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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1881, p. 4

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jMlwrpriftdw. WKDtfKSOAY. OCT. 16, 188t. VAN8LYKE, ISdltor. «-,. f MTOne of the depositors at the burned store-tioiiM In New York had • narrow encap*. She Was n woman earning her living by teaching and lllerarr work. All her book* and man- nterlpt*--representing the labor of ig;i|years--were deposited there for the |aiimm»r. She returned to town for |the winter, and removed her property %he day before the Are--ju?t in time to #ave what no money could have re- Iaoed. She >vidence. believe* la m watchful ; • y *' jw'v i 'r-: VThnr* l« a general Aatisfaotlon in evident Intention of the govern- ient to bring to justice the vwlndling Star Ronte" contractors.'and the po«t- >fllce official* br whose connivance the IreaHirr was defrauded. Several of ||he accused were required la«t week to •"find bail. It is very sigh I (leant that i^he principles, who were very anxious Jfor Immediate trial, when the charges %esw first made public Inst summer, and 5 . , , Who complained bitterly at what they "galled **newspaper persecution," are "liow seeking delay, when the govern- . went has unearthed the evidences of their gu'lt. l^rThe editor of the Indianapolis jbtirnafwas very mnch astonished the 0ther day to receive a letter from J. B. Lippincott & Co., the Philadelphia |mbllshers. asking If Oliver P. Morton was still a'lve. and adding: "If he is living we should h* glad to know Ihe dates of his birth and death. If •Jfon can. without inconvenience, give these Items (we desire the informa- 1!on for our book of reference) we shall •steem It a favor J*" The Journal puts It very well when It says that "books #f reference prep fired by the master Sand 3f an editor of such breadth of owledge and alacrity of intellect as gested above must be very valuable y should be in every library. It jKronld be a matter of interest to know Whether this Ready Reference man Is Informed of the death of George Wash- i. Ths pToWiit York town cel€- irallon must be mighty confuting to fls train. Ifi^The Washington Repub&oan :#»u« describes the personal appearance j§f President Chester A. Arthur: v The man Is something above six' et In height, of presence most 5m- ing, a face at onco grave, self-pos- d and frank, a manner composed Snd fnll ofdigni'v and courtnsv. HU Cure is as straight as a dart, well unded and well proportioned, is clad sombre raiment from top ts toe, et » better dressed figure never was •een in a drawing room A braid lN>und Prinee Albert coat of black, ttoned nearly to the chin, dark re and gaiters, a black silk scarf ened with an onyx pin and halt covering the whitest of standing col­ lar*--th^se set oft the grave face, the •loaely trimmed and military moufr the round head, the short, gray- prlnkled hair and the somewhat complexion. No one can se« figure standing near the door in attitude of perfect ease and grace, thnut knowing that it belongs to an iiican gentleman. " Ikounri ^jfcuttoroi Ironsei fatten* •MUIWOMPTIONS for 111® f*LAfin>BALKto will Im rocoivcrt in W-mconftit At K. B Harrison's Drug Store ami at the Post Office EI>M)R PLAINDKALKK -Owen Mc- Orntl».of Chicago, a former resident of Wauconda paid the village a visit last week. Robt. Harrison has returned from his visit to Pennsylvania. Also Justus Bangs and Seth Hill from Iowa, Mr. Bangs had extended his trip to Daco­ ta. About a doaen of the boys went Into Chicago to Dee the baloon, the elephant Ac. They didn't see the baloon go up, but we remark that they did see the elephant sure. Of course they took In the theatre to compare Chicago's ef­ forts with Wauconda's. They aay Chi­ cago Is just nowhere compared with East Lynne, Messrs. Winch A Boomer, who mov­ ed to Virginia last spring, have re­ turned to Wauconda. We hoar that C. Thomas has ex­ changed his blacksmith shop and resi­ dence for the farm of Theodore Wells. Mr. Thomas will remain at the shop, however, until the first of January. J. V. Stevens has moved Into C. L, Pratt's house for Plie winter. Two weeks ago Thursday evening, occurred the firtt of a series of school debates at the school house, the ques­ tion beta? that of Womans Rights.-- Although the arguments produced might not be calculated to materally alter previously formed opinions, it was nevertheless a good beginning. Last Thursday evening occurred the second of the series. Tli* school house was literally packed This week, in addition to the debate, there were numerous other exercises, as will be seen by the following: PROGRAMME. Song--Stiulents Lay. By (School. Beading. Prank Harrison. Declamation--Solomon Green. Clavton Powers. Recitation--Mystic Clock. Phoebe Gross, man. Dialogue--Widder Muggins1 opinion on cooks. Misses I.oie Bangs, Hattie Weils and May Tidmarsh, in costume. Song. Misses Mabel Wpitand Alta Hicks. Dialogue--Lord Dundreary. Masters Chas Wells and Ira Wait and Misses Anna Cook and May Tidmarsli, in costume. Debate on Question. Resolved, that the negro has suffered more at the hands of the white man than the Indian has. Affirmative --Ira Wait, Kverette Seville,' Frank Wyn- koon, Daniel Cousins, Lewis Hubltard, Lewis Hill, Arthur Tidmarsh. Negative--Charles Wells, Frank Hnnson, Willis Powers, John Boney. Decided in favor affirmative. 55 ISSCE I* UUC !/£ • I*<OSS UAAKX , woou Walter Browr & Co.. of Boston, say •#n their Wool Circular of Oct. IS. "The ffrool trade has continued In the general ijtate of quiescence reported in our last fcsue. The number of manufacturers flsitfiiK the market during the week $*s been small, and those who have ex­ amined the assortment of wools, with f few exceptions have been quite In- dlifierent about purchasing. This period of inactivity for a few Week«. is not at all surprising, after the #xcited market that prevailed Ia«t Ihonth, wltft Its heavy transastlons, find dealers do not express any anxiety #n account thereof, feeling confident Chat the position of the market is a •tronsr one. and with no prospect of re­ placing present assortment at current rates, they are In no hurry to force wool* at less than market quotations. Telegraphic advices from Australia report the opening of the sales at Mel­ bourne on the 12th instant as strong; With but little wool as yet offering (hat i* suitable for this market and prices ou a basis of 45@43c delivered tt#>rea for wools that could not be laid down before Mareti next. These fig- sines show no margin for importation end without a further improvement here, it Is not probable that any large Hue of foreign wool will be brought Into competition with our domestic •taple. The trade in woolen* continues satis­ factory, and many'mill* have so many «ontracts ahead that they have bad to decline taking furrtlier orders. The Margin profits may be small, hut the manufacturer is assured of a quick re­ turn on his goods, as promising a more healthy condition of the business than prevailed a few years »go. As noted in our previous circular the transactions in washed fleeces has been comparatively light, and the largest •ales have been in Territory and otiier unwashed wools. We continue to re­ port an unfavorable market for the low of wool, and although there may be some slight improvement when the mills are again turned onto heavy goods the prevailing demand tor tine .§!,abrie8' l>re«l«<le» the probability of , gw*t advance in these grades. In regard to future prospects, the ^ condition?-, ttre tuueh the same as last rc- gg ported. It is possible that souie ad- sEvauee may he established on flue grade* before the new year, and as compared with foreign wools, there is mo in |or a slight improvement, but the margin |« small, and rite Interest of both growers and manufacturers are if opposition to a rise that would bring iu heavy ifn- i|»ortatioii£ frotn oilier countries to act las a drug on the business of next year Muocuredin 1881. Hattie Wellt Declamations. Masters Harry Ford, Lewis Hill, Tyler Gilbert, John Roney. Song--Annie Lee. Misses Jennie and Retta Barker. Dialogue--The Bet--Vegro costume Mas­ ters Ira Wait, Chas. Wells and Frank Wyn- koop. Song--Good Night. By School. These exercises are exclusively for the benefit of the scholars, and Mr. Stevens justly excludes all others from taking part, but lie hopes to see organ­ ized a young men's debating and lit­ erary club, and will do all in his power towards sustaining it. Whether those interested tn getting up the club will succeed remains to be seen. A week ago Saturday a Teachcrs In­ stitute was held at the school house.-- Owing to the bad roads and threaten­ ing weather It was but moderately attended, but was profitable neverthe­ less for those present. While we are on the subject of schools we will add that the Wauconda School, under the ener getict and con- scientioas administration of Mr. Stev­ ens and Miss Poole, is fast regaining its old reputation. In addition to thor­ ough drill in the common branches, excellent facilities are afforded for studying the sciences and higher math­ ematics. Although much Interest is manifested iu the Physiology and Al­ gebra classes, perhaps more interest, at present, especially among the older boys, is seen in the Book Keeping class, for instruction in which brunch Mr. Stevens is especially well qualified having had practical experience in the art in Chicago. Quite a number out­ side the district are availing them­ selves of the advantages of the school. Others desiring to attend can do so by applying to Mr. Stevens or the direc­ tors, and paying the tuition fee. Ned Duers has returned from Chica­ go. The Dr. states that his deafness Is the result of catarrh with which he has been afflicted nearly all his !if«, that the entire passage from the throat to the ear is affected, that the drum of the ear is thickened, and that a cure is beyond medical skill, but that he can be relieved somewhat. Mr. Duers says lie can hear some better already, and 4he catarrh which lately has been af­ fecting hi6 speech ts very much better. He Intends to renew his trips iu a few days. Thursday afternoon John Pratt was agreeably surprised by the arrival of his sister, Mrs. Harris, from Michigan, with her daughter, Mrs. Fairfield, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. Hnrris. Next week Tuesday we predict that it will rain--pour hard all day and es­ pecially in the evening. Cause why? Because the Mcilenry Dramatic Club are to give an entertainment in Mai- man's Hall that evening. In fact if it do*:'t rain we shall consider ourselves justified in feeling hard about it.-- I here might to be no such unjust dis­ crimination. Rev. Mr. Fox. of Ivanhoe, preached an exceedingly interesting sermon Sunday morning in the Baptist Church I ha society are considering the pro­ priety of employing Rev. Mr. Penison, of New \ ork State, who preached here a few Sabbaths ago. EDITOR PLAINDEALBB;--'Your cor­ respondent week before last wa* hard­ ly fair in his wholesale condemnation of agents, peddlers, gypsies and such riffrciff. A inau may be a gentleman, even though be be a book agent or a peddler. In fact we think this almost uuiverxil ixiicry against book agents is only skin deep. A gentlemanly en- tertaiuing'book agent is not a nui­ sance. His cull breaks up the monot­ ony. People usually actually enjoy seeing what lie has to sell and then take additional pleasure in getting oft Cheap jokes at his expense after he lias gone. The success of s«.une of the agents this sutnnier has been remark­ able. Especially is this the esse with Mr. Scott, the agent for "Mother* Ho.ue and Heaveu," li« having deli v.; es"ed in Wnucouda Township over 180 copies. The book contaius extracts prose and poetry, from the writings of the best authors on the subject. Un­ til one examine the book he will be surprised at Its wonderfhl sale. It contains no silly sentimentality, but instead is full of strong, earnest, beau- tifnl writing. We do not remember, ever before seeing so many beautiful poems on any subject In one collection, as is contained here. Very naturallj* the work is highly endorsed by cler­ gymen of all denominations. Catholic and Protestant. The fact of 180 copies being left In Wamonda proves that its citizens are not entirely devoted to dancing, but that they appreciate, and are willing to pay for, reading of « high literary order, and the man who introduces such a book Into a commit- nity Is no affliction but is clearly a decided benefit. s X. Wanconda, October 24th, 1881. Remember the Old Reliable :vr -f '-A *•>::{.- . * ,*^v, m"' tin's, where you will find al Prices. All my goods are WARRANTED as represented, oi all kinds promptly attended to. wo Doors North of Perry & Mar- grades of Furniture at the Lowest fcjgrVobbing 16?"Another practical use of this great national calamity is that It has disgusted more than ever people with this free use of firearms. On the fron­ tier, or if i t Is your business as an offi­ cer of the law to make the arrest of a desperado, you had better be armed, but it is high time that all. respectable citizens snap in two their swordcanes and unload their deadly weapons. If you move in respectable society in Brooklyn or New York, or Washington or London, you have no need of any more weapons than the ttvo God gave yon--two honest fists, and they are easily loaded. If you feel the need of having a pistol in your pocket you are a miserable coward. If .you are afraid to go down the street unarmed you had better get your grandmother with her knitting nee<W^ss to go with you. A'pistol is tne meanest and most in­ fernal weapon ever invented. It is the weapon of a sneak. 1 would as soon carry a toad in mv pocket. -- Talmaffe. - • : •" »H • A t#grn&sortment of Caskets and Coffins. I also keep Shrouds and Trimmings of all descriptions. Keep none but first class Goods. My .prices are within the reach of all. Particular attention will be paid in this Department. I invite all my old customers to give me a call. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, yours, JOHN B. BLAKE. Special Town Meeting. WHEREAS* the Supervisor and Commis­sioners of Highways together with twenty-five (25) freeholders of the To"-n of McHenry have in writing llled in mv office a statement that a sneeial Town m necessary for the Interests of said Town, setting forth the object of said meeting--The legal voter# and electors of said Town of Mc­ Henry are therefore hereby notified that a Special Town Meeting will be held in the Council lioom* of the Village of MeHenrv on the 3d flay of November, 1881, to commence between the hours ot 8 and 9 o'clock A. M. for the following purpose, viz: To vote on the proposition "To hire money to build a lirldge across Fox River," where the same is inter- sected by the Highwav leading from Johns- burgh to 1* ox I,Hke an.t Big Hollo ir, that be­ ing the object contained in sa-d statement filed in my office. Given under my hand at McHenry, 111., this Slat day of October, A. D , ltwi. J. VAN^IVVKK, Town Clerk. Administratrix Sale. PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, that bv virtue of an order of sale, made by the Prol>ate Court of McHenrv eountv, State of Illinois, on the 18th dav ot'O.-tober l^S], in a proceeding therein for'the sale of real estate to pay debts, wherein the undersigned Isa. bella C. Morley as administratri x of the es- tate of William Morlev, decensed, was peti­ tioner and H. C. Jefferson, J. I}. I'erry, A. A. Martin, Marj Brewster, Thomns Morlcv, Maggie Uutherie, Sarah Wilford, Win. Morlev Charlotte Hubbiird, Susan Burton, Frank Morley, Richard Morley. I.eavor Morlev, Laura Morley, Caddie Morley and Jiunes Morley, were defendants, the undersigned petitoneras aforesaid, will sell at public, ven due, to the highest ;uid best bid ler, tor one half cash and the balance on twelve months' credit to be secured i»y good personal securiiv and a mortgage on tlio premises sold, on Kri'- day, the25th dav of November, is-<|, at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, in said county of McHenry, the following de­ scribed real estate, in -raid order mentioned and described, nnd sitn.-iten in s:iid conntv and State, to-wit: Tlic South p:irt of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twentv, Town­ ship lorty-four North, I tango Nine East of the 3d P. M., containing «ixty acres; also the North Half of the .South West Quarter, Sec. tion Twentv, Township fortr-four North. Range Nine East of the 3d P. M. containing eighty acres. Such sale of said property will be made subject to the dower and homestead of the widow Isabella C. M >rlev and a mort­ gage in favor of It. C. Jefferson for the snm of about One Thousand and Thirty-live Dollars, including principal and interest. ISAHEI LA C. MORLBV. Administratrix of Est of Wm Morlev deceased Bourne * ;»iilin >re a:id F. K. Ura'pger, Pe­ titioner's Solicitors. THE •'CAHSEE" BUBBER CO'8 Back-Strap Arctics. The most Convenient of all Arties. They goon easily and fit perfectly, Tho corpulent and el'terlv will appreciate them. No troub­ le to buckle. Exclude wet and snow. Very neat. BOOTS AND SHOES. We have just received an immense Stock for the Fall and Winter trade, and can show you the finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry County. Remem ber we buy and sell for cash, buy our goods at bottom prices, can and will give you such great bargains that it will pay you to come from any^part of the county to trade with us, no matter how great the distance We keep a full line of the Selz celebrated custom made goods constantly on hand, both fine and coarse, for men, women and children. W. H DWIGHT,. Woodstock, HI. Rooms. ri'Opposite * McHenry, Perry A Martin's Sto*»* ' {4 « 1 ' • *4 .. • *: f'.'W1" JACOB BONSLETT HaW# opened new Furniture Rooms, in the store lately occupied by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry & Martin's Store, are now preuared to ofler to the buying public tttB ^ K. est sxocs ox ofuraitux® ()T all kinds, ever brought to McHenry County* which they will gel at the % LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set can be found at ̂ hi" store, and of the best make and finish to be found in the maikct. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable rates First-class work guaranteed, Undertaking. We have a large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins always on hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-class and prices within the reach of all. ' We invite all our firiendsato give us a call, ™ u vr .. .. ^ , JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, March 15th, 1881. HEAR YE! HEAR YE! REPORT OP THE C O N I > I T I O N --OF- Tryort tet before you buy an old fashioned pair. FOR SAr.B Br Colby Bros. McHenry. iinto wuM for ihe Uft aad Work at GARFIELD The only complete st.ory of Ms m>b)c lift: anfl traffic death. J-'r<-sli, brilliant. Klivimtly print if! in Kngllah JIIMI tUrriiiaii; Triiisniticeiitly Illus­ trated; hunilsoriH'lv bound. Fastest HCIIIIIK book ever publish.-,!. Ky John Itlil;>alli. l.L.I). fji ll'I'iniV J"> not buy the c;i.t< lipenny, re- VaUllt/H vamped oumpnifrn books with wbleh the country is Hooded. They are utterly worthless; an outrage upon the meinorvoi'the groat dear).and a base fraud 011 the public. Thisbookls *ntlr«*l.v new. The only work worthy tbetheme. Hmnd SOc. in for Agent'* Outfit. J ONES BBOTUKBM A CO., Chicago Jk Cincinnati THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, -Al­ dose of Business Ocl, I st, '81 RESOURCES Loansnn<1 discounts $J82,9K 93 Ovorilrafts *2.S4:J .V2 U. S. Bonds to secure' circulation... SO,(MM) (X) IJ. H. Honda on liand ItXXKl Due i'roni approveil reserve agents. 21.01OH7 Due from other National Rnnke 27,WO 01 Keal estate, furniture and llxttires 4,2<x»Ci. Current, expenses an«t tnxesjwiid... ],KW 29 Checks ami other c4»h iteme 207 41 Bills of other bankf 872 00 Krc'l paper cur. nickels A. pennies.. 1 :I1 Specie »,20| 00 l.eifal tender notes... 1,000 00 Redemption fnnil wjth IT. S. Treas. urer (5 per cent ofjcirculation) 2,2S«00 Cotal *317,644 34 I.TAltll.ITlES. Capital stock paid it 60,000 00 Surplus fund i 'Jfl.C'X Wt ITndivided pndlts...., Hi National Imnk notes dutstandinf;.... 45,(KKi oo Individual de|iosits siibjtct to check i«H,487 Demand < ert;ti<vates of deposit 1,i:il 25 Certified checks 1 1,.V>6 00 Tfimted •CiKXTS! AGE3STSI AGEXT8! i JOHN IX COUCH'S bran' new book,, entitled SUNLIQHTAND SHADOW flie chance offer* r! to you. Its Scene* are drawn Iran the bright awl feluuiy bides o£ ///I', portrayed as only John Gough >' : . ,K * ' . can portmy them. This pranf! work--vmo/or thefirst time pttbliihed--is the "Ixioming" book fiiragrtits, and is outselling all others tea to one. •• Ti thousand is now III Its immense madecntire!y Ijyatlive canvass-rs. Nootlicrbook com­ pares with it fi>r quick and profitable nturiis. We axe starting more agents now than cvi r befor", and we be- C^ve the sale of tli::; book v :!1 f :irh Out Hundred TkoHmml Copies in the next/i to iiwtiths. We want iooo more a?< "ts nt oncc, to wnpply this pind b«H>k to tlie thotisniuU who are waiting for it. Kememlwr the saleisow/f KOTO commencing, l'licbook Ss entirely new, and most of the territory is rum> clear. Agents, turo is your time ta make money, and at the same time circulate a thoroughly first-class book. Ex­ clusive Territory and very SiiccialTermsgiven. Send for our larjjejcircu • ars containing full particulars. Address A.G. NEniET0N4C0427 N.CtarfcSi,gitteH{<>.iu<. -.V Total STATE OF ILLINOIS *317,(114 :M MCHKNLTV COUNT V, I, Jolin .1. Mnrphy,' Cashier of tlif? above named Utink, do soltinnly swear tlial the above statement is tiue to the best of my know ledge and belief.1 JOHN A MURI-HT. Cashier. Subscribed and awornito lieiore me this 11th d»y ofOnt.,.imi. C. II. Do»KBii.T, Notary Public. C'orrectf Attest ] \y. It HTKWABT, K. A.\Mt KHLIR, JOIIM^l. Ml ltlHT. Directors. Money to loan <>n real estate, ,/™^ana JWOIlOy tO lOa so sale has been j for loug time at loiv interest. " " JOHN J. MUIil'HY. Every m:i:i. wo mini hn;| child tliui payt« Cafh for their goiitls. ghoultl tratie where goods are market! on that basiK Where they can save from 15 to 25 per oei»t. Where $5 will get th^m more goode tban $7 will at a credit it ore. SL EVENS ft SCHMOBB. MORTGAGE SALE. BY virtue of a power of sale contained in n Sale Moitftajre, executed by Kobeit Sibley, and K- H Sibley, his wife, to George Vinton. March laili, 1H78, nnd rec.orde-J in the Kecorder's Ofllce of the cuinty of McHenry, it: Hook 44 of Morttfiiges. on page S18, to secure the payment of one certain promisory Note, even date with said mortgage, for the sum of six hundred dollars, due one vear after date, with interest al the rsite of ten per cent ptr annum, said note payable to George Vinton or order, default having been made in the payment of this principal and interest on said Note, ttierc being now dite on the same the sum ot sixty.two dollars and sixty-nine cents, as interest, and the. said sum of six hundred dollv s, as princip'tl, as by the terms of said mortgage, I shall its assigned, the said Note ami Mortgage having been as­ signed to tne by the said George Vinton, on •Saturday, the 12th day of November, A. D. insi. at the hour of one o'clock P.M., of said d:iv, at the I'.ast door of th" f'ourt House, in Wooi I stock, in said count v of McHenry, and stale of Illinois, ofler for »ale and sell at public Vendue, to thb highest and liest bid­ der for cash, the following described real estate, situated in the county of McHenry, and State of Illinois, to-wit; Lots f.iur (t) ar.d live (5) of Satr.uel Sim­ mon's addition to Itingwood, together with all the ritrhl and equity of redemption of the said Mortgagors, their nuirs and assigns. WKSI.KV LADD, Assignee. Dated Oct. 12th, l-Ml. HOP EITTSES: (A .Uediciuc, uot a Uriuk.) COVTAIN3 Hors, nrcnr, MANDRAKE, DANOELK) N, ANDTHV PrflTCST ANT> TIKI OF ALL O'i'ilKU Jill'TlCKa. T H E Y C U K E All tM«C:IKO3of tlie Stomach, Bowel*. Tlood. Liver. Kidney*, and Urinary Organs. N i r- VvttiUUi'. s|ei nleKK!ies«au(l etpwlillf 1-eiiialc Coiiii>iaiuts. SIOOO IN COLD. •Will hepnid for n case they will .. Ii. lp, or'for anvtliing ln^Mre or lujuriou* found lu tin la. A: k your drudfist. for ]Ioi> P!tti»rs nnd trjr thcui bciore you ficep. Take uu other. It !. r. 1« an ahnoltttcan(lliTe«istlWce>ire for I'runkotiiietis, u»e of opium, lointvcu uud narcotics. ESTi FOR ClTlCT-I.AR. GEORGE W. BESLEY, DPHHist AIL Apthecarr. Whose Store can be found on the west side, has just received a full stock of Goods in ftis line, to which he has added the best stock of Ever brought to McHenry county, among which can be found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp, and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description, which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call aud see them l>efore purchasing. - • i r . i Phydeiaili Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give me a Call. McHenry, 111, Oct. 10th, 1881. ®ESLEY. I BOUGHT My S U I T At E. LAWLUS' In Um(i Block, MIcHenry III. CO TO E. Lawlus, MercM Tailor, And get a line .Suit, as he has the finest and the largest Stock of Clothing at Chicago Pri­ ces. He also keeps Foreign and Domestic Cloths, which he will make to order it the lowest prices. E. LAWLUS. BLACKSMITH AND oMI $1,000 REWARD. Kor any case liliml, Uloedinar, IMccraled Of I'rotrud ing I' I Lit s that DKHINU'S PILE lfKMKIIY fails to cure. Prepared by J. p. Miller M. I>., 915 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa. Aw/f t/ctmine icilhouf. his Hiyn tlitre. Sen<l for circular. All druggists or general stores have it or will get it foi you. $1. SoM iB •McHeuiy by Colby Bros , Druggists. Wagon Shop. The nnderslgned, at his Shop North of Perry A Martin's store near the Brick Church, Is now prepared to do anything in the line of Itlacksmithing or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction With the best of material and first-class workmen we are prepared to get up Buggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable torms and warrantlas represented. Horse Sboeins & General JoMiiii promptly attended to. If in wanl of a new fagon, be snret® "*l a t my Shop, examine one of my Wagons *nfl learn price before purchasing! My look FIRST PREMIUM AT THE COUNTY FAIR last Fall over all others. I will not be undur&old,quality considered. Give Me a Call. PHILLIP HiHWMIH. McHenry. III., Marchpist, IW1. Would respectfully invite an examination of their stock of HI HODS, DRESS GOODS. YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are being: offered at ver> low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods foi the season, and we feel satisfiec we can offer Goods at Lover Fines, lhan can be tound Our stock of elsewhere.-- The Grey Bro». Fine •lmiuoni A Branson's. atioea at Fitz- Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Slioes, Oroceries I® fnll and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call and be convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Match 22d, 1881. <2£

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