l|e{[eiry WEDNESDAY MAY 4. 1881. Hailiroad Time Table. QOIVO IOCTB4 MmnUks Passenger 7:M'A. N Bw«n Lake Freight M OOIKO iroKTB. Bnm Uke Freight NHM A. M Geneva rasseeeer «;53 r.H ' B. Qcsa, Accent. McHenry, III C. B. CURTIS is putting a new and tasty fence in front of his residence. , MM. A. A. MARTIN starts next week for Nebraska to visit her parents, Mr. Mid Mrs. D. 8. Smith. THE front of Mrs. Nichols' Mllllnerj establishment has received a new coat •f paiut. J. B. tiLAKfe has been repainting the fr®nt%f his Furniture Store, which im proves It) appearance very much • 8BK the new advertisement of 0. 0. Colby ft Co.. Hardware dealers, in an- other column, MARTIN BUOMER lias leased t|ie sa loon of the late Martin Nelson, and took possession of the tame May 1st. • BARB WIRK Nine Cents per pound, at O. C. Colby & Co's new Hardware Store, opposite Bishop's Mill. TBR whitewash brush, paint brush and scrub brush predominate about these days, and the average woman is happy.but she won't own it. ||iss ADA GRANGER closed her con nection with our Public School last week and has gone toipend the smr- mer in the West. CALL at Mrs. E. W. Howe's and' ex amine those Stylish Hats and Bon nets trimmed by Miss Etta Searies, of Chicago. Cfei< J THI Base Ball lata met on Thursday 7 evening last and although they did not 1 effect a permanent organization, the Vpro&pecte are that we shall have a first; ^lass Club this season. j THE last Club Dance of the season1 WE have received a new advertise ment for W. H. Dwight, Boot ar.d Shoe dealer, Woodstock which will appear next week. In the meantime, we would advice all who are in want of anything in his line fo call and see his WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALEK:--And, now the busy ploughman goetli forth jo cund that the days of feed time hare come at last. And wlieu he sees this' salubrious weather it repents Itim that Kicliiuoiid Department. COJFTRIBBTKD BT S. K.^ENSETT. large stock, just put in fot ttyp Spring he grew so iinpatle.it at their Ions? de- and Summer trade. He has the' lead ing hoot and shoe house in -McHenry County, and in quality of goods and low prices cannot be beat. Look out for his new advertisements IN another colutnr. can be fpund a new' advertisement for the firm of Fitzsimmong & Evanson. who are just now ottering rare inducements to cash buyers. Their stock of Spring and Summer Goods, is larger than ever before, and they are oflering them at prices that cannot fail to convince the most skeptical that they mean to sell them. Their Goods are all first clas?, bought with especial reference to the wants of the trade In tills section, and buyers should not fail to call and examine them when in town. Bead the advertisement elsewhere^ WE loam that Dr. A. E. Baldwin, of Toulon. 111. has sold his property and practice in that place, and will, about the middle of this nonth, move to Woodstock, whore lie will locate for the practice of his profession. • -Dr. Baldwin is a brother of Prof. S. D. Baldwin of this village and is a young man of rare promise, in his chosen pro fession. During his residence at Toulon he gained a large and lucrative practice, and net with good success in every instance. By his locating at Woodstock the profession in that local ity will gain an honorable addition to their i umber, and we bespeak Tor him a liberal share of practice, 1 WK learn that a daughter of Jacob Schaefer, aged about 12 years, who lives two and a half miles Northwest of this village, met with a severe acci dent on Monday last. It appears that a brother had been out with a <run trying to shoot a hawk, but tl.e gun failing to go ofl lie had brought it into the house and was in the act. of pri- wlll be held at Wauconda on Friday evening, May 13th. Good music will" be in attendance and a good time may be expected. By order of the Waucon^j the foot ^ear da Boyp. THE small bridge on the flat between' this village and Johnshurgh is imput able, and persons wishing to go iu that direction should go around by rh| Claremont House. It will be repaired soon as the water settles. ining it when it accident's' discharged the ftill charge striking the trirl in the i really committed suicide but foot, lacerating It. iu a horrible man ner. Dr. Fegers was immediately call ed who foui.d it necessary to amputate instt^ We learn tiiat she lias since stiflered dreadfully, and little hopes are entertained of her recovery. lay. When he sees the springing grass and the grazing herds, able to live and thrive without being 3tall feed it grieves him that he bad so little faith in the promise of "seed time and har vest." "The best American town outside of Chicago" is perceptibly bearing testi mony of tiie approach of the "good times" so long delayed. Business of all kinds show signs of returning pros perity to 4}1 classes of industry, real estate is on the advance and though there are some respectable residences which can he purchased at less than building cost, the demand is on the in crease. We hear of two residences, to be built on Clay Street of no mean pre tentions, one by Emil Arnold and the other by Dr. Baldwin. T, J. Dacy has broken ground for his business block oil. in part the old site and in part the site where was Jiidd's feed store, from which sites the huiSdings were burned a little over one year ago. The Acreage of cucumbers will be more extensive this year hereabouts if all plant who talk of it. It now looks as if this branch of Industiy was reviving and that growers were likely to realize Yeuiunoration for their la bor. We have it butfrfc* market a* a spec ialty and Bart says lie proposes to buy on merit alone,and he can pay as high as the highest tor the best quality. We need agrist mill and manufac turing establishments and suitable buildings on suitable sites for both can he purchased at figures surprisingly low. and II the right parties were in clined to take hold in earnest they would be likely to receive liberal and profitable patronage. Well Felocie <&ehas broken out again and says in substance that lie has not he 9. F. llKjrvKTT is hereby authorized to take snhgeriptions ami tirder-i for »rivertU*iiK i»mt Job Wori; for the PHI XDB AI.KR, receive mruicv therefor an<t receipt for the same.-- allorlers left with him will receive prompt Attention.--Editor. Mr. David Gillespie the sick list. la reported on Mr. R. Johonnott is shoeing the beat horses in this county. A call will sat isfy you that he is the best workman in the State. Mr. Ilolden Gillespie, our enterpris ing tailor, is getting out some remark ably flue suits of clothes lately. His goods and work w{U bear inspection to those in need. We have received an invitation to the 10th anniversary of the wadded life of D/. and Mrs. S. R. Ward, Mon day evening. Mav 9th, 1881, at eight o'clock. This will be a (tln'y) wed ding. " . We are pained .to announce the death of our old friend. Miss Jane Beedeti, sister of Thomas Beeden of this place. She had had 84 years garnered «u by Father Time, and tlje machinery was worn out. and after a short illness, her spirit was wafted to a fairer land. She was burled at Geneva Lake on Tuesday the 3d. Many of our farmers have been In troducing new and valuable stock into their already fine herds. In addition to those mentioned last week, we hear 'n their powerto fiiake^cravelers or that Mr. K. BowersNof Richmond, has boarde •» com fort a eral and cheerful relief. The one hundred miles northwest from Chicago will just aliout reach JeOerson, with whicli fair city, as well as Whitewater. Geneva and Chicago, the count}' seat of Old Wal vortii will he placed In di rect" communication ' by rail. Then shall our lovely village get lis second wind; inauuiactiires will flourish; our market will he second to uoue hi this section; and sale day on the Elkhoru Board of Trade will be greater than a circus. RINCWOOD. EDITOR PLAIMDKALKH:--Once agsii #e humbly beg a *pace In your excel lent paper sufficient to bring before your numerous readers a few items which may be of some interest. R. A. Buckland, our Nursery maii( sold to W. Parker one hutHred and thirty shade and ornamental tress, whicli we understand is to be used in fitting up the grounds about the Par ker House In your village. Parker is, to say the least, a live man and spare* neither paliw nor money in making his place agreeable'for caller* or guest. Olin Hall, who has been spending the Winter at home, started for Chi cago Fridav ̂ morning. We understand he Intends railroading this season. The School is now HI full session and as usual quite a uunibex of scholars irorn other districts are attending to study here. Carl Richardson has leased the Hotel property, formerly owned and occu pied by Mrs. Craudall, deceased, and Mrs. Richardson are gener^tfcf kind and hospitable people and will'do • --.v ft v-: . 4 t THIS NEVf AND CORRECT MAP Pievos beyond e;«y reasonable qaestkm that tlw< . ~ <St XTortliwestern Is bv all oils the best road for yva to take when traveling in either direct lea between Chicago and all the Principal Points is tie Test North & Mrat Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West aad Xonkvnt ate Statieaik «n this road, its through trains uHUte cloee connections with the tmiaa Of alt MHRMI ui junction pnnta, "* purchased two valuable animals from the recent sale of Short Horns at Wau- kegan. April 14th, Lucretia, a red roan, calved Sept. 2il, 1879. Got bv Cherry Duke, 13,639.9100. Collsta, red and white, calved April 21st,' 1879. Got by Wisconsin. 28,167, 970. These ffw head of choice stock in this vicin ity will serve as a nucleus to build up a finer strain of cattle than we generally have. of R. PATTKKSON, proprietor of th Mclfenry Bakery, WJ\S arrested Saturday nigh t last for disturbing the peace, and put under bonds by Justice Perry, which failing to obtain lie was taken to Woodstock .fall on Tuesday ' Constable Wightinan. ^1'HK water In the river is gradually ; lowering and will soon get back into its proper channel. The amount of damage that has been done along Fox River la Immense, and we trust it mav be a long time before we shall see the like again. WK would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J, W. Cristv, Ring wood, to be found in another column. Mr. Cristy has one of the largest and best selected stocks to bo found in the county, and Is selling at prictc that will compare with any. Read his advertisement. E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor, iu Lan sing's Block, near the Depot, has te- ceived his goods, and is now ruady to wait upon customers. His stock is !arge and complete, and of the latest styles and patterns, which he proposes to sell as low as good Goods cau be bought anywhere. Call and see him. PERSONS having business In Wau- eonda or in that vicinity are always sure of good Hotel accommodations at the Pratt House. Mine Host Pratt, spares no pains to make it comfortable and pleasant for all. and those who atop at this popular Hotel once, are sure to go again when Iu that sect ion. SEE the new advertisement of Roht. Harrison, Wauconda, to lie foutul in another column. Mr. Harrison has beeu enlarging his store, and has one of the best assorted stocks of goods to be found in Lake County., to which, he Invites the attention of the bnyii g public. Read his advertisement and do not fail to give him a call when in want of goods. WK would direct particular attention to the new advertisement of R. C. Hill, Wauconda, who has opened a new Agricultural Warehouse iu that village where the farmer cau got anything in the line of farm Machinery of the best quality and at the lowest living prices. Mr. Hill kaeps nooo but the best machinery, aud fanners will look U their interest by calling on Mm before purchasing. Read his advertisement. AUNT MATILDA is a good deal exer cised at the lack of judgment displayed In newspaper advertising. She says she is a pretty close observer, if she is , a woman, acid she has noticed that storekeepers who are always overrun with custoip«rs and doing a flourishing business, and who don't 6eeni to need any advertising, are just the ones who always do advertise, while, tlio^e who have IIO trade and need to advertise, never do so. E learn tli»l ('. N. (Snivel, who for the past year lia« been connected with the Parker House, In this village, lias bought the Hotel at liichuiond. known as the Richmond ilou-e, and will take possession on.or abmit J.n.e lsr. >1 r. L'lfrVer H.* a natural Hotel man, and during his residence in this village has made many warm l'ricr.ds, who will much regret Ills decision to move from among us. lie informs us thai he will immediately refit and furnish the HOIIM? from lop to bottom, and put it iu shape second to no lintel iu the Northwest. This is one of the finest points lor a Hotel in the county, and Mr. Culver will spare no pai::s to make it an honor t-o the town. The citizens or Richmond are fortunate in securing such a man iu this Hotel, and should as they IIO doubt wiii. do all in their power to aid him ill his new under taking. ON last Thursday morning au ap palling disaster occurred at Elgin, in volving the loss of several lives. A scow. 11 xl8 feet in size, was made to do farry duty at or near the pla< e Where the lute Iron Bridge spanned Fox River. On tlw morning in ques tion. some thirty passengers were crossing, aud when iu the middle of the stream where the water was tUcecn feet deep and running at the rate of six miles an hour, tlie boat, being over loaded. tilled and sunk. Reports con flict as to the number of persons ois the boat and also as to the number ot llve6 lost. Of the latter the number has been placed as liijjh as fifteen, but now. we believe, ri l l are accoii'ited for bul eight, which number were undoubt edly drowned. At last accounts none of the bodies had been found, alt bough I lie liver has been uragged for several miles. MOTHKU GIMMK PAHTV. Tickers of invitation have been is sued for one of those parties for which Mother Goose has long been fainou^. Replies have already been received from a number ot her gosling* aijd the party will accordingly be held under the auspices of the Universalis! Sunday School, of McHenry. in Riverside Hall, at the earliest day at whicli prepara tions cau be completed. At present, it is expected that, this will he on the eve of Friday, May 13th. The cxercis es Will consist of a musical and dra matic entertainment, wherein the fol lowing named characters will appear* tnd take part: The Old Woman in a Shoe. The Old ".Votuan Voased up iu a Basket, pame Trot. Old Mother Hubbard Bo peep. Polly Flinders. Mistress Mary. Little Betty Blue Simple SiIIIOII, .laek and (Jill. Tom my fucker. J:-ck ll?ii'iier. Old King deeper sorrow. may at some future time ; hence he christ ens himself, or in other words, if we comprehend hisexplanatioii. he wishes ns to understand iiis nou-de-pluiiie to signify an act previously commuted afterwards. Tli.it is all right. But as we are informed he lias a inedictl ad viser, and considering the fact that It is fashionable to lie a "little oft" iu his immediate vicinity, we trust he will he closely watched and the calamity • .T * which he predicts will he avoided. He savs lie has "put on his gaflies" from which we infer that he Is a profession al lighting cock aud that it i« n«»t quite safe for us to enter the pit with him, therefore we will respect fully re fer him to Webster's Unabridged for the meaning of the words envious and jealousy and leave him to form the compound "envtouajealtuxly" and then by consulting "StewirtV Philosophy of the Human Mind," If he Is not too much uolT." our meaning iu the use of l lie com hi nation will become appar ent. Henry Wilcox, 'of Greenwood, is again atilicted with mental aharation so that it is considered unsafe to leave him at large, and therefore lie Is con fined in our jail. The alleged cause of his present attack seems to have orig inated in religious excitement and in volves some of the first families of Ids town, aud leading members of the Bap tist church in no enviable way. Llk* all other sensations there are two sides and as near as we can learn douht and belief are about equally divided in re gard to the matter, aud as it is a sad and repulsive aflair we will leave the "writing up" thereof to sucli as have a ta«te therefor. While we write the news reaches us of lhe sore affliction of our neighbors aud friends Bourne, caused by the sud den nud tragic death of their son Willis, who while breaking on afreig'it train fell aud was so badly mangled that he died in a few hours, at 3:15 lhis Sunday A. M. The accident ha|»- peued at or near Kenosha, Wis., as we infer, the dispatch coining from that place. Further particulars a'e not known at Ill's writing. Mr. Bourne's family consisted of himself, wife aud two sons. The ol.'er son, Harry, is npw engaged as civil engineer and is "a young man of more than average promise for success in life. Willie, as he was familiarly known, the younger aud deceased, was more than his brothers equal for energv but lacked the concentratlve persevereuce ami was more inclined to seek adventures. Had lie lived to satisfy his love for ad venturous life he possessed the native ability to rise above the average man. The bereaved friends have the sincere sympathy of the community and while I tie stroke is suddeu aud severe they should realize the fact that there are occuring sorerer afflict ions to other part ies, at other pi tees daily and per haps hourly and from such realization find solace that they have escaped the The Greenwood correspondent the PtAtNOKALER says: We understand S. F. Bennett, in Richmond Department, to say that .1. P. Webster is Ihe author of the song, "Sweet By-and-By." This Is a sur prise. We have been under the Im pression, and have heard it stated that S. F. B. was the atKiior. We desire to correct the evident error that the correspondent has fallen into. There Is a great difference be tween the term« author and composer. The tirst is applied to the one who originate* the words to a piece of music, while the other is meant to im ply the one who originated Ihe music. •F. P. Webster Is the composer and 8. F. Bennett is the author, as our friend had surmised. We presume it wat a mistake of the compositor if such oc curred. These warm daysthe pickerel ven ture into the shallows around the lower end »f o,ir lake. M|jou of W are tajteu by tbe jcun or spear. The Ice has been so thick In the lake this winter that myriads of Ihe fish had died from defective aera- tlon,*nd are found around on tiie banks by the score*. Considering this it seems unmanly and certainly un sportsmanlike, to take them at the spawning season, when, if left to them selves for a few weeks would have de- posited their spawn, and the lake would notsufler depletion of it* choice kinds of fish. We are not informed as lo whether there is a law to (prevent, hut II there is, it should be rigidly en forced, for the fish are simply slaugh tered out of season', and leaves no sport for the true sportsman, who prefers to take them at tne proper season. We wouldn't hlame a man so much for simply getting a me«s and departing, hut when wholesale slaughter l« at tempted it should be taken In hand by our sportsmen aud prevented. has gone to Elgin to LIST of letters remaining iu the post office at McHenry May 1st. 1881: LGTTKKS-- Miss Josephine M. W. VoglerjMr. WIN. Watious; T.Irs. Els. y Salisbury; Mr. Alexander Salisburv; Miss Delia Wealsh; Mrs ( hamev Sweet; il. II. Hildretii. ftuop J.K: TICKS--Geo. Jtubuger. IVISI AL CAKAIS --E. J. Bloodgood; Mrs. Kate lugers«d!; J. Z. Webster. DKAI> I.Krricus-- •'Maud," care of J. A. Wilson. Persons calling for any of tiie above named, please desiguate them as advertised let|«is, JAM*« p. PJSRKI, P. M. Cole. And m.t . iy others, we!l known t» every body. The day of the part} ' wil l l ie d-t ini(>-iy >IIIIIOUIIC<M1 next week. LOOK out for the announcement and at tend and have a good t ime. C OM. MRS. SKAKL~KS H is opened her wu Store nud is now prepan d. with u fine stock ol Niimnier Mi linery. ;o nail upon ctts- otilers a..d give litem d.>cid<-d t,ar- g iu- I Mi!l;ii«-ry and Kai.i y Good>. Her stock is complete, iiijd she I" *'<'U- «<• l.< rcrenli.g new invoice* of the t st styles fro ii the city, and is pre ( i»r« d >• w :n' upon ail wiio may c«|l. ' '<! ' a d eMIIIjilie ^o.^.Is ;.ud h'al U prices 'N fore piirchasi IJJ Rejoeiiiber the pi .>e. new-.-toiv. near. l<» uiy dwell ing. Nius. -. ^Kim.KS. Mrs. H. H. Nichols keeps kid glovea in all shades. MOXIJAY, MAT 2d--Mr. Bourne re turned from Kenosha by way of Ulrica- goon tiie M. Paul Express.due here at 11:05 lii^t evening, with the remains ol his son, and was met at the Depot and accompanied to his home by a large number of his neighbors aud comrade* ot (lie unfortunate Willie. The funer al exercise-? W ill IN* at tne home resi dene* at 1 o'clock P. M.. to-morrow. Death of James Wright. Our community were shocked and pained last Wednesday, April 27th, at the announcement of the sudden death of James Wright, au o|d and much re spected resident of the neighboring town of Randall, Kenosha Co., Wis.-- On the morning mentioned,a few min utes after ten O'CIOCK, he went out of doors iu his usual health, apparently, where he wass«»on after found dead.-- He had been a shllerer from heart dis ease for a long time, and his sudden de mise was not unexpected. Mr. Wright was born iu Leeds, Eng land. In Sept. 1818. and came to Amer ica in 1^41. He resided some three years in New York, whence tie retnov ed to Randall where lie has since occu pied the farm he then bought. Here a large family of children gathered around him and his estimable wife, nine of whom with the mother survive him. He was a man of UHlmpeaehahle Integrity and universally respected by all who knew him. His loss will bit severely felt both in this community aud that in which he lived. James Carr work. For good sewed Boots go to Jerry Smith's. Jus: try one pair anil if they rip. ravel or run down at the heel we'll put your name in the paper. Two of the boys went out calling last Sunday night aud ever since their dreams lutve been troubled. No soon er do they attempt to sleep than they hear ringing iu their ears au awful sound. Then they say "we hear a Harp." This is a delusion boys. It's only the echo. Why, yon see it would be quite impossible for you to have heard the Harp clear ofl in the other room. It's a mistake boys, listen again. Miss Lucy Hall has tsken a school about three uiiles east of this place. Julius Vasey has beeu canvassing tor au excellent work known as "Our He^l^ por'.ment," aud we believe has uie'f' with sucjeM. We feel that we have neglected a duty which we owe to all deceased friends or neighbors by. not having be fore this late date written something iu memory of our departed neighbor. Mr. M. Jones, who died April 9th, after a long aud severe illness. Mr. Jones was a native of Vermont but has re<- sided iu this State since March, 18&7.-- He has lived iu diflereut prrts of Ill inois, but for the last four years of his life lie made this place his home, where by tils temperate habits aud generous manners he won many and steadfast friends. In all his dealing* lie was ex acting but ever strictly honest Though he had lived boyond the age at whicli people are said to become childish yet he always thought while looking after his interests of the happiness of others concerned. By his honesty, industry and economy he had collected a good store ot this world's riches, which leaves his feeble widow comfortably provid ed for. At his death Mr. Joues was eighty years old. A large ciicle of friends will miss his presence and sor- ro v Ills loss, hut in their bereavement they have the sympathy of the eutire community. *°>r- Ordway no* if's jM-ro&a T.4KKTOX SIOU* C IMH dtp I CHICAGO & -WESTER U THE CHICAGO * NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Xa'ial11 H PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CAR8, It f« the only roa.l *,hnt runs Pullman Sleeping Car# North or Northwest of riiiliiail It* tali? noarly 3,000 Miles of Road- In forma the following Trunk Lines: ' , CouncilI B'uffs, Denver ft California Line, Winon*, Minnesota M Ceatral Dakots, x,t» Sioux City Nor Nebraska ft \ an a ton l.ine. Chicago, St. Paul ft Minneapolis I.i»« Northern Illinois. !• reu|>ort ft Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, iire«jn Bay ft LakeSuperior I.te# Tickctai over this roa«l are sol.l by nll Coupo" Ticket Arenta in the Unltttf States ft CanadS ltimeinbcr to ask tor Ticket* via tin* roa<l, tbe sure timy reel over It, ami MISMM other 1 MABVIN HTJGHITT, UenM Manager, Chicago W. H. 811 f WtT. Gea P*M Jfl CHeaf# Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. The Mellne Sulky Plow at G. M Owen's. WHY DO YOU COUGH | When one box of Besley'o Troche* wfl( cure youf Store oppMtw Pufce# House. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at R. M, 4J\veif s. When In want of work In my line, ssivi« men call and I will try and please Robl*. Murtitt, Jeweler. Xtuida, 111. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. S. Searies. Buekeve Owen's. Force Pumps, at. £. M All the Owen's. first-class Plows at E. II. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to he found in tlieoounty. at O. W. Owen's. f make a specialty of Repairing fine W itches, and warrant all my work, Roht. Murlltt, Niiuda. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has the largest stock of Spring Millinery Goods In Mc Henry County. New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's IF you want your Watch pot In first class Order, call on Robert Marftt Jeweler. Xunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a vard aad HO wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Bloefe Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets til you have seen and priced sroeida sB' Mrs. 8. Searies. T ^ te SPECIAL BARGAINS, - i We offer a large lot of remnants is Uresft Goods, from 6 to IS} rent* |»#r yard. STKVKNS £ »cjtfttxui. Errors of youth. In male or causing shyness, or inability to look another in the face, pimple, nervous- 1 ^ ness, etc., can be permanently cured by " the use of Prof. GuilmetteU Kldbej » -'% Pad. , Til K N'EW STOCK DOl l)'-y <>oods and Notions just In at Kitz^iouiMii* & Kvansou's deserves tt«e io*|itct ioi- «if buyers Iu this communi ty. Particular altcutioti is invited to it ciioive line of Plaids in tine liiog hau«s, wiiicii js new, styii«ii, aud prieis^ very reason able. It would also pay \on to cx.inittif a good Cotton <' 1 ><tii ai 7c., yard wide, aud reasonably heavy. It would be no banu to call ftndsee what can be done. Cash tells. The following, from the pen of our old friend. Ely B. Dewing, of Elkhorn, Wi«., explains itself: There is a good deal of incredulity on the hack seats touching the fulfill ment of i lie |»ro|>heey in relation to ttie construction oT our Chicngo and Northern Pacific Air Line R. It. But lie road is to be hitilt. or there Is no truth "i:i ttie print." Note the fol- loivin^ <*xcerpt l«"om the Milwuukee e/m'ttican* State news: The Port- ;i)jc Kcgister: We are credibly in- formed tliiit ihe Chicago. Portage and •Superior Air Line Railroad Company have determined to build during this year.100 miles of their road--sixty 'oilcs from Superior southeast and one iiUudrcd mi ies from Chicago north- wot. The money hits h'<en secured wi ih which lo begin tiie work. .People in this iju irter are much iu- ten-Kied iu thin project aud greatly pleust'i! at tiie iiiimiiti ive and cou- vincing evidence that the work i* really and seriously about to begin. Many ol ittir citizens li.ive fotigiit. hied and snOcrfil for tiie Air Line it. K., and tiie ii« u> TU.it it i# a^am to lie pushed, and hy a company tnat hits Ihe neces- saryme«iiM to do ti# w«tk, al!ord« geo- Ladies, Attenthm! THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY IN McHENRY COUNTY. THE LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. MRS. 11.11. NICHOLS would respect fully inform the citizens of McHenry aud the public generally that she has just returned from the city with the largest stock of Spring an1 Slimmer aiillinerv and Fancy Goods ever brought to tills section, which she pro poses to sell at the lowest living pri ces. I keep uoue but the best of goods in this line, which I have selected witli great care, w! lb especial reference to the wants of the ladies of this village and surrounding country, tfoid feel con fident thnt I can please In quality of goods, style aud price. I have also added to my Dress Mak ing Deportment, Ready Made Dresses, for Summer wear, of all sizes, to which I invite attention. I also have a large stock of Summer Dolman*, of the lat est styles, which the ladies will do well to (fall aud examine. These will all be sold at li ving pries. My motto is -Live and Let Live.M When in want of Millinery, Dresses. Dolmans, or Fancy Goods, do not fail to call examine Goods and learn prices, before purchasing. Store, two doors north of Perry A Martins, McHenry. Illinois. MKS. H. H. NICHOLS. TEA DKINKEK& Will find the pure, un*dulte»-;ted, ttu colored.-nntnral leaf. Japan tea at oar place. SraincNs & SCHNOIUL YOU WANT 10 lbs of outjcliirilied N. O. Sugar for • 1.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green codee 8J.00. STUVKKS & ScHNUttK. FOR SALE. A very fine iHirhain Bull, one year old. Will be sold reasonalde. J, W. SMITH, Various Causes-- Advnncing years, care, sickness, dis appointment. and hereditary predis position--HII operate to turn the hair gray, aud either of them inclines it to shed, •naturely. ATKR'S HAIK VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light r< d hair to a rich brown or deep black, ns may he desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy act Ion. It removes and cures daudrijO snd humors. By Its use fall ing hair .2 checked, and a new growth will he produced iu all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glnnds decayed. Its effects are beaitti* tully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few applications will produce the gloss and fieshness of youth. Harmless and sure iu Its oper ation, it i« incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone ft Imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye.and will not soil nor color wliire cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. Panel Photo* at Millor's Stndi If in seacrh of Bargains call at C. F. IlaU's Richmond and Dundee Storea* New supply of Rubber Fitzslmmoti8 & Evanson>, THE BEST THING For a cough is Beslsy's Tree bee. a teir . itut vpprtltt House. Ttf A complete assortment graphs lor two dollars Studio, • 1 Panel ot Photo M MHIMV and 6 Carda Miller's Photo Studio, tf mm m For Sale. One span of Marcs, eight and nlue years old. Good roadsters and kind in every particular. Will weigh be tween eleven aud twelve hundred each. Will be sold at a bargain. Also one four-spring Wagon, as good as new. suitable for a Blilk wagon. Inquire ot CHAS. KUHNKUT, Johusburgh. 111. The Celebrated Stallion, ALHAMBRA M£3££NiE&, Will he kept at the Stable of the sub scriber the prasenl season where those who desire can get his s rvices at a mode rate price. He was sired by Uolc's Alhauibra, an I is one of the best stock getters in the country. JOHN W.SMITH. C tli at Mrs. H. 11. Nicnols' store, one door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything iu Miliiitery or Ladle*' Fur- nisning Goods^ Do You Want a Sewing Macliiue. If yon do, of course* you want the best, as it costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store of O. W. Owen, in McHenry, you can have your choice of Five, viz: The Domes tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, aud Singer. We keep all these machines in stock, aud any lady who wants a machine can set down mid try I hem all. and then select the one which suits her the best. The first three named, the Domestic. Eldredge aud American, are three of the best ma chinesou the market, and any one will lie convinced of the fact by calling at my store and trying one themselves. Also a line stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver aud Plated Ware, can be found at. nty store. Organs and Pianos for sale or rent. aW. 3fBK. McHenry, April Ifttb, Ittl. of Shoes lor the 'Million. We ha?e placed In the liawds Colby Bros., Mclfeury and Nuuda, an immense assortment of our best tewed work, consisting of ^Vomen's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat aud Kid Walking Shoef, Ser<*e and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which thev are selling at our wholesale piices with a small compensation added. Gall and examine goods. FOKBUSJI ft BKOWN. Buflfela, X. Y. 1 Panel, 1 Cabinet, 6 Cards and S Minettc Photos for ,82.00, at Miller'* Studio. R<>P<U Gilt £(ige louic cvraa Fever V»d Ague. For Sate* In Woodstock, a honse and ffve ot land, situated on the Chemung read- thirty rods North of the Wewhtock Brewery. Is a desirable piece pr»» perty, and will be sold reasonable li*» quiro ou the premises. JAMM Q<tn.rrmni G. W. BESLET Has just received au Optinseter, Ibv testing the eyes, aud cau now ft yta witli a pair of s|>ectacles aiitl giHmiRtee satisfaction. lie also has a f»ll Unv of Spectacles, all kinds, to whieh he he vites the attention of tbe public. Buy a pouud of fine Japan T«e M Fitzslinmohs A Evanson'* and If like it tell your neighbors so. If satisfactory return it. Good valua, OVER COATS. We have special bargains Ii to close. 15 over coats *8 00. former pricesttll 00 10 over coatn 84.00. former prices (7 00 8 overcoats #11.00, former prices01§ 00 Full size mens over coats as low m #2.25 these are bargains. «TKVMaA«CMaOMl Ladies of McHeury aud vlciattr don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced go*4» at Mrs. S. S»arles. Am now o£riu ?greater bargains than ever. All «M| u repair!ug done on short notice. FENCE POSTS FOR SALK. 3000 seasoned Burr Oak fence ISM for sale. Inquire of JOH* MUM. Valuable Pr .»perty For Sal% The property formerly used aa a Hotel, in the village of Ringwood, la ottered for sale. It consists oroue lam brick House, ct»n tain lug ten roams, aU necessary out buildings, a good well of water and cistern, and one aura of lead,. On the premises are some of the flaaat fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery,. ic„ to lie found ir ihe county. It Ii al veiy desirable location and will bi dirt cheap aud on huije time, far security. Apply to SIMEON POTT**,. Of the Bst&te of Mr*. M. CnitfaU. Qnlaiae Aveeule Form tbe basis of many of || remedies iu the market, and are last resort of physician# and who know no better medicine ta ••• ploy for this dictrebsing aaaiphUat. The efleets of either of these drags m* destructiue to tbe system, pradat'i j. headache, intestinal disnnlara,earttea dizxiness. ringing in the eara, aad de pression of the constitutional haaltb. Ayer's Ague (Jure is a vegetable dla^ covery. contaiiiing neitlier quinine, at* senic nor any deleterious ingredtMit an<i is an iufuliihlo aud tapld aula |tr every form of fever au<l sgagj ||« efleets are |ieruiane nt a ltd wrtalau a'nd uo iujury can result Irota its Me. |iw sides being a positive cure for &>«•» and ague iu all its forma, it la aba % superior remedy for liver wnplttsti. It is an exivlleut tonic ant! araaaattve as well :i.« cure, of all --nflaiiH mZ cuiiar to malarious, marshy. aa«t a|^* matte districts. By direct aailaa aa the liver and biiiary apparatus, U stimulates the system to a -»- healthy couOitiwi. Ifmt Mr Ml daalank • \ f * ;