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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1881, p. 5

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fan* » A - g ^ u ^ B a * ^ •«sy K*« ,«?« •«. jjejeur j piairietlw. WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1881. Railroad Time Table. fioixo SOUTH.| tmeva Luke Passenger,,., 7:3ft A. M Otnm Lake Express 8:11 " fin«n Lak« Freizht..., r. H ooixo iroara. •ea«*% TJ»ke Freight S;3S A. * Genera Lake Express 5-5»=t» m (}«a«va Lake Passemrer 6:52 ••' B. Bras. Acent. McHcnry, 111 MR^. SMITH COLBY, of Chicago, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gregory, in this village. DR. D. C. GREEN, of Woodstock, looked in on us on Monday, He was here on a Piscatorial excursion. SEE the new advertisement of F. B. Harrison, Druggist, Wauconda, to be fonfid In another column. READ the card of Antony Kngeln. In another column, who can be found at Buck's old stand, near the bridge. THE Road Commissioners (ailed to sell the lumber of the old Bridge, as advertised on Saturday last, there be­ ing no bidders. BABBTAN BROS., Cigar Manufacturer?, have a change in their card this week. They are now located in the McHenry House, near the bridge. THE next Sociable of the M. E. Church will meet at the house of John Bassett. Thursday (to-morrow) June 2d. All are cordially invited. SEWING Machine Necfles for everj* machine made, can be found at M. En­ geln's, in Howe's Block, near the bridge. L. H. KRAROER. of the firm of Kraeger & Riddle. Book and Stationery dealers, Aurora, made us a short call on Tuesday. He was on his way to Fox Lake. OUR citizens who are in the habit of going fishing on Sunday should take warning. A man was struck by light­ ning and killed in Missouri last Sunday while Ashing. "O LORD" prayed a Methodist min­ ister, * keep me humble lind poor."' uO Lord, if thou wilt keep/iiiui humble," said the deacon who next prayed,"we will keep him poor."'--tx. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON advertise tills week for 50,000 pounds of Butter, to supply their large trade. Butter makers should not fail to make a note of this as they are paying the highest market price. Old Settlers' Meeting. CHANCE OF TIME. WAUCONDA, Thursday, Juno 23d. Now tho Time and Place- At a meeting of the Executive Com­ mittee of the Old Settlers' Association of McHenry and Lake Counties, held in this village on Monday last. It was decided to change thefdate of holding the Re-Union at Waucondi to June 23d, at which time arrangements will be made to have one of the biggest Re-Unioiis ever held by the Society. The chairman of the Executive Com­ mittee was instructed to correspond with speakers and an effort will b$ made to get some of the best talent in the State. The citizens of Wauconda will do their part, and will hold a meeting the present week to make suitable arrange­ ments to accommodate all who come in the best of manner. A full programme will be completed and published in our next. The com­ mittee will spare no efforts to make it a day long to he remembered by both old and young settJerj. Aside from the general exercises it Is expected to make arrangements for a Match Game of Base Ball.-a Foot Raice^ and other sports of an interesting character. Look out for the programme next week. DR. A. E. BALDWIN, who has lately located in Woodstock, is. we under­ stand. meeting with good success in his practice, and has an excellent out­ look tor the future. Dr. Baldwin is a young and rising Physician, and his ma?:j- friends in this county are glad to note his gradual but sure progress to fame in his chosen profession. As wc have said before the medical profession received an honorable accession to their number when he settled in the county. He has our best wishes for his future success. \J»y Miss EVA HAOPKRISCH. daughter of ? Phillip llauperisch, has been low with | brain fever the past 'veek, so low in 4 fact that little hopes weie entertained ' of her recovery. But we are happy to state she is now slowly improving.-- . Dr. Fegers is in attendance. THE weather is dry and dusty, and . farmers are beginning to fear for the crops. Unless we get rain verj* soon It will be a serious matter indeed. If • them 's anyone whose prayers will be heard we trust they will no longer de- ay but do their duty. ^WE understand that ou»- Gorman ,'friends in this village contemplate f getting up a Steamboat Excursion, on or about.lune 12th, They intend to charter both boats. We trust they Tfmy hsve a large crowd and a success financially. THE popular craze now is a two cent red stamp and a one-cent blue stamp on a white envelope. This is especially the correct thing w lie re- young ladies and gentle men corres­ pond. The blending of the colors red, white and bin*, means union. Ooi'NTY Superintendent Young WHS in tliis village last week visiting our Public School, and speaks in the high­ est terms of its management, and classes It as one or the best in the county. He pays a well merited cam- plimcnt V> Prof. Baldwin's assistants, in speaking of the intermediate and primary departments, pronouncing them conducted in a faultless manner. Our citizens are fortunate in having such a corps of Teachers as Professor Baldwin and his assistant?, and we trust they may be retained for a long time to come. r,! Is n / A GRAND Bowery dance will be giv­ en Oil t ie Platform, oppngire tin* Mu lg- •tt Cheese Factory, on Friday eve niug, June 3d. Music to be furnished >s by the McHenry Qiiadrilie Band. E A. Goiding, of Wauconda. will furnish refreshments on the grounds. One and all are cordially invited to attend ^ WE are informed that Sunday, June i 12th. will be Children's Day at the { M. E. Church, in this village. During the afternoon and evening there will be exercises, consisting of Singing. Recitations, Dialogues. &c. A pleas­ ant and interesting time may be ex­ pected. THE Annual Convention of the Mc­ Henry County Sunday School Associa­ tion, will be held at Woodstock. Wed­ nesday and Thursday, June 8th and 0th 1881. Let every Pastor and Superiu- tendentfeome, and circulate this notice and do all they can to secure a delega-* tion from every Sabbath School in the County. W. MILLLR, of the firm of Miller <fc Kirk,of Woodstock, was in town tho other day and made a contract with L. Stoddard, our Grocer, to furnish him with all kinds of Fresh Bread and Cakes. Miller & Kirk have built up a good trade in the Br£ad and Cake line by close attention and baking nothing but the very best and our people can rest assured that they will be supplied with fresh and clean Bread as long as they trade with L. Stoddard. Kid and Lisle Thread Glove* in all colors at Stevens & Sclinorr's. "Nobody knows whit (rouble I have. " This is the favorite strain of the men these beautiful spring days, when all nature Is in its loveliest, and human­ kind should be at its happiest; and would be so but for the house cleaning mania which has seized upon the women and turned homes from the paradise they should be, to the hell upon earth which they are. With bare floors, furniture disordered, and a gen­ eral sloppy, soapy sudsy, vaporous at­ mosphere pervading all things; man longs fur his final home, where house- •leaners ne'er shall penetrate, and where soap-suds shall be known no more. ISAAC WENT WORTH, of this village, is now engaged as Superintendent of of the Brick Works of the Pullman Pal­ ace Car Company, at South Chicago. - He hlis entire charge of the yards, in which we believe they now emplov over 150 men, and are contemplating enlarging it to twice its present capac­ ity. Air. Went worth is' a practical Brick Maker, knows the business in all its minutiae), and with his knowledge of human nature is eminently the right man iu the right place. His many friends in-this place rejoice at his good fortune, and the company can congratulate themselves on being able to secure so good a man for this respon- l^sibie position. ONK of the handiest thirgs tiiat has come under our observation for some time is a hand Pmnp and Sprinkler, to be found at the Hardware store of 0» C. Colby & Co. For cleaning windows sprinkling lawns or gardens, it is one of the finest articles we ever saw. It holds about two pails of water, can he carried with ease, and is cheap. Every family should have one. When pass­ ing ihe store drop in and see it. WE owe an apology to H. Maiman, Wauconda. for not making a elunge in his advert isement this week, but ow­ ing to our hurry it slipped our mind until after the first side of our paper was worked ofl. We shall make the change n. 'Xt week, but iu the mean- advise all who- want i in - «mens»» stock, both ready made and cloths torsingle garments or full suits. You cannot fail to be suited. TWfcNTT PERFORMING KCr.PHANTS. 600 Plumed Horse#!--Lioni and Tigers Loose in the Street*/--A Monster Show Paradi! Forepaugh'R" tremendous " combina­ tion of circus in two rings, menagerie, trained wild beasts, hippodrome, aviary and aquarlnin, is to exhibit af­ ternoon and evening, at Woodstock, Saturday, Tune 11th. On the morning of exhibition day, the entire establishment appears In a grand, free, public procession, which the press elsewhere assert is the most superb, mammoth spectacular display ever seen upon the , streets. An ex­ change before us thus describes the affair: *Forepaugh's show parade should be seen to be appreciated ;noth- ing in the way of street pageants, show parades or public processions has ever been made, that in extent, novelty, and lavish display, could be sompared to this monster and marvelous Jieplay by Forepaugn's great show. The pag>> eant of Lalla Rookh, wherein is seen twenty richly robed elephants, and the beautiful maid of India, personated by Fo^paugh's famous ten thousand dollar beaut}', whose loveliness is said to exceed that of Mrs.. Langtry^ the famous English beauty. Is one of the many novelties seen in this parade. The, lady personates Lalla Rookh, and appears in the pageant, seated in an oriental llowdah, seated upon the back of a kingly elephant; all the attend­ ants of the Court of, Delhi are repre­ sented in this pageant, and the spec­ tacle is really the most beautiful re­ alistic Eastehi pageant ever produced. niFollowing this appears a mile of massive and magnificent cariots, drawn by fully five hundred handsome hor­ ses. The colossal car of the universe, costing 140.000 is the most elaborately constructed and the most grand, im­ posing and unique piece of chariot work ever constructed. A herd of desert dromedaries, droves of Shet­ land ponies, and one hundred Arabian horses all appear in this colossal and costly pageant, and Tigers, Lions and other wild beasts are seen loose in the street, and performed as the procession moves. Three bands of music are stationed, equally distant, along the line and discourse the popular airs of the day. Then, iu addition to a long lir.e of rit»hly robed processionists, there is to he seen Mardirgras masqueraders, and illustrations of the "Komikal Klu- Klux-Klan." . Serpent charmers, steain pianos, jubHee singers, human curios­ ities. wide open dens of Wild beasts, and hundreds of novel and surprising sensations." All railroads sell tickets at reduced rates to and from Wood­ stock on the day Forepaugh's show is there. Get ready for it. CREENWOOOT EDITOR PLAINPKALRK:--Work has commenced on our Bridge and we un­ derstand the Commissioners have de­ cided to put in two bridges instead of one. Our little river therefore will soon be crossable for teams. Mr. Toles informs us that he will soon commence work on his dam and the mill will be in running order and business will assume its usual course. The venerable Pastor of the Baptist -Gliinch is again iu his place looking as time, we would \ summer clothes to call and see his IF you want to buy an Organ do not take the advice of every cheap John dealer iu instruments who comes along, but go to your home dealer, a man that you know, and then you will be sure to get a good Instrument. O. W. Owen is Agent for the best Organs iu the country, and sells them as cheap as a good instrument can be bought anv- where. Remember this and be sure and see him before you purchase, WE would call especial attention to the advertisement, in another place in this paper, of a residence for sa!e by, Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. It is a commodious dwelling, beautifully lo­ cated, with a fine orchard and small fruit of all kinds on the premises, and in short is one of the most desirable residences iu that city. Persons con­ templating purchasing should not fail to go and see It. A CARD. Feeling indebted to the good people of this place for the kindness shown through the sickness and burial of my wife, I take this public manner to re­ turn my earnest thanks, sincerely hop­ ing that such an affliction may never be their lot. GOULD E. :FR EVEN SON Riugwood, May 2Uth, 1881. cherry and happy as ever Mrs. Peatt broke her limb not long since. She is improving as rapidly as possible under the carc of Dr Baldwin, of Woodstock. q The health of Mr. arid Mrs. Dally, our new villagers, Is rather poor this spring. We believe the farmers generally are praying for rain. Everything looks well and has the spring beauty upon it. Mrs. J. H. Garrison has a wax plant and its flowers surpass anything we have seen. Three ladles cleaned Mr. toper's store last Friday. He furnished, the soap. FOli SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of Madisou street, Woo'dstock. III., convenient^* located to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cis­ tern. Terms easy. Applv to ASA TV. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 AUCTION SALE. The undersigned being about to move from the place, will sell at Public Auction, at his residence, iu the village of Algonquin on Saturday, June 4th, 1^81, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property: All tny house­ hold furniture, consisting in part of bedsteads, bureaus, chairs, extension table, carpet®, stoves, crockery, and in short everything usually found in a well furnished house. Terms Cash. DR. It. B. BEHTLET, J. A. SHERWOOD, Auctioneer. Hams. Shoulders. Bacon, Salt Pork Lard and Corned Bieef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. WAUCONDA. SUBSCRIPTION'S for the PLAWDEAIW will he received in Wauconda it r. B Harrison's Drug Store and at the Post Office EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--We can't have all things here to please us. The pleasant weather was airtight as long as the planting wasn't done, but now What Is wanted ie rain. We want some right away and unless it comes there is going to. be an indignation meeting and a? petition asking Old Probabilities to resign. It's a busy season all around but about the most busy place we have struck is the cheese factory. Mr. Hunt, the Superintendent, who by the way is giving excellent satisfaction to both stock holders and patrons, and his assistant, Mr. Owen, are kept on the move all the time. Under the new management the factory is handling more milk than erer before in its his­ tory. They now take between 7,000 and 8,000 pounds daily, and as every­ thing is in first-class running order the outlook is most promising. Mr. Williams, the dentUt. has moved hib headquarters from Algonquin to Dundee. He will continue, however, to visit Wauconda on the 10th and 25th of each month, as has been his custom. When these dates fall on Saturday or Sunday he comes the following Mon­ day. He says lie is thankful for the patronage Wauconda has given so liberally in the past, that hr tries to please all who yisit him,' and that if his work is not satisfactory he will make it so. The bathing season has come and with It regrets that the barge is not in working order. There is somo talk of trying to float it in season for Old Settlers' Day, and we earnestly hope th-H those interested will see that the project is put through. It Is worth what it costs to give the (lusty, sweaty, work-begrimed Waucoudiaii his Sun­ day morning plunge-iu the cool waters of the Lake. II it cannot be made to go. why not adopt the suggestion that has been put forth 'and tow it out Into deep water to be used as a bathing stand. The "Flower-Queeen" did not come off as announced in last week's PLAIN- DRALKR on acco'int of the absence of Mrs. F. B. Harrison, vhn was suddenly called East to attend the funeral of her sister. It is not known at the present writing whether it will be indefinitely postponed or given some time in June, but it is hoped the latter will be the case. N. B. Duers has made the first trip of the season with his notion wagoir, starting out Monday and returning Saturday night, lie reports trade as good and seems to be well pleased with the success he had. We noticed "Flip Flop'* around tho streets Saturday evening getting items for the next issue cf the Republican We wanted to grasp his hand and con­ gratulate him on his success as a cor­ respondent, but there were too many around. Go on F. F. and persevere III the independent course which you base We donbt whether many villages in this viclnfty have been as fortunate as this one in having fresh berries and vegetables in their own markets. No­ body like Ross to keep up to the times in such things. Richmond Department. COHTKIBUTED BT S. F. BENNETT. S. F. BEKXETT is herebv authorized to take subscriptions and orders for advertis<nir and Job Work for the Ht.4iHOKAi.RR. rwceiv* nionev therefor »n«t receipt for the same.-- all orders left with him will receive prompt Attention.--Kdiioi-. Dr. R. F. Bennett, of Elgin, spent the 9abbath in Richmond. ie Sa Th« he loss of sheep by "grub"has beer quite serious on some farms In thl> vicinity. Mr. Billet, late of the Richmond House, lias rented the Skiukle residence. As to his intentions for future business we are not Informed. OTt NEW AND CORRECT fltAPC Proves beyond auy reasonable question that the <& IT orth/Kresterxx It br all odds the best toad for yon to take when traveling in either direction between Chicap and all tie Principal Points is tie Vest North & IrtM We are informed that the estimates given in our last on the cost of the Solon Bridge were considerably lower than they should have been. Farmers are still plowing for corn on some farms but the most of the crop is in and many fields show the rows already. Torn planted after this date will need a favorable fall to ma­ ture in. The auction of household goods at the Richmond House, did not attract sufficient biddersto amount to anything during the day. but in the evening a pstrt of the articles advertised were sold. Perry Skinkle lias bought the A. J. Howe property, lately occupied' as dwelling and shoe shop by Mr. Howe, and has moved into the same. Mr. Howe intends to secure quarters in which to finish up the work he has al­ ready taken orders for. jJUMiaJ * C r£ZJune« kent* Jttauneru RENC Ordway oou k g uinai^ .ALrona 9IOUJC C CrenyfoM. '<> Jfifi CYfy atcna u»fgr»4 NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY! DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. A very flue Yearling Durham Bull for sale at my farm one mile west of McHeury. H. C. MEAD. Large line of fine Hosiery for Ladies children's and Misses wear at Stevens & Schuorr's. FOR SALE. 1 Counter Scale and 1 Marble Meat Scale at Howard's Market. Top Parasols and Fans in all off the latest styles at Stevens & Scboorr's. WANTED. 30,000 Doz. Eggs and &0,000 pounds Choice Butter for which we will pay the highest market price. Don't for­ get this. FITZSIXMOKS & EVANSON. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors, GOLDIXG & BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for the season and are now prepared to furnish Ice Creaiu ever}' day and evening, by the dish or quantity. We also keep on hand Groceries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Notions, To­ baccos, Cigars. Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low or lower than any other house in the county, quality of goods considered. When in want of anything in our line we invite you to call, confident that we can please you both in quality and price. GOLDING & BROOKS, WAVOOFDA, IU.. Jane|lst, 1881. Again the air Is full of rumors con­ cerning the re-organization of the band. Sim said there was to be a meeting to consider the subject last Friday night, but we can't find anyone who was there. Quite a number of the young people got together on Saturday afternoon, and had a picnic iu Cook's Grove, on the north side of the Lake, Of course tliey had a good time. Not much was done at the meeting of the Board Friday evening, besides making arranglTtiients to repair the bridge at the outlet, and to cart more gravel cn to the street. P. S. Swenson is adding another building to his meat market, although he already has one of the largest and best arranged in the county. Theron Oaks met with a severe loss on Saturday bj' the death of one of his horses from sun stroke. On Saturday the post office at tills place received a curious consignment, in the shape of a double harness for parties in Montana. It was done up into a number of packages, weighing four pounds or less, and tho postage on the whole amounted to $5.94. Hill & Barker were the makers. Another of the old settlers has passed away In the person of Mr. James Welch, who died on Friday at the age of 84 years. His funeral, which occurred on Sunday from hi» home, was largely attended by bis many friends. On Friday, 1,49fiJ pounds Avoirdu­ pois gatlMied at the home of Miss Nellie Bangs, and had a genuine, jolly birthday party and reunion combined. It was the birthday of the hostess and the reunion of the girls who attended the academy in this place seven years ago, and previously, most of tliein graduating in *74 and a few in '73. They met about '2 p. M. and after talk­ ing over old times for awhile, they gathered around the organ and sang front the same book which they used as school girls, eacli one singing the solo their instructor taught them at that time. Alter these were finished they sang nrany of tho old songs in concert. Before adjourning they re­ pairer! to Mr, Sweusou's market and had their weights registered. As It will be interesting to many readers of the PLAINDKALER to know the names of these girls who have been together since childhood, and who can remem­ ber singing the songs of freedom dur­ ing the dark days of the war while dressed to represent the different .states, we will give them and as we know that none of the young ladies would object, after each name we *vlll put the weight, as taken hy an eye witness: Mrs. Elder Burchett. 187J; Miss Taggart, 1H4; Mrs. Dr. Butter- field, 133; Miss Nellie Bangs, 125$; Mrs. E. Joslyn, 122; Mrs. C. M. Hill. 114; Mrs. C. Lyon6. 109; Mrs. H. Golding, 117; Mrs. C.' L. Pratt. 103|; Mrs. H. Dixon. 101; Mrs. L. Oaks. 97; Mrs. C. Miller, 83. It would bo wrong to close this account without at least mention­ ing the babies which were present to the number of seven. , Allow us to speak a good word for our enterprising young friend, Davy Gillespie, whose enterprise, in one so youug deserves encouragement. Davy always keeps a nice stock of candies, in which he has a flourishing trade. And now he has opened up Ids tee cream business for the summer with first rate success. The quality of the* product which he dishes up to his customers Is quite faultless. Try it. The trotting match last Saturday, on the McKesson track, between Geo. Eldredge's bay mare and I. P. Rich­ mond's Genoa horse, resulted in a vic­ tory for the latter. After the race Mr. Richmond expressedr ttie belief that liis horse couhl beayany horse in Rh'huiond, barring Ercanbrack's Kirk" wood. This resulted in arrangements for another match in which Geo. Ear­ ring's Richmond Bay is to trot against Mr. Richmond's horse at Geneva Lake, July 4th. The stakes amount to sever­ al hundred dollars--just how much we have not learned. Rev. Mr. Northcutt preached his second sermon at the Congregational Church last Sunday evening. He is a pleasing speaker and holds more en­ lightened views of religion than most of his class. It is a compliment to his preaching that so nany of his congre­ gation here were Liberals. Is gives some ula»u however to one Meth­ odist brother, who remarked, after Mr. Nerthcutt's first sermon, that "those Uni versalists had played a good game on the Congregationallsts by getting that fejjow into their church to preach." Come iu again, dear brother. It won't hurt you to hear a merciful and for­ giving God preached once in a while. The ease with which people are im­ posed upon by itinerant peddlers- Is marvelous. A case in point happened in Richmond hotiong since. One of the traveling fraternity canvassed the village, selling a remarkable soap, ivhicli was warranted to take out grease and paint spots.stains, etc., from the most d:>licate fabrics, without Injury. This remarksble soap cost only 25 cents per cake. It was a poor quality of common soap, bought by the peJdler of one of our Richmond merchants at sixteen cakes for a dollar! The best way is to fight shy of all peddlers who are strangers to you. We have plenty of honorable merchants in town who keep all goods a peddler generally car­ ries and who would clicat you neither through inclination or policy. box LAKE. The Steamer "Lotus*' will on and after the 1st of June next, make reg­ ular trips to Fox Lake, leaving Mc­ Ucnry at 6:15, p. M. daily. WALTEB HILL, Captain. 7"E H'®*co * NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY £ £ ? " • • * - * * * » PiapLMAN HOTEL DINING CABS, '>a 1 Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chloago. Itl ha#-" n«arl) 3,000 Mi les of Road- In forms the following Trunk Linos: &c!ii!iln?' I?i'n.ver1'* California Line. Winon*, Minnesota A Central Dakota t,ln j> Sioux Titi, Nor Nebraska A\ankton OhicHfr". St. Pr.ul Jt Minneapolis I me * Northern Illinois, Free port A Dubuque Liue. Milwaukee, Greon Bay A Lake Superior Lii»e/t thl* joadaro solrt by all Coupo® Ticket Agents in the United States & Canada&SS Retnomber to ask for Tickets via this roail, the sure tiiey read over it, and take none other MA&VIff HUOHITT, Gen l Manager, Chicago W. H. STEIH1TT. Gen Paaa Agt Chicago Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. The Moline Owen's, Sulky Plow at E. M Fishing Tackle of all kinds at M. EngeID'S, in Howe's Block, near the new Bridge. • -- t The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. When in want of work In my line, give tnca call and I will try and please Robl. Murlltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in tiie Cdunty, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckevc Owen's. Force Pumps, at E. M All the Owen's. first-class Plows at E. M. Nobby Shoes. Nobby Suits. Nobbv Hats. Prices low at Fltzsimmoot A Evansons. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will* cure youf Store opposste Parker House. IF yon w$nt your Watch pnt In first class Order, call on Robert Murfift Jeweler, Nunda, at New Prints, latest patterns, ... prices from five cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods atfe Mrs. S. Searles. i| Mrs^H. H. Nichols keeps kltl floret 1 In all shades. - : , ;£4 Panel Photos at Miller's 3tn«Uo«;|, If In seacrli of Bargains call at C. F, Hall's Richmond and Dundee Stores. THE BEST THING For a cough is Besl?y's Troches. Try } a bo*. Store opposite the Parker 4 House. 1 The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the comity, at O. W. Owen's. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has the largest stock of Spring Millinery Goods in Mc Henry County. New style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's WANTED. Cash in exchange for good every day 3oods. Prices reasonable. Now don't forget this. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. Trble and Pocket Cnttiery in endless variety at O. C. Coloy t Co's Hard­ ware store. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's Millinery Shop and examine Goods and prices before buying. Miillnsry of every de­ scription, infants bonnets, all kind* of ueck wear. &c. Mrs. H. H. Nichols was in the city last Friday and bought hc-r third in­ voice of Millinery Goods this Spring. Mrs. Nichols has sold 120 Hats and Bonnets in 10 days, the "live and let live"motto brings customers from far and near. Call and examine goods for yourselves and be couvinccd that this is the "Boss" Millinery House in the count}'. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever nnd Ague. NEW GOODS. Lookout for great Bargains in Cloth­ ing. at the store of E. Lawlus, iu Lan­ sing's Block, as he has just returned from the city with anew stock. A flue line of Wall Brackets at slaughtering Prices, at O. C. Colby A Co's Hardware Store. A fine lot of Ready-Made Dresses and full Suits just received at Mrs. H. H. Nichols1 Millinery Store, Mcllenry. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. Eu- geln's Howe's Block, near the bridge. GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Fish at M. Engelu's in Howe's Block, near the bridge. Ladies of McHeury and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All work In 'epalring done on short notice. Go to M. Engeln's for all kinds of Gun and Fishing Material. In liowe's Block, McHeury. We are ollering extra bargains in Cheviots, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block McHeury. BARGAIN COUNTER. Mrs. Searles lias established a Bar­ gain Counter iu her store, where a nobby and stylish hat can be found at aiuioat your own price. Call and see them. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nicholi for Ladies* Ready Made Underwear. For Sale. In Woodstock, a house and five acres ^ of land, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods North of the Woodstock 1 Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro­ perty. and will be sold reasonable. In- quire ou the premises. r3"" ~ JAMK* G At&AGIUre. G* >V. BESLEY 1 Has just received an Optimeter, for " 1 testing the eyes, and can now fit you . ! witn a pair of spectacles and guarantee t satisfaction. He also has a full lino of 'f.v* Spectacles, all kinds, to which lie in* ^ vile® tho attention of the public. - | Nobby styles in Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. I CALL at Mrs. E. W. Howe's and ex­ amine those Stylish Hats and Bon­ nets trimmed by Miss Etta Searies, of Chicago. Every man. woman and child that pays Cash for their goods, should trade where goods are marked on that basis. Where they cau save from 15 to 25 per cent. Where 95 will get them more gooda thau $7 will at a credit stor?. STIVERS A SCHROU, FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. For the next two weeks I will tako Picture* at the following low rates: Card Photos $2 per dosen., 1 Cabinet with each dozen. Cabinets $4.59 per dozen, 1 Panel with each dozen. » Panels and 8x10 Pictures at greatly reduced rates. Call at once as it for two weeks only, will be positively igh Dr One Dollar at Colby Block. McHeury. Bros.. Riverside Call and see the splendid stock of Granite Ware at O. C. Colby 4 Co's Hardware store. THE LATEST. We have a large invoice of those celebrated "Broadhead'* Dress Goods In the latest styles. Everybody should see them before buying. STKVKHS h SCHJTOKB, A GOOD Pants Maker wanted at E. Lawlus' Merchant Tailorlug establish­ ment, near the Depot. The finest line of Dress Goods in this market, can be found at Stevens A 8cbuorr's„ SCREEN DOOKS. I am now prepared to make to ordei and will keep ou baud a good supply of Screen Doors which 1 will sell at the Lowest Living Prices. If in want of these articles give me a call. J. B. BLAKE. lfcHenrjr, May lltb, 1881. Do Yon W&nt a Sewing Machine. If yon do, of course you want the best, as it costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store of O. W. Owen, in McHenry, you can have your choice of Five, viz: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all these machines in stock, and any lady who wants a machine can set down and try them all. and then select the one which suits her the best. The first three named, the Domestic. Eldredge and American, are three of the best ma chines on the market, and any one will be convinced of the fact by calling at my store and trying one themselves. Also a tine stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at my More. Organs and Pianos for sale or rent. a W, DWItX. HeHepry, Apr" 9**. WW- MIU.KRS PnoTo STUDIO. Over l*erry A Martin's Store Twenty-two ami twenty-four foot Fish Poles,only six cents each, at M. Engeln's, in Howe's Blook, near the new Bridge. LADIES, have you seen those stylish <>heap hats at Mrs. Searles'? If you have not you should call at once, as they will last but a few days. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Byrr Oak Fence Post* for sale. Inquire of JORX DORAN. Do not fail to call at Mrs/ Searles' and examine the Bargain Ceunter. E. LAWLUS. In his Merchant Tailoring Depart- ment. keeps the best of Foreign and Domestic Cloths. Gents' Furnishing Goods at the very lowest prices, Lauer A Becker's old stand, McHenry. Ten cent Moinle Cloths, the latest styles in the market, at Colby BHM^ Riverside Block, McHenry. O. C. Colby A Oo. are now prepared to do all kinds of Jobbing, at their new Hardware Store opposite the Mill. SHROUDS. Just received, at John B. Bfake's Surniture and Undertaking Rooms, shrouds of all sizes, ami iu twenty-five different styles, which will lie sold at prices raug'ug from SI to $>. FOR SALE. J A very fine I'urham Bull. OMt JW» | old. Will be sold reasonable. J, W. SMITH* FOR SAI E. 40 Acres of land in Section IS, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with * good house and barn thereoa. with tiTiber ai;d water in abundance. In Seo* tion 2i. Also mv homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nnnd.t road. Good n»«r hou»e, barn uud other outh»«ildi*«s.-- Apply to

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