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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1881, p. 8

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HARRISON, • • 1 •' :"V;< Nlflu,-; Mary Hmv*.fS{ Johnson, 70; Jftsoph 87. EDUCATIONAL COLUMN BARGAINS --FOli TUB I'KOl'LE- Comfort nr i*. O. K*i.i>wr.«fe; 1 A"""""'wuu •.?>:» A:. , i *" <V ' +* *<"> ' ̂ i H S.'^v ,Tr>i. ' Mhii I* the mtljr t?re«liiP« that foHghft AiijfJ"5 «lo not, tiuiaiitkg cannot, sud tie rile will not. Fh v t ai} The KClioole at Genoa Junction close Ifcftt week. Also the school* at O-reen- voort thla we^k. L. A. SkiIInot w rites fr|^ Mlnnftdot* flmt "'the weather has moderated so lliat the mercury stands at only thirty flegreeR below gttro. Have on joy ad folder weather.'" Worse thau North­ ern Illinois. t Out of a school population or 708,000. 603,800 were enrolled in the Indiana Pdtools last year. In the school at Greenwood last Fri­ day, whilt) the teacher wu correoliujf >»ne of tlie pupils, he was nssanlted by two or three of the large scholars and badly bruised. It was an unfortunate Jlaflair for teacher, pupils and neighbor­ hood. The spectacle of the sun shining ildiiTflrht attract at wMnTght attracts many foreigners to Swedish Lapland during the month of Juno. For six weeks there is scarcely any night In the north of Sweden; the mm never sets and the soil, constantly heated, produces in n month and a halt bariey and other crops. At that time of the year the Laplanders pen up ^, their reindeers and move their huts •'*' - toward the cultivated fields. 1.KTTKU WKITINO. Hattie TruaN, So: Mary Balloii, 88; NuUj« !K),* Kirdie Jo|iu^on, 90, nrstN RSS mims.•* Q' y >f JoM»f>h llunton, 90; Perry JotlMSOn, 00; Kiuni.i Balkm, Nina Darby,SO; Mary Howe, (JRj ; Willie Beckiey, #3J ; Cate Collins, 93£; Frances Wells, 90. SPKL LINO.. „ WlMe Beekiey, 90: Kate Collini* 90; Mary Howe, Emma BHIIOU. 95; ilattie Truax, 90; Nina Darby, 90; Birdie Johnson, 100; Frances Wells,95 ; Nettle Beckley, 100; Mary Ballou, 95; Perry Johnson, SO; Joseph Benton, /„ . LANGUAGE, t Hajttie Tntax, 75; JSmuia Ballon, 97; Nettie Beckley, 60: Willie Beckley, 47; Nina Darby, i)S>: Mary Ballou. 90; Fran" ces Wells.OS; Mary IIowe, 90; ^ Birdie Johnson, 70; Kate t&illlif, 9{^ jo»iph Benton, 97. $500 REWARD! Over a Million of Prof, Cuilmette rHKNCH Miss Charlotte Madden was the first to send in answers to our queries, and gare them correctly with -one excep­ tion. The answers are as follows: Chaucer, Dry den, Pope, Taylor, Holmes, Holland, Hood, Burns, Abbott, Sonthey. , 1. A girl's name and a male relation. 2. A fraction In currency aud the pre- Taliing fashion. 9. One that is more than a sandy •bore. 4. A slang exclamation. 5. MeatlUvhat are you doing? 9. His middle name is suggestive of an JmUtti.or a Hottentot. 7. A very vita! part of the bo^fy. 8. A sick place of worship. 9. A worker In precious metals. IflL An interna] paiu. A laily at the British Museum asked if they bad a skull of Oliver Cromwell. Being answered in the negative, "dear me," site said, "that's very strange. They have one at Oxford." of the Vkrlo* "M- Have already !<«en sola in thU i iniiitrv »iul in Frmice; every • lie cf which' as given per. fertsHtis faction •Aud liai p«r- inrn>e<l cur«*ii *v*ry time whe Uhe<i aoconlint to direction.-. We now .-oiy t<> the »fflicte<l aad doubtful one j that wo will pay the abenro reward for a sintrle case of LAME BACK. That the Pml foils to cure. ThU Great will I'OSITIVKXY-and P Kit MAN KSTLY <"'ire Luiulm>ro, Lame Rtink, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Hrighfs Disease of the Kidneys, Incontinence ami Retention of the Urine IntbuuiWon of the Ki«l neys, Catarrah of the Bladder. High Colored CJrlne, Pain in the H.irk, Side or I, ions. Nervous Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder or Urinarv Organs whether con tnvctcd bv private- <li.sease« orotherwiao. LADIKS, if von ure stiOering troin Female weaknesses, i.3ux>rrh(ia, or any disease of the- Kidneys, Bladder Urinary Organs You Can Be Cured! Without swallowing nauseous 8imply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'8 mcrfioues^%y i Spain, AlfonzO Who are the- riders countries of Europe ? T 0, " " J. K. M., Chicago. Britaln.Queeu Victoria. Xtl. Portugal, T.ouls I, son of Maria tie Gloria and Ferdi* nand of Saxe Oobnr^; thus, cousin to Qtwen Victoria. Italy, Humbert I. Greeoe, Christian George, called George I, son of Christian IX, who is King of p«nmark. Turkey, Sultan Abd-ul-Hamed II. Buuia, Czar or .VmperOr Alexander JI., son of Char lotte, a sifter of Williitni I., who if Kin?of Prussia and Emperor of Ger many. Austro-Hnngary, Francis JoMph, Emperor of Austria aud King of Hnneary. Saxony. John I. Bavar ta. Louis II. Wertemburg, Charles I Belgium. Leopold II.. whose father, Leopold was brother to Victoria's mother. Holland, William III. Swed •n, Oscar Frederick, grandson of the French Marshal, Bernadotte. , ( These are all the crowned heads of Bnrope. In France, Franaoifi Paul Jules Grevy is President. Hes&e Darmstadt, Louis IV, Grand puke. Hease CitMel, Frederick Willisin I., Elector, the only prince retaining thi* rtnee honored title. Baden, Frederick William Louis, Grand Duke. Meek feriburg>Sottwerin, Frederick Francis ;IL, Duke. Mecklenburg Strelitz, Fred­ erick William I., Duke. Th«>re are leveral dethroned Bourbon* i>f Naples, Parma, etc., at well as "Henfy V.,M Ctyant ,of Chambord, grandson of ^larles X. aud claimant of the throne ot France.--Dr. Willard. Freneh Kidney Pad, WHICH CURES BT ABSORI-TION. rour (lriiKif'. for PROF. tiUILMET- TE'3 lr*RKNCII KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If he has not srot it. serd JiOOand yon will receive the Pad bv retnrn mail. TK^TIMOVI VI-s FROM THE PKOPLE, JUDGE BUCUANAK. Law>«r, Toledo, O., """One of Prof. Gnilmette'8 rrench Kid&ey Pads c,ur*d me of Lumhaao in three wort* time. Mv c.a^e had be«in given up by the best doctors as incurable. Dnrirti? all this time I suffered nntold agony and paid out larire sums of monev. .tiKORUK VF.TTliR, J. P.- Tole<lo, O., says I suffered for three years with Sciatic* and Kidney Disease and often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and per manentir cured after wearing Prof. Guil mefte's French Ki '.nev Pad four weeks." •SQU1HE N. C. sfOTT, Sylvania, O., writes "I have boon a ifr*'.'H sufiVrer for 15 years with Bright's Diseii»e of the Kidneys, ror w eeka iit a time unHl>Ie to get out of bed to;>k hsrrels oftue licine, bat they gave me no temi'Orary relief. X wore two of Prof, lilmette's Kidney Pad« six weeks, and ain to the Front. With a better and larger stock of General Merchandise than ever before. We work tor and get only the Casji trade of this section. We sell at one price. We mark goods to sell them. We can't quote prices on all classes of Merchandise, but we say this, that our prices on everything will be found LOWER than any store in Northern Illinois. Come and see, and if not just as represented, will pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will till orders sert by mail from this Price List and guar­ antee satisfaction, Send to either Store. Look the Price List over. Remember the goods are the best, and eee if your credit merchant is doigg as well for you. Cut it out and talk it over. Will sell ̂ Qui>etter Goodsjtt. loiv^anjr bow* the county. Otor line ot >»•?»«?' ! *... :n • •:. • fir» ftt *****1 U«»» *»«•*«« ilk*' •*' •j( |- , j ' ' »> • " '"nft; •»««• W' - D R Y G O O D a " " f , <• , ,t , • • ' »•» -r' ' fv-ni • Dress Goods, • Hosiei^ Towels, liable Linens, by the yard, and Pattern Nupkins, and other articles too numerous to mention. Our line of BOOTS - «& SHOES, . S- n X ct> P Bett Prints. .. Cotton, blcM antTTitihVd yd wide .. .®c Cotton, bleached, best ' 'flc Cotton, nnhlearhed ,...7>tfc Cotton Flannel* ...8, #, lOand lie 40 inch all wool Cashmere Cashmeres M, 76, 80, 96 to fl.15 Klannela 1«X. 1«. to 48c Dress Goods 8, i, 10, 11 to 20c, Alauaces 12#c Table Linen W and 80c radios and Qeutfl Underwear 80, 40, 60c. lloys Overcoats, from li to W --oys Overcoat*, from Ifi to 19 |3,0<" Boys Suits, from 7 to 10 #2.76 lk»y» Suits..froiu 0 to 18 $4.00 MensSuits • ... |8.76 to #lft 1 Meus Overcoats f8 to $19 * Can save you money every time Boots,... $1.76 tot* Shoes, $1 tofi.75 Rubber Goods, cheaper than arty one. Trunks and ValUeaTcheap Spices cheaper than ever. now'am entire'.}- cured." MRS. HELLES JKBOME, Toledo, O., says: "i'or viir= I have been conflned a groat part ot the timo to my bed, with Lueorrho-a and female weakness. I wore one of liuil- mette's Kidney Paas and was cured in one month " II. B GUEES, Wholesale Grocoi, Findlay, O., writes: I suffered 25 years with lame hack and in three weeks was permanently cured by wearing one ot Prof. Guilinette's Kidney '»d«." ' .. , B. F. KEE^LING, M. D. !Dmi?)rist, I.ogans- pr>rt, Ir.d., when sending in an order for Kid- nev Pads, writes: 'I wore one of the first ones we had and I recervt-d more beaeilt from it than anythhing I ever used. In frvc.t the Pads gave better goncral satisfaction than any Kii ney remedy we ever sold." __ UAV & -UlOKMAJtEB, PruggisU, Hanni­ bal, Mil. WTe are working up a lively trade In your Pads, ami ivre hearing of good, results from them every day." Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad. Will ^o»|tlvely cure Fever and FASHIONABLE D1T HMDS On Notions we sell on very small profits Cash does it ' - Will save you money oil l»ig bills. Gome toin 10 Raisins tl.OO 10 lbs A Sugar fl.00 10 Ihs Granulated Sugar ,.$l.0C 11 Ttvs C Sugar #1.00 50c. Tea 44c Best Tea, all kinds «0c Yeast Cakes, all kinds Sc T. and J. Tobacco 3ftc 14 lbs Rice »1.«0 14 IbH Pi unes fl.flO 7 bars Soap 9flc 5 bars best Soap 28c, Silver GIORH Starch... 8« Babbits saleratus ...,8c No 1 Baking Powder 80o Ber.t Ninegar. Cider and White Wine 18o Choice S vrnp 40, 90and60o .V-. off on ft gallon lots No 1 Plug Tobacco 60c No 1 Vine Out Tobaceo 80c Were never better as we have just received a new assortment. ^ b oV no use to attempt to tell you all. We could not tell you even one- tenth part of it. The only way tor you to be convinced that what w« say is true is for yoU to come and see for yourself. That certainly is fair.. In Groceries, We never had a.larger stock, and we will not be undersold/qtisti- ty ot Goods considered. Give us a call when in want of anything in our line. ROBT. HARRISON. Waucond*, 111., Nov. 24th, 1880. How can we do it? We buy for cash, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per cent (merely a commission) satisfies us. Have two resident buyers in Chicago constantly on the look out for Bargains «nd We get them It wou't cost you anylhing to look into the matter, and we say it will save you money. Come and see us and we will do you good. C. F. HALL Chicago Ofljce, 122 Franklin St. P ANOTHER ADDITION. J - - - - - - -Dumb Ague Afc ' t i e C.'ike, Billions Agne Vever Janiulice, Uyspepsii:, and all diseases of the Liver, und iilood, Pric* ^1.50 by mail, seji'l for I'rjf. Guiln-ctte's Treatise on ttaj liklceys «ud .Liver, tree by mail. Address FUKKCH PAD OO., Tolo<lo, Ohio. 'I ,' 1 •' !!{(>> r>. For sale by Oolby Brothers, Mc.IIenrv, ill. £ H. EANLY & SONS, As Low as any other House in the county. Domestic Cotton Gtoods Cheaper than at any time within tho memory of the oldest inhabi­ tant. Also Plaid Dress Goods, Fast Colored Calicos, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Shawls, -PltoPUIKTORS or THK-- We pre^entod a problem' seme time •jjo and received no correct solution, **11(1 thinking ouf readers had no Inter •st in mathematical work, we conelutl to fill our column with something rt»e. But finding that some desire to te*t their knowledge of mathematical principles, we fcive two this week and will give solutions in two weeks. In the mean time we hope to receive BO- s ftttion* to the fefcme from our readers. I. Required the longest inflexible rbd that can be thrust up a chimney the arch being 4 feet high, and 2 feet from the arch to the back of the chim- . My. The back of tlie chimney to be jtraight. ( t. Where shall a board, 12 feet In jAJigth, 4 Inches wide at one end and IS Inches at the other, be cut i* order - tfciit each end will • oontatn the same , , f^Phe following is the standing of the jjKUpllftof the Nunda school upon ex­ amination in questions' from State !lk»ard: - FT., ARITBMKTLC. ; ^NinaDarbv, 80 per cent; Frances Hfells, 90; Willie Beckley, 80; Kate ^polling, 70; Emma Ballon, 00; Perry Johnson, 70; JoHepti Benton, 88; Birdie t«0hnson, 88; Florence lieardsley, 100; ^attie Truax 80; Majy Howe, 80; , Nettie Beckley, 80; Mary Ballou 100; IJklbert Mallory. 100. OKOOHAPUT AND HISTORY. f)0; m 00; 55; D." 75. 80: Mchenry BRICK MILLS NEA^ THE DEPOT. McHenry, - Illinois The public ax*e rcsiKJctfullj' in formed that the above named tirm have constantly on l^and lavye stock of the very ' Finest Flour, | Bolted Maal, Feed, &c; We have unusual facilities for manufacturing and are' well pro .pared to do . \ G. W. BESLEY, DrniEist »i Aptlecari. McHenry, 111. Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, and Toilet Articles. Offered at the Best Bargains four counties. in * Emma Ballou,65; Mary Ballon, tlattie Truax, 90; Nettie Beckley Birdie Johnson. 97; Mary Howe, JIT)' Johnson. 43; WilHe Beckley, kt« Collins. $0; Darbjr,' ancee Wells. 95; Joseph Benton, COMMON TlliNOH. ' «PJrdie Johnson, 87; Mary Ballou. JElattlo Truax. 88; Nettie JBeckley, 80; >iC«te Collins. 70* Willie Beckley, . p Xm>na Bailout; Fran ces Wclk, 75; \ W - • * •; , . M? With all possible dispatch, anc we are confident that no Mill in the .Northwest' can . surpass, us either in thfl'promptness of Work don© for customers, or IN QUANTITY QR QUALITY •ar M F,HCI IASTS and others who handle Flour arc ..especialh requested to j^iveus a calLpu^ oui different Brand a- of Flour arc se'oond to none in the market. Thanking the ptiblie for past payors we hope for a contiouancc THO SAME 1 A, li. ttAKLT ^.SO^S 'r fir, Xu- 10, law ALSO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, "a 1K3' (*L X m f iS Pi ' 4 J \ J |j^rooorie«, Aco. i i r Aja *k>k tOf the best quality, and whic will l»e sold «t the Lowest Row k jBottom Prices. Give us a call and inspect Goods ancl learn Pricey. • . Z ̂ PERRY & MARTIN: Mclleury. Sept. 20tli> 1880. --DEALER IN-- I have added to mv already Large Stock, a Fine Line ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which he invites the attention of the buying public. P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, SsUUhhtd in Chicago ever 25 Team, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridgeware valuable improvements, used^in the Bauer Pianos onlv. Th,e Bauer Cabinet Grands, The nowest!»n-ijmost Porfeot Production in the art of Piano Making, ny ih6 in trod ac­ tion of Kn iin|>rove(ifViolin-4hape<t $oun<lin|7 Hoard tlie|v<»!uitie of tone tsgreatlyj tn«r«as*d, and left uatireiy free from^McUllic Qunlitieti Prominent A tists Pronounce it a Marvel of Pefectitn. EMBC.MUl.Itrfi BAUEK St CO., Clilcsgo, 111: OKKTLEMKK: Tlie liauer Piano which 1 liurehnsed of vow. T am H(*ppy to say, ls^jnwrlBf fHvor every dajr. The rooru I use it the better I like it. I have had pUnos from ma«]r EnieliriUeil factories, hut lmve found none to equal yours in power and purity of tOM» i eaMiicitv of touch, and durability. I am K'»'t that my flrat opitsion vrliich pruotptcri me la elXCllAiSGING my KJiAUK for th~ ^ the BAU l it has proved a lasting cue, Yours respectfully, Nov. 28, 1879, JOHN HKBLlNC, Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCali. ' , ; t C.W. BESLEY. McHenry, III., ^oy. 10th, 1880. Pittsburgh, Pa. Factory, 125, 127,129 C- 129 Street, Nevy York, ' A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be f^lin4 at our Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER & CO< 182-184 WABASH AV. between Monroe and Adams St. * CHICAGO JACOB STORY, McHKNRY, ILL. DICAJ-KR IN Hardware, Ills, Ms, Rues, Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Wind«w (HUHH, CRANITE-IRON AKD TINWARE. J. STCRY. Don't Read This Unless You Want to get Rich. BLOSSOM, Th.e Woodstook Jeweler, Always Awake Never Asleep. Is receiving New Goods every day until his store is literally packed with hne Watches and Jewelry,•Clocks, Silverware lery Fancy Goods, <&c., &c. at Pricef That Defy Competition* < COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALEKSIN-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. W e have one of the most complete stocks of G oods ever brought to this market, consisting in part ol Dry Goods, Cltiltini: Kemember it u for your interest to go miles to trade with It will yay yon. South Side Public Square, sign of the Big Wr him atch. BOOTS AND SHOES, Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willoware, Gro<!ories Etc, $3^T*\Vc have one of the finest Stacks of Tons to be found in tH,* countT. to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat is tied that we can suit them both in quality anfl price.

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