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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1881, p. 5

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iMm-m pwgll itrtXaMI WEDNESDAY MARCH 7rt« A . * Railroad Time Table. «4N (io sodriK •••*£'* • ••'< Oaner* Uk« P.-\fsenp;or........ <2ea*ra Like Freight. aniNO HORVfe. •» u Omirn Lake Freight...., 18:01 A. * GeaevaLak* Passensrer.; 6;5S P.K, B. Bvss, Ajcent. f McHenry, III ON account of the railroad blockade oar paper did not reach us until late Wednesday night, consequently the PLAIKDKALEK is late this week. Any *lw are inconvenienced .thereby will charge It to "Old Pmb." MRS. GEO. OWEN has been danger-! onsly sick the past few days. Mis. J. A. GOING has been very sick the past week, but at the time of writ­ ing is slowly improving. /^F. A. HKBAKD lias taken the. Job to I do the carpenter work on Doran & Co.'s I new Butter and Cheese Factory in this, yrlllage. 8 TH« ladies of the M. E. Olvurch will hold their next sociable at tlie Parson­ age. Wednesday afternoon and even­ ing, March 9.1881. A special invita­ tion Is extended to all. /A OWING to the blockade our corres­ pondents nearly all failed to reach us this week. - Wj live in hopes -, of get- t!tig*communication opened with the outsldo world before our nest^ ANDREW KKNNEDV ami family start- # ed on Saturday last for their'hotue In I Harvard. Kansas, They have been 1 spending the winter with friends here \ and In Wisconsin. A PHILADELPHIA judge 1MS decided that the cat is an animal. Those indi­ viduals who have insisted that the cal Is a steamboat, will now see how badlj they were mistaken. EbWAD ALLBNSBT, an old aiidHlgh- ly respected citizen, who reside*: southeast of Volo, died on Wednesday! _ morning last, and was buried Qp FrU day. Consaiuptiot), we believe, • was the c%u«e. • ** \ j GKMKRALLT speaking, we have ai liking--not to Bay A respect-- for '•old fashioned" tilings. But the present1 winter has been quite too ohl-fash- lonud to suit us. It has gone to an ex< treme--and "extremes meet." T.J. CLIFTON, who has been sick for nunc time past, and who we reported as getting better, has had another re­ lapse, and is a^aln quite low. His many friends Are anxiously looking and hoping for a change for th# better ;, LOST, on Monday eve., Feb. tlet*, be* ttfeen the residences of C. B. Curtis and Geo. Owen, a lady's Pocket Book, containing abont $50 in money. The Under will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to Mrs. C. B. Curtis, of leaving ft at this office. TUB Elgin Envoy of Feb. 23ti, says: ••Tuesday week on the board of trade Sj»m Poole,of McHenr}*, sold liis ctieese for 11 cents, and not JO as before printed. We are sorry for the error, all Mr. Poole received a better price than any body eise and should have been duly credited." RAIN. snow, wind, slush, thunder [and lightning, and the old nick to pay 'generally with the weather since our We can't say anything more >ut it unless we swear, and as our conscience won't let us do that we pass the subject by without furthcrcoui- ment. • FOR some unknown reason the farmers have failed to brin g fn much Wood the past few weeks, and.quite a number of our citizens found themselves short wlien tlie last-storm came on. Persons who have wood to sell should bring it in when the roads are good. Tiiey will always find a ready sale. ? THERH has been a coin plaint of in­ sufficiency of heating apparatus in some of the new school houses. Never wa« any complaint of that kind iu our school dajrs; heavy ruiers and cutting rattans were always 4 on hand," and the boy* were "warmed*' pretty often. It was ruler ruin with the old matters. B. M. OWKN. having sold his new Cutter, of which we spoke some weeks since, has brought out from Chicago another that takes the rag off anything of the kind ever brought to thi» tott'n. <Jall and see it and if you want It lie will let you have it dog cheap 4nd send and get himself another one. McHenry Olgar Manufacturer. F. J. Barbian. is now manufacturing a new brand of N'iekie Clears, which will compare favorably with the best in the This being a f*ct we. trust our home dealers will patronize iiiin, and thus encourage home industry.. Try a box and be conviueed that what we say ta true, Wg were shown, ons day last week, some very fine specimens of Photo- graphs, taken by B. A. Ford, of Brai l- wood, Illinois, formerly of this village All know here that Mr. Ford is a No. 1 artist, but these specimens, taking po­ sition, background and all together, are as fine as any we ever saw. Wi tti such specimens to show, Mr. Ford should do a good busiuess Iq bis pres­ ent location. THB STORK. One of the most severe storms of the eason commenced in this vicinity on Saturday last, and has continued with­ out abatement until the present writ­ ing. Thursday noun. It commenced on Saturday with a violent rain, ac­ companied with thunder and light­ ning, flooding the roads, which together with the deep suow on the ground made travel by cars or team impossi­ ble. The railroad track was in many places from three inches to a foot un­ der water, which by Monday night was froze solid. The mail train which passed tli is Station ot* / Monday morn- ing going south, ran off the track just below Crystal Lake, where It remained until-late in the day Tuesday, ami several engines which were sent to their relief were ditched before they could re itch them. Wednesday night, about eight o'clock they succeeded in getting a constructiontraiu, with about forty shovelers, through to this place, which was immediately followed by a passenger train. The constriction train succeeded in getting through to Geneva Lake about two o'clock this Thursday morning, but the passenger train still remains here, with but little prospects of getting away for some time. A blinding snow storm is now raging, full two feet of snow having fallen since last night, and a heavy* northwest wind is piling it mountain high. We have had no mail from Chi­ cago since Saturday night, and when we will get one is now only a matter of conjecture. Business is all at a stand? still and we can only sit still and,; yvonder "Oh Lord, how long." j p. ACCIDKNTIL UKAfH. j It is our painful duty to annonn<*e| the death of J. S. Carter, of Ringwood, an old, well known, aud highly res-' pected citizen of that place. The pari ticulars of his deatii, as near as we ca n learn them, were as follows: Ho; started from his home about a mile? west, to go to Ringwood, with a horse| and cutter. About an hour afterwards he was found, by a passer-by, lyingj across the thills or cross-bar of his cut-1 ter, behind the horse, dead. His horse was down, and the supposition is that his hor«e getting down in the deep 6iiow, iu attempting to got him up lie was kicked in the head, as there was a large gash or bruise in his rorehead. We shall get more full particular') and give tliem to our readei s n«xt week. The accident happened ou Wednesday afternoon. A FlCW THINGS "H«ladf»ler" Would Like to EBOW. What has become of oar would-be Springfield correspondent. Why some lirf-t class biker don't lo­ cate iu McHenry. If the ground hog hu anything to do with the weather. U What there is to hinder Fox Lake from becoming the most popular Sum­ mer Resort in the West. Whether it is really true that that book on "Whist" Is to be issued. Whether "Charley Ross" It really the saviePof our country. Whether George dare .take Jim's bet of a brewery to a keg of beer. Why the shady editor of the Wood­ stock Democrat doh'C start out for 1 a clown; lie's so funny. The name and address of that fellow who wants to bring us a load of wood on long past due subscription. If a just God. in Ilis infinite meroy, will hold our "devil" -to account for profanity indulged in while endeavor­ ing to. keep the office warm with green wdod. Richmond Department. OommnTID BT S. r. BENNETT. KITTLK---NICKLK. At; unusually enjoj-able occasion was the marriage of Mr. Willis Kittle aud Miss Rose Nk-kle, by the Rev. Mr. Jor- deu, of McHenry, at the residence" of the bride's parents in Ringwood, Feb. 22nd, 1881, Their numerous friends gathered to the number of 30. The guests departed, leaving behind sub­ stantial tokens of their congratula­ tions and good wishes in the form of an elegant assortment of presents.-- Some of the principal presents were as follows: Two 20 dollar gold pieces by the bride's father and mother, the groom's parents a gold nock chain Mrs. .Mary Harsh, silver spoons; Mr. A. and W. Mosgrove. elegant silver tea set consisting of live pieces; Mrs. Jor- den. linen napkins; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harsh, silver cake basket aud one pair pillows; Mr. and Mrs. G. Merchant and Mr. ami Mrs. .Jabez Csrr, silver castor; A. L. Fraociso, one silver cup; Berton Merchant, a liapkinriug; Miss Flora Harsh, a silver pirkle castor; Erwin Merchant, uapkiii ring; Nellie Me reliant, a Mirror; Miss Etta Kittle one linen table cloth and one dozen napkins; Emory Carr, silver salt and pepper castor. J». K. IS herebT authorized intake ami oritcrs for adverii&'ng ami Job Work for the PLUNIIKAI.KR. r<*reivr mnnev therefor »n<t receipt for the s.ime -- *11 orlers left with him will receive nromut Attention.--Bailor. - Mrs. A. B. Clap&attle lias gone to Iowa to visit friends. The rains and thaw have made a tremendous flood iu the Nipslusc. The siclt list continues large all through thla vicinity. v Small pox lias broken out nortii of us in the Dutch settlement of Wheatland. The closing party or the Ricli'mond Social Club was a brilliant success in every particular. It is rumored that Mr. and Mrs. Wo- dell will soon return to Massachusetts to be gone a year or more. On Wednesday, the 23d in»t. depart­ ed this life, Mrs. George Moon, after a long illness, paralysis agitans and tli" prostration following an inflammation of the lungs. During the long years of her malady she had been a patient sufferer, seldom or never complaining of her lot. She leaves a husband and two sons, with a wide circle of friends to mourn her loss. Ileal Estate Trsinfers. The following is a list of the real estate transfers in McHenry county from Jan. 24 to Feb. 14th. 1881. Simeon Potter nnu w to Hubert E Potter, un«l .Hi 10 ft in see 14 and ift McHenry, $3000. S lot t'HE horrible looking specimens of typography which head the statements j n bikVSS'S^tu.iT. Sioa* P* '0t 4b'k and envelopes of some of our merchants !ook as if they had organized a grange and left the printers out. But never of ;hese fine morning they will wake up to find that printers oan make boots and breeches and sell drugs and hardware, fully as well as mer- •hants can patronize Cheap John print­ ing, and then woe be unto those mer­ cantile grangers. WE were handed a few days since the following recipe for Small Pox. whieb, we aro informed by one win* has seen it tised !in several cases, is a sure remedy and will effect a perma­ nent cure inside of twelve hours. The following is the recipe: Sulphate of Zina 1 jrrnin, Vox Glove ('ligitallis) 1 graiu. Teaspoonfiil Sugir. Mixed, nriii four ounces of water. Take one teaspoon!ul every hour. The remedy is simple and will not hurt a well person. It is equally us good for scarlet fever. THB building Of % steamboat for Fox River is now a fixed fact, and Captain Hill, under whose superin- tendance the work is to be done, U buyiug the lumber aud getting every­ thing In readiness to commence build- lag at OIK*. The boat will be 11x45, a side wheeler, and fitted up In a neat »ud substantial mauuer. The Fox ! Lake and Cedar Island Clttb« will be the owners. LETTEHS remaining iu the Post Of­ fice at McHenry for1 the month ending February 28: Mr. E. L. Church, E. Matthews, Esq., Fred Hoyt, Miss Nel­ lie Terwllliger, Mr. Pierce Welch, W. F. Wilcox. Esq.. Mr. S. L. Hogle. Mr. Cornells Hourilian, Mr. Louie Hills. Huhard Fagus, Miss Amelia Brhling. Hannah M. Collins. Mr. Wm. Collins. Postal Cards--A. B. Crawford Mr. Clot her. Mr. John A. l><»llin- gtfr, Mr. Charles Ledtker, Mr. Thomas Knolw. In calling for any of the above please mention the advertised list. JAMES B. PEHRV. P. M. AT a regular communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 158 A. F.& A. Ma­ sons, helil on Saturday evenfng, Feb. 26th, the following officers were duly elected: Chas.C. Colby, W. M. John I. Story, S. W. John Evanson. J. W. John Dorau, Treasurer, < P . W a i t e . S e c r e t a r y . R. Waite. S. D. C. V. Stevens. J. D. O. W. Owen, E, V. Anderson. Stew­ arts. Wm. Tilton. Tyler. DURING the thunder stona of Satur­ day last, the house of P. Murray, three miles south of this village, was struck by lightning, and Mrs. Murray narrow- j ly escaped death. The lightning struck the gable end, near the roof, and passed down die cornice, tearing out one wiudow. aud splintered tlie cor­ nice and window casing, to a consid­ erable extent. Mrs. Murray was in the pantry at tha* end of the house, at the time, aud was knocked down by the shock and remained insensible for over an hour. Fortunately the chil­ dren all happened to be in the other part of the house It was indeed a narrow escape for Mrs. Murray. C. W. Goui.u's large cheese factory at Algonquin, burned to the ground on Tuesday night February, 22d. The building was a large frame structure situated but a few feet from the rail­ road track, iu the center of the village. The fire is supposed to have started in the Doiler room, although nothing pos­ itive can be known about it. The fac­ tory. under the management, of Mr. Gould, had a very large patronage.; ancfthe homing of It will be a great loss to ttie farmers of that vicinity as well as to Mr. Gould. It wa!« valued at #10,000 and was insured for 94,000. Mr. Gould will of course rebuild soon. a& his patronage there is too exten­ sive to be long slighted. It is prob­ able that a more substantial building will be erected. t Norman Krame ami w to Wm. Thompson ISO acres in hoc II unit 12 Seneca, fr'HU, Jno ilnemann :in<I w to FVe>l K Smith 2nd IS a in sec U anat 24 McHenry, fJOOO. Nelson M TaUev to M try F Tabor a in sec 4 .in I 10 Coral ainl see 7 Senmvi, (>1000. Marian A Wisrhton an<1 hus to Mary F Ta- 'x>r l'ifta iu nee 4 mul 10 Cora! and nee 7 Seuora tiooo. Louisa J Hanson and Chas M Tabor to Mnrv F Tiibov 1-25 ;i in sec 4 and 10 Coral aud sec 7 Soneca, #3000. J A. Kea-1 to F T Allen lots 56Hand 10 blk 14 Union, f&>00 Jno ASweenyran-l Wm O'Brien and w to Ttcnj F Oollnirii tot 3 blk 15 K G AVers adiln lo Harvard, #(100. Willarcl Cmnniinffs and w to Stewart Cum- IningH land in kuc SI and 32 Gmfton, *ti000. Win Loyd and w to K Ixar Matthew* e,fe lot2 re hi sec 2 twn 46 r « Jas s Maxwell and xv to Thos Butts ne se % sec 13 Dunham, #704. Fred K Uiiddusdorf nnd w to Jno Ertike pt lol '.8 in sec 5 anil <i Altronquin, #I5V), Henry V Swan to Ww Xickle SS:i in sec 81 Uichmond aud sec. 5 and § McHenry, #4000. Hanorah Herely and hus to Wm and Michael Herely 90 h in sec ;o 21 28 29 and und >» hw \ nu hi pec 13 Marengo, #302.5. E D Kiderand \v tot; X Kendall iitlotl blk 19mid |>t lot 10 bik 1!) Woodstock, #KMI, Arnold Dodice and \v to Chas YVilloughby se % »e hi sec, ;i(i Oliemulift, #700. Kobert Jackson and w to Geo Mcc.ionnell 2 a I in lot6 sec l(i Kichmoud, #350. I J->s Florev to Geo McConnell 18 a in sec I 17 :klld 20 Uichmond, 1000. M P Weeterand wtoMG Weeter 20 70 in sec 2 Ai'h'ii, #100. ^ Levi Itooue to Geo T Baldwin lot in Green­ wood, *000. Mary E I'ubor to Alox Smith 125 a in sec g aud 10 Coral sec 7 Seneca. #4000. Mr. S. D. Baldwin, President of the M. C. T. A: Sir--We, th^ untlersigned. mem­ bers of the M. C. T. A., do request that you call a meeting of said Association to be held at Njuda, 111., ou March 5th, 1881. The suicide of George Gondhand was briefly alluded to iu last weeks PLAIXIMCALKR. The circumstances would go to show that the act was not premeditated. He was engaged in bauliug stone from the farm of Jaiues Wright* to Richmond, a distance of some five miles. On the nf'.cruooti of the occurrence the writer met George going out after his load, and accosting him was respouded to cheerfully and. with his usual good uatured smile. He went ent to Mr. Wright's farm and put on his load of stone and started to re­ turn to Richmond. Then the fatal Im­ pulse seized him. It liapi>eued that Mr. Wright's family were away from home that afternoon, and on their re­ turn toward evening they found young Goodhand lying on the snow with a bullet hole in his head, and a pistol ly­ ing near Iiiin. He was yet living and was removed to the house iu a:i un­ conscious condition, where he expired at about a quarter after 7 o'clock. The pistol was a small one. Tlie ball en­ tered the head at a point two inches anterior to the opening of the right car, and two inches above. It pene­ trated the skull aud the substance of the brain, takiug a direction downward and inwards in a Hue midway between the whig of the nose and tlio angle of the mouth. The course of the niiss.-i was traced easily the length of au or­ dinary pocket-case probe. A messen­ ger was tent to Wiliuot to summon tlie local magistrate who held au inquest that night. The verdict was. in sub­ stance that deceased came to death by his own hand while laboring under temporary abcralion of miud. The Heart broken father an I in<»tlier took the body home immediately after the inquest, when , It w«afo**«V>M its last rest resting ptace'in the Richmond Cemetery Young Goodhand was a sober hard working, honest buy, uni­ versally respected by his acquain­ tances. As near as we ran learn t lie cause or causes assigned for his rash act are based merely on cnujeciure or rumor. It is stated that some of his j acts obaerved during a year past have indicated that his mind was not just right. Another statement is. that lie had lately been disappointed Iu a love i affair. But the real canae will probab­ ly never be known* 8HKBP8HKAKINU rBSTIYAf^ PROGRAMME. FIRST OAT, APRIL 2IS1". Will be devoted to the exhibition of 8he6m-- All Sheep must be on the frronni and Entries made by 12 o'clock. Con mitt eos Will make awards at 2 o'clock. M Eltnco*. !tams, 3 years old and ovr-- 1st Prem. 2nd Prcm. Rams, 2 vears old and orei --1st Prem. tod Prem. Kams, 1 year old and over-- Isi Prem. 2nd Prem. Kwes, t years old and over- 1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Ewes, 4 years oM and over-1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Ewes, lyesi old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. OKLAINK MKRINOS. Rams, S years old and over--1st Prem. ln> Prem. Rams, 2 years old and--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Rams, 1 year old and over---1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Kwcs, 3 voars old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Kwes, 2 years \olil and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Kwes, 1 year old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. The above prizes will be given in diplomas, 8BCOXD OA V, AL'RIL 22M>. Will be devoted to the shearing proper. STAKK t-RlZK*. Heaviest Shearing Merino Ram on tbe. ground anv epe. Heaviest Shearing Merino Ewe one the ground any age. Heaviest shearing Dolaine Merino Ram on the ground any age. Heaviest Shearing Delaine Merino Ewe on he ground any age.' Any one entering for any of the above will pay an entry fee of #1 which will oonstitiite the stakes. Finest fleece shown on the gWmnd Diploma- Shearing tor a Record, Free To All. Shearing will begin nt 9 A. M. The Exhibition and Shearing will be under the immediate supervision of Thomas Mcl> Richards of Woodstock. Sll K A KINO. The following orizes will be Awarded on Shearing, the condition of the Sheep, Fleece, and the Time, to IKS the Tests, First, #3 00; second, #3.00; third, Diploma; fourth. Diploma. 4 A good letting House will be on the grounds where all can get Warm Meals at reasonable prices. THOS. MCD RICHARDS, Snpt. of resttval. NEW AJTO CORRECT MA If \ "j Provos beyond a:,-y reasonable question that the Chicago <St North-western Is bv all otlds the best road for you to take when traveling in ei: her direction !•< tween ",; Clicaio and all tie Pfincipal Points in tlie West Noitli & Nerthwat " Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West and Northwest are .HtatioM <>n this road. Its tiirongli trains make, close connections with the trains of all railroads MKL junction pjints, ' : T (y ^Saum* t±j_o FLORENC ^Afthlaaa iir+inm gi Vw / \ Drdway^ Spaldi 5^ ^ -Algon* TAKKTO.V Cr»Xu*Cn macftg afena • 'Vi 'rM' Ditrav p4 °o£J<-1 oy'ciC CHIC A RAILWA Attention 95th. All those interested i lithe Re-Union of the old 95th Regiment. Illinois Volunteer Infantry, nre requested to meet at the Court House in Woodstock on Saturday, March 5th,at one o'clock p. M.. to select a place for holding the next Re-Union, and transact such other business as may come before the meeting. CAPT. J. E BRCKLKV, Secretary. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auct ion, on the premises, three mile* North of McHenry and one mile North- w«*!it of Johii*burgh, on Tuesday March 13th. 18S1. <'oiuuieiM'iu^ at 10 o'clock A. M. the following property- 4 good Wftrk Horses; 1 three year old Colt.l f«>ni year old C«dt. 5 Milch Cows. *2 three j'ear old lleifers.6 two year old lleifers, 4 Yearlings, I Bin-keye. Drill I Broadcast Seeder. 2 Sulky Cultivators, 1 Roller. 1 Drag. 1 Wagon, 1 Truck. 2 l'lows. One half of a Union Corn I'laiter. 1 Dodge Reaper. I Hay- Rake. au-Hall my farming Implements, too jiiiiueroiis to mention. < Also 12 Tons ol good Hay. Ttiitus OF SAI.JC:--All sums of $5 and uiiiler. Cash. Over that sum a credit of Ten Months will l»e given on ap­ proved Notes at 7 j»er cent interest. JOHN FRUUSD. a KO, If. STKw^w-, Auctiorrcer. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY v* Over ai! of its run.s eacti wax «!„My from two to four orifn«Avo 'Fasi £imtfl| i Trains. It id tiui only wost <•Uirairo ii^es th<5 PULLMAN HOTKL DINING CARS, 1;,; It ft the <nnlv road '.hat runs Pullman Sleeping Oar- Xorth or Northwest of Chteaga. XC nnurly;3fOOO of Rood> In fortustliufollowiiinTrunk Lines: Winona, Minnesota & Central Dakoka l.iajjfc ^ CliirAKo, St. A Minneapolis Line ^ Mil waukee, Green Hay ft Lake .Superior|e: nnu :iio join lit' mi I;ouitn" Tioti>f .iironio in IK. rr. iteineinher to a^k MARVIN HUOHITT, lien'l Manager, Chicago > Council HUifTs, Denver ft California I.ine. Sioux City, Nor XehiMKka ft Ynnkton l.ine. Northern Illinois. Fret-jwrt A Dultuque Line. Tickets over thin arc sold by all C<»U|K>" Ticket Arents in the United States A CanaJIt* tor Tickets via tfiiv PO»<I, IBV SURE tncy read ox*er It, and take none othtof WHSTBHiriTT, Gen Pass \gt Chicago Business Notices., ReedN Gilt Edge Tonic restores ilie appetite. at S. M The Mo line Sulky Plow Owen's. Tlie Fui-ft A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. When in want of work in my line, Sfive m*:a call aud 1 will try and please Rohf. Mnrtitt. jeweler. Xnnda, 111. The largest atock of Millinery fiood^ n the County, at Mrs. S. Searlen. Biickerti Owen'*, All the Owen'*, Force Pumps, at E. >1 flrat-clHf* Plows at E. M. A flue line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer& Becker's neat the Depot. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to he found in the county, at O. W. Oweti\*. V Our-Chicago and Pacific' Air" T.lne R. R„" ever and anon, Conien up like a glio*t to haunt us, and though hope too long deferred maketh the heart sick, we presume our citizens will he interested in the following ctlppi'd from the JlerctlU's Elkhorn correspond­ ent : .There has been much 'peculation I'AXE"! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of Ta*es of the town of McHenry. ha* received hi* hook and will he ready to receive taxex nt the following times aud pla­ ins. after t his week: TUESDAYS--At the Store of Perry & Martin, iu the village of Mqlleury. WEDXKSDAYS--At the Store of J. W. Ringwood. THURSDAYS--At the Store of Chap. Kulincrt. .lohnshorgh. FRIDAYS--At the Store of Steven* & Schnorr. near the Depot, McHenry. The balance of the week at my reel • deuce, ill JohuRhugh. NICK I.. FRRVND, Collector. Nunda Tttxeg. The undersigned. Collector of Taxeo of the Townof Xunda, will, by himself or Deputy, lie at the following named B. B. MorSe, W. if. Httrbank, Mattie Ormsbv, l.ettie I'uinins, Alice Rlakeslec A. W. Voung, C. C. Crawl, «. C. Crawl, 1'. Shepherd, O. K. Churchill, JoBe|>liiiu--Noii<lericker,Unlit. Andrews, J. A. Slieirlou, W. W. I 'arsonti, I^Mentcli, H. H. Raldwin. In obedience to the abov e request. I hereby call a meeting of said Associa­ tion, at the time and place before mentioned. I would further request each member to come prepared to do something to make the meeting inter­ esting aud profitable. S. 1). BALDWIH, President. THURSDAYS--At the atore of Stevens & >chiiqrr, McHenry. from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. SATURDAYS--At the store of Butler A Warner. Nunda. n\ J. KtTTLK, Collector, JAMES HI TTl.K, Deputy. Notice. To the holders of hix per cent "Mc­ Henry County orders, notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of April. A. D. 1881. I will pay the following six per cent $300.00 McHenry County orders, viz XoV 121 to 131 both inclini ve. Also No's. 1, W>. 57. 64.71. 78 and 85. Interest will cease on the above Countv orders on the 1st day of April, A. !».. 1881. JtMKS VlSH, Co. TBSAS. Woodstock. 111., Fc i. 28, '8L Fitzeiiiimons & Evan=on are trying hard to dispose of the Balance of their Stock of Winter goods. It will pay the cash buj'er to investigate. Panel Photos at Miller's Studio. fihrewdneu and Abllitjr. A Hop Bitters. 6o freely advertised In all the papers, secular ami religion*, are having a large sale and are sup­ planting all other medicines. Theiv is no denying the virtues of the hop plant, and the proprietors of these bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a bitters whose virtues are so palp ilde to every­ one's observation.--Exchange. 1 Panel. 1 Cabinet. 6 Cards and 3 Minette Photos for 92.00, at Miller's Studio, to the fate of one ".AN. I', Air l.ine ! p|:i<-es <tt the time stated: R. R. land grant and road bed At vari­ ous times it has been rumored that the St. Paul or the Northwestern company had bought It. or was about to bur it. aud that the rjad would soon ho finish­ ed and equipped. But this talk never amounted to anything. Tlo1 road bed remained nearly reRily for the tie# Just as Harris. CotHu, and Case left it eight or ten years itgo--but the pro­ ject seemed dead beyond all hope of resurrection. As everybody on or near tliii- proposed R. R is interested iu It* fortune, we excerpt the following paragraph iu relation thereto from the Madison of the Mil waukes KepuWican, from which it will be seen that s.iid road, under the name of Chicago. Portage A I,,ike Superior company, may yet be completed. MADISON Feb. 11.--There Lave been no less than six bills introduced during this session to give the whole or a portion of the lauds granted in I85H to a certain railway company, which com­ pany never built any road. The land is in I he St. Croix grant, and has several times been resumed by the state and granted to new <-niup:iuin«.-- The last of these was the Chicago, Port­ age & Lake Super»or company. The time tixed in which it was to construct rlie road expired iu 1879; but Iu 1878 tlie (line was extended and the grant renewed. This last extension of time readies to May. 18S2; and there Is now on tile In the executive office a bond for $200,000 conditioned ou the con­ struction of the road by the Chicago. Portage & Lake Superior ~ I make a specialty of Repairing fine W itches, ami warrant all my work. Robt. Mnrtitt. Nunda. CLOAKS! CI/UKS! A large Invoice cf cloaks, bought at a big bargain. Don't buy before call IUJF ou «4*. STKVKNS & SCHKOKK. 1 New style Bracelets at O, W. Qwen's HI its. R. W. IIOWK Iftoflerinr Induce­ ments to purchaser* of Millinery. Clonks. Ac. Give her a call. Store ronr doors North of Riverside Home. TEA DRIN'KIORS Will And the pure, uiiediiltentfeil, nn- colored. natural leal'. .Japan (ea at out­ place. STKVKNS A SCIINOUR. OVER COATS. We have special bargains In this 111 to close, 15 over coats 88 00, former prices til 10 over coats 94.00. former prices 87 OOtr-- 8 overcoats 811.00, former prices 815 00 Full size mens over coats as low a#; 82.25 tUese are bargains. f: STKVKNS ASCHNOBK. . Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at aitd priced good* at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering ' greaier bargains than ever. All woi*£ tn repairing done ou short notice. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence P«rt#f for sale. Inquire of pa JOHX DOK^N. For Sale. In Woodstock, a house nn<l five acres of IHIMI, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods North of the Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro- l»erty. aud will be sold reasonable. In­ quire on the firemisos. t JAME* GAtiLAOIifcK. O. W.RESLEY Has just received an Optimeter. for esting the eyes.'and can now Ht you witn a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction, lie also has a full line of Spectacles. »11 kinds, to which he In­ vites the attention of tlie public. E. A. GOLDYNG, Wauconda, III., dealer iu Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods. Confectionery. Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Ac. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co's Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. 1 am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hour* of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light­ pains will be spared to ph-itse till who cal|. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, ami Ift'ep a fine Hue of Confectionery. Give me a call. K. A. UOLDIXO. ~YOU WAN 'T 10 lbs of our clarified N. O. Sugar for 81.00 equal to granulated. 7 tt*" green colice 81.00. STKVKVS A SctiNOKlt. , Just received all the latest Styles aud shades of winter Millinerv, MK3. K. W. HOWE. If In seacrli of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. Wauconda J .. • - • r; SPICE"; | If you buy a pound of Gringer,, 1 y or Mustard or Pepjier for 30 ets « " and it takes an ounce of it to ini- pnrt the charttcteristic tastet: when for 40 cents yo.u can get it ̂ pound that is Pure, 5 grains ^ which will bring the tears, how, V;,^i niiH-h do you lose ? , » : • «. ' ~~ i I have been selling Strictly Pure Spices for three years past,*; ( at Prices as Low as FIRST" ' CJ^ASS GC>ODS could lie sold. j I am having a line trade iu theso ^ iroofjs and want to add to my | ii^t ot customers the. name or | every economical lover pf Pure Goods in Wauconda. * j ; For further particulate «*tll ft* t I he *'Book Haunt" and enquire ^ for F. B. HARRISON, Who has a "few" Drugs for sale.. It THK BEST'THING For a cough is Beslsy's Troches. Try a box. Store opposite the Parker House. A complete assortment graphs ior two dollars Studio, , if Photo- Company. If those who have been showering in the bills to secure slices of the St. Croix land grant had known that this grant will belong to another compauy tor mor« than a year to come ; and h;id known, also, of this approved bond for 82011.000. as they might have done,the bills would probably not have been introduced. As it is. none of them can amount to anything. Mr. A. A. Jackson, of the Chicago, Portage JL LaVe Superior company. U pi-enuring as fast as possible to build the road. Tho Latest Novelty. A patent separable sleeve button made of rolled gold equal iu appear­ ance aud wear to the most expensive goods real stone setting*. Onyx , Mo»s Agate. Blood stone, etc. .Sample pair Railroad ' <>u reee 'l , t dollar. Goods warranted as represented or money rei funded. Agents wanted everywhere, iiUtiKN A CO.. U Charch St., New York. TilKWestern Farmers* Afiaatiac. a valuable book for fajan.ers, for Mil# at this office. Price. 10 ceuU. 1 Panel and 6 Cards Miller's Photo Studio, SPECIAL BARGAINS. We offer a large lot of remnants In Dress Goods, from 0 to 12| cents per yird. STKVKNS IS^SONXOIMT. Errors of youth, in m ile or female at Miller's j causing shyness, or Inability to look another iu the face, pimples, nervous­ ness, etc., can be permanently cured by the use of Prof. GuiluiiHte'j Pad, for 9140 at WHY DO YOU COUGII When one box of Besley's Troclw»» will cure you ? Stole op|MM»tv Parker House. IK yon want yonr Watch put in first chis* Order, call on Robert ilurlltt Jeweler. Nunda, x New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up­ wards. at Colby Bros.. Riveoidu Block MUS. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post OlHoe Address. WAUCONDA, - - - - ILLINOIS. I would beg leave to inform tli Ladies of I.ake a-ul^MclIenrv Comities that 1 am now prepared to do all kiud* ot llair Work o:» short notice and in the best of manner. I use none hut natural llair. aud giiraiitee all wofk as represented. That mv pries are low I will leavr all to )udge for themselves by the fol­ lowing; WIJ.I, MARK SWM-HKF Wlieie you f M iiish the Hair. 91.00. Where you furnish 1 root it. #1.50. Pulls, (yon to furnish Hair, 10 else neb Wave, ou It *ir Lace, $ljll6 au Inch. Waves on Vegetable Lace, 75 cents an inch Switches fro u $2.(11) to 93.00, accord lug to size aii l quality. Ladles wishnig anything la this line should not fall to give me a call, as 1 am sat is fie 1 I can suit you both In quality aud price. Mlt<. GEO, MoCOLLLM. at. iSa#' To tell you of a few Special Bargains just I have to offer, received a line of We have FORSAIE. 4ft Aeres.oC land in Section 18. al! fenced. A Is • 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Sec lion a. Also mv homestead on the Crystal Lake ami Nunda road. Good new hoiise^baru and other out buildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLI SKY. ii rt- >fv stock of Dry Goods.Clothing. Ac never was larger'than now.and as 1 am hound to M 'll them. Im>k out for bed rock prices. Call either at the Rich mond or Dundee store and be convinc­ e d . • ' J " • • • - ' . . J \ . QUE® ' Why do Stevens 4 Scliuorr sell s< mauv gtMids? They make close prices 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents per yard in 5 ahades, usually sold at 20 eeuts per yard. Also a hn# of lireHs Goods at 17 cents usu­ ally sold at 25 cents per \ard,-- We have in stock and to arrive a tine assortment of poods for th* HOLIDAY TOADS, We have also a nice iiuq ot MAJOLICA WARE. In thii GROCERY LINE we have to offer 20 Rice for $1. 1-4 l>ox Raisins, 57c per box; G very tine Cctt'ee, $1. > „ H. ROCERp. Volo, 111., Voi'. Ist, 1880. *̂* £ .'M'5 Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets Kidney j til you liave seen aud priced goods at ' aud buy and Sell for cash. I Mrs, d, bearlee. * hxKVUii < Magnetic Ointment. T!;; wtTJt Sores, Braises, fatt. gem, tarai**, KUa Mawien, WUMMH, nie^ aiid allextttwl and s i>mnl aflattioDS cbaractenxea by Dllila. MAT10X, yidd to its jn8<ie,uv »s it by fl^ Jit fat purely vegetable preparation bf tMWt physii'ian ot •mincnce, »nil ir< WW BMn-'^llous in the moss obsfinat* case*. by OracgMa ami Mn atWwiM wata. hTKV£Jif A ^cmior.K. G » i » Mrs. K. \\ nd MWIM, Howe mm

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