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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1881, p. 5

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-«_4i '- r • - 'r ; * WEDNESDAY, NOV. S3. 1881. Railroad Time Table. wm Rostn. jtftnimi Uk« PiMtanr 7:38 A. v fteueva f.»k< KxyitM-- '••••»». ' .*:* " wn«w Uk« Fr»UA' .........1:06 p. M now <mtTII. • T.uVe rrnleht, .....9:St A, * Q«nm Tirt« K*P"M *:#Sr. * •eaeva Lake Pnwenrer «;iw » B. Brw. Arent. Weltenrv. til * CAPT. JAMES NIIH, County Treas­ urer. made us ̂ kuant vlMt oq Frl- PHILIP Srrroir, an old resident of fhl* town, filed on Sunday 14*t and lu burled on Tuesday. THE first snow of IH« Mafon,lii this Section. on Friday night last, Poems x«n the '"beautiful »now" are now In order. But shoot the man that dare Offer one, THAKMOITWO ReNRtoes will b* held in the M. E. Church, la this village, to-morrow morning, commencing at Quarter before eleven o'clock. Preach- lih* by the Pastor. . N. BLAKE, who formerly run rlie |IUck«irlth and Wagon Making bnsl- i»,M at King wood, has returned from ffaacyvllle, Iowa, and will again start In bus!new somewhere in this vicinity. OHK of tlif finest stocks of Confec­ tionery in town can be fonnd at I.. Stoddard's, next door to the Po«t Office. It ha* been just received and If all fresh and nice. Call and see it. THE dancing public should not for­ get tbe Thanksgiving Party at the Riverside Rouse, to-morrow. Thursday •veiling. One of the most enjoyable parties of the season may be expected. WHEM thinking of en|oylng an eve­ ning with a basket of Hickory Nuts, remember and call in and rake a look at the One assortment of Nut Crackers, At O. C. Colby A Co's. IHt F. J. CROSS and wife have re­ turned from a ten davs visit among fftonds In Milwaukee, Wis. They went With horse and buggy, and tlie Doctor If ports the roads a little rough on his return. IH the year 1880 America Issued sev­ enty patents to women. And n»t ?one of these was an indioator to be at­ tached to a bed post to show If there Is a man under the bed. And yet. tblnk how much getting down on hands and Icneti such a thing would eave a woman. . " SOJOURNER TRUTH thinks that tn- $tead of sending so much money away to save heathens in foreign lands, it Would be well to devote it to saving heathens ajKhome. The trouble^ is. howevepCto And the latter. You get anybody in this country to owl to being a heathen. ble^ is. "W >wTP®n|) CHAS.NT, ELDSEDGE opened the Neking season to-dav.and now has a full force at work dressing Turkeys and CiilckeiHr He intends running the fness more extensive than ever this winter, and persons having Poultry to «e!l should not fail to call and see him before selling. THE Steamer Lotus, during a beavy Svind one day last, had the misfortune r-to be blown ashore on Nippersink Point, where she now lays. We be­ lieve no material damage wa* done.-- As soon as she can be got off Capt. THUI will run her down and haul her Into dry dock for the winter. LOST, on Thursday. Nov. 17th. be tweeti McHenry and the School House three mile* on the Volo mad, a Ladles Bonnet and two Veils. Also a few ar­ tificial flower*. They were In a paper box tied up in a shawl. The finder will recelv* one Dollar reward by leav­ ing the same at this office. "YWJ can't add different things to­ gether," said a school teacher. "If you add a sheep and a cow together It does not make two sh*ep or two cows." A little boy. a son of a milkman, held up his hand and said: "That may do with sheep and vows, but if you add a quart of milk and a qnart ol water it makes two quarts of milk. I've seen It trled,'- 'MCHRNRT IS having a wood famine, fnearly every family in town being short of tha t, at this time of yekr. mm-It needed article. The Impassible condi­ tion of the roads during the latter p»rt of last winter Is the cau«e of this short­ age. Good dry wood now sell* readily at #B per cord, and persons having any to sell should bring It In at once. ^THE McHenry Dramatic Club, who 'are now rehearsing the Drama of "The Bankers Daughter, or The Streets of New York," have decided to bring. It •nt on the evenings of December 10th and lttli, at Wjversid* [f i^- This Is VKe ol tKe^llneil Drama's on the board, and no one should fall to come out and Me it on the 18 th and 17th of next tnontli. __________ E would call the attention of onr readers to the card of the McHenry House, to bo found in another column. Peter Smith, the new proprietor, has fitted the House up in good shape, and Is now ready to accommodate the pub- lcln the best of nmimix. A Thanks- giving I'arty will be held there to­ morrow evening. Bead the card else­ where. /No more husking and shelling corn is /neoeseary. James Morris, who is a I good practical farmer, tried the expe- I riment of patting hiioorn throqgh the threshing machine, aud is greatly pleased with the result. The "thresh­ ing" cut the stalks flu*, and produced 45 bus'jels of shelled corn per acre.-- Mr. Morris says: "I will never husk and shell another crop, but will send it all through tbe threshing machine." OVERCOATS, as cheap as at any store In tlie Qouuiry, at Hail« A Warufr's Nunda. THE Premium Corn Is coming in at Stevens A Schnorr's rapidly, and there Is now some as line specimens as one could wish tn iasi^ There now remains out one week for entries to be made, as by the conditions all who contest for the Lap Robe and Gloves must bring in their Corn oa or before De­ cember 1st. The Premiums offered by Messrs. Stevens A Schnorr are liberal, and deserve, as they are receiving, a lively competition. Call and s^ the handsome Premiums offered. AMOVO tbe business men of McHenry none are more determined to keep up with the demands of the times than Colby Bros. They keep their stock full, and whatever Is newest In the market. In the line of Dress Goods. Fancy Goods, and all the thousand and one artistes needed by the ladies and gentlemen for the elegance of their adornment, are sure to be found on their counters or shelves, while of the more solid and substantial articles of utility in the dry goods line there Is never any lack. They love to wait «n customers, and have lots of them to Wait on. Their advertisement In the T*LAIXDRALKII tells something what they have to offer. Bead it and profit by It. THE stern hand of the law has, at- last, come to the relief ot the long suf­ fering newspaper men. The new pos­ tal law now makes the taking of a newspaper, and the refusal to pay for it, the same as theft, and any person guilty of such an action is liable to orinilnal proceeding* the same as If he had stolen goods to the amount of the subscription. A New York paper has already commenced suit against sev­ eral subscribers for such offense, with probability that many more in arrea's will respond to statements of account, who before had "fantalled" their noses at the publisher. The editor of this paper would greatly deplore the neces­ sity of like proceedings, but there are really some on our list who act in such a manuer that a resort to this extrem­ ity may be necessary. A LARGE portion of the people do nothing to support (heir local paper% yet reap the benefit every day of tlie editor's work. A man will sry: *"Ad- vertising does n«St pay in business; I have to keep men on the road, and gat my customers by going after tliem.** And yet tlie fact is that the town In which he doe* business would be un­ known the railroad over which he ships his goods would be unbuilt and he him­ self would be unheard of. if it were not for the newspaper, which lie says does hitnnogood. The local paper is of advantage tn every man in the com­ munity. and when a man refuses to contribute to the support of the paper on the ground that "it does him no good," lie might just as well refuse to pay taxes for the support of the courts add the police force, ou the grounds that he never breaks the law and does ^ot need any officers. There are men wV believe themselves honest and plohi?. who are doing bu*iness In every community, and every day appropria­ ting to their own use the fruits of otli'-r men's labor, without contributing a cent to its support.--JSe. SUNDAY SCHOOL CrtSVMWW. Met at Ridgfleld. in the Presbyterian Church, on Saturday, November 12th. 1881. Meeting called to order at ten o'clock, A. M.. by II. R. Baldwin. Ofened by singing aud Scripture read­ ing by Rev. L. E. Vance. Prayer by Bro. Burton. - / Convention organized by electing Rev. I. E. Vance. ChalrtnaU aud H R. Baldwin, Secretary. . ' Proceeded to take up the regular programme. Paper on Sunday School Literature by Rev. L. E. Vance. He discussed the subject under the several heads: Libraries. Sunday School pa|*ers Lesson Help.', etc. Remarks by Rev. McLean. Prof Estee. Bro. Burton, MUs McLaren, and others. Singing, "Only an Armor Bearer." The next topic considered was that of "The Revised Version of the New Testament; what shall wo do with it in the Sunday School ?" Presented in a paper by the Rev. K. B. Wright, of Crystal Lake. The paper was followed by singing aud a discussion on the points presented by the paper. Re­ marks by Revs. McLean. Wells, Vance and others. Moved to adjourn till 1 JO P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Opened by siuglng. "1 Stood Outside the Gate." Prayer by He/. R. B. Wright. Song. Tin Hiding in Thee." Proceeded with the regular pro­ gramme . The first subject was "The Minister's Relation to the Sunday School; From a Layman's Point of View." The sub­ ject was presented hi two papers read by ^liss McLaren, of Woodstock and H. R. Baldwin, of Crystal Lake. Song, "1 w ill Guide the* with Mine eye." Then followed a discussion on the subject presented, which was engaged in by Brethren Harbaok and Burton, Revs. Wright, McLcau, and Prof. Estec. Prof. Estee, of Woodstock, then read a carefully considered paper on "how can we ge t hold of aud keep the young men In Sunday Schoolf Singing, "He Leadeth me." Dis­ cussion of the subject presented was engaged iu by Revs. McLeau and Weils, and Brethren Harback and Burton. Query Box w« opened and queries read by Rev. McLaren. Some of tbe queries were suggest ire..aud provoked discussion. Motion made and "unanimously pre- vailed that the Convention request the publication of the papers read by Prof. Estee and Rev. W right. Moved to adjsuru- Singing, "Nearer my God to Thee." Prayer by Rev. Frame, Benediction by Re f. McLean* Adjourned. K&v. L. K. VANCS, Chairman. H. K. BALOWIK, Secretary. A«•(«. •(•la, Vroi After a trip of more than eighteen hundred miles by railway and steamer we arrived at Houlton City, in the extreme northern part of the vast Aroostook County, of Maine, This city Is located only one mile from the Province of New Brunswick. THE FAMILY WE VISITED. "PLAIWDEALKK" will pardon as for Introducing a topic of this spedei, as families are becoming numerous In these times, and often a small amoont of stock is taken In them. The head of the family was Levi Berry, who was heavily engrossed In the lumber business for many years, serving the people as Justice of the Peace, practicing medicine to a certain extent, and always owning a store and tavern. THE SOUS AID TBTLB OCCURATIO*S. They are seven In number and are resident in three towns. Two of them are employed in selling goods. Two are merchants retired. One Is a prac­ ticing physician and for years an as­ sociate with Dr. E. D. French, whose time was sometimes divided between Ills renowned practice and his Senator- ship to the United States Congress. One represents his district in the State Legislature. Two are town clerks. Two serve as Justices of the Peace and select men. One Is an apprentice to the tinner's trade. The youngest, Is engaged in farming. THEIR RELIOIOUS STATUS. They ever have been and are still of Baptist proclivities. Believing that tbe holy scriptures should be believed, obeyed and practiced exclusive of notes, comments and aids of human devloe. One preaches, two are deacons of churches, and two are also church clerks. THE HAFPIFFKSS OP OUR VISIT we shall fall to express when we have applied our best endeavors. One birthday party had been announced prior to our arrival. In attendance were representative guests from seveu townships. This was providential-- bringing us In social contact with a multitude, many of whom had beeu fife's former associates. The day was spent In sociality, boat riding, and liberal festivities. The fiftieth birth­ day of the companion of the pastor. Rev. Ridley, was th« occasion. THE BERRT RE-UNION, a custom of years, came off somewhat earlier than usual. Perhaps some mo­ tive was in view, connected with lis peremptory observance. The entire relationship as far as po«slble were present. It was a season of happiness and was. perhaps, the morn to be re- ineinlicred for the clouds ol Michigan smoke eclipsing the sun much of the time during tlie day. It was eosphat< ically the •'yellow day" in Maine. PUBLIC WORSHIP we ejoyed at the several parishes where our relations are inconstant at­ tendance. iu addition to tlie services of the Lord's day. we were In attend­ ance at an association of the churches, which called Into the city of Houlton a large delegation of members from various counties and cities in tlie State and vicinity. In like manner we en­ joyed the «ervioe* aud devotions of our esteemed Methodist hrethreu at their camp meeting. All were meetings of very great interest resulting iu the happiness of many. JOKI. WHKBLKB. VSftBKMWOOO* EDITOR PLAIXDEALER: - A alight foretaste of what we may expect in (he shape of winter has made its ap­ pearance, just to give us warniiig to be. "we" and **ye also ready." for at such a time as ye know not, there may come a mighty cold snap. H. 11. Baldwin made friends at home a short visit on Saturday aud Sunday last. Mr. John Charles and brother Tom started on Monday of this week for a few weeks visit to their old home and friends In Western New York. Lay aside all of your home cares, boys, and go iu for a good time. Mrs. McCabe and daughter, sister and neioe of Mr. Job Toles. started for their home iu Minnesota, ou Thursday last. The new bridges in tlie northwest part of the town which were to have been completed some five or six weeks ago. do not complete very fast. A young mm, whose name we liave not learned, at work for Mr. Owen Murphy, had a very narrow escape a few days since from what came near proving a fatal attack from a vicious bull. Tlie animal, which Is a very large one, succeeded in getting the young man down, and, but for the timely help of a comrade near by who came to his rescue with a pitchfork, would, no doubt, have soon finished his work of death. He succeeded however in relieving film from ills perilous con­ dition sufficiently to enable him to re­ gain his feet, but not until he received a pal uful wound from the fork, wiiicli was run through his haild. It being dark made the affklr still worse. Though feadly hurt, the young man, with grit more than equaling his an­ tagonise, succeeded In runuiug the fork through tlie animal's nose, and thus led him into the bard and made him secure. Thanksgiving service at the Baptist Church on Thursday morning at eleven o'clock, There Is apparently a considerable interest being manifested ou tbe part of tbe young people for a singing class during the oomlng winter even­ ings. An effort will be made during the coming week to ascertain what cau be doue In that direction. There are a large number of young people grow­ ing up among us, with fine musical talent, which only lacks culture to make it effectual. The services of a competaut aud efficient teacher can now be obtained on very reasouable terms. Let all who feel interested in this direction call at tbe store of D^W. Soper where will be found a subscrip­ tion paper, to which they can attach their names. Fitzsimmons & Evauson are giving an extra 10 per cent off ou Overcoats. Woodstock Department. The first tactnre In the Union Church Course will DA delivered at Murphy's Hall. Tuesday evening, Nov. Wth. by the Rev.S. H. We Her. Subject--"Sight Seeing on tlie <2ontliietit." Next Friday evening the Ancient Order of United Workmen will hold an anniversary entertainment at Murphy's Hall. Attorney General James Mc­ Cartney will deliver a lecture and oth­ er exercises will be given, aud a gener­ al good time is expected. Everything will be free. A goodly number of' the friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Hannaford gathered at their residence last Wednesday eve­ ning to celebrate the Oftth anniversary of Mrs. H. birthday. Quite a number of useful presents,were given and a very pleasant evening spent. . Geo. Snyder vs John and his son George Van Hooaen. This suit was nrought by the Plaintiff to recover dr-mages from the breaking In of the Defendant)! stock on his premises, etc The case was before*Esquire Baldwin last week, C. Hi Donaelly appearing for the Plaintiff and O. II. Gilinore for the Defendant. Jtifigment rendered for Plaiutifl, 9GJS0. As the parties re­ side ia Greenwood tiier will no 'doubt be known to mauy readers of the PLAIN DEALER. The two highly moral1 |a4 brilliant young men that elce out a poor excuse for a newspaper the latter part nt the week, aud inak* the same fro.n Items of news found in the PLAINOKALER and Sentinel, whl"h they get In plenty of time for that purpose, and their edi­ torial matter from Madison. W|sM or from parties In close proximity to or in tlie building they occupy on the hill, in tliislclty, Imagine they have a good thing on your correspondent and touch him up accordingly In the Issue of their cheap concern last Saturday.-- Now, boys, while we cheerfully ac­ knowledge that we were badly sold, or rather misinformed as |ii tlie time Master Brink made that memorable ride out Into the rural districts, and think'lt an excellent joke upon us and also upon the corres|>ondent of the Harvard Independent, from this city, yet we would respectfully remind' you that people xvho live in glass houses should not at all times lie too eager to throw stones, for you may, if you wish, call to mind how we only a week or so ago cliided yon gently for copying from our communication to this paper some matter (news of course) that we had written two weeks previous. And this Is not the only instance, but the first time that we have had occasion to be perfectly free (because of so cordial an invitation) to remind you of the habit that all here are well aware you take kindly to, that of borrowing with­ out giving credit for. and which seems perfectly natural to yon, and la fact no one lias ever expected anything else,vfor It would be entirety out of the question for you to write anything yourself. And by the w^y that dona­ tion given the Rev. Win. Oitier, which you made mention of last week a* oc­ curring that week Tuesday evenlne, took place one or two weeks before on, a Thur-day evening, and was noticed at the time by all the papers published In the county or by Hielr correspond­ ents from this city. Besides yhur no­ tice oi It read very similar to what auotlier paper contained wntygijng the same at^tlie time. PERSONALS. J. H Miller, of Miller ft Sons, the well known Carriage and Wagon man­ ufacturers, of Geeoa Junction, Wis., was tlie guest of Dr. 4* B. Baldwin last Wedueaday. Mrs. Charles Crawford, who has been visiting Iter parents In this city, start­ ed for her home In Detroit, Midi, last week. A. L. Salisbury and wife have lately returned front a protracted visit among friends in New York. Jay Hoyt Is home again. He lias been in Colorado ail summer. Mrs. C. ». Dwlghr. of Chicago, is spending a few days In this city with her brother-lu-law. W. H. Dwight. The sorely afflicted fvinlly of Wm Sherwood, which have been so danger­ ously ill for so long a time, and who buried^oue little girl last week, have the sympathy of all our eltixens with hopes for,the speedy recovery of those that yet remain very Imv. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on his rarm.2 miles South of the village of McHenry, on Thursday, Dec. 1st, 1881, commencing at 11 o'clock A. M., the following property: 1 span jvork horses, 1 span 3 year old geldings weighing 3750 pounds, 1 span 9 year old geldings, weight 2300 pounds. 1 two year old coll, 1 brood mare. I work horse, 1 span mules, U choice cows, 1 yearling bull, 3 two year old steers, 150 choice sheep, mostly ewes, which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, 1 Berkshire boar, 90 slioates, 1 crib of good corn, 1 lumber wagon. 1 spring wagon, 1 buggy, 1 set l>ol> sleighs, 1 cutter, 3 set double harness, 1 planter, 1 seeder, 1 roller. 1 reaper and mower, 2 sulky cultivator, 1 sulky hay rake, 1 sulky plow, i drag*. 2 plows. 1 pulver­ iser, 1 stone boat. 1 coin shelter, one hay rack, and other farming utensils too numerous to mention. Also 40 tons choice hay in stack. TERMS or SALK.--All sums of tlOand. under Cash. Oyer that sum a oredi t of One Year will be given on approved Notes at 7 percent interest. Two per ceut off for Cash No property to be removed until settled for. f^rThis sale will be absolute, and every article offered will be sold to the highest re­ sponsible bidder. Lunch »erved at noon. PATRICK H. MURRAY. F K, GEANGKH. Auctioneer. ------" ' Tue finest stock of Perfumery in the oouuty, al J. li. WdU A Sou's Waucon- da. • Richmond Department. OmrratavTBD ar a. r. Mnm. The family of Dan Kilbourn are re­ joicing in the po«seM|on of a new baby An Immense pile of Horse Blankets await buyers at John West's Harness shop. The Public School will be closed from Wednesday evening, the 2Sd, un­ til Monday morning the 28th'. A. M. Pettlngill has a few new Bast* tern made Harnesses for sale cheap at good quality and work can be sold ar. Aldrldi St Burton have a store fnll of new and seasonable good, which are selling like hot cakes. But a German lady on Howard Vin­ ton's farm leads the van. having pre­ sented her husband with twins--a boy and girl. Still they come. At the residence of A. P. Gray, a boy baby makes the household glad. It lathe property of his daughter whose home Is In Chicago On Sunday evening last a young lady put in an appearance at the resilience of Mr. Rich. As soon as she Is able to talk she will call Morris Woodward Papa, We learn that Alanson Brown has taken tbe agency for tlie sale of the Cortland, N. Y. Cutters. He has a fine s|»eciuien of the work he iutendsto sell which can be seen at his barn. It is a beauty and substantially made. George Kldredge opened the picking season last Thursday and at {Present keeps six hands at work. He has built large sheds for Ills fowls and otherwise Increased his facilities for handling a large amount of poultry. Samuel Cutter, Supervisor of Alden, visited Richmond last week. Mr. Cut­ ter was a soldier in the late War and w»f severely wounded In the armpit, while he was lying down, the ball coin­ ing out at the lower and ottltr marglu of the shoulder blade. Alexander A HyAe are now receiv­ ing tlieir Holiday goods. The Invoices already received consist of Gift Books, Including a great variety of the juve­ niles aud the standard poets, beautiful Va«*s, Toys. Silverware, etc, Alexan­ der A (lyde are the men to trade with* After years of patient waiting the people'Of Richmond at last rejoice In a telegraph office, which Is supposed to be a permanent affair. Mr. Ira Tryon is the operator--reputed to be one of the best ia (lie country. The office has long been needed aud will be a great convenience to the community. Heretofore we had to go to Genoa tit send a message, and when one was sent It would often be hours tn reaching Richmond, On Friday morning at 4 o'clock, some one affected an entrance into Frank Packer's restaurant and helped himself to what sardines aud cigars he wanted. It Is supposed he hoped to flud some­ thing to quench thirst aud at the same time exhllerate, but being disappoint­ ed In his quest had to content himself with the sardines. Luckily for Mr. Packer the gentleman was seen and recognised, aud will have te make a Settlement. The attention of the world Is direct­ ed to the trial of Gulteau, and public sentiment demands speedy justice.-- His monkey-shines during the progress of the trial thus far are disgusting. His craving for notoriety, however in­ famous, still besets him, and he has no doubt read the newspafier accounts of Ills conduct with a morbid satisfaction It is strange that the populace keep their hands oft the creature, whom to denominate a brute would be a slander on the brute creation. AUCTION SALE. Having disposed of my farm. I will sell at Public Auction, at my residence three miles north of Waueonda village on Tuesday. Nov. 29th. 1881, commenc­ ing at 10 o'clock A» M.. the following property: 45 yearling heifers, one-half and three-fourth blood Durhanis. 25 yearling steers, 10 two year old steers, 5 three yenr old steers, 15 new milch cows, 10 springers. 5 two rear old hulls 15 head two year old heifers, one-half Norman stallion, eight years old. weighing 1450 pounds, 1 gelding 7 years old. weight 1400 pouiufs, 1 pair ot horses 7.years old, 1 mare 7 years 1 mars 8 years old, 1 three year old oolt. 1 four Tear old Mart mare, ] six year old saddle horse. Kentucky bred 180 sheep, i sow« and pigs, 24 shoais 20 tat hogs. 2000.bushels i-orn, 300 bush­ els oats, 250 bushels flax. 300 tons hay, 80 acres corn fodder. 1 O-borne self-rake reaper. 1 three spring wagon. 3 lumber wagons. 2 drags, 2 sulky cultivators, 1 sulky plow, 1 Keystone corn planter, 2 hay racks, and other articles. TERMS OP SALE.--All sums of $5 and under, <*a»h. Over that stun a credit of one year will be given on approved notes ot 7 per cent Inlrest. No prop­ erty to be removed until) settled for. JOHN R. KOXEY H. B. BtraatTT, Auctioneer. MRS. 8. SKARLES lias received another targe Stock of Millinery, Plushes. Plush Ribbon, Watered Rib­ bon. Tip«, Birds, and in fact everythi ng desirable iu u first class business. Ha* also received another large stock of cloaks. Black and Light Dolmans. Ac Please call and see my stock before purchasing. Remember 1 will sell Trimmed Hats at cost every Saturday during the season. CORN WASTED? Wanted. 200 Tons of Ear Corn, for which the highest market price will be paid. F. K. GRANGER. IMPORTED SLIPPERS. Everyone should see the Imported Slippers, now on exhibition at Stevens A Scliiiorr's. These Slippers are im­ ported from Bavaria, by M. Sela, of tiie firm of Sel* *3°., Chicago, and are the first of these kind of goods that have eyer been imported* FROZEN TO DEATH. The man froien to death last week failed to get u suit of our Underwear. The largest stock i*i the county. We oiler this week 1000 Pieces ranging trom 35 ceuts to be*t all wool goods. Strayed. From tlie premises of the undersign­ ed, three miles East of the village of Richmotid, Wednesday evening, Nov. #th, a Span of Hones, one horse black. 18 or 12 years old. with bnwsi o<t near tore kn«e. One mare, dark Iwowu with the appearance of a ringbone on off hind foot aud 1 think with a piec* cut from the tip of lier left ear. A reward of Ten Dollar* will be givei lor information where the above prop erty may be found. PKTKR SILL. Richmond, III COWdHOR SALE. Five good Cows, some new milch, and others coming in fn early spring. G EO. II. HABStSOS. 1H miles south of R!ngwo<Mt, ? • rgr 6 •-;** ATTENTION LADIES. It Is a well known fact that yon caft find the largest aud latest assortment of Dress Goods and Trimmings at our place. We have "slicked up" on pur­ pose tor you aud offer you this week the largest line of Newport Flannels. Shoodahs, Cashmeres, Silks and Satins. Laces and Passementeries. Jet nnd Steel Ornaments, and a- c*<c "chuck full" of the latest "hits" in Buttons.-- Call aud look at our stock. PKKKY A MARTIN. Examine the 5 and 10 cent counters at Ji R. Wells A Son's, Waimouda. A full line of Buck Glovea and Mitts at J. K. Wells A Son's. Waueonda. Ladies Cloaks and Dolmans nearly at manufactures prices at Fitzsimmons A Evansou's. Barbian Bros, best are taking the lead with smokers. Ask for (hern wh«n you smoke. Hats and Caps for alt ages, and" pri­ ces extremely low at Fitxsiiumons A Evausou's. Fifteen percent is easily saved by buying your Overcoats and Ulsteretts any time this winter at Perry A Mar­ tin's. CORN is KING. CORN is KING. CORN is KING STEVENS A M3HNORR. Offer the following Premiums for the best Five Ears of Corn, the test to be its weight after being hung up for 30 days, so as to have plenty of time to dry out. First Premium,--One Goat Lap Robe or a 912 Sliawl^ aa.^ho person may choose. Second Premium.--One Pair Otter Gloves, worth $5, or one Dress Pattern, as the person may choose. Premiums to be awarded January 1st 1882. All persons who compete for Premium* must have their Corn at our store on or before December 1st, In order to comply with conditions. STEVENS * SOHSORB. PARTICULAR .NOTICE. As the Arm of Goidlng A Brooks will change ou or about December 1st, all kuowliig themselves indebted to said firm, or either of tliwm, are reqsested to call aud settle the same before Decem­ ber 1st, as our baoks must be balanced at that date. GOUMKO A BROOKS. Waueonda, ffov. 1st, 1ML CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS! Dr. Warners latest, the "Corralinc." The best $1 Corset made, at Perry A Martin's. TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT ON OVERCOATS. In order to reduce onr stock of Over­ coats we will offer an extra discount of 10 per cent during thi* ntonth in order to reduce stock. We invite Inspection. PLTSSIMMOMS A KV&BSOB. FOR SALE. Poland China Hogs for sale, tuqnire of A. Ames three miles south of Volo. Just received. Overcoats tor Men an«l Boys at F. G. Mayes' Clothing Store, near the new Bridge. Cheap as the cheapest. F. G.Mayes says he cannot be under­ sold, Ip you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call ou E. Lawlus, I u Lan­ sing's Block, McHenry. FOR SALE. 1 offer for sale my house and two lots situated in West McHenry. Good brick house, consisting of six rooms.-- Good well and cistern, outhouses Ac.-- All In good repair. Good fruit on the premises. Will be sold reasonable.-- Apply on the premises. • WM. WALSH. FOR SALE OR RENT. A farm of about three hundred acres to sell or rent. For particulars inquire of Mrs, L. C. Gates. McHenry, Hi. OVERCOATS. A full line at Colby Bros. The Grey B ros. Fine Shoes at Fits slmmous A Evansou's7. A golden op|K>riunity to buy Over­ coat' at Filisiinutons Evausou. 10 per cent discouut during November. FOR SALE, House and fourteeu acres of land within half a mile of town. Inquire of Jolih J. Flunky. CHOICE Amber Cane Syrup for sale by the gallon or keg. E. W. WHEKL.BR. Ladies nnd Chlldreus Underwear, cheap, at J R. Well* A Son's Waueon­ da. The celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods, at Butler £ Warner's, Nuuda. These Good* have uo superior iu the market. The Largest Stock Of Millinery and Fancy Goods to lie found in the County is at Mrs. H. H. Nichols*. 1 visited the city again this week aud now invite the attention of the Ladies to the following: Light Cloaks and Dohiuians. the !.ite«t thing out. Ladies' and Childien's merino un­ derwear, llosieiy, ail sla^s. Childreus Knit Jackets and and Hoods, Dress aud Cloak Trimmings, all kinds. Corsei*., a fine assortment r»f Misses' *ises,Plumes the largest stock ever brought to Mc- Heury Comity. And iu short we have one of the largest, best selected and most fashionable fctock of Millinery. Fancy Goods, etc.. e^er brought to this town, which we are bound to as prices within file reach of all. Do not purchase until you examine our sioek and learn the prices. Mbs^H. U. Sicnoww ftoeffs OUt Edge Tonic rest ens Hi appetite. >_; The Muliik* S«lky PWw a* X. H.. Owen's. FWalrTackle of Ml kiarla at V. Bngelii's. in Howe's Block, new Bridge. Tlie Furst A Bradley Suttty E. M. Owen's. Buckeye Forue PUoepe, at B»_ l§ ) wen's. '.I All the ftrst-chsse Plewe at X. flt Owen's. . Tbe finest Tine of Silver aaal Plated Ware to he found in the coemty, at O. W. OweuV A fine Jot of Ready-Made Dreeeee an# full Suits ju*t received nt Mrs. II. flL Nichols' Millinery Store, ISclleary. German School Books, ami , and Gerniau Mass Book*, at M. geIn's Howe's Block, tfar tbe bridge, GOLD FISH. h Globes, aud Food for Fish at tingein's ID Howe's Block, near th* bridge. . ______ w.*..*- • LATEST. We liave a large iavolce of li«e» celebrated "Brvadhead" Dress Gooda in the latest styles. Every body A®«Id see them before buying. / STRVBSaASCaiMMft The finest line of Dress Goods itifc this market cau be found at Met A Schnorr*#. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Povtt Lard aud Corned Beef, nt Hftwarito Market, near tbe Depot. WHY DO YOU OOUGB When one box of Besleyls Treaties < core youf Store opposite Ftlksf House. ' > New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five ceirts a yard and np> wards, at Colby Bros.. Riversltte Blow * THE BEST THINO For a cough is Beslsy's Ti a box. - Store opposite tbe House. ft Call at Mrs. II. H. Nichols for Ready Made Underwear. Call at Mrs. II. II. Nichols* store. «M door north of Perry A Martin's, for anything in Millinery or Ladies' Fat* nisning Goo*ls. SEWING Machine Needle* for ewagjt' machine made, can be found at M. w ge In'*,, la Howe's Block, near At bridge. FOR SALE. h A commodious residence, at tb» MM*" tier of Madison and Vine Street**' Woodstock. 111., conveniently located io business, school and the varione. chiirche*. Two lots, well stocked witli fruit, both large and email. Pleasantly situated, and Good well and yisteyii. well arranged. Terms easy. Foundation rocks and Gravel deVf> ered at convenient distances from mjf residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock. IB Trble and Pooket Cnttlei variety at O. C. Ooloy t ware store. In ONIONS. Acytrlovlof very flee Oataee, Stevens A Sch norr's. ma; mm FOR SAL*. V& 40 AcreJ of land In Seelfofi fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with • good house and barn tliereoa, *ltb timber aud water iu abundance, in tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crysfcel Lake and Nunda road. Good aaqr. home, barn and other outbulldingM** Apply to JOHN FLUSKV. Call and see our 93 t4 and |t Oy|ps. ooats. The largest Hue In town. 0OLBY ' i i * • EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One per foot at John B. Blake's FuraitW* Store. Call and »ee them. HORSES FOR SALK. I have a good road team and a farm teaiu for sale. Will sell « both, luquire of H. C. MEAD. Hats and Caps, all the latest at Butler A Warner's. Nunda. _ WE WANT YOU TO KNOW rrg We have cords of Overeoata. Wit are maklug prices that sell tbem al sight. * STEVENS A WANTED. $ , Every man and boy that expects buy a suit of Clothes, an Overcoat, pair of Boots or Gloves, Is wanted at ear store. STEVENS A ScmKMK. Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit,at prices rauging from IU0 IO 19.00, at O. C. Colby A Co.'s FENCE POSTS FOB SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Porta for sale, inquire of JOBS DORA*. Butler A Warner, Nnnda. are after* I ng Bargains iu Clothing. They hae* the finest stock to be found la the county. Their Clothing Room. np» stair*, presents a flue Hue to select ANEW PUZZLE. When you find an Overcoat flnr IH that will compare with our leading fit coat you will have solved tlie new proh* ,<MW' STEVEJM ASCHHOM^ Do Ton Want a Bewlif Machine. ir you do. of course yen want tlia lie*r. as it c<»sts no mora. Then why buy from an Agent who Carries bat one which he has fixed up oa purpoao to show, when by going to the stove «f O. W. Owen, in McHenry, yon eaa have your dioice of Five, vis: Tlie Domes tic, Eldredge. American, Improved Howe, and 8i«ger. We keep all three machines in stock, and any lady who wants a machine can set down and trr them all. and then select the otie W Ik tea suits her the best. The Neat three named, the Domestic, Eldredge aad American, are three of tlie best M chine* ou the market, ami any one WHL he convinced of the fact b; my store and trying one ti Also a tine flock of Clocks. Jewelry. Silver ami Plabed be found at aty antra. Viauos for sale or rent. a ***** Where 96 will get them more feu* then #7 will at a credit store. StSYuuAMuua*

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