. ,, / jfc"' "" VWWiii l jli'p, lUT^-1 «.-- "» „ ,, ^ T v ir '" % »"v i>£- V* .i. V '.= jK v* ff.- • V-fPr ' V.*,' EDUCATIONAL r--i-» i- Z.-7S1 -; COLTTMH. OOKt>tTCTKD BY j. D. ItALlWIN. The spring term of tiie McUenrj^ •choofo will comiiieiicc April 4,1881. . Superintendent Young will be nt the feliool house on Thursday ot this w*ck, to see how QtRnv of those desir- " 9- tag to teach are qualified to do so. A late copy of ilie Sauk Rapids Sen- H#»e/uive«i a report of L. A. Skinner's •ulioul for the month ending' March 4, 1881. Tliere are three departments with an enrollment of 134. The aver age attendance was 103. MIM Effle Tiiton was the first to Mud in correct answers to our last queries. They are as follows: Lamb, Cook, Shakespeare, Cornwall, Swift, Tennyson, De Quiticy, Chattet'tou. A salt deposit Is in process of devel opment at New Iberia. La., which is •aid to be 300 feet thick, and extend> tinder an area of 114 acres. It lies at • H depth of 100 feet from the surface, and It believed to be the largest salt de posit in the world. The '"Blarny Stone"Is'a stone In the cattle at Blarney, Ireland, which it •aid to confer on the person kissing It A lh# peculiar property of saying anv- ?•; thing, by way of coaxing, coinpHuien£ or praise, most agreeablo to tho hear- ' ff. . THE PRONUNCIATION OF "U."--Xiiifc- ty-iilne out of every hundred northern* eta say Institoot Instead of institute, dooty for duty--a perfect Hiyme to the word beauty. They Will call new and news, noo and noos, and NO on through the dozens and hundreds of similar words. Not a dictionary in the Eng lish language authorizes this. In stu dent and stupid, the "u" lias the same sound as lu stupid, and should not be pronounced stoodent or stoopid. as so many teachers are in the habit ot •oanding them. If it is a vulgarism to call a door a doah. as we all: admit, Isn't it as much of a vulgarism to call a aowspapera noospaper? One vulgar ism is Northern and the other South ern. that is the only diflerence. When the London Punch wishes to bnrlfcsque the pronunciation of the servants, it makes them call the duke the dooke the tutor the tooter. and a tube a toob. You never dud the best Northern speakers, such .as Wendell Phillips. George William Curtis. Emerson, Holmes and men of that ciase. saying noo for new. Toosday for Tuesday, av- enoo for avenue, or calling a dupe a doop. In a series of papers on the northern part of the contineut, contributed to an Australian paper under the some what odd title of "Northern Lights," the writer iiieutions a curious feature of the creeks and lagoons in the north of Queeu«laud. This is what is called "floating grass.1' It is a tall aquatic grass, which while growing in Che mud when within reach, is quite independent in that respect, extends its creeping steins into the deepest water; and by the interweaving of these, and of the roots emitted from •very joint, makes a dense mass of verdure, which ut first sight, seems to have its origin on solid ground. It is however quite possible to walk on it without risk of entanglement. The method is to keep going, lifting the feet well and with the body in as flat * position as possible. Horses and cattle are fond of this grass, and it is said that the masses of it are some times so dense, although with twenty feet of water underneath, that horses have been known to cross on them. Durlng tlie year 1881 there was pub lished in ttie'tJiiiied States. 2,07G books an averajte of over 34 a week. Of this number 292 were works of fiction. 270 juvenile books. 239 theological and re. ligious. 151 works of biography, metu- oin, etc. Prof. Charles E. Monroe of Annapo lis, says that the orJiuary fruit acids, fcuch as those contained in apples, to matoes, rhubarb, lemons, etc., all act upon tin. He examined some cider which had been stored in a tin foun tain, and found in it 117 milligrammes ot metallic tin to the liter in solution. One case is given where persons eatl:ig fruit preserved in tin cans Aere £made violently sick, aud tin only was found in the fruit. Qlass is ready the only safe material iu which to store fruit and vegetables. LEARNING TEXT BOOKS.--How many of our text books can be learned ex actly as they are written, with all Iheir notes, exceptions, remarks, coarse and flue print ? How many of our teachers use a text book as it. is print ed assigning lessons in the order laid down? The numbftr is very small. Is this right? Who ki.-ows better how to present a subject than the learned author? Who has, more than he, giv en years of preparation to the work? What arrogance in a beginner to as sume to dictate what should be omit ted and what added! How refreshing for a young sophomore to say, "The author has evidently made a mistake,' or, "The section is unnecessary and Way be omitted." If our text oooks tiawiot learned as written, by ali means let us have others that can. ll #very teacher is to be a book to liirn- #elf. where u our unity aud harmony in education gone? Nothing Is more ' 4Sommoo among teachers than fault- r: jMiding. and it culminate# when the «ubje«i is tiie text book, but folly has gone staj-Ji mad when it finds itselfem- ^ I*wJie41" * schoolmaster who assun e V I® ds*i»tse text books, but still dictate , jfiom notes copied from several, am %/%et pretends that what lie gives Is tin •f:,, «*uitof his own original thought. --Earned J^dukational Monthly. sfv *lo J'°t fully agree with tl:r> abovelmt give it as representing , 5 ^.*lew of tjut qu< >tion. -fe ?'TueWcstvrt! Farmers' Almanac, taiualde book for farmers, fur ul D)U otttce, Price. 10 cents. lis-: $£00 REWARD! Over a Million ot Prof* Guilmette FKKNrll KifineyPafls Have already sola in this country ; , ,"l »< Kraiicc; evevv one cf which l.as riven pev- feotsatislaciioa .And has per- J«)i)C'l euros vveiy time v he wsetl according. »> directions. ^ , , , We now sav to the afflicted and doubtful ones that we will pay the above reward for a single cast* of LAMK BACK. That the I'ad fai's to cure. This (ireat Remedv will I'O^ITIVKI.Y ami I 'ERSiAX- KNTI.V cure l.utniwtri*. l-ame lt»'-k. Seiaiir*, Gravel, Uinboles, Oropsy, Bright'.* Disease of, the Kidnev*. Incontinence and Retention of the Trine'lnfla|u:itu>n of the Kidneys, (,'atarrah of the Bladder. Hitch Colored I'rine, Pain in the Hack, si it or 1. ions. Nervous Weakness, and «n fact all disorders of the Jtladder or I'rmarv Organs whether con tracted bv nrtvate hseases or otherwise. "LAl>IK5. it" von are suffering Iroin Female weaknesses^ t *>r any disease of the Kidney BU-idet l*rtuar> Oralis You Can Be Cured? Without >«* '; v. HUHVOS mcdicmes, by simply wear'.rc rROK- Oi n.MKTTE S- French Kidney Pad, TVITTrn r.Y aII^ORI TION. \?k vonr •"rncc:st '*>' I 'VOf. li!TII.MET- TE*."4 ^KKNOH KIPXKV VAl>. and take 110 other. If ""he hss not.rot it, seed $iot) and you will nn-eivv tiie IV-»<1 t>v return mail. TfcftlMOMAl> FROM THE I'EOri.E, Jl'IUiK til CH AN AN. Lawjtr, Toledo, O., Sa,*'One of\ Prof. C.iiilmette's French Kidney Pads cureiime of Luml«?r» in three week's time. Mv rase had I>C<MI jriven n|> '>; the best doctors as incurable. During all this time I suffered nntold agony and paid out large sums of monev. GKOlt'iE VETTI-:R, J. P.. Toledo, O., says: •'I suffered for three years with Sciatica and lvidnev Disease and often had to tfo altout on crutches, I vas entirely and per- manentlv enrol lifter wearing Prof, liuil. mefte's Frcnch Kidnev Pad four weeks." •sQ.riitE N. C, SCOtT, Svlvania, O., writes: "I-have been a ;^reat sufferer for 15 years with Hriglit's Disease of the Kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable to get out of bed ; took Iwrrels of medicine, but they gave me no temporary relief. I wore two of Prof, Uiiilniette'* lvidnev I*ad« six weeks, and I now am entirelv cured.' ' ' MRS. UEI.E£N JEROME, Toledo, Q., says: "For ye.irs I have been confined « great part ot the time to my bed, with Lucorrhrea ami female weakness". I wore one of Uuil- niette.'s Kidney Pa«!8 and was cured in one month " II. B GREEN, Wholesale Grocei, Findlay, O., writes: "l suffered 25 years with lame back and in three weeks was permanently cured by- wearing one of Prof. GuiUnette'6 Kidney Tafts/' B. F. KEESLIXG. M. O. Druggist, I^gans- port. Ind., when sending in an order for Kid ney Pads, writes: "I wore one of the first ones we had and I received more benefit from it than unythhing I ever used. In fact the Pads gave better general satisfaction than any Kii ney remedy we ever sold." KAY ± SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hanni bal. Ma "We are working up a lively trade in vonr Pads, and are hearing of good results from them every day." Prof. Girilmette's Frenchl Liver Pad. ^ ^111 positively cure Fevci and Ague, Piimb Ague Ague Cake, Billions Fever Jaundice, Dyspepsia, ami ali diseases of the Liver, Stomach ami l'tood, Price $1.50 by mail, send for Prof. Guilicette's Treatise on the Kidneys and .Liver, tree by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. For sale by Colby Brothers, McIIenry, III U licst c\tr Jliuie, J "lUf ^I'uifst ;;n Acct;m\rL:i5i)rr. at HopSs Quchuv Klari" cSraU'f.0 i Dan^Cliori, ill V . i nn-1 of all other Hitters, ni:.: ccryr.tt.-t pioo-J Purifiesr, U'ver R c r ' : ! j U i v a t o * H u t i i h IvMtoriiig Agci.t < T ^t". SodiseaFe^vrnT-owiblylonf* er!3f. where tlop JUU'i-juro us%;'U^ vjuietl uud purtest are their LIE; £.<••! SCWLISIISJTITICCRTOTISJJIIINDISAIRN. To a!> ivhove 0«mi>loyit!t.lit»cause irr' sulari" tvolilicl.'.nvt-isorA b inary organs, or who re- «,.:irfc an AppctLr-rKToaic and mild .Sthuiilun^ ii j; ' IliUcre oru iava. 'V1 . Wit<iOUt intox icating. ' 2K£j;.^V -So matter what your Unr» or Fymptoms are wi,ut l.'ic diseu.« all^mcnt is ows Hop Bit- tors. l)o::rt wait uutil 13 n.-Je bat if you only fctl t:aj or liii ,is^' t-ao:n at once- It may save yjurliio.it iia&L4 ave<! huodrfiis. ] $500 will •: [iaid fcr » cr.Wt!iey will not ci:ru or iifhi. IX, not srnTer tt,01 " t yonr friends buirer,lnit use cud ur^e th«;m% *° u"-' Hop B Uvmeinher, Ffop Cittern is KoW^1"*, ilruiraed drunken no.ttruin. hut the *' ^ Ucst M(ever matle i the "ISVAUOS 'OV. TIITI -, and IIOl'E" end no person Or ia:T!!.lvMk Blioultl b»; without th.-ra. rni .i«..y \ R-I.C-l"analrolut!' ar.4 lrresHti'>!e our-irbn;i»kenn<-c3,u*of onlnni,l-i'jacuo iticnSv L iiiin-Olies. A1J l-M hy A t̂ . Send L- g, , for ' iri-uu.r. Hoj K'.tter* M'g. Cn., JB rf KO.-II.~R- r.V.T I-:*-" JGJ" WotoW wsn^jtfhlly Sii examiuutioii ox their stock l . MI' GOODS DRESS GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c Which sire being- ofiered at very Tow pri( C!<. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for the season, and we feel satisfied we can oiler Goods at XtOCT@f Figures Oomfort^fbr Small Incomes ^-OF THE- srain to the Front. 1 han can be found Onr stock of elsewhere.-- Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, &e. Is full and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call and be convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Mac eh 22d^ 188L. & - ..J* • Wilta 1>etter and larger stock of General Merchandise than ever before. We work tor and «-et only the Cash trade of this section. We sell at one price. ' We mark <roorls to sell them. We can't quote prices on ali classes of Merchandise, but Ave say this, that our prices on everything will be found LOW Eli than any store in Northern Illinois. Come and see, and if not just as represented, will pay all your expenses and for time and trouble. Further than this, we will till orders sei t by mail from this Price List and guar antee satisfaction, Send to cither Store.4 'Look the Price List over. Remember the <roods are the best, and eec ifyour credit merchant is doing as Weil for you. Gtit it out and talk it over* --THAT THE PLACE V 'Wh m m Furniture Is at the old and reliable store of * •-M JOHN McHenry. B Robinson Wagon. Co. Manufacturers of FARM & SPRING- WAGONS. Buggies to Phaetons. Bend for designs ami prices to ^ BOBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI, O. Wauconda "SPICE." If you buy a pound of Ginger, or Mustard or Pepper for HO cts , and it takes an ounce of it to im part the characteristic taste, when for 40 cents you can get a pound that is Pure, 5 grains ot which will bring the tears, how much do you lose ? I have been selling Strictly Pure Spices for three years past, at Prices as Low as FIRST CLASS (xOODS could be sold. I am having a line trade in .these goods and want to add to my list ot customers the name of every economical lover of Pure Goods in Wauconda. . For further particulars call at the "Book Haunt" and enquire for F. B. HAURISON, Who has a "feVv" Drugs for sale. THE HORSE L WAGON. A NEW BOOK on the Horse. SB£®"* HIS history, structure, uses and treatment. AUo giving a few of the most Important and. Effective Hemedies for the cure of the diseases of the horse. Valuable to every owner and lover of tho horse. Published by the E02irS0» WAGON CC.f Claein-' tltS, 0., and poitJ-.;- paid, to any address, on receipt of ?•[!'!! -< ;-N r sr-.?tps. I). Kitchen, i:. i!»(i itoomc. Room 11-Hall. ' # Three cheets. 10x24, heavy plate paper, contain- mer elevations. p!?ni and <'f;t:ula f' >r the above house; also book o< V0 pa^es, pivip£specific;itions, itemized estimr.te and farm of contract--invaluable to every carpenter«r pirty propositi ̂ building, as a guide in m>kirj; bid.> or drawing contracts. Price $2.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on ncelptof Trice. H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, O. JOHH13URCH Beat Prints . to6Vc Cotton, l»lc'<t and iinbl'tl yd'wide.. <5c- Cotton, bleached, best ....... ...^lOc Cotton, unbleached --...... 1..... .7^c Cotton Flannels. ..8,9, 10 and lie 40 inch all wool Cashmere We Cnxhmeres ....65, 75, 80,'T)5 to $1.15 flannels li>i, IS, 25 to 18c. Dress (ioods, 8, 9, 10, 11 to iOc Abi paces li,Vc Table Linen 25 an«l :i()c I.adics and Gents Underwear 30, 40, 50c Boys Overcoats, from 12 t° 1" CSoys Overcoats, from '<> to IS) Boys Suits, from 7 to 10 $"2.75 Boys Suits, from 9 to 12 $4.00 Mens Snita fS.75 to $18 Mens Overcoats... $3 to$19 Can save you money every time Boots,... tl.75 to $4 Shoes uomans, tl to $2.75 llubber Goods, cheaper than anyone. Trunks and Valises cheap Spices cheaper than ever. On Notions we «ell .on very small . profits Dash docs it Will sftve vnu money on biff bills. Come tons 10 fl»s ItHisins. : ;.: .*1.00 10 lbs A <*ugar.... • •••• tl "0 10 1bs Gniunlated SiiRur tl.OC 11 Ib's C Sugar tl.OO 50c, Tea 44c Best Tea, all kinds «0c, Yeast Cakes, all kinds.. 5c T. and J. Tobacco 30c 14 tt)s Rice $1.00 14 lbs l 'llines $1.00 7 bars Soap 35c 5 bars best Soap .25c Silver Gloss Starch fie, Babbits saleratun 8c Xo 1 Baking I'lnvde' 20c Bert Ninejrnr. Cider and White Wine 18c (Vuiice Svriip 40, 50 and (iOc 5c off on 5 gallon lots No 1 Plug Tobacco 50c No 1 Fine Cut Tobacco 50c Our stock was never mor and for variety cannot be eq but the very'best, and our 3 complete than at the present ^ualedin the county. We keep niotto is and always has been time, nq»e QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. We can give you anything in the Furniture line as cheap AS afitjr other house iu tiie State, and will guarantee everything tirst-clnds aud just as represented. How can we do it? We buy Tor cash, sell for cash and 3 to 5 per ccnt (merely a, commission) satisfies us. Have two resident buyers ill Chicago constantly on the look out for Bargains and we get them It won't cost you anything to Jook into the matter, and we say it will save you money. Come and see us and we will do vou good. C. F. HALL Chicago Office, 122 Franklin St. My stock of Coffins and Caskets. Is full and complete and will be sold at a slight margin above cost. |5F°VVe have the only Hearse in the village, which will be fur- nishfed at reasonable rates. When in want ot anything in my line give me a call and I will be sure to please you. McHenry, March 22d. 1881. JOHN B. BLAKE. 9 BOOKWALTER ENGINE! Effective, Simple, Durable and Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Guaranteed to -work well and give full power claimed. JUST THE THING TOE A PEINTIN 3- OPFIOE Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Com • Mill or Wood Saw, should liavo one. SEE OCR. LOW PRICES. Horse Power Engine and Boiler .$840 880 370 450 SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. Jdxa.es ULeiEfel &c Co., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, Established in Chicago over 25 Yeats, Used and Recommended by over 25,000 Artists & Amateurs FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS -- or -- XJ 1ST I IT-OR,lvr EX6ELL.ENOE. XiiSlit t Styliali S w arrnntod 2 SATE your HONS?, mcite for Catalogue and FEZCE LIST to The Boston Buckboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN. Also SOLE Manufacturer* ot iHo celebrated Boston BUOKBOARI* or XU&SA7 WAOON. Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Ooncuve Narae- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements, used in the Bauer Pianos onlv. Th.© Bauer Gabmot. Grands, Tiie newest'an.Inmost Perfect Produccion in the art of Piano Mrtkinp. By the " introdue tion of an improveft^Vinlin-Shapeil ^oiinilmg Itoanl tlicivo'.uuio of tone is greatly increased and left entirely l'rise fromjSleUillic. Qimlities Prominent A lists Pronounce it a tfarvel of Pefectran. F.SS1SS. JULIUS BaUER ft CO., Oliicajrn, 111: UKKTLKMKN: Tiie Hauer Piano TI*JIH-It I mm:LINKED of yon. I am happy to say, is growing favor every day. The more I use it the better I lijie it. I have had |>innop from many Enlebrafed'faetories, l>Ut LINve found rone to e<|iial voiivu in JIOW«V ami purity of tone, eieasiuMty of touch, and durability. I :im i?lad that my fir.«t. onir.ion which pro nr. p ted-me in elXCilANGINU my KNAB10 for the il<VUKit has proved a lasting one. • --*"* Voui iJ respectfully, JOHN UEfeLlftti, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 28.J1879. Factory, 125, 127/1 29 E. 129 Street, Kew York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be found at our Warerooms. w , JULSUS BAUER Sl CO. 182-184 W ABASH AV. between Monroe and Adams St. CHICAGO JACOB STORY, McHENRY. ILL. DKAl.Elt IN ANOTHER ADDITION. TRASK'S Magnetic Ointment. 5'!so worst gores, Bru!scss Cuts, Bams, araloK, Skin UtaorderM, More Throat, Croup, leiimatkm, lameiess, Piles, and all external and internal affections characterized by IWFLili. NATION, yield to itn iufluenc« as if by inayie. It is a purely vegetable preparatioa by a regular physician of eminence, and its success has been mBrrelloq^fn the most obstinate cases. Sold by Druggists an4 Dealers at d8 aud 40 oeuts. MarMeWorlcs. HENRY MILLER, --DKAI.KR IN-- American anil Foreip ffiarMe. Monuments, Headstones. ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. G»» to Mrs. E, W . and DUIIUHUB, Hv.ve for Cloaks Shop T\yo miles Henry, 111. J.>l>OslHirgh, \us. 20th, J877 Xorth of Mc G. W, BESLEY, Dniriist aid Aptliecary. McHenry, 111. --DEALKR IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oik, andToilet' Articles. I ha ve added to mv alreadv Lavjjo Stock, a Fine Line ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which he invites the attention of the buying public. Physicians ProHoriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCali. „ r„ X, ,.«r C.w. BESLEY. McHcnry, 111., Nov. 10th, 1880, Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, WlisdoW (jrlilNK. CRANITE-IRCN AND TINWARE. J. STCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IN-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHEN&Y, ILLv../' Wo hav# one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brough to this market, consisting in partot Dry Goods, ClotM Hats, Caps BOOT^ ̂ I\ I> SHOES, Paints, Ois, Drugs Medicines, and Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willow^ Groceries Etc., Etc, f^^We have one of the finest Stocks of Tens to be found iu th^j county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat? isfied that we can suit them both* in qualit-y^md price.