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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Sep 1881, p. 8

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Why jm." anys I, "I <ta; I lll» It ^ • r^lwry well; It i* very good." f'">' ^ "I gwffjvou don't know what you c : -Why. yes, I do," «I4 T; "It's tone ' ; #tk* MW c»ro»4 beef,** 'ZL **Ali.n 8*UI tli« old^entlemw»;%i Is , pAw beef." ; 4 "I don't believe lt,M I replied, j &J !" **!• l*.w said lie; "1 declare It &x*y jjV *»Mtiiaw." |:., y I was not much neqnftlnted #lth lilm f, time. I looked at him. suppos- •: • *:i«f Mm to be joking, l>ut could not I fMtoover a muscle of t)ie|ftu» to alter % y, I lind jnfit taken another fctee* **»'«! 5 >,* • ^j|ilate. ami a mouthful of the second h •Meeltt my mouth;and in fact It was /; lHH*e in est. sure enough; I could taste , : ! ;|lt M plainly an my olfactory nerves i'Wi^wouJd discover the scent of the old fc, " ?ll»WW. ^ The more I <diewed . the meat the ' \\ ' more disagreeable It taited. t at lait M fare 4 »wallow\ a* I do with a doae of ^fAjwIc. I afterward tasted a little saw*, but took care not to put any •v - more meat in ray mouth, and kept time S -'i J with the fminlly. Glad I was when dinner was orer.-- i r+ K , , , It beinjj 3ool weather, tlie old gentle ' man went to smoking and telling stor- '<Miw fes. At last he says: "I don't want to leave you In the |,v ^ dark about your dinner. I told you we ' had horse meat for dinner, and so It /' was. I told you it was some of my old J|', . * mare, and so it was. for I swapped her r * f ' away for a Steer,*nd that was some of §T" the beef,* .. I have ever nine© been glad that the « old gentleman put the joke upon me, V ?. for 1 never should have known how far imagination would have carried me. • ' •CL'.I 111 . , , )£etribut« Justle«. S&tne thing like 35 years ago when the secretary of war was plain Bob Q'Linkum. rollicking around Sprlng- P ,/ Held, making free with all sorts of peo- pie, he followed tils father into the - court roOm one day when old uncle Amy Robinson was serving the peo- \\p r*' pie as crier of the conrt. Bob was cut- sing up some didos, much as any other ' boy would, and uncle Arny wltli a clear r'kn V- conception of the majesty of the law ' knowing full well what his authority \ was,'told theJad that he would spank 14 " •> Ms Itack-skle if he did not conduct him y self with the decorum which becomes llwscat of justice. Something In * ' Amy's looks or voice* was convincing and the boy frightened by It ran to his f||hM>«fld told him crviogrthat Mr. Ro Mnson was going to spank him where It would the most good. His jather quieted jils fears and Bohlhson "^NsHHtefied forthe fault. The Other day the secretary of war learning that the H; t position of watchman in tlie U. S eourttouSe was vacant, went to Sec'y Wlndomand a»ked him to appoint nn cle Amy to the plaon. In less than two days the commiftlou come on anthoriz- 1 ^ inf th« old man to exercise police jur- 1 isdiction on Uncle Sam's premises here at Springfield, and any of the boys or lawyers who don't want an application of His spanking qualities waofc to look a little out. ^ w I It is an open secret, well known to the farmers of Mc- Henry county, that during the last 12 years ours has been the only Agricultural Warehouse in the county whore everything; in our line needed on the farm, from a pound of the best Barbed Wire to a Threshing Machine could 1k> obtained at al) times without uotico. It was thought by those who knew us least, that the destruction of our Ware­ house by fire a year ago, would cripple us. Instead of*doing so, it has given us now life and vigor so that we are now better pre­ pared than ever before to under­ sell our { would be) competitors* Our Spring stock is by far the largest ami best in the county, und we are selling so close that it- is a rare thing to see ,any one looking at our goods and going awaj without buying. Our present exhibit consists of Plows, Harrows, Spring-tooth Parrows, Pulverizers, Rollers, Stalk Cutters, 16 in. Sulky Plows Seeders Diills, five aud six Shovel,Corn Cultivators, the best Zegal Baibed Wire, Lumber Wagons, 3 spring Milk Wagons, Platform spring Wagons, and about 300 Carriages An exanii- notion of our stock will fully sustain our claims . T.J,DACY& CO. ^ Woodstock, III m* - & YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are being offered at very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for' the season, and we feel satisfied we e*u o$$*\(Jood!i at ;>v «»**. ^ tern any one wants real choloe, " reasonable fish stories, he sbonlfl go to Minnesota. Folks have po fancy for Mie increilbleup there; tlie facts are so plenty that exaggeration it, simple : folly. A party of anglers where seat­ ed aro'ind in a Miuuesota depot,. with a line string of flsh, a few days ago •* waiting for a train, and kllied tl me by relating their experiences. » Several pretty stout yarns were narrated when a long-armed liinnesotlan, who appeared to bo a resident Of the town, •nd had apparently taken a great In terest In tlie stories, interrupted the meeting by saying that •e was pos­ sessed of facts that would discount any that had been cited. What he was about^o tell was true, because it had been his own experience. Alluding to some remarks which had been made about the rapid growth of fish In 11 in nesota waters, he said that four years ago he caught a three pound bass. As IM did not want small fish he threw the body hack into the water, lmt be kj- fore doing so, tied a little toy tin whistle to Its tail. Three years later toe Might the same flsh, which weigh edUwelyn pottpds, and the tin whistle had grown to Jjij an enormous fog horn, '#*«? ststeinriit was not disputed. It Is simply ni.irveloiw how qtilefely ConKtl{inH<Mi. hillou^uess.sit;k headiu:(M% fever UIH! asriw. and tualai in, are cured by MSell«r'«> Li v<;r Pill*.* % Magnetic Ointment. _ „ WARRAHTED To CM# Piles aal Chslsg Suw _ iaag Diseases, Bheouttoai, SCkt liliwm, Spratatt, ui Svelllaxs i« i»> faidad by tbe beet phfueuuu m Dimply womier-nl. For««le by dniK^ist*. Price an l 4 O cent* >. FFSUM. III *C«., SRITFAFF., Kobinson Wagoa Co.^ now Offering the Jpigest ^ | Hardware, Stoves, Tinware in M oHenry County, which we offer to the buy- ^ ; i h *r£*i fo'f <" ^ ̂ M ^ V**'. \ * : ' , ,>,J .JvJ <i £ * St * **> AT" BOTTOM PRICES.?" •ifcf.T:- ; "s. ^ ^ ^ j-i* * ' 'i ; ff- ' d f ^ oSrstoeic'S"compl e t e a n ^ C o m p r i s e s e v e r y l f e i n g ^ p t ^ T * First Class Hardware Store. Our store is crammed fulj of Bargains and we offer the hea|a||^jnost goods for the !$ast money of any one in the business. ^ s ^ WE INTE^&^TO KNOCK THE I^QTTOM OUT OF HIGH &c., ever § ing public "p- than can be found elsetrhefe; Onr stock of Caps, • • ••• - .. t ^ *-,: ' READY-MADE ' ' ' CLOTHING, ^ * * * % ^ ' : 'k. * i1- Iss#lin Cheaper othei dealer in the county. Call and leam prices* \ , t * . . .. ^ . *4 ^ f> .^7 * t k > i >y a ^ KtCt" j . . . . . . . , ti and ^5 ak confident we can please you both in quality an$l price. Call and be convinced that these are factrfe ft f iff - Jy. © Best Barb Wire in the Market at 9 cts. per PM1, Call and see us and learn that we mean business. Store ml ^ McHenrv. Om>osit<i Bishop's MilL ^AA Nu^da in JPalmer's Ht6re. *v -"W*' ' ' • ' *." 4 ' ' ' £f mis.; .vfV ' •> * iijfis '* t * and Iraliable Dealers in .. - X.'.- Mi- H •iv- a r^t« 'h*:'X -ki* sj? •: x Si,!#; i m, ' 4V/ - ' -V* "kuM r^'inibf ll^d mer Goodsmust Be cohve PEEEY & MARTIN, t 1 ' McHenry. Match 22d, 1881. flen Hardware Store. Ll. MEAD! Manofacturers of FARM & UTifiniJQ SPRING WAliUWo. Buggies & PhaetoM. told for designs and pricea tp BOBUTSOTT WAGOlf CO, «. CINCINNATI, (y. •' k: THE EORSE-w WMON. A SEW BOOK \ onthe Horse. His history, structure, use* and treatment. Al*.o giving a few of the most Important and Effective Comedies for the curc ̂ f the diseases of the hprse. £3?-Valwibic to evpy owner and tow of tfce hor<e. PuVushed by the S02n^CH TAOO* 05., C!ad3- E»U, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, o& receiptof THRUES--CENT STAMTS. B. Parlcr. E. B«1 C. D ining Hoom II. Hill?'***'1 Three sheets, 19x24, heavy piste paper, contain­ ing elevations, plans and details fur the above house; also book of 'JO pa^cs, civin;jspecifications, itemized estimate arid form of contract--invaluable to every carpenter or p^rty proposing building, as a guide ia malting bids or drawing contracts. . f Price $2.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receiptof vice. H. E. WJMJEON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, a JOS. WIEDEMANN, . Saloon and Restaurant; NBAR THE DEPOT, MCHENRY, - ILUNOIS I>ind8ey,B Blood Searcher"---tlie fr«at median* tor fever and a^»«mal- wrla, and all blood poison. Don't fail tO«se It. trmu 'Hrt si ami »:. vt 3lc?li.:iuo ever Made. tlon of Hops, Ruchu, Man- Uai'dciryn, ̂ vttholl tu« tet and r'"*t,!\,n.' l'V1' '!1' ci' all ot'icr Ts; •fcdtfkm ti^Kro^ t stood Purifier, Uver R.JiiUf\ator,anu JJIVWKJ iluatth ltentoslni; " i nrtli. The best BrainW of .Winea, I,i<i»i<>rs a»<l Cluar* a! way a on Hand. Uuod binblitig *or llonei. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk'S MILWAUKEE 'J- *- ' 4"? * : • ""*< ^ v< py . > -4 *««-*• w-tli'".:' C s STOVES 1 iirtwwvi fable aad Po«k^ Onttorr; SMHMKM« «WI) »l>s, Hnrse isln Nuils, and File* of ovcry deseription. Alst Shfiii /', Horse Rasps, Horse ^Iiyee, iloreeBlioc everything thalis generally kept in a Hard f - . Being a Practical Workman hall spare no pains In trying to give sfUia' tlon to all who favor me with their patrpe i. All kinds of Jobbing In my line will receive prompt attention. Please i?fvo me a call before nurchasiny elsewhere when In need of anything in m] line |. N- MEAD-McHenry. Oct. 10th. 1879. JOHNSBURCH m " AjffllD OU™ tir "• I: Kodlsesi«c^aiiT)03sib)5rloot exist wlicre U-jp U.^u i'.i ar^^if^pd^iu Viii-uai aikl i<crtc*t ant Uicir ..0|a;"dUon Ei's mi Uli» aalTieortcths igsa ui ;lu.-g. To all wboss e w»l>ioynictitiicuuye Irrejruluii ty «.f ll*>M>w?lHorTL ui'iiuu-y organs, or *lio r-j- • Appebtenflk'i'onte aiKl raild .Stlmnlant, p llop Wittersafi iuvn|V"aUio, witiiout into-- taitinir. NO. Kts iiiottcr what.ywnr f^nr'Hnna or «ymi,ium! •ue wljut .iw dittaseur al%aeut te u-«! Hop is;., tws. Uoli'twaitKiitUyouufei-e siclt but It you r only fwl l«ul or mibeiuiUofittiwtiMan nt «IH-«. ft|!»;iy »W Lvu.tfs a v <;i| hun-ireila. >wiHJ*. paid forucBlse tijey will l)o )l<jt wllfTi r d0"' ' 3'3-jr •Jfcut iusn and nnti' tlicmX *o IBKS Hop 8 ' • H o p K l c t « - r a U « t t % l i p . « l r t ** but tlin !'«• «s>t u J Lr-st 4« «u* :! !«rfei r«r.n| IB :nn«!i5,u« l .votc<> aji.: •,[ " „ A i t <p,V; »>.- <:•.•»» fj,-uri *j *,Ui, fl»i>'-f/. ««., MX ¥ ' Ileer tn l,arg« or Small Kegs or llottles al ways on hand cheaper than ;iny other, quftli ty considered. , ; This lieer has a world M'ldo reputation, apd (rood judges acknowledge ft cannot ue sdr> pas«<•,<] inthe worlil. 'f Orders hy mSil promptly attended to. _ JOS. WIEDEMANN ̂ S(«Senry, Ill..^lag. ioth, 18H1., ' CCttKI»OF niMNKINCJ. ' • "A^young friond of mine wiw uut>ed ff an lusathiule thjrst for liquor, wfiioli had so prostrated him that he was al»l« to do business.. He <was entirely cured hy Hop Bitters. It allayed ail* that burning tlsirst; it to6k away ^tlve appclitt! fur liquor • made his nerves pteady' arid U« hite remained sober and steady for two years. . 1 know of. a n u in bib r of others that have been enfied ;•. ft**1* m 't i Would ^five the people of ^fieftry t ^ ^jle ^UgjneS8i. w}th the largest and . ^ best stock of Agricntef THaehinery M&0 Of all kii^ds, to bp found in the market. They have in Stock PLOWS, of all kinds, Seeders, j jp- Porn Planters', Cultivators., Drills fit Drags, Pulverizers, Corn Shelters ^ ' ITqed Mills, Threshing ^Machines, Fon and Wood Pumps, Wind Irills, Open and To^ Buggies, and in short everything usually kept in a first class Agricultural Warehouse, * > ' -.i • • ' i W - Regardless of Cost. middles Lin# Smt ait half It* former v*lu©, l^ffht ©rtowd 'DliBd^»> Goods/former price 25 cents we will offer 10 and 12 oeats.--• Lawns, 5 cents per yard. Fine Plaids 5 cents per yard, fotmer price S and lO cents, Also a. fine lot of yM Obme and see us perhaps yon may ^nd a few other goods alto ii | bargaitiil f^^Choice Butter ^hd feggs wanted . "• " '5 •ij"- ^.1. ...I ,8-...^,,. ^V?5 -A-^d As Glieap as the Cheapest, n, best of iriachinei^ kept; d|!l and be convinced U thatjwe mfettn btpin^ss. t -j , .'>f< ',v " yx~ * «' 'Jjv-?.# j ;:W Z'2' &EALSB 1» ]\ M4.WI Wi#J Solssoroy^Shears, Table *nd Potekel Cutl«ryR k^He^y, Atirai3th, "'4k ^ • V-':» *• •* yi » I.E$TEr«l»HPUY Spades. Shovels, Window Glass. > CRANITE-IRON AND TINWAR1. J. STORY. Tsr- i-' ' h-'K IXENRY-iMILLER, • : •.--OJfaLKKim--: . ; ^ lleniFaBS Fore® far® x ilonmnents, Headstoaesi ETC., ETC:, ETC. * - American & Scotch Granite, . Constantly on Hand. ' -a-- _ X "•' * * ' 1 Shop Two miles North of* Mc l l e n r y , l i f t v V . v J?* ,.S:; *' '.f.i'.v. . .5 •"kfti.-.i ?' , No. 880--Baolt Vl«« M4 8ao.--Krim^ Vie , ... i \f ii'if.AtA t • --DEALKK I» BRftTTLEBORO, VT. ^ New Style of Organ, designed for Sunday Schgols, l¥ Chanels. ete.. and Sold at Moderate Pric8.fiS « Bmgs.llcdicines, Chapels, etc., and Sold at Moderate Price tar ALL 0UB 0RGAHS IRE "WAEKANTED. AND ARE MABE Of THI BAXt^ •i'.'i ' THOROUGH minim AS FOR THE PAST 95 IEASS. fe '"J ' -i-- * I, SHU1 .'. ; ' ; . I ' • • HOW TO GET SICKi T"? Expose yourself day ana nigllt^ eat toomucli wftliortt exercise: work too bard tvlthdut rest; doctor all tlie tiitte; lake all the vile nostrums advertised1; and then ypu will want to kiroir. . Mow To o<;t Welt. tVhSch It nnfiwejhsd In thefe wor^i.® , - jj-fi. -/,. ....V L. $ %'<i, ', '• y. ' yp - ' - " #.» ̂ F'VV' '"I:- krw-L^J:A W i •fr"'k P re i* P09MOT.R Thnt» remedy made of such «otnmon nlmpleplantsAS HOJMI, Buchn. M»ndr»li« Damle3ioi«,&e., makes so many and duel) wonderful cures as Hop Bitters do. It must, for when old and young, rich and poor. Pastor and Doctor and Edi­ tor' all ie»th v to having been cured by X' •te'W- 'f;> f •i'. I have added to my already Large Stock, M KM Li-- <i< TOIL£F ' ^ ***-? • ^ » •*« <5 }&•? >?• > -< .V , 1 L -RJFT* TL I C.W.BEftLCY. I'-* ,,iE .. Xofwhich he invltes 'ike atlenltoti Give meaCah, -:.vC m ijoaenrj.TU.^oy.lOtt •4 f:-'r r l.v^ ..ilG

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