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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1881, p. 5

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Jfejeirj {Metier. |WEDNESL>AY JULY 20, 1881. Railroad Time Table. loiyo SO0TH.| fceneva Lake Passenger ,..,.7:2(5 A. * 'W**0eneT» Uk< Kxpress -8:21 " ••"rjl-niv* Lake Freixbt .*..•#*.. l:tO p. M Steamboat Express..... 5:16, " ro[VO!iq»HI. Lake Freight ...........S:3S a. H *teamlK>at Express ........10:01. " *eneva Lake Express 5 5ip. v ttoneva Lake Passenrer .6 :H " B., Buss, Aarent. , McHenry, III 1MI 1481 Fox Lake, Ills. Summer Time Table STEAMER "LOTUS," LCAJB MCHENRY ARRIVE. 1®:S> A. *.* 8:00 A. M. daily «:» P. M. daily. * 4:00 p. St* POX LAKE. 6:10 A. M. daily 12:00 noon.» »:30p. sc.* 8:00 P.M. daily •This mid-day Trip Is ran alternately by the "Lotus" and "Mary Grlswold, provider! there is previous notice given tov visitors at the Lake. WALTKR HILL. Captain. ' To Out Subscribers. 1 As this number closes the sixth year of the PLAINDEALER, and many of our subscribers are in arrears, we would re­ spectfully ask them to come forward, pay up the old score and renew for the coming year. Those who are sending papers to friends outside of the coun­ ty will confer a favor by notifying us 11 they wish them continued. And when renewing your own subscription take a look among your friends and see If you cannot also bring us a new name for the coming year. We will In return endeavor to give you one of the best weekly papers published in the State. V f ' To the Lotus Beds. f The Steamer "Mary GriswoUl,*' will make an Excursion to the Lotus Beils< on Sunday next. July 24th§leavlng her TfACK 111 i.ltl* village at 1 o'clock p. m.. returning arrive at McHenry at 6} p. M. Fare, round trip 50 cents. PERSONAL. H. L. STORY and wife, of Chicago, see the Lakes this week. Miss ANNA THORNTON, who has been spending several weeks with friends in Chicago, returned home on Satur­ day. JOSEPH BKNTFELD, of the firm of Blake A Bentfeld, of Rich Prairie, Minnesota, lias been calling on friends here the past week. Miss NETTIE GOULD, of Chicago, is visiting with the family of H. S. Greg­ ory. in this village. EDITOR BOIES, of the Sycamore Re­ publican, made us a pleasant call on Thursday. He was on his way home from Fox Lake. AL. HANKINS, and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this vil­ lage. M. M. CLOTHIER, of Hebron, the "boss" Pension Agent of the North­ west, was in town on Tuesday evening. J. W» CUISTY and wife started on Tuesday for a visi t among friends at their old home in Vermont. They ex­ pect to be gone from four to six weeks MRS. HARRIET HOTCHKISS, and her daughter, Mrs. flattie E. Learned, of Fairfax, Vt.. are the guests of Jacob Story, and daughter, in this village. Mrs. Hotchkiss is a sister of Mr. Story. MR. W. S. FOX, Principal of the Statp Reform Schopl in Connecticut, accompanied by his wife - and younger .brother, visited McHenry and were guests at the home of Rev. Joel Wheeler. SAYS a nervous editor: Genevieve Ward is shocked beyond expression because men and women are compelled to sleep in the same sleeping car. It is dreadful. We have oft«»n worried over the same tiling, and been afraid to go to sleep, lest some woman should chloroform us and kiss us in our dreams. No man is safe in a mixed sleeping car. c OtTO Woodstock and Greenwood cor­ respondence, for Some cause unknown, has failed to reach ns this week, H. E. WIG-HTMAN i,e rebuilding his Boat House, which was carried away by the higli prater in the Spring. WE learn that E. M. Owen had a colt badly lacerated by a Barb Wire fence one day last week. . SEE the new advertisement of Fitz­ simmons ft Evan son, in another column They sire offering bod-rock prices in all kinds of Summer goods. EUGENE WIIEELER will plea?* nc- cept the thanks of 'lie editor and fam­ ily for a supply of early vegetables, left at our residence. 4 Hon. H. D. Dement, Secretary of «"• State,^Mli please accept thanlis for a copy of the Laws of the State of Illi­ nois, enacted by the last General As­ sembly. LAUD cheese^, It 'is suid, will not bear the test of hot weather. When cut for retail, the hog-grease oozes out aind "peaches" on the fraud. There is a weak point. In every cheat. THE old Fox River Club, of this vil­ lage, and a Club from Elgin, will plav a match game of ball, in this village on Friday afternoon of this week, July 82dj The game will commence at half past three. X DISTINGUISHED physicians say that i cigarette smoking is very injurious, / and that if is sapping the life of Amer- f lean youth And yet the youngster I with a cigarette in his mouth feel* as 1 if he was a combination of the Irish \ giant and Daniel Webster. THE Ogle County Democrat puts years of general observation into Ave lines when he says: "The man who advertises can easily be distin­ guished from the one who does not. The former wears out the soles of his boots, the latter the seat of his pants." IN another place in this paper can be found the report of the First Na­ tional Bank. W6od»tock. By refer­ ence to the figures it will oe seen that the Individual Deposit* amount to $190,028.96. This shows this hank to be one of the most prosperous in the Northwest. ANOTHER GRAND BOWERY DANCE will be given on the platform,opposite the Mudgett Cheese Factory, on Tues­ day evening, July 26th. This platform will accommodate 48 couple. A large canvass tent has been secured to be used as a sitting, where Golding & Brooks, of Waucouda. will furnish Ice Cream. Cigars. Ac. Music McHenry Quadrille Band. One and all are cor­ dially invited to attend* BY a letter from D. L. nai l , .Secretary of the Chicago Driving Park, we learn that on Saturday next, Ju'y 23d, "Maud S.." the unrivaled Queen of the Turf, will trot three heats to heat her own unparalleled record of 2:10J. It is confidently expected that the "fastest horse in the world" will trot the "fastest track in the world." in 2:08. No lover of flue trotting should fail to see this wonderful mare on Sat­ urday next. We hear of quite a num­ ber who will go from this place. ONE of our New York exchanges gives the following remarkable cow story? "Mr. Leeward 4**w»fc,-of Burke. is authority for the statement that a gen­ tleman in that town owns a cow which three years ago, gave birth to two calves; two years ago two calves; one year ago four calves and the present year three, a total of eleven calves within 38 months. The weight of the last '•litter" is 145 pounds, two weigh­ ing 50 pounds each and the third 45 pounds. The cow is now sevoii years old and is of Durham blood." THE COUNT* FAIR. Less than two months remain beJfore the Annual Fair of the McHenry County Agricultural Board will be held, alul It behooves every citizen of the county who has the success of this institution at heart, to bestir them­ selves that the Fair may be equal, if not ahead of any former year. The officers of the society are leaving noth­ ing undone on their part, and if the farmers, stock-raisers, dairymen, fruit­ growers, house-wives, and in short every man. woman and child in the county will but do their duty, the largest exhibition ever known in the county will be the result. The premiums offered are the most liberal, arid there is no person but who can do something towird the exhibi­ tion, Let every farmer now com­ mence to look over his stock and see what he has that he can put on exhibi­ tion and make ready to do so. Bring in your fancy blooded cattle, horses, hogs, sheey, chickens; your best prod­ ucts of the field and garden, butter, cheese, and in short any thing and ev­ erything that will make a display and tend to interest and draw a large crowd. It is true you cannot all get the first premium, but you will be able to learn something from the success of your neighbor, and perhaps next year will be better prepared to successfully compete. It is al these yearly gath­ erings that the farmer, mechanic, and even the merchant and banker learn something that in after years proves of untold benefit to them. Here we all get together for a few days recreation from business,-and not only see what is on exhibition.but exchange views on subjects pertaining to our calling, artd all are more or less benefitted thereby. Therefore we say to our readers let each one do his part towards making the Fair of 1881 a success in every par­ ticular. As we said before the officers are doing their part well,1 and if the citizens of the county, who should be deeply interested in this matter, will only put their shoulders to the wheel, the Fairof 1881 will be the largest ever held in the county. In addition to the uAual programme some of the most noted celebrities of the county will be present each day of the Fair. The Fair opens September .13th, and continues four days. WE are under obligations to J. A. Baldwin. Esq., of the U. S. Attorney's office, for an official National Bank Note Dotector. We have as yet had no use for il, but we are under obliga­ tions just the same, for putting us in shape to meet the emergency when it arises. ___ THOSE who believe that an eel is nothing but a snake will be strength­ ened in their belief by the fact that one wascaught in the river the other day that had previously swallowed a frog, which measured, when taken out^ as much around as the ®el. It is cer­ tainly a snakey trick. PERSONS thinking of buying or wish­ ing to see one of "Geo. Estley's Auto­ matic Twine Binders" work, will do well to call at PatrJck Murray's Rye Held, one half mile northwest of Wau- eonda, on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, July 20th. 21st and 22d. A machine will be there in full opera- tlon. - MILLER & KIRK, of Woodstock, now have their Bread and Cakes on sale at the Ice Cream Parlors of Chas/ Rouse, where all who wish can find good tresh Bread and Cakes at all times. Messrs. Miller A Kirk are first -class Bakers, end their trade in this village is gain- lag every week. If yon \*ant a loaf of fresh bread call at Rouse's and give it a trial. Aix kind* of Farm Machinery at bottom iuicett, at E. Al. Oweu A buu'». ABOUT the smallest and meanest trick we have heard of in some time was the following: A fanner. W. W. Wood, was driving with a load of oats between Volo and Hainesville some time since, when he accidentally lost, oft two bugs, containing about three bushels each. A neighbor came along soon after, picked them ouc of the road and stood thein by the side of the fence. Shortly after another in­ dividual who, Mr. Wood says, lives not a thousand miles from McIIeury. came along and delibeiately took one of the bags of oats, put It into his wagon and carried it home. This in­ dividual is well known to Mr. Wood, and if he wishes to save trouble, will do well to call and settle without de­ lay. The price of the oats is small but the act is contemptible. Farmers,. liead Tliis. DKPARTMRKT OP AGRIfXr.TiTRB ) Oimiuis.iioner's office ' WASHINGTON, D. C., July 8. 188L S My Dear Sir:--I wrote you from Salem that my engagements next September are--Rock ford. 111., sept. 14, Woodstock, 111., Sept. 16, Fond du Lac, Wis., Sept. 29. I suppose the letter strayed away. This I promise is all right as far as Woodstock is 'con­ cerned. Truly yours, duo. B. LOKINO, Cora'r. A. S. WRIGHT, Sec'y, iVoo.lstoek, III. P. S.--The above is a copy received from the Commissioner v»f Agricul­ ture, and it is printed for the farmers* attention I u or,der to convince them of energy in m alii rig bur coining fair worthy of McHenry Co. Let us show our Honorable Commissioner that we are as good if not better than our sister counties In the cultivation of the soil. A. s. wRtOHT, Sec. McHenry Co. A^g'l Board. H'UCSKMEN. The Colt Race, advertised by the McHenry County Agricultural Board will be trotted best 3 in 5 half mile heats. Instead of ntil$ heats, as stated in previous notice. A. s. WRIGHT, 8ec'y. WAUCOUDA. ^^SUBSCRIPTIONS for tlte PLATNDSALCB wiU 4M reconvert in Waneonda at K B. Harrison's Drat Store arid at the Post office EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The exces­ sive Iteat which has prevailed the past week has had a very quieting effect on everybody, hence the scarcity of gen­ uine news Items. Regarding the Rail­ road excitement there Is not much new to report. The committee held a meeting Saturday p. M., and arrauged lor an active and thorough canvass dur­ ing the coming week. A meeting of the people of this vicinity is called for next Saturday evening at 8 o,clock in Hill A Barker's Bowery, or should the weather be unfavorable in Mai­ nland Hall, those gentlemen having kindly donated the use of their re­ spective halls. It is expected that a large delegation from Lake Zurich will be present ready to report pro­ gress in that section and to arrange a plan tor concerted action. Gentlemen here who are abundantly able and who have already signitied their intention of donating $500 for a Road are now talking seriously of increasing their subscriptions to a thousand dollars* lr is earnestly hoped that every inan who feels an interest in the growth and prosperity of this section will be pres­ ent at this meeting. Those who think a"rallroad Is coming here anyway" are especially urged to attend. The "true inwardness" of a scheme of this magnitude oeii not be attained in a day nor in many days. Sitting on a cracker bosC, hearing a rumor and j'imping at econclusion will never se­ cure a railroad. Those, then, who claim to knoglf that a road is coining here whether a subscription is raised or not,wouhl be nothing less than pub­ lic benefactors if they would come for­ ward and tell the poor stupid fellows who difier with them how they know what theyoprafess to know. The prevalnng monotony of village life was seriously broken on Saturday last by a series o( running races in the main street. The tirse race between one of John.Pratt's horses and a horse owned by l&ftife Burton, resulted, we are told, in a victory for Mr. Burton's horse"by something like a half length. At any rate it was quite close. Fol­ lowing this r|ce came a remark from a by-stauder--a stranger to the writer-- to the eflect that he "had a plug that Could clean out the town." Several horse owners present thought the town needed a good cleaning out (to get it iu good shape-fer the railroad) and the stranger and his plug were "distanced." "scooped." "cleaned out," and "used as mops," In a verj trifle of time. What­ ever other bad things cm be said of Waucouda a great many good horses are raised hereabouts, and a 6tranger who coiues here to "dean out the town" want* te bring a pretty respect­ able sort of nag with him or he may fail to carry out his contract. Mr. Morrison lias returned and tnay now be found lit his post busy as a nailer. 1 Richmond Department. CoNTttlRCTic* BT S. F. BENNETT. S. F. IIKXXRTT is tioreliv authorized to take subscriptions.-tnd orders for ad vertift<nir and Job Work for the PMIXDKALBR, rereite money therefor and receipt for the snme.r- all orders left with him will receive prompt Attention.--Editor. The storm of Saturday lodged some oats badiy and broke down considera­ ble torn in thb ylcinity. A largp qiianlty or wool has. already round a market here. Price |Mld about 35 cents. • * Wwl! Wool! We are again on hand ready to pay the highest market price for Wool.-- Headquarters at Owen'* Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. D. 8. SMITH. E. M. OWKS ASOX BORN.--To William Rehorst and wife, on Saturday morning, a datigh ter. The Chicago Times Sunday train ex­ cites much attention among our Sab- hath keeping and non Sabbath keeping citizens. Both elates buy the Timet "alle samee." The wile of Mark Stone, so long and dangerously sick, is so far recovered that she started, Monday morning, to visit her mother and other relatives in Elgin. A new livery sign which ornaments the front of John Dermont,i stable is an artistic piece of workmanship. It is from the ready brush of G. A, Can- field, who can turn out as pretty a one for you, if you want it. The story we heard about the Rock- ford's going to Michigan instead of Twin Lakes was half a . canard.-- They're there, on their own beautiful grounds, that is, one Club is, but the other did or dqps go to Michigan. Miss Crlssy Harness,so long popular among the ladies of half the county as a skillful and artistic dressmaker^ has just established herself in business in that line in Richmond. Her shop will be found on Main street, first building North of Richard Wray's residence, and there, hereafter she expects to be ever read}' to meet old friends and new The elegance of her work is too well known to need favorable oomment at our hands. the necessity of putting forth every , Mr. and Mrs^jM. lllll are entertain- • reh*|t»** .PUfifc ttw Sfcath tfhle weak CORN FOR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity, of corn in the ear which will be sold for cash or exchanged for young stock. GEO, II HARRISON. RING WOOD. July 14,188U THE committee of Ladies who have had the matter of improvements at the Cemetery in charge are deserving of great praise for the excellent man­ ner in which the work lias been done. The trees and shrubbery have all been trimmed up, the grass mowed, the rub­ bish raked oft, the lots raised and leveled, and the walks graveled, and now the resting place of our dead pre­ sents a very handsome appearance.-- And right here we wish'to say a word to children and others who are in the habit, of plucking flowers in the Ceme­ tery, and that is--don't do It. These flowers are (»ut there by the owners to ornament their lots, and whether thoughtlessly or otherwise, it is wrong to take thein. We trust everybody will bear this in mind and do iu this case as they would like to be done by. The ladies *1so wish us to say to those owning lots, that in cleaning them irot to leave the rubbish in the Cemetery grounds, but remove it to the outside of the fen^e, iu the road. By doing so they will not undo ail that has been done. It is to be hoped all will bear this in mind. McCORMICK'S MACHINES Beat the world. Call at Bishop's Warehouse, them. McHenry. auU examine THE next Sociable by the Ladies' Aid Society, of Riugwood, will be held at the residence of Jabez Carr, on Thursday, July 21st. A cordial invita­ tion is extended to all. MRS. WM. LAKOHAH, Sec'y. Call at Bishop's Warehouse and see the McCoruiick Twine Binder, The best lieaper iu the maikei. Tea Drinkers will find (this season's) new crop Jap. Teas, uncolored and ex­ tra fine, over at Fitzsimmons & Evan- soti's IF you want a first class Reaper and Binder call at Bishop's Warehouse and see the McCoruiick Twine Biuder. Phoeulx fnaurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. Time-tried and fire-tested. Fifty- ftuirth financial statement, July 1st, 1881. Cash capital, Sl.100,000. Re­ serve for re-insurance, $920,236.91 Re­ serve for unadjusted losses, $98,970.86. Amount of net surplus, 11.097,912.15. Assets available for fire losses, 93,217,- 119.92. Assets at Market Value.--Cash on hand, in banK and with agents, 8329,- 55G.64. United States and State Stocks and Bonds, 9242,039.96. Hartford Bank Stocks, 9680,037. Miscellaneous Bank Stocks, 9171,500. Corporation and R. R. Stocks and Bonds, 9961,190. County. City, and Waler Bonds, 9382- 520. Real Estate. 9162,607.38. Loans on Collateral, 9129,050. Real Estate Loann. 9150,500. Accumulated Interest and Rents, 98.118.94. Total, 93,217- 119.92. What an "Ohio Man" has to saj\--In May lust we published the record of a Southern agency--No. 760--for the six months ending April 30th, 1881, June 3d we published the doings of a Northern agency--No. 663--for the month of May, and now we come with the following letter from the gentle­ man in charge of Agency No 414--an Ohio man--who holds a Phoenix Com­ mission dated September. 1869: General Agent, Agency, No. 4U, July 1, '81 Dear Sir:--Enclosed find my check for $535.83, to balance account for June. 1881. as per statement enclosed. How will this do for the "Banner Agency?" Number of inhabitants iu this town, 1300. Yours truly, ,Agent. The gentleman's premiums for the month are 9631.87. ASA V. SMITH, Ag't., Woodstock, 111. P. G. Sklnkls, of this hai!inrick is a stirring salesman of Agricultural im­ plements and farm machinery. In ev­ idence. we submit the fact that during the past four weeks he has so!d six new Threshers, one of which, purchas­ ed by J. Freund, May & Co , of Johns- l>ul-jili. Is run by steam. A steam thresher, will be quite a mwelty to most of us, and the subscriber proposes to see tiiat one work. LOAFING. Does the young man who persists In being a loafer ever reflect how much less it would cwt him to be a decent rcspectablo man? Does he Imagine that loaferism is more economleal than gentility? Anybody can be a gentle­ man, if he chooses to be. without much cost, but It is mighty expensive being a loafer. It costs time, in tlio first place,days.weeks and months of It; in feet about aH the time he ha*, for no man can be a first class loafer without devoting his whole time to it. The occupation, well followed, hardly af­ fords time for eating, sleeping, dri we had almost said drinking, but oil I reflection we will except that. The I loafer finis dine to drink whenever | Invited, at the cost of friends. Once practicing they will be able to blow up ! fu,,-v embarked on the sea of loafer- au anvil in a tew years or do some j a,,<l >'ou bltI farewell to every C. H. week Messrs. Ilobt. Taggart and Bird spent tlte first part of the at the Lake Blufl camp meeting. Wednesday morning last a number of signs in the village were found to be changed. Such performances as this arc almost as funny as the anvil business of last 4th. If the boys keep Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' store, one door north of Perry &" Martin's, for anything in Millinery or Ladies' Fur­ nishing Goods. equally idiotic thing. Word readierns that Mr. William Brooks had a serious fall from a ladder last week, his injuries biting so severe that he is confined to his bed. Our in­ formant could uotglve us the full par­ ticulars. If we have any sort ot luck our next will have less Railroad and more gos­ sip--at any rat^niore gossip. Mammoth Union Railroad fleeting. The citizens of Waucoiula are re­ quested to unite iu a stirring rally In the interest of progress and prosperity iu Wauconda, on Saturday evening, July 23d. Let its fill the town and show the interest we all feel. Br ORJ>KR OF COM.MITT BE. Bowery Dance. Tbere will be a grand Bowery Dance at Waucouda, on Saturday evening next, July 23d, to which all are cor­ dially invited. Good music iu attend­ ance. Tickcts 35 cents. Refreshments on the Platform and al»o at the Res­ taurant of Goldiug & Brooks. The celebrated McCoriniek Twine Biuder for sale 6$ R. Bishop, McHenry. Try a pound new tea at Fitzsimmons A Evansou's. BIRD CAGES, t he finest assortment in town, at the store of O. C. Colby & Co. opposite Bishop's.Mill. • Honor ed and Blessed When a board of eminent physicians and chemists announced the diaeovery that by combining some well known valuable remedies the most wonderful medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of diseases that most all other remedies could be dis- p^pfeed with, many were skeptical; but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day, the discoverers of that great medicine. Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefactors. '1,'he following hit of very good sense, very worthy of eftlin considera­ tion, is Irom the Kendull Lecord: There are some persons who feel in­ sulted if a business man sends them a bill for money dt;e on account, or a statement of what they owe. This ought not to be so. When a man is do­ ing business with city people his bill comes around every thirty days, and it must be inet. Wlien a country mer­ chant or mechanic or professorial man sends a bill to a patron it iVbecause lie wants the money due hini{->*mk strictly a business transaction, vmliout any intention of reflecting on theV abil­ ity er willingness of the party to pay. W lien we owe a man we want his bill 8eut and we will try and pay it. New style Bracelets at O, W. Owen's friendly bark that sails under an hon- est and legitimate flag. Your consorts will only be the buccaneers of society. It costs money, for though the loafer may not have a cent or earn one for months, the time lost might have pro­ cured him much money, if devoted to industry instead of sloth. It costs health, vigor, comfort, all the true pleasures of living, honor, dignity, self-respect, and the respect of the world when living, and finally, all rigiit of consideration wher. dead. Be a gentleman, then; it is fur chdaper. THINGS WOKTH KNOWING. That boiling water will rem3ve tea stains and many fruit stains; pour the water through the snain, and thus pre­ vent it from spreodiug over the fabric, That ripe tomatoes wil remove ink and other stains from white cloth; also from the hands. That a teaspoouful of turpentine boiled with white clothes will aid the whitening process. That boiled starch is much Improved by the addition of a little spermaceti or a little salt, or both, or a little gum arable dissolved. That beeswax and salt will make flat-irons as clean and smooth as glass; tie a lump of wax In a rag. and keep ft for tlia« purpose; and when the irons are hot. nib them with the wax rag, then scour with a paper or rag sprink­ led with salt That kerosene will soften boots or shoes which have been hardened by water; and reuder tlieui as pliable as when new. , That kerosene will make tin tea-kit­ tles as bright as new; saturate a woolen rag and rub with it; it will also re­ move stains from clean varnished fur­ niture. Scholarly men who start out to be popular and have none of that iu- born cussedness which makes h*ee-and-* easy manners and inspires intelligible slang sometimes make great mistakes iu trying to be familiar with a ctrtain class of men. A voter was sitting on the steps of his tenement house, and he was in his shirt sleeves and his stocking feet. The scholarly fellow who wits a civil service reformer, and therefore wanted the office to which he had not been trained, went up to the voter and said: "So. Samuel, yeu are enjoying your otin>n cam dLig' The voter said nothing, and bitte felt that there was no use in referr to the fact, that lie sometimesdid^" tint was quite mollified when the™0 sir's opponent came along a^",*" "Hello. Sam, you old rlpsiaiM^fc/7 the beer you are going , ' whole ward."--Yor ' THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale one Buffalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all iu good running order, and will do as good work as any new machine. Will be sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span of good horses. Inquire of GEO. MILLS, Waucouda. III. Engine and Boiler for 'Sale. The undersigned has for sale a Twelve llorse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All in good running or­ der, having been used but little. Will be sold cheap, for cash or on time with approved note. For further particulars iuqulie of WARDB. GAI.E. Yolo, 111 FORSALB. One J. I. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine. Has been u^ed but one year. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Inquire at this office. Colby Bros., Nunda. are leaders of low prices in Men's Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots and Shoes, Ladies', Misses' and children's Side Lace. Front Lace and Button Shoes and Walking Shoes. Best Goods at low cash price. Oh what a world of "pads!*' When you get tired of trying all the kinds just fall back on the old reliable Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Coffee for Riverside Business Reed's Gilt appetite. The Mollne Owen's. Fishing Tackle of ell klmM EngHn'*, in UUWV's Block, new Bridge. ^ The Furst ft Bradley Sriky P]«w <§•;» E. M. Oweu's. Bnckejrc Force Owen's. All the Owen's. Pumps, at first-class Plows at & M, The finest line of Silver em] Plated Ware to be found in the eonnty. at O* W. Owen's. A fine lot of Ready-Made Dresses and full Suits just received at Mrs. B. 1I« Nichols' Millinery Store, MdUenry. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. SN* gelu's Howe's Block, near the bridge*. GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Fish at M. Engein's in Howe's Block, near the bridge. • Call and see the spleadld stock af Granite Ware at 0. C. Colby £§• Hardware store. "Right Pound? of Ground One Dollar at Colby Bros., Block, McHenry. ATTENTION. For seventeen cents per yard you can buy a tine Brocaded Mohair Dress Goods, all shades, actually worth thirty cents, at the cash store of Colby Bros., Nunda. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu­ matism. Escape it by heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbing In thoroughly. Nobby Styles, in Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. Parasols and Fans In all of the latest styles at Stevens & Schnorr's. Shoes lor the Million. We lha/e placed in the hands of Colbv Bros., Mclienry and Nunda. an immense assortment of our best sewed work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat and Kid Walking Shotts. Serge'and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which tliev are selling at our wholesale prices with a small compensation added. Call and examine goods. poitnusii & BROWS, RUsain, v.v. Kid and Lisle Thread Glorea In all colors at Stevei>s & Schnorr's. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of Madisou and Yine Streets, Woodstock. 111., conveniently located IO business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit,; both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA *. SMITH. Woodstock, III Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until yon have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S^arles. Am now offering ?['eater bargains than ever. All work n repairing done on short notice. Trble ami' Pocket Cuttiery In endless variety at O. C. Coloy % Co's Hard­ ware store. ICK CRKAM at Rouse'a Ice Cream Parlors, in Kelter's Block, two doors West of the PLAINOKALER office. YOU MUST NOT Forget the fact that Colby Bros., Nunda, offer better bargains in Cloth­ ing to cash buyers than any other firm in the county. Go to M. Engein's for all kinds of Gun and Fishing Material. Iu Howe's Block, McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work and pay in this way should apply at once to A. WENDELL, McHenry. Great Bargains. In Clothing at E. Lawlus'. Fine light Fourth of July suits at Chicago prices. The finest goods iu market for men, boys and children from a fancy grip to a straw hat. Store in Lausing's Block, neat the Depot. NeWline of black lawns, buntings, light sumatsr dress goods, ginghams, witli lace to trim, at Steyens A Schnorr's. Ladles' Linen Ulsters, Parasols, Hoislery, Silk Mitts in all shades, Neck- Wear, etc., iu endless variety, at the cash store of Colby Bros., Nunda. THE LATEST. 2 We have a large invoice of these celebrated "Broadhead" Dress Goods iu Hie latest styles. Everybody sht>tiM see thein before buying. STEVKM A SCHJHHUfc The finest line of Dress Goods fa this market can be fouud at Stevens A SCH norr's. Piles, chafing sores, chapped hands, salt rheum, skin disorders, burns, brai- scs, sore throat, and all inflammation yield rapidly on application of Trask^B Magnetic Ointment. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Pork Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. > WHY DO YOU COUGR When one box of Besley'sTroches wilt cure you? Store opposste Parker House. IF you want your Watch put in first class Order, call on Robert Murdtt Jeweler. Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Mrs. II. H. Nichols keeps kid gloi In all shades. Panel Photos at Miller's Stadlo. Remember that Barb Wire, onljr • cents per pound, at O. C. Colby ft Co.^1 Hardware Store. vv THE BEST THING For a cough is Beslsy's Troches. a box. Store opposite the Parker House. * Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Lading Ready Made Underwear. * We are offering extra bargains in Cheviots, at Colby Bros^ Riverside Block McHenry. SCREEN DOOU3* /• I am now prepared to make to order and wilt keep on hand a good wupiptyaf Screen Doors which 1 will sell at the Lowest Living Prices. If in waMff these articles give me a call. J . B. BLAKIT ' McHenry, Hay Uth, MSL A flue line of Wall Brackets at slaughtering Prices, at O. C.'Colby #; Co's Hardware Store. SEWING Machine Needles for everjf machine made, can be found at M. }fC In's, iu Howe's Block, near the bridge. Every man, woman and child that pays Cash for their goods, should trade where goods are marked oti that basis. Where they can save from lfi to SB per cent. Where $S will get them more than 97 will at a credit store. STEVENS ft senjroaa. Twenty-two and twenty-four foot Fish Poles,only six cents each, at It* Engein's. Iu Howe's Block, uear tka new Bridge. . *•] FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Posts '.I for sale, inquire of JOHN DORAN. ^ Iu cases of Piles l>f, Trask's Mag­ netic Ointment acts like a charm, git* lug quick re l ief . For Chafing and al l . Sores and Inflammations It excels ev ̂ ery thing. Ten cent Momie Cloths, the latest styles in the market, at Colby Bros~ Riverside Block, Mclienry. O. C. Colby ft Co. are now piepai*4 to do all kinds of Jobbing, at their new Hardware Store opposite' the MI1L SHROUDS. Just received, at John B. Blake** Surniture and Undertaking Rooms* shrouds of all sizes, and in twentv-flve> different styles, which will be sold at prices rang!og from 91 to 9&. FOR SALE. A very fine Durham Bull, one year old. Will be sold reasonable. J.W.SMITH* FOR SALE. ' 40 Acres of land in Section IS, alt fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a ood house and barn thereon, witl* A fan tte«TlnabIernXstf!!ubl!: *ud Waler ,U *** pi etc cure, mailed to any address on rec l̂*°" "* , „ / •tamps. For tale by *11 druggists at 25e« Also my homestead On the Crystal HROWX CBESUCiLake ami Nunda road. Good uelr house, barn and other eutbidldings.-fe- LAppiy to Joux FLISKT, Yon Want a Machine. Sewinf E T R O L E U M J Used and approved by the leading CIANS of EUROPE and AMERICA. I The most Valuable Family Remedy [ known. " If you do, of course you want tha Ibest. as it costs no more. Then why Ibuy from an Agent who carries but lone which he hits fixed up 011 purpotus Ito show, when by going to the store of IO. W. Owen, in Mclienry, you can ham lyour choice of Five, via: I'lie Dome*. Itic, Eldredge, American, Improve4 Howe, and Sb«ger. We keep ali these inachilies in stock, aud atiy lady wits I wants a machine can set down aud try SOSES, wot them all. and then select the one which suits her the best. The first thre* named, the Domestic, Eldredge ai«4 American, are three of the best ui* chines on the market, aud any one wi|| . be convinced of the fact by calling at CATARRH, HXMOKHu.01* i store trying one themselves. Coughs Ccldfi, Cere p^cst,Croup ; ^\]80 H diw stock of Clocks* Watclxrat jO-fty tiea. 25 and 50 scat saes of si%ewell $i|Tvr alu| Plated Ware, caa omul ar my store. Organ* an« for sale or rMt, CBAXD HI3A1. AT Tli£ PBUiUFiraa •UV1B •KSALAT TVB FAMS V \ r :

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