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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Sep 1881, p. 1

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j ' ".-v ' ' : ; • 4 • T*5-* ~ " -- p ii --i-j jlt,n I, JL _ |....J .|)|r. ^|n .rrnij-amL-iL-i*. Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." VOL. 7. M'HENRY, ILLINOI WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER JOSEPH X. FREUND. BUSINESS CARDS. RL CARLS.| inf? House, 'Johnsbu Rooms for Hunters an »r the use of Hunter*.-- Wines nnd Liquors tlmyi see mo. Soldiers' Department. ctowaed ALOOn ana CONDUCTED BY DR. 9. F. BENNETT. igars to be found tn the county. : JJ^ewy pwaieilCT. • _ n PnD hedlrery'Vedaeidif by SLYKE, ilj.-s ISSLTOIT AKD PUBLISHER. Office in Old P. O. Block, . „«*f©rro8iT* tti VBISIDB HOUSES , ®ERMS OF|SUR3CRIPTIOJI. r ©n el Year (in Advance) I1J0 • If Not Paid within Three Month* ..LOO Subscriptions received for three or six tenths in the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.BROWN.M.D. #)HVSTCIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce over ] the Post Office, opposite Perry Martin's Utore up Ht. tirs, MeHenry, III. O. H. FEGERS, M. D- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Johns burgh, Ills.--Offlce honrs 8 to 10, A. M. O. J. HOWARD M D.: |>HYSIOIAN AND STXRGEOV. Office at. V my residence, opposite M. B. Church, IfcHenry. III. E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. jpHYSICI\X and Snrneon. Office at T Besley's Dra? Store, Opposite Parker House, McHehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. FA. I»RATT, Proprietor. First class ac­commodations. Good Barn in connection Wauconda, 111. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, Me Henry, III. Or-ders solicited. Shop, ii Old MeHenry. bear the Bridge. RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peaee*nd Conveyancer.-- Willattend promptly to the collection of lebts. Volo, Lake County, III. B. E. RICHARDS. Sr.VS a •.omplete Abstract of Titles to land L in M Henrv County, Illinois. Office with unty ( lerk, Woodstock, III. ROBT. WRIGHT, Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes None but the? be of materal IMII and all work warranto M Shop North­ west corn r Public Square, Henry 111. £ E. M. OWEN. ENERAL Denier and Manufacturers Agent in < Treading Farm Machinery.-- ces low and Terms favorable. MeHenry N. 8. COLBY. MCHENRY. MeHenry Co.. III. Bl eeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berk* hire and Poland China S wine. A choice lot *f young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. GEO SCHREIXKR. - ~«TFirst class Billiard and Pool Tables. JOHN HENDRICKS. LIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Isnow prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing achine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also sure your life and property at reasonable tes. Please give me a cut*. t 1 PETER LEICKBM. REP AIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelrr ej all kinds. Also Itepitirs Violins in thebes1 ssible manner, on short notice and at roa* Able rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop t door North of Riverside Block, MoHeury MS I J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION K ER AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. VLES of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods inptly attended to. Farm Terms reasonable Post Vofall kinds promptly attended to. Farm Mies a specialty. Terms re Office address Algonquin 111. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of *ablio Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL, A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al* ^nyson hand. Snitsmade to order and a lit warranted- Give me a call. W. H.SANFOBD. Woodstock 111.,Sept. S7th. 1879. A. ®. BALDWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and reeidencs at the old Stevers place: on Clay St., Woodstock, I1L Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hours. VETERINARY Illinois. a S. GREEN. SURGEON, Richmond JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law aud Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed. oral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom, House, Chicago. CHAS-ff. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over Stone's Drug Store. SIDNEY DISBROW, ""~~ NOTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer. A den, 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Waticonda the 10th and S5th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sun. day I make my visits the following" Mondav- Also at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Offlce at Hotel. A. M. CHURCH, Watdhmaker and Jeweler 197 RANDOL PH STREET, (Briggs 197 House,) Chicago, 111. Formerly with E R. P. Shurly. Special attention given to Re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. •Si" A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. F. J. CROSS, D E N T I S T . MeHenry,! III. Fnll Plates made of the best|material and fully warranted, $&00* filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pal free of charge where Artificial Teeth serted by him. All Work fully warranted. Pure and for In «nd are in- Nitrous ' the pauilc rous Oxide Cas always on painless extraction of teeth. NEW MEAT MARKET, IN HOVVFT BUILDING. Southeast Corner Public Square. MCHKHFJ ̂ - -. - - *-^U*0UL. C JOSEPH FRETT WonM respectfully announce to the eltl- tens of MeHenry and the public, generally that be has loused the above building, and will, on Saturday, July 30th. open it with the choicest stork of FRESH AND SALT MEATS ever brought to this town. He intends at all times to keep on hand a full stock, and with a neat and well artanged shop hopes to be able to please the public. Call and see me. JOSEPH FRETT McHairnv, July|t7th, 1891. Oysters in their fsetson served up] in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HOBSBS. Fishermen. I Choice brands on baud. Gall ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand MeHenry, 111.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. We buy none but the beat, and sell at Reasonable Prices. FreshOysters in their season. Richmond House9 RICHMOND* ILL. C.N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently purchased the above nouse, I have put It in thorough repair, with new furnitue throughout, ana would respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav. eling public and others. The tables will al­ ways l>e provided with the best that can bo procured, and polite and attentive waiter* will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No p«ins will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large an«! commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. A. WENDELL, CABPESltUBD JOKER IMCMenry, III. WJfl tike Mftrscts fur putting Qup Buildings nnd guarantee inv work will compare with euy man in the State. I can ami will do work frcin 15 to 21 per cent cheaper than other carpenters, a* I have two of M|y boys who work with me. which inaksp it possible for me to do so. Ail Jobs il promptly attei MeHenry, the Carpeuter line id to. Qlve me a call. A. WENDELL. ,19th.1880. Established in 1855. JOHN SIERRA, Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago, has again returned to MeHenry Ooanty, and| has on hand the largest stock of READY HADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., t© be found In the County, and has everything made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STERBA. Near the Depot, MeHenry. TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want of Tubs la any form, from one bushel to 900; if you waat a Tubmade to a bnng-hole, bring it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we aan agree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no­ tice. P. A. HEBARD. MCHENRY, ILL Wagon Shop. "I The underslgned^at his Shop North of Perry A Martin's 'store near the Brick Church, Is now prepared do anything in the line of BlacMtttMiIng or Wagon Making, (Tgua! on short notice, and With the best of workmen we are pn and Wagons to nrd| terms end warrant! guarantee satisfaction. iterlal and flrst-class ired to get up Buggies n the most reasonable represented. H. E. WIGHT MAN, rropri class rigs, with or without drivers# fu.wished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. Scott <fc Co. 'Hatters to the Great Northwest." itt. 135 aid 137 Madison SI.- NEAR CLARK 8T. Have a larger stoek and greater variety of Styles for you to choose from, than can be Atti nd in any other establishment in Chicago yt the West. It will pay you tocallfand see •Iwm. Pricei4the lowest^in forQgood foods. BRANCH STORES 8. E, Cor. Clark & Lake stt it S. E. Cor. Hafsted and Harriioo sts.f CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' GERMAN •T mm Manufactured by F. MARCUS --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, III. The best Tonic in the| world* .fit "up in Pint and Quart Bottles. ~ r. MARCUS Patentee. M. Engeln, -DEALER IN- Cuns and Revolvers, Gun Material of all doseriplHiii.-- The llnestand best Pocket Cutlery, Sll warranted.-- The finest Razors, warranted for two years. Barbers Soap, Caps, Brush es, Straps, Eve GlasKes, spectacle Eye Protectors for Sun or Snow. We also keep a full line ot Fishing Tackle, Minnow Scins, Hammocks, nnd in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and Hunting, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices. Violins, Acordcons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, anrt all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of TINWARE is completb. Call anil examiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGELN. STORE IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGE. AGENTS WANTED --FOR -- HEROES OF THE PLAINS. BY J, W. BUEL. Embracing the lives nnd wonderful adven­ tures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson. Capt. Payne, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, Cali­ fornia Joe, and other celebrated Indian fighters, Scouts, Hunters and Guides, A book of thiilling adventures on the Plains. Fights with Indians! Grand Buffalo hunt! Desperate adventures! Narrow escapesl Wonderful shootiugand riding! Wild life in the Far West! 100 illustrations! 16 full page colored plates! The grandest books for Agen ts ever published. Positively outsells everyshing el^c. 5+K pages, price t*2. Agents con.plete outfit 50 cents. Outfit and copy for f2. «#"\Vrite at once tor agency, or terms and illustrated circulars, to HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO., 60S N. 4th St., St Louis Mo. Ii. Bonslstt, Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keeps coustnntly on hand the finest brands of Flour aud Feed of all kinds, which he will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fionr always on hand nnd warranted as represented. fl&T'Plotir delivered any where in the Cor­ poration. Orders mav he given by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Offlce. GIVE ME A CALL. L. BONSLETT. MeHenry, March 8th, 1881. WAUCONDA Agricultural Warehouse. R. C. BELb Would respectfully inform the Farmers ot Lake county, that he has opened an Agricul­ tural Warehouse, on Mill Street, in the vil- lage of Wauconda, where lie will keep AGRI CULTURAL MACHINERY of all kinds, of the best quality and make, and sell it to the farmers at as low figure* as any other House in the 3tate. In Mowers & Reapers ( shall keep the McCormick, and* Buckeye, of Canton, Ohio, which we oonsider the best in the market. Shall also keep in stock the Leader Rake, of Ithica, N.Y., the Tompkins County Im­ proved Self-Adjustable Cultivator, and a gen­ eral assortment ol all; kinds of machinery used on a farm. Hora Sboeini I General Jolliin promptly attended t<| r If in wan: of a ne#%»|p»n, be sure to eal at my Shop, examinefcne of my Wagons and learn price before pepthasing. My Wagons took FIRST P It KM 1011 -AT- THE COUNTY FAIR last Fall over Mfifethera. I will nut be uudorttwM,quality Offpsidarod. Give Mfe a Call. PHILLIP p«UPKRISH. McHeary, III., M*r6fc3l»t, IML Ne STOCK, POEM. Delivered at the lie-Union of the 9ith Aqjiment Illinois Volunteer*, held at Woodstock, lUitiois, September, Set, 1881. BT S. F. BKMKBTT. King, bells of t Freedom, from your brazen throats! Ring for the brave who meet agsin to-day! Ring, till your ciangor swells and grandly •oats From smiling earth to stir the starry way! Heroes of many battles! Ye we greet. With lauding shouts and Basic's thrilling strain, With old-time friendships years hare made more sweet, While heart beats quiek to comrade fcearl again! Not now we meet, as Whea, with clang of arms, The hurrying muster and the rallying cry, The days' wild conflicts and the nights' alarms, The battle's smoke that darkened all the sky! Nor yet, as when, nntiained to arts of War, Ye donned the blue and bvckled on the sword, •JTrore hamlet rallying, and fron fields afkr. Tour rountry's smile your only wished re­ ward! Ah, well doth momory kelp those days in mind! The tears of women and the shouts of men! Tha proud "boys" leaving lore and home be' hind. Fired with the spirit of our sires again! Through all the land the sad good-byes are spoken! Hearts press dear hearts tbey ne'er may press sgaln! The tender ties of home are bravely broken! Hands clasp deaT hands, and hearts beat dull with pain! Bravely these marched to make the flag eter- nal, But braver those who bravely bade them «o! These fetl for Freedom by a blade Infernal, Those lived to weep and nurse a hopeless woel Ah, who shall tell how noble woman suffered, To still the throbbing, of her patriot soul. To keep the yearnings of her heart unut. tered, And bid her loved ones march to honor's goall Brave soldiers sighed to speak the word, ••Farewell," But love of 'oouti ' < Where orst War's crimson the sod, The swreet forget-me-not bmathee out p< tame. White lilies lift their golden hearts to God, Peace lights cur homes as suns the days of Juno. This gracious harvest Freedom stoops to reap Was planted by your toll in storm and calm And watered by the blood of those who sleep On shot swept fields beneath the Southern palm. As floats that flag above our heads to>day,' So floats It o'er a N ATVON, hippy, free, Whose march is onward down the golden The child of God and glorions Destiny ! JUST RECIEVED --AT- -|^it burned anew when battered Snmpter fell, And grew eternal, like the stars above! The flag they bore grev holy in their eyes-- The hands of angels wove its shining bars- God made its azure like the bending skies. And painted there the image of His stars! Maiman's CZ.OTHISTG AX WAUCONDA . I have the largest stock of Fall" Goods ever brought to l.nkc County, which I will sell at LOTVER PRICES THAN EVER BE- FORE. Ready-mnde Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- For anything made to order, whether asingle garment or a full suit , Maiman's Also a full line of GOODS, Hats and WANTED. Aieits for Hie GOLDEN IlAWN. -OB-- Light on the GreatFuture. lu this life, through the dark valley and in the lite eternal, as seen in the best thoughts of leading authors and scholars, among whom are Bishop's Simpson, Warren, Hurst and Foss, Joseph Cook, Beeeher, Talmage, Dr. Currie, Dr. March, Dr. Mc.Cosh, Dr. Cros- by, Dr. Cuyler, George D. Prentice, Dean Stanley, Wnittier, Longfellow, and others. The subjects treated are Death, Immortality, Millennium and Second Advent., the Resur­ rection. Judgment, the Punishment of the Wicket and the Reward of the Righteous, A rich feast awaits the reader of this book. Is contains the grandest thoughts of the world's greatest authors, on subjects of the most pro- round interest to everyone Not gloomy but brilliant. There is not a dull page in the book. It is absolutely without a rival. Ev. erybody will read it. School Teachers, stud ents. young men and ladies, acting as agents tor this book are making over $100 a month. Sells fast. One agent sold 71 the first 15 days, another 46 in 8 days, another II intone dav, another IS and 5 live Bibles in 9 days, a lady sold » in 10 hours. Secure territory quick. Also agents wanted foi the best illustrated Revised New Testament, and for the finest family Bibles ever sold by agent,. Send f»r circulars. P. W. ZIEGLEB & CO., 915 Arch St-, Philadelphia, Penn., and 1M0 E. Adams St., Chicago, ill. 81,000 REWARD- Ptor any case Blind, Bleeding. Ulcerated or Protruding PILES that liBBlNG'.S PILE REMEDY fails to cure. Prenared by J. P. Miller M. D., 916 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa. None genuine without his signature. Send for circular. All druggists or general stores ive it cr will get it for you. CL Sold ia cHesty by Oolbjr Bros., Druggists. Call and see elsewhere and business. Wauconda, May M, 198L iv stock before oe convinced that purchasing at I mean II C HILL- MAYES, -AND DBALEB IN- Ready-Made Clothing. Respectfully invites an inspection of his New Spring Coods Just opened, embracing all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op­ portunity before pnrchasing else­ where as all my goods will b« sold at lair prices. Cutting done as usual. Store in Old MeHenry, neai the new Bridge. F. G. MAYBS. XbHenry, ni., April 1Mb, IML Is the plicc to buy, GENT#' FURNISHING Caps, Ac. I have a lar^e variety of PIECE GOODS, of the Latest Styles and Patterns, at low figures. Mrs. Maiman, Who is assisted by Miss Gieseler, has just received a fine stock ot Fall Millinerv, of the latest styles to be found in the city which she invites the Ladies of Wauconds lorall and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest otyiesand at reasona­ ble prices. Dress Making done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Perhaps we should say AL bums, and if " Al" does not bum we want you to know that we have a line assortment ot PHOTO and AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, bought low for cash. And that is the way to buy, as good for you a* it is for me, and I make it win. I have two or three pther "trinkets" in stock. Home in and see, bring your "tatting," take a good look through. Al­ ways glad to see you and will al­ ways try to treat you RIGHT. 1 want your trade, am trying to do the square thing by all so as to gut it and hold it. "Truly yours," F. B. HARRISON, Book Hauntist. CHEAP LANDS on loag ecefllt end easy term, in a mllfl ell state, fret from heaty mews, blight* lag frosts, and es. I cesslve rains. MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale In the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •fas rleb Sell ss the son ever abone •a, with good markets csst and west. Tor Descriptive and Illustrated Bosh, with Maps, Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,-Kara WvfeiOL KANMt env, MtMOUKf, When martyred Lincoln sent the summons out-- "Six hundred thousand men to seve the Land," The loyal North responded with a shont. Its heartbeats wolded in one impulse grand! "Boone to MeHenry, Greeting!" and the tread Of armed men disturbs the tranquil air. And to. with flag and banner overhead. The GALLANT NINKTT-FJKTH assembled there! The thunderous siege of VicKsburgh told the world, How brave ye fought to plant .the sacred blue Where, o'er the works the smoke ot bettle curled, And sheeted flames burst ever forth anew! DeRussey's stormed walls who hath forgot? Who Yellow Bayou's carnago reddened plain? Where Treason felt your storm of shell and shot, And Freedom won the battle fields again! Three awful days at Nashville tell the tale, Blood-written on your country's sacred page, How well ye served a cause God let not ffcil, And won a fame to live from age to age. There. Hood's gray columns, surging like the sea. Struck on the rock that shattered them In twain, Nor, oft returning, wrested Dec tiny To crown their lines with victor palms again! But, shamed and beaten, banners grimed and torn, Bccoiliug like the spent wave from the shore. Their bugle blasts died with the waning morn, The still air knew their ncustoring shout no more. Not awful Guntown, with its darkened stain, Can dim your bravery in your country's eyes, Though useless valor waged the fight in vain. Misled to death and cheated of your prise! That day heaven's blue smiled o'er the clouds of death. An emblem of your earnest sonls' desires; Though Freedom wept disastrous battle's breath, She trimmed through you. again her alter fires. • • • • • • • • • Here, for the fallen, Love i cbaplet weaves-- Your comrades in the tented Held and light-- urand sonls that leapt like swerd blades from their sheaths, Flashed for a moment and went out in night! not, while - The following woldler apflicants for pension liave been ordered for exami* nation before the examining surgeon at Richmond. II)., since last report In the PLAINDEALKR. By the new regu­ lation* there orders will be valid until Nor. 30,1881. but cl nlraants should re* port at as early a day as practicable : Henry D. Walling, prlvt. Co. F. 16th III. Vol*, No. 317,672. Rupture In the groin. Wm.M. Benjamin, prlvt. Co. A. 95th 111. Vols. No. 321,100. Injury of left knee joint. James La Brec.corp. 7th 111. Vol. Co. II. No. 406,112. Dislocation of left shoulder by Ills horse falling, also dis­ ease of head and lungs. Nicholas Hal, privt. Co. D. 9th Cav, No. 407,593. Rheumatism, disease of heart, liver and lungs. Carlos E. Roberts, prirt, Co. C. 8th Re«U. 9. Cav. No. 408,536. Rheuma­ tism of heart and disease of lungs. Charles C. Mix, privt. Co.1.17tl» III. Cav. No. 414.9-14. Injury to right leg. Henry Williams, Co. K. lStli III. Vols. No. 291.271. Fistula, Edwartt Hancock, privt. Co. F. 96th III. Vols. No, 417,482. Gunshot wound of right ankle and Ufcel and rheuma­ tism In right leg. Nathaniel H. Robinson, privt. Co. K. 153d III. Vols. No. 406,530. Chronic diarrhea. Alva M. Clark, Co, D. 15th III. Vols. No. 415,578. Oun shot wound of left shoulder, and general debility. John Farley, sergt. 6th Battery Wis. Lt. Artillery, No. 352.152. Deafness. I. E. Beckley. Captain, Co. D. 95tli III. Vol. No. 384,590. Shell wound of head, and partial deafness of both ears caused by the tiring of artillery over lite liwid Gardner S. Southworth, privt. Co. I. 96th III. Vols. No. 415.119. Varicose veins of right leg. Edgar G. Smith. Co. E. 96th 111. Vols No. 381,434. Rheumatism and piles. for the proper rii.«charge of the rtutfe* of said otfieet." And if he doe* thin, and carries out the reforms already tn. tered upon, tlfere will be no just ncea* sion for finding fault with the admin­ istration of his Department on tbd part of any one.--National Tribune. m the Spy System Dnotaesl. It bat been pretty well r.sce that Commissioner of Pension Dudley proposes to so modffv the Special Ser­ vice Division of his Department as to render it unobjectionable to everv hon­ est pensioner and claimant. The spy system, as carried out by Mr. Bently his predecessor. Is doomed. Hereafter there will be no more stabs In the dark. The accused will not only be consider- ed Innocent until the contrary ft prov­ en by competent evidence, bin Will also be allowed the privilege, or rath­ er right, accorded to even the meanest criminal in tbe land, but which Mr. Bently denied those whom his suspi­ cions were directed, of knowing tli« charges perferred and the names of the witnesses testifying In support there­ of. The new Commissioner can take no step better calculated to wfo the confidence of the soldier element thaa the one leading to the abolition of the despicable system which seeks not jus­ tice, but a reduction of the pension list, even though the reduction be made at the expense of the reputa­ tions of honest men and women who have just claims upon the Government. you Stern worshippers with Their meed of praise forget stand Beneath our flag. you Around one holy si tar, death seems grand Wben death can strike sueh noble and such trne! The sky is full of stars that burn snd burn, Forever and forever, night by nigrht: So memory is a heaven, to which return. True as a star, their names lis deathless light! The cloud is lifted--thunderous with death Aad rent with battles' tlghtnmgs-rLo, the star Of better promise lights the way. The breath Of war the winds of feeayen have blown »*r. For ninety-six dollars each yenr at the outside men were expected during the late war to give an arm, or a leg. or the strength of bis manhood when­ ever occasion demanded. For ninety- six dollars a vear to be paid to a wife or child, or other dependen t dear one, they were expected to lay down their lives, if necessary, on the field of battle or in the dreary hospital, or prison-pen; and they did it by scoresof thousands; yea, by the hundreds ot thousands. Now that the country is prosperous and firmly united through the sacrifices they made, let the crippled survivors aud tha widows and orphans of the dead be geuerously cared for.--National Tribune. A Pension Defined. In House Report No. 64, Forty-fifth Congress, second session we find the following definition, showing what a pension is. We quote: "The pensions of soldiers disabled in the line of doty are in no sense a gratu­ ity, but are supported by contract made by tlie Government with tliem at the date of their enlistment tnat If disa­ bled they should have a pension. The consideration is the service and blood of the soldier. The subject-matter was neither in contravention of law nor of public policy, but was expreaslyjauthor- Ized by law and promotive of the pub­ lic good. It has every iugredient of a contract, as defined by all the law­ books. The pension is predicated ou tli3 solo canditlon of the soldiers disa­ bility in the Hue of duty, and upon the happening ot which condi tiou the en­ gagement of the Government became a perfect vested right, and was the property of the soldier as much as any bond which he may have held on the Government, or other choses In action which he may have owned." After such a clear and authoritative exposition of the question, the pension­ er need not hesitate to make Ills claim good for fear of having It said that he is accepting alms. Cslss Soldier* to She VNst, Every act thus far of the new Com­ missioner of Pensions, Colonel Dudley, shows that he is goiug to reorganize the Pension Office in the interests of the soldier. All worthless material in the personnel of the Department Is to sent to the rear. Union soldiers are to come to the front. Colonel Dudley will seek uo votes in either branch of Congress for the Sixty-Surgeons Bill, tendering places In his bureau In pay­ ment. He will, it is believed, respect the law, which says, iu Section 1754. Revised Statutes of the United States: "Persons honorably discharged from the military or naval service by reason of disability resulting from wounds or sickness incurred iu the line of duty, shall, be preferred for appointment to eivil ofHoe, provided they are found to poetess the business capacity oeccssary STOP THAT NASTY FIGRTIHft ha Old Maid's Letter to General at Spottsylvanla, A correspondent of the Philadelphia Times, who visited the battle field tt Spottsylvftfila Court House, writes; "The Deputy Sheriff, Inn-keeper aad principal citizen of the settlement, Mr. Ashby, who Is a kinsman of the brilliant cavalryman of that name, kindty offered to show me what was to be seen, and after breakfast he start­ ed for what lie called the "Horseshoe,* or. as it is more generally known, the "Bloody Angle.*' Driving northward on the level Brock road for less than a half-mile, we wheeled abruptly into a by-way to the right and began to pass through a thicket of small piues. These evergreens, which have grown on the margin of the MnCool farm siuca Uie bauifc, threaten |l|« narrow road. What we were going through was more like a bridle-path than a place for wheels, but heedless of the ends of limbs that whipped bins in the eyes and brushed against tha sides of the buggy, our horse dashed along, fetching us finally to a fallow field, wherein stands the McCool house. This place i« one of grim fame aud lasting history, for in the woods ban* about death's maw was gorged in tlio longest, fiercest, ghastliest Itand tv hand combat known to man. Tall oaks surround the house, which ii a rickety weather-beaten structure that dearly has been through the mills. At the time of the battle the dwelling was occupied by farmer McCoul, bachelor, with his two maiden sisters. When Ii grew hot and deafening all around thn family went Into the cellar, and them Miss Millie, sitting by the side of her sick sister, wrote the following note: Grant, Generalr Sirs--I desire that you stop this nasty fighting. There to a sick lady in the house. MILDRKD McCoot. A trembling courier in the person of a black boy succeeded iu delivering the note within the Union Hues, hut oddly enough the battle was allowsd to continue. "And would you believe it!n Miss Millie was wont to exclaim in etiats with her neighbors many a year there­ after, "and would you really believe it! The Yankee General wasn't gen­ tleman enough to grant a lady's re­ quest." "Shame! Shame!" would come in chorus, and Miss Millie's an­ cient rocking chair would stand still from the very aiuazemefnt of the good woman between its arms. And to this day Grant is held up by Miss Millie's friends as a person who is no gentle* inau." One morning, two days alter* wards, it was so quiet that the oons- pants of the cellar concluded that the storm had swept over aod Farmer McCool cautiously thrust his head ap from below. A Union soldier who saw the head, grabbed it and the old ducked down, leaving his wig in session of the laughing sharpshootoif. --Inter Ocean. |&*The sending of offensive postal cards through the mail* Is receiving a^« tentiou from the po»toflice departiaejj - and the following has b?en issued: 7 "When anyone is annoyed or expects to be annoyed by postal cards sent from any particular place, or from anjr known person, he may direct the post* master at the point named to destroy all postal oerds addressed to him, or cards from any person so addressed, and as far as the discharge of the duties of the office will permit o« a sufficient examination postmasters should com* ply with the request. The same re­ quest may be made of the receiving postmaster. The direction t<» post­ masters should be in writing imdshould be tiled for preservation." > 4 Utodiomt U»bloi, \ J. S. Medlar, artist, Woodstock. Ill* often as » special premium to th* HM4 souiest Baby, regardless of sex ode year and under two, i d»s. best photo* graphs. A. S. Wright. * r 8MT. Mc Hoary Aft • .Ate.-

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