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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1881, p. 5

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J|^|eBr| piitfeiler. WEDNESDAY APRIL 6. 1881. Railroad Time Table. OOtHO SOUTH.| Gensva,T,.ak« Passenger 7:*'a. k Gen^vit Lake Freight 1:15 ». M ttOT.VO VOKTH. OiuA T,.ake Freight 4. « Geneva Laka Pas«en*«r......... «;5Sp.* B. BUM, Agent. ' McHenry, III A SCHOOL election for one township trustee, will be held at the Council Boon OH Saturday next, April 9th. WE are under obligations to the De­ partment of Agriculture, at Washing­ ton, for a package of Seeds. THE Urn) of Engelii A Bonslett In the new Furniture Rooms, lias been dissolved, and J. Bonslett will here­ after ran the business alone. THBKK-IS still ascarcity of wood In, this village, and the man or man who will bring some io about . now will be sure of a good price, " THK Ladles of the M. E. Church, will hold their next Sociable at Mrs. F. 6. Mayes, Wednesday afternoon April 13th. All are cordially invited Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols" store. one~ door north of Perry A Martin's; for anything in Millinery or Ladles' Fur­ nishing Goods. THE notice for the Corporation Election can be found in another col­ umn. The Election takes place on Tuesday, April 19th. CHAS. KCHNKRT. of Johnsburgh. had the misfortune to lose oneof hls'chlM- ren by death, on Thursday last. We did not learn the age. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhnert have the sympathy of all. M. ENGKI.N han moved Ills stock of Ooods into the large store in Howe's Block, where his friends can hereafter find him. Look out for hie new adver­ tisement next week. Town Meeting In McHenry. The Town Meeting in this Town oi) Tuesday passed oft •« a very quiet manner, although a good deal of earnest work was '.done. There were two tickets In the field, viz: The '"Peoples' Ticket" headed by J. W. Cristy, and thn^Uniou Ticket." headed by David T. Ingalls. The result was the election ' of the entire Peoples* Ticket by majorities ranging from six to two hundred and forty-nine. the lat­ ter being the majority received by our able and popular supervisor, .T. W. Cristy. Theliirge majorities for the head of the Peoples* Ticket is particn- larly gratifying, as it expresses the sentiments of the voters on the contest ^of^one year ago. and proves that the charges then made found few believers am3ng the voters of the town, and ex­ isted only in the imagination of those who made the charge. There were 379 votes polled. The following is the vote and the majorities of the successful candidates: FOB SUPERVISOR. J. W. Cristy sit David T. IngaUs ,65 Majority for Cristy^ 249. FOR TOWM CIEBK. J. Van Slyke .' C. H. ...117 ...3A3 ..191 ..185 .894 ..77 ..272 MARTIN NEISON, of Johnsburgh, a well known business man of that place, who has been sick for some months past, died on Wednesday of last week. His funeral was held on Friday morn­ ing. T. J. DACY & Co., the "Boss" Machine men of Woodstock, have a Proclamation to the farmers in our paper this week, which they will do well to read. It can be found in an­ other column. Morey ........ Majority for Van Slyke, ML TOR ASSESSOR. John Hnemaan Geo . W, Ptmith Majority for Hucmann, 914. FOR COLLECTOR. James Ladd . John Justen Majority for liidd, 6. COMMISSIONER OF HIQHWArS. Castor A<Hms Peter Blake Majority tor Adams, 217. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Jame* B. Perry Homer Wattles, (no opposition) 340 A. L. Howe HI Parry's Majority over Howe, 181. FOR COKSTABLE8. H. B. Wightman, (no opposition) 373 C. T. Kldredge HH Thos. Knox 153 Eidredge's Majority oyer Knox, 69. A Resolution was also unanimously passed endorsing the action of the Commissioner in the matter of the new Bridge, ami also instructing tlie Super­ visor to at onco institute legal pro­ ceedings to compel the county to com­ ply with the lav i«» regard thereto, which we will publish in frtll next week. IF our readers notice any lack of local matter in this paper, they will bear with us this week, as we have been extremely busy with other mat­ ters, and unable to ffive our local de­ partment that attention which we should. _ WE are going to Rlngwood in a few days to get a certain individual up " there to sing tis that^ong ho promised HS^over six months ago. We trust that lit the mean time be may practice up so that he cau aquit himself with credit. Look out for us mo«t any day. THERK IS a strong movement among business circles for an active spring trade. The ghosts of all panics are now laid, and there is no more apprehen­ sion of all branches are get­ ting ready .for the liveliest business prospect that has been known in years. MRS. E. W. HOWE has secured the services of Miss Etta Searles, of Chi­ cago, for the season. It is unnecessary to say that her merits as a milliner are unsurpassed. Her advantages have been such that we feel confident we can please the most fastidious. Dress­ making done on short notice and In the best order. Also a good assortment of ladies underwear to be sold at prices that deny competition. LIST of letters remaining In the Post Office at McHenry, April 1st, 1881. LETTERS. Henry Drercoufl, Mr. Has- •ord, Miss Harriet P. Grifbetter. Henry Kinley, Win. H. Knapp, Henri Kinege'r Koeyer, Rudolph Gurke Gueou. J. D. Brandall, POSTAL CARDS. Mr. Ealie Howe, R. D. Scott 2, Win. H. L. Knapp, Mr. Jacob Miller, B. B. Roo;l. In calling for any of the above letters please refer tc the advertised list. JAMKS B. PERRT. P.M. IN Our notices of the business around I town a few weeks since, we inadver­ tently omitted the Paint Shop of H. fl. NlclioN, which is located in Howe's Block. '"Tip" is, without question, one of the best Painters in the county, and that his work Is appreciated is evii denced hy the amount of work' that he has constantly on hand. We were in his shop on Saturday and he had then on hand sixteen buggies and three* wagons willcii were wailing the magi­ cal touch of his brush, when thev will pome out. looking as good as new. ^ *M*o« #nwt a -W#5 HNst ns t^ Wtif aw^ tr6hi"" the shadows MR. SAMUEL POOLE, proprietor of the Volo Creamery and late of the Mudgett bntter and cheese factory, has taken an interest in the butter and cheese factory being built in this vil­ lage by Doran A Co., and will spare no ^ftalns to make it a success. The build­ ing material is all contracted for and a strong force of workmen engaged to push the work along as soon as the weather will permit. All persons can be sure there wilt be no failure about the mattergoing ahead. E. LAWLESS, a former resident of this village, but for the past few years at Clinton Junction, Wis., lias leased the store lately occupied by Lauer & Becker, near the Depot, and will again open a Merchant Tailoring establish­ ment In this place. Mr. Lawless is well known here as a first-class Tailor, and his many friends here will be glad to hear that he is to return. He will also keep a One assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Ac. He will open here In about two weeks JUST as we are going to press we re­ ceived a notice for a change of adver­ tisement from H. Maiinan, Wauconda, which will be attended to next week.-- In the meantime we would advise our readers in that section to call at his establishment and see his fine stock of Spring and Summer Goods, of the la­ test styles and patterns, which lie as­ sures us ho will sell at prices tower than ever before. Mrs. Mfeimau and Miss Gieseler have also received their SpHng stock of fashionable Millinery, t«» which they Invite the attention of the Ladles of Wauconda and vicinity. Look out for the iiew advertisement next weak. * job of Painting Nichols' H the place to go and get it. He is prepared this Spring to do a large auiouut of busi­ ness, and the crowded state of his shop now looks as though he was sure to have it to do. If you want your bug­ gy brightened up, don't wait, but seud it around at oucc. PEOPLE often exclaim, on taking up their local newspaper, "There's noth­ ing in it," or "I kno.v of lots of things which happened, that they haven't got In the paper." Perhaps the day ma)' have been a dry and uneventful one, and the news-gatherers have listened, pried, enquired or surmised in search of something of general In­ terest, without much success. Now, this thoughtless class of people have perhaps never thought that they, in­ dividually. are responsible to a certain extent for tlie accredited fault of the newspaper in failing to make mention of some one important occurrence. It may be that tliey are in possession of facts which, by 'whispering in the willing ear of the newspaper man. might interest, instruct and please hundreds of readers, but from various causes they neglect to say even a word that could lead to the unearthing of the said facts. No part of the holy book applies better to this particular circum­ stance of newspaper existence, than that which bids us to "do unto others PS ye would that they should do unto you," for if you want to see news in your paper, aid the editor by telling him the news, and others pursuing the same course will effect the desirsd re­ sult. DKATH OF THOS. J£FFKK.«ON Cl.IFTOM. T>IED -On Wedneslay erenin*, March SOth Iwt, after a tinkering illness of four months, Thomas J. Cliftio, a gel 45 years It becomes our melancholly duty to chronicle the sad event of the demise of this worthy friend and brother., who was called from Ills labors here on earth ere his morning sun had gained its meridian height, or the shades of evening Incliued toward the rising orb of day. Deceased was bom In Leesburgh, Ind., Nov. 33d, A. D., 1835. and located at Geneva Laka. Wis., in 1854, where he worked at hi« trade until 1860. In 1858 he married Caroline E. Van Velicer, and two years subsequently they moved to Springfield. Wis., where he carried on the blacksmith business until 1867. He then disposed of his property there and located at Darien, Wis., where they lived nine years. From Darien they moved to Clinton, Rock Co., Wis., where they resided nearly three years, and from thence to Janesville. same county and State where they remained nearly two years, and from thence to McHenry, arriving lie re May the 8th, 1879 It is mete that the subject of this memorial should receive as a token of remembrance and kind regard from his friends something more than the usual passing notice. Duty seems to demand from us on this occasion, an acknowledgment of our appreciation of his manly virtues, and a recital of those prominent traits of character which commended him so, fully to our favorable consideration. He. was a man of candor--faithful to Ids convic­ tions--a worshipper of truth, and an uncompromising foe of hypocricy. Bigotry and superstition had with him no hospitable abode. He worshiped at the shrine of his own family altar, where he in return received the hom­ age due from loyal hearts which makes a paradise of home. His wite and only daughter, Ellen, and her husband, Mr. Allen Walsh, were his constant attend­ ants during his illness and, rendered all the 'aid th»t willing hands and loving hearts could furnish, to provide for every waiit, ami secure his greatest comfort. He said to us shortly previ­ ous to his demise, that he thought he had but tew days to stay with us, but that death had no terrors for him. He loved his family and friends, and the thought of being per­ manently separated from them was nil that gave him any desire to remain. He came here a stranger, but his social nature and strict fidelity to every trust, soon won for him many friends find the respect and confidence of all. He has gone, to be with us no more Qn earth forever, but his kind words. Charitable deeds and eminent example Will live and remain a cherished mon­ ument to Ids memory. While we con­ sign hissitcred dust to the tomb, may I lie promises of Hope, the demands of Love and the confidence of Ifailli coun- of earth which darken our pathway to the bright sunlight of the eternal future, where hope ends iu fruition, and love's labor is never lost; where love divine ennobles every heart, and hosannas exalted employ every tongue. Qua/in vita, finis ita. McHenry, 111., April 2, 1881. t'AKD OF THANKS. We would take this opportunity to return our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends, who, by their presence, aid and sympathy, helped us to.hear the deep burden of affliction which has fallen so heavily upon us. We appreciate their kindness to the fullest extent, and sincerely hope that if they are ever called upon to bear a like affliction, equally loving hands may be ready to help tliem bear the burden And also to Dr. K. V. Ander­ son, who by his constant care and at­ tention, did all that medical skill could do to save our dear and beloved hus­ band and father. MRS. T. J. CMFVOE. ALLEN *KD ELLA WALSH. TO TOWNSHIP TRF.ASOREKS. Below is given the amount of school fund and interest received for distri­ bution to the different townships for the year 1881. Amount of school fond received of State Auditor Amount ot interest received of State Auditor «7«M » 428 63 County Superintendents commission Whole amount distribnted «7U1» 75 158 40 £7761 35 Ain't distributed to town of ~ Kilcy *180 73 Marengo 8® ** Dunham 297 38 Cliomung '44 87 Coral 381 70 sen^ca 319 M IlHrtlaad.... 383 88 Allien 3(17 (17 Grafton Ml 25 Dorr : 848 IS Greenwood 2A3 70 lleiiron ( 273 10 Algonquin 593 08 Xuiirta 410 35 McHenry 673 05 Richmond 431 88 Town 43. R 9 143 48 do 44. U » 84 58 do 45, R9 181 10 Burton 78 45 S7781 S3 Township treasurers can receive the amount due their respective towns by calling at the County Treasurer's office and receipting for the same. A. W. YOUBG, County Sup't of Schools. Mrs. H. II. Nichols has a large stock of Trimmed Hats for Easter. Judge Henry D. Barron, St. Croix Falls. Wis., says: "I have suffered [ severely from Piles and found no ; remedy until I ..applied t'rask's Mag- i netic Ointment. It relieved me at 1 once,and permanently" SIGNING ONK'H NA.HK. A Voting man traded a poor for a good horse, giving his note for f90, payable by agreement, six months af­ ter date, without interest. When called upon for pay.ncnt he claimed it was not due by any means, and a careful examination showed that it read, "payable six months after death" In this case the father prevailed upon the young man to pay the note, on the ground that "he (the son) was in a fair way to have plenty of other accounts to settle about the same time the note, as written would be due." This is an illustration of how easy it is to change entirely the purport ot of a written agreement so as not to be noticed by the casual observer. Millions of dol­ lars have been filched from farmers who have thoughtlessly, or carelessly, or iguorantly tigned their names. Be­ guiled by the promises of large profits, they have undertaken to act as agents for this, that or the other Invention, or a lot of implements, new patents, spring mattresses, etc.,etc., with the guarantee that ail not sold would be taken back. The only safety is to not write one's name and nof even make a pen mark for any stronger whatever, under any circumstance*.--American Agriculturist. NOTICK TO UJUHIMKN. All persons Interested lu the furnish­ ing of milk at the Butter and Cheese factory in McHenry, are invited to meet us at the office of E. M. Owen in this village on Srturday afternoon, April 9tb, 1881. DORAN ft POOLE. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has the largest stock of Spring Millinery Goods in Mc­ Henry County. Judge Buchanan, Lawyer, Toledo, O. says: "One of Prof Guilmette's French Kidney Pads cured me ot lumbago and 'kidney disease iu three weeks time.-- My case hacfbeen given up by the best doctors as Incurable. During all this time I suffered untold agouy and • paid out large sums of money. Richmond Department. CowraiBCTEU » 3. r. RENNET?. K. Tiaw^RTT U hereby authorized to take ftuhsi'rintiona and orders f.»r .vlvertishi j and Job Work for the l*t.vtxnt:VLKR. receive money therefor «»n i reoeint for the svnu.-- all or lers left vith tim will receive prompt Attention.--Editor. Spring term of public school opens Monday, April 11th. " Cray's wagon shop is np, enclosed, and will soon be ready for occupancy. Robf. .Tohonnott, acknowledged to be the best horse shoer in the State is out iu a card in which he makes a great reduction from former rates. His present prieee are: Setting, 12|c.; toeing and settlug, 15c.; new shoes. 36c. C. E. Abbott, firactlcal Jeweler, an­ nounce* that he has just received a large invoice of silverware, bought since the decline In prices, and invites the "buying public to "come in and be astonished ^t quality and cost of goods." We arc p1es«ed to inform our lady readers that Mrs. S. O. Stevens, sue* ce«sor to Mrs. O, P. Wodell In the millinery business, has received her spring stock of goods and Is now pre­ pared to fill all orders In her line. Mrs. Stevens has bought the stock of goods formerly owned by Mrs. Wodell, and added largely thereto by her spring purchases, making a very full and com­ plete assortment of Millinery Goods and Notions, consisting in part of hats, bonnets, plume* and feathers, satin, j perfumery, combs, ruches, . silk hand­ kerchiefs, and the ten thousand other beautiful and useful things usuallv kept in a first-class Millinery and No­ tion Store. Mrs. Wodell will remain witli Mrs. Stevens all through the busv spring season, so that customers will have the benefit of her taste and ex­ perience. We bes|»eak for Mrs. Stevens the same liberal trade heretofore act corded to Mrs. Wodell, and doubt no* that she will receive and retain it. 1'he following Is the ticket elected in Richmond Tuesday: • For Supervlsorr-W'. A. McConnel. For Town Clerk--A. R. Alexander. For Assessor--Wm. L. Turner. For Collector--Chas. S. Green. For Justices of the Peace--,!. V. Ald- rlch, Jas. Robbius. For ConstableSr-P. G. Skiukle, Geo. H. Stewart. \ For Road Commission**--E. S. Jo- honuott. For School Trustees--P. K. Allen, A. Gardner, to fill vacancy. I'he closing exercises of the Rich­ mond public school were held on Thursday P. M.t and attended bv a laree number of friends of the school. There was not a single failure on the part of the students and so a high average performance was the result.-- • The e«*44r« a erwHl the pupils and the elticieut corps of teach­ ers in charge of the school. Subjoined is the PROGRAMME. FAST I. Mnnlc--The Old Oaken Bucket. By tbs School. Rending-Better than Gold. Grace Cole, Recitation--The Young Birds. Bertha 6k!n- kle. Declamation--Boy* wanted, Austin Brown. Rccitation -Sweet sixteen. Nellie Ifowden. Declamation--My Opiuion of Grandmothers. Martin Carpenter. Recitation--Why some birds lio^ and others walk. Hattie Cutting. Reading ot School Paper. Gertie Johunott. 1*ART II. Music -lustrumec tai Duet. Nettle Down­ ing and Carrie Mead. Recitation--Miame'S Christmas. Nellie Clung. Rucitation--The ch Its ken's mistake. Maud Carpenter. Declamation--Putting tip a stove pipe, Louis Co>.ting, Keciution--Didn't meanjto. Mamie Earing! FART III. Music--Song and Exercise by scholars of Primary Room. Declamation.--Gustavua Vasa to the .Suedes. Geo. Alf. Reading--Mr, Caudle has been made a Mason. Minnie Potter. Declamation--The old sexton's story of the town, Earle Ktdredge. Recitation--The aleapjr little eiater. Eva Brown' Music--Hold up vour bead like a man Scbuol. PART nr. „ Recitation--The two glasaes. Eo<ma Dis- brow. Dialogue between Misa Mehltable Smith and Mr*. Polly Ann Snipklns. Grace Cole> Annie Sylvester. Recitation--Curfew shall not ring tf-night Ella Hay thorn. Dialogue--The rival speakers. Hobt. Ben- net, Charles Kldredge. Music--Merry Spring. School. SOLON. SOITOR PLAIXDKALKR:--Some one remarked the other day that Fridiv would bo the 1st of April. "April! ex­ claimed our I5ttle daughter." O'I! that is the time we plant our flower seeds! Flower seeds, indeed! We im­ agined ourself planting flower seeds when we awoke this morning, peeped through tiie blinds au-l saw the snow drifting, and heard* the wild wind." howling like a January blisxarJ. Oli yas? those flower seeds must be at tended to, right away. Yes:«rday was the last day of our school. The Teachers, Mr. Burger and Miss Maggie Turner, and their pupils deserve much credit for the very pleas­ ant entertainment, with which the school closed yesteaday afternoon -- consisting of Declamations and Dialogues--In which the whole school took part, and those who were so hap­ py as to be able to be present, say that this exhibition was even better than any of Mr. Burger's proceeding ones,-- It is hard to particularize, where all did so well, but no one who has wit­ nessed the speaking and acting of our Minister's daughter--Little Maud Look--can have failed to notice that she is endowed with talents rarely possessed by a ciilld of her age. Mr. Burger al«o deserves credit for his exer tions in behalf oj the lyceum. It ha* been truly a blessing to this place--a source of pleasure to the old tieople as well as a betiefl t to the young ladies and gentlemen of our school. A J marked improvement h observed in the speaking of Edward and James Bobbins. George Hodge and Albert Sutton. Ed. in particular--shows--in his arguments a knowledge of history not often surpassed hy a mere school­ boy. And BorfT Sutton,' our comic speaker, seldom fails to create a laugh, by his quaint and fuuuy remarks. Miss Chippie Robhins, Sylvia Hornby and Jennie Cropley also deserve thanks for several interesting papers, prepared and read by tliem. at the lyceum. with the help of the teachers, and the other pupils of the school. Mrs. Took still superintends tlie Sab- hath school, notwithstanding the many discouragements she has met on ac­ count of had weather and other an­ noying difficulties. Also the meetings have usually been as w»ll attended as could have been expected. Iu tact-- though this has, indeed, been an ex* ceedingly hard winter, yet the school lyceum and church have been so In­ teresting that it will long be remem­ bered as one of the happiest winters we have enjoyed for many long years. AL'LL) KAMO 8YNE. BUGGY FOR SALE. A flue new Top Buggy, which I had made lor my own use. Will be sold cheap. H. H, NICHOLS. FOR SALE?. A very fine I'urham Bull, one year old. Will n •old reasonable. ~ ^ fVlslilTHf, VILLAGE ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an elec­ tion will he held at the Richmond House in the village of Richmond. County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois, on Tuesday April 19th. 1881. For the purpose of electing Three Village Trustee*, full term, two years. One Village Clerk full term, one year, One Police Magistrate, four vears, A. R. ALKXANDKR, Village Clerk. Village of Richmond, March 25th. 1881. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Ladles' Ready Made Underwear. G. W. BESLKY Has just received an Optimeter, for estlng the eyes, and can now fit you with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full Hue of Spectacles, all kinds, to which he in­ vites the attention of the public. Mrs. H. H. Nichols keeps kid gloves in all sliadi s. , tar People have queer ideas as to the power of the President. A col­ ored man called on President Garfield the other day and Insisted on an Inter­ view. He was very indignant because they wouldn't let him in. flla wifo had run of! with another man, he said. He came to see the President to appeal for advice In the premises, and assist­ ance in carrying that advice into effect. A small-sized'boy from Georgia, who listened to his story as told the coor- kee|>er, advised hiui to shoot the other maa.and lie finally went todo it- A Good lliimcirlfs. The good housewife, when she le giving her house its spring renovating, should bear iu mind that the dear in­ mates of her house are more previous than many houses, and that their sys­ tems need cleansing by purifying the blood, regulating the stomach and b»w els to prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and mias­ ma. and she must know that there is nothing that wilt do It so perfectly and surely as<Hop Hitters, the purest ami Iwst "of medicines. \3ee other column. THE NEW DRUG STOKE. One door East from J. O* Choato, South Side, Woodstock. III. It affords me pleasure to Inform my old friends I am now ready to Supply them with fresh Drugs and Medicines. Paints and Oils, stationery and No­ tions of all kinds. My long manage­ ment of the South Side, Red Front Drug Store, etc., enables me to assure all who come with their Prescriptions, they will be accurately compounded as 1 shall attend to my business person- ally. My motto has been and ever will be, nothing but pure goods,and at liv­ ing prices. If those a*ho are unknown to me wi>l give me a call, 1 will en­ deavor to meet their expectations In every way. Hoping to receive a liber­ al patronage, I remain the people's servant. A.S. WRIOHT. Woodstock, 111 Shoes for the Million. We have placed in the bauds of Colbv Bros., McHenry and Nnnda, HII immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of Womeu's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat aud Kid Walking; Shoes, Serge aud Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which tliey are selling at our wholesale pi ices with a small compensation added. Call and examine goods. FORBU3H * BROWS, Buffalo, X. T. NEW AID CORRlfiCT MAP Proves beyond a:iv reasonable question that the Qhioago dSt XTorthwestera Is bv all odds the best road for yon to take when traveling in either direction between CUcap aid all the Fmml PoMs is tie Vest North & Northwest XV? Carefully examine this Map. The principal Citi<, on this roa<l. Its through traius make close couuec junction pjintst ; of tfie West and Northwest art Stations ions with the train* of all railroads and -Aahlaiia Ordway iiraintra RENC QuinnettC Spaid sr. Cloud ClGptotI ood K j UROY mrro.*^ "» * Sioux Cmgto* Iftia Citg HICASO & NORTH-WESTERN RAIL WAX THE CHICAGO A NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY] Orer nil of its i.nncip:ii l ines, runs »vu-;i wa\ <la'lv from Uvo So four orlnx.rt ' fast Kxvraa* Trains. It is the oniv road west ofCliicapro th^j uses th« PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARK It f« the onlr road '.hat run* Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of £ltteagls* II* IMS nnarly 3«000 Miles Of Rottd- In forms (he following Trnnk Lines: Con net I Bluff*. Denver A California I.lne. Wtnons, Minnexota A Central Dakoka Line Sionx City, Nor NVtir.iski A Yankton Liue. Oh ion (to, St. Pr.ul * Minnen™>lif Line Northern Illinois. Freepnrt & Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, C.reeu Bay A Lake*uperior Lin# Tickets over this road arfc sold by all Coupo0 Ticket Asronts In the Unitert S»ates M ("ana- 4 Remember to ask for Tickets via this road, the sure tney read over it, aud take none ether ' VABVIN HTJGHITT, Qen'l Manager, Chicago W.H. 8TEXNITT, (Jen Paas Agt Chica|<* Business Notices. Repil's Gilt Edge Tonie restores the appetite. The Moline Owen's. Sulky How at E. M The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. When in want of work in my line, give iiita call and I will try and please Robl. Murtitt, Jeweler. Xunda, 111. The largest stock of Millinery Goods iu the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. W HY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Befley's Troches wll cure you? Store opposste I'arker House. IF you want your Wntcli putin Srsl" : class Order, call on Robert Murfltt Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, «( prices from five eei:t* a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block: Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets til yon have seen and priced good* at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckeye Force Owen'si Puinps, at E. M All the Owen's, first-class Plows at E. M. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. Millinery! Millinery! Mrs. S. Searles has just received a nlse stock of new Spring Millinery and Notions, aud It now prepared to take orders ami execute* them on bhort notice. vAlso have a fine Hue of Trimmed I|ats and Bonnets for Easter. Instructions In Mvulc. ' I am now prepared to give instruc­ tions on either Piano or Organ, at my home or elsewhere. Terms reasonable Call oo ur address. KLOOB WAITS. For Sale. 4$| acres, 89 of it la plow land the balance timber and pasture. Bouse 20K 28 two cellars, well, orchard Ac. I will take *41 per acre if it is told before April 15th. MWL O. ft. SHIKIDS. I. M. MAIXOBT, Asset, Knnda. Ill^ Buy a pound of fine Japan !Te* at Fitzsiiiuuous A Evau«ou's and If you like it tell your ncighbotsso. If U4l I make a »pecialty*of Repairing fine W itches, tmii warrant all iny work, Rebt. Muriltt, Nunda. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! " A- kwjee iirwlescf cltmlw, bongfet at a big bargain. Don't buy before call­ ing on UK, STKVKNS& SCHNOfUt. New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's MRS. E. W. HOWKIS offer in? induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloake, Ac. Give her a call. Store lour doors North of Riverside ifcuse. TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure, unxdulte^ted, un- cnlored, natural leaf. Japan tea at our place. STKVKNS A SCHNOKR. E. A. GOLDING. Wauconda, III., dealer ia Gro­ ceries. Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co's Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters hy lite Can or Dlsli, :U all hour* of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light­ ed,aud no pains will be spared to plnHse all who call. 1 also make a epeclalty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a fine line of Confectionery. Give rite a call. It A. GOLVHCO. YOU WANT 10 lbs of our clarified N. O. Sugar for 91.00 equal to granulated. 7 Be green coftee fl .00. STKVKNS A SCRNOSK. SPECIAL BARGAINS. We ofler a large lot -of remnants Is Dress Goods, from C to IS} cents per yard. STF.VKKS A SCHKURR. • Errors of youth, iu male or female causing shyness, or Inability to l«»ok another in the face, pimples, nervous­ ness, etc.. can be permanently cured bys the use of Prof. GoiliueUe'4 Pad, Panel Photo* MI Miller'* Studio. A few Overcoats left. Good and cheap at Fitzvlmmons A EvausiHi'a. New supply of Rubber Boftfta «t Fit/sinraions A Evanson's. THIS BEST THING * r'"? For a eetogh is Beslsy's Troches, a box. Store opposite the Parker Honse. A complete assortment of Photo* graphs for two dollars at Mlller'a Studio. 1 Panel and 6 Card* for iUW at Miller*! Photo Studio., Fitasimmous & Evan«on are trying hard to dispose of the Balance of their Stock of Winter goods. It will pay the cash buyer to investigate. If in seacrh of Bargains call at C. F, Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stem, Our new Spring stock of Clothing is now received and a more complete line is not to be found in this vicinity. We can fit a boy from »ix years old ui>- wards. Youths aud Boys Softool Suits a speciality. Stock reasonably large and profits very small. We will wrt money for those who favor it* witn their patronage. Call and see. FrrxstMxoKa i Kviinffit, 1 Panel, 1 Cabinet, A •Card* and S Ninette Photos for *2,00, *t Studio. _______ Sore Throat. Diphtheria. QaffWj. are different forms of congestion, the re­ sult of "catching cold *'rask's Magnet* ic Ointment ua» never kuown to fail lu Immediately relieving tftif tlou iu curing these forms. llorses for Sale. Oue apitu of good work huiWi k offered for sale at a reasonable price. Will weigh between twenty-three ami tweuty-Cour buudtti. Apply* at lite Fox Kiter YaliojrMiU*. U For Sale. In Woodstock, a house aud five ol land, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods North of* the Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro­ perty, and will be sold reasonable. In­ quire on the premises. JAMKS GALLIQIUKB. Notice. To the hoi tiers of *>ix per entt Henry County orders, notice Is hemfijr given that on the 1st day of April, A.D. 1881. I will pay the following six per cent $3G0.00 McHenry County order*, viz NoV 121 to 134 both iiic!u*i ve. Also No's. 1.8. 15. 2*2.29.36,43. 50, 57. 64.71, 78 aud 85. Interest will ceaoe on I be abuve County orders on the 1st day of April, A. D.. 1881. JAMBS NISH. CO. TKBAS. Woodstock. III., Feb. £3, Ut OVER COATS. We have special bargains lu'thlsjllne to close, IS over ooats #8 00, former prtees&ll 00 10 over coats 94.00. former prices #7 #0 8 overcoats 011.00, former prices#15 00 Full size mens over coats as low as #SLS5 these are bargains. STKVKKg A Sciwoaa. Ladles of Mclleury and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now ofleriag greater bargains than ever. Alt work lu repairing done on short notice. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2060 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Peeta for sale, inquire of JOHX DOftAK. LOST: On Suusfaajr, March 17tfc,betiw«y lie Hyatt House and the BaptUt Church, at Crystal Lake, a Cameo ^Set Locket Charm. The finder will confer a great favor and be suitably rewarded by leav­ ing the same with she operatorjst the Depot. . 1 . " . i n iw'iiiia* " P0B8AI.K*-'1 * * * 40 Acres of land in Section 11, al! fenced. Also 80 acres of lapd, with a good house and barn thereoa, with timber aud water in abundance, in Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good uew house, barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JoUK Reeri* Gilt Edge Touic ecret Fetar *nd Ague. jmmm Valuable Pr .tperty For Sal*, The property formerly used as a Hotel, In the viMage of Rfasrwood. f« oferedfor sale. It consists of one largo brick House, c«k»tr«iiiing ten rooms, all necessar* out l»i»i Idings. a good well ol water atid cistern, and oae acre of land. On the premises are some of the fiueat fruit and Orna»»e»»tal twes, shrubbery, Ac« to be found iv the county. It Is a vety desirable Jocathm end will bo laid dirt cheap and on NHIK time, for geed security. Apply SiMKOS POTTE". A«t«ahili»ia|p^. (HUM Kstate of Mrs. M»CnuwtalL. Qvlain* »ad AnmIS ^ • Form the ba»i* of many of the agne remedies in the market, and are (He last resort of physician* and peopAe who know no better medicine to ra* pioy for tlii* distressing complaint. The effects of either of these drug's are destriK'tiue to the system, producing headache, intestinal dlinintem, vertigo, ringing in ttie ears, and de pres«itMi of the constitutlfMial health. Ayet** A^iir Cure »« a vegetable die* cuvery. containing neltln-r «^uitdue. ai* s@ni9.~n0r any <iek>terin*i« ingredient., and i* an UifaUilde and - »(iid cure tor every fhmu of f'ev.r and ague, lis eBcotaajre penuaneut auJ certain* audi 110 Intent c*nresult from it# two. le- *idoa qrvig ;, positive cure fa* fcws and agjbe 111 ali its form*, it also a- sup -lior r*mciy for li*i»r eumpMM*s. l.t is 4i» extvlle tt tonic *uU,|»*e*ei»tr&a,. as w.>ll a* vtue, of alt c»um*h*»nto * cull 1 r to m.'d tri »u«. tnan«hjf^aii>l rttl* maftic district*. By ac •** the livex. apd biliary apn»»ratnSk. tt stiro natee th« systeia. t«-a *fk liealt.iy coiulitlou. tab W

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