EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. OOVDtTCTKO IT 1 D. BALDWIN. JReport of the McHenry schools for iKlefoiir ireefc* ending Jan. 29. 18S1: <* ,4No. ptipllo enrolled. 189. Total days attendance, 3.0ML Ko. daily attend ance, 151. ^ HKrHKR DEPARTMENT. "Wo. pupils enrolled, 45. Total days ffttendatice, 816. Ayerage daily aitmid- " like, 41. Neither absent nor tanJy, 18; vis.: Frank Itanly, Stella Beck with, Ch:»«. ©ranger, August Nordqucat, Effio Gilbert, Win. Me id, Alfred Hill, Callic Bocklin. Clara Wright, Chas. Paig^ Kettle Paige, Kate Hill. Fred Colby. Burt Colby. Frank Colby. Tho.«e whose standing is 85 per cent, •rniore III their written examinations are at fallows: Albert Parks, 89; Millard Stoddard. 86; Alfred Hill, 93; WtD. Mead. 85; Frank Torrance, 86; Gbas. Owen, 82; Clias. Granger, 90; August Nordquest, 88; Belle Stoddard, 86; Grace Owen. 91; Nettie Paige, 87; Cbas, Paige, 93; Belle Colby, 87. 1KTICKMEOIATE DEPARTMENT No. pupils enrolled, 50. Total days attendance, 822. Average daily at- tciidence, 41, No. on Kol) of Honor* 11, viz.. May Wightman, Bertie Steb- bln#, Amy Owen. Anna Nordquest, Tfeda. O*Neil, Cora Wheeler. Nellie Bucklln, Mattie Smith. Archie El- dredge, Glen Waite, and Eva Hauper- Ick. Etta K. Torrance, Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, No. pupils enrolled. 40. Total daij'S attendance. 600. Average d.iily at- tendence. 40. No. on Boll of Honor. 5, •is., Luia Colby. Edith Martin. James Balpin, Percy Hill, Elfie Kennedy. Ada A. Granger, Teacher. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Number of pupils enrolled, 54. To tal days attendance, 790. Average daily attendance. 39. Number on Holt of Hohor, 8, vis., Lillie Slacnall, Grace Stevens, Joseph Buss, John Buss. Geo. Gilbert, Eddie Granger, Russell Mo- Crory, Michael Walsh. Mrs. G. W. Colbt, Teacher. Crystal Lake School Report. The following is a condensed report of the Crystal Luke School for the Month of January, 1881: Total number of days taught. 21. Total number enrolled, 84. Average attendance, 71. Total number of vis itors, 15. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled, 41. Average at- tendence, 36. The following list is of tfcose who were neither absent nor tardy during the month: John Allen, Lorenzo Lowell, Frank Poineroy. Mattie Ingtirsoll, Aggie Simons, Llbbie Wilson. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Whole number enrolled, 43. Aver age attendance, 35. The following named pupils were neither absent nor tardy during the month: Clias. Buhrer, Bertha Dable, Gustave Peter- ton and Louie Smith. Cabbie Wallace, Teacher. JL B. Balowik, Frihcifal. Literary. Programme for Crystal Lake and Nouda Literary Society to be held at Nunda. February 11th, 1881 : Boll call--Respond by short quota tion from favorite author. Instrumen tal music. Miss Edith Lowell. Reading from Holmes, Mr. J. Welch. Biogra phy of Holmes, Miss Lizzie Martin. Vocal Music. Mr. Fred Clow. Reading from Holmes, Mr. F. Hyatt. Recess. Music, Mrs. Artzbacher. Debate, Win. Jaefctaan, Frank Pease.--Reaolved: That noyel reading has done more harm than good. Musiq,. Miss Nellie Mallory. Eulogy of Disraeli, M. F. Howe, Esq, Invective against Disrabli Mr. J. A. Sheldon. Queries from last meeting,Miss E.Perkins. Critics Re port. "Home, Sweet Home," Audience Fred Clow, leader. Teachers' meeting aext Saturday. at Wauconda, . John Morton still remains at Osborne City, Kan. He is in good health ami talks of making this county a visit next season. _ $500 REWARD! Over * Million _ Prof. Guilmette * FKKNni Kidney Pails Have alrcadr sola in this ••ountry ami in France; everv one cf which has given |ter- fori satisfaction -Ami line per- lr-rmctl cure* every time whe used according to directions. We now say to the afflicted and doubting ones* that we will pay the above reward fear single case of LAMK HACK. That Ihc Tatl fail* to cure, TMs Great Itomedv will PtWITIVKI.Y and I'KRMAN- KNTI.V cure l.nmbajio, I.atne Hack, Sciatica, liravel. Diatietes^lM-opsv, Brijtlit's Disease of t he Ki'inovs, Incontinence and Retention of the Urine. Inttiination of the Kiilncya, Catarrh of the HM<l<l«*r, Mich Ool<»re«l Urine, I'ain in the Itack, iiiile or I.oins, Nervous Weakneef, and in fact all disorder* of the Bladder Sand I'rinary .Orjtans whether con tracted hv private disease* or otherwise. I. AlMK's, if von are suflerinjt from Female Weaknesses, f.eucorrlaea, or anv disease the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Organe You Can Be Cured! Without swallowing nauseous mctlicmes, by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S* \ Freneh Kidney Fad, WIUPII CURES BY ABSORPTION. Ask voiir drncrcist for PROF. GUI.MtsT- TK'S kRKXCH 'KIDNEY PAI>, and wkenn other. If he lias not sot it. send f-'.Wand you will receive the Pad bv return mail." - TESTIMONIALS FROM THE PEOPLE. JUDGE BUCHANAN, Lawyer. Toledo, O., savs: . "One of Prof. UuUniette's French Kidney Parts cured me of Luinhago in three week's time. Mv case had K-en given up by the lx>st Doctors as menralile. During all this time I suffered untold agony and paid out large sum-; of money. GEORGE VETTElt, J. P.. Toledo, O., says: •'I suffered for th,ree years with Sciatica and Kidnev Dise:^, aiid often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and per manently cared 'after wearing Prof. Guil- mette's Freech Kidna\ Pad four weeks." •SQUIRE N. C. SOOTT, Svlvania, O. writes: "I Itave been a great fsiitTerer for 15 years •with ltright's Disease of the Kidneys- For weeks at a time was unnble to get out of bed ; took barrels of medicine, but they gave me no temporary relief. 1 wore two of Prof. Gnilmette's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now I am entirely cured." MRS. IIELLEN JEROME, Toledo, O., says: '•For years I have l»een confined a great part Bf the time to m^ 1>*1, with Lncorrhopa ah 1 female weakness. I wore one of Guil- ineite's Kidney Pads and was cured in one month.*, II.B.GREEN, w holesala Grocer, Findlay, O., writes: "I suffered 25 years with lame back and In thres weeks was permanently cured by wearing one of Prof. Guilmette's Kidney Pads," B. F. KEESLING, M. D. Druggist, Logans- port. Ind.. when sanding in an order for Kidnev Pads, writes: "I wore one of the first ones we had and I received more benefit from it than anything I ever, used. In fact the Pads gave better genferal satisfaction than auv Kidney remedy we ever sold." BAY A SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hanni bal, Mo. We are working up a lively trade in voiir Pads, and are hearing ot good results from them every day." Prof. Guilmette's French liver Pad. Will positively 'cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague' Ague Cake, Bilious Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomac.Ji," and Blood. Price $I.!W by mail, send for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kidneys and Livea, free bv mail. Address FRENcll PAD CO., y Toledo, Ohio. For Sale by Colby Brothers, McIIenry, 111. A. H. HANL7 & SONS, -- PROPRIETORS OF THE-- MCHENRY Sickness and bad weather are serious obstacles to successful school work. In this town more pupils were kept from •chool last week on acuount of sickness than in any one week before duriug this school yeai. The Bereg states that next autumn Baron Nordenskjcld will visit St.. Pe tersburg to make preparations for his proposed visit to the New Siqeriaii Islands in 1882. the expenses ot which Will be borne by the Russian merchant. M. Siberlakoft. Xordenskjold will go to the north of the Lena, overland, ami thence embark for his destination. When we study the construction of •ome of our most important Instruments, we discover to our astonishment that the latter are true •oples of some parts of our body, and •Imply & further completion of them. In the first stone hammer man has Unknowingly imitated his forearm With closed fist; In the shovel and •poon we see the forearm and hoi- lowed hand; in the saw we And the re-productiou of a row of teeth; tongs represent the closing together of thumb and fingers; in the hook is a bent finger re-produced; the pencil is •imply a prolongation of the fore fin ger; so we see in all instrument, from the simplest to the most complicated Only an improvement and completion Of the human organs; and so we find that all the inventional thoughts of .kpjnen are directed toward the same aim , ^g that; toward which organic develop- ®p«nt tends.--Scientific, Americajfj ;'1P ====----= ",vui Beads,Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever #a*Ag u®. -- Autograph Album#, from ve'eent MILLS, NEAR THE DEPOT. McHenry, - Illinois The public are respectfully in formed that the above named firm have constantly on hand a large stock of the very- Finest Flour, Bolted Meal, Feed, &c. We have uKtfsual facilities for- manutacttiring and {lfe well pre pared to do tti Wort W itli all possible dispatch, and we are confident that 110 Mill in the Northwest can surpass us either in the promptness of work done for customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY. fcr§F**MERCH A.NTS and others who handle Flour are especialH requested to give us a call, as oui different Brands of Flour arc second to none in the market. Thanking the public for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same A. H. MANLY & SONS McHenrf, ill, Aug 10,1^80 ^ Aatogr fcpwartls, at O. W. Owen's BARGAINS --FOB THE PEOPLE-- / * SPECIAL BARGAINS. We offer a lnrjrp lot of remnants in I ress Goods, from 6'to 12J cents per ywd. Stevens & scjinobh. AT & & Kl S* > & c/5 o E TD D FASHIONABLE OKI GOODS, As Low as any other Honse in the county. Domestic Cotton Goods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi tant. Also Plaid Dress Goods, Fast Colored Calicos, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Shawls, &c«, Offered at the Best Bargains in four couuties. Comfort for Small Incomes HALL, --OF THE-- ain to the Front. With a better and lar«rer atock of Gen oral Merchandise than ever before. We work tor and get only the Cash trade of this section. We sell at one price. We mark goods to sell them. We can't qupte prices on all classes of Merchandise, but we say this, that our prices on everything1 will be found LOWER than any store in Northern lllinors. Come and see, and if not just as represented, wiil pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will till orders sert by mail from this Price List and guar antee satisfaction, Send to either Store. Look the Price List over. Remember the goods are the best, and eee if your credit merchant is doing as well for you. Cut it out and talk it over.; Beet Prints; ...Vf to 6#r. Cotton, blr'rt unrl nnhl'd yd wide.... fic Cotton, bleachcd, licst 10c Cotton, unbleached ....:..7X<' Cotton Flannels. S, 9, 10 and 12c 40 inch all wool Cashmere --50c. Cashmeres.. 65, 75, 80, 95 to $1.16 Flannels 14V, IS, 25 to 48c Dross <;oods, 8, 9, 10, 11 to 20c Alaonces 12,Vc TitlOc I.inen, 25 anil 80c J.iulics and Dents Underwear 30, to, 50c Hoys Overcoats, from 12 to 16 Boys Overcoats, from M to 19 |8,0(' Iloys Suits, from 7 to 10 Jf2.75 Boys Suits, froiu 9 to 12 $4.00 Menu Suits . ... J3.75 to $18 Mens Overcoats : $3 to $19 Can save you money every time Hoots, fl.75 to $i Sliocs. Momans, $1 to $2.75 Rubiier Goods, cheaper than any one. Trunks and Valises cheap Spices cheaper than ever. On Notions we sell on very small profits Caxh does it Will save von money on biff bills. Come tout 10 lbs Ifciisins. :...$LO0 10 lbs A ^iigar.... $| 00 10 Tbs Granulated Sugar $t.0C 11 lbs C Sugar $i,o® 50c Tea 44f i, Best Tea, all kinds !.60c Yeast Cakes, all kinds 5c T. and J. Tobacco 30c 14 lbs Itice $1.00 14 lbs I'lunes $1,00 7 bars Soap as© 5 bars best Soap 25c Silver Gloss Starch..;.-..... 8c Babbits saleratns 8c No 1 B'ikinff Powder 20c Be.-.t Xinejrar. Cider and White Wine 18c Choice Symp 40, 50 af (f 00c 5*5 off on 5 gallon lots No 1 Plug Tobacco .....5ftr. No 1 Fines Cut Tobacco 80c Xo The Buying Jr ROBT. HARBISON, i. % Wauconda. III., Will sell you better Goods at lower prices than any other house in the county. Our line ot D R Y G O O D S . Dress Goods, Hosiery, Towels, Table Linens, by the yard, and PatternfNapkins, and other articles too numerous to mention. Our line of .BOOTS dfc.'SHOES," Were never better as we have just received a new assortment. It is of no use to attempt to tell you all. We could not tell you even one- tenth part of it. The only way tor you to be convinced that what we say is true is for you to come and see for yourself. That certainly is fair. ; In Groceries, We never had a larger stock, and we will not be undersold, quali ty of Goods considered. Give us a call when in want of anything in °Uw e* i TM xt o, , ROBT' HARRISON. Y\ aucondu, 111., Nov. 24th, 1880. IIow can we do it? We buy for cash, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per cent (merely a commission) satisfies us. Have two resident buyers in Chicago constantly on the look out for Bargains and we get them It won't cost you anything to Jook into the matter, and we say it will save you money. Come and see us and we will do vou good. C. F. HALL Chicagq Office, 122 Franklin St. ANOTHER ADDITION. G. W. BESLEY, Droifist and Aptlecarj, McHenry, 111. -DEALKR IN-- BAUER P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established in Chicago evor 25 Yeats, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos onlv. Til© Bauer Oabiuot Grands, . tiT?e "cw?3t an '* £erj?ct Production in the ni-t of i'iano Making, ny the introdue. J J i r?n l lJ l.Pr"ve '1 Violin-Slmped Soumiinir Board the,volume of tone isgre&tly increased, and left entirely frue from Metallic Qualities 1 Prominent Atists Pronounce it a Marvel of Pefection. E«PRP. JULIUS BAITEH * CO., ChicHKo, 111: Gknti.kmkn: The Bauer Piano which 1 mirrhnscri of you. I am happy to My, is RrowInK « i j-IIS0 !' t t ,e ><!t l( 'r 1 it- I have had piunoo from many Knlebratcn focinricfl, but have found none to equal yours in power and purity of tone* IPyo'ii Vir iv!" " ! ,il-2 'i iViiw- " '-"u ' ; ln 'V'1.1 '1 t l ,a t n,y Urst oitiiiion which prompted me in el XCIIANGINO my KNAIIb tor the l!Al Ktt has proved a lasting' inc. *Pitt»burgh, Pa., Nov. 28, .JOHN ltEBLING, Factory, 126, 127,129 E 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be found at our Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER & CO. 182-184 W ABASH AV. between Monroe and Adams St. CHICAGO Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Toilet Articles. JACOB STORY Also • Full Assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLQTHING, Groceries, Of the boet quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Rook- Bottom Prices. Give us a call and inspect Goods and learn Prices. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Sept. 20th, 1880. I have added to my already Lar^e Stocrk, a Fine Line of TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which he invites the attention of the buying pnblic. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully CompoundeJ. Give me a Call. McHenry, III., Nov. 10th, 1880. ®^SLEY. McHKPTRY, ILI. DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Kniveg, Axes, Grindstones* W indow Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STCRY. JOHNSBURCH •Worts. HENRY MJLLER, --DKAL.ER IN-- Americao and Foreip MarMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite* Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, 111, IthnftburKh, Ang, 1*7' TAKE NOTICE. ALT. ye that arc in want, of Tulia in any form, from one bnolicl to ftOO; if yon %vant a Tnbma<lf ton hiiiijr-liole, brniK It along- I will also take tiuililintf* to ImilH an<1 furnish, or otherwise just as we san ajtrec. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no tice. ' F. A. HEBARD. MoHENRY, ILL New Hardware Store. $ I. N. MEAD! I ' JNEAR THE DEPOT, -DEALER IN- l A l D V U E . STOVES, Tin. Coper and Sheet Iron fare, Table and Pocket Cutlerv, Scisnors and Sheur*, Horse Rasps, Ilorse Siioes, Horceehoe Nftils, anil h iles of every description. Also overythinjt ihntls generally kept in a Hard, ware Store. Being a Practical Workman, 1 shall spare no pains In trying to give satis- faction to all who favor me with their patron age. All kinds of Jobbing In my line will recelre prompt attention. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere when in need of anything in my f. N. MEAD. McHenry, Oct. 10th. 1879. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IX-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLbCK, McHENY, ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brought to thi? market, consisting in part ot Dry Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, <£' ' Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willowware, Orooerios Etc., Ktc, J5gfulW'e have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat isfied that we can suit them both in quality and price. * :