• •»' #- 5. ,4 Bams irtfk Bi«if,.~~At a meeting of we Western New York Farmers' Club llquiiy was made as to feeding beans to •lock. The replies showed that they •ere regarded tib especially adapted to weep, being rich in nitrogen, which ters largely into the composition oI °oL PBGprrs or 8hk*pRaisiko.--Mr. Far- • rfngton, of Brandon, Vt., nays that in s > ailine yean he has sold fourteen ewes and "Opine rams and now stands $1,000 in hand and 140 sheep. The money re ceived pays hig pasturing, and liis flock lft worth $5,000. Col. N. T. Spragtie says : " The man is always poor who is i joying just as sheep are getting nearly to their highest price. .Success in the business most be gained t>y working in the business year after year, and selling off some of his best to pay bills which he may owe. If I had fifty acres of land and a farm fairly stocked, I would get a few old ew£e, to %ing np some first-class sheep, which Is much better than to go beyond your Means. Men to whom sheep breeding %** been a failure have failed because - wey went into extravagances. , Rbkbdy job Kidney Worm.--A. cor- .; •. tPMpondent of the Country Gentleman iiftys : " I have seen many swine so badly Affected with the kidney worm that their entire hind half was powerless, dragging or lying on the ground. I have very often applied spirits of turpentine to af fected swine of my own, in oft-repeated Applications, pouring it slowly over the kidneys and along the back, and in no Instance did it fail to bring them all f|ght in a few days. I have prescribed it to others who had quite a number thus disabled, and about to be killed, and at a most hopeless venture the tur pentine was sent for, and the gratifying result was the recovery of every one. I have nothing to say in reference to the Manner in which it act*. I only give you results. I will gladly hoar of its trial by others, and thus be strengthened in my faith in its eilicacj. or otherwise if it fails." •CmukMb fob Animaia--The carrot is the most esteemed of all roots fo;: its feeding qualities. When analyzed it gives but little more solid matter than any other root, 85 per (Mint. being water; hut its influence in the stomach on other articles of food is most favorable, con tributing to the most perfect digestion and assimilation. This result, long known to practical men, is explained by chemists as resulting from the presence of a substance called pectine, which op erates to coagulate or gelatine vegetable solutions, and favors this digestion in dl cattle. Horses are especially bene fited by the use of carrots, and they •bould be fed frequently with their other tyod. This section of the West produc es, when thoroughly cultivated, bounti ful crops of carrots. So, too, does most all sections of the Western country, and oan be raised at a trivial expense. The And upon which carrots are to he culfr vated should be mellow, and be plowed <|feper than usual. / Fabm Tools.--A oertain number of thiols, and some skill in their use, will often save the farmer much time in binding for 1 knechanio and some ex pense in paying him. Every farmer ahould be able to make repairs oo his wagons, gates and buildings. A room, or a portion of it, should be devoted to keeping tools; a pin or nail should be Inserted for each one to hang on, and the name of each tool written or painted Wider the pin, that it may b$ promptly returned to its place and Any missing one detected. Keep every tool in its j^ace--do not wait for a more convenient •eason, but return every one to its pin" the moment it is done with. If left out of place a moment it will be likely to re main a week and cause a loss of time in looking for it a. hundred times greater than in replacing it promptly. Keep ing everything in its place is a habit eosting nothing when formed. The tools should be a hammer, saw, augers, braoe and bits, gimlets, screw driver, wrench, ..two planes, chisels^ mallet, files and rasp, draw knife, saw set, trowel, and a box with compartments f|r di^event-sized nails, screws, nuts and bolts, Common farm implements •nd took, such as hoes, spades, shovels, forks, rakes, scythes, may be in the same room, on the opposite side, and the same precaution token to keep every one in its place. MMM* JtMMIMf. Jkia»y or Ibish Moss.--Irish moss, half an *>unce; fresh milk, a pint and a half; boil down to a pint; remove any sediment by straining, and add the proper Quantity of sugar and lemon juice or peaeh water to give it an agree able flavor. Soda Biscuit.--One quart of flour, one table-spoonful of laid, one tea* ' Sfx^wiful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of erdatn tartar. Put both in tike Hour, I and Wat -*i|h sweet milk. So^t-stirukd Biscuit.--One quart of sour milk, one teaspoonful soda; add ^ . flour to make a thick batter, and bake f OH pie tins. Tea Biscuit.--One pint thick, sour e*m} one teaspoonful soda, «Wie tea- spoonful cream tartar. Flour sufficient to roll out, and bake in a quick oven. Flax-sebd Lekoxadk.---Four teble- •poonfuls flax-seed, whole; one quart boiling water poured upon the flax-seed; juice of two lemony, leaving out the peel*;* wwucten te taste; steep three hours in a covered pitcher ; if too thick, put in oold water with the leuon^uiee and sugar. Good for colds. Snow Pudding.---Soak one-half a paper at gelatine in just enough water to cover it; add one pint of boiling water, two cups of sugar, and juice of a limon; strain ft after it is thoroughly it commences to thicken; OUT SCHOOL NIACIPLRSK. add the beaten white# of three eggs; beat all together until creamy, then turn into a mold. The same is made with a pint of milk and the yelks of the J *ri 8uch high-toned institytions ss Eton, * Discipline in the old English schools must jbAYte been extremoly sevette--evqn egg", this sugar to taste, and flavor; a thick custard, v Potted Chicxxx.--This is an agree able relish, and makes a pleasant luncheon when traveling. Take a roast fowl and carve off all the meat. Take two slices of oold ham, and chop it with chicken; add to this one-quarter pound of the best butter; add salt and pepper to taste; now pound this all together to a paste; put the mixture in a jam-pot; cover closely. It will keep in a oool plaoe ten days, or long enough for way moderate journey. Baxxd Sour fob Isvaudh.--^ ftpd this receipt of use for invalids. It is easy to make and cooks cannot well Harrow and Rugby. Very little was left to th% honor or good sense of pupils, but much to the fear, qf ehsatiserflent. Hence the expression--now almost obso lete--"under the ferule" of a certain master used to be synonymous with,re»>j oeiving an education. An English clergyman. Archdeacon Denison, writing $hout his school days, notes two curious bits of discipline to which,the boys wer*» subjected. ilized communities. The Public .Lands Commissioner recommends the attach ing of thili hitherto ufcknown .oountrj to New Mexico, and its inhabitants | are hung brought under the laws of that Terri- I thoughts, jtoiy. Thirf p|an does h<il contemplate tool great rafjifiitv in civilizing the new region, bfit as rapi3, perhaps, as the conditions will admit. TIME-HOBS HOATTS. Wesemfes* to*» lo^e tt>t ^ld>tashioMed with tender and pleasant s with rich-wT^nghfc tsfpes- tries. The roofs we coated with the brown <V>V»r# a^jd ^rny"' n|wwf(» of "past days^ The ^wliode iionse' carries in its aspect tho'niarks of seasotfed ch vracter. Do not destroy it, th|n,^to make room for a modern edifice of brick and mortar. Bather, restore and improve it. A slight ^ ,, P11* ' an end to the little,posts, or at least rib wa^that every toy of the school was I diluinish their numbers M to made a party to an offense committed by them few and le88 annoying. aUy.r)^. ,^e other bit consisted in a iThe 6 of Jl?e sp«roV i* the p«utentudjtfer home by «jjy J qniek,, bi^t-ey^,j vigow ^ me joj ui p sely the satne terms. The j bii^l known as the shrike, or Vorthern j clergyman gives an instance. ,; | XUt: BirCHEB-BlHLK The English sparrow- - which hassuoL an evil reputation j>s a breaker of birds' egge-MKema at leagtft te ham met with f*tU'ration of ^ old «ablS'thft a destroyer who, if encouraged, may put ior PushinK Kne, an 1 intending of a '{>or<4i* lut of lattier- blnader. TA. .pound of juicy 1. '°"°Wed ̂ school-room to our bedrooms, WHliam from which all the fat has been, re moved ; cut it up in pieces of about an inch square, salt and pepper it slightly; take a stone jar to hold two pints; pour Into it a pint and a half of eold water, a teaspoonful of whole rioe; oover the jar with a sancer, and let it bake slowly for four hours; remove any fat present. Akoxl Pcddiso. --Two ounces of flour, two eunces of powdered sninar. two ounces of butter melted in half a pint of new milk, two eggs; mix well. Bake the above in small patty pans until nice* ly browned, And send to table on a dish covered with a serviette. A little pow dered sugar should .be sifted over each pudding, and slices of lemon served with them. The oggs must be well beaten before they are added to the other in gredients. Swiss Pot.---Three pounds rump steak, six mutton kidneys; cut the steak in moderate pieces and split the kidneys and put both on the fire with enough water to cover them, with a Spanish onion cut in small rings and seasoned with pepper and salt Have some pota toes ready boiled, but not too much; cut them in quarters, brown them and put round dish in rows on the top of the meat A pretty way of dishing this iB to put it in a game-pie dish. Soupe a la Bonne Femm*.--Take a' pound of sorrel7 and cut it first into nar row ribbons ; then, slantwise, into dia monds ; put it in a stewpan and stir it on the f:re, with half, pound of butter, with salt, hnd it may be with one ounce of flour ; then add Ave or six pints of fowl or chicken broth, and let it simmer gently for half an hour; take it off the fire, and add a leason of six yelks of eggs and a tumblerful of good cream ; finish it with a bit of butter, and serve it with crusts. Bonne Femme Maigre.--Omit the flour ; put water for broth, and use cream of rice instead of cream. To Wash Lack Cubtaxxb.--Make warm suds and put your curtains in it in said to me: "'George, I hate that usher fellow," "80 do T," I said. ' MI shall spit on his ba^k." said he. " Please don't," said tV shall both be strapped.M ' ' Strapping was administered with a piece of carriage trace with th© buckle- holes in it, through which the air rushed as the strap descended on the hand. " i shall spit on his back," said he ; and as 1 expected the usher, having, I suppose, heard whispering, turned round, and William was oanght in the act. The next morning, after the due per sonal treatment of the leading culprit by a process more painful than a trap ping, we were all drawn np in «ingl« file in the school-room, and every boy, older and younger, had to write from dictation, and then to copy from his slate on a sheet of letter-paper, the letter fol lowing. (Letters then cost $ pence each:) My Dkjui Pmuuhni : WT committed a great aw. Fcr William Deniaon spat on the usher's back u we went to bed. I remain, yonr affectionate son, Arthl-r Shibt. There were four Shirt brothers in the school, Arthur, Frederick and Augustus Shirt. I chaw a veil over the feelings and expressions of the Shirt parents upon opening the four letters, price 2 shillings 8 p^nce. The like tiling happened again when I was there, upon the occasion of buy-, ing apple-tarts from an old woman over the play-ground wall. In this case the sin was of a more general character, but, as in the other case, was made uni versal. Mr Dk&b PABKsrts: We hava committed a great aia. For we hava bought ayple-tafta without the leav* of the master, whim we have plenty to eat, and that uf the beat quality. 1 remain, ate. \ ' The other point of discipline waa that every boy who had not conducted h«n». work erected here or there, some choice shrubbery, the laying ̂ oat of a sinuous path and bordering it with early and late flowers--a few little things like these will marvelously alter the looks of an butcher-bird (Cot!urio Boreau7, \icili) j old honBe ^twardl* compel its from his habit of keeping hi* dead prey j to continue hifcfcving work toill in a sort of miniature meat market. ! *'hole is rejuvenated. It is not glar- Mr. Verplanck Colvin, of Albany, X. ! ia8 colors paint or smArt and preten- Y., states that while engaged in writing ' tious *MUu>ns which these houses need, ' so much as the gentle but firm and in the evening. Let them soak till morn- **11 wel1 dimnf* the week had DO ant ing, then squeeze them with your hands; | tou"Ple on *°w this gave the use no washboard; be careful not to J ^ton-pie a moral elevation which^in rub them ; don't wring them, butsqueeze j I11**® own na^ure» ** oot deserve, be- themout; then put boiling water ovexj rompo*^ of what was left on the them and let them stand an hour ^ l)lat^ in the Vrecedmg dnys of the wee*. ' William had been at school at Esfeer, two; if they don't look clear soak in suds and "squash" again; blue and make starch pretty stiff; take three thicknesses of sheets (to prevent carpet from getting wet) and pin them on the carpet straight with the seam, the cur tains at the same; pin across the end, then the sides; pin every four inchea. When dry they will be ready to put np. Do not iron. Two Days' Work. fProin the Mucciuine Journal!] Two days' moderate application of the mentis Sn question enabled Mr. Otto Eich- horn, 1418 N. Ninth street, St. Louis, Mo., to thus write us: 1 lwid been a sutferer for the past six weeks with severe pains in the shoulder and spine so that 1 was unable to <lo tmv work. Advised by a friend I used St. Jaeobs Oil. With the second applica tion relief wa» had and a cure effected in two days. ANOTHER METHOD. A method far teachiug children lead ing, spelling and writing, " all at once/' has been practiced by a teacher in the West. She prepares on a slip of card board a word wluch may be made the principal one in a short sentence, as, for instance, " dog." The word is written and printed upon the slip, so that the pupil may learn the elements of pen manship with reading and spelling. The acliolars are made to read, spell, and write this word until they have learned it thoroughly. Then another slip* with the word "-the " upon it is given them, and t^ey are taught its meaning, use and relation. Other words are given in the same way, and the scholar is then taught to put them together to make sentences. Thus, in every new word that comes up the scholar is interested^ and his interest is preserved ail through. [From the l'eorla National Democrat.] Tjik most eminent physicians of the day highly.nvoniinend St. Jaeobs Oil as a cure for rheumatism. It can be purchased at any drusr hou-e, and the price is insignifi cant, when you take into consideration the wonder till euies it will produce. •< WASTED A. VERM AHRXT PLACE. In a city of CentTal New York Jive a- physician and his wife who are near three-score and ten. Becently a girl applied to the lady for a situation. The with our elder brothers Evelyn and Ed ward, before Sunbury. There, one Sun day morning, having lost his hat, he was made to walk to school in a straw coal scuttle bonnet of one of the daughters of the house. The ways of discipline are various,-- Youth't Companion. , . , DEMCM1BTSU A MVRDEM. . Alick Thompson, of Virginia, tells a story illustrative of the peculiar ver nacular of the people among whom he was born, and of their special capacity for giving evidence in a court of justice in a compact, accurate and pioturesque style. Some time ago he chanced to be visiting at a county seat in Virginia, and was courteously invited by the Com monwealth's attorney to come into the court-rooib--on the following morning, with the^^iUancs that ^a witness would testify in a^nurder case then pending. He entered the eoi£rt-room, and speedily after his arrival a witness was called, who, advanoed to the stand with such a jaunty air of self-assurance, and who kissed the book with such loud-sound ing confidence, that he was sure this must be " his man.** His judgment wa* not incorrect. "Mr. Williamson," asked the Com monwealth's attqntey, " do you |u^ow anythiug ot the killing which toohgplaue at Robertson's store last mouth ? " " Know ally thing I " was the response ; " I was thar." "Then tell the court, and jury," said the attorney, " what you know." The witness^ planted himself more firmly on. both feet, glanced :• around upon his-' auditors, and thus delivered himself: " Well, you see, Mr. Boberson were a-sittin' in the back part of his store a-playin' of liis fiddle, not a-think- in* of bein' siobbed, nor nuthin' uf tl}e kind, when in come Mi1. Johnson, aud then and thar stobbed him ;. then he guthered a bung-fctitrter, cleaned out the crowd, . ipped the jjalin', and cl'ared he- self."- " f'ditor'* Drawer," Harper's Maaazine. .TO M A X'N LAX If. By a^^Aacident h> locating btmqflqjrxJ lines, it is alleged, a bit of Uncle Sam's territory comprising acres is doctor was present during the interview. After some conversation, the applicant j ineluu»*l in no State or Territory, aud is, •aid that she especially desired a place j hi effect, without legal form, aud void he heard » great outcry and disturbance %mong the sparrows, -and his attention was immediately called to a tragioal scene Ih uij/ enacted upon the snow in the garden without. A bird,' in size and Appearance resem bling a mocking-bird, but of more vig orous movement, had savagely seized upon a sparrow, thrown it upon the snow, and--standing upon the sparrow's back--delivered with its beak a rapid series of blows at the base of, the. brain of the sparrow, which eeased to straggle in a few moments. The butcher-bird--for he it was--hav ing made sure of the death of the spar row, seized upon it and flew rapidly away. A few days afterward the shrike came again and killed other sparrows, and. becoming emboldened, at length located his " meat-market" in the garden, with an evident and landable intention of making thorough work with the spar rows. The butcher-bird wnr beoame so bold that it wan possible to follow him around and notice his habits and methods. It has been said to be the habit ci this bird to use the large thorns of the thorn- bush for the purpose of impaling its ccl- lections of derd birds and insects; it was now, therefore, eloeely watched to see, what if xyottld do WM'Wiv no tliom bushes. It whs observed to seize upon and de stroy * sparrow, carrying it away into a tree. Soon it oanie back and eaptur d another sparrow, killed it and carried it ufi to a distant portion of the garden-- which is large and filled with tree*. Anxious to more closely observe its methods, Mr. Colvin brought an ojjera- glass to bear upon the bird. Some plum trees growing in the garden possessed spines almost equal to thorns, and ft *edined possible that the butcher-bird might endeaTor to impale the dead bird on these thorns. The thorns were too dull, however, bat the bird wa« rerteialy far from dull, and quite equal to the occasion, for, choosing a tree on which the small, stiff twigs separated at a nar row angle, he would deftly punch his >purrow between the twigs, springing them apart so that the dead bird was held tightly; thus, with his neatly- otjuged little market of sparrows, show ing himself fully entitled to his name of "butcher-bird." Be is bold, also,) in /defense of his l Beet in the world. Made only by th ft*#* prouclied by the observer with his field- glass would bend forward on his perch, defiantly, only eight or ten feet off, but if too closely approached would com mence to carry away his sparrows to some momelevated tree, where he would arrange them safely in other tripod crotches among the twigs. telligent hand of tasted If ever}- one who had an old house restore would simply follow his own heart's desire in Mich matters, he would make it a pictur esquely inviting ofcjgct in spite of him self. It is rest one desires to find in a home--not ostentatftifift'dispiay. OILIHG TSVABLRT-JFE FEB JPA TIKJFTB, A distinguished London physician, writing to the London Times about scar let fever, says : "The method of oiling patients during the period of desqua mation after scarlet'"liver has been largely used for Vjany years; it is far more constantly employed on the con tinent than in England. It possesses oertain definite advantages, and when, ever scarlatina patients are of necessity treated in private hpuses it should be adopted, except when contra-indicated the condition uf the patient, l>ecanse it diminishes the risk o^ infection to others. It does so, however, by pre vehting the ready 'distribution of the particles of skin through the atmos phere ; but neither oil nor glycerine is a germicide or disinfectant, and the scales of epidermis are ju*t oa infections after as before their application." RhrewdscM Ability. Hop Bitters, ao freely advertised in all the papers, aecalar and religion*, sr«- having a large J sale, and are Knpplanting all other medicines. Hiere ia no denying tm virtues of the Hop plant, and the nropnet<*»of these Bitters have •hewn great shrewdness and ability in com pounding a Bitters whose virtues am so pal pable to every ooe'a obeerVatioo. --Jbut'tniMr 1 and Ohrommif. A GKNTiiCKan , hjpwg occasion to call upon a physician, ^topped at the door and rung the bell. He was answered by an Irish servant girl, pt whom he in quired if the doctor was in. " No." "Was his lady in?" "Yes." "Was she engaged ? " The girl looked at him for a moment, and a curious expression rested on her face, as she replied: "Dade, sir. she's already married." ,-h ^ ^ OMOLO0IVAX cMAiromg. "Ifr. Shaler, the New England geolo gist, has given in a recent paper an ill ustration of the great changes of sur face to which our globe has beak sub jected in a succession of ages. He takes Boston and its vicinity far a subject, and shows the transformation occasioned chiefly by the glacial period. Two parallel mountain ranges, he says, once lifted their summits as high as the Alleglienies, the one on the north, now represented by the Waltham hilln and the other by the Blue hills in Mii«w on the south. These were covered by a solid sheet oi ioe two miles thick in the glacial period. The massive glacier ground them down by its power, being assisted by the sub sequent action of air and water, to their present level. Parser hill in Boxbury, Powder-Hem hill in Chelsea, and Corey hill in Brook- line, are made up by material ground by the glaciers from these mountains, and so were the three hills for which Boston was originally called Trimountain. This same material also filled up parts of the harbor, which wonld otherwise include Cambridge, Maiden, Revere, Brookline and Quiney, and other suburban towns. To a resident in Boston, familiar with its environs, it seems impossible to be lieve in these changes.--Youth'a Obm- vanion. P I L E S A B S O L U T E L Y C U R E D . PILE REMEDY. TRY IT AND BE CURED. PRICE, 50 CENTS. THE DR.BOSANKO MEDICINE DO. i Willi mr ir A STRICTLY PUIS. P*f A M ^ 1 Mf ' J |Hhwmni»gwmwaft»Twnia>>nimnsi|> ' WHAT THE DOCTORS SKtT « DK. WETCOXKH UahwlM, Mnonrt. UT«: nuiaannwil yomr * ••»!>«»» ' i» ffmiucato «ay jtfca ' •iSohil lot oamttm --<1 •otik" PRwA. O. JOniUOi, ti.IK V«mon, UU will--.«#•'. >> mn 4road«fal of V^ataMlM ia hie fcyttaoaeal "Allt»'» Uwg Imiiim." Per nil Sliaiti mt Ik* T>ri«>. laasaw|f *.tJ • PolMaanOKaaat It will be fMmt.aaMMft ,. • U «xr*ll«at SmMty. • .! ̂ ""?,* M M StPECTORSNT »?W»«0 EQUAL. 1 " V' C »T C0ttlAtN$ M OPitlM IK AMY NMr i ;• 3. If. HARRIS * €M>«t onfCiMNAti. o. ' ̂ ; •' ir-% m mi BY HI pmigBurra. r ^ AGENTS WAJITRD T» Sail _ _ F. & 'UMm. I„tr .y rUuJkiM #, A MV «J>* UU MHTOWK) MUI. A> ^ ... toe IniM.illMM.S RM MV dent and ii and Wbrshlp: _ _ cn»Hon««ni. , uinpta*. xlMruioa, »a«iKlrea. Oonti noilSAKD >'iOTHSTUMUIlTIUM n<*T10*. IsTlilwlB and bWirt S -- Unw rtjit, A WMdnU •wtAin to ml* liMnmli. Tor drcolan . • «»" *» ILECTIKUCHTIfi OB O^V A ^^11D CT * Consumption Matoa rlOv O A8EMT8 WillTID fiODEl WftSHER Tba Imt «n<l ohnapest in the market. Kataii prua. Sk. AcwteoaBm>k««t>odi>rntitii. Addraaa r. B. KUiOiNHOU) S (X), Jfowaik,V.J. [The only Manufacturers in the country that he# a First Clast Organ far $30 OuaranMd five years. Other styles very low sent 15 day* Test Trial. Send for circular, »TAT« aiKlAM CO., 164. SFtOADWAY, H. T. • IV A If Tea a I whWhesa a » I V I VMiir m TH! MOSEY L«i\maiti • heavy nwth ef baHr m 1 TfUrifc*. PTRCMUTHKX INVK3OftATt the HJllft urvom^n't be BaBkrnpt \ ^ o^easan^^°^ OOBMMS; PhS. *d> tach«-«N» I time* larnr than oUmm. Do not purchtaaaaf UsMiackw. W* MlW la«rt«Tf terwH.j «w hur «M llt--1 OU wrWnbb«atiil« HOW WK OAM CMVI TMSM AWAY. Do Not Dcupund, Kidney and LnW dnvtf off the vroift attack <$ Wsmer's Hale Kidney Core will where she could stay--that her chief object was to get permanent employ ment The lady said that if the girl gave satisfaction, after trial, she would, of course, keep her. " Well," said the applicant, rising to go, "I don't suppose it would be worth while to come, anyhow; yon both seem pretty old." "You might Stay till the funeral!" jhonted the doctor, as she retire^.-- Harper'* Magazine. ^ t A BfusKblD brejatfftst onth# tlMd WHttlllfr ed by a family of Coughs. They used Dr. Bnll'ti Cough Syrup, and that family now keeps it slwaytt 011 baud aud recommends it. Price j aal> M > The Commissioner of Public Lands lias made the discovery, an.l it is this un fettered region that ,he reoommendB be surveyed aDtl brought under, tlie na tional jurisdiction. The strip of coun try is in the form of u purallelograpa, and borders on Texas, Colorado, Kan sas, Indian Territory and New Mexicp. It is said to be well adapted for agricult ure, and especially for gtasing. At present it has no government, no courts, nothing but cattle and their keepers. The latter are law unto themselves, and a terror to the people of the adjacent Territories, who, ip. turn, are regarded much in the light at eut-throats by exv- VI a 1110 Wetvs. ' Hop Bitten, which are advertised in our coV- nmns, are a am* cure for ague, biliousness and kidney complaiute. Thoae who life them aay •they * cannot he too highly recommended. Those sfflioted shun Id give them a fair trial, and will become thereh> enthnmaatic in the praise of their eittativ* qnaUOes.--PertMrtri Argm*. AM EMPHATIC WITXES8, Alick Thompson, of Virginia, tells a etory illu&trative of the peculiar vernac ular of the people among whom, he was born, and of their special capacity for giving evidence in a court of justice in a compact, accurate and picturesque sty le. Seine time ago lie chftfioed to he visiting a county seat in Virginia, and was courteously invited by the common wealth's attorney to come into the court room on the following morning, with assurance that a witness wonld testify in a murder ease then pending. He en tered the court room, Slid speedily afler his arrival a witness was called, V'ho ad vanced to the stand with such a jaunty air of self-assurance, and who kissed the book with sach loud-sounding confi dence, that he was sure this must be " his His judgment not in- Correct. " Mr. Williamson^ ssked «<*. monwealth's attorney, "do yon kn» anything of the killing which took plac* at Robertson's store last month ? " " Know anything!" was the response; ••I were thar/* «• Then tell the* COnrt and juty, " said the attorney, " what you know." The witness planted himself more firmly on both feet, glanced around upon his auditors, and thus delivered him- s e l f \ • * > ' ' ' V ' "Well, you see, Mr. ftoberson were ^a«ittin' in the back part at his store a-playin' of his fiddle, not a thinkin' of l>ein' stobbed^ nor nuthin' of the kind, when in oooie Mr. Johnson, and then and there stobbed him; then he guth ered a bung-starter, cleaned out the crowd, lipped the palin', and cl'ared heselt"--Editor'» Drawer, in Harper't Magmint. > • • '- • ? "I It takes aboat #2,600,000 to pay Hie annual expenses of the; 20,000 hound# which are said to be owned in Great Britain. ... ' Holts frauds sucoecU from (he - ^ paftmt o|Qd(ir, the opfa confidence^ i^nd the full blaze of ingenuousness that are thrown around them. The slightest mystery would excite snspicion and ruin all. Snch strategems may be compared to the st«*P--they ar® discovered bv darlcoeSfk «nd Oply >J- Ugjijtv , J l'nunr Axle Crtait. the Eraser and 8t. everywhere, Enjmr'n Exnuor or T â iro Wpu> Cmn has been used for twenty yearn, ftltAdntlrffe'fhat' time has saved many very valuable live*. Do not neglect a cough or cold instil it ia too late. IVv tin* excellent remedy, and we are sure yon will be convinced of "its merit*. Chronic Ckragba, and even Consumptives, are cured by following the directions. Eveiy l>ottle is war ranted to give satisfaction. Prepared by the Bmmert Proprietary Oo., Chicago. Bold by all good druggists. fees at 50c on the 91. Teas ia ft poond raddirc, to 44 rt« per powndi Wrcen Coffee.In SOikwiuI 14^ rts to 16 eta per pound, worth S5 to '28 otx. Get jiric-e list awl bmj troin the Iwillnt tea and colTw honw? in the V.'i*t. IHitlr nvrtathaSARn I and BEST; U acta Instant* I nntoral'ahadas OC Black Of > Brown - do«a llOTRiul F ^^^thaSKlN, aadls«MUra» [RISTAOOWreSS-^VSSJ^ I „^win wU-«)pnlnt«A MM r for Ladyo«<Jntl«M»a. f bj Pra«(Ma tai up .M.oKnnumuiw (Mam aa mmmtmrn 1 «*t (• ; a.^ « ttwa!--»--«. nsa«'»l ll lglIlinSlfcllilPN"i|*| TUB oi'KST (tkra* nHi» tm IS mfeL tm MBH MMS atypoo wt.uiiwii wwai»«^ai«iw--ft b»nir '"'"gaa8rx*«gv«s.".?g... woNsatFm. Discovm. MKr* i. Tir uar mo. ROTH'S PATENT Is Baas with Tiro Hows of th* oUmt, Tint it̂ dkrabla Indtoehtion, d, )lP|fe»ala, lifervous ^stfatioit f genersl di lility relieved by and all formn of genersi taking MiAsiuk'h Pupronsum Bur Tosn;. the only pri-parutiou of beef containing its entire nutritu>us properties. It contain* 14ood-nuib- ing, forro-geueratiu^ and life-suxtaining pvo]>- ertiei; is invaluable in all enfeebled conditions, whether th«> result of exiiauHtiou, nervous pros tration, overwork or acute di-ieasc, particularly if rebuking from pulmonary camplainte. Cas well, Hazard & Co., proprietors. New York. Uncle Ham's CoNnmoK Fdwdebs are no- ommended by stock-owners who have used them as the ftest Horse and Cattle Medicine to , be had. If the animal is Scraggy, Spiritless, or has no appetite, theue Powders are an excel lent remedy, and every owner of stock will do well to try them. They are prepared by the Emmert Proprietary Co., Chicago, 111., a Veiy reliable firm, and sold by all good druggists. 8ttlk, fit aud ease combine in the diamond boots and f hoe*. Try them I Bosenthal liroe.,Chicago. Akf. you troubled with Piles ? If so, use Or. Bosauko's Pile Remedy. It never fails. COUGH HOP BITTERS. (A Hikli, mm i OORMIKB WMi BtJCHC. m UMDKUOHi - - am TstPnwr uslairliiBtoti QM» Ttn or tu ana Bimus. T H E Y C U B E as Dwmsi et»sUtewsali. Bowais, BM. Llrar, ltldocys, ap<l unaary Organ a, K • IOOO IN COLO. Wtl) HFF »®6«i fer a ease ttey will sot eorsor* h«ip. er «oraayttt^«stpyerla<ertw Ask yoor 4nnW tor Bee Bttters andtrr IImb before >o« Swf Tmw m sikw, D 1 O.lsaaataotateaMMrrcalatntleeerefor Drakeasas* ese «t<Hwa,wt«m aad lawoUca •••••i Bam mi CiM«ua an «*«•» B<f HumM%.Oi.,ffir^iilii lf Y >T«nati.nal_ -I * "rft \ , "4 ^ e •C-£ I o :5| ii " :/K< *. •lutlcity, and will paaUiTali not bnal down on tbo aidaa. Saot W Mall • f»L>, *' CO, Ckl«a«., U, " Dr. Sy fees'Sure Cure" mOATABBH w Carss Without Fall. Ask yeur Druggist fer tt. - . Ww of " Snra Oara" and " Iniaffliitor" all eomalsle Is only S1.6U. Valnabla book of fall Information. 19 NaaM Ujf. papar and addraaa B. Hadiaon St, OUmco. U. Pond's Extract«stta only siteciflc for this dl.es--, Cold iu the Head, KE. Onr ' CatarrhCure (?5eta.>, •peciaily prejuiml to meet aerioUs caiwe. contains all the curative proptniitw of Pond's EXtrttOt| our Nasal Syfinge cents), invaluable for an ttaiarriuu AJTeotiaua, ia simple and etf'artiML Mi' ALL DRUQeiSfS. J. PURE MBtL |f| clan Catarrh. T« ('OBMSlMUrk tg)gi\e tbnir teathnony Si i'urr i'Mi-U--r Oil' bees ki -Many It to be a rateable renwdl lei OuaampUon, AsthaiL tipbtheria. and ah dimtMol tbe Throat and tan. " > by A. B. WlUBOB, Ohaimtit. Boatsa, C E L L U L O I D E Y E - G L A S S E 8 . .. 8>mpln fm. \Tt ional (iopyiaifOo.. iMl Went lladlMMi-sl.. Cjicago. IG W'AIJKS, nnwraqd wnlw $099 Acklrrtfr OLD PldTURITS^^tf.^^ B A LI»WIN A CO. COPYIMi llorSK.CUrkiiville.Mo. SK T N K . K c d H V 1 1 , C o o n . M i r k , O p i w i a m I x m t f h t f o r ciwb ; hljrh.Kt prices. Send fur rin uUr wi; b full par-tlcolan- K.C. BO'MiHTON, 6 Howard St... Km York. tffllttifi SSCII I-aerHTatatrapM BimWlffl*! l U U I D 1 ( 1 C n i i i i n t h . G r a d u a t e ) , c u i r a n t e a d w j r - Address Vaucktine Baos., JanMTllle.WU lac offices. A )il!NTS WANTED for th« Bast and Faatast- A Selling Pictorial Book, and Btblw. Piioea radaoad Bp«rct. Natiokal Publishtso Co., Cuicago, 11L ucn * i -- w 1 • 1 A.J. WAY, 303 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. IfARTI.AVI) FAKMM.9T to St5p«Aom in Skort winters, breexjr »'irainor». healthy olilBale. Catalocne fkee. H. i».CMAMUKK>. Fwlwralabuur.Hd I | u i u i u A Y K A R a n d e x p e n n e a t o I m " 7 ' 7 . V a e e n t a. Onalt Free. Aihkew P. ; w « rummw. A*wtiw f. Bepsusenting the dioieest-seleoted I'ortoJee- Shell aud Amker. The h« litest, handsomssk and strongest known. Sold by Opticians aaa Jewelerx. Hade by the SPENCER OPTIOiL K'fH OO.. 18 Maiden Lane. Mew York. MORE THAN 100 STYLES OF TBS M A S O N & H A M L I N OR.OA.1STS . ;v-tiow regular); made.from stni; i i;i .j'/.<«' » in tne cul), t!.e latest au'l ".i.nllcrt fire, popular!v known •.!< tin- ISA HY «»KUAX, at to a lartt- roNCKU l HUCAN at Iwisn htles at from »i3 to $!••*> c»ch; [litr rrrifs ft #1S0 to roan e-. n.».s-. as ft60 to SSCOiibd u;n cash Driest. tfuhtiUto for r.vxr PATursjra, friur. f «.S8 per <ju::rt( r up. Th" BABY ORGAN i« o?pp -';alfy r.'Upf oil to children, bo will be fou:.'l < iuiilly ustful for PRICE# $22. JuluUs, haviug flue quality of tone p«.u-r. am! nufflcieat Cunjpaa* «.£/. -«< and a flt.iir/rr octal', fi.r the lull parts of hvuin-tuii<.-.s antliea.-, »>nga \ iMUHiiSr i-i'ji . i! and sct olar movie gentraliv, MASON A HAMLIN OKGANS are certainly the BEST IN THE WOULD, having won BIGHBST A W A R D S f o r i k S ! C K i t b a t k d * r n t R i o « * \ a t E V E R V ONE of the OKEAT WORLD'S EXHIBITIONS wit TmsTiEN txabs: beingt/ie only Amtricanorgans whit.'i have br?u found waruu/ of tuck at any. ILLUSTRATED (CATALOGUES and pric* una, frre. SAWN A ItAMLIN OBOAN COM IMTivmoi.t Si„ BOVrON:«a«tl4th St. (Union Square, NKW YORK; 14# WaU*irAve^ CtUOAUO. asasdta«f Uteo*di«lable « ooa ftnUun Apa et aciptcd for laiire BLACK HAWK Lwant a VTbrator. Say TM B»a<-s Hawit. f , Uf , fieoaose H ietfee Mast impw.v. d mact'lce ^ toe market,havlrfr «n of OU menta an-i kant <>/ ^ few 3 , J ? « - ( ] ; n o t •« fh.i'i &1! ill * is .UxipiK-iQt N. A. PITTS' SOHS MF8. CO. CMICACO.tt.C_g*. O K U . R » H XMTHBS V la tuSsSSe WR1TWU TO ADTEKTlSERSfc aajr >ea »« Ike a4vtrtia«ui«a| I I C H T B E A U T I F U L W O R K S O P A F T F R K 7 0 E \ ' t R V R E A D E R D f T H I S F ' t > P l i > v A TIM mt ttoo YOUrM'4 flBOJUC LIsn.^.., « --/ ' T * mUk lltrrj iifrrtalnw^itfnr flu Imnsi drck(sdtpfeil fe*U»*oM#» elrcttUltnB, B«ks Um foltovloi inst mmhwi mm& mmtmmmdimm - fttMnpt) loo^Tercoatofptrklaf tiulMTertJilsc,UjsbsWIMwmtNTiI AMY, «s MviMiir prtm + » \ llll jltiMlith>«lrt«dr I al • psbilatMr*«r M f«um rioat 1 -- I1Turv«t« 1i~-lr~|ir rfnrfflrn Kif'fti, ftullQftddltlna to»e«4 EIGHT BSJVTTFVL FLATK HSLIattach,ltKMIfccflMlK tffrtkf miMtl sfHM Brief iMcripttM «jlf Mlag liis plcior feih^r, myiher and stater &re eatiiig1 epva lhlii|)lctQ<e. JVe. 8rrpr««^otsfh® Juscuar. otSa9tk Amwlert Uairty, srr»^gth«n4 Our fctitfiaviiig rrpre*MH«® . . k s oiio of the ti forvsta of fiie South^ra C^etlwnL 4«catttW4 Tto AlliM u4uc,wi u !Ui.« 8«mua icirl M«i«l ixhmi U* turf •«/ tk. ho»l»,«nl haMf«l»k»r Wl»*, roicuUfe kftlai . mibIbi ihrctkli. IH Hwrurhius. Th. flenr.al |M«lrl,lb.IraM.bwkM,Me ,ar.all tr«tMMI>e»|*-t**. •Mil. .Xo. «. HF that cdrbnt.4 ar»l». lUrtjr F^na, NYNRMT* hawa Bu«tee I to I W.>* t HUKT- ,̂,«u-lr»r>r«..a .lowly Sp»WM*rt H Mhel»laaeytwi tat catW a»'"bl. tng, wtiaa. ttn (Mil BMrly a. UII.. •MfMat>rUaa«Jira»B«t| aKhMtk a tWr Mum • 1,1a Uri;., mild •?. « woalj qnlcklr nuMr*. Thl. pltinr. will «rwtly allj*Urw»a«tW wafcia Wit Ma.WtkrO>aMMa la "ill® H«.v..4pIoM ."•D.lr.vrrttni.a baby la l«» U»h«-'a aoat w«Bala« la wnl w»«a ail J wtll n*. M. lwja«.MInNMh.wlllt.d>ll|«Ml>M a*tm«l n«k Ma wS'tam nhl luol tl<*r • Ilia rata anlMlae a»i*ewft»>lirit>4i»r> " •al>n>>»r.,*ai>>a>flaiiate»naMarWrt ------ - ' - TT *><-- MATMT Mt* ,y •IhtMkli wllb Ml V •M mttrn* aatfc. •»•<*» --M»M aai ai.l . «at^>efi>»Sa^aea5MWya»!gl'. -I'll «tOi (mil A i J S < U r « ^ ! « • . • r i p r * . . l . t L . " l l M r h ^ L m ( k w M h . - a * * * • u * * i * « a Wwwii.f In liafawiniiml th. b»«-h .bS .arfrmwS^ wltaat.rryWUwia.aiMl la tea W*«t<»aa4 (bo vhnts Jomtmc »m"ft aBfn;aUd Drawn bv Artfrar LomUv. BBttMBl ^ the p*i*r f0rikn*m**tHsto*nvrt*t,rtf iM4*p*p*rwh*i«*4* SSt eesato ami tt.i trtlrtm In foo»i.1fr»li"»a of i h» llh»r*lllr w. r»q»r«i |<r»MW«hl«< lfc» l* ISwa*a <*»» IW^»«ItwaK,U4 I (r>,ia whMi-attay w#r» oU«t»«4. W»fc»leun«d.-B« lhal StaMTai&M^'a^tfsaHaMta assies.