Bv next week we shall tie able to give dimensions of buildings and other par­ ticulars. and shall speak more at length in relation to the matter, time and space forbidding this week. we think that iu beliaif of the entire company, we must give the ladies of the house what they justly deserve, much credit. When the multitude had been fed until too full for utterance, there wa< s: i l l enough or the staft of life, which is eating and drinking, left to supply another crowd almost as greal. The music, which was excel­ lent,, was furnished bv Moneer's Baud, ami the dancing was continued until the early hours of the next day, when l he guests, one by one, left for home, not. however, lint ii they had tendered their he,i w ishes to Mr. and Mrs. I'weed. and their humble thai'ks to the hoM ai^d hostess, Mr. and Mrs, John Bell. And now as die goe-ts were nu­ merous and from different places, it seems but juM that wcnga'.u, iu In hal< ol all who were pre»cnt. should wish the young couple a long life, and may it be as pleasant as their receptiofi P 'l ty. F. L. C. Factory men shou'.d mafce i note of the fact that Charley Burrows is maun- facturiug cheese boxes j„ Richmond, at the cooper shop ot Seymour llogle. Mr Burrows makes a good article, and Is ready to close contracts w ith facto­ ries far and near, M. M. Clothier started for Massachu­ setts, last Saturday morning,'"called thither ou business connected with the estate of his wife's -father.- lately de- c-ased, _tyr, and Mrs. G. p. W^odell had preceded him .some days, Mrs. Wodell being another of the heirs. It is a mystery where they'all come from--the thousands «»f turkeys and chickens which Tommy Bmvers is tak­ ing in. From morning till night Ihf fowl cry goes lip to the heavens, and load after load of dressed poultry makes Its way from the packing house to the dopot, for shipment East. Tmu- inv has paid out a large sum of money this winter, for fowls.and has lots more of it to expend the same way. Our people should not forget the. donation party to be 'given Rev. An­ derson. Baptist, to-morrow evening (Thursday, Feb. 3.) at the Richmond House. Mr. Anderson is a live ener­ getic preacher, not- afraid to work, (even the sawing of bis own wood) and deserves a splendid donation. In passing. w« are impelled to remark that the religious neople^f this* com­ munity ought to staiwj^hv Mr. Billet, whose house has always been open for their uses whenever desired. Old Settlers' Organizatii 'v?; f ANNUAL MEETING. Njitice is herehv given th«\ the An­ nual Meeting of the Old Settlers* Or­ ganization of Lake ami Mcllenry Counties, for the election of officer* for the ensuing year, and the transac­ tion of general business,wiil be held at the Riverside House, in Mcllenry, ou Thursday, Feb. 31. at 1 o'clock p. M. Justus B.ikos, [>re*i<lotit, J. Va* Slykk, SeVrntary. THIS NEW AND CORRECT MAP Pfovo* bavond Ir.y reasomiblo question tbai tho Chisago <& ITortb.'wostora 1» frr all odiU tit# (mm rant fur m Clicap aoi all tie Principal Points ID tie West Nortk & Northwest j I I U'.-f.nn ilium, l.ain. iniho t.'.a*ojuuucli.iu. wtlti s.2^:ra2ffaf •; Last Friday night an Ir.siplent fire was hsppilv discovered an.1 extinguish­ ed in the blacksmith and wagon shop of Mr. Sboflifte. at Blivin's Mills.-- About 9 o'clock iu the evening Mr. J. West lake's people observed a light shining through the shop w indows and gave tli2 alarm. On gaining entrance a hole was found burned through the floor, and, had not the lire been dis­ covered the building would soon have 'been "a goner." Had it burned tlii cheese factory ec.uld hardly have es- caped, as the two buildings tire only PAXE'4! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of 2*axes of the towvi of McIIcMry. lias received his book and will be ready to receive taxes at the following times aud "pla­ ces. after t bis \ycek: TUESDAYS--At the Store of Pefry & Martin, in the village of Mcllenry. M EDXKspAYS--At the Store of J. W. Cristv, iu Riiigwood, THUIiSl>AYS^-At the Store of Chas. Kuhnert. •lohnsburgh. FRIDAYS--At the Store of> Steven* & Schnorr. near the l)epot> Mcflenry. The balance of the week at my resl - deoce, in Johusbugh. * Vk'k T.. Fbklnd, Collector. Nuiida Taxes. The undersigned. Collector of Taxes for the town of Xir-dit, hereby gives notice that lie can be found at the fol­ lowing places, at the times named, for the purpose of receiving Taxen: SATURDAY. Feb. nth.--At the store of Butler & Warner, Nucda. SATURDAY. Feb. 12th.-At the store of Stevens & SehnoiT, McllenryH All persons interested should take due not ice and govern themselves ac­ cordingly. W. J. KITTLE, Collector, Money to Loan. In sums of from one Hundred to one Thousand, on good security. Inquire at this otilco. Tr-r- Ordw.;y * PO u LT UY! POU LT H Y! I am r.ow prepared to pay the High­ est Market Price for all kinds of Poul­ try, delivered at my Poultry House, in Mclleury. Bring along your Poul­ try aud get your easli. C. T. a few feet apart, the supper which was tlw all_ attract-I - . ing part of the programme to us, and " WOtlld fie a'^mnrWtlit^'fW df(trv j /~,U f The NOTICE. ' The Mock Holders of the Union Company are requested to meet at the Pickle Factory. Mcllenrv. on Sat­ urday, February 5th. 1881. at *2 o'clock, P.M. By order ol'the President. Geo. W. Qwkx. Secretary. A U C n O X S A L K . The undersigned. Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Matilda Craudall. deceased, will sell at public auction, on the premises, in Riugwooil, on Saturday- February 5th. 18SI. -jomiiienciug at one o'clock P. M.. the Hotel Furuitur». con­ sisting iu part of Cooking and Heating stoves, Beds and Bed ling. Carpets. Chairs, Crockery aud glassware, and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. Tkuii3 of Salk:--All sums of Jo and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of Six Months will be given on ap­ proved notes at 7 per cent interest. SiMEOH POTTKB, Administrator. ) HU:IOA. ! Editor Plainde\i.KitThe past J week has been one of gladness and | joyous times to those* that dance and j sleigh ride, while on the other baud it has been one of sadness to one family thai of Myrou M instield. lie losing a daughter of fifteen years of age. For Scholarship she exceeded any of her a^e. During the meetings he'd at. t lie M. E. Church she gave herheart to Cod ami testilied to the same before .the public, yiie funeral services will be held at the M. E. Church at t lie usual hour of services and the f-iends and relatives will then return to the house and go from there to the grave. De­ parted this lif1: Mabelle Mansllel |^ of Scarlet Fever the 23t h of January, 1881. Dr. Watson attended her iu her sick­ ness. Frank Herrlck. a brnkeman on a freight train bec.-pue blinded by steam was thrown from Engine Xo. 1 against the engine of his train aud escaped with only a Orokeu arm and a few- bruises, A narrow escape from death. •John Hunter while at the 'lance at the Lake hail hi- horse stolen audit was found here under the M. E, Church shed, the next day. Some of the boys wanted to take a ride. John aud Ed­ die put your horse in some barn next lime aud hangers oil will uot take it then. C. Henry is at work for R. Bishop, of Mclleurj'. A Regular old North Easter and prospects of 6 weeks of sleigliiu g iu the moiitli of March. ii who want to get the most mouev fortheir milk to Investigate *he month­ ly figures of the dillerent factories, and thus learn which are paving the largest dividt uds. Sujliau investiga­ tion will show thai the Spring Grove Factory, run liy James We«llake stands among the vety foremost iu ibis part of the country. Mr. West- lake has gained au enviable notoriety for honest dialing with his patrons, ami for shrewd business tact in making sales at jnst the right time to bring in tlie largest returns. His factory is favorably situated on ths north hank of the NIpisiug aud is supplied villi water by one of the finest living springs in the county. The products turned out here have always been first grade and brought the highest market prices O. W. BESLKY Has just received an Optlmeter, for testing the eyes, and can now fit yon with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaiiion. He also lias a full line of Spectacles, all kinds, to which he in­ vites tlie attention of the public. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! A large Invoice cf cloaks, bought at a big bargain. Don't buy before call­ ing on u<. Stevens & Schxoru. Fitjcsimmoxs A Evansox have se­ cured a unurber of Cases Boys and Mens Boots at extremely low "prices in heavy and light KiJ>. which will be sold willi our usual small !»«rg<n ad­ ded. Cash tells *- SHwrnml plated wwr* in •odles» variety, at O. W. Owen's, Prices reduced on Slrnvl* an 1 Cloaks Fitzsuimoxs A Evan-son. Invest your money <& Evauson': at Flush THE CHICAGO & WORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY * Over nil ot its t>ruif i|Htl, nuis\ wny <la'lv from two to four ortlmore Vast Exuiwm Tr;uus. It is tho only r<>a<l west ofOiiioajro th,, uses tlie PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It f-< the 'nnllv ruaj 'list runs Pullman SW-jiinp Civs North or Northwest of Cbinanx, lt» ku n«urly»3,000 Miles of toad- III forms ilie fitllmviitg Trunk Lines: ("nunc,!! llhiir>, Denver * Catil'nrnin Line. Winona, Minnesota A Central D»Kok* Lin* si"!i\ ( 11y, N,ir_Ne!ir,iska £ Yankton Linn. Chit-ago, St. Paul A Minneapolis Line .Vn'lliern lUiiuiis, I reeport & Dulnique Line. Milwaukee, (irees llav & Lake superior Lin* Tickets over this roail arc sot.i l»y all C<»npon Ticket Atrerts In the United Stale* 4 Canada Komenibor to ask for Tickets via this roail, tl)t> sure tney reaU ever it, ami take uuue other MARVINHUQHITT, aen'l Manager, Chicago W. H. BTEHRiTT, t^en Pass Chicago Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Ed^e Tonic restores tlie appetite. We have the Uo«s Glove Depot. F1TZS1MMOXSA EVANS«IN. The Moliue Owen's. Sulky Plow at E. M The Furst A lirndley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. When In want of work In my line, irive nit a call and I will try and please Kobl'. Mniilif, Jeweler. Xiindu, IU. Dress Goods Stylish dumble ebetip just received, we invite lion. Fitzsiunnons A Evauson. and Don't buy your Huts or Bonnets un­ til von have seen aud priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. • The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the Uounty, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buekove Owen's. Force Pumps, at E. M If you want your Wateli put in class Order, call on Hubert Murtttl Jeweler, Xuuda, •ST Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer is a scientific combination of sonjf of the most powerful restorative ajrents in the vejjetable kingdom. It restores prav nair to its original color It makes the scalp white aud cleat** It litres datulrufl and humors aud fall, injf out of tlie hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the Italr is nourished «n<l supported. It tuake* the hair moist, soft and glossy, and U uusui ])assed as a hair dressing. It is the most economical preparation aver ottered to the public, as Its eftecU re­ main a long'time, inakinsf only an oc­ casional application necessarj'. It la recommended aud used by many emi­ nent medical men. and officially en­ dorsed by the State Assaverof Massa­ chusetts. The popularity of Uail'a Hair Rcnewcrhas increased wltli test of many years, both iu this i try and in foreign lauds, and it is known ami u<ed iu ail the civilixe«l countries of the world. For sale ftr ail dealers. All the flrst-class Plows at E. M. Owen's. A flue line of Gents* Furnishing Goods Ht Lauer A Becker's neat the ,Depot. Hoods and Nubias large variety and prices extremelvMow at Fir/jiiimons A Evaxsox's. The flnesjt line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found iu the county, at O. W. Owen's.. Hall, of the Dundee and Richmond Stores. buys and sells for cash only, consequently cail ofler vou inducemen ts in a'l kinds of goods, Read his price li»t. Photograph* and Fe F»rrotvpe* In at Miller's Photo rates for the Some way or oilier, the gossips have long known that our young townsman A. M. Wrav, intended to lay aside the frivol!ties of young B tchalorliood aud make a matrimonial alliance with souw distant fair one whose char.n« had won his heart. It \v;.s therefore taken all as a matter of c<>ui>e when, a week or so ago. he wa« missed from his ac- ! customed hauuislu Richmond, and his , friends uiKjuestioningly awaited the denouncement. At lenglh the wedding ) missives found their way to many a centre table,and these are the legends they bear: Flokexck I. WIM,I:v. A, M What. MIL AN D Mll\ A. M. IVIt \V. Km gloria, Kansas, .liintiary, 25, 1831, The a<->'Oiiipanvinst l: Mil AND Mils A. M. WHA¥V * AT IIOMf., Ri<-hmon<t, III., after Kul»„ 4th, l«l. The arrival of the young couple will be greeted with hearty congralulations by a bust of friends, wlio wish them a long h:h1 happv journey through life. Mr. Wrav will poon take possession of the splendid propert}' on English Prairie, and engage in farming. SI vie and design Studio, at the following next todays only: Card photos, per dor. 82.00. Card photos, per half doz. 81.25. Cabinet photos, per do*. 84.30. t 'abinet photos, per halfdoz. $2.R0. Panel photos, per doz.85.00. P'Miei photos, per halt doa. 31.H0. Miuette photos, per doz. .73, Views 8\10 8l,r»0 • for Negative and $1 .00each for du pllcates. Gall and examine the Sarah Bern­ hardt photos tlie latest aud most unique photographic productiou of the day. OVEK GO A The Latest Novelty. A patent separable sleeve .button made of rolled gold equal in appear­ ance aud wear to the most ex­ pensive^ goods, real stone eel tings. Onyx, Mkss Agate. Blood Stone, etc.-- Sample pair sent on receipt of one dollar. Goods warranted as represent­ ed or money refunded. Ageu'.s want­ ed everywhere, GUCEH & CO., M Church Sf, «aw York. \ The Richmond correspondent of the Democrat seems to think that onr vil­ lage harbors a "man or sneak" who goes oil the rule or ruin principle, and is trying to cripple the legitimate business of itiose against whom he may have a pique. If this be so, we are sorry--sorry for the sake of the man himself, aud sorrv for the town.-- Whoever strikes a blow at any busi­ ness interest in tho village, strikes a blow at the prospeiity of tlie village as a whole, aud wil I. sooner or later, meet with rebuke from the whole* peo­ ple. The true policy of citizens of a little hamlet, like Richmond, is to stand by and help each other. In just so far as jealousy ana disnouorahli rivalry exist.,so far does ruin involve the whole, aud the wiser lie igh- boring towns reap advantage from the dissension. No town can - afford to tolerate a dog In the manger among its business men, and we sin­ cerely lupe the Democrat's corres­ pondent is mistaken FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000.seasoned Burr Oak Fencts Posts for sale. Inquire of JORX OOItXX. W e havespeywOJ^falus I I I tills line In close, 1"> over coajy8S 00. former prices 811 00 10 over coats fM.00. fovtner prices 87 00 S overcnals 811.00, former prices*15 00 Full size mens over coats as low us 82.25 these are bargain*. *Ti:VKVS ftSCHXORR. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's. Nuuda, for Millinery and Dress Making. Dress Goods in all st vli C. F. llaiTtf Ittehmoiiu Stores. cheap, at d Dundee I make a specialty of Repairing fine W itches, and warrant ail my work, Robt. Murlitt. Xt:ndu. Anothkr Goods Just Nichols. new lot of Millinery ived at Sirs. 11. II. New style Bran lets at O. W. Owen's Mrs. E. W. Howk is oflering induce­ ments to purchaser* of Millinery. Cloaks, &<«. Give her a call. Store lour doors North of Klverside House; TEA DRlN'KEllS Will And the pure, tiu»dulterated, uti- coiored. natural leaf. Japan tea at our place. SrtVKNs A SoiixoitH. Thk "New Process" Flour, mauufac tured by llauly & Sous, Mcllenrv, is givimj unusual satisfaction wherever used Ask your Grocer for it. YOU WANT 10 Tt>s of our clarified N. O. Sugar for 81.00 equal to granulated. 7ft>s-green coffee £1.00. Stkvkxs A Sciixuuiu Newsprints, latest patterns, at prices from live cents a vard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block . Ladies of Mcllenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bomieis until you have looked at and 'priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All work iu repairing done on short iiotiwa, E. A. GOJLDIXtf. *££ Wauconda, III., dealer in ceries. Canned Good*. Con feet iouery,^ Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, &c. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co's Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I aiu now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of tlie day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light. ed,aud no pains will he spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all klnda of Can Goods, and keep a flue line of Confectionery. Give me a call. r. A. UOLDIKO.' Just received all the latest Styles aud shades of winter MNIIimtv. SI us. K. \Y. Howl Farmers having Butter am to sell will find a good market at Firz- SIMMONS it EVAXSiJN'S If ill seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Rich inond ami Dundee Stores. Fon-the celebrated Bejoit Sljoe, the best in the market, go to Colby^Uros. QUEliV. WJiy do Stevens & Schnorr sell so umnv good*? They ui|»k« close prices and buy aud sell for cash. STKVKXS A SCHNOUK. Go to Mrs. E. W. and Dolmans. Howe for Cloaks NEW MILCIK'OWd FOR SALE. T!ie undersigned has feu or eleven good new milch cows which he offers lor sale, ('all at my farm. North end of Fox Lake. JosF.rH MoBt/BT, Antiocli. Cheapest Cloaks in town for tlie money at Mrs. II. 11. Nichols. Quinine *wi Arsenic Form the basis of many of the ague remedies in the market, and are the last resort of physicians ami people who know no be tier medicine to em­ ploy for ibis distressing complaint. I'lie effects of cither of these dinars are lesfructiue to the system, producing headache, intestinal disorders, verti dizziness, ringing in tlie ears,,ami pression of the constitutional health. Ayer's Ague Cure is a veget ih|e dis. covery. cou'aining neither quinine, ar­ senic. nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an infallible aud rapid cure tor every form of fewr aud ague. Its effects are permanent an I certain, aud no injury can result from its use. Be­ sides being a positive cure for fever ami ague iu all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for liver complaints. It is Hn excellent tonic aqd preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints pe­ culiar to mal u iou«. marshy, and mias­ matic districts. Hv direct action on the liver aud biliary apparatus, it »timu«ates the system to a vigorous healthy condition. Fuf «alu tar ail Ufaler*. t: MKS. GEO. MCJCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Office Address. WAUCONDA, . ... ILLINOIS. I would beg Icnve to Inform the Ladies of Lake aud Mcllenrv Comitie- that. I am now prepared to do all kinds of llair Work on short notice aud in the best of manner. I use none but natural Hair, ami gurantee all work as represented. That my prices are low I will leave all to fudge for themselves by the fol­ lowing: WILL MARK SWlTCirE? Wheie you furnisiuhe Hair. 81.00. > Where you furnish I root it. 81.50. Puffs,(you to furnish Hair lOctseach Waves ou Hair Lace, 81.00 an inch. Waves on Vegetable Lace, J5 cents Switches from 82.00 to 83.00, accord­ ing to size and quality. Ladies wishing any thing iu this line should not fail to give me a call, as 1 am satisfied I can suit you both iu quality aud price. MRS. OF.O, BIcCOLLLU. , : ; FOR SALE. 40 Acres of lam! in Section li. all fentred. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good hou«e and Iwtrn thereon, with timber and water iu abundance, iu Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new hou«e.;baru and otlier outbuildings.-- Apply to Joiix FlusKV. My stiH^k of Drv Gootls.Clotlilng. &c never was larger than now,and as I uiu hound to sell tiiem. look o..t for U;d rock prices. Call either .it tlie Rich­ mond or Dundee store aud bo couviito y * m THE BOOK OF THE AGB. THE PROBLEM OF niJMAN ' LiFE HERE AND II ERE A FT EB. "BV WOLKOBD." Pniviriff on Scikxtific vrouixl*, witbonft tlioai-L ot the LIIBLE, ILIO ImmortamtV of tbm ^ot.L, inn I ut'.crh umiiliiliititig the albviati* theories ot Darvnn, Hii\k-v, Tv mlalt an«t otlier M-iciitistc f.i' ine e\t>lutlonof mnu frt»M the lower auiiiiHlsniiil his extinclionat death. ' Tiii.t is ihe Imok of the apo; its loju: i* re. ftistleas am overwlu-lininir: Uitrwii>, Tmctafl and others m-e l>ut pigmies in t.^•author's I 'r iHeMt.d, JUlt . , MiL "I» u a work to Ih; receive l with jov bv cverr lover ul tiMtn."-- IfeA ra CA/wfeon Adcocrtl Cuv-imi t t i , Ohio. -T!ie w,.rk kit tii« iuler«»S i»t revoi_h»il truth hiuI is \tn zt»nlon« ter, I'fukt., l»ionii/jUra/Kii HeevrUer, AVu, 5-7 iloublo coiuuin pages, ii&u<isou<«ly Pil. OC* bouii't aiitl <-0111:1 in-! verv supdnor Ilk ot iho ^rtiit scientists* .if th«t aat\ Ptrwln. I lux ley, Xyn.lall, lKUitnollx, an<i Mayer. I'l-u-e $i, mallet! free on receipt of urles.-- Aoknyh WANTtn, LO whom tiiM.<nl tuluc*. no-ins are ufferud. AUUrc** for boubs mml KKTtU, ufferud. ageu cics. SOU KM. A00., No ttUnir \J nirersltv flace. Stsw Vork. To tell you of a few Special Bargains to* 1 have to offer. Wo recoiveU a line of have DRESS GOODS 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents per yard in shades, usually suld at 20 cents per yard. Als«> a line of Dress Goods at 17 cents usu­ ally sold at 2"> cents per \arcl,-- \\ e have in stock and to amve ft fine assortment ©f goods for tke HOLIDAY TRADE, We have also a nice line «# MAJOLICA WARE. Io the GROCERY LINE we have to offer" £ 20 ftVi. Ki(*o t\>r $1. 1-4 bux KaUins, 57c por box 6 vety tiue #1. H. ROGERS. Volo, nu Dee. 1st, im Tlire® Foru 1«;4* StutU „ •orJ: Fitz->iuin»iuis jt Evao*ou offer «lrive» in. Boy.- a oil Y«>utits <Jlo|l*iHr.-«# l itt-v *!<* «( tAMUlnlr «^A..vuSk# Wl m.

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