IF • ' WEDNESDAY? FEB.' Wt JWJ8J. VJWWUyi ip»ppiwp^^«^ipwp»i|pp^piii ' V *- ' «> -<> « . • ,.V* ' * •*•'*, - '* 1 . * UjJftW *;f' i "{Uv » , ; s . Y, V * ^ ' > "V- '-K- • i • . • , * r f ' l l , / , f * $ r ^ f 4 I P I *f ' ̂ V'frW* fyim •*•*( •*«..?* 1 <-v 1,1 4 - tiV-'"* \ * < *\ *" ,'~*f ? tailroad Time Table. OOiSO SO0TH. Qsaeva Kake Pa««e**ir. Q«n*r« Luke freight.... • ' ooiw® ROari „..,;7:«6 A. V .....VI; 15 r. • G«MVI L>*lr».rfei*H*. . .. Otjim LAf rinottar. =f j.'...„TO:<te *. * .... ..<*153 P.* Bum, Agent. Mo Henry, III THE publishers of the Woodstock Sentinel, when the proceedings of the Teacher's Association are in question, are very loud in their declaration* that they do not publish any thing that has been published in the other comity papers. But in their Issue of last tiweek they publish the open letter of Capt. Olias. H.Tryon entire, bat fail to give the PLA.IHDBA.LBS credit for thee same. This we call the broadest kind of cheek. We do not object to their copying from the PLAINDKALER, would like credit for the same. t" .W^ i i jFaoif present indications there will be no Parties In this village en the Stnd, MBirthington*s Washday," Our dancing public seem to be forgetting that fellow wlio never told a Ue, sitters around store strove? don't helV to draw CMtoris. "hieri k> winy t lady who feels loth to go into a stOre, and be "gawped" at while she is try lag to matcli a piece of cloth. ' - x~: "vt* TC' THE raatrimontal »ea has been em barked upon by many in McHenry and •arvounditig country this winter, and we believe In due tijpe.we shall be : able to chronicle' the first "squalls." 4 Evamsfs- Meetings were commenced • «thf Method** Church, !" villaee, last eirentng, and will . be continued until further notice* The services will be conducted by the Pastor, who wfllft assisted by others frei| abroad. to tell a gffpd glr!,*' is the title of an article "now golag the rounds.. Tf «ye<r have anything to tell a gooqgirl, the best pl*n lg Co plump ' it right out. Nothing Is to gp gained hjfbeating about the bq*h. ;> , j : -- f~ Arm* a month's correspondence the toommittee in charge have secured Dr. Geo.0. Lorlmer to deliver his popular lecture "Lost Virtues" at the Baptist Church. Woodstock, Wedaesday ®ven lug March 2nd. 1891*; W« learn from the roost reliable authority, that Rlngland. late of tlie New Era. Is engaged in writing up a boolr-oji**Whist." We shall be "whist" until we s«e a«of»y. fte fs'Juowieady tdm«|^qb4-i|^ou^ no where. J; & " i Ox aceouut of the noiv-arrt val of the ; mull on Saturday night, our citisens were compelled to pass away flie time •nSunday reading their Bibles. . This , Is a cqipmon thing for us to lie,-< but for some this book must have • t r a n g e s t o r y . * f • . < » ? J. SlxfRY has his goods <all moved to hit new headquarters, one rtoor West of te% lktversfde IIous<>, where he will be glad So a«a *11 h5« nnd. as usual, willaell th«m Jill klndii, of Hard ware at prlces as low as ti|R jowut. Uall and see his new storq^ 1 ( IK these times of deep snow It would m that footman had some rights that teamsters are bound to respect-- At least it would be just and right that teams would give half tbet road to persons on foot, aiid not compel] them to get waist deep. Into the snow in order to pass. We are led to make these remarks by noticing children coming from school, even young ladies being obliged to step Into the deep snow, the passing teams taking no notice of tliem, but keeping straight ahead In the beaten track. We no not mean to sav jail that drive hones do this, but frosn personal notice the past few days, far too many do. ^"JTMSPATCH in the Inter Oc&fa un der date of February 14th, &ays: '••Ar- amie, aged nine years, the celebrated Lexington stallion, who made a mile in 1:43J in a running race in the Dex ter Park Course, died suddenly at Pow ers A Sons' stables, in this city on Sunday afternoon. He was valued at 820,000, and was own ed by Albert Han- kins, of Chicago. The cause of liiB sud- death is attriouted to the apparent fact that lie fatally injured himself in ternally while exercising." Aramls was kept at Mr. Hankins' stable fn this village the most of the time until about a year ago, and was one of the finest , J}Ofia*<ever owned in this section. ONE of the suverest storms of sndw and wind known in this section for years, commenced on Friday after noon last, continuing all day Saturday, completely blockading the railroads and making it almost impossible to get around with teams. The mail ;raln. which passed this station at 7} >n Saturday morning, did not reach liicago until seven in the evening, ud with the aid of t«ro engines, suc- eeded in getting back here again .bout noon on Sunday. The snow anks through the country "are all the ray from from fohir to ten feet deep, naking it difficult to| get around, u many places the roads have been ntirely- abandoned, and circuitous routes through fields have been open ed, business is, of course, yirtnaiiv at a stand still, and wilt be until the farmers "Uk softly kiwed his sleeping wife, then with a lingering look, of fond af- fectfon Ittajgbtway Went, and kissed her pretty cook. Alas, for him, the geii~j tie wife; he tiitfught asleep, was ^not and tor her coftk Jmbby. toe£ «h« made I t mighty hot?' •> ( | < J ALTiim W<*t»8H and Ml«%Ella C^fton. inly daughter of 'R J. Clifton,4both >f this VfTlagi*. were'married;.at Gene- |T| T,iiLk.ii. oti Tlmrsdav last/ The youtig couple have the best wishes of a large iiumber,or friends, wh^ jvifb the|d ail maiHier of good luck in their neir de sire. ' W m. CQV^y.E liad twenty-nine i|heep ki1led"tTrimgS oti 4Snn<ii^ night last. |The6e . eiteep killing $anine« should have their tails immediately cut oft |3ust beck ' the earn, an<i then the owners wrade to |>ajr* all daMageftt These 29 sheep .Were' 'NWirth jfnore than AH the dopln ... H-.C., UKAj^J^MnUxrUia. jf the Estate of I). <H" wifson." cTeceased. sold on Saturday by order of the Court, 42 eoweofwoodlfn V. on the rei of the Wilson faring for $2d per'*l^^i|R This is said, bylhrtse Who kaavv. tp|ir a good «afe, C. thi»:|village, was purchase; •# FiRB and I-OSS of urit. n Wednesday night last the Itouse f Mat Wagoner, wbo live* about two and'one half mHes northeast of Johns-' burgh, Was consumed by fire, together with his entire household furniture, clothing, etc. Two childreii' of ard Ban tits, tiged seven and nine years who were sleeping in the lilmmlwr.aloo 'perished in the fitftnes. It appears that Mrs. Bantus. who is a daughter of Mr. Wagoner, was sick, and the chlf- had been se-.it to thrir'grandfntli- r's to stay over night, the tUMKyoung- st sleeping down stairs witft*4Hie old Iks, while the two Eldest w^re put bed up stairs. Between two and Jhree o'clock Mr. Wagoner awoke to fnd the hou4e in (lames, himself, wife Stud the two dbihlren below barely e»m (taping in Cltetir night clothes, aiid all «(tlorts to save the oth«r two children ^•ere unavailing. It appearf the fire daught from a defective chimney in the upper part of the liduse. and it Ls probable that the children Were smoth ered with smoke, which account A for fhelr not making any outcry. The ^father of the children burned has been extremely unfortunate, as he was hiiu- selt almost killed by being buried in a well a rtw years since, which made hi to a cripple for life. Ikt kas the en a stibiierfber wishes hi* pafierj gy^npat|,y of all in this double bereave stopped, notify tte Iryietter. sure* ^ «jf»d do tHls, and th«s sa^e and ua annoyance,. Of oourse you will also • be sure that all arrearages are paid.-- Bv%ry request to discontinue the pa- . per will be attended to at once, tinless , Arrears are already due--in wi^ch case, .the arrears must first be paid. i*' -1 • ' 1---------- T »• r--• H Ws would call the attention of our ^ ' readers to the newadveftisettieni of the Elgin Academy, to be fotind in an- ; other column. Thi&JufUitution in now <M>n8lderedone of th^ best in this part of tfte State. The flp-ps offc ^feachers C«|i»r|sedSso|Be bisifti-Jfructors » mud tljjpse Wiw> Intel# ffvay to school should not fail to send for a 1) catalogue of the Elgin Academy. Read thf aflvitwtleemen#; • ^ m| W E^i!tva be tnfti n§> j • vtaaun to a grajul Reception, to be given by Hie Wop«gt*MJk Guards, at J^atioijal Hall, u WrteWstock. on Toesiiay evening of ' ne*^|ife,ek, ̂ eb.i]!iid. Tfy^ rprtuer re- Mr, «ep>ion« given under this management' are said to have1 beeh very peasant And enjoyable pflairs,and knowing, as we de^the maiiagem who have this due in charge, we can assure all who Ittend a ro$aI*gobd ti^ie. The music •vMll be furnished by Friberg's Orciie«wa, of Chicago. Tickets only #|. Supper at the Hifhmond House. #•»»! * WB wish to warn our readers, and •specially the craft, againt one Dr. M. E. Cass, of 1257, Washington Street, Boston, who advertises to cure Con sumption. His'plan is tosendoutan advertUeiuant. promising toQs^id cash J" •t'w ***« *fter th« first insertion, out which ,he .invariably fails to do. thereby getting one or two publica tions,for lyit liiitjf. By iiuiuir^ we have IflfWrne^l that he Is a jiwlndlef of the flrst water. unfl iill wllt fto give liira it widt'b^atth:" Psw hlnVHaronnd. liuve^ not % loss wf* quit* learned Che -"i rO, ' Ph*s!intnrtrts A Bvanson liAtn fllipnft^nf the Balance of trying, their Stock of Winter goods. |t will pay tbe cash buyer to Investigate. me nt. Mr. Wagoner's heavy, but we amount, seldom take notice ofanonymoua communications, and although we are not personally interested we cannot refrain from giving the following to our readers, which was evidently written by sonve "dead beat,** who failed to get a complimentary to the New England Supper: EDITOR PLAiJtDEiUUBR.ftr-Caa you In form me if there Is any truth in the rumor that the managers of the late New England Supper have made ar rangements with the angel Gabriel for a Cornet Solo, at another enter tainment to be given soon. I should not believe it for an instant were it not for the well known enterprise of the people In preparing surprises, and hope vou can assure me that the rumor "'v( We can assure "Inquirer" the rumor Is groundless. The managers Of the ftntertaiumelit mentioned-* have not seriously contemplated securing the services of the distinguished cornet player above. In preparing for any entertainment, the managers always aim to secure such talent as the people, hicltiding "Inquirer," like to see and hear, not him whose trumpet would cause them to quake with fear to their very marrow bones. As long as these social gatherings depend upon popular patronage for support, Gabriel will not be secured to play, and of course it will be safe for"Inquirer" to come. But when the ^filial day does come, when the angel Gabriel is duly an nounced to appear ln\a cornet solo, which shall summon one and all to an account, full and true, then, perchance, it will require something more titan camptimentnrie* to fetch "Inquirer" willingly to tlie entertainment. Write us another."Inquirer," and ask us something hard. THEKE are some tilings we enjoy, relish, freeze to. One is to alt down, very hungry, and aee another man eat a good dinner aud get noue of it; and the other is (a piece oil the satne pat tern) to trust a man everlastingly for a small account. We like to accommo date our friends, and have no objection to carrying from one to two hundred thousand dollars dead weight on mu books, but when the sum runs up into the millions, then we want it; want It bad; want It just as bad as If we weighed a ton; want It all over. It la ao much satisfaction wheu the Ex pressman, with a draft at sight from the men we buy our paper of, enters our aanctum, to take np our amount book and shake it at him, and tell him to take his pay out of tbftt--he always does it--in a horn. Of course our friends know we would rather. trust than have the cash, bat once in a while we need a little cash to keep the bab)T 'till. (This is merely a figure of speech you will observe.) We trust yon catch the meaning. We are aware that some people seem to object to a little notice reminding them of their In debtedness. To these we would re spectfully suggest that there ie a way to avoid the necessity of these notices. Now just see how unreasonable you Are. Week after week all through the year, you take the paper, read It And get the benefit of It. ^ .Jlie pnblifctfer has paid out cash for what yon get. People to whom ha owes money do not hesitate to present and collect their bills. He quietly waits with a degree of patience that would have done credit to old Job himself, for you to reimburse him for his outlay. He waits In vain. As a rule, a publisher's office Is not a national bank or a gold mine, so his supply of cash runt short from very much outflow and very little income. He needs money to pay bis debts, and so asks for what is due him. You who awe him and ought to pay him, become offended at this. What nonsense!. OREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--The revive! meetings referred to by ue In our last* communication are definitely er.ded-- We omitted to mention that these meetings were 2<fmtneiiced by a Mr. Dean, a lay-evangelist from Chicago, who was suddenly and udexpetedly to himself,and to the regret of all classes here, ca'led away to Clticngo. after having labored some two weeks with a*. To Mr. Dean succeeded Elder Raymond, tliropgh whom a thoroughly <iiflerent style of preaching was speed- ediy inaugurated. There was consider able interest elicited generally, and apparently, not a little religioufe feel ing excited among the youuger por tion of our people when Mr. Dean left, but we are not aware that tlii«| interest and feeling has appreciably augmented since. The conviction started, mav ultimately yi pen Into conversion, aiul church membership, but this, unhap pily in not usually the CHSO. Tlie mind T,eon-i",rtimB*^"by 11 P»ssi«>g emotion to a sense of guilt, which falls short of positive conviction, and a radical change of pur pose. subsides with marveloun facility into the usual grooves of thought and feelings;contrition is found to be as evanescent as the emotion which called It forth. We have purposely refrained from commenting on the animus ex hibited by Elder Raymond , in his management of these meetings, but perhaps a word or two, on this point, may not be amis*. The language em ployed by. this clergyman In the re markable sermon alluded to by C, H. Trjrou. of course. Is looked upon by all right minded people, as vituberallon aud slang. It is barelv possible that it suited the taste and'was in keeping with the feelings of some qf.,th$ con gregation. But.one hazards little in saying, that when a religious society can listen to such characterization Of reputable citizens whose general habttts and moral status compare not unfavorably with most uf its members -"When, we say, ft can I to ten to such, st^fl--"'blear-eyed hory-lieade<!old-sili ne r, hanging on tlie very ye.^go of' damnation," without a protest, the roll ot its inembfrstiip will not aug-. ment to any considerable extent, anil ltd power to persuade sinner* firom the error of their ways will be a tiling of the past. We do not believe that the Baptist society in this place approve of tliis style of converting tinners. We conceed to no clergyman t^ie right to attack individual laymen--their opin ion or their persons, iu such a wuy^jji; to create a prejudice against theov a*, members of society; and to take a:Ivan- tege of their position behind the .pul pit to Indulge in scurrilous language calculated to arouse feelings inimical to the very cause they profess to serve, is unwise as it Is unjust,knd, fn«6'age^k4 the present. IrfWetty sure to be resis ted. • Mr. George Hodki&s, liad the misfor tune to lo«e a valuable cow the othftr Ir A second hand St. John Machine, for sale by E. Felt, stock. dewing Wood- night by getting her foot fast between the bed pieces that bold the bot|oip of the stanchions. In her struggles, she broke her ankle, aud got down and choked to death. Job Toles found one of his two year ol^ heifers dead in the field the other .day, and called Dr. Bill, O. B. A TwitcheU, owr Veterinary Surgeon, to make an f xamination, who says tlie immediate canse of death was a ruptured blood vessel. Dr. Hart while returning^ home the other day from a professional visit, had the misfortune of being tipped over, but succeeded in stopping his horse after being dragged Into a pool of water. No damages except a through wetting and a few broiceu straps about the harness. "Lewis Ellsworth, one of Greenwooifs oldest citizens, and formerly Sheriff pf this County, dind at Ws residenoe l^t Sunday evening.* : * t j We have just learned of the death<of old" Mr, Barber, of Woodstock, Father of Mrs. L. Cow dry of thi« Village. FEI/J PS 3*. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIHDRALKR:--The severe rain storm on Wednesday did not pre- yentalargd nn ubttr of n<ir citizens from turning out to pay the last trib ute of respect to our deceased fellow Citizen, R.G. Schryver. Tbe Frater nity of Masons, of which he wa* an honored member, took change of the exercises, which were mainly at the Presbyterian Church. Tlie funeral oration was delivered by Chaplain J. D. McLean. The discourse, when "summed up" was both instructive and interesting; but the manner of dellv- ry was rather fragmentaryj*and sug- ested a kind mother distributing snatches of hot bread to he* children, who were too hungry and impatient to wait till itwaacool enough to slice to advantage. At times his gestures were graoeful, at others angular. Now as if from habit, with a nervous twitch he adjusts his glasses, then, as if the sleeve of his coat caused him to be ill at ease, an involuntary twitch or shrug of shoulders and arms will attract the listeners attention. Theie trifles which would not particularly attract attention in older speakers, are inore noticeable In s young man who isrpre- sumed to be studious and even ambi tious to make his chosen profession the most effective possible: We have not tlie pleasure of * an intimate ac quaintance with Mr. McLean, but Sun less appearantitftare deceitful, he has more than ordinary ability, and a "bright fn;are awaits him.*, So mote It be. ' The Murphy-Bunker einbrolio. Is the topic for street and newspaper gossip, and we suppose we should not be con sidered a faithful correspondent ir we failed to give it a passing notice, not intending, however, to advance an opinion as to the merits of the case in behalf of either side, but merely as a,p item of news as Retailed to us by those whom we believe to be truthful, and say they know whereof they affirm. In the Murphy article, "written for the Sentitiel," which it is claimed that paper refused to publish, we find tlie following language: "But since you have chosen to say what you have, we have made aetfttement of facts as they are, so thiit the foul slanders which have filled the air of this village for the past week, set on foot by Mr. Bunker and hts 09terie of malignant allies,may bo understood,", etc., etc. No* it is a fact that one can liardlv turn a corner, pass along the street or enter a place ofgbusiness without hear ing some expression of opinion in this behalf, and if these expressions are considered slanderous by tlie Murphys, they must be favorable to Mr. Bunker* and if. a« they say, "the air is full of lt*» the fide of public sentiment Is rather against the»|£.!V'^Wre 's one feature in the Ellis worth affidavits made par ticularly emphatic in both, that Is that Murphy'4 "client." In whom they take sii much interest, bfiered as a retainer and fee for doing all this pro- feesioned business the financial credit and respoiVsfijUlly ot his Sons Morrl* F. and, Oren D. Ellsworth, aud nothing moie. Another feature quitea* notice able is that said *'cllciif"ls. so very sick as to need constant care yet those affectionate sons could vpend all, the time by them set forth in their affida vits in worrying their sick father, and running around the country to plant law suits in cases when they were advised by their attorney "fhat under ike circumstance» the interest of their client would be better served by not do.' inj/if." "The air of this little village filled with slander," reminds us of the description of the suflercr* after the Chicago Fire, in which we remember the following: "The peaceful air Is streaked with blood." To show the effect upon the business standing of persons thus entangled a prominent commercial agent of this "little vil lage" informs us that at about the time of Bunker's arrest, he received frpm the Chicago agency a letter in quiring for the busiii$itt standing of Bunker Brokers."" > Fur the last thirty-six hours we have -&ee|i' rtiado"to seeaiid lie nr. and feel *>id know" nR the force of a"bltzzard." .The trains are greatly impeded, the roads blockaded with drifts, aud travel almost entirely euspeuded. We have had quite a little scare about small pox owing to the fact that one of the teachers bail been exfosed atHRidg«fleld Atit she learned in time to go home and remain tilt all was safe to return. ( As we writ# we® are informed that O. S. Gregory, a fanner between this andRidgeflel^biverjf. #ick and quite as^lable to die aa rvcovev. * 'iliat wedding, wbfcij we predicted in our last has transpired and Peas art good, if you do Burn'em. You bet. ; Jlu4|Ay Jones, the I>epkty P, M., has been absent many d^s and It is now quite certain t^hat he is not expected to return, and his disappearance beeh the cause of much goswlp. Mrs. Buchanan's dwelling was parti ally bunted on Sunday aud on Thurs day she received full satisfaction therefor, from the well known agent of the Old Hartford. But tills is hardly worth mentioning as the Old Hartford has been noted for just such prompt and fair pealing for almost a hundred years and lias been represented by tiie same agent in this town for a quarter of a century, and many hearts have been made glad in their hour of need by securing one of her policies. Try It. Col. Sanford is billed at Murphy's flail under the auspices ot Company G. on Friday evening the 18th Inst--and those who have heard him say we are to have a rich treat, but lie has a task before him aijd not an easy one, if he carries his audience with him for fan and a.Cftyth hours,as successfully as did jiis predecessor, W. B. Affleck : While we ivrite. news vmnes to us of the death of Osborne Barbou#, ; of Deans Strset* fa this city. Mr* Bar* hour's body had outlived his mind many years. And still another dlder rer#* much tha same mental condition,,baft passed away. Wo refer to theMjecease of Lewis Ellsworth, an old resident of our county, who In his prime w«a man of strong mental and physical ability, and served the couuty as Sheriff when that office #ai worth more to the incumbent than at the present time. Mr. Ellsworth was "Very active In raising recruits for the vari ous Regiments recruited wholly o. in part in this county during the war, and particularly, did he render the boys of the 8th Cavalary good service In securing good 'horses. Both were financially successful til) their minds failed, but- for the last two or three years have not been looked upon by their neighbors and friends as really competent to trunsact business under standing!)'. Thus one after another these old Pioneers pass away. Yet a little while, and the places which khow us IIOV trill knotr m no more forever.. ,. The -^blizzard" has passed, the beautiful sunshine again makes us cheerful,' the trains are beginning to run with something of regularity, the black ades on our through fares are be* ing broken and business Is beginning Itsnormal activity. We have spoken Of the sickness of O. S. Gregory. We are pleased to state ihit nnder the treatment of Dr. Doo- Httle hls condltion U considered more hopeful. The child who has the small pox at Ridge field is reported as doing well un der the treatment of Dr. Buck. We learn that the firm of Murphy A Hoy, the corner Druggists, has been dissolved. Luman Hoy having bonght out Mr. Murphy, and will hereafter go-lt-aloue at the old stand. Anderson Murphy, late of the firm of Murphy & Hoy. has bought an Interest in the Red Front Drug Store, and tlie firm will hereafter be Murphy £ Wheat. Miss Scbryver is teaching Miss Orms- hy's Room in the Public School this week.? •' ^ Wo notice th^t thf Slnger Sewing Machine Company has sent their Agent at this place. Mr. E. Felt, a new wagon, which Is a little ahead of any wagon of the kind ever brought to thl*county Mr. Felt i»vs J>een In the employ of this company, now about, fourteen years. For Sale Cheap. One Mosler. Bah man n & Co.'s Safe, large sl*e. nearly new. One of the be*t safes in the County am) will be sold cheap. Also one Office Desk, ariA one eight day Office Clock. These articles are all as good as new and are sold because we have no nse for them. Arty person wishing one or all of these Nftlcles will get a bargain by calling on MCllEtfftT. rob. Hlh, 18SI. «--,----- i" i T?nmnt PI.AINI>ICA«;<»*:--SH«FS »• the msio that poisoned my dog. a dog that stays to home and minds his jown business. .Show me the man and I will marts him. Try it again neighbor, 1IKNKY PAYMENT. MtVln's Jliir». Fob. Uth. 1881. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public Auction, on his premises, three miles northwest of Waucosda. and two and one-half miles soutlcJrest of Volo, oil Thursday. February 24th, 1881. com mencing at 10 o'clock, A. M., the fol lowing property: 7 milch cows, 2 two* year-old heifers. 1 two-year-old bull, 2 yearlings. 15 shoats. 3 brood sows, 25 siieep, 1 pair horses, 1 broadcast seeder I sulky corn plow, 1 pair trucks, 1 wag on, 1 top carriage, ami a}l his farming Implements too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE.--All sums of £5 and under cash. Over that sum a .credit of eight months, on good approved notes at 8 percent interest. AI.LEN L.AMPHERE. H.B. BVRBKTT. Auctioneer. 4 ^ THIS NEW MB CORRECT MAP ^ l j ' |»toves beyond *:;y restnnnhtf «itip it ion that the Chicago <& XTorth.wasters* • Is #y altoatu the but vm4 S»r fom M take whea stavellaf t« aim di Cllcap ail all tte Principal Foists in lie West Kerti & Mwt Car«fr,Hy examine this Map. The principal CiUss of the Vul and NorthwesSatc Trmnsis' "Is in this IMM. Its through mini make eh»»e conneciiona with the train* of all raflrnaf* Md " juuetion p3ini«, B. Bisnor. TlieLrtfcest Kovelfcfl A patent separable sleeve button made of rolled gold equal In appear ance and wear to the most expensive goods,, real stone settings.Onyx. Moss Agate, Blood stone, etc. Sample pair sent on receipt of one dollar. Goods warranted as represented or money re funded. Agents wanted everywhere. GREEN ft CO. 84 c^urph St.. *Sir Tork. -.,1^. N»ri| HardJTameS. If von will stop spending so on flue clothes, rich food and st$rle, buy good, healthy food, cheaper jind better clothing, get moi^ real and/ub- stautlal things of life every way, aud especially stop the foolish habit of employing expensive, qnack doctors or ii8|ng so much of the vile humbug me^}ic}ne that does yoii 'only harm,, but put your ' trust In tbsft simple, pure remedy. Hop Bitters; that cures aM ways at a ttiffllnj; cost, and yon wi^l see (^ood time^ imj hajje^poil health. See ianothercolmpu* .. -i THEWestern Farmers' Almanac, a valuable book'for fanners, for sale at this otflce. Price. 10 cento. • , OY^ITKRS by the can or qnart, theap AS the cheapest ; at the McHepry bak ery. .J « V WHY DO YOU OOViM vn' y When one bux of Besley's Troches Will cure. you?, ffistorc oppossto Parker House. ' IF yon want vour Watcli put in first _ class Order, call on Robert Murfltt Jeweler, NUIIda, - y ^ ^ New* Prints, latest pUtamKl at prices from five cents a yard and up wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block Ladies of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats qr Bonnets • until you have looked at aud priced goods at Mrs. S. S^arles. Am uow ofleriug greater bargains than ever. All *ork in repairing done on short' notice. F^NCR-POST5 FOR SALK. *'2000 seasoned Bun' Oak Fence i*os4s iuf sale, IttWiiW of JOHN UOfUK. S Aralmn Ordway Crttgto,, T Weill City RAILWAY THE CHICAGO A NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Over ail of its principal lines, runs eaeh waj <lJly from two to four ofSmora VMM flit-- Trains. It is the on!y roait *eu ofChio*no tl'at u'" 'he PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It the -only roar! that run* Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of ChlaaaMX M ha» r naarly|3fOOO Miles of ^«sd- In forma |h« following Trunk Kinea: Council lHuffs, I»envcr A California Line. Winona, Minnesota .% Central Dakoka List SIOUX «,Uy, Nor Nebraska 4 V.mkton l.iue. Chicago, St. I'HUI 4 Minueapolis:i.ia« Northern Illinois, Freeport A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Greet Bay A LakeSsperior Lisa Tickets over this roS<l are sold by all Ooupo11 Ticket Airents in the Unitea State* A Canada Kern ember to ask for Tickets via this road, the sure they read over it, aa<t take none other •A&VIH HUGH IT I, Qea'l Manager, Chicago W. H. ITSVH1TT, Uen Pan Xgt Cfiieag* M, Business Notices. Ree(Ts Gilt Edge Tonlo restoras lbs appetite. The Moltne Owen's. Sulky Plosr It 1 11 The Farst A Bradley Sulky Plow B. M. Owen's. st When in want of work (n my line, 61 ve mea call and 1 will try and please obt. Murfltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Don't buy your lists or Bonnets un til yon have seen and priced goods -tit Mrs. 8. Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Goods 111 the Couuty, at Mrs. 8. Searles. Buckeyc Fprco Owen's." 1 Pumps, at X. If All ths, Owen'*. fljrst-clMs Plows at, K. M, A line line of QenU >Fnrnishing Goods at Laoer4c Beckat's near Uts Depot. " "in-- » , . The finest line of Silver and Platdd Ware to be found In the county, at O. W. Owen's. 1 make a specialty of Repairing Ate W itches, and warrant all my work, Robt. Murfltt, Nunda. ; i» v CLOAKS! CLOAKS! A lafge itwoice cf cloaks, hoitght at a big bargain. Don't buy be for* csU- ing on us. STEVENS & SCHNOUIB New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's Mas. K. W. HOWE is offering induce ments to purchasers of Hillinery, Cloaks, Ac. Give her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. ;• T»A DRINKERS WlU findthe pure, unadulterated, an* colored* natural leaf. Japan tea st «ar place . STEVEN S I SCIINORK. * : f t E. A. OOLDfNO. Waucondl, III., dealer in Qio- Cerles. Canned Goods, Confectfonery, Cigars, TobaccH>. Notions, &c. Also Headquarters for Piatt & Co's Cole bra- ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the (lay or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are <K>*Uy fitted up, well warmed and light# eil.and no pains willvbe spared t<| please all who call. I also make a specialty of all kinds of (Tan Goods, and keep a flno Una of Confectionery. Give men call. •rf 1.. -mt'is Tit. A.;^ou»t^" . .. . ^ r 1 OVER COATS. Wa have speolal bargains Is tkts Has to close, 16 over ooats #8 00, former prices ill 00 10 over coatn §4,00. formef prices S7 00 8 overcoats fll.OO, former prices#15 00 Full Size mens over coats as low as IMS these ara bargains. H«Bv«xs k scmrosw. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmuker and Jeweler NO. 1S7 RANDOLPH 8TH1BT, (Brigm House,) Ctucairo, til. Tormerly with M K. P. Shurly. Special attention given to pairing Fine watches ami chronometer*. SWK Full Assortment of Goods in his Una. ' '"W •ft Waucond • ' = • V • ,v SPICE* If you buy a pound of Ginger, or Mustard or Pepper for 30 cte.. and it takes sn ounce of it to im part ttoe characteristic tssts. when for 40 cents you csn g-et m pound that is Pure, 5 grains of which will bring the tears, how much do you loss ? ? r hare been selling St Pure Spicen for three years past, at Prices as Low as f'IRST CLASS GOODS could he sold. I am having a fine trade ia these /aroods and want to add to my list ot customers the' name of every economical lover (Ptti<s Goods in Waucouds. For further particolars di! at | the "Book Haunt" and enquirs j for HAKWSOJi, J ^Vho hss a "few" Drags for sals* « TOt WAST 10 lbs of our clarified N, O. SI.00 equal to granulated, coflee 81.00. " ' Sugar for 7 lbs green STKVENS & SCIXNOBU. Styles Just, received all the latest • andshades of winter Millinery. MKS. E. W.ilOVK. If inseacrhof Bargain# call at C. F. Uall's Richmoiid and Dundee Stores, HIH8. GEO. HotmUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Ofllca ^dtUfds*. _, WAUCONDA, - - -> »* ILLINOIS I would beg tcave to' luforui the Lsdies'ofLake aud McHenry «Couutios (hat 1 am now prepared to do qtll kiuds ol Hair Work on 6hort notice autl iu the best of maimer. . 1 use tjoue, but natural Hair, auttguCantee all Work as represented. V, ' " ' " That my prices are low f Will leave all to judge for themselves by the fol lowing; ' Wtu. MAKE SWl¥CH«9 ' jj WbsreyOii furnish the H*ir, SI.00. » Where you furnish 1 root it. 81.50. PuOs, (you to furuish Hair, lOctseack Wave* on Hair Lace, S1.0O an inch. " Waves on Vegetable Lace, 73 centp an inch. . -*i Switches from S9.00 to SSjDb, aecofd> Ing to Slse and quality. Ladies wi«hiug anything in this Una sfiould not fail to give me a call, as I am satisfied'I cau suit yon bot|\ in ^tMHtjr'Stttf'pvleo. ^ *'£ . . . ̂ r - r ' . FOK SAl.K. 40Ae^eaof laml iu Section 19,. ail j fenced. Also SO acres of land, with a good house aud barn thereon, with timber ar.il water iti abundance, iu Sec tion 23.. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lak» and Kuniht road. Good new housejfharu aial other ontbuihHun^.-- Apply to JOHX FLI SKY. ~Siy stock of Drv Go«>d?%Clothing. A< never was larger tb&n tu>w,and as I am hound to sell tbeia. l««>k «ut fur bed r»M?k prices. Call eirhfr at the lU infl or l>und»*e i>tore and b* tuarim^ rd. " ; ' ! ' : T© tell you off. fe'fr VX 8pecial Bargains Wu have, jwt 1 lmvo to oftor. received a lino of 1-2 wool at 12 1-f cent* p»r yard in & Rhodes, usually sold at 20 cents per yard. Al*o a lins of Dress Goods itt 17 cents uso> ally sold at 25 cents por yard,-- We have in stbek and to arrivs ft finis assortment of goods for ths EOLIMYmDK, We have also a tklee line lit OLICA WAKE. Iu tbo •ROCERV.' UNB^ we have to offer ,n $0 lbs. Rice for $1. „ i l -4 box liaisiiis, 5?c 6 lbs very tine CYtFee, $1 ! l a V ; . •H.NPCFM^ Yolo, Ill.v'fJtfPi 1st, moS'-x m dti Mapietic Ointment, Th« worst tern, IKMN UU.„ . . j« • jw«ir ymyr»tio» »y I DltyiRiciztB OF *TMI ft# sttfwia autrTvlfoas in th* moat •hrtia««» firtigguta MUX IMbm at S» andSS ' HAituA«A?i «v> offer a »«>f <»f WIM . iirtS in HJ ••eat* 'M