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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1881, p. 8

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'yt * 'v : '- * • % • *U? 3*- ^ip - J-,». -«Vr *. EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. CONI>t CTKI> HV 3. 1». HXI.DWIN. Teachers' meeting at Nnuda, next 6itimlay. ilr. C. M*ii>lp tnd Mr, O. P. Buhl win •f Greenwood, vUlteti our school last weuk. ^•'|3ener*l exercised hi school last Fri- j. No more rhetorical exercises « term. , Notwithstanding the fMt that we have to-burn green wooil, our school rooms are always warm when the doors lire opened. Mr. Stegeinanti makes an excellent janitor. Mies Belle Stoddar«i sent ill correct answers to onr last queries n? follows: Addison, Milton. Beeeher, I'iekens Browning, W^, Savage, Lanclon, Harte, Churchill, Goldsmith. Akenside. A young domestic . animal. A do­ mestic worker. To agitate a weapon. A barrier built by an edible. Is very •/fast indeed. A game and a male of "tlie human species. A prefix and a <U sense. A small talk and a befcvv -Weight. Notations to problems: 1--Any point of the rod describes the curve of tut ellipse as it moves up the cltinlncj* betm-een two fixed planes at right an­ gles to each other; hence we have the square of 4. multiplied by 2, equals 32; the cube root of 32 if 8.1748 fl. Also the sqimre of 2 multiplied by 4 equals 16; the cube root of 16 is 2.519S ft.; tlie square root of the sum Of the squares of 3.1748 and 2.5198 equals S.323S feet, equals length of rod. J. W, .1. 2--An extension of 6 feet on the •mail end of the board with the same slant would ead in a point, and make one inure square foot, or 9 sq. ft. in all. As the areas of similar triangles are proportional to their like sides, we have the following proportion: 9 ft. : oft! : : (18)2 ; ( )2 18 squared equals 324; multiplied by 6 equals 1620; divided by 9 equals 180. The square root of 180 equals 13.41, and 18 ft. minus 13.41 ft. equals 4.59 ft., equals distance from the broader end. 3. A can do a piece of work in <40 days, B. in 60 days. After both work 3 days, A leaves. When must he return that the work may occupy but 30 days ? Names of those averaging 85 per cent, or more in the written examina­ tion held in the higher department of the M«'lleiiry School, February 28,1881: Belle Stoddard, 9S; Ella Luuitn. 95; Ciias. Owen. 96; Frank Torrance, 95; Olias. Granger. 90; Effie Tilton, 89; Stella Beckwith. 88; Alfred Hill. 87. $500 REWARD! Applicants for State Certificates will be allowed four days to tell what they know at any of the following places: Chicaffo, Dixon, Galesburs', Normal, Springfield or Centralia. The time is August 23.24.25 and 26.1881. Airy per­ son desiring to attend should send for a circular. t5: Ovor n Million ot l Prof. Guiimetfe Hi IJN I'll KiflneyPafls iv© nirciuly on *ol<t in this ionntry ami in Viuneo; evorv one ot which has piven |tor- UrUtt,tislHciion -Ami 1ins j>or- Ir-in.tHt cures •very time whe uteit according to direction-. , i Wo now ss»y to the afflicte«l ami donbtfnl ones l-h'ai wo will way the a bo we reward for a silicic case of LAME BACK. TliiH the l*ml fails to cure. This tJrcat Rentedv will I'O^ITIV KL\ and l'KliMAN- KNTIjV cure l,ninl>apo, Limit' Ra«-k, Sciatica, (Jravel, Walietes. !»roi»sv, Bripht's Disease of the Kidnevs, Incontinence anil Retention, of tho Uriiie Inllaiiiation ot' the Kidneys, datarrali ot the llladdor, Hinli Colored t l ine. Pain in the Back, Side or Lions. Nervous Weakness, and .n ftict all disorders of the Itladder or Urinarv Organs wh»thor con- tracted hv iirivatc disease* or otherwise. LAI>!ES if von are snflerinft Ironi Female weaknesses, i.ati.torrhioa, or any disease #f the Kidneys, Blad.luf Urinary Orgins You Can Be Cured! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearinj? PROF. GRIT METTE'S* French ICiclney Pad, WHICH CritES BY .vBSORI-TIOX. Ask xoiif ilrnirsris: for IMIOK. • til7IT,METL TES FRENCH KIDNEY 1\VI>, and lake no other. If lie lias m>t jrot it. seed fiOO and yon will receive the Pad hv return mail. Tf.^TIMOMAl.S FROM THE PEOPLE, JCIKJK BUCHANAN, l.awur, Toledo, O-, i SS'V'One of Prof, fiailmette's FrencH KWner Pads cured me of Lumbago in three week's time. My case had l«"> n jriven up bribe liest doctors as incurable. During all this time 1 suffered untold agony and paid out lariro sums of money. GEORiJK VETTliR. J. IV Toledo, O., says: •*I suflered for three years with Sciatica and lvidnev Disease awl-often bad to Rt» about on crutches, I vas entirely and per- roancntlv cure»l *nfter wearinfr Prof. Cuil- niefte's French Kidnev Pad four v eeM." •SortRK N. C. <OOTT, Sylvania, O., writes- "I have been a ffreat sufferer for 15 years with Bi ij?lit's Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable to ;ret out of bed ; took Uirrels of medicine, but they g?ive ine no tfinporarv relief. I w ore two of Prof, (inilinette's Kidney Pads si* weeks, and I now am entirelv cured." MRS. HELLfiN JEROME, Toledo, O., snys: "For years I have l<een wiiilned a great iwirt ot the time to my bed, with Lucorrhica and female weakness. I wore one of Guil- metto's Kidney l*a<ts and was cured in one month " „ It. H GREEN, Wholesale Grocei, Findlay, O.", write-: "I suffered 25 rears with lame back ami in three weeks was permanently cured by w eaving one ot Prof. Gmlmette's Kidney Pads." Ik F. KEE^LINIJ. M. t>. Drutrgist, Logans- jiort, Ind., when sending in an order for Kid­ ney Pads, writes: ••I wore one of the first ones we had and I received more benefit from it than any thhing I ever used. In fact the Pads gave letter general satisfaction than any Kii ney reinedy we ever sold." RAY & .SHOEMAKER, Druggists, ll&nni- Ml, Mo. "We are working tip a lively trade in vonr Pads, and are hearing of good results from them every day." Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Fad. XVill positively cure Fever anil Ague, Dum4» Ague Ague Cake, Billions Fever Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of tho Liver, stomach and Blood, Price $1.50 by mad. 'end for Prof, tiuiln ette's Treatise oh ibtflkiducvs and Liver, tree by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For ««!<e by Colby Brothers, MeHenrr, 111. BARGAINS --FOK THE PEOPLE-- V1 1 r ^ WMMS a-Sfwrw--> -*-* • - - - --mm liiiiiwiiiiBiiiiiii,'. *%»*<***<**•»#> ;it}^ '••'-•"Ail ' " -' •::••• -v1'.' - '•ii?'?:- ;•••/:.:4'...ft.;? . , u-;-*1-' ™ ' , v t; ; •i'i,1. • * r n '.•'<< • • • r r\i -t » • >r ;}i.. Comfort for Small Incomes ANOTHER ADDlVioN Onr school report last week should lmvegiven the average attenda .ee in each room. We herewith present It: Primary Room, Miss Granger, Teacher, an average attendance of 22. Inter­ mediate Room,Miss Torrance.Teacher, an average attendance of 33. Higher Department, an average attendance of 35. West McHenry Division, Mrs. t'olby, Teacher, an average attendance of 39. A member of the Statistical Society of Paris, M. Delient# is said to have counted the hairs on the heads of four young persons of tl& same age, of whom the blonde is said to have po.s^ sessed a total of 140.432, the brunette 109.428. the black haired one 102.097, and the red only 88.741. A great out­ lay ot patience must have been made by all the counted as well as 4be count­ ers. drsKi Rauu .Asrei • v Partiality in school used to be con­ sidered a crime,and a teaciier accused, even, of such a misdemeanor, was looked upon with distrust by the com* in unity in general. But experience lias convinced people that a teacher Ehould have judgment, and use it, and not have a set of Inflexible rules with a certain penalty for a violation at­ tached to each. Circumstances and previous conduct should he considered in every case of discipline, but reason and not feelings should decide. llow many oi uur readers can pro­ nounce correctly all the words of the following: *'A sacrilegious son of Belial, who suilered from bronchitis, having ex­ hausted his finances, in order to make good the deficit, resolved to ally him­ self to a comely, lenient and docile young lady of the Malay or Caucasian race. He accordingly" purchased a calliope and coral necklace of a chame­ leon hue, and securing a suit of rooms at a principal hotel, lie engaged the head waiter as his coadjutor. He then dispatched a letter of tiie most unex­ ceptional calligraphy extant, inviting the young lady to a matinee. Hhe re­ volted at the idea, refused to consider herself sacriticabte to his desires, and sent a polite Mote of refusal, on receiv­ ing whi'Mi he procured acarbiue and a bowie-knife,said that he would not now forge fetters hymeneal with the queen, went to an isolated spot, sev­ ered his jugular vein, and discharged the contents of his carbine into his abdomen. The debris was removed by the coroner." aKtl iicst Medicine ever Made. biaaticn of HOPS. Buchu, Klan- j aud Uandeito;., ailtfie»est and e: tit's of all otlier Hitters, pi-k.2" BIoocl Purifier, U'v»r , ant! 2 j:'e .-.mi Health Restoring So Ui*** cVai)'*sib!r Jong exist wfccre ltop IJ.UP.-3 are v^-ieJ aiiii (Mjrimt are their 0{>;is.8E3g&*\ . Sm7z.k ztv ii'Afcazlrl^Ttsthsssedandifflrm. " To :•]! whose feltuploviujitsemwe Irreirularl' qui.-ean Aoj^.iatrIUM,. ,"'hl s"'u,'lant. H >;» Bitten are invat\a^ Without intox­ icating. :io matter witatywr lefef.'Umpi "r sym|>toms arc wlta'. tl.t ducajs.- jr cjlVf'tient is Hop Hit­ ters. lion'o wail antiiyoun j sick but It you only IVul ixul ot* AUSfl taeul a* once- Jt tiiay savo vo ir haf.S3 a ved 8500 willt'al'i lor a ca»« they will not •n eoriK ip. II.-t y">ur fri.-nus u.sfc.oud ur;r.' t MOP B l^'tnetubcr. Hop UiUtrrs J' drunUVh uo»triim, but tlit 1 urvrX^i^ Ji ^ lie,st iledlcine ever ; tlic *^1* roy5Hl) Mill HOPE" aii'i »o pfisou or fn tiK*utd bt* witliuut IBSSS D.UO.i<an cur< forUntnlcettiirski.u^ of t^'jnt oo anCf iu\rcoticiW All <Pl<i by » u;- Stud for ("irf-nlar. (Up BUteri X Ir. to., •VT TAKE NOTICE. ALL yp tli;it are in want, of Tiitm in any form, liimi one bushel to .VH); if you want a TttUmaiii* to 11 liung-liole, l)rinj?it alon»f. I n il also tnke buildin^H to build and furnish, nr ihcru ise just as we ?an ifltrec. Shop wo k of all kiuds done I order on short no- tic J. F. A. HE BARD. MctiEfiltY, ILL A. H. HANLY & SONS, -- PKOI'RIKTORS OF TIIE-- MCHENRY AT I V the Front - , ̂ WitlrSbetter nnd larger stock ot' Gen oral Merchandise than ever before. We work tor and ffet only the Cash trade of this section. We sell at one price. We mark g-oocls to sell them. . We can't qnote prices on all classes of Merchandise, but we say this, that our prices on everything will be found LOWER than any store in Northern Illinois.' Command see, and if not just as represented, will pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will nil orders sor t by mail from this Price List and <ruar- ail tee satisfaction, Send to cither Store. Look the Price List over. Remember the goods are the best, and eee if your credit merchant is doing as Well for ^ou. Cut it out and talk it over. Dritiist FASHIONABLE DRY Best rrint8 toP^e Cotton, blo'il and unbl'd yd wide fic Cotton, bleached, best..... --•'0<" Cotton, unbleached '%<' Cotton Flannels H, 9, 10 and 12c 40 inch all wool Cashmere Wv. Cashmeres "8, 75, 80, 95 to #1.15 Flannels W*. 18, 25 to 18c press tioods, 8,*, l"i 11 to 20c Alanacos 12>.c Tnble;Linen, and :t0c T.allies and Gents tTn<lcrwear 30, 40, 50c Boys Overcoats, from 12 t° 1® i?~- Soys Overcoat^, froin IB to 19 Itoj-s Suits, from 7 to 10 Boys Suits, from 9 to li ^...64.00 Mens Suits $.'1.7Sto?l!* Mens Overcoats tO|$19 Can save you money every time Boots,... tl-75 to *4 Shoes. Romans, •! to #8.75 IltiMicr (loods, cheaper than any one. Trnnks and Valises cheap S nices cheaper than "over. _ . On'S'otlons we sell on very small profits Cash docs it Will save voii money on ¥!(t bills. Como tout 10 Ihs Uaisins H.00 10 Itvs A ^usmr f 1 00 10 tt>s (irmiulMted Sugar fl.00 11 Ihs C Sugar W.00 50c Tea 4^c Best Tea, all kinds rtOc- Yeant Cakes, all kinds #<". T. and J. Tobacco 30c 14 Ihs lfice »1.00 14 I'tttnes #1.00 7 bars Soap M<". 5 bars best ̂ oap ®5c Silver Ulons Slar«?h '. Be Babbits saleratiis 9»" Xo 1 Baking I'owtler 20c Her t Xineirar. Cider and White Wine lfle Choice Svrup 40, 50 and 60c 5c off on 5 (rnllon lots >fo 1 Plupr Tobacco 50c No IFine Cut Tobacco 50.'. --DEALER IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,, and Toilet Articles. A - • . I have added to rnv already Largre Stock, a Fine Liue ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES; To which he invites the attention of the buying public; ^_______ • ' Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCali. C. W. BESLEY. McHenry, III., Nov. 10th, 1880. How e«n we do it? We buy for cask, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per cent (merely a commission) satisfies us^ Have two resident buyers inrChieago constantly on the look out for Bargains and we get them It won't cost you anything to Jook into the matter, and we say it will save you money. .. Come and see us and we will do you good. C. F. HALL Chicago Office, 122 Franklin St. V BOOKWALTER ENGINE! Effective, Simple, BiraWe and Cheap. As Low as any other House in the county. Domestic Cotton Goods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi­ tant. Also Plaid Dress Goods, Fast Colored Calicos, Alpacas, Casters, M, &c., Valuable Pr ;>perty For Sale, Tlie propmy formerly used as Bnt.el, in lilt? village of RingwMOd, Is «-||pretl for sale. It. couplets of one large brick House, containing ten rooms, all necessary outbuildings, a good well ol wit'er and cistern, and one acre of land, Ou tlie premises are &oine of the finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery. A&, to be found in the comity. It i* a very desirable location mid will be golil dirt cheap and ou long time, for good security. Apply to SIMEON POTTE>«V'lminUtrator, 'kkitb« lUtato of Mre. M. Cntpdall. NEAR THE DEPOT. McHenry, - linois The public are respectfully in­ formed that the above named firm have constantly on hand a large stock of the very Finest Flour, Bolted Meal, Feed, &c. We have unusual facilities for- manufactoring and are well pre pared to do Willi foil With all possible dispatch, anc we are confident that no Mill in the Northwest can surpass us. cither in th« promptness of work done for customers, or IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY tdiT*MERCHANTS and others who handle Flour are especially requested to give us a call, as oui different Brands of Flour arc second none in the market. Thanking the public for past favors we hope for a continuancc the same p A. II. IIANLY & SONS McHenry, 111, Aug 10,1880 Offered at the Best Bargains four counties. " in ALSO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Orooerie«, Ace. Of the best quality, and which will be sold at! the "Lowest Ro<'k Bottom Prices. Give ua a call and inspect Goods and learn Prices. - PERRY & MARTIN. McIIenry. Sept. 20th, 1880. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Guaranteed to -work well r.nd crive full power claimed. JUST THE THING TOE A PEINTDJ10FH0E Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Corn Mill or Wood Saw, should have one. 8KB OCB LOW PK1CBS. 3 llorsc Power Engine and Bbiler.... 4* * " " " " •; " 8i " " SEXD FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. James Leffel & Co., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. .$240 .. 280 .. 370 .. 450 P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established la Chicago OTU 25 Years, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Name- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos onlv. Tlie Bauer Cabinet Grands, Tlio newest aiv-l most Perfect I'roilu«-tion in the art of Piano sinking. Ity the tntnwlur. tinn of an imi>rovc l Vinlin-Sh.tpe.'l -*<>u n<tmg lloanl tlie volume of tone isgreatly inercaiivd ami left entirely free from ;Mctnllic gun lints Prominent A tists Pronounce it a Marvel of Pefection. ehfkp. .iui irs n;\UKii * ro., riiioar«>, in: Oknti.kmkk: The H.MiL-r l*i;ino winch I ji">rlinoeil of you. I am hiippy to say, filvor e.verv <lav. Tlie more I uso it the iK'tter X liku it. 1 li;nt liail *|>i.i un» front many En leliMte<l faflorit s, Liu l Iiim !• l«>iu:il I'ono io ciiiinl vourH in pfiwer and fuirity of lone, e ea-iii<'ity of Ioik-Ii, mid ilur iliilit v. I i n -jl i.! t hnt my tiret oiiii.inti which |>r«niijitcW me in »lXCH.vS"<i INU my KX AUK for the BAl! i'.K In»8 prove'l a lasting i ne. PnV- Vours rcspectfully, JOHN MEBI. 1KG, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 28, 187!), Factory, 126, 19.7, 129 E 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be found at our Warerooms. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS UNIFORM EXCELLENCE, Xiiglit t Btyllslx I Warranted I 8A7B your XONEY, write for Catalogue and FBICS LIST to The Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN. Alio SOLE Manufacturer* of tUa celebrated Bosto* Buckboard or * X7&BA7 WAOOM. Don't Read This, Unless You Want to get Rich. BLOSSOM, Th.e Woodstock Jeweler, 1 Always Awake Never Asleep. Is receiving New Goods every <lu4y until his store is packed with fine Watches and Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware Fuucy Ootdsj.&c.,' &c. at Prices That Defy Competition- literally leiy T?omomHer it U ^>r vonr intprest tov£rn mile* to trade wtfli Mm It will pay you. South Side Public Square, sign of the Big Watch 182-184 WAT ASH AY JULIUS BAUER & CO. . between Monroe and Adams 1st. CHICAGO JACOB STORY, McHENRY,' DEALER IN ILL Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J . STCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IN General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. . We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brough to tin? market, consisting in part ot Dry Goods, Clotii, Ms, Caps BOOTS AIM) SHOES, and Paints, Oils, Drugs Medicines, Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willowware, Groceries Etc., Etc, J^g^We have one of the finest Storks of Teas to be found in county, to which wejnvite tho especial attention of the public, isfied that jve can suit them both in quality and price. th sut

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