,T I 4^?f ^ i T* * if^ , $ rap***^ v*- 4 * " g|jggg C. % ABBOTT, h ?v«q 5WfW mm. ™ :w&m . . . j4 •^Uit S-IH • V K^^?«*®r"'* 'i'» tl * THAT THE PLACE--^ TtW iMgest k»gl«!at*re body in the iWMlry !• (fee House of Repreeenta- tli« of New Hampshire, which has JTi MUBkera. The smallest is that of Delaware, whloh has bat 21 members. Th» New England States all have kuy« rapreseutative aseembiles. • Syria's flr*t railway has been (hi- j and Is a Pteel-tracked tramway, OB the Afeertcan plan. The cars ex- MHMlljr are like street cars, n ith an IfN ^Urease and seat* on the top for Iweirt. , Within there Is a com part- mat it for men and another for women, la which no man is allowed, whether It Is empty or not; even the conductor •olleota his fare of-the woman tliMugh * kola in the door. iv«< >1 U«".i /k' i' WATCHMAKER. -A^D D^L|| iy: WATCHES, If an ontrnUi is a <<ay old it is caHtul alia ; if It !• a year old it is called a fatoehood; but if it is a century old it It called a legend. (i«p- ItettMi mf certain P«op)e( Loafer's.--The world owes me a tng a*id I am bound to lia«'e it. The Burglar's.--1Come along with •M» Jimmy; you're my best friend. A man who has taken about, six gitnHUi too much.--1 can (hie) take a glass when I'm mind to (hie) and let X. J. DACY. It Mone when I'm mind to! A Tailor'*.--Don't press me too fcmrd,' A Shoemaker's.--fty (Irst is my last -Hind to save my soul I must keep pegging away. A Lattycr's.--Qire me a suit that wears well. A .Retired ARUionaire's.--Abolish the usury laws. f he Politician?*.--All things to all •en--you tickle me and I'll tickle you. Parmer's.--Ho! brothers.ho! Hod-Carrier's.--Here we go up, and here we go down. Hotel Keeper's.--Show the gentle- *»nap. Rlcepteunm There is no class of literary people who are more liable to be affected by the state termed "sleeplessness," than eehool teachers. To such persons, the theory of Dr. J. S. Jewell, of the Chi- •age Medical College, developed in a reeent lecture, will be of value. His I4»a ic that in sleep the brain is par tially exhausted of blood. When one lain an excited and sleepless condition we Aad the brain to be possessed of •era than its usaal amount of the vital fluid. The remedies for eleep- leasne§s. therefore, should be directe d •ethe proper regulation of the blood. la health this office is done by a beau tiful self-regulation system, the nerves (tapes exhausted parts of the body act- upon the base of the brain, there by checking the flow of blood to the head and bringing about the conditio;i of fleep. But in ea.«e of sleeplessness cawed by overwork or congeitioa of the brain, some immediate remedy U •flea oeedei t» prevent exhaustion. A hot foot %>&xh is an exneUem r*nt- •4y. aa4 f&ouu. be worted tt> more tkm Ic site eunam. The nae «f «um- Ineiudiif tea snd coffee, are uaiiee- oT stee])ieg£»?H.. mif t* used t» person* suffering InNinuiii.. A uwxt«eiit-i. !• the an flffte of the nip It: snfi unable t»ge w&mmp *g*nt eiiotllci jk nj> a anc eoiwfouesti clrcutihii&u. snaer Bisrfut* «f xte- t*»dy irj ' ; b fiesii urrau. sat! ftamrf stir atam tfor wrMJe. s»S «£«,*• r tikt- jcliw* befur» agmlii. AS of this maulti bn=e a towlewf to 4vaw the b*M»€ Trvm the htaio. The of Jtanuea, who are Mid to be the greater exizn of togar la the world, are proverbial for tbeir beautiful teeth. He nee it Is inferred that the common belief that sugar i» Injurious to Uie teeth ie es error. The pressure of the Water of the ocean is estimated at a too weight on the square taeh for •fery thousand fathoms of depth, so thai at & depth of 2,500 fathoms there Is a pressure of two and one-half tons to the sqoare Inch of surface. It is no weader that all tbe animals brought up from great |depths by dredgiug are found to be dead. Tli« teller of the mail steamer *Cesarewltci»," which plies on the Cas- flan Sea, are heated by petroleum mfu%B Instead or ooal. The heating apparatus consists of two tubes, about •& inch in diameter, terminating at the aaane point in a small oblong brass box. Through one of these tubes the Mack naptha drops slowly, and is tHown Into spray by a jet of steam from the boiler, conveyed through t he ••eond tube. The spray, when ignited, forms a great sheet of flame, which passes Into the hollow of the boiler. It la easily controlled, there are no aehes, and one man can manage the boiler. This seems to be a practical test of the value of petroleum as a fael. The experience of a resident of Ap ple ton, Wis., seems to show that other kinds of dust besides flour are explo sive under certain conditions. The loft of his spoke mill, in that city, was •coupled solely for finishing the spokes which were polished by contact with rapidly revolving sanded belts. The •»'©e>Bi, was warmed by a box stove. The light, fine dust would accumulate In ©wry crack and crevice of the room, requiring cleaning of! every day. One day some of the dust was seen to fall from a rafter upon some live coals that had accidentally got out upon the hoarth of the stove. Instantly there was a flash that rilled the whole loft, and fl was on fire in a hundred dlfler- •at places. JEWELRY, Silverware, &c. RICHMOND, ILL. JOHN DONOVAN. T. J. Dacy & Co. It is nn open secret, well known to the farmers of Me- Henrv county, tlmt during thv last 12 years ours has been the only Agricultural Warehouse in the county where everything in our line needed on the tknn, from a pound of the best Barbed Wire to a Threshing Machine could be obtained at, all times without notice. It was thought by those who knew us least, that the destructicn of our Ware house by tire a year a<ro, would cripple us. Instead of doing - so, itlia£ given us new life and vigor so that we are now better pre pared than ever before to under sell our (would be) competitors. Our Spring stock is by far the largest and best in the county, und we are selling so close that it is a rare thing to see any one looking at our goods and going awa\ without buying. Our present exhibit consists of Plows, Harrows, Spring-tooth Parrows, Pulverizers, Kollers, Stulk Cutters, 16 in. Sulky Plows Seeders Diills, five and six Shovel,Corn Cultivators, the best Za£ral Baibed Wire, Lumber Wagons, 3 sprinsr Milk agous, Platform spnng Wagons, and about 300 Carriage* An exami nation of our stock will fully sxts&iia our claims T. J. DACY & CO. Woodstock, III Would respectfully invite nn examination of their stock of DRY DRESS GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are being offered at very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for the season, and we feel satisfied we can offer Goods at Lower Fiiras, lhan can be found elsewhere.-- Onr stock of Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Groceries Is full and complete, and Ave are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call and be convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Match 22d, 1881. In C. COLBY &• CO., AT THEIR TWO STORES, cHenry and Nunda. To Is at the old and reliable store of Furniture JOHN B. BLAKE Illinois. Are now Opening , the Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware McHenry County, which we offer to the buy-<fec., ever shown in ing public AT BOTTOM PRICES. Our stock is complete and comprises everything usually kept in a First Class Hardware Store. Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer the best and most goods for the least money of any one in the business. • WE INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF HIGH PRICES IN BARB WIRE. The Best Barb Wire in the Market at 9 ets. per Pound, JSgpT'Call and see us. and learn that we mean business. Store in McHenry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. At Nunda in Palmer's Store. McHenry Our stock was never more complete than at the present time and for variety cannot be equaled in the county. We keep none but the very best, and our motto is and always has been QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. We can give you anything in the Furniture line as cheap as any other house* in the State, and will guarantee everything first-class and just as represented. My stock of Coffins and Caskets s full and complete and will be sold at a slight margin above cost. When in want, ot anything in my line give nie a call and I will be sure to please you. JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, March 22d. 1881. THIS NEW AND CORRKOT Provus beyoml n;iv reasonable question that the , . £ Proclamation No. 17 T R . magnetic Ointment. W A R R A N T E D To Cor® Piles and Soros. AiK..<M»re fcjt*. *»r* Ihroat, k.*r*cfcp. isr Bai*>. t tiM>, Corm*. Mil* stroful««» Mi bSI %«re*. i kidney. Liver, Iml Lsag liktiaMlw. Macfcr Mke. LuMKtt, bpraias, hwelHngs |BM • vt*i Soierrops., sfssMi ™ «T» New Hardware Store. - ) X. N. MEAD ! NEAR THE DEPOT, --DEALEE IX- HARDWARE, STOVES, Tin. Copper anil Sheet Iron fare, The Irurni * A err drak^e *•" Da *!*•«• t B>ood PurKtmr, Wver c .ni»l BtMatiofi f*rlh- mltty \omf rxlrt tVw Hop i -.'!> liriM «»>r Xaile< Hop*, Buchu, Wan* ei 1 j i >, aillnc hest t> r»i f >tll o!;icr ."..tu r>, Table and Pot'.ket Cutlery, Scissors and niienrri, ll>>t'4C ltaMu>, Hoi sts Suoes, Horeoeliut: Nails, au«l t of every <lescri|ilion. A1h» everyth.ing tlialis generally kept in a llarU war J Store. Old aind -B\ THE- Reliable Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. E. M. OWEN & SON, Chicago & ITorthtxrostem R'y Is by all odds the best road for yon to take when traveling in either direction between Chicap and all the Principal Points in tie West North & Northwest Carefully examine this Map.. The principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Ita through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroada and Junction points,- Would give the people of McHenry and Lake Counties to understand that tuey are still in the business, with the largest and best stock of Agricultural Machinery Of all kinds, to be found in the market. They have in Stock PLOWS of all kinds, Seeders, C orn Planters, Cultivators, Drills Dra<rs, Pulverizers, Corn SheHcrs Feed Mills, Threshing Machines, Fon and Wood Pumps, Wind Irilb, Open and Top lin<rjries, and in short everything usually kept in a first class Agricultural" Warehouse, All of which will be sold Ante | -AslflanH ?£aun«e Jtadnera FLQRENC Ch€tnSler\ Quinnesco _~Wbrtmter _ Spaldii\g Clayton " ° N . . * * • A V^0wi Hjrnt JC.SI. Cloutl Ordway oi F's Nnor. n "WAWrto T.1KET0S Siou* r., CmytuH '< rveia City fena dWESTXSycuffr. •'a .. ""v"* <-> °oV J'-1 O ̂ "Wa A CTlICAGO I X> L NQSTJSjgESTEHN vnwtt pA RAIL WAX THE CHICAGO NOHTH-WESTERW RAILWAY Over nil of i ts prnx'ipil lines, run.M 0.10T1 wa\ daily from t w o ftofouv orjfuiovc Fa si £xpr^M Trains. It is the only road wust ofOhirAKo th;it uses the PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It f» the onlv road '.hat runs Pullman Sleeping Cars Xorth or JSforthwest of ChieAgO. It hM nnurly>3,000 Miles of Road- In forms the followid* Trunk Lines: ^ Council Hluffs, Denver & California l,ine. Winona, Minnesota & Central Dakoka Lin«a Sionx City, Nor Nebraska .t Yankton I,in«. Chicasto, St. I'RUI A Minneapolis I.in« Northern Illinois, Kre^port & Dubmjuc I.inc. Milwaukee, Grecu Iiay & Lake Superior l*iu6 Tickets over this roa«l are sold l>v all Coupo" Ticket Agents in the United States Jt Canada Keniember to ask for Tickets via'this road, the sure they read over it, and take non» other MABVIK HUQHITT, Uen'l Manager, Chicago ilejgu Jio ffHense aro op**ratioi Z«7 Z.7S uw To all ty quins an Ai II »p Wtt^r^ itry *i:vi lea tins X<> iuu4,i/*r wtiaty. arf w!i:it th<- <IMC>"-' U-rs. wait «i only l>a*l or i:; Jt liny yjiirli flOrfj cAt aru ibtdr is »d TICCT to tie aje 1 isi iiSia. mpi .; in*ntirr.iui» irrtynlsri' ' min ir* atvmn, or who Tt* :ii).l Stiiimiiant,, le, without iotox* Unss iKrnt u*< l?6p l:lf- •irk l>ut if y<i , at on. < lav,,|l h'JU'fr'" rsiBMI tsoo w ill b«-1^1 I'.t a r'i.e or ii^lp. l»o n«#t fcurf»*r nulfer.b-it u««aiifi Hum Ilrim robor, i; dnjfikfji nostrum, but l!:t-1 ilwlit jJte t ver iiuuif \ the •'IKV.4J, aud HOPE" anU no or fthouWl i* v ithouL tbem. ahtoVitf* nnd frn fovl>rt::ik"nniv'i,U'C* of j-mitm n:irc»>! i".-;. A1/.v"l *,v ,! M-." for ("i r'-uirtr. Hop HUlm Sfc. <)•. V Y ih'-r »uc tK>t T<*ur fricn'j.H Hop B Being a Practical Workman 1 sliall spare no pain* in trying to ^ive satin faction to all who favor me with their patror age. All kinds o! Jobbing In my line will receive prompt att ention. Plnasf-irive me a cnll belore purchasing else-.vhere when in need of anything in ni| IT"" I N- MEAD McHenry,Oct. 10th. 1S70. JOHN8BURCH w* went tbere. we >aw it, and we bought It. Oh it ie delicious aiid you ought to have Keen Uow my family en joyed It. No heating up the house, but comfort at last. Go and do the aame and you will it to. What i» it? Why Miller ft Kirk's celebrated Bread aad Cakes, for sale at L. Stori- 4ardT«« . reeds m Marble furls. HENRY^MILLER, --I»K Al.KH.IN -- 18 A THOROUGH REMEDY In every ca»e of Malarial Fever or Fevet and Ajfun, while for liisordern of tLe stomach Torpidity of the Liver, Indication und dis. tnrliances of the unimal forci^. which debili tute, ithaw no equivalent, and can have no substitute. It should not be eon founded with triturated compounds of cheap spirit* aiid essential oils, otten sold nnder the nans ot Bitter*. KOU 8AX.E BV Orugjcists, Grocer* anil It-me Merchan every w I.eio Aaterican and Fore® MarMe. Monuments, Headstpnes, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Henry, 111. Johnsbuigh, Aug. 20tb, 1()77 Mc As Cheap as the Cheapest. Kone l»ut the besst of machinery kept, that we mean business. Call and be convinccd E. M. McHenry, April 13th, 1881. OWEN & SON. GEORGE W. BESLEY Drntttist aiitl Apthecary. McHenry 111. --DEALKR IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Toilet Articles I have added to rav already Large Stock, a Fine Line ol TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which he invites the attention of thebuying public. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCali. C. W. BESLEY. McHenry, 111., Nov. 10th, 1880. ,H. STEVKITT. Gen Pass .\gt Chicago JACOB STORY, McHENRY. ILL. DEALE11 IN are, Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, 'Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, W imlow Glass, GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STCRY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALERS IN-- General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. We have one of the most complete stockB of Goods ever brough4 to thi? market, consisting in partot Dry Goods and Clothings HATS Ai> I> CAPS. . BOOTS I> SHOES, Paints Oils Drugs and Medicines Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willoware, Groceries Etc. Etc, J^TWe have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be found in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, sat isfied that we can suit^them both in quality and price.