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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1881, p. 5

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ĵ earj ̂ iaMeaiw. JWEDNESDAY JULY 6. 1881. Railroad Time Table. IJOIHO BOOTH.! geneva Lake Passenger Geneva Lake Express ®-*n»)ra Late Freight Steamboat Express ooiira HOKTO. 6enrT« T„ake Freight Steamboat Express Geneva Lake Express fienava Lake Fassentrer. ..7:8(1 A. M .8:41 " .1:05 p. M 5:», - 0:33 A.X ...10:01, " 5:52 P. M «:K " B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111 Miss BKRTHA HOLLISTER, of Elgin, •pent the 4th with friends in this Til­ lage. _ P. D. SMITH, of Osborue City, Kan- IM, arrived here last week an*d In­ tends remaining about two months to buy wool. Miss MARY BLATTMAN, step­ daughter of Geo. Sohrelner, came out to spend the Fourth with her parents In this village. STEVENS A SCHNOBK are on the Wool market again this season, prepared to fay the highest market price for the same. THE Party at the Parker Souse on the 4th was attended by about eighty ebuples, and was said by those present to be a very pleasant aud enjoyable affair. HILL & BARKER, Harness Makers* Wauconda, are showing up some very fine work in this line. While in that •village latelyjwecalled at their shop and noticed a sett of double Harness and one single Harness that it would be hard to beat. If you contemplate buying a new dress tor your horse, do not fail to call at their shop. THE game of Base Ball on the 4th, between the "Lakesides" of Wauconda and the "Riversides" of this ?Ulage, resulted in a victory lor the latter by a score of 41 to 17. Everything passed off with the utmost good feeling, and although the boys do not play down quite as fine S3 professionals, tliey seem to have just as much fun. The next game will be played at Wauconda, date not yet fixed. JJllOOin Speed Premiums. The following premiums will ,be competed for at the coming Count)' Fair, Sept. 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th.-- To those who reside in McHenry coun­ ty please take notice in time to make your entries: * Wednesday, Sept. 14th--Free for all Stallions. Purse $300. 1st $135, 2d $85 3d $50, 4th >30. Thursday, Sept. 15th--Farmers Race. McHenry county. Purse $100. 1st $50, 2d $25,3(1 $15. 4th 910. Same Day--Colt Race. McHenry • -TBJS FOX LAKS CLUBS. In the Liter Ocean of Thursday last we find the following in relation to the two popular Chicago Clubs at Fox Lake: FOX LAKE. The Fox Lake Shooting and Fishing Club is oneot the institutions of the fcuild, which may be justly termed the recherche club, as it is more given to society pleasures than game. The ladies whose husbands are members are the ruliug spirits, and of a necessity the club assumes more of a watering place guise, and the restraint thus put upon the gentlemen somewhat lessens the ardor for sport* M[hfch is more or less barbaric at best. The other club* have termed the Fpx Lake the "Lardy- da Club," ai\d it tfould seem justly so. The club*owns two acres of land on a high blnfl on the shores of Fox Lake< Lake County* 111., sixty-five miles from this city> via Chicago A Northwestern Railway and Fox River. They.have a very pretty house of thirteen^ rooms built after the Swiss 'cottage style," comfortably furnished and can accom­ modate thirty people conveniently. The grounds are tastefully arranged as far as the steep declivity will permit, and large trees surround it on all sides. I ® i They have no boat-house as yet, but | own five boats, a sail boat and a steam­ er in partnership with the • Cedar Island Club. The view from the bal-eounty. For 4 year olds and under.-- Purse $100. 1st $50,2d $25,3d $15, 4th conies is B"Perb, and a siesta there IF our readers notice any short-com- . Ings in the PLAIKDEALER this week they will lay it to old Fourth of July. We are one day late but trust no one will take exceptions. MRS. JOEL WHEELEU will acoept thanks for a very handsome Boquet left on our desk. Mrs. Wheeler has one ef the handsomest Flower gardens In this section. A ooon many of the new stars and comets read about in the newspapers are discovered by men who come home late and meet the clothes-llue across the bridge of their nose. THE Ladle* Church Aid Society of Blngwood, will meet at the residence of Richard Carr, 1J miles West of the Village, on Thursday, July 7th. MRS. WU. LANGIIAM, Secretary. THE McHenry boys who are working In the Pullman Brick Works at Chica­ go, accompanied by Superintendent Wentworth, were out to spend the Fourth. They all look as though that business agreed with them. THE business at the Clover Dryer Is about closed our a* far as Clover is concerned, but they intend to dry Cof-n there the present season. The business lias been so sucoessful here this year that Mr. Clayson contemplates largely Increasing It next season. FOR the past week the travel to Ge­ neva and Fox Lakes has been immense, every train being loaded to its utmost capacity. The hot weather drives everyone from the city who can afford it or their buslnes will allow them to • • TCKSDAT of th|i week may be set down as the most intolerable day of the season. The 'mercury was at a dangerous altitude, and when the breeze went down in the evening the temperature indicated the near ap­ proach of the final conflagration. To make along story short, it was--HOT. WE would direct the attention of our reader* to the card on the first page of Carl Carls. Johnsburgh. Mr. Carls 1ms recently enlarged his building and now has one of the most pleasant aud home like resorts for huuters and fishermen to be found on the line of the river.-- When in that section be sure to oall and see him. THE meeting of the Cemetery Com­ mittee, to see what is necessary to be done and make preparations to do it, will be held on the Cemetery grounds on Friday afternoou. instead of Thurs­ day. as heretofore announced. All per­ sons Interested in the Improvement of the Cemetery are requested to meet with the committee. COMETS have always hud a bad name and the later generations ot these celeffthil vagrants seem unwilling to do anything to improve the family reputation. Some of them have been Q< suspected of causing wars, others have lieen charged with great famines, and the recent arrival oilers an excellent esciise to every one who wants to keep bad hours. $10. Friday, Sept. I6th--Free for all Trotting. Purse $500. 1st $250, 2d $125, 3d $75, 4th $50. Same Day.--Free for all Running. Purse $100. 1st $50, 2d $25, 3d $15. 4tli $10. Entrance fee 10 per cent. 5 per cent to accompany all entries. Remaining 5 per cent to be paid 24 hours previous to starling. 5 to cnter3 to start, best 3 in 5. Entries close Monday Aug. 1st. 1881. For further information address the Secretary, A. S. Wright. Wood­ stock, 111. WAUCONDA. ^SUBSCRIPTIONS for the ri.AINDEAI.EB will be received in Wauconrla «i K. B. Harrison's Drug Store and at the Post Office EDITOR PLAIXDKALEU:--The news of the shooting of President Garfield which reached-Wauconda about noon, Saturday, spread like wild-fire and produced that Indescribable effect up­ on the people which is a characteristic of all such sudden and shocking revela­ tions. So anxious was everybody for later news that our enterprising Drug­ gist hired a team to go to McHenry early Sunday morning hoping to get some Sunday papers. It was the all absorbing topic during the day and so depressing is the outlook that your correspondent confesses to a great dis­ taste tor the curreut items of news. He will therefore, with your permission reserve them for next week. A FARMER says: "Four years ago my barn was fearfully infested with rats. They were so numerous that I had fear of ray whole crop being de­ stroyed by them after it was housed; but having two acres of wild pepper­ mint that grew in a field of wheat, cut and bound with the wheat, it drove the rats from my premises. 1 have not beeu troubled with them since, while uiy neighbors have any quantity of them.'1 I'HQSNIX INSUKANCK CO.HI*ANY COM- fANY, UARTFOU1), CONN. ITKASCH, CINCINNATI, July il, 188L Dear Sir;--'Vhe annual meeting of the stockholders of Ihe Phoenix was held in the City of Hartford, on the 30th ultimo, at which the following statement of the financial condition of the Company was presented; and that our agents may conveniently make their comparisons we present also the figures submitted one year ago: FINANCIAL STATEMENT. June 30th, 1880 June 30th, 1881 $1,000,000 00 Cash Capital si,iup,ooom 824,*W97 Reserve for rcinamance L'2»v.'o« 91 110,95!) 16 Res for (Tunjil Lossea !)8,«70 S<; 904,125 74 Amount of Net Surplus 1,197,112 15 2,8W,894 87 Amount ol Gross Assets 3,217,119 92 NOTK.--The first installment only ot' the new capita 1 appears in the July statement, hut in tne statement to i>e made January 1st, 1834, the capital will be Two Million Dollar*. Thus it will be feet! that the old Phoenix of Hartford continues to oc­ cupy its leading position as a Kile Un­ derwriter. dealing in strictly first-class indemnity which it will always furnish at reasonable rates of premium. We thank our Agents cordially for their aid and hearty co-operation in extending the scope and usefulness of the Phceuix. and pledge them in re­ turn every possible facility to render their Agencies pleasant, profitable and of long continuance. H. M. MAGIIX , General Agent. ABA W. SMITH, Agent, Woodstock, III. NEVER BEFORE In the history of Nuiula, has there been as large and well selected a stock of Dry G4ods, Clothing. Notions. .Boots and Shoes, and general merchan­ dise, as can be found at the cash store of Colby Bros. Colby Bros., Nunda. are leaders of low prices in Men's Flue Sewed' aud Pegged Boots and Shoes, Ladies', Misses' and children's Side Lace. Front Lace and Button Shoes and Walking Shoes. Best Goods at low cash price. Oh_what a world of "pads!" When you get tired of trying all the kinds just fall back on the old reliable Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Quinine and Arsenic Form the basis of many of the ague remedies in the market, and are the last resort- of physicians and people whp know no better medicine to em­ ploy for (bis distressing complaint. The effects of either of these drusrs are destructiue to the system, producing any pleasant afternoon well repays a visit from the dusty city. The membership is limited to sixty, only seven vacancies appearing at pres­ ent. The officers are: M. A. Farwell, President; J. M. Nye, Secretary and Treasurer; G. II. C. Williams and J. M. Miller, Managers. Among the mem­ bers are noticed Messrs. II. N. May, James Leddv S. M. Emmons, C. L. Willoughby. J. W. Norwood, E. II. Goodrich* M. Ullrich, J. G. Davis, etc. This club, too,contemplates many Im­ provements, and it has the wealth to carry out what it deems necessary to the beautifying of this pretty resort. Game aud fish are plenty at certain seasons here. CKI)AR ISLAND. The Cedar Island Shooting Club Is another Chicago organization located | at Fox Lake, They are neighbors of the Fox Lake C!ub, though they do not claim any of the style or fashion that governs that resort. They "rough It," so to speak. The officers of this club are: Charles E. Pelton, President; O. II. Roach, Viee President; J. C. Pier- sou. Secretary and Treasurer. The membership is full at six^y names, aud they embrace Carlisle Mason, J. T. Reynolds, Dr. F. B. Porter, Charles Spauldlng, Dr. T. W. Miller, H. M* Kidder. B. R. Chambers^ E. A. Baker, H. F. Billings, etc. The club owns a very commodious house, and some five acres of land on this bluff, a good boat house and keeper's house, and are half owners of the Steamer Lotus, aud have thirty boats in the boat-house. The members go there for sport and a good tlme^and they get what they go for generally. Keal Kstute Transfers. The following is a list of the Kenl Estate Transfers in McHenry couuty from June 1st to June 14th, 1881: Ale'x Manor au<t wife to Geo IJ 1'oft 88. 19 a in \v,y so'i sec 4 Richmond, $1100. S U Walker est to E C Carpenter. Ltfl blk 5 w McHenry, SIOOU. C E Oh-ipell and wife to John Gilltlan. Lt 1 blk 13 IMmtleltfh's add to Algonquin. #00. Benj Gilbert and wife to Casper Wirfs. & pt lt 11 blk u w Mclleury, 9100. Catherine Welch to John Welch. NX nwjf sec 12 Marengo, $-J000. H A and \V L Stieldon to Melvin Farnbam. Eh neif sec 7 Coral, *1300. Melvin Farnham and wife to ICHza L Stod- dard. 8 12a e,V e.'-a ue>« KOC 7 Coral, $.">40. John Morton and wife to Fred'k A Perry. 70 a in inv>j sw.V see 32 Algonquin, $300. B 11 Bentlev and wife to JHS Winkle. I-ts 3 and 8 blk 9 I 'luinleigh's add to Algonquin, *HW, Martin Nelson and wife U> John Klein. Pt It 15 JolinsUurgli, $JlOl J H Mi nurd ami wife to Aelean M Barbour. 86 a in se>i sec 43 Algonquin, $100. \V A Treat and wife to Abner II Bailey.-- Pt lt 3 sec 31) Marengo, $400. ' Truman W Henrv and wife to Kllen T Con. dow. l't 6eu 12 Bifcy soc 7 Coral, W00. Klisha Heatli aud w ife to Eilen T Condow. Pt see 1 aud *2 ltilcy, f21U Melvin Farnuin and wife to Mrs Mary Brayman. SoV nee 17 Coral, #1100. K L Sheldon and wife to Wm L Coon, UO a in sec 1 and 2 Coral, $3100. Francis Wheeler and wife to Pat McCaulcy Lt A blk 30 Harvard, $200. John Darbv and wife to Hebecoa McCullnm Lt* 1 4 and 5"blk 1 Ellsworth's add to Nunrta, $100. J M Deit.zand wife to Divid Johnson. Pt lt sec .T) Marengo, fSo.Stt. A B Van Cott and wife to F A Ogden. Pt lilks 1 and 2 Snyder's sub div McHenry, $1000 Thos Bacon and wife to David Johnson. Pt lt 2 blk 5 Marengo, $1500. A G Mansfield and wife to David Johnson. Pt eft sec .'Jo Marengo, #7S. Calvin Spencer to David Johnson. PI »»')»' sec 25 Marengo, if.V.. Ellis Mnxham to rtetsy A Thompson. J3 a in neVj sec 23 Nunda, $100. Sarah M Lucas and hus to J N Mazzy. Lt« 2 3 4 blk 4 Union, $!)00. t Jim Bigelow and wife to Sabiina Muzzy.-- 9.10 a in sec 18 Seneca, $300. Wm M Haldeman and wife to Wm H Thorn, as. NoV sw sec J.% Richmond. $1*0. Peter Arvedson est to Petronella Hanson. Lt 3 blk 1 Hickox's add to Crystal Lake, $127 Job Toles and wife to Dan'l Dennison. 110 a in sec 17, 18, llichmand, $4000, WOODSTOCK- EDITOR PLAIN OFF Bow throbs our nation's heart! ftnir on tiptoe with suspense stand* onr nation's pop­ ulace! How anxin«{a|y leans evefy **ar to catch the tiding^, which all so much dread to hear. C#ur beloved, our great hearted President has been shot, an.1 can he survive, is the question asked with bated breath. Saturday night answer* "'without hope or room for ho(Ve." Sunday morning answers with slight encouragement. But dafe we hope? We had given up--that like the martyred Lincoln Garfield too must die, and hope inspiring news is too good to trust, nevertheless in be­ half of his congregation the man of God priiclalms from every sacred desk throughout the land, "Our President seems very much better. Is relieved from those excessive pangs from which he suffered at the time of our last de­ spatch and hopes are entertained of his complete recovery." God grant, sighs e'very soul. God be praised, pro­ claims the minister, and resumes his sermon. What strange beings wo are. When our President wag supposeJ to be out of itariti's way our converse waa full of criticism, and lie might do this or he might do that. A moment later, when we are made to know that he has fallen by the assassin's hand, and death is almost certain to ensue, how suddenly wc change our criticisms to words of praise and what would we not. do to bring him back to health, Favorable tidings from Washington gives room for hope. God forbid that such hopes be blighted, Monday, July 4th, 1 p. M. Since our last writing, George Fill- wehber, a German farmer living a few miles south of this, committed suicide by taking poison. It was his second attempt that did its final work. lie lost his wife last winter since which he has said and done many things nu£ consistent with sanity. We have | heard of one or t\w other attempts at self destruction hut cannot give names at present. Gei^ral oxodus from Woodstock on the Fourth and Harvard gets most of our patronage. Brink A Corlett arc pushing two flue resiliences to completion on Clay Street. One for Kmil Arnold and one for l)r. A. E. Baldwin, a late accession to the profession and to our popula­ tion Considering that we have one of the healthiest locations to be "found, the Doctor will he likely, judging from present appearances, to command his full share of business. There is one thing demands our approval of his course aud that is his immediate ac­ tion in erecting a tasty and commo­ dious residence which indicates that he has come toktay. We have had occasion to ramble around the county considerable within the last t v« weeks, and as we devote .uucli of our time to farming, that, branch of industry "challenges our devoii under ail circumstances. Grass appears more than an average. Oats have a large acreage and arc looking well. Oorn as tSWU tfr the" staple aitd many pieces look truly encouraging, while others are both small and poor. Potatoes are "gushing" and promise a goodly yiHd. Cucumbers give some cause of complaint but are too small for us to form an opinion. We noticed a nourishing patch of Canada Thistles growing on the farm, if we mistake not, of a highway commissioner. We thought it one of their positive duties, under penaltj, to keep foul weeds well cut, particularly when they extend into and well along the roadside. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT S. F. BENNETT. 8. F. HES.YETr in herebv authorized tntakP •nb9crip! ion sand orders for advertis'ne and Job Work for the Pi,Atvi)K\i,fc;K, receive money therofor and receipt for the aame.-- all orders left with hfm'M'illTeeelve prompt A t te n t i o n Ediitir. Universalis! services were held at the Baptist Church in llichmoud last Sunday, Peter say* his boy staid at home on the 4th--wasn't even out on the street snapping tire crackers. A goodly number of our people went abroad to spend' the 4th--the greater number at Harvard but some to Ge­ neva I.ake and s«»me to Twin Lakes. Mrs. George Purdv. whose long sick­ ness has been a source of sorrow to her many frienrls Is now thought to be in a fair wav to recover. We notice Canlleld ts turning out some fine jobs from his paint shop, and he has all he can do. Five buggies were turned out last week and the shop Is now full of work. The improvements ami enlarge­ ments being made at the residence of Mrs. Gibbs are going to make it one of the tinest aud most showy buildings in the village. We ought to have mentioned some time since that Frank Packer h*» opened a paint shop in the basement of "No. 90," whence he is turning out some good jobs. Give him n call. The new mall arrangements are a convenience to everybody. We now get our Chicago dailies and letters •Mirly in the day instead of waiting till evening. All hands are pleased with the arrangement. is the head of a conspiracy to tnnrder the President and that Gitteau was only a hired tool. In tho name of our common humanity we pray that it may not be so.. The universal expression of MMTOW aud indignation at the out­ rage shows iu how high estimation President Gartield is held by all par­ ties here--how strong ids hold npon the confidence and affections of the people. The general feeliug here is that had Arthur been killed It would have been no loss to the Republic, but that the death of Gartield at the pres­ ent critical crisis would be an fmmeaa- urable public calamity. J? OX LAKE. The Steamer "Lotus" will on and after the 1st of Juue, make reg­ ular trips to Fox Lake, leaving Mc­ Henry at 6:15, p. M. daily. WALTER HILL, Captain. fiaalneMt Holieei# Seed's Gilt Edge Teaic IMMNPMI appetite. The Moline Owen's, Sulky Plow »t K, Fishing Tackle of Engelu'a, iu Howe's new Bridge. all khuk at The Furst A Bradley Salk* Whm E. M. Owen's. ATTENTION. For seventeen cents per yard you can buy a tine Brocaded Mohair Dress Goods, all shades, autua lly worth thirty the cash store of Colby Bros., Nunda. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu­ matism. Escape it by heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbing in thoroughly. Nobby Styles In Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. latest » Parasols and Fans in all of the styles at Stevens & Schnorr's. Shoes lor the Million. We lliave placed in the hands of rv>«k. *ou A brid re atade of rwigh )<>p* i nr® headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, kid l.welv across the timbers. Thi* I P V? dizziness, ringing in the ears, aud de- WAI Inml ^red by a 'bed'?* ti Cliero j 41 • pression of the constitutional health. 0e ros«« and yellow jaaiusne^hst in the; 8lli5 Ayer's Ague Cure is a vegetable dis- Just north of Martin's Market, In the cozy little room formerly occupied by A. Howden. Messrs. Burrows A Birch have opened an ice cream parlor where anyone desiring a dish of delicious cream may be served to their heart's (and stomach's) content. A. S. Martin ha- put iu a stock of confectionery, nuts. A J., at his market., as well a« bread, cakes, etc. This will make it handy for those wishing to purchase such articles, and we hope his enterprise may bo rewarded by a large trade. Street Commissioner Hasting* is do­ ing some capital work ou our streets. The gravel pit near the depot, first opened last year, proves to be a bo- noiiza. It furnishes the best gravel we have ever used on the streets, and we are glad to see that Mr. Hastings knows whore and how to use it. Colby Bros., McHenry ami Nunda, an immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Buttun aud Side Lace Goat aud Kid Walking Shoes, Serge and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Ki<l front lace, all of which thev are selling at our wholesale pi ices With a small compensation added. Call and examine goods. FOHBU8H A BROWN, RnDftlo, X.T. Kid and Li hie Thread Gloves colors at Stevens A Schnorr's. In all FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of Madison ^tud Vine Streets, Woodstock. III., conveniently located to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, ana well arranged. Goo-l well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA SMITH. Woodstock, III Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient distances from my residence. ASA \V. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 New stvle Bracelets at O. W. Owen's fifced tvte air with perfiw. An fceasional squalid n«£r<» «flil)i'i lent a (0<®ria«qi^> addition to the ven^, lis di- •pitfoted pftlVry fringed with maiden lir fern, a*<l it A tnmble-<iowu el*i«jney Vte«rf mu4 and sticks. 8;rtu£8 <4 red t>para adon><><l the on'«i<J»» tva k o t W of #,ho door. Nearly all ifie iplsi Wl bnaeheo of tobaooo ltas<a«g ir» "" ' - • --i .r THE Party at the Riverside House, On the 4th, surpassed anything ever held in that popular dancing resor t since its opening. There were two hundred and forty-six numbers sold, and the house was packed from base­ ment to Hall. Yet notwithstanding this large crowd everything passed off tn the most Quiet and orderly manner, •verybody seeming to enjoy thern- ) selves in the best of manner. That the Riverside beats the world oq dan­ ces no oue can deny. covery, containing neither quinine, ar­ senic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an Infallible and rapid cure tor every form of fever and ague. Its {T<J effects are permanent and certain, and 1«a>< no injury can result from its use. Be­ sides being a positive cure for fever wit,! and ague in all its forms, it is also a «] superior remedy for liver complaints. ndni'1 '8 a" excellent tonic and preventive, I as well as cure, of all complaints pe­ culiar to malarious, marshy, and mias matic districts. By direct action on the liver aud biliary apparatus, it stimulates the system to a vigorous healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. For Sale. In Woodstock, a house and five acres ot land, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods North ot the Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro­ perty, and will be sold reasonable. In­ quire on the premises. JAMES GAtL^GHpR. Wool! Wool! We are again on hand ready to pay the highest market price for Wool.-- Headquarters at Owen's Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. T>. S. SMITH. E. M. OWES A SO* THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE The qndersigned offers for sale one Buffalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all in good running order, and will do as good work as any new machine. Will be sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span of good horses. Inquire of GEO. MILLS, Wauconda. III. CRISWOLD LAKE CHIPS EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--The far­ mers are very busy iu our neighbor­ hood getting in their crop of clover. O. M. Hale has hired Samuel Tavlor to clear the brush from his pasture which i« quite an improvement. It in rumored around this neighbor­ hood that Charles Groves has bought Mrs. Moriey's farm. We notioe that R. G. Smith lias been getting his buggy newly painted and has put on a new top. Mr. Zero Webster purchased a new carriage whi'e iu McHenry last week from F. K. Granger. Mr, A. G. Smith's sister is keeping house for hi in during Mr. Beech's ab­ sence. Several of the farmers In this neigh- ln>rhood have purchased new Mowers tiiis season at McHenry. The old bridge has. all been drawn Ua^kexcept one span. Now wo would like to see the commissioners do (heir part, that is. to put it up. Mrs. K. Allonsby took a flying trip to Chicago with her daughter last week who was going West to meet her husband. The Bowery dance last week *was quite a success. The boys sold about twenty tickets. It was a splendid eve-,, silng, especially for Ihe mosquitoes.-- We had good music aud a splendid time. E. A. Goldlng, of Wauconda, was present with his large tent and plenty of refreshments. Win. Mudgett.has sold his horse, buggy and harness to Mont Green. Mrs. Allensby had company last week. Some people from Chicsgo also some from Harvard. Geo. Nortlrsays he has a Threshing Machine which he wishes to dispose of Will sell cheap and give tiire or will trade for oue good span of horsey.-- Give him acall he is bound to trade with some one. On the first day ot July the new post­ master. P. A. Potter, took possession of the office and removed it to his stor« on Broadway. He purchased of Mr. Aid-rich the box case used by him, so the appearance of things Is not much changed. We hope the new ad­ ministration may meet the public ap­ probation. Mr. Aldrich retires from the post office with the«ooil will,oC everybody. He was an efficient post mastor in ever}' particular, aud noted for his kindness and accommodation. He steps down and ^ut gracefully and without any whining, aud we feel it to be no more than straight justice to give him this kindly send oft. On Friday a little son of Wm. Ben­ nett, who lives near Keystom*, was stepped on by a horse and sustained a fracture of the leg below the ktfee. The child ran out to meet his father as he was returning from the field at noon and somehow gos under the horse's feet. He wns brought to Richmond to have the broken hones replaced, and is now doing as well as could be expect­ ed. If report is true, things at Twin Lakes will not, this season be as lively as usual. It Is said the Rockford Clubs, so many years campers at the Lakes, go to some resort in Michigan for this summer's recreation. Tliero are, how­ ever, several parties now encamped at the Lakes, and one can spend a very pleasant day there. The fishing is splendid. We. saw some extremely fine catches of black bass and pickerel which were made last week. Quite an exciting shooting match at glass balls came off on the grounds of the Richmond Gun Club on the 4th, between H. Chevillon and Thomas Wilson for ten dollars a side, two traps, 25 balls each, aud Bogardus rule6 to govern. Jo Osmond was scorer, aud Ed Young umpire. The match result­ ed in a tie on 25 balls, which was shot oft on five balls, Chevillon winning the stakes by a single ball. The following is the score: Wileon-- l 1111101011 l loot l l l I 1 I l 0 1-19, Chevillon--1 0101011111 1 1 11 1 1 110 11100 1--19. Miootiug oft tho tie, Chevillon 4, Wilson 3. There wero some outside bets, some money but mostly cigars. The excitement here over the news of the assassination of President Gar­ field was intense. So much feeling has not before been manifested siuce' the war times of 1881--5. The morn- Ladles of McHenry and vieinlty don't buy your-'Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering g' eater bargains than ever. All work iu 'epairiug done on short notice. Trble and Pocket Cuttlery in endless variety at O. C. Coluy t Co's Hard­ ware store. ICK CKK.AM at Rouse's Ice Cream Parlors, iu Keller's Block, two doors West of the PLAINDKALEK office. YOU MUST NOT Forget the fact that Colby Bros., NumUt, offer better bargains In Cloth­ ing to wish buyers than auy ullifef flrui in the county. Buckeyc Force Owen's. All the Owen's. •t; •x" Pumps, at 1. A first-class Plow* al t. The finest line of Silver MM! Plate# Ware to be found la she comity., at O. W. Owen's. A fine lotef Ready-Made I)re*e*»an# full Suits just received at Mr*. M. ll« Nichols' Millinery Store, Mdlesi;. German School Books, and Rngttsfc and Germau Mass Books, at M. gelu's Howe's Block, near til* GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food lor TU at M. KngeIn's In Howe's Block,aaar tha bridge. Call and see the splendid llsek sf Granite Ware at O. C, Colby A CM Hardware store. * THE LATEST. We have a large involca af tkaaf celebrated "Brnadhead" Drees Goadfe in ihe latest styles. ¥,verybedy aboat# see them before buying, STK vEwa * scajwam. flie finest line of Dross Goods to this market can be found at ttiavaaa & Schnorr's. Pllea, chafing sores, chapfrlf! Wmh, salt rheum, skin disorders, burns, brai* ses.sore throat,aud ail iaiaiuiaatio* yield rapidly on application of TraakH Magnetic Ointment. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Povh Lard aud Corned Beef, at H»waff#1i Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches wHI cure you f Store opposes* fukrl House. , IF you want your VT»«cft pat in titak class Order, call on Robert Marlll Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest pattern*, at prices from five vests a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Bledt Mrs. H. H. Nichols keeps in all shades. kid Panel Photos at Miller's Studio. Remember that Barb Wire, only • cents per pound, at O. C. Colby 6 Co/B Hardware Store. THE BEST THING For a cough is Beslsy's Troches. Try a box. Store opposite the Parkar House. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for LaMsti Ready Made Underwear. We are offering extra bargataa la Cheviots, at Colby Bree*. Riraislda Block McHenry. Go to M. Engeln's for all kinds of Gun and Fishing Material. In,.Howe's Block, McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work and pay iu this way should apply at once to A. WKNDKLL, MoUeury. Great Bargains, In Clothing at E. Lawlus'. Flue light Fourth of July suits at Chicago prloes. The finest goods iu market for men, boys and children from a fancy grip to a straw hat. Store in Lansing's Block, neat the Depot. New line of black lawns, buntings, light summer dress goods, ginghams, with lace to trim, at Stevens A Schnorr's. Lad'es' Linen UUters, Parasols, Hosiery. Silk Mitts in all shades, Ncck- Wear, etc.. in endless variety, at the cash store of Colby Bros., Nunda. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors, GOLD1NG A BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that tliey have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for the season and are now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day and evening, by the dish or quantity. We also keep on hand Groceries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Notlous, To­ baccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low or lower than any other house in the county, quality of goods considered. When iu want of anything in our line we invite you to call, confident that we can please you both in quality aud pride. GOLDINO A BROOKS. WAUCOKDA, III,, June lit, 1881. SCREEN DOOltS. I am now prepared to make to i and will keep on hand a good supply af Screen Doors which 1 will sell at ttoa Lowest Living Prices. If iu waat at these articles give we a caU*, J. ft. HAUL ' McHenry, Slay 11th, Wl. ' A fine line of Wall Brackets at slaughtering Prices, at O. C.Colby A Co's Hardware Store. . SEWIKO Machine Needles for evat? machine made, can be found at M, JBft* geIn'*, Iu Howe's Bloek, aaar tba bridge. Every man, woman and clilfcl tkat 'pays Ca*h for their goods, should irada where goods are marked on that basie. Where tliey can save from Ifi to 1ft per ceut. Where will get them mora fin# than $7 will at a credit store. 7 SI EVENS A saavoaa. Twenty-two and twenty-four feat Fisli Poles,only six cents each, at M» Engeln's. In Howe's Block, near tba new Bridge. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Post* for sale. Inquire of JOHN MMtAN. In cases of PUes Dr. Trust/? Ma*, uetic Oinimeut acts like a charm, giv ing quick relief. For Chafing and all Sores and Inflammations It •xoeii «v« ery thing. Ten cent Momie Cloths, tba latest styles in the market, at Colby Riverside Block, McHenry. O. C. Colby A w'o. are now prepare# to do all kinds of Jobbing, at their new Hardware Store opposite the Mill. SlIKOUDS, Juat received, at John B. Blake's Surnilure and Undertaking Rooms, shrouds of all sixes, and Iti twenty-five different styles, which will be sold at prices ranging from *1 to 90s old. FOR SALE. A very fiue Durham Bull, Will be sold reasonable. When In want of work In my line, give me a call and I will try and please Robl. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111. & ALL that are in want of Millinery should not fail to call on Mrs. E. W. Howe. Will sell all kinds at reduced prices for the next thirty days.-- Another lot of Dolmans just received. Black French Chip Flats 81.50, Can­ ton Straws 25 cents. NO HOSI'ITAL NKEOKD. No palatial hospital needed for Hop Bitters patients, nor large-salaried talented putters to tell what Hop Bit­ ters will do or cure, as tbey tell their own story by their certain and abso­ lute cures at home, Engine and Boiler for Sale. The undersigned has 2or sale a Twelve Horse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All in good running or­ der, having been used but little. W ill be sold cheap, for cash or on time with approved note. For further particulars iuquiie of WARD B. GALE. Volo, 111 Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' store, one door north of Perry A Martin's, for anything in Miliiuery or Ladles' Fur- pjshing Goods. ing papers contained no news and the £veniny Journal was waited for with the utmost impatience, When they came the news office of Alexander A Hyde was beseiged by a crowd eager to obtain a copy, and many had to go a wav disappointed, "lliere was a feel* ing of relief when it was found that the shots were fired by a lunatic iu- stead ol its being a political crime by an otherwise sane man. But tho un­ fortunate and disgrace Jul state of agairs at Albany, growing out of Coukling's quarrel with the Adminis­ tration aud resignitiop. must to all time be charged with the crime, for, granted the lunacy of Gitteau, that lunacy was given its murderous im­ pulse by the Conkling fight. There are some here who scout the theory of Gitt^au's insanity, aud think hard enough of Confcliug to believe be EMPLOYMENT FOR LADIKS. -- The Queen City Suspender Co., of Cincin­ nati, are now manufacturing and (in­ troducing their new Stocking Sup­ porters for ladies and children, and their uneiualed Skirt Suspenders for ladies. None should be without them: our leading physicians recommend them and are loud In their praise These goods are manufactured by ladies who have made the wants of adles and children a study, and they ask ns to refer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every household would meet with a remly res pause, and that a determined worn in could make a handsome salary and have the exclusive agency for tbis county. We advise some lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name and address, and mention this paper. Address, Q'^eeia City Suspender Company. Nos. 147 A 149 West fomtU St^CUtinaatl, QMo, J. MM year SMITH, FOR SA1E. 40 Aeres of laml in Sectiaa IS, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house aud barn thereon, with timber aud water in abundance, iu Sea* tlou 24. • ^ Also my homestead ou tbe Crystal Lake and Nuuda road. Good aew house, barn and other outbwildiugs.--• Apply to J«»ax F4.1;SKY. Do You Waul a Machine. IT you do, of course you waul tba best, as it costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries bat one which lie has fixed up ou farposa to show, when by going to the store of O. W. Owen, in McHenry, you can have your choice of Five, via: I'he Do«e*> tie, E'tdredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all thesa machines in stock.and any lady wha wants a machlue can set down aud try them all, and then select the one wham suits her the best. Tbe lir*t thrett named, the Domestic. Eldredge an4 American, are three of the best ma chines on the market, and any one will be convinced of the fact by calling at my store and trying one themselves. A Is® a tine stock of Clock*, WaieheS^ Jewelry, Silver aud Plated W»|», be found at my store. Organs Pianos for sale or rent. A W.MTIK KeHeaty, Aftfl W, 3 \

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