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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1881, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. AUG. 31/ 1881. Railroad Time Table. OOINO SOOTH. fteneva Lake Paa9enf?or .......7:9ft'A.M „ .8:21 .1:«5 p. * T:J6, » Geneva Lake Express -- ften^va Lake Freight Steamboat Express ootso VOETH Bene"* Lake Freight Steamboat Express . v . . . Geneva Lake Express . .... Beu«va Lake Passenear. 6:.V2 B. Bnss, Aircnt. Mcllenry, III . B:33 A. J0-.01. " .5:52 P. last 1881 Fox Lake, Ills. TIME TABLE, STEAMER "LOTUS." LEAVE MCHENRY «:15 P. M. Friday and Saturdays. 7;15 p. M. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thurs da j s. LEAVE FOX LAKE. T, ;30 A. M. or 6:3u A. H AS circumstances may permit. Notice must be (riven tbe evening previous to intended departure. WALTEK HILL, Captain Picnic to the Lakes. The Steamer "Mary Griswold" will make an Excursion to Fox Lake, on Sunday next, Sept. 4th. leaving Mo- He nry at 10J o'clock A. M. A good itrinsr Baud will accompany the Pic- nlcers. All are cordially invited. R. BISHOP shipped another car loud of wagons to Dacota last. SEE the new Time Table for the Steamer "Lotus." at the head of this column. JOHN AV. SMITH and Eugene Wheeler will accept the thanks of the editor and family for a liberal supply of veg­ etables. MRS. WM, LA'NGHAM. of Ringwood. will please accept the thanks ol the editor for a very handsome Boquet left on our desk on Monday. WB learn that Allen Walsh has leased 3chreiuer's Saloon afid Restaur- &nt opposite the Parker House, and will take possession of the same Sep­ tember 1st. WE learn that a daughter of Wm. Tonyon had the misfortune to break lier arm on Monday evening last. Dr. Fegers was called and she is now doing as well as could be expected. JOHN LBMM, formerly employed in the Mill of R. Bishop, in this village', has accepted a situation in the River Mills, at Algonquin, and will move his family to that village this week. THE dancing public should not for­ get the opening party at Graad llall on Friday evening of this week. Wilson'* Orchestra, from Kansasville. Wis., will furnish the music, and a good time may be expected. IT'S all very well to say "that a bird In'the hand is worth two in the bush"; but if the bird in our hand is a vener­ able barnyard rooster, and the birds in the bush a brace of fine, plump part­ ridges, we'll take our chances in the bush. _ WE learn thhat Mrs. Clark, sister to Mrs. Stebbins and H. E. Wlghtinau, died at Kansas City last week. We understand that she has been a sufferer lor a good many years. Mrs. Stebbins ' was with her about a week before she diad. EVERYBODY should remember the Re-Union of the 95th, at Woodstock on Saturday of this week. Let every­ one turn out and help the soldier boys "Re-Une." The poem by Dr. Bennett will be well worth a trip to the county seat. We shall expect to see a large crowd out on Saturday. WElearn that some miscreant, with neither the fear of God or man before his eyes, stole about sixty yards of car­ pet from the Congregational Church, at Crystal Lake, on Tuesday of last week. It found out some one should *eml him a copy of the revised New Testament, OUR readers In Nnnda and vicinity Ishould not forget that Dr. F. J. Cross, Dentist, will make regular visits to that village every Thursday, to do any work in his line. He is a first-class Dentist, and we take pleasure in recommending him to the people in that vicinity. THE Mcllenry correspondent of the Woodstock Sentinel of last week con­ tained nineteen items, the substance of fourteen ot which were stolen from the galleys or proof sheets in this office. Tbif* may be a good way to ob­ tain items, but will not prove a profit­ able investment for the said scribbler It it occurs again. THE man Chapman who we reported last week as passing himself ort as a detective and who was arrested by the landlords of the Parker House and lodged in Woodstock jail, had a hear­ ing at that place last week, and set­ tled the matter by paying all damages and costs and was released. It is to be hoped the lesson will be of benefit to liim. WE would call the especial attention ot our readers to the new advertise­ ment of W. H. Dvvight, dealer in Boots and Shoes, Woodstock, which can be found in another column. Mr. Dwiglil has just received an unusually large stock for the Fall and Winter trade, and as lie keeps an exclusive Boot and Shoe house, can offer you bargains in this line not to be found outside ofHlift city. While at the County Fair do not fail to call at the corner store, cor­ ner Main street and the Public Square, and look over the immense stock there to be found. Dwight keeps none but the best of goods, buys and sells strict­ ly for cash, and sells as cheap or cheap­ er than any other dealer, quality of goods considered. Read his advertise­ ment in another column and when in Woodstock do not fail to give him a call. MKS. H. If. ANDERSON, nee Alpha Wentworth, of Chicago, formerly of this village, is about closing a four weeks stay here. - REV. JOEI. WHKEI.HR and wife ARE now visiting in the East. Before re­ turning they will visit Main# and New Hampshire. * Miss MART L, OWEN returned from Kansas on Friday last. H. D. LUFF is now in this village visiting friends. He will remain a week or ten days. DR. HART and W. A.Baker, of Green­ wood, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Saturday. ISAAC WENTWORTH and eon, "'Jake," spent Sunday at their home in this village. Miss ETTA BEERS returned home af­ ter a somewhat protracted visit in Dundee and Nunda, on Saturday. Miss SARAH THURLWELL is visiting friends in this villuge. HENRY SIMES, of Barrington, was seen on our streets on Monday. J. W. CRISTY and wife have returned from their visit East. FRANK GOING, now of 'Chicago, spent Sunday with his mother in this village. MRS; C. T. ELDRIDOE and children are visiting with friends at Kenosha. Wis. J E. FELT, of ijVoodstook. and his | brother-in-law, Mr. C. B. Lanipkin. of \ Ohio, made the PLAINDKALER a call on Tuesday. REV. W. A. AI»RON, a former Pastor > of the M. E. Church, in this village, was calling on friends here on Tues-I day. j JKKF HANKINS. of Chicago, spent i Sunday in this village. Gov. CuLLOM/fit Woodstock, Wed-! nesdav, Sept. 14th. Give him a grand reception. Gov. SMITH. Wisconsin, at Wood­ stock, Wednesday, Sept. 14th. Be on hand to greet hint. GOV.,.JEROMK, of Michigan, at Wood­ stock. Wednesday, Sept. 14th. Show him what old McHenry" Co. can do. Gov. PORTER, of Indiana, at Wood' stock, Wednesday, Sept. 14th. Come out and greet him. LT. Gov. HAMILTON, of Illinois, at Woodstock. Wednesday. Sept. 14th.-- Will you remain at home. SEC'Y STATE DEMENT, at Woodstock. Sept. ,14th. You will like him. ADJUTANT GEN. ELLIOTT, at Wood­ stock. Sept. 14th. Come out and see the General. IF you want to see a tine line of Coal Stoves just call at the Hardware Store of O. C. Colby A Co.. opposite the Mill lii their stock can he found the Golden Star, Silver star, Garland,Storm King. Excelsior and Avondale. all first-class stoves, and which they propose to keep in stock "for buyers to choose.-- These stoves have all been put down to bed rock prices, and persons contem­ plating buying should not fail to call and examine them before purchasing. THE attention of'our readers i* di­ rected to the advertisement of II. Maiman. Waueonda. which can be found on the first page of this paper.-- Me has ju»t received his Fall stock of Clothing, Cioths, Hats, Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods, and can now ofler to the buying public as fine a line of goods as can he found in Lake county, and at prices that cannot fail to please Rend his advertisement and be sure and call and examine his goods and learn prices. THE horse of Rev. .T. W. P. Jordon. while crossing the Iron Bridge on Sat­ urday evening, was frightened by the blowing of the whistle on the Steam­ boat and ran away. Mi's, Jordon and • Will," who were in the buggy were thrown out, ami, although consldeianiy bruised and shaken up, fortunately es­ caped severe injury. This accident, proves what we have said before, that our steamboat landings are, in the wrong place. The blowing of the whistle or even the escape of steain Is liable to frighten horses while crossing the bridge, ami the approaches to the bridge are such that au unmanageable team is liable to do great damage, and endanger the life of the driver. 'As it is necessary and thev do run busses to the boats, why not make the landing* a little farther up stream, where equally a« good landings can be ob­ tained and nil danger f rom such acci­ dents avoided. We trust our steam­ boat men and village authorities will take :his matter into serious cons id- erati on. WaI'Ooxiia^ ll.U, Auftiut 25th, 18S1. EDITOR PLAINDKALERWe had a Lawn Festival in this village on Tues­ day evening the 23d inst. A crowd was present who enjoyed very much the ice cretin, the music and various other attractions. The proceeds finan­ cially were for the benefit of the pul­ pit fund of the Baptist Church. We take this occasion to acknowledge the kindness of friends wh<55e efficient and faithful labors made it a success. Also the kindness of numerous other friends whose presence and contributions ad­ ded interest and profit to the enter­ prise. W. T. GREEN, Pastor. Wonderful Time By a 4 Year Old. The Mcllenry County Agricultural Board ofler for 2:40 horses 8200. 3 minute purse 8100. Entries close with the free for all Tuesday, Sept. 13th, 6 r, M. A, S. WRIGHT, Secretary. FOR SALE OR RE XT. A farm of about three hundred acres to sell or rent. For particulars inquire of Mrs. LrC. Gates, Mcllenry, III. H»ud«»me Ladle*, Come to the Fait. G \ Burbank. artist, Woodstock. Ills. ' offers as a special premium to the handsomest- l»dy over il years ol age 1 doz. best Cabinet .'"WEIGHT, Sec'y. McHenry Co. Ag*I, B. r WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Apt > and antiquated is thesiying "uneasy lies the head that wears a erown,"' and modern rcpublics can consistently say "Let him beware who either seeks with success to be or by force of cir­ cumstances becomes their President.-- Lincoln and Garfield are names indelibly stamped on the heart ot every Ameri­ can, names dear to every friend of hu­ manity, to every loyer of liberty.-- Booth and GuKeau, names equally im­ mortal, loved by none, hated, despised and scorned by all. O how widely parted how deeply separated are the boundaries of immortality. Lincoln and Garfield, hallowed, sacred names, how throbs every heart, how tingles every nerve, even to the finger tips at their utterance, how reverently are they spoken, how fondly are they cher­ ished. Booth and Gulteau, behold the scorn on every lip, the hatred in every eye. the curse on every tongue. Tell me Q Ingersoll, tell me, is there no Heaven beyond the River for the for­ mer, no n<?ll, equal to the crimes of the latter? "Tell me, is there no God t reward the former, no God to punish the }atter, no God to avenge the wrongs suffered by this people? Tell me, O tell me, had Lincoln^ has Gar­ field no "Sweet By and By,** nothing beyond the assassin's bullet? Is such their end, is such their final doom ? If yea, who Is there amongst the univer­ sal manhood, to take the chance of a four years term as President of these United States, this boasted land of liberty. As we write our ex|>ectant ear Invohiu tartly turns churchward to catch the first stroke of the tolling hell, which we are made to feel must sound ere tuar.v hours. "Sinking fasC lingered in our thoughts as weary we sank to sleep last night. "Sinking fast" was our first thoughts with the Sabbath's opening day and "Sunk to lest" is what we next expect to hear. Yesterday we heard from the lips of a hardy Yeoman, a citizen by adoption not by birth, language worthy of a statesman,as lie-spoke of the dying President, language we would repeat had we taken it verbatim, but our memory cauu»t do him justice. With the firm but sad conviction that the President must die anJ that Vice President Arthur must sooner than he can wish assume the responsibility, it may not be out of plate to indulge in language rather speculative in regard to an administration under such cir­ cumstances. It is with pride, possibly with vanity, that we speak of Vice President Arthur as our classmate clown on the banks of the old Mohawk, where we side by side, yes lie and 1, daily recited to Drs. Nott and Proud- fit. Profs. Jackson, Yates, Relce. Fos­ ter and Gillispie, and when side by si tie in 18-iS we received our "sheep­ skins'" full fledged "A. B's" and separa­ ted, he fated to become President of the greatest nation on earth and 1-- well no matter--I have had my duties to perform, and I trust the world may prove none the worse for my existence Pardon this episode. As we route in- ber Arthur the school boy we can hardly comprehend Arthur the Vice President. But we can when we call to iniud the energy, the prompt and lucid recitation, the courteous de­ meanor, the ability in debate of the student, realize how all the qualities so characteristic in his college days, could ripen into statesmanship and Jit him to become what this people and late have made him--must we write it--President of the United States of America. Gen. Arthur bus his ability to guide him, he has had lo, these eight long weeks that President Gar- tie 1 d has so patiently suffered to learn the sentiment of the people and to prepare lor the awlul responsibility, and when he said In substance to the Secretary of State "I shall be governed by tiie wisllom and counsels of the cabinet" a new departure, an abiding /aitli took hold of the people, that all Vice Presidents were not John Tylers or Andy Johnsons, and when all our fears are realized in the final rest of James A. Garfield let ueftv born hopes take possession of our faith that we did well when we placed the name of Chester A. Arthur just one degree be­ low that of James A. Garfield. We commiserate, while we congratulate him tlint his lot lias not been cast in waste places, and that it may be well with him even unto the end, and that the increasing protperity and harmony in the country may continue is the prayer uttered in faith of his quondam fellow student and present fellow citi­ zen. MONDAY. 2 P. 31. "Improving" is the news which reaches us from Washington, and we will try yet once agai i to hope, but alas how faint that hope. A good shower would be welcomed with a will hereabouts. Our Pickle Factories took in 4,000 bushels of cucumbers Saturday. This lias been a good week for ad­ hesive plasters. Ask Jake. Emery and Asa, but keep a proper distance or they might make it necessary for you to step into the Drag Store and have one applied to your nose. Our Water taiiK is up but the wiud engine don't seem to work. Another poor man's hay stack burned Smoking boys did it. We saw that English Prairie was well represented here yesterday. We think it wool day. Old Sol Is on the rampage again and people complain of heat. It is worth bragging about to see farmers refreshing themselves and thirsty teams at our watering places. We hear of oats going 50 bushels per aero notwithstanding we bear com- plaint. Have you any fresh cows or spring­ ers lor sale is a standard salute now days. Well we have both and will sell il you wish and w ill pay enough. lt is a good tbiug just now (o have oat»,coru, wiieat, pigs or fat bugs tq •ell, in feet all farm products arecallod for. We learn that the Commissioner of Pensions proposes l« recommend to Congress to pension all soldiers .who were In rebel prisons any considerable length of time. We hope he will suc­ ceed a* we know of a large number of soldiers whose constitutions f^ere greatly impaired but who are too In- dustrion| to apply for invalid pensions and yet are deserving. When that wedding has come off down on the corner of Madison and Mcllenry streets we will tell of it, but till then we keep silent. « u.Jo' ' Garrison is greeting his old friends on our streets. We say again as we said in a former artiele if you want to see the "great­ est show on earth" spend the 13th. 14th 15th and 16th of Sept. on tiie Mcllenry County Fair Grounds. On Saturday, Seps. 3d, the old 95th Reunes at Woodstock. Of course the survivng members will be here if possi­ ble. But this is not enough, their thousand and one friends who did not in them in 1862 should unite with tlijNp in celebrating their anniversary and make the boys many fold glad that they douued the blue. Ask Constable EM© If lie has re- plevyed that dorg yet. Justice Baker of GreenWdod may want his fees.-- But who is Justice Baker anyway?--* That is what Frank would like to know so as to enter his appearance, plead off­ set and get judgment for damage and costs. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT S. F. BENNETT. S. r. BK«r*RTT is hereby authorised to take snhtcripttonsand onlers for ait verticil* and Jol) Work f->r the I'r. MXDKAI.KR. rereiv* money therefor HD<I rei'eipf for the same.-- all or-1er« left with Inm will receive prompt Attention.--Editor. Measles is prevalent at Solon. M. M. Clothier started from Rich­ mond for Decatur on Monday. A gay party of picnicers went from Richmond to Lake Geneva on Tuesdav FAST APPROACHING. The time will soon arrive when the one great exhibition will be here. Will you remain at home when you can see so much for a small sum of money? Will yon remain at home when such extra inducements are oflered? Will you remain at home when you can do so much in helping to carry out the grand work for which the officers have labored early and late? Come and place-our Fair in the grand galaxy of successful exhibition. Crown it with your gems of art. Crown it with your beautiful specimens of handiwork. Crown it with your products of the soil. Crown it with your presence* Let us show our distinguished guests in private and military life, that bur county Is the grandest among ten thousand. Let the rich and poor come* and interchange ideas. Let us stand on the broad plat­ form of equality. Those that are strong may help the weak. Let us bear in mind that life is short--some kind word may be the turning point in some poor heart. Remember that when the time comes to lay aside the battles and pleasures of this life, only a small space is allotted to us. Let ^EI, Clievillion and Geo. Hicks, bat* ged nine grouse early this week. Charley Andrews is putting in new machinery for the manufacture of syrup. Thresliers report oats as turning out only about 30 bushels to the anre and very light at that--20 pounds to the bushel. . Cole, Cooley A Co. are making re­ pairs to a considerable extent on their race. The water is drawn off the pond for that purpose. A. R.?Alexander has the lonndation for the addition to his house finished, and the rest of the work will be pushed as fast as workmen can be obtained to do t. » We are Informed that Jo. How den has sold his farm to the Coulinan Bros, at $60 per acre. The price is a good round one but the littte farm is a choice piece of land. Leonard Howe's new house approach­ es completion. It Is enclosed and painted and will soon be ready for oc­ cupancy. it is a tasty looking little house and will make a delightful home for a worthy man and his family. The Richmond Social Club gare the first of the winter's series of hops at the Richmond House Friday evening. Our local players furnished the music. Those who attended reoort a nice time. KEW THIS WEEK. MRS. H. II. NICHOLS was iu the cltjr on Monday of tl»U week buyiug goods and wishes to sity lo the Indies of Mc­ llenry and surrounding country that she has a fine stock of Kail Ulsters and Circulars, Fancy Handkerchiefs. Mourning Handkerchiefs. Lace Collars and Coliarrettes, Partament* Trim­ mings, Spanish Lace, Jet Bracelets, and a flue line of Notions iu general at living prices. Call and examim goods and see for yourselves. One door north of Perry & Martin's Dry Goods House, Mcllenry. - MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. . Cook's Cider Mill. Two iniies Northwest of Wnucondt, is now prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PRESSES, to make your apples ihto Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction in every par­ ticular. M. COOK. Business Notices. 'TUSK? n§ferj,!i Gilt £dge Toale re*tof%t appetite. Tl»e Moltne Owen's. »n»ky Flow •$ Jl *1" Fishing TM*1* of *11 T)nd» Kngeln's, in Howe's Btoek, new Bridge. Tiie Furst db Bradley Sulky flow E.M.Owen's. - THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE The undersigued oilers for sale one Buffalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all in good running order, and will do as good work as any new machine. Will be Buckeye Foree Owen's. All the Owen's. Pumps, at Bi\lf first-class Plows at K. X. The finest Hue of Silver and Pt« Ware to be found in (he etnfttjr, M W. Owen's. A fine lot of Ileady-Made full Suits just received at Mrs. H. H, Nichols1'Millinery Store* Meiienry. German School Books, and JCugTfall and German Mass Books, at M. gelu's Howe's Block, near Ike bridge* GOLD FISH, . . Fi*h Globes, and Food for FM as M. Engelu's iu Howe's Block, Bear bridge. THE LATEST. We have a large invoice ®f titan Sold cheap for cash or will trade for a celebrated "Broadhead"' Dress Good* On Saturday and Sunday the heat was simply terrific. Add to the great beat the protiacted drouth and no wonder people begin to complain.-- The fields b"gin to assume tints sug­ gestive of a premature Autumn. Corn is already greatly Injured. The milk product is fallingofl very rapidly ex­ cept where cows are fed extra. ^ Miss Campbell, of Madison. Wis, is engaged in preparing for a Concert to be given in Richmond at an early day. With the aid of the children and other local talent *die will present the Can­ tata of the Sun and Planets, and a Drama, entitled "The Fairy's Mis­ sion." The rehearsals are going on daily and in a very satisfactory man- span of good horses. Inquire of GEO. MILLS, Wauconda. 111. Boys. K««4 Tkis. Dr5 Northrop, of Woodstock, offers a purse of $6, divided as follows: 93, 82, and 81, to the best exhibition ot riding for all boys regardless of color, nndsr 15 years of age--not less than live to enter. A. S. Wright. Sec'y. McHenry Co. Ag'l. B. Engine and Boiler tor Sale. The undersigned has for sale a Twelve Horse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All iu good running or­ der, having been used but little. Will be sold cheap, for cash or ou time with approved note. For further particulars inqniie of WARD B. GALE. Volo, 111 FOR SALE. One J. I. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine. Has been u&ed but one year. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Inquire at this office. Oh what a world of "pads!"' When you get tired of trying all tbe kinds just fall back on the old reliable Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu­ matism. Escape It by heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbing in thoroughly. ^ Nobby Styles in Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. Parasols and Fans in all of the latest stvles at Stevens & Sclinorr's. in the latest styles. Everybody should see them before buying. STEVBHS ft Season. The finest line of Dress Goods tn this market can be found at SSeveao & Sclinorr's. ' Piles, chafing sones, chapped salt rheum, skin disorders, hums, bml* ses, sore throa t, and all inllammatlOM yield rapidly on application of Traskrs Magnetic Ointment. H:wis. 8honlders, B«con, 8*K Petti Lard and Corned Beef, at tiowardfil Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will cure you? Store opposite Parker House. bygones be bygones and come to the Jier. I lie date of the performance we Fair. Do not leave tljro little ones at home--bring them along. Let them see our great Fair. It will give them grand ami noble ideas to think of. You cannot tell ^liajt yjeir future may be. Some President, Governor, Sen­ ator or General may be In your house­ hold. If any classes can be said to hold the destinies of this great Repub­ lic of ours, it is the young in MI of to­ day. Children are Like plants, they need a variety. Give them a chance to develop, and you will have no trouble in rearing them to manhood, and iu your declining years they will give you that joy and peace that pros­ perity deal3 out so lavishly. Bring the children to the Fair. Our Super­ intendent of amusements will have lots of fun for them--and the old ones too. Our programme will please you in every department. All we want is a general turnout. Let everybody come. It is a crowd that makes every­ body feel good. You have been blessed with good crops, good health-- iu fact the past three years have been an era of great prosperity with you. You have labored lisrd and why not take a little recieation? Come--come all come. The present management give you their united word that the 29th Annual Exhibition will be one which will please you and you will go home with hearts overflowing. Resp'y yours, A. S. WRIOHT Sec'y Mrllenri-Oo. Hoard, Sportsmen Attend. Grand Pigeon and Glass Ball shoot! There will be a Pigeon and Glass Ball Shoot at Fox Lake, III., on the Point near Harry Dunnill 's, on Saturday, September 3d 1881. Five hundred Pigeons, five hundred Blackbirds, and any number of Gla«s Balls will be fur­ nished for shootists. and liberifl Cash Prizes will be oflered to all those who contend. Come out and have a day's sport. The Steamboats will run to the grounds,leaving McHenry on Sat­ urday morning at 10 o'clock, sharp. NEW FALL MILLINERY, Of the latest styles just received at Mrs. Searles'-, which the ladies are in­ vited to call and examine. have not yet learned. Kid and Lisle Thread Glove* in all colors at Stevens & Sclinorr's. REMNANTS Of different kinds ot Dry Goods. A large assortment that must be sold.-- Call and see. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSOX. EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One Dollar per foot at John B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call and see them. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Burtoii, until Saturday, Sep­ tember 10th, for the following work: For building a Wooden Bridge across NSppersink Creek, south of Spring Grove, The bridge to be 30 foot span. Also for building the Stone Abut­ ments for said bridge. Bids will be received separate or together. The Commissioners reserve the right to re­ ject anv or all bids. For plans andjpec- iticauBns, apply to Dennis Haldeman, at Spring Grove. - DENNIS HAM>EMAN, Prank o»r;k. JOIIK Sct l.KFnn, ooiumUsioaert. New style Bracelet# at O. ̂ Oven'* We are sorry to. loaru that C. E. Abbott, so favorably known to this community as allrst-class watchmaker ami jeweler, is about to leave Rich- inoiid to settle at Chenoa, in this State. Mr. Abbott has made many friends here in Richmond, and all re­ gret his departure. , We can assure the people of Chenoa that they will find in him a good workman aud a gentleman as well." Monda#, a citizen of a neighboring town said to us: "Does your editor here know that there is a man by the name of James A. Garfield, that |ie is tbe President of the United states, that lie has been assassinated, and that everybody is anxious to hear the very latest news of hiiii? Why, the Go- zette of this week hasn't one word of the wounded President iu its editorial columns." We could hardly credit the statement but a careful examination of the paper proved it true. A picnic excursion to Twin Lakes last Saturday proved a most enjoyable aflalr. A part of the company went from Richmond to Ackermau's and chartered the steamer for transporta­ tion to the Rockford grounds, aud a part went direct to the same place, where dinner was partaken of with that immense relish only known to picknickers and small boys. After din­ ner a glorious bath in the clear waters of the lake, a lazy repose upon the greensward, and a very interesting game of "mnmbletypeg"by the gen­ tlemen. whiled the short hours away until the whistle of the steamer gave warning that it was time to depart.-- That steamer canie just iu the nick of time, else your correspondent ^would have been trying the strength of his teeth and jaws i u pulling up the "peg" which very willing bauds were ready to drive clear through to China. Don't like mnmbletypeg, anyhow. It is so easy to get beaten. Heavens, what a dinner! We have bet all the money we had ourself and all we could borrow of our friends, that there is more good cookery to the acre among the Rich­ mond ladies than can be found else­ where on this planet. "Sain Slick," otherwise Judge llalibui ton, said that "the way to a man's heart Is through l,is stomach.' if the Judge was right, Richmond housewives know the road to a man's heart. [Memo. Don't play "innnibletypeg" with Howard Vinton, unless you wane to be "beat bad."-- Better fight shy of George, too.] Cap tain Ackerinan and his wife did all In their power to make things pleasant for the pi juicers. Mrs. Ackerinan went with the party to the Rockford <rrounds and was as happy as If to the (picnic) "manor born." The company: J. R. Hyde, wife and child, Howard Vinton, wife and daughter, Geo. Vin­ ton and wife, Richard Wray and wife, G. A. Cantield. wife and son, Charles Green aud Miss Julia Sherman, Mrs. G. B. Carpenter and daughter, Mrs. Ack­ erinan, Mrs. R. F. Bennett, Elgin, Miss H a n n a h Cutting. S. F. Bennett, wife and daughter. Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. J. Sanborn, Miss Campbell. Madison, Wis, Mrs. Jtio, Smith, Mrs. Robt. Johonnott, Mrs. Robt. liuuter aud brother* Mrs, R, B, Co\e, Look Out^For Bargains In Clothing at E. Lawlus*. He has clothing for man, boy and child at Chi­ cago pnees. MCCORMICK'S MACHINES Bent the world. Gall at Bishop's Warehouse, McHenry. aud examine them. Ir yon want your Watch pnt it ft»t class Order, call ou Robert Borfttt Jeweler, Nnnda, New Prints, latest partem*, - lit* prices from live cent* a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Mrs. 11. II. Nichols keeps in all shades* ' kid glow* Panel Photos at Miller's Stmlfo. THE BEST THING For a cough Is Beslay's Troches, a box. Store opposite tin House. Try Parkor Call at Mrs. II. H. Nichols for Latfltaiti Ready Made Underwear. ' We are ottering extra bargains f» Cheviots, at Colby Bros* Riverside Block McHettrr. Tea Drinkers will fit id (this MPeak) new crop ,fap. Teas, uncoloredand ex­ tra fine, over at Fltxsimmous St BVM- son's Call at Mrs. II. H. Nichols' store, ON door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything In Millinery or Ladles1 Far* nishing Goods. Wo want everybody to know that we have a regular Clearing Sale of dif­ ferent kinds of goods during this aud next week. Many chances to buy good Goods at almost your owu price as tiiey must be closed out. Clothing and shoes included. KITZSTMMONS St EVANSOX. For Sale. In Woodstock, a house and five acres of land, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods North ot the Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro­ perty, and will be sold reasonable. In­ quire ou the premises. J AM ESJU A LI, AGHKR. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of Madisou and Vine Streets. Woodstock. 111., conveniently located io business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good weii and oistern. Terms easy. Apply to 1 ASA TV. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 Foundation roekrf and Gravel deliv­ ered at couvenieut distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 Ladles ofv McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering f; reater bargains than ever. All work u repairing done on short notice. Trble and Pocket Cuttlery in endless variety at O. C. Coloy t Co's Hard­ ware store. Sew*j*o Machine Needle* for «wry machine made, can be found at M. in- gelu's, in Howe's Block, near the bridge. Every man, woman and child that pays Caeh for their goods, sbonhl trade wlrere geods are marked on that basis Where they can save from 15 to V per cent. Where $5 will get them more goods than $7 will at a credit star?. STEVKNS A scHiroaa.. Twenty-two and twenty-four foot Fish Poles,only six cents each, at II. Engelu's, iu Howe's Block, near $ke\. new Bridge. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. * 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence PaatS for sale. Inquire of JOHN DORAK. In cases of Piles Dr. Trask's Mag­ netic Ointment acts like a charm, .«*- i ng quick relief. For Chafing and alt Sores and luflaiumations it excels or* erything. Ten cent Mouiie Cloths, the styles in the market, at Colby Riverside Block, McHenry. , Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit, at prices ranging from 91.50 to $9.00, at O. C. Colby A Co.'s ' Eight Pounds ef Ground Coffee for One Dollar at Colby Bros., Riverside Block, McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work and pay in this way should apply ut once to A. WENDELL, Mcileury. The celebrated McCormlck Twine Binder for sale by R. Bishop, Mcllenry, Try a pound new tea at Fitzsimmons & Evausou'g. IF you want a first class Reaper aud Binder call at Bishop's Warehouse and see the McCoruiick Twine Biuder. latest Bra** SHROUDS. Just received, at John B« Surnilure and Undertaking Rooms, shrouds of all sizes, aud in twenty-flvf different styles, which will bo prices ranging from il to 9&. y y> FOR SALE. r A very fine Durham Bull, one year old. W ill be sold reasonable. _J, W.amTH, FOR SAIB. 40 Acres of land in Seetlon H, all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber aud water in abuudauce, in de» tion 22. ' Also my homestead oh the Crystal! Lake and Nuuda road. Good near house, barn and other ontbuildings.--- Apply to JOHN FLUSKY. Shoes lor the Million. We |liatr« placed in the bauds of* Colby Bros., McHenry and Nuuda, aft immense assortment of our best seared work, consisting of Women's aid Misses Goat aud Kid Button and Side Laee Goat aud Kid Walking Shows, Serge and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which thev afO selling at our wholesale pi ices With small compensation added. Call ai exam i ue goods. ^ FOUBQSH A BROWN, B>M», SJg*& Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors, GOLDING & BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opeued their Ice Cream Parlors for the season and are now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day aud evening, by the dish or quantity. We also keep on hand Groceries-of all kinds. Canned Goods, Notions, To­ baccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low or lower than any other house In the county, quality of goods considered. W hen iu want of anything tn our line we invite you to call, confident that we can please you both in quality and price GOLDINO & BKOOKS. KAUCOY&A* IU» ht. MU Sewinr Do Yon Want » Machine. ]r you do, of course yoa (want tfcf best/as it costs no more. Tlteu wl\y buy from an Agent who aurries bnt one which he has fixed up ou pnrpose to show, when by going to the store of O.W.Owen, in Slclieury, yon ean have your choice of Five, via: The I>»a»e*- tic, Eldredge. American, Improve* Howe, and Si»ger. We keep all machines in stock, aud any lady mho wants a machine van set <!ow*i and try l hem all. and then select the one wbicu suits her the best. The first . three named, the Domestic. Eldreifge SNA American, are three of the best »* chines on the market, and any one will be convinced of tiie figtft by calling my store au j trying one themselves. Also a tine stock of Clocks. Watehe%» Jewelry. Silver aud Plated Ware, be found at my si« re. Organs Ptauos for sale or rent. At.; XeBsary, Aprtt

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