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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1881, p. 5

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" - r-^v-i:- diHteMiitt ear; |}laifi2eilw. WEDNESDAY MAY 25. 1881. •.asriS**" 1:U( P. M Railroad Time Table. QOING SOUTH*! »«neva Laka Passenger...,, Geneva Lake Express #dH4va Lafce.Krelijtit OOIKQ NOtTQ. K Sane** Lake Freljrht --S:TT A. M Geneva Lake Express. 5.52 p. si fi^nava Lake Passensrar..... 6:&i " B. Bras, Atjent. ;f :' Mclfenrv, III m • ' -- • 1 • '. = THR Executive Committee of the Old Settlers Association will meet In this village on Monday next for tt*i purpose (A making arrangements, f< jthe coming meeting at Wituconda e 4th of July. Cemetery Meeting:. »*%-iAll persons interested In fixing up ifen** • ""'gtod beautifying theOemetery grounds are requested to meet at tli« Uni ver­ balist Church this Wednesday evening, May 25th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of milking some arrangements to that .mid. Let there be a good attend- Mm. R BOTH of onr Cheese \ Factories A now receiving milk and 1 running rte; luljuJjfc/ For want of time we ha neen prevented from visiting the tliis week; but shall do so soon, a .report what they are doing. THE FOX Lake Fishing and Hunting lnb will formally open their new Club House on Friday and Saturday of st week. June 3il and ^tlht at which time it is expected the new steamer. '•Lotus"will be readjr to make trips. We shall speak more ofthis ..Club lt| the future. m. Steamboat Excursion. 'The Staamer"Mary Griswold" will nake an Excursion to Fox Lake on Sunday next,should a sufficient num­ ber d«alre to go to pay expenses. The lioat will leave her'dock in this village at 2 o'clock p. M., returning so as to l^jach this place between six and seven Acs this is the first regular Excursion ,01 the season it Is hoped there will be tf good turn out. The scenery at the tinkes never was finer than now. Re- nember the time and be oo hand prompt. JUDGE RCIIRKVKS. of Chicago, was the guest of John McOmbcr's family last week. THE traveling public will do well to note the change of time in the run­ ning of trains. The express train which passes here at 8:21 for Chicago in the morning, is what was formerly known as the Ciscoette, and Is a great convenience and accommodation to the traveling public. The corrected Time Table can be found at the head of the Local column. J. E BEG. proprietor of the Geneva Lake Herald, announces that he will commence the publication of the Cisco for the third season. In former years It has bfaen a bright, newsy little sheet, and an honor to that famous summer resort, and we doubt not It. will be no less attractive the present season. >V> *ish the Cisco the success it so weTl merits. 5?* Miss MATTIE MCOM DEB arrived borne on Saturday last from a some- whatextended visit at Clifton, III. REMEMBER that L. Stoddard, next door to the Post Office, keeps fresh Bread-and Cake always on hand. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. En- geln's Howe's Block, near the bridge. MRS. JAMES N. ASHLEY, of New York, daughter of Samuel Stacker, with her son is visiting her parents in this village. J. BONKSLETT has put up a new and tasty cloth Awning in front of his furniture store, which adds much to the appearance in locality. A boy. between the ages of 14 and 18, Who is desirous of learning the Art of printing, can tind a situation by apply- lug at this office. H. H. TiiBBS, a former typo in this sffice. made us a-short call on Friday last. He has been engaged with a paitr ty of surveyors In Dakota the past year. . THE Ladles Church Aid Society of RliigwouA, will meet at the house of Mrs. J. Kays, on Thursday next. All are invited. MRS. WM. LAVOHAM, Seeretery. fcJflE people on Sunday morning last, 'r^Jflsfened to an able and interesting «tia- 'giuirse on the sympathy of Chri«t over the famishing mnltitu le. In the B ip- fcist Ciiapel. at Crv«tai Lake, by Eider Joel Wheeler, of McHenry. MKS. C. A. KNIGHT, of Chicago, who has been quite sick for the past few weeks, is now stopping in this ^village with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. II. T. Brown,^ Mrs. Knight is much Improv­ ed since her arrival here, and intends to remain until she entirely recovers. THERE will be e general meeting of the Disciples of Christ in North Eastern Illinois, held at the Fort Hill Chapel, Lake county, commencing on the 10th of Juno, 1881. Brother S. Haynes. Illinois State Evangelist, wil1 conduct the service. ON the convening of the Circuit Court on Monday last Judge Upton de­ cided to discharge the jurymen, it be­ ing such a busy time with farmers he thought it wrong to keep them away from home. A few Chancery cases will be tried, but the prospect Is that the t^rrn wijfl be short. have ad­ vertised a Grand Entertainment, en­ titled the MRS. SKARLES returned from Chica­ go last week with as fine *a stock of new Millinery Goods as can be found in any store in the county, which she invites the ladies to call and examine. Our goods were selected with great care, and comprise the latest styles to be found in the city. Hats of all styles and prices trimmed to-order on short notice. Call and be convinced that my stock is full and complete, and my prices as low as any other. WHILE in Woodstock a few days since we dropped in to see our old friend/* Bart" Austin, who is located in the building formerly used as Murphy & Bishop's Bank, and found hint in running order and doing a lively busi­ ness. "Bart" has hosts of friends in the county who will be sure to hunt him up -vhen in want of anything in the Grocery line.and as he payt> cash for Butter and Eggs, those who have these articles to sell will do well to call and see him. MKMOHIAU Seldom hM An event occitred In this community easting a ^deeper gloom over all hearts, than the death of Mrs. Elma Stevenson. "She had been ailing .for a number or weeks, but no one seemed to anticipate her danger until (a few days before her death^ when her disease assumed' a more serious form, and terminated her earthly life on last Friday morning.Mar 20t Sir§.Hf£veuson wasT^le daughter of Wesley Ladd. an ol^i and esteemed citizen of Rinjgwood. Her whole life was spent in this Immediate vicinity, and her face and form were familiar to us all. -She was always cheerful and carried a great deal of sunshine wherever she went. Her young com­ panions will long remember her as one of the happiest and most joyous ?f their number, and many times In the future will they speak of her who so often mingled with them in the pa$t. Mr. Ladd's is a grief stricken family. 'From the aged Grandmother to the youngest child, all are in deep sorrow. They feel however in their bereave­ ment that they have the heart-felt sympathy of the whole community. During herslckness kind frieuds were ever present to render assistance, and the family wish all those friends to know that their efforts in this direc­ tion will never be forgotten. The fuueral took pla'je, on Sunday, at the residence of her parents. In Ring wood. Seldom have we seen a larger gathering on any similar occa­ sion. Dr. Balch of Elgin conducted the services, delivering a discourse full of Instruction and valuable suggestions. A number of friends of the family from Burlington Wis. were present, and Mr. Edgar Carter and wife came, all the way from Jeflerfeon,lowa, to attend the funeral. Mrs. Stevenson was only nineteen years of age. One year ago she was in the schoolroom with tier young friend* in ail the bloom aud freshness of youth She leaves au infant child that knows nothing of a mother's tender care, but we believe that living hearts will watch over aud care for it. To father anil mother brother and sisters, ami the young husband so soon left i widower, we teuder our heartiest syiu pathy. HfehtiiOm! Department. OOjfraiBPTRb BT S. P. BENNETT. .3. P. Is hefebv authorized to take snhSTtntio'ns art'd rtrctersrrtr ndvertis'ntr Job Work for the PLMVORALKK, receive moner tlmref'»r and receipt for the same.-- a)l.iv»cr« inf. srith hipi,Wiu receive prompt Attention.--Editor. The amount of milk now taken in at the Itiehmoud cheese factory crowds 30,000 pounds. Morrfs Moth, wlf^and little girl, of Winetka, arrived in Richmond Friday evening. They will make a good long visit among old friends and relatives here and hereabout. The result or the special village elec­ tion Tuesday, to fill vacancy, was the flection of Richard Wray to office of Trustee, without opposition. Quly 41 votes were cast, - The families ot Will Besteder, of Bloomfl'eld, 'and George Stewart, of Richmond, were made happy at the game hour last Thursday. 'The new comer at Mr. Besteder's is a girl; at Mr. Stewart's, a boy. H. T*|bbs, of Elkhorn. Wis., Visited friends In Richmond onr Saturday and Sunday. H<? has, spent a large part of the past, year surveying in the far West. He was ff compositor on the Richmond Gasbtt** under the Utter administration. John Dermont'jPiiew livefjr bar« has been some days opfcn for buidness, and seems to be getting a good run of cus­ tom. He keeps seven horses, and some nice sinfirle and.double turnouts. The location is the best In the town for the business. A good sign ornament­ ing the front would pay as a business investment. ; WE would caH particular attention to the statement of the First National Bank, of Woodstock, which can be found in another place in this paper. As an evidence of the confidence which the people'have in this institution we would refer to the large Individual Deposits which this report shows, being no less a sum than $195,282.00. We re­ iterate whaf we have «aid before, that It is one of the best managed Banks in tire State, and deserves, as it hits, ^he -fi-ny tjji.i.-pjgc*. confidence of the community. As will be seen by the closing paragraph, they have money to loan on real estate for long time at low interest. Read the statement* care fully. J X W auconda Entertainment. Flower Queen, a Cantata in two parts,"' to take place on Saturday evening next, the 28th. Read the pro­ gramme and be sure t« go, as it promises to be one of the finest enter­ tainments of the season. f G. II. Ci .AT30N\ who for the past few Nrears ha* been engaged in drying plover Blossoms, Corn, Berries, &c,^ near Xuuda, ha« concluded to put up a Dryer in this village, aud for that pur­ pose lias leased the old Warehouse Miilding ot R. Bishop, near the bridge, iud will immediately put in the ueces- ary apparatus for that purpose. Mr ?laysou is a thorough business man, mil whatever lie takes hold of pushes .oSffir fullest extent.and with his« practical know ledge in this business Is sure to make a success. The estab­ lishment of this will be a great help, a» it will give employment to a large number of boys and girls durir.g sehool vacation, and leave many a dollar where it is most needed. We understand that the picking of the blossom is comparatively no Injury to the Clover fields, consequently our farmers who have Clover patches can realize therefrom a double profit. We shall speak more of this hereafter. We predict for Mr. Clayson success iu this section. M- As cleaning house is now in order the ladi»s of course will put an extra thine on such stoves as the.? may leave standing. We therefore recommend all to buy tiic Lightning Stove Polish, as it is certainly the best iu the mar­ ket. I. N. Mead, Hardware dealer, near the depot, has it for sale. THE new Steamer, "The Lotus'* was successfully launched on Thursday af­ ternoon last, and the workmen are now busy completing her. The boNer and engines have arrived au*l • are be­ ing pat iu iiositiou as fast, as possible. pv i nnliffl ^ mn- el-111111,1 11 Ml is naner, jti Will *»--*•*-- ex­ pects to have her ready to make trips about June 1st. -_ JUST before going to press we re­ ceived an advertisement for Fore- paugh's Mammoth Show which In to lie in Woodstock June 11th, which will appear iu this paper next week. Fore- paugh never has anything but a good show, and this year has added attrac­ tions never before shown on the road. Look out for the advertisement next week. 'HE dedication of the new Cheese Factory of Dorau & Toole, pn Friday evening last, was a 5very pleasant af­ fair. About thirty couples were iu at­ tendance, a::d under the inspiring mus­ ic of the MeHenry Qua<lrill'j Baud, en­ joyed themselves in the beat of man­ ner. The party broke up about twelve o'clock, and all went away with the best of wishes for the new Factory and tb» goa$lem*ttly propr^otpes, WAUCONOA. WSUBSRIUI'TIONS for tnc PLAIND«ALGR will be reecirwt in Wimconrta at K. "B Harrison's Driitt Store mut at the Post Office EIUXOR PLAIN'DKAI.KH:--IT is the best growing time ever known. So say all the old settlers, aud the young ones also, yet somehow we find it diffi­ cult to "grow" a letter to the PLAIN* DE VLER texcept ev^ry other weeic. The country Is lpoklng its loveliest now. and Nature seems to have out­ done lierselt in covering tiie whole landscape with beauty. The grain is just starting and now the. farmers are bu»ily engaged planting. illll & Barker iiave lound their bus­ iness growing so rapidly that they have been obliged to hire au extra This seems to he a Hp-top year for the ti.«h and consequently a bad one lor the fishermen*. We have heard Mff but few very large catcltes. ye». per Hams. Shoulders. Bacon, Salt Pork, Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. NUN DA ITEMS. The change of time of some and the adding of other trains makes business lively in and around the Depot during some parts of the day. The mail train from the north coming au hour earlier than formerly does not please the traveling public, as it makes the time of those wishing to visit the county seat too short. The railroad company would do themselves credit by making a change of a couple of hours the other way. For a fine glass of Soda go to .Dick­ inson's Drug Store. His fouutain is now in fine running order. Butler & Warner receive Fresh Strawberries daily and as fine as any that can be found in the market. Their stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., is also complete, and that their prices will compare favorably with any Is evidenced by their large trade. Dr. G. W. Horn is building a new store south of the Hyatt House, wiiiali -«iieu completed it is understood he will use as a Drug Store. Colbv Bros., iu Ballou's Block, have aflne line ot Summer Dress Goods, to which they invite the attention of the ladies. Their stock is replenished weekly, and consequent!/ tlie.y always have the latest styles to be found in the market. Frank Grimes is b*ti!diug an addi­ tion to hi* house, and when completed he will have one of the finest residen­ ces iu the village. severe, gentlemen. The seasou is backward, you know, aud the time for troiiitig is not past by any means. ' A'week ago Wednesday W. II, Sey- utore had a narrow escapc from a se­ vere fall. While coming from Mo- Henry ills buugle suddenly struck a stump on one side, and a rut ou the oilier aud he was flung out. Beyoiul a few bruises he escaped unhurt Ou Friday Squire Bangs came near being seriously injured from being dragged some distance by a colt that he was driving, which started suddenly just as he was about to get iu the bug­ gy. Luckily he escaped with nothing much worse than a severe shaking up and the colt ias caught after ruuulug about a mile. The last club dauoe of the season was not exactly a success as the weath­ er was against it, and the members had .-juite a bill to foot, consequently the dividends will not be as large as was uxpected. Pratt's Hall was qui te well filled on Tuesday night, aud had it been more generally known that there have been a dance that evening, there would have been more there. There seems to have been some en­ thusiasm started iu regard to base ball. Don't let it die out. Go In aud get -up a club that can give any other nine in the county a "basket of ^oose eggs/' We have the material and it would look too bad to see it go to waste. A good°game oil Old Settler*' Day would add much to the entertainment. That reminds us that it Is only six weeks more before tite Old Settlers meet. If we are to roast an ox whole, or do any thins: worthy of the gather­ ing. it is time someone Is stirring. Now ifc the time you want the news lit a condensed form, and you cin get It by buying the Chicago Daily Newt% the best two cent morning paper In the United States. As it is no^ gen­ erally known that such a paper is pub­ lished, we will say that they, can be had at the Book Haunt. Hughes & Golding have been fllliug their building full, from top to bot­ tom with new furniture. J. M. Audrus, of the Columbia Mar­ ble Works, Aurora, visited us the past week, and showed a nice line of sam­ ples aud photographs. C. E» Abbott calls our attention to the fact that lie has just received another large invoice of seasonable goods iu his Hue, tynong the many ar­ ticles of which stock may be found beautiful stvlefc of silverware, watches, chains, clocks and general jewelry. Abbott is enterprising and popular and commands a good trade, not a little of which fto attributes to Kit. ad­ vertising In the PLAIN DEALER* We tried to get time last Saturday to look over ami properly write up the 'new wagon and impair shop of A. P. Gray, which Is «ow finished, in the main, and o|H^n for business, but could not. The building is large enough to accommodate a large business which will be pushed at once. We uotiqp the sign of G. A. Canfleldout on the sec­ ond floor, where he will be located hereaftoi and ready to do any job of carriage pa iutlug on short notice, iu a wofkm*H'ik«i,i«a;nuer and at reasonable prices. We "will try to get fiirtheY notes of llie new establishment at a later date. In the meantime, call and see for yourselves. Last Mondajf Mr. Peet Harness, who has of late years driven a peddling wagon, was sfVicken, with apoplexy. He was on one of ids trips on the day !,0,,se. jki Thomas Sheldeiu ano while talking to a member «*>f the family, suddenly fell tot lie floor. A doctor was sent for in hatte and the usual restorative means employer!, and happily with success. He gradually recovered consciousness, becoming quite rational In three or four days, and on Sunday morning was able to be moved to the house of his brother James, some two miles dis­ tant. Mr. and Mrs. Shelden did every­ thing to make t\he unfortunate man and his uurses comfortable during his necesayry stay at their house. Such neighborly kindness should not pass by unnoticed. At the present writing Mr. Harness is hoped to be out of danger. be put up for a few hundred dollars. There will be no inconsiderable ex­ pense in repairing the many plauk; bridges over culverts on the Nipising flats, almost ail of'which are more or less damaged. If the Solon bridge could be located say eighty rods above its present location, there would be no danger of floods affecting it. or very little at any rate. But the fact is that the protection given the binks of the Nipising by the abutments of ihe Solon bridge where now located is thi salvation of the Solon water power, and an eflort to change the location would meet with opposition on that account. A small initial ditch across the flat south of the bridge would en tircly change the course of the stream in a season or two iwd destroy the mill power. But as It has lain Idle for many years, aud there seeming to be no prospect of its future improve­ ment, it is a question whether it is the duty of the Commissioners to main­ tain a bridge In the present location at a heavy public expense to save the power, if it would appear on investi­ gation that a change In the location would materially lessen the expense, and thus relieve the burden of taxa­ tion. One thing Is certain--that ,wherever the bridge is built, it ought to be a good one. on foundations that will stand beyond a peradventure. A make-shift structure would be the very poorest economy. THE NEW STOCK Of Dry Goods and Notions lust in *t Fltzslmmons & Evanson's deserves the inspection of buyers In this communi­ ty. Par.tleular attention is invited to a choice line of Plaids in flue liing- hams, which is new, stylish, and prices very reasonable. It would also pay you to examine a good Cotton Cloth at 7c., yard wide, and reasonably heavy. It would be no harm to call and see what can .be done. Cash tells. !PI NEW AND CORRECT MAP novas beyowl may reaaoit&Me question that the Chicago & Northwestera HV la bv all odds th4 best road for you to take wbea traveling in either direction lietween Clicap aid all tite Principal Points ic the Vest Nertk & Nortkiot Ctrefultv examine thia Map. The principal Cities of the West ami Northwest are Metises on tliift roait. ltd through trains make close cunuectious with the trains of nit miuwillaa<l junction points, :•'< G?n WP2 t q *®gaun RENC Ortfwty >ou *"* 4„;v v*Vv JHJ* A Igoaa TAK1TOS SIOUX C7J rjMBCfcy LiltlK ̂ 4. tfr . »/t ; 0" FS'U "*»*» CHICAGO & NORT1T3 Arar**? C*.,C»ii THE CHICAGO & Over nil of its principal lines, rung NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY acti fln'ly frons two tofonr orjgmor* Vast CipiWI Seed Potatoes. Early Rose, Snowflake. White Rose, Clark's No. 1, Burbauk's Seedling, Duuinore and Early Ohio for sale by T. BAOON. Wauconda, 111. NOTICE. The Commissioners of Highways of the Town of McHenry, will sell at Pub­ lic Auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday,May 28th, 1881, atone o'clock p. M.. the surplus Lumber of the Johns* burgh Bridge. 8. H. COVRLL, IIARTIN WELSH, CASTOR ADAMS, J Com. Hifhways Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's Millinery Shop and examine Good* and prices before buying. Millinery of every de­ scription, infants bonnets, all kinds of •neck wear,»Ac. V- Every man, woman' and child that pays Cash for their goods, should trade where goods are marked on that basis Where they can save from 15 to 2ft per cent. Whore 8$ will get them more goods than $7 will at a credit store. STKVKMS A suitvoaa. p . Trains. It is tnc oniv road west otChieapro that uses the PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CABS, It. fs the only road ".hat runs Pullman Sleeping Gars North or .Vorthwest of ChlAago, lif lMMl" ninrly:3,0OO Miles Of Road* In tortus the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Denver & Californis I.ine. Winona, Minnesota & Central Dakoka Lift Sioux City, Nor Nebraska & Yankton l.lue. Chicago, St. Pr.ul ft Minneapolis I.ine Northern Illinois, Freeport A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Groea Bay & Lake Superior LlOO Tickets over this road are sol*! bv all Oonpon Ticket Airents in the United States & Canatfa Remember to ask for Tickets via'this road, tbe sure they read over it, and take none othsv VASVIIT HUGHITT, Gen'l Manager, Chicago W.S. STB JHITT, Gen Pass A** ChicafO Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonlo, restores tlte appetite. The Mollne Owen's, Sulky Plow at E. M Fishing Tackle of EngeluX In Howe's new Bi'lilge. all kinds at M. Block, near the at The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow E. M. Owen's. When In want of work In my line, give mea call and I will try and please Robl'. Muriitt, Jeweler. Nunds, 111, The largest stock of Millinery Goods In the County, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckevo Force Owen's. Pumps, at E. M All the Owen's, first-class Plows at S. M. The finest Hue of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the oounty, at O. W. Owen's. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has the largest stock of Spring Millinery Goods In Mc­ Henry County. New style Bracelets at O, W. Owen's. FOR SALE. 1 Counter Scale and 1 Marble Meat Scale at Howard's Market. Top > flat lot of Ready-Made Dresses and at Mrs. JH. JL Nichols' Millinery Store. Mciiettrjr* , ~ GOLD FISH, ~ ^ Fish Globes, and Food fsr .Filh At M. Eugein's In Howe's Block, near the bridge. Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S»arles. Am now offering g*eater bargains than ever. All work lit repairing done on short notice. Call aud see the splendid stock of Granite W^re at O. O. Colby A Co's Hardware store. FOX LAKE. The Steamer "Lotus" will on and after tbe 1st of June next, make reg­ ular trips to Fox Lake, leaving Mc­ Henry at 6:15, P. M. daily. WALTER HILL, Captain. SHROUDS. Just received, at John, B. Blake's Furniture and Undertaking Robins. 'JDhrouds of all sizes, aud in twenty-five iflerent sty les, which will be sold at prices ranging frow |1 to #6. A late number of the Colorado Sun, published at Grcely, contains the par­ ticulars of the suicide of Henry Mullen, on a sheep ranch, near that city. De­ ceased was a brother of Tom Mullen, and son of Mrs; Frank Richardson, of Richmond. Deceased had been ob­ served to l>e In low spirits f<5r some time, brooding over the fact of Ills having been pnt In an orphan asylum at an early age. He bad lately re ceived a letter from his mother, after which he became, apparently, more de­ spondent than ever, and be took a fatal dose of stiychnine to end h*s troubles. He was discovered by fellow ranch­ men before death, to whom he con­ fessed to having taken the poison. They started for the bouse, not far distant, but the unfortunate young man died before reaching It. He was about twenty years old. Owing to the very l*rge expense necessary to repair and r^-buiid tbe bridges damaged by the spfring floods the Highway Commissioners talk of calling an election, so the people may have a voice In the matter. The nec­ essary expenses being extraordinary, legal step* will be taken to secure aid from the counts'. Richmond lias a larger number of bridges to maintain than any other township in the county. There are np less than five main bridges across the Nipising. The one at Soloir ami the one kuown as the Skiuklfc Bridge, will have to be re­ built as well as numerous culverts. The Solon bridge to be made perina* nent, so u to obviate danger of its going out every spring. *v|H need a iiinetv foot span with extensive foun­ dations. Au iron bridge at this place would be cheapest in the end. though its present cost would be high. An estimate by a Milwaukee, Wis., Arm of bridge builders is at 920 per linear fooi, for a first class Iron bridge, mak­ ing a ninety foot span cost 91.800 ex- clusiec of abutments* foundations and grading, which the Commissioners es­ timate will cost some $600 moie. The Board have advertised for sealed pro­ posals for stoue, for both the Solon and the Skinkle bridges, the same to be suitable tor building purposes aud to be delivered by June 20, 1881. The Skiokle bridge, if.built of wood, may THE LATEST. We have a large invoice of those celebrated "Broadheaif' Dress Goods in the latest styles. Everybody should see tbein before buying. \ STEVRNS A BCHjroaa. A GOOD Pants Maker wanted at E. Lawlus' Merchant Tailoring establish­ ment, near the Depot. The finest line of Dress Goods in this market can be found at Stevens A Schuorr's. AUCTION SALE. Tbe undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at the Richmond House,in the Village of Richmond. III., on Saturday May 28th, 1881, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property: 1 span horses, covered carriage and harness. 1 top buggy. 1 open buggy. 1 pair light sleighs, 1 cutter, and one single harness. Also the entire Furniture ot the Richmond House, con­ sisting in part of 16 bedsteads, springs and mat trasses. 100 yards brussels and rag carpet. 55 wood aud 25 cane chairs. 3 rockers. 13 benches, 5 parlor stoves. ] coal stove and large range, 7 tables. 15 wasli stands. 2 bureaus, 15 mlrro'S. 15 wasli bowls and pitchers. 5 sofas, 5 castors, 2» dozen dishes, table cutlery, 2 cliandeiiers. a quantity of brackets and hand lamps, and wtlier articlss too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE :--All sums of 910 and under Cash. Over that aittount a«r*dit of six months will be given onap* proved "notes at 8 per cent Interest. .JOHN BILLETT, GEO. H. STEWABT, Auctioneer. The Celebrated Stall ton, ALHAMBRA MESSENGER, Will be kept at the Stable or tbe sub­ scriber the present season Where those who desire can get his s rvicea at a moderate price. He was sired by Dole's Alhambra, and is one of the best stock getters in the country YOU WANT 10 11* of our clarified N. O. flwgar for $1.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green coflee 91.00. STKVKNS & SCHNORR. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will cure you? Store opposste Parker House. - IF yon want your Watch pnt In Int das* Order, call oil Robert llurltt Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up* wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Don't bny your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you hav« seen and priced goods i|P Mrs. S. Searles. Mrs. H. II. Nichols keepa kid |M«I in all shades. * Panel Photos at Miller's Studio. If In seacrh of Bargains esill at C. Hall's Richmond and Dundee &CoW*» year * FOR SALE. A very fine Ihirliatn Bull, ono old. Will be scld reasonable. J, V.BNITO, . Reeds Gilt Bdge Tonic cures Fever and Ague. •,*« NEW GOODS. ' J Look out for great Bnrgatff^lw^ lug. at the store of E. Lawlus, iu Lan­ sing's Block, as he has just returned from the city with a new stock. A flue line of Wall Brackets at slaughtering Prices, at O. C. Colhy A Co's Hardware Store. Go to M. EngeIu'h for all kinds of Gun and Fishing Material. In Howe's Block, McHenry. We are offering extra bargains In Cheviots, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block McHenry. THE BEST THING * For a cough is Beslsy's Troche*. a box. Store' opposite the Palter House, Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Ladlot* Ready Made Underwear. 1 For Salfu In Woodstock, a house and Ave of lafid. situated on the Chemung roi thirty rods North of the Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro­ perty. and Will be sold reasonable, to* quire on the premises. JAMBS GAfXAGHKB. Has - --G . JV.4t£!&]Ur just received an Optimelor, BARGAIN COUNTER. Mrs. Searles hfs established a Bar­ gain Counter in her store, where a nobby and stylish hat can be found at aiiuost your own price. v Call and see them. JOHN W. SMITH. Trble and Pocket Ciittiery in endless variety at O. C. Coluy t Qo'a Hard­ ware store. Mrs. H. H. Nichols war la tha.- dry last Friday and bought her third -In­ voice of Millinery Goods this Spring. Mrs. Nichols has sold 120 Hats and Bonnets In 10 days, the "live aud let live" motto brings customers from far and near. Call and examine goods for yourselves aud be convinced that this is the "Boss" Millinery House In tiie county. I - . Eight Pounds of Uronnd for One Dollar at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block. McHenry. SO KEEK DOOBS. I am now prepared to make to order and will keep on baud a good supply of Screen Doors which I will sell at the Lowest Living Prices. If It* want of these articles give me a call. J.B, Pff AlfM McHenry. May 11th, 1SS1. Do You Want a Sewing Machine. If you do, of course you want the best, as tt costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store o* O.W.Owen, in MeHenry, yon can have your choice of Five, viz: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all ,these machines In stock,and any lady who wants a machine Can set down and try them all. and then select the one which salts her the best. The first three named, the Domestic, Eldredge and American, are three of the best ma chines ou the market, aud any one will be convinced of the fact by calling at my store and trying one themselves. Also a tine stock of (.'locks. Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at my atorO. Organs and Pianos for sale br reut. a W. DWKK. MeHenry, April 19th, 1861. testing the eyes, and can now fit fs« with a pair of spectacles apd guarantoa satisfact ion. He also has a full line of Spectacles, all kinds, to which he i»» vitee the attention of the pub^e. Nobby Styles In -Uraw Hats at CoifejT Bros., Riverside Block. CALL at Mrs. E. W. Howe's and «•» amine those Stylish Hats and Boo- nets trimmed by Miss Etta Seariea, of Chicago. TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure. un»dulte*"tto4. M»» colored, natural leaf. Japan tea at MMT place. STKVKNS & SCBKOKR. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. For the next two weeks I will tahft Picture* at the following low rates; Card Photos $2 per doxen. 1 Cabinet with each dozen. Cabinets $1.50 per dosen, 1 Panel with each dozen. Panels aud 8x10 Pictures at greatly reducell rates. call at once as it will be positively for two weeks only. MLU.RKS PBOTO STCDKK Over Perry Jb Martin's Twenty-two and twenty-four foot Fish Poles,only six ceuta oach, at M. Engelu's, in Howe's Bloek, near tiw uew Bridge. LADIES, have you seen those stylish '•heap hats at Mrs. .Searles'P If yen have not you should call at once, a$ they will last but a few days. FENCE POSTS FOR SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poets for sale. Inquire of JOHS DOFTAB. Do not fall to cali at Mrs. hearlwf and examine the Bargain Coaster. E. LAWLtJS, In his Merchant Tailoring Depart­ ment. keeps the best of Foreign an* Domestic Cloths. Gents* Furnishing Goods at the very lowest price#, Laucr & Becker's old stand, McHenry. Ten cent Mouiie Cloths, the lateet styles in the market, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block, McHe*«y. Shoes lor the Million. We ha >*e placed fn the hands of Colbv Bros., McHenry and Nunda, an Immense assortment of onr best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat aud Kid Walking Sho*»s, Serge and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which thev are selling at our wholesale pi ices With a small compensation adds J. Call and examine goods. roKiiuau • BBOWW, BoAia, H.Y. "'fi't i .»?*' 41 s" \ , rV 1 ̂ •• V i./i 1 * •* , QUERY, Why do Stevens A Schnorr"'sell M ? many goods* They make close prieee and buy and sell for cash. STF.VENS A SCHKOSB. | O. C. Colby A C?o. are now prepared to do all kinds of Jobbing, at their new j Hardwsre Store opposite the Mi IK House and Lot tor Sale Being desirous of moving away ftwt I town 1 oflermy house and two lots, lit this village, one block West of tho j PuhlicSquare, for sale. Good weB* 1 small fruit. Au, House contains f<MW rooms, and a good cellar. Will lie suht reasonable. Apply to OWES HEJUMK I or at tlM IfLAtNUKALRR •#«*« . r-g FORSAKE. ^ ^ 40 Acres of land iu Seetioft 13^ ill fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with A good house and barn thereon, with -j ti'.ulter and water In abundance. In See* 4 tion 32. ^ 1 Also mv homestead on tbe Crystal | Lake and Nunda rood. G *»d new house, tars IMMI other outho. - -^I Apply M JMiJt l tt'SIli -Ji , -J - > j_ .1

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