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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1881, p. 5

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piuabtkr. '~8fe WEDNESDAY JULY 27. 1881. ffaiiroad Time Table. QOI KG IOOTH4 ..Bkifieva Uke Passenger GtneTt Lake Express. Bsntra Lake freitcht. Steamboat; Express ranrwo'wouTii. 0«oe*% Lake Frelirht Steamboat Express Oanevii Lake Express SHeva Uks Puitonr ... ....7:16 A. • X:tl » .. .!;«* r. • .. »:*, " A. v ..1S:S1. " ... .tJUr. * . . . w . • : « " B^BOSS. Ajrent. Mo Henry, III 1881 Lake, Ills. mer Time Tablo STEAMER "LOTUS." WAT* McliEHKY Ma^V,' •:ltr.iL dally. ' FOX LAKE. 6:10 A. M. daily *40 r. m.* •This m' Trip la ran alternately btr the "Lotus" and "Mary Grlswold," provide?! there is previous notice given bv visitors at the Lake. WALTKR HILL, Captain. AUtnra. •:M A. M. daily IMP.IL* 14:00 noon.* 8:00 P. M.dail; PERSONAL. / BOH. J. O. SHRRVIN passed through here for Fox Lake on Friday* Mas. F.J. CROSS returned from bar visit to Milwaukee last «r*ek. C. MARBLE and Mr. Adams, of Green­ wood, were on our street* on Tuesday Miss KILLIR BANOS. of Wauconda Is the guest of Ills* Kill* Cnttlsthls week. Miss EMMA BLAII, of Elfin, IS visit laf with the family ot Qeorf* Rosen burger. MM. FOX. nee Battle Tiltin, of Turner Junction, Is visiting friends in this village. J Miss LOU MOOS* and Mrs. Hrtjfertck Vehmeyer, or Chicago, are th* guest* of Bon. F. K. Granger and wife. ' Miss BARBARA SNYDER and a friend from Chicago, are the gw its oil Miss Jennie Searles. I \ EDITOR HODDER, of the A orora jBea- con, made us a call oh Thui idaf. He "^ras on his way to Fox Lak< t j f THE comet has vanished Its ap­ pearance had no connection with the Bevieed New Testament. . JUDGING from the number of short" Mired married men about to*ru, do- mestictlitflcultles most be very numer­ ous this season. WR are told that the sifiallest hair throws a shadow. And ro it does. It throws a shadow over your appetite when you find It In your victuals. .THE ladies of the M. E. Church will boll their next sociable at the '"•si- denoe**of V/u, Isaac Wentworth. Wednesday afternoon, August Sd. All are cordially invited. BOTH Steamboats made excursions to the Lakes on Sunday last. Owing t* the sudden storm tl»*l came up the "Mary Grlswold" did not reach the * Lotus Beds as Intended. IVHEN you tee a girl with her head •11 bandaged up, do not think for a moment that she has the lockjaw, tooth* ache, or any like complaint. She Is only trying to coax her "bangs to frls." THE Capron Herald, published at Capron, Vbone Co., by Perkins A Keeler, Is the latest venture In the newsgtaper line. It is a bright, newsy little sheet, and we wish it success in Its travels over the rough road of jour* uallsm. A GRAND Bowery Dance will be given on the Platform, opposite the Mudgett Olieese Factory, on Tuesday evening. August Sd. The large can­ vass tent will be ot» the grounds,"where GoldIng A Brooks, of Wauconda, will furnish lee Cream, Cigars, Ac. Music McHenry Quadrille Band. One and all are cordially invited to attend. LOST, on Saturday, July JTth. In this village, a Note for 0400, .given by Wlns'.ow Parker to K. E. Thoreon due I r one day after date. All person* are Ifori jiV * -f»--f negotiating I for said Note, as payment 011 the same lias taen stopped. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to K. E. Thereon, at the Parker Bouse. ONE of the severest storms of wind, rain, thunder and lightning that we ever experienced, passed over (his place on Thursday night laet. It wai almost one constant flash of lightning, the thunder was terrifis and the rain fell in torrents. In this immediate vi­ cinity we have heard of no particular damage, but in other localities they were not so fortunate. i WE hear considerable complaint about the boya whittling and disfigur­ ing the railing of the new bridge, and other public property In the village^-- Whether hoys or men they should be admonished to desist at onee. and if this does not have the desired effect, more severe measures should be resort­ ed to. as this disfiguring of public or private property is disgracefai In the extreme. THE Base Ball game between the Fox Rivers and the Elgin Cub, on Fri­ day last was won by the latter by a score of 23 t# 8. eight innings only be­ ing played. The Elgin Club failed to reach here until live o'clock in the af­ ternoon. too late to coinnieuee a game of Bali with any show of ending it before dark. The result was no cur- prise. as but two or three of the Fox Rivers %a*e had any practice this sea­ son, and those two or thre 3 proved themselves the worst demoralised of the lot. • THE biggest part of the Elgin Ball Club hired a rig from Wightmau's Livery on Friday night to take them home, but the balance, with a few out­ siders who came up to see the game remained over night, and did them­ selves no credit by their actions. One would have thought a band of Comanche Indians bad been let loose on our streets. They evidently thought McHenry a back-woods town, where citizens had no rights which they were bound to re6pec|. but if our marshal had been attending to his business they might have been con­ vinced of their error. WM. LANOHAM, of Ringwood, left on our table on Monday, a mess of new potatoes, that will take the premium over anything we ever saw. They were of the Early Illinois variety, the largest of which weighed fourteen Ounces, and as smooth and fne u any­ thing you could wish to see. They were all large and Una, and when cooked ai^l ready for the table /vere perfection" itself. The "Early Illinois" must surely take the front rauk. Mr. Langham also left with us a dosen •talk* ot Timothy Grass, wbieh meas­ ured a little over four feet in length, and whioii,he said, was about an aver­ age of a quarter of an acre, on .which he cut a little over fifteen hundred pound* iu weight. Who can beat it? WILLIS B. HAWKINS, edior Aurora New*, was rustlcatii g Lake last week. J.3. BADOKR, of the Gefeva Nettm, was a caller at the P«.IN sanctum 011 Monday. MRS. TAYLOR, of ChleagoL da| of L. Stoddard, is vtsitiugfwi parents. In this village. I AUGUST DRAPER, Otto W.Rmi P.J. Deamicke, of Chicago, W guests of Jacob Bishop last wtee OUR old friend, John Zlmple Woodstock, called at our sand Monday. COOKSON WRIGHT, who Is with Marshal. Field A Co„ of Chicago, Is spending his vacation with his parents in this village. MRS. E. E. THOMAS, of Omaha, Neb., and Mr. Chas. Dickinson, of Dallas. Texas.are visiting with the family of E. M. Ower.. iu this village. W. H. WHITSON. of the Arm of Whit- son A Sons, Woodstock, passed through here dn Monday on his way to Fox Lake. He made the PLAINDEALER a pleasant call. MRS. JOHN WIGHTMAN, Miss Etta Wightman. allss Birdie Wightman and Miss Kate Gleason. of Chenoat 111., have been thy guests of H. E. Wight- man and family, at the Riverside House, the past week. DR. H. T. BROWN and wife, C. B. Cnrtiss a>id wife and C. A. Knight and wife started on Saturday for a trip around the Lakes, and will visit Niag­ ara Falls, ^uffjtlo, and several other points before their return. They In­ tend to he gone about two weeks. JUSTUS BANGS and wife, and F. B. Harrison and wife, of Wauconda, and N. B. Harrl8on.of Chicago, came over on Tuesday morning and took the Steamer, "Mary Grlswold," for a trip to the Lotus Beds. The PLAIKDEAL- EB acknowledges a pleasant call from the gentle in^ti of fh|» garty. ^ ^ ^ P. D, SMITH, of the firm of 9mith Bros., Osborne City, Kansas,lias shown us a late oepy of a pa pet published at that place, in which we And an item in relation to Wool, which showa that buying wool in that section Is not so laborious a business as In this section. By a report of the purchases of Smith Bros., we see the lot# bought run from one to four thousand pounds each, which P. D. informs us they get all sacked and ready to ship. The flocks of sheep must he large In that section. JOSEPH FBKTT has leased the Howe building, formerly used as a Billiard Hall near the South east corner of the Public Square, has re-painted and ren­ ovated it in a substantial manner, and will, on Saturday next, open it as a Meat Market, where he will be ready at all times to furnish the best of Fresh niui Salt Meats,Sausage,Smoked Meats, etc. Itto isa practical man in the business,and his many friends will be glad to welcome him back to this village. Read his advertisement In mother columi.. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER We see by note fn last weeks issue that our piece faiied to put In an appearance at Its destined point. It was duly enclosed In one of Uncle Mam's envelopes, prop­ erly directed and promptly deposited iu the Post Office and we know no rea- son why such a harmless missive should tall to reach Its destination. Poor thing. If it should happen to "turn up" in time for thia week we think It no more than fair to give It a place In compensation for the oareieasness of somebody, we neither know or oar* of whom. Mrs. John A. Logan Is the guest of Mayor Joslyn's family fora few days, and as General Logan has go man/ warm supporters in this county, and as Mrs. Logan herself is generally recog- nlsed as the people's friend,and as the Judges doors are wldeopen to callers, the good lady is liable to weary of hand-shaking during her sojourn. Woodstock and viciuity, we Judge, has fftrnished her quota to th* chapter of accidents within a short space of time. M. D. Friend Is still on crutches but recovering from being well nigh crushed to death by the falling of a barn roof which he with others was attempting to repair on W.T. Palmer's Maple wood farm, north of her*. n*ar the brick yard. Mrs. Chappel. wlio resides with him. fell a few days later, since which she has suOered extreme pain from her In­ juries. Patrick Muldoon broke his thigh. It is said to be a very bad rapture of the upper third. On the same day a hired nan of Mr. wHIlSt rtH • . ^ ..... ^ Arnold broke his wrist. *Jl? the same time a son of our new lutfi. THROWING stones in the street is be­ coming altogether too common. A young boy of Mr. MuXab's was struck one day last week by a stone thrown by a boy whose parents are boarding at the Parker House, and very severely lujured. He was hit near the teiuple. and the only wonder is that he was not killed outright. It is no excuse to say it was accidental, for whether it wasor not there certainly Is no excuse for promiscuously throwing stones I11 the street. Let this accident be a warning to all. LAWN FESTIVAL AT NUNDA. There will be a Lawn Festival at Mr. Ciayson's, Wednesday evening, Aug. 3d, for the benefit of the Nunda M. E. Sunday School. Ice Cream, Lemonade and Candy will be served on the grounds. Starting on Main St­ all who wish to attend during the evening, will be conveyed to and from the grounds free of charge. A pleas­ ant tliue may be expected. Aoy and all are invited to be present. Up in a Haloon Boya* Up in a Baloon. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. At a great expense the officers of the McHenry Co. Agricultural Board iiave concluded a contract with Piofs.3oines A Jewel, (or one of their grand Balloon Ascensions during the fall. Asstated In previous notices, the officers will give the people of McHenry Co. one of the grandest and most entertaining exhibitions ever held in Northern Illi­ nois. Full p&rtienlar* of the day and hour of the ascension will be given In the county papers before the fair." Watch for them. A. A. WBIGHT, Sec'y Mej|l|»ry Co. Agl. Board. BIRD RENTES, the finest assortment in town, at the store of O. C, Colby A Co. opposite Bishop's Mill. When in want of work in my line, give uiea call and I will try and please Bobi. lluriitt, Jfcweler.NumJa, III. ORKSMWOOD. EDITOR PLAIWDKALKR:--It seems our correspondence was behind last week. Occasionally the PLAIXDKALER rails to reach ns on time in this vicinity. Isn't !t a little peculiar, this failing to make connections every now and then? Hope no on* In the line of l ransl t Is en­ vious or jealous, in view of the Increas­ ing circulation of the PLAINQEALEE in this locality. Those we reported sick last week an all getting better, as far as we oan learn. Again th* Greenwood mill Is brnnght to a stand still, this time In conse- quenee of the water working through the dam and carrying out about three hundred loadsof* gravel. Remember, Job, that work okce well done Is twioe' done. Mrs. Nettle Dtfiley Is quit* slok at present writing. Dr. G. E. Adams, our Veterinary Surgeon, Dentist, Tonsorial Artist and Butcher, has put up a Bowery on ihe west end of his mansion, extending over the pmnp. yhich adds very much to the comfort and loeks of the place. Is Gultean. the assassin of the Presi­ dent insane f The subject of insanity In view of the assault on the life of Pres­ ident Garfield, *is likely to receive more serious attention from the masses of tit* Ajuerican people than they are wont (S| bestow on matters purely scientific, and nut of the way of the everyday alt*li-<» of life. Whether Gniteau Is Insanh, or whether he is a depraved monster, or whether he is both, will be determined, of course. In the light or tlMi ievidence elicited ou his trial, taken fn connection with a clear understanding of what obnsti- tutes Insanity. Tnere are all grades Richmond Department, OoxTRiBUTKU it S. F. BENNETT. • » w ' . i . r T . U h . e r e b T a u t h o r i s e d t o t a k e 5k w" .' ""'•r* ft,r !*dvertl«»nr and ^>r th® Pt.AfWDBAi.Ea, receive ?.? !£ tnar̂ for and receipt for the same -- h,m deafer, Crumb, brok* a leg by a fall from a tree. A brakeman on a freight train fell from a car, and by the fall his 1*( was broken. We may fall in our chronology of these events, and may hay* failed to note all, but we give your readers the benefits of what we kuow ot accidents hereabouts. Dr. P. W. Murphy has been consid­ ered near "death's door," but when last we heard was improving. Mrs. Dr. Davis died on Thursday evening, the I4th. She has been ailing for a long time, and her slender con­ stitution was unequal to tho struggle. By her death who shall estimate the loss, to her husband and family, to her church, to her social circle, to all who knew her. She was one of those rare persons who have the faculty of being in the right place at the right time, always ministering to some humane necessity. So these many years has she been with us, always cheerful uever weary of doing good. The close of Iter earthly chapter i6 the beginning .of a spiritual life, where her reward is sure. T.lie many, many of her late neighbors, friends and relatives, who attended her funeral add a more merited obituary than we can write. Prof. Wilkie and daughter are so­ journing with us during th* heated season. Like many others he Is at­ tracted by.our mineral water and the many inviting characterestios of our healthy and beautiful city. Larry Jones is happy, although his back ojMtslon ouly amounted to 83,890, and I4js monthly to #13.60. If you smoke he will furnish the cigars, but neither beer nor whiskey will be or­ dered on Ids aoeount. Larry, wo con­ gratulate you. and hop* to see the time when all shall be p*nslou*d who donned the Blue. We heard a man finding fault About these p*u«|oiis causing suuli heavy bur­ dens to the people. He was asked: "Do you smoke f* "No.* "Do you chew?*' "No." "Do you wear foreign or domestic goods for clothing? Do you drink beer or whiskey or anything of that kind f* "No, nor tea or coflee." "Then," said the qu*stl3n*r, "it Is a small burden rests on your shoulders, while a big one Is taken from the ex- eoldier's family, by the pensions of which you co.nplain.** Let every per­ son who finds fault with the Govern­ ment tor granting thes* pensions, stop and estimate how much of It he has to pay.and. methluks, bis fault-finding will cease. MR. EDITOR:--I noticed In the PLAINDEALER of July 13th, reference to an editorial of the Chicago Evening Journal of July 7th, headed a "Prayer Guage," which would have answered one hundred year* ago, but at this en­ lightened age. It looks rathor thin. If the President should recover, a vig­ orous claim wiil be set up ail over the Christian land, that Prayer did It. Hundreds of salaried preachers will be willing to asseverate that they prayed to their God to spar* the life of th* President, and that they fully believe their prayers were efficacious. Per­ haps that will settle It. But if God does not want the President to d|* -why did be sufler him to be shot and then let such a worthless Christian villian make two shots with a bull dog pistol at our Chief Magistrate? Would |t not have been better to prevent such a rash deed than to permit it, and then have to spend several weeks to correct and repair the damage? Is not prevention in this case, as well as all others, better than cure ? Respect­ fully yours, J. COMPTON. VObO, IIL. July ?*d. 1881. NOTICE. The undersigned. Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Nunda, will receive Sealed Propoca!i for repairing abutments and putting up the wood­ work of the Burton Bridge until Sat­ urday, August 8th. on which day they will inect all bidders at the Bridge, at one o'e'oek, wlt«re work to be done can be examined and explained. Will also sell on the same day, the Plank of the old Bridge, at Public Auc­ tion to tb* blgboet bidder. Wm, Mt'DOETT, HABVEr Cox. JOHK KLMBA LI* OOOWUSSWBMW. JHSntal aberration, from the raving condi tl4hmt ^Hd and unobtrusive piicatlng Intt w hallucination, iin- oases another, *f'f,M 0ll®« In some ent degrees, and iu In dlfler- or all, inteliectaal and raorrf. several reputed sane, there are tlie mong degrees of Intellectual power, from** statesman and iphi^tpher down to the clown who has just sense enough to escape being ^rated an idiot; and among these we find, perhaps, as great disparity or Inequality, iu moral per­ ception as of KlteUectual grasp and penetration. Tlie same is undoubtedly true of the Insane. There are ineu insane on some out* or moro subjects whose sense of right nnd wrong is not materially Impaired; and conversely there are others whose insanity con­ sists of an almost entire obliteration of the moral sense. There are, also, not a few feeble, minded persons who manage to passv as sane, who under some unusual excitement, anger, or selfish impulse, Seem to lose all sense of tight nnd justice. How much these varyiug degrees of moral obliquity among the sane and the insane aftect accountability. Is one of the vexed questions that cauiists have not de­ termined. T*dfcg& Gultean manifests considerable mere intellectual acumen, it is pretty certain his moral develop­ ment Is very low. How far the rij^ht of self preservation among law abiding citlsens would warrant the Incarcera­ tion of such a person for life is a ques­ tion well wortiiy of serious considera­ tion. There can be no doubt but there are thousands whose minds are so hopelessly unbalanced as to be unsafe members of society, and who would be b*tter oft if confiued where they could do no harm. Tlie increasing lawless­ ness and crime, and hopeless degrada­ tion *f certain classes, and sonsequent Insecurity ot llf^ and property, must eventually force tliU subject upon tlie attention of the law-inaklug powers. Miss Hell Moses accompanied her sister, Mr*. Rathbprn, to her home In Buflalo. V, Y.. where sbe *xp*cts to spend the summer. Mts. Laura Powers, of Geneva Lake, WUM Is visiting in the family of Esq. Baldwin, She expects to start for Iowa in a few days for the purpose of visiting her two sous and families. Mr. Joseph Stewart, an elderly gen­ tleman of 8fl yearsjs very sick. But little hopes'are eiitgrtalued for Ills re­ covery. Esq. Baldwin has been quite Indis­ posed for several days, in consequence of over-lieatiug himself, but we are happy to state Is round again. D. W. So per has commenced to dig his cellar for his new house. We should judee that your Wood­ stock correspondent is still troubled with envious jealousy. We quote hit words: "Felo de Se says Job Toies is worth a dam." J^e's mistaken, we n«v*r said that, It^T that other feller that writes for th*; Sentinel. As for us we never swear--unless w* get up In the night and fall over a chair. Mrs. Dr. Hart has had a very severe attack of bill lout colic, which lias con­ fined her in bed for » week past, but we are happy to stat* is now conva­ lescing. Mr. H. Hartley had th* misfortune while walking bare 100 ted to stick a rusty nail into his heel, wblob oauses him to walk on his toes. FSliO DE SB. On Saturday occurred a brace of ac­ cidents which came near resulting In the death of two of our citlsens. John Keepseli was unloading hay In his barn with a patent fork. A forkfull had been swung out over th* mow,' He was standing on tho load to pull the small rope attached to the' fork when the cord broke letting him fall backward off the load. He atrnok 01 hla face and head on a 4x4 timber out ting and bruising him terribly. He was thought to be dying for a tlm* and afterwards became furiously de­ lirious, but a bleeding by tli* physician and other proper measures brought him around all right after a time, and at this writing he is reported In a fair way to recovery Saturday afternoon the report came to town that Hamlin Fenner had been kicked or struck In the face by one of his horses, cutting him badly, breaking his nose and kuocklng out on* of bis teeth. We have uot learned bis situa­ tion to-day. _ Fi»r anything In the line of Dry poodi go to J. V. Aldricb's. We see by the report of the Board Of Supervisors that tlie equalised val­ uation of village'iota Ut the Village of Richmond is 064,085, which is 5 per cent above the assessed valuation.-- The number of acres of land assessed In the Township Is 10^30; assessed valuation #313,240.00; average vain* per acre. 814.97. To this the commit­ tee on equalization of assessment of lands added 1} per cent, making the equalised valuation 813.19 per acre, or 8317.937 for the whole Township, Tli* assessed valuation of personal proper- ty Is 8111,310.00; to this the committee added 18 per oent, raising the total to tl,345.00, if you want to kuow at a»b \e how rich we ar*, out this out For anjta £^ur l,*»- go to J. V.Ala Wool! Wool! We are again on band ready ft* pay the highest market price for Woo!.-- Headquarters at Owen's Warehouse, • IK & sans. K. M. OWBK £9OK THRESHING MACHINE FOB SALE The undersigned oQers for sale one Buflalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all in good running order, and will do as good work as any new maehiue. Will b* sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span of good horses. Inquire of GEO. MILLS, Wauconda, 111. Engine and Boiler lor Sale. Th* undersigned has for sale a Twelve llorse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All In good running or­ der, having b**n used but little. Wiil be sold cheap, for cash or on time with approved not*. For further particulars Incite of WARD B. GALE. » Yolo, III FOR SALE. One J. I. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine. Has been iae<l but one year. WI9I be sold cheap and ou easy terms. Inquire at this office. Colby Bros., Nunda. are leaders of low prices In Men's Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots and Shoes, Ladies', Misses' and children's Side Lace. Front Lace and Button Shoes and Walking Shoes, Best Goods at low cash price. Oh what a world of "pads!" When ou get tired of trying all the kinds hst Fall back on the old reliable Trash's Magnetic Ointment. _ Btulnefw Hotleei, IfeedV Gilt Edge Teole ssstMsa Ptow at M The Mollos Owen's. Fishing Tackle of Engeln's, lu Howe's new Bridge. «U kinds at X, E &***"*? Sulky Flew s# Buckeye Foro* Owen's. ^ A 1 H All tit* Owen's. first-class Plows at K. £ Eight Pounds of Ground One Dollar at Colby Bros. Block, McHenry. Coflee for 1 Riverside The finest line of Sliver and Plate<t Ware to be found In tit* county* at Qp W. Owen's. A fine Jot of Ready-Made I>r*e*e*aivi| rull Suits Just received at Mrs. H„ If. Nichols' Millinery Store, MeBenvy. German School Books, and EncHsh and German Mass Books, at M. Eft»V gelu'ti Howe's Block, near the hridgat GOLD FISH, Fl*h Globes, and Food for Fteh at M. Engeiu's In Howe's Block, near Iho bridge, . Call and see the splendid stock of > Granite Ware at Q. C» Colby A GOV Hardware store. THE LATEST. v W» have a large involcis •# celebrated "BroadhemP Dress Good* In U»e latest styles. Everybody should see them before buying. ST BV ana a so--oast. The finest tine of Dress Goods In this market oan be found at ftltyens A Schnorr*s. E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor, keeps the best of Foreign and Doiuestiu Cloths, prliich are made to order in the latest styles; Also gents1 Furiiinliinij Goods ot the best quality at city prices. CORN FOR SALE? Th* undersigned has a quantity of eorn In the ear which will be sold for cash or exchanged for young stock. Gso. H UABBISON. BFXOWOQD. July W, J88L Look Out For Bargains In Clothing at E. Lawlus*. He has olotliiug for man, boy aud child at Cbi cago prices. McCCKMICK'S MACHINES Best the world. Call at Bishop's Warehouse, McUenry. and examiue them. Vow stylo Bracelets at O, W, Owen's Hit* of Groceries During the last wet pushed 011 the abutments jmg 5^,, kle bridge. John Skeli»,9 £kli)- the job. Cement is being useu^e6eB of quicksand, which will make a >(j more enduring wall. It is the siin ATTENTION, f F*r seventeen cents per yard you can buy a fine Brocaded Mohair Dress Goods,, all shades, actuallv worth thirty cents, at the cash store of Colby Bros., Nunda. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu­ matism. Esoap* It by heating Traak's Magnetic Ointment aud rubbing in thoroughly. Nobby Styles In Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Blook. ParksOls and Fans in all of th* latest styles at Stevens A Sclinorr*s. Shoes lor the Million* of We llia/e placed in the hands Colby Bros., McHenry and Nunda, au immense assortment of our best sewed 0 work, consisting of Women's aid the Commissioners to putin abutnienK'SM>^Go.Ht a»1' (Sl'i Hnd SMe r >ift Dnnl. ••>(< lflrt this time that will not wash out or fall down. For beautiful Dress Goods go to J. V. Aldrich's. A number of families from the vil­ lage have lately gone Into camp at Twin Lakes, aud all report a glorious time, although the heavy rains Of last week was somewhat of a drawback. For Boots aud Shoes of all descrip­ tions go to J. V„ Aldrich's. C. Houghton White, son of Dr. t/harles White. Chicago, struck Bich- mortd ou Tuesday, the 18th. and is now rusticating with Eddie Bennett at Twfii.Lakes. call ^ Goat aud Kid Walking Sho«g. 4$ and Congress Gaiters, Goat and sm'ARt lace, all of which thev are examiPur wholesale pi lues with a FOMl"*tlon added. Call and Kid and L BROWN. Bnffitlo, X.T, oolors at Steve *Uore« in all FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the , ner of Madisou and Vine Street |We are For beautiful setts ot glassware, at J. »Y. Aldrich's. It Appears to be a settled fact that Riclnnond Is to have a Quadrille band of it* own. The boys are practicing every night, almost, and already make pretty good music. Mr. Heok, with A. P. Gray, is first violinist and th* Wolf Brothers play the horns. You will find polite and prompt at­ tention at the store of J. V. Aidrieb. At the last meeting of th* Board of Supervisors Sups. L. Barber, S. Cutter aud Z. E. Goodrich were appointed a committee to confer with tlie road commissioners of the Townships of Richmond aud Burton as to the build­ ing ol'the bridges petitioned for by those Townships. This committee was instructed to call an extra session of the Board of Supervisors, to act on the mat tor. if deemed necessary, W* understand that the committee has concluded not to call an extra session, which throws th3 whole thing over until the next moetlug of the Board, next September. It appears to th* writer that the law touohlr.g oounty aid to Townships whs re extraordinary expense has to be Incurred in b'lilding bridges, is perleotiv plain, and there ought not to bo any quibbles on th* part of the Board of Supervisors or Its committees, or unnecessary delay In settling tho matter when the publio In- terests and oonvenlenoe are at stake.-- The Solon bridge, in which this Town- shib is interested, has been condemned as unsafe by the road 03m nissloners, and although unloaded vehicles yet cross it, the hazard of putting It to the strain of a loaded wagon Is so grest that no one would rislt it, and couse* quently heavy teaming must be di­ verted around by the Coillson bridge or the first bridge west of Spring Grove--a great inconyeqieno* to a great portion of the south end of the Township and -Northern MoHeory» Our road commissioners have endeav­ ored to follow the law striotly, Their petition was duly presented to the Board of Supervisors at the opening of the last session. The delay of the Board, or its committee, lit taking measures to settle the matter, forces the commissioners either to patiently wait till September, during a season of the year most favorable lor bqildlng or el*e go or. and put up the bridge at the risk of the Township. It is sub­ mitted, whether It would he no more than an act of simple justice to this side of the county, to call an extra ses. sion of tlie Board of Supervisora to aot on rhis matter so important to our in. terests. First-class goods and fair prloes are what you will always find at th* cor­ ner store of J. V. Aldrich. The rain and heavy blow of ftnnday afternoon knocked down the oorn aud lodged the oats again, besides injuring large quaQtttta* of bay 4o^E' Pllei.ehat ing sores, chapped hands, salt rheum, skin cHsontert** burn*,, brui* ses, sore throaty and all infiauimatioii Jeld rapidly on application ol Traak's iSguetlc Ointment. Haras. Shoulders, Baeon, 8all Pork Lard ami Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches wll) euro yon? Store opposst* Parker HOW*. Ir yon want your Watoh put In fr»t elass Order, call on Robert Mnrfltt Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cer.ts a vard aud up­ wards, ut Colby Bros., Riverside Block Panel Photos at Miller's Studio. Remember that Barb Wire, only 8 cents per pound, at O. C. Colby A Co.'S Hardware Store. THE BEST THfNG For a cougli is Beslay's Troclie*, Try opposite th* Part»r J ',a3 ' #-'11 box. House. Store »PR!! Xichoi* 'or Ladle* Ready Made Underwear. Woodstook, 111., conveniently located 10 business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large hnd small. Pleasantly situated; and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms oasy. Apply to VV * ' ASA %. SMITH. Woodstock, III Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at couveuleiit dUtances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, III Ladles of MoHeury and vloinlty don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S, Soarles, Am now ottering f \rester bargains than ever, AU work 11 repairing done on short notics. Trble and Pocket Cuttlery !n endless variety at O. C. Colby t Co'a Hard­ ware store. ICE CREAM at Rouse's loe Cream Parlors. In Kelter's Block, two doors West of tlie PLAINDEALER office, YOy MUST NOT Forget the fact that Colby Bros., Ntiiida, offer better bargains In Cloth- lug to cash buyers tban any other firm In the county. eUerlng extra bargains tn dots, at Colby Bros., Riverside TlcHenrv. new TW^WKWttHettiMStt tra fine, over at Fitasltumous A Ev< bon's Call at Mrs. H. H, Nichols' store. door north of Perry A Martin's, for anything iu Millinery or Ladles' Fwt nishing Goods. A fine line of Wall Brackets it slaughtering Prloes, at O, C, Oolhy J| Co's Hardware Store,' SEWING MACHINE Needle* far sverf machine made, van be found at M. Rift geinX Iu Howe's Biookr near tlm bridge. Every man, woman and child that pays Ccuh for their goods, should tradp Go to M. Engeiu's for all kind* of Gnn snd Fishing Material. Jn Howe's Blook, McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persous wishing Carpenter work sntt pay in this way should apply at one* to A. WKNDELL, McHenry, Th* celebrated McCormick Twine Bluder fopsaie by B. Bishop, MoHeury. Try s pound new tea at Fitssimmons A Evansou's, I* you wsnt a first class Reaper aud Binder call at Bishop's Warehouse and see tlie McCormlck Twine Biuder. Csil at Blshop'fc Warehouse and see the MoCoriulok Twine Binder. Tb* best liesper In the market New line of black lawns, buntings, light summer dress goods, giugiiam*. with lace to trim, at Stevens A ttofcuorr's, LadW Linen Ultters, Parasola, Hosiery, Silk Mitts in all shades. Neck Wear, eto„ iu endless variety, at the oaslt store of Colby Bros., Nunda. Walloonda loo Croam Parlors. GOLD1NO * BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to th* publio that they have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for tb* season and are uow prepared to furbish Ice Cream every day and evening, by tbe dish or quautity. We also keep on hand Groceries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Notions,. To- baccoM, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low or lower than any other bouse in the oounty. quality of goods considered. When lu want of auything in our line we invite you to csil, confident that we oan pleaie you both iu quality and price. GOLDING A BHOOKS. WACOOBDA, 111.. Juns l«t. 1881. NEVER BEFORE In the history of Nunda, has there been as large and well selected a stock of Dry Goods, Clothing. Notions. Boots and Shoes, and general merchan­ dise, as can be found at the Q4*h «or* Colby Bros, where goods are marked ou that Where they ean save from 16 to V percent. Where 10 will get them more g*od» thau $7 will at a credit store. SU KVKKS * SOBBOan. . Twenty-two and twenty-four foe£. Fish Poles,only six cents each, at It* Engeiu's. in Howe's Blook, uear th* new Bridge. FENCE POSTS FOR 8ALX. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Feuce Post* for sale. Inquire of JOHN nuux, In cases of Piles Dr. Trask't MI netIc Ointment acts-like a charm, |l log quick relief. For dialing and Sores and lufiammatlous It excels ery thing. styles in the market, at Colby Riverside Block, McQeury, s **• O, C. Colby A Jo. are now prepared to do all kinds of Jobbing, at their u*«t Hardwsre Store opposite the NUL SUROUDS, Just reoeived, at John B. Blake's Suruiture and Undertaking Rooms* shrouds of all sixes, and in tweuty-fie* different styles, whioh will b* sold at prices ranging from 81 to N. FOR SALE. A very fine I'urham Bull, on* year old. WUlbs sold reasonable. <f, W, SM1TB. FOR SALE. 40 Aores of land in Section 19. all fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barn thereon, wltfc timber and water iu abundance, in 8e» Hon '33, . Also my homestead on th* Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Got -i neii hou«e, barn and other outbuilding*.**. Apply to JOHN FIVSKY. "T :;|tr Do Yon Want a Machine. If yon do. of course you Sewing want best, as it ousts no mure. Thm buy from an Agent who oarries one which he lias fixed up on purpose to show, when by suing to the store of O. W. Owen, in McHenry, you van hav* your choice of Five, vis: The Domes-, tic, Eldredge, Amerieau, Improve# Howe, aud SHger. We keep all tbe# machines in stock, and suy lady w' wants a machine can set down and them all. aud then select the one f suits her the best. Tbe first/ named, the Domestic, Eldredr American, arc three of tbe jy*. chines ou the market, and anjy be ci>nvliK<ed of the fact bi my store aud trying one U Also a line stock of Clop Jewelry. Silver and Plstf lie found at my store. Pianos for sale or 1 UcLttxr, April

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