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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1881, p. 5

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Nb WEDNESDAY APRIL 27.1881. =r *«i; i 1 t ' i ' ' * * V v ^ .«. " , *'" •ir' '.."rw."-l -* >$- ; Doiwo the freshet last week, Joseph Fretted, proprietor of the saloon and restaurant, opposite Bishop's Mill, caught a three and a half pound black bass in his bwt, Who says there Is not good fishing In this vicinity. Joe has left his barn door open to tee If |nother won't stray that way. CHAS. KAMA, of John«burgh. Is building a large two story building on his premises In that place, which when ompleted he will use as a Boot and hoe Factory, where he Intends to do .11 the work In this line seeded In that tlon. With this Institution runn I ng, what will become of the Johnsburgh ^BANKET**? ix: m •1 "M- • 1 PS>Wp? * ^ y r_* , 0»%S: Railroad Time taW«. 001*0 SOUtM PasMager T:WU. M fcrelght r. M «otm vouxa. mil pat# Freight 10:01 A. M 6:33 r.M * "TbtWm fieneva Lake weaeva Uln tiunmr... Base Ball Meeting* AU "vho arc Interested In the organ­ ization ®f a Base Ball Club In this Til­ lage. are requested to meet at the fLAiNDKALBB office* on Thursday, to- inorrotr evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose ot taking steps to organise a Club for the eoming season. Let all Interested be on hand promptly on BY OITDRIBISK BIU SOTS. hogs? E; WHO bought the old ladles* :;|niat** what we want to know, , JAMKS CROW, of Giystaf Lakbifttarte ' our sanctum s pleasant call, on Friday •>W' • • •" < • -;l - , • -- ' _ , Hon JOHN A.LOGAK will please ao- tept thanks for Public Documents re­ ceived. F WORK on both of tlit Row Cheese 1 Factories is progressing as rapidly as Vpotslble under the circumstances. •: A GOOD muisle-Ioadlng Shot Gun for sale cheap. Inquire at the Rlver- lide House. (EDJDCKNIOAN, who Forks In the Pickle Factory, bur led a child on Thurs­day last. We did not learn Its age or JJie cause of dentil. . THIB "Mnry Griswold* Is now In * flue funning order, ami will be ready ; eo " ' '|iake. tripe to the ulies AS soonaetlie Ice l» out. . Omu RICHAKDSOH, of Ringwood, bought a splendid new Domestic Sew­ ing Machine, from the agent in this Tillage,O. W. Owen, one day last week. /Tin jrgy which was advertised for sale in the PLAINDEALBR lust week, by H. H. Nichols, wa* sold to George Schrelner. It is one of the handsom­ est buggies in town. ' MRS. E.W. HOWE will return from the city this week with all the latest •t^les of Summer Millinery, and with the services of Miss Etta Searles feel fissured we can please any that pty Ihvor us with a call. ' /• SEC the uew advertisement of X. Engeln, Gunsmith, to be found In another place in this paper. . He has moved his shop to Howe's Block, and is better than ever prepared to give his customers bargains in his Hue. He has a line stock of Table and Pocket Cut­ lery. Fishing Tackle, Notions, etc., to which he Invites the attention ot the public. THE new Board of Trustees for this village met on Saturday evening, and organized by re-electing R. Bishop, President. The Board is now com­ posed of the following: R. Bishop President. H. McOmber, Geo. Bother- roel, Antony Weber, Wm. Schrelner and Fritz Block, Trustees, H. H. Nich­ ols Clerk. The Street Commissioner and Marshal have not been appointed and Tin carpenter work on the new ftoreif tllrs*Searles is completed and ithe painters are now at work. At is ex- pee tai that it will be ready to oecupy by next week. It will be one of the et Uttle stores iu town. new Hardware store. Opposite Is no*v open and ready for busiuesfewitli as line a stock of hard­ ware as- ever was seen in McHenry ^otiH%.; A new -advertisement will npl)ei|r In those columne next week# Tni small beys have brought out their marbles and the spring campaign has opened. Tiie air Is Kill of cries, "War* to play marbles?1* "Knuckle down."* "No babying." *Rlnger."-- •*Get<Mit." "You lie, I dld'nt," Ac. The full grown man looks on anil won­ ders if lie acted that way. L. STOOD A.UD has "changed his [since Our last and wIH now open eery Store In the brick store, oi)6 door South of the Post Office, which is being fitted up tor fh*r i»irp""» When he ^ts open and ready for business our readers will be duly informed through these columnf. THROUGH a letter received by ""Mrs. F. A. Hebard we learfi of the danger­ ous sickness of O. S. Rumsey, of El­ vira, New York, formerly of this vil­ lage. His disease'It Typhoid Pneu­ monia, and he has been under the Doctor's care about three weeks. His friends In this section hope for J»ie Speedy recovery. TR^ accumulations of garbbage Nssrt refuse should ins raked up and taken . away from the premises of residents as soon as possible In the the colleotionof audi stuff contains the germs of dlptherla, fever, doctor's bills and death. Besides all the raft, (twill greatly add to the appearance ,<of the premises to dean up. SMITH A SNYDER bad the misfortune 4d loM«nc of their team horses on Thursday last. While drawing a load of lumber from their yard the horse step­ ped on a short, sharp piece of board, which flew up, penetrating the flesh Jbst forward of the hind leg. making a Hole nearly as big as a mans arm. The iow <jf blood «ras. terrible, alfcd tie liorse died within five minutes. THE Steamboat, "Miry GrJuwold." steamed up on Tuesday morning. In­ tending to run around the ea*t end of the bridge, in the high water, and go down the>rlver to assist In towing the Burton Bridge back to Its foundation, but after sounding the water, and con­ sidering the chances to be taken, aban­ doned the' undertaking. With the swirt current now running at the east end of the bridge, we believe It would be a difficult job. AT last it begins to look lilre spring. Merchants are putting their stores in orDer, new goods are coming In. storm houses and "bankings" are beijng re­ moved, housekeepers are preparing for house cleaning, and paternal heads of families, where such preparations are in progress, act nervous and look croes. ,§? they think of carpet mauling, bare floors, picked up meals and the un­ pleasant salutations sure to greet them by and by, as they walk about the house witli muddy feet. DON'T forget that the surest and safest road to success. In any kind of business, is a liberal and Judicious use •f printen'Ink. Don't be deluded In­ to the ruts of old fogyism. and made to believe that to pay the printer nothing for advertising. Is economy. It is far from economy; on th.e other hand, it is a delusion and a snare. If your local paper goes Into the homes of five IIUIH dred families In your luHnediate neigh­ borhood, it Is read bv at least four times that many persons, or about tttW thousand people. If you advertise In tiiat pa|»er,. telling what you have for sale, it Is brought to the notice of Just soinany persons, and at lea*t some of the number will take the pains to as­ certain the truthfulness of what you advertise. The Fnthet, and the Hew Bridge. Since our last the Fox River has been ^booming** to a fearful extent, and the damage that has been done it Is hard to estimate at this time. The Johns­ burgh Bridge, three miles above thjs village, and the Burton Bridge, three miles below. In the town of Nunda, have been swept away. We also bear of uiany other bridge# both up and down the river that are reported gone, but as, there are so many conflicting stories afloat, we shall be obliged to wait until the excitement subsides be­ fore we can learn the true state of af­ fairs. Our new Iron Bridge here has stood the shock nobly, aud comes out of the storm with but slight damage, which the builders, who now have their boss mechanic here, inform us they can re­ pair in a couple of days. With the wa­ ter at such an unprecedented height, it was natural that our citizens should have some fears when the ioe came out from the Lakes, and It proved that such fears were not groundless. Ou Saturday forenoon heavy bodies of ice were seen coming down the river, nnd between eleven and twelve o'clock a large cake of solid ice, estimated to ^contain 200 tons, coming at the rate of six miles an hour, struck the west pier with full force. The shock was tre­ mendous. and one under which no or­ dinary bridge could have stood for a minute. The bridge trembled to her very foundation, and all held their breath In fear for the result. It was but for a moment. The large mass of ice wa« shattered In a thousand pieces, and the iron bridge stood, an honor to lu builders. Ou examination It was found that the Ice striking so near the top had knocked the west piers over to the south a foot or more) parted the braoes aid slid t lie in front the rollera. A few minutes after the Johnsbnrrh bridge came down the stream, and with iti high side braces, heavily bolt- •d, being too high, to go under caught between the wait butment and first pier. This was another severe test, and made the lookers on tremble tor the result, but the heavy timbers of the old wooden bridge were mashed to kindling wood, and the wisdom of our Coinmihsioners in building this In­ stead of a wooden bridge wm demon­ strated to a certainty. That we have one of the best bridges in the North­ west cannot now be disputed, and the Milwaukee Bridge Company hare just cause to feel proud of their work.-- Their men are nowhere repairing the slight damage done, and in a few days, or as soon as the wtiter settle*, tt wij| be as perfect as eveft,^ ' The water In the river !• no# grad­ ually lowering,and we trust the river may get within her proper banks again lu a few day*. . •C -v- r^n Ix atiother place in this paper be fofcmt an advertisement of the Itingwood Nurseries, which those In­ terested should not fail to read. Mr. Bucltland has been out oT health all winter, and consequently rot able to go around and take Orders, but he has « fine lot of trees, and those who de- •Ire them can call at the Nursery and get just what they want. 8e» the ad­ vertisement elsewhere. -- - - -f J • Wftfcave * new ^advertisement for J. W. Crlsty, Ring wood, whieh will ap­ pear next weak, lu the mean time we mould advise our readers and the buy­ ing public generally, to oall and exam­ ine his immense stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer trade, consisting •f Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Cape, and In short everything usually kept In a flrst-cla»* genera! store. He has a larger stock lhan.eyer before, and Is prepared to five bargains in all departments -- Look out for bis advert lee men* next week. IS. LAWLUS, the Merchant Tailor, has arrived and takeu possesion of his store In Lansing's Block, where he Is utting in a flue stock of ready-made cjibthlng, cloths for suitings, gent's furnishing goods, etc. Mr. Lawius is too well known here to need any en- comiuifl*from us. His new advertise­ ment will appear next week, when he will speak for himself. The Clinton, Wii>., A«raU.wli«re lie has been lo­ cated for the past eight years, I us the following to say of his return here: Mr. E. Lawluft is about to return to McHenry, III. after a residence lu Clinton of nearly eight year*. By hon­ est dealing; and close attention to bus­ iness, he has bevu successful in making many friends who will regret Ills de­ parture. We wish Mr. L. groat pros­ perity in his new home, and take pleas­ ure in com mending film to the good grace of the people of McHenry. DIED--In this Tilts (re. April l»th, 1881, IJWAEL WRIGHT, in thedOth year of his ace ^~^ir. Wright was born In Yorkshire, England. Doc. 22d, 1801. He caine to t|ie United States in 1844, and settled It McHenry, taking up 80 acres of Gov­ ernment land, on which lie resided from that time until his death. lie was one of the pioneer* of this towi;, jptd has seen it gradually progress front the home of the red man to be populated by a prosperous and thriv­ ing people. His wife died in 1858.-- He was the father of fourteen children, five of whom survive hiio. Of tbe original 80 acres of land which he bought from the Government, be had retained 04. wbioli, the day before his death, lie deeded to his son. Robert Wright, of this village. Mr. Wright was a fine old English gentleman, who wa« honored aud respected by all who knew him. His ftiheral was held at the Uuiversaiist Church on Thursday af­ ternoon last, and was attended by a large oouoourse of relatives and friends A CAKD. We would take this occasion to thank •ur neighbors and friends, and also the neighbors and friends of him who has gone, for the kindness aud help ex­ tended during his slokuess and after the death ot our father. We can assure you, one and all. your kindness waft duly appreciated. Mu, AWD Maa. Ron. wsisav. Th* Or«at«it Hies almj. A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the b'ood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is tiie greatest l»ie«*iug fver conferred upon mail. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by it, Will you try itf See another column. Mrs. H. H. Niotoolf fcoop kM fk>TM In all ~ * LAW* WOHK. As Spring Is the time lor flxing" up around door yards. Lawns and Ceme teries, people are geu«ml]y booking around to seo who they eau get to do this kind of work. All such we would refer to Owen Hearns. who we believe has no superior in this Hue. He cuts Ills'sods 2x10 of the thickness of from three-fourths to an Inch, aud when they are laid down yon can hardly tell where they are matched. It Is a job but few understand, but Mr. Hearns has learned it to perfection. And right here Mt us say that our citizens do not take the pains they should in ornamenting the grounds around their residences, A very slight expense In this Way by each one would much im­ prove the look* of our village, and we hope many may see lit to patroniso Mr Hearns this season. A few years ago he done a Job of this kind for E. M. Owen, and it will bear the closest/In­ spection. He has also done many fine jobs in our Cemetery. Notice. Subscribers to "Our Deportment*' will please take notice that tiie book ordered by them will be delivered on or after May 3d, 1881, according to agreement. Please leave the price of the book at the house from the date named till the Agent calls, to avoid de­ lay, as his time is valuable. Nothing preventing, the same Agent who took your order will deliver your copy. Very Truly Tour», UllOI PUBUSRIKO Hocu, Chicago, III. We want a few more good Agenta desiring steady and profitable employ­ ment to introduce our Standard and Profitable works. Address as above. Buyers of Hardware, J. H. Earley, whose place of business oan be found near the Southeast cor­ ner of the Square, Woodstock, wishes to inform the pubNo that he It now better than ever prepared to meet the wants of the buying public in his line. He has iu store |t full stock of Stoves. Tinware, Granite Iron ware. Oil Stoves Milk Cans. Hoea, Rakes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, and in faet a general assortment of Hardware of all kinds, which he can and will sell as cheap or cheaper than any other house In the oounty. He keeps none but hrst-eliua goods, and will warrant everything as represented. Being a prectical work­ man he makes no poor work, and In the line of Milk Cans, or in fact any other Tin work, he will compare with any. When in want of anything in this Hue do not fail to oall. Renem- ber the place, near the Southeast cor­ ner of tiie Public Square, Woodstock, IU. QUERY. Why do Stevens & Schnorr tell ao many goods t They gtakc close prioes and buy aud sell for cash. STKVKNS & SCHNORR. CALL at Mrs. E. W. Howe's and ex­ amine those Stylish Ilaty and ^oli­ ne U trimmed by Mlsa Sua Seariea, of Chicago. Richmond Department. OOITTKIBOTSD BT 9. F. BEKNKTT. 9. r. BRWWBTT U hereby authorised to take •nh«nriptioaaaa<t order* for *dvertU<ng and Job Work for the, receive •maey therefor and receipt for the aame. all orders left with htm will Attention. receive prompt The <7o*eMi published only a half sheet last week. One of our neighbors has planted potatoes and other "gardlng «ass." Archie Wray visited the village last Saturday for the first time slnoe bis long and dangerous Illness. We shall have an extra amount of road work this spring. Culverts and turnpikes are damaged la all direo- tlonl. Road Commissioner Wray visited the bridge at Solon on Saturday. It is badly demoralised by the flood and will cost the town considerable to re­ pair tt. On Sunday, officers from the Raform 3cho<)l at Waukesho, Wit., visited Richmond In pursuit of two iads who had escaped from *,hat Institution. We hear tliey were captured some­ where south of here. isfv S!' i ft Mr. John Wray attended tie great short-horn sale at Wnukegan, April 14, aud purchased three cows for Mrs, Gibbs' "Outlet Farm." "Cypress Duchess 3d" Is a red roan, calved March It, 187i, got by Venerator 18,- 076, weighs 1.90Q pounds and cest 9118. "Lady Ellington'* is a roan, calved August id. 1878, got by Oxford Air- drie, 17,875, first dam Esther, got by Duks Imperial, 5,598, weight 1,350 oost #130. "Florentld Mjth" Is a roan, calved Sept. 13,1875. got by Wonder, 15,737, first dam Florentind 14th, got by 14th Duke of Alrdrb,7,II>. These eows are said to be among the finest stock ever brought to Richmond, and are a valuable Mrs, Qibbs' already line herd. The Whitewater Ragiitm eayst "Several of our business men who have visited Chicago the past two weeks have taken occasion to make inquiries respecting the projeoted railroad from Chicago to Snperio*Clty through this point, and all find that it Is re­ garded in that city as one of the oer- talntles of the near future. At the North Pacific will now doubtless be completed during the year 1883. It Is more probable that the two lines have a close business association. There It to all appearance a powerful organisa­ tion back of tbe Air Line that Is In treated In Its early Completion. reaching the week's Our etectlen news PLAtRtkkALKR too late for ia«t issue may seem a little stale this week, but we print it sill the same, for future referenoe. The Issue to the election was one of license and the no license men won by a majoitfjjr of about 30. One of the trustees .f^w^ed, Rieliard W ray, was ttot »llff*S!|!^ to U»« -ofBee, not having been a resident of the vil­ lage the length of time required by law. This necessitates a new election, the call for which will soon be made. At aj&oacd meeting the other night the other two, Messrs. George Vinton and John West, were sworn in,as well as the new|y elected Village Clerk. J. E. Nethercut. The Board as it now stands Is as follow, the first three be­ ing the members who hold o*er: F. w. Mead, A. L. Brown, J> C. Smith, George Vinton, John ^-West. Trustees, and J. K. Nethercut, Clecjc. It was agreed to defer permanent Organisa­ tion until the vacancy caused by the Ineligibility of Mr. Wray, be filled-- pending which J. C. Smith was elected President pre. tern. The outgoing members are J. V. Aldrich* Theo. Schroeder and S. F. Bennett. 4 WAUCOMDA. SfWBSPRJPTIONS for the PutSMUUB wi l l b e r e e e i v « < l i n W a u e o n d a a t p T n Hnrricon's Drug Store and at the Poet Ofllce EDITOR PLAINDBALEU:--Our village election passed off quietly and resulted III the appointment of the following as Officers for the ensuiug year: For Trustees--Dt. McLaiu, W.H, Seymour, R. Harrison, Henry Malmau, R. a. Hilt. C. P. Thomas. For Clerk--Geo. Milts. For Police Justice--L. H. Todd. With the above geutlemeu as "fathers" we can see no reason why oar city dmld not be well eared for. The most noticeable event about the election this year was the caucus held on Monday evening. About two-thirds ot the voters assembled at the time In tbe dalaboose, talked the matter up, and nominated a ticket which was elected with tlieexception of one man who declined to fUQ3- The honor of holding this caucus, (a phenomenal thing for Wauconda,) is due to Squire Burritt, who wrote and posted tip no­ tices and called the meeting to order. Richard Bonner has lost quite * val­ uable horse the past week from a kick which It received on the stifle joint. Tbe flood has dp«e very little dam­ age here compared with the lueses In­ flicted In towns along the river, still we have Incurred some injury as a town, and many persons have, suffered from tbe destruction of fences and the like. The Lake Is higher than the old­ est cast remember and the stone orldge at its outlet is washed out, also two lit­ tle bridges a little further down the creek on tiie road to the cheese factory. The Ioe still remslns in the Lake and should it break up with a heavy east wind It would go hard with the Barge and would be apt to destroy tho wharf also, as tiie stakes which bold the lat­ ter are said to be loosened If not pull­ ed up by the ice. Broken bridges kept Theron back so that he did not get around oo Tuesday but came through all right tbe day following. Robt. Harrison lias been building an addition on the back of his store as his but I lie*3 required more store room. R. a Hill has nearly oomplft«d bis Wsrebense on Mill Street. Everybody has been saying for time that Spring had come aud It did really seem *o. yet something was lack­ ing, We couldn't quite think what It was until Wednesday, and then the mystery was cleared up. Glancing up the street on that day we perceived a number of sturdy men making their way toward the school ysrd. Jfot alto­ gether, but in a sort of long drawn-out Indian file. None of them looked as though they had started for that point, but they all happened to get there about the same time, and we Immedia­ tely recognised the old croquet brig­ ade. They were all there, and we per­ ceived immediately that that was all that was needed to make a Spring. An examination of candidates for teacher's certificates was held In the Academy on Saturday, by Mr. Derby. Six applicant! presented themselves and are now anxiously waiting the re­ sult of Mr. Sabin's Inspection of tbelr papers. Mort HU1 purchased a pair of beavy horses of BenJ. Mure, on Saturday, and will take them in town sometime dor- the week, where he Intends to dispose of fliem to whoever wauts tbem bad enoueii to pay his price. School comcnenoes on Monday, May 3d. Mr. J. V.Stevens and Miss Alice Poole have been engaged as teachers. UNIW. -v v." Writ** m Addu JfeOmbmk Birthday. Life laid all Its treasures sweet, Royalty, beneath her feet. All her day* were glad and leaf, JTIlied with Moiiomi and with Seng. AnA the anaahlne'a glide aud sltfe Bringing laughter to her lip, Teeth washers and. beauty toe, And a heart aoit woman-true. • New ahe lies there, at Iff and eeld, •II life's gifts allpt from her hoM, Ryes Itke violet* nnder the snow- All the future's hidden woe, Oaaaot touch her in her peaee; Death hath come withjawift release Silken hair and folded hands- la Iter marble silence grand. Pnfe and white in smiling peaee, Hush! ahe must not hear thee weep. Kite can nerer tonoh her more. She hath ,>aased without the door. Pain, nor sin, nor woe, nor tears, Xaaght that binds within the year% Only God's smile, grand a CM} wfctte, reldtt her la eternal light. Hushed to sleep in purity# . Psay sjish rm& may eome to thee. raw jam Proves beyeadanyi A Is bv all odds the best road Mr yoe se lake whea traveling t» e!lbs»«fr»etto»ta*w*a* CUeap aid ill tie PrwipU Mix ii tk fed IMI The prlaelpal Cities the West I ^nffteapjtuts)* **«•«#* »w5aemake-eloeeeeaaecileas with the ass- Setrtn* D« |Tou Want a Machine. If you do, of course you want the best,esttcosts no more. Then why ^ 4^iy from an Agent who carries but bue which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by going M tbe store of O. W. Owen. In McHenry, you can have your choice of Five, vis; The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all these machines in stock, and any lady who wants a machine can set down and try them all. and then select the one which suits h«r lb# best. Tbe first throe named, the Domestic, Eldredge and American, are three of the best ma chines on the market, and any one will be convinced of the fact by calling at my store and trying ene themselves. Also a fine stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at my atom. Omans and Pianos for sale or rent. O. W. 0WZX. MsHsory, April 19th, H8L FOR SALE. A good span of Mules or a span of Mares. Will sell either span. Or will sell tbe Mares singly. Inquire of STBrttsn ttATRoxn,. McHenry. April nth, MSI. Shoes lor the MHIIo*, We have placed In the bauds of Colbv Bros., McHenry and Nunda, an Immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Laoe.Goat aud Kid Walkiug Shoes, Serge and Cougress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, ail of which they are selling at our wholesale pi loss villi a small compensation added. Call and examine goods. rOKBUSH A BROWN, BnSaio, X. T. Millinery I Millinery I Mrs. S. dearies has Just received a nice stock of new Spring Millinery and Notions, and Is now prepared to take orders and execute tbem ou thort notice. Also have a fine llue of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets for Easter. Iiutructioiis In Music. ^ I am now prepared to give instruc­ tions on either Piano or Organ, at my home or elsewhere. Terms reasonable Call oa or address. MBS KLOISR WAITS. Can at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Ladles' Ready Made Underwear. rjwjtcay • - •i. I ' in BR JH« OHICACO * NOaTM-WSSTSRN OAILWAV II of its principal lines, runs each way da'ty from twe to four »i§M>n fees 1 Over all of its principal Trains. It is tne only r road weal nfChicago th»t usea the PULLMAN HOTEL DIKING CAHSt «>sess» » " th^onlT roed ltist runs Pullman Sleeping Care Xorth er Northweet ef Chiea«L ta •••rUr 3,000 Ml lee Of lt«Rtf. la fonts the foDowlag Trunk Linea: • Council Bluffs. Denver A California Line. Winona, Minnesota A y^«or.S*«w*" * J?nk'on LlM- Chicago, St. Paul * Northern Illinois, free port A liubnqtte Line. Milwaukee, Qrees Ray s LsktlUMl Ticket a over this road are sold by allOenpo* Ticket A* eats la the United itaiaa A Remember to ask for Tickets via this road, tbe ears they rafil over It, awl lak^MBf •ABYIV ivum, Bea'l Manager, Chieago. V, S. tfUHTT> Oea Pau |g$ Business Notices* Reed's Qllt Edge Tonic restores tbe appetite. Tbe Mellne Owen's. Sulky Plew M '1. II A The Fuvet * Bradley Sulky Ptow at E. M. Owen's. When In want of work in my line, 8ivc inea call and I will try and please lobt. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. Tbe largest stock of Millinery In the County, nt Mrs. S. Searles. Buckeye Foroe Pumps, UK S. M Owen's. All the Owen's. first-class Plows M l. H. HI*. H. H. Nichols has a of Trimmed Hats for Easter. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Later * Becker's MM the Depot. The finest line of Stiver and Plated Ware to he found In tbeoouatr. at 0. W. Owen's. WHY DO TOIT GOUOH When one box of Bet>ey*sTroch cure yout Store oppowte Patker House. IF you want your Watch put IR 9M «Jw* Order, call on Robert MsitH Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, m prices from five cents af*rdand«p» wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside "" I make a specialty of RepnlrlRf fine W itches, and warrant all my weitt. Robt. Murfitt, Nunda. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has tbe largest stock of Spring Nlittanfjr Osodi In V Henry County. New style Bracelets at O, W. Owen's MRS. K. W. liowx is offering induce­ ments to purchasers of Hllllnery, Cloaks, go, Give her n oall. Stove four doors North of Riverside Howe. TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure, unadulterated, RR- colored, natural leaf. Japan tea at our place. STRTRMS A SCHITORR. k. Wsuoondau lll.v dealer In CM»- cerles, Canned Goods. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco. Notions. &c. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co's Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre- Sared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the an or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets til yon have seen and priced goods 'RR Mrs, S. Searles. w- SPECIAL BARGAINS. " We offer a large lot of remnaRta IR Dress GO<HIS. from 6 to 13| eeatt ptp yard. STKVKys A acitirtnMt. Errors of youth. In male or f««d» causing shyness, or Inability to took another in tbe face, pimples, nereonn- ness, etc., can be permanently cuv*#~ the use of Prof. Gullmette t ru" Pad, Fwi#l ?koUH " A few Overcoats left. cheap at Fitastaunons *' New supply of Rubber Fltsslmmons t Ivsasss*!. 'Ill •111 "'! $*4 ' ;-ii ̂ * v '-H -• i ' * * * • * THE BEST THINO FoeeeesMb In leslsys Twibji, a box. Store opposite House. A eompleto assortmeot lor two dollkrs graphs Studio, 1 Panel and S Cards Miller's Photo Studio, •Mi* »K cosily fitted up. well warmed and light- no pains please all who call. ed.nud no pains will be spared to The only pad guranteed diabetes, gravel, dropsj, disease, nervous debility, an diseases of the kidney^ and b!add@r, is Prof, Guilmette's French Kidney Pad. FOB SALE. ery fine I'urham Bull, one Will be sold ressonable. j, w. SMITH, A vei old. to sure Briglit's HI all year Various Causes-- Advancing years, car«, slekness, dis- apfointment, and hereditary predis- posltlon--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed, prematurely. AYEB'S HAIK VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light re d hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures daudrufi sud humors. By its use fall­ ing hair * checked, and a new growth will be produced In all cases where the follicles are hot destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beaatl* tuily shown on brashy, weak, or siokly hair, on which a few applications will produos flit gloss and fieshnees of youth. Harmless and sure in its oper­ ation, ii Is inoomparable as % dressing, and is espeolally valued for the son lnetr@ ind richness of tone It Imparts. It contains neither oH- ooy dye. and will not soli nor color whit# cambric; Jet It lasts long on tbe bs$r, and eeps tt fresh snd vigorous.; • - - • • • - " * - " , s " ! i i ;• ; • 1 itlso make a specialty Of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a fine line sf Confeetiosery. Give me a call. B. A. GOLDtUO. YOU WANT 10 tbe of our clarified N. O. Sugar for •1.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green coftee 91.00. STKVCNS A SCRNORR. JFttsslinmons & Evanson are trying hard to dispose of the Balance of their Stock of Winter goods. Is will pay the cash buyer to investigate. If in seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stents. Our new Spring stock of Clothing Is now received and a more complete line Is not to be found in this vicinity. We can Ht a boy from sis years old up­ wards. Youths and Boys School Suits a speciality. Stock femMiMbly large and profits very small. We will save money for those who favor us with their patronage. Call and see. fiTzsiMuowa A ivusoa 1 Panel, 1 Cabinet, Mlnette Photos for Studio. Cards and 9 * Miller's oungos Sore Throat, Diphtheria. Quinsy, are dlfiereut forms of congestion, the re­ sult of "catching cold'* Trask's Magnet­ ic Ointment was never known to fall In Immediately relieving tha tine In curing these forms. Horses for Sato. One spun of good work horsea Is offered for sale at a reasonable price. Will weigh between twenty-three aud twenty-four hundred. Apply* at the Fox Klver Valley Mills, of R. RlfOe. • LOST. On Sunday, March, t$th, between the Hyatt House aud the Baptist Church, at Crystal Lake, a Ca#ueo Set Locket Charm. The finder will confer a great favor and be suitably rewarded by leav­ ing the same with tbs operator at tbs Depot. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land In. Section ra, all fenced. Also.til acre*of tend, with A good house tad bam, thereon, with timber and] water In abundance. In Sen* tlon SS. \ Also nty bpmpsiead: on that .Crystal Lake and Knnd* road* hou»e„'barjt and other out Apply to Jo Beed*GllfcIfe*Twfe %nd Ague.. • For able, ' IR Woodatook, a house and five mm* of lend, situated en the Cbepung rasA thirty twds North ot the Wo««dsieek Brewery. Is a desirable piece efptw. perty, and will be sold wasaaaMa. IR. I the pcemises. . JAMRS OSLII a--IMI . O. W. BESLEY Has Just received an OptisRHr, estlng the eyes, and eao now gR M wltn a pair of spectaolet end gimrsnsas satlslautlon. He also has a full Unn sf Spectacles, sll kinds, to whieh ha |R» vitas tho attention of the public Bnyapouudof fine Japan Fitsslminons A Evan son's and If like It telj your neighbors so. If satisfactory return It. Ossdvalm, , OVER COATS. *i»;ha»t»peciAl bargains |RClM#l«r to close, 15 over coats f§ 00, former prlee4|U t|i 10 over coats #4,00. former prices ft fffr 8 overcoats §11.00, former prioes fit # Full size mens overcoats ns low Rb- fSJft these are bargains. l*TnVUMB*( "•t Ladles of McHeury and ... don't buy your Hats or Bonnets you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S, Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All ' In repairing done on short nolks. FENCE POST* FOR SALS. 900fi seasoned Burr Oak Fence for sale. Inquire of JOB* DORAM. Valuable Pr .iperty For The property formerly used Ml Hotel, In the village,of RiMWood, Is offered for sale. It consists of we hest s, m brick House, containing ten i necessary outbuildings, a good wMt ef- water aud cistern, aud one §ere«f IRRC On the premises are some of tha ffa«H fruit end Ornamental trsee, Ac., to be found to the conntr. vesy desirable location and wlU dirt cheap aud ou long time, security. Apply to *IKBON iPOTTR". Of the Rstate of Mrs. M.Cnini*S lL Qalsln* aatf Avi Form the basfo e^asany remedies in tiie market^ last resort of physician* and who know no better m#tlsi pluy for this distressing « The efleuts of either of tbOSR ( destruuti ue to the ayste^ headitelie, intestinal dbsmn,isv| dlasinew, ringing In the ears, and pnession of tiie cobstltutiuahl JS'=? ! -• J) ,» 1 Ayer's Ague Cure Is a %sgetanle HK ntalnlwg. neltltss niiluhw. aK. any deleterious lugeedl end Is an InutUlble i co very. contalnlHg. i seniu, nor any deleterious •very form s| effects am-pei no Injur; aides be and aoe ft afl HaffwmMW H It irfnrteme itenld fr«4t ana> e intmndens , 1 fipse Hs l Itiw taffarfar remedy hr Until sapslWatfRlj aa wnU^ss enre, ti alt RdliMSRUilft StfMy coftdHfisT :$-'P i t ; - ' X / V it' V;

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