R8I>AY. MAKOff «S, 1SSS. J.VANSLYKE. Kdltop. *1 < Ifirlf riiwt oM "Snoop." *x-Go»- Beverldjre. would attend tnor? (4rte^)v ro Ills official duties, instead of rphidin^ most of Ills Mm* »s ft polit- h»3 «nr and.Informer,. the |>enpli» of *im Mtwdnlly of MoHenrv UCHIIII v. would thank him. We roti apptu* th« ex-Rovfruor chat he litis pot Mmaolf l»»to poor cam (MO J.--Harvard Jkkiep«f*timU. 4>l». *t III*- «§d <r««*. Brother Birch. "taHinsr op" the Captain of tilt Invalid Corjw. Don't you see? j^erTlie "Soiitliwortliglennon oom- li|i^»rIon,, etime out last weokund called ttff an affidavit which, *• asked them tf ?ti*v vonld like to mo published. J*H rlifht. irenileraen. we tmve received assurance 'hut you ?hal\phave a state ment so full and complete thfkt It will :1fcg entirely satisfactory. We expected to liuvr received it in lime fur this fcrerk. I>«t at the time of going to press It ha* not come to hand. Compose jrowwIvM and the statement yw shall ilMv® week. iu: *»• 1 *ar Dl?pj|t?liesTroin tTie low#r Ml«- gleHjpi. Arkatww, Black. White and fit. Thomas river*, eon tain appalling Mt-oiiMU of sufferi&if* and loss of life and property by the flood*. Hundreds •of people were congregated at dif ferent point*, destitute of everything «$cept scant clothing, and ekposed to (b» rain that had fallen without Intor- vnptlon for eigty-elght hours. Tho 0r»r at Memphl* contirned stationary •I the liiglmst point reached this sea- ; #n. There are 43,000 persons in the ftuoded regions whose condition do- ; jnauds prompt attention. -- -- • . 7j.' I# The Senate Committee to lt»- ^stlcaie the expenditures of the /treasury contingent fund have been Ml work for two or three months, at a Ctwt to the couutry of ton thousand . l|allan, aiid have accumulated a mass •if lestiatony covering fourteen Hun dred printed pages; and alt that has \ tieen discovered to reward this great labor and expense, is that a box of •tatiouery valued at fifteea dollars cannot be accounted for; that ten * IK***' work by a laborer on Senator BiberniaiiS house was carried on the «h11s of the Treasury and that forty had been wrongfully paid for fkruUure. The old fable of tlie moun- in labor never had a better appll- IgLtiou than in this case. * ft Is qnlt* rhe style nowaday* fo figure and speculate upon'the probable apportionment which will he made by the state legielatnrv a* tu forthcom ing tpci-inl session. 3 The Chicago Trihun* apportions oft 'the state, throwing Kane. Whiteside. Ogle. IJM and DeKalh cnnntlea into one dUtrlct. This give* a population of 100.000 or ahotu OOflO more Inhabi tant.!' than the requisite number. This further has tho disadvantage of throw ing together enuntlea wlioae people are comparative strangers to each other and whose Interests are not mutual.-- One of our contemporaries figures out, a district composed of Kane, DeKalh. Kendall. Will and DuPnge with a pop ulation of I57JI73. One of th*» chief objections to hi# district Is that It leaves out the northern* tier, of conn- ties and would necessitate the forma tion of an ungainly and impracticable district In oVder to embrace those counties. While the law specifies only that tlie territory shall be contiguous. It is nevertheless deslraible that, so far as practicable, the districts should be compact, and- composed of counties whose business and social relations are Intimate and whose interests are closely identified with each other. Onr cotempdrary^evldently set apart Its Kane county district without reference to the conntlealeftover. The district embracing Will comity would, imm a Kane county standpoint at least, be objectionable for the reason that Will has a population of 53,422 to Kane's 44.939. and Kane*would then* tore be? come aecond Instead of holding first place la ttae district. White Will outnumbers Kane In population It falls short Ih the number of Republican votes out, and therefor Kane would still hold a slight advantage iu con vention. The apportionment of delegates Is based upon the last 5proceeding presi dential vote. The rule of apportion ment adopted in the last Republican congressional convention, wis one del egate to every hundred votes cast for Hayes, and an additional delegate to each county whose remaining faction was upwards of 200. Tlif neVt assign* ment of.delegates will be based upon the vote east for President Oarfleld and for speculative purposes, we will assume that the same pile of .appor tionment will be adopted. 'From these calculation! Wre get '"'US#'"" following table: Wt were gotwg to take tjhe tral\ but now the snow Is goiu£, *ve will have to give it up. s V ; Mr. Alfted Whiting, who attended school We about seven years ago, after which he returned to his home in Vermont, wa*filling on friends about Rlngwood «II unlay last. Introduc ing his better half to those who are to lie her associates during her sojourn in Illinois. The young coupic are to take charge of their uncle's place, known ns tlie Win. Head farm, tit's !>ea»ou, and have «thd best wishes of their niaut friends. Tlie seed corn of wht?1i we spoke last week, is fast being taken. Farmer Thompson, of the asylum farm, Elgin, called on Mr. Stevens this week , and took fen bushels for which lie paid twenty dollars. There are some other things we would like to mention but shall bate to wait until next week. Conntj Popntattaa Luke Ji.fflfi Mc Henry-..54,flos PeKalta. ifi;Tas Kane 44,MB l)n Pa*®..... 19,161 Kent! till 13,083 tSTThere is cold comfort for the 900,000 peueinners whose claims are , awaiting action In tho Pension office wiles* Congress makes provisions for a l«?ge increase of clerks. The Commis sioner ha* notitied Congress that it will ' wqulre 1930 new clerks to Citable him W settle the claims cow pending, in the next three years. The Secretary •f the Interior and Commissioner both mfge Congress to provide for this force - :£vj « one. Ivery applicant for a pension : about<1 write his Congressman to favor ,vf> • the appropriation for this purpose. I'*; Without such action on the part of Congress, it will take thirty years to •etlic the cases uow pending, and long ; . *fe that, many a needy, suffering one '* - ^ill have gone to that land where red '••f •>, tape Is not used, and hope deferred no heart *a«l, ' .ISTHere I* a chance for a little 4£on*y-makinfe. Tli» Now York Com mercial A fiver titer says the Cincinnati *;ffr/mmereia/ continues to misrepresent ;{<|id abuse Mr. Conkiing. Referring to publication of Garfield's letter About Ro**ncr.insand the charges made i'ih it that paper say: "The same cliarg- f* were made by Conkiing and his v. % ; ssrowdbefore the Jd of July." "The ed- J- H«r of the New York Comtn%rcicU of- ^ lo P*^ ov«r t° the editor of the , v CJinclnnatl Comnercial 91000 for the |4 ^eneflt of the poor of the city of ^ v ^iuciiinati. if he will show by proper • . ,J> [ proofs wherein Roscoe Conkiing ever || . the «me charges," and «500 for «u' t :,#very word uttered by Mr. Conkiing phat^can be tortured into abuse of the late Preside ut Gar Held. .This ofler is open to the entire tlalf-bried crowd. If tlie«e men who are continually de faming Mr. Conkiing decline to accept this ufler, the public will ondentand that tliey are vile slanderers. TntaU 1SD.1S5 J0.9R5 S3 Will Couaty 53,422 6,^6 U By the above table it will be seen hat should Lake and Me Henry be dropped and Will added to the district, the preeminence tpwenjoyed by Kane county would be cut short, as Will's delegation would nearly double Kane's Further thao this it would take out that eonnty with whom our business and social Interests are most intimate, and include one with whom we have no til ing in common. The apportionment quotient Is 153,873, that is, each dis trict is entitled to that number of In habitants, or, as the law specifies, as near that number as is practicable.-- While the district proposed by the N*w* falls 3.738 short of Itlie district allowance, the Will county district proposed by our cotempo^ary would exceed that allowance by 3,4801, about an even tfiing. and either one Mas near as practicable." Should the district we have proposed be set apart, it leaves the remaining northern counties in ad mirable shape for tlie formation of another compact and oontiguoua dis trict composed of Boone, Winnebago. Stephenson. Jo Daviess. Corrlll. and Ogle counties, with a population Qf 148,417. ^Tli» Committee on Elections In ^ House of Representatives recom VI' that Mr. Cannon, the Mormon : ' . ,>>*lelegate fr«iu Utah, be excluded from / • ',e claims, thus purifying C" frw9» tlie ptoence of one who /•,;.1 .<!<'•*"tly avows and glories in his f^#l!rrliue. The leaders of that great f f f(v, '"'<i"i 'y. who hail counted 911 contin ^ « e*®«iptioii of luterlerence by the , < |'NatioM wkoKc authority they practle ' f"V-;4 R"3' nulllfliMl, arc floding that the |teo pie are at least in dead earnest, deter- insued to al.ate the evil, heir •p. TOI S.SS4 3,5 LFL 4.W4 S.18H 9.337 1.UM D«lt|at«a » 10 » 6 5 compelled all their send remonstrances to i/ - V" luiiw lite evil, t Ueir apos $ ; ' ties fulminate with frantic bitterness «' ^ "gainst the government in the Taber- * " fi!> M Bi lgliaii Younf was wont to do. They have i? ' adlierentrt to j r ' Congress. Tlie merchants and dealers ^B,M>i:al to th* fears of those | w ' l h w l i o m t h e y h a v e h a d b u s i n e s s ' ' ? . connections to b. in? tliolr influence to ? • lM*"r «P°» Congress. But their angry • excitement only show* that tM sore •f1 ̂ touched, aud that the > ^ *. V 4 healtii and life of the Nation demaud r ^ the effective surgery that the Senate -• lilli secures. Baikalns in Watehe>>, Cloeks. Jewel ry. Silverware, Book* aud Sewing Ma- chine* during the eext 30 days at Q W. Owpii's ' "YOUR CHOICE. ; .'anoieh trail ou Steyana J, *'/ •' - '• '-M>M ' ^4.' *<& . : • RINCWOOO-CDITOR PL A I N U K A L E R W E would like to inform your many readers of tlie great bargains to be had for the next sixty days at the general store of J. W. Criaty. that those of adjoining villages may help to reap this early harvest. Mr. Crlsty lias advertised in another column of tills paper to sell at cost for the time above mentioned. But so do other dealers you may *say, and merely for the purpoajtUof turning old goods lato cash, only Ho replace with new. Such dealers advertise to sell at cost and when yon eowe to trade, you find their prices are only trifle. If any, below their regular price. Now. by having acquainted ourselves with the facts in the case we, are prepared to tell yon the diflerence between this and other cases. In tlie first place Mr. Crisfy carries a heavy stock of'all goods usually kept in a flr*t class store and is anxious to dis pose of tlie same as soon as possible, and owing to poor health, does not wish to continue his business here and, as he informs us, is bound to sel) out. O. E. Churchill and J. J, Vasey have finished teaching for the present anil are on duty at fhis place. '* Wesley Ladd has returned from his Western trip and reports times as be ing flush, real estate increasing rap idly in value, aud busiuess generally bootnlng. Call on David Hall ahd subscribe .for any papers, book* or 1uag1utir.es; you wish. As spring draws n»ar and tlie ter rible disposition to tear the "insides" out of all the houses seizea our women folks, just remember that Charlie French can hang more paper, Un<l whitewash your ceilings and prepare them for our pets, '-the flies." whicii will soon be here to put In the varia tion#, faster and neater tbau auy dtlier lime killer in town. Some alarm was caused a few day* Si- ce by a report being started that tracks had been seen In this vld iify. / "J HUN DA- K&TOR P L A IN I > K A L S R CarRU TH e rs Is moving his s9«c(t to Ms farm--the Raedel farm, ~ i >, Geo. Raedel occupies psrt of N. Beardsley's house Tor a few days, to enable him to settle tip his afi&Irs, when, we understand, he goesea$t. Hattie Audrus and Lvdia Kelley spent a few days In tlils-inirglast week. They hail from Elgin. Mr*. Vic Mallory will stock up her "Millinery store" soon. •• A Mr. Lord, who is engaged In the m issionary work, was With us oil Sun day last. Wm. HuOman has moved t6 tdwn. A good addition to our burg Our new landlord has taken, posses sion. We wish him success. Geo. Petti bone lias moved lb With his father-in-law near Cary. The sales of O. Beardsley and Geo. Raedel were well attended, and .every thing aolil well. Mr. Maxham has been, and I* still, very sick with htn^f difaculty. As we write, we learn he is better. Prof. C. C. Case, formerly connected with P. P. Bliss, will open a "Musical Convention" at the M. E. Church, next Monfay. at 4 P. M. The object of this convention Is vocal culture. Tlie Prof, comes highly recommended and is in the front rank of vocalists. Miss Frankie Wells, our teacher of tlie primary department, has been sick and unable to attend to her duties. Miss Emma Ballou had charge of the room in her stead . Frank Wheaton intendsto build here and become otie among us. Our matrimonial news this week ex tends from youth to old itge. Mn liarles Mason took unto himself a wife. This is the youth we spoke of. Mr. C. B. Felt was joined In those holy bonds to Miss ilnttie Chamberlain. Thesff parties were old .enough and ought to have known better. The etlier3 were excusable, on acenunt of their age. However, may heavenV blessings attend bor.li the aforesaid. The Concert announced in your last Issue, is an assured success. There will ba a variety and good collection of songs, fine duets aud character songs, beautiful trios Mint stirring quartette/;. Among the singers will be Miss Fannie Crow, the noted So prano singer, of Crystal Lake; S. D. Baldwin, of your own town; Wm. Beardsley, so well known in tills part of the county, and many others whose names I will not now meutioii. Among those who give instrumental music, I mention: Thos. Ford. Flute and violin; Edith Lowell. Fannie Perkimt and Louise Wilber, Piano. It Is ex pected that the concert will be one of the most enjoyable ever given iu this part of the county. It will be held at the Baptist Church i'11 Crystal Lake, 011 Saturday evening, March 25th, 1882. Allswho love good miudc aud good readings, should be present. Admis sion, 26 and 1& cents. Tickets ut Dick inson's, Win. Hill's aiwl the door. Rational Caucus* The Vetera of the ToWn of Nntida. are requested to meet ih Town Caucus at Barreviile, on Thursday, March 30, at .one o'clock, p. it. for the purpose of putting iu nomination suitable person# to be supported for town officers for tlie ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. BT OKDKR COMWRRM. it 1s * most important duty at this.season to look after the health of their families nnd cleanso the malaria and impurltlea from their systems, and that nothing will rone up the stomach and liver, regulate the bowels ami purify the blood so perfectly as Parker's Ginger Tonic, advertised in our ooloraes.--< Pott. See other column. v , ^ Always Refreshing. J,.J. "*'"A delicious o«fnr is impitMlWI l>y Floreston Cologne, which is always re freshing. no matter how freely used. • Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best, salve In the world for Cutis Bruises. Sores. ITliers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chil'Oains. Corns, and all Skin Krupr tlous, and positively cures piles. It is gitrimteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 28 cents, per bottle. For sale by all Druggists T. J. PACT. 0 , J. DONOVAN. V It is ^ tacf well known tojthes Fanners of McHenry (;otinty that whenover they have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound of his name ha« caused (hem to shud der and their hones to rattle^, simply because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goodt? for less money than the dame quality could be bought- by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machjnerj' in the market, and always aim to keep none bat the best. Our present stock consists ot many articles of machiuery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100* Bugles, Platform Spring Wag ons and three.spring Milk *Vag- ons. (Call and count them.) Also a car of Glidden B&rbed Wire. Also plows, harrows, Pulverizerstv spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills', rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky ph»ws, etc., etc., without limit. Farm ers who consult their own inter ests will not buy a do.lar's worth until the> get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. T. J. SAO r & CO., Woodstock, III. Annual Town Meeting. "VfOTICE is hereby'given to the Citizens, Iv Lewtl Voters of the Town of McHenry iu the County of Mi-Henry and State of liti- nois, that the .Annual Town Meeting for said Town will be tn-Iu at the Council Kooin, in «ai<l Town, on frt|fs<lity, the 4th day of April next, iKinf t he nr»}t. Tuesday in uajd Month, for the pnroose«s t'Mlowinsr, viz: PIU8T--To cttaottt K Moderator to preaide at eiid mtetinii- SECOND--To elect One Supervi«or (who fiiall Le ex offlcto Overseer of tne Poor), One Town Cierk, One Anseaxor, One Collector, One Commissioner of lliffliways, One Con- Kl»ble, ;uiM as many Pound Masters as tlie Klectors mtiy ricierniine. And to »<-j upi»n any Additional subjects which may in prireliance of law, come be- fore said mce.insr, when convened. VVvi«-,li meeting will he called to order be tween the hours ot eifcht and nine o'clock in the forenoon, and kept open until seven o'clock in tlie afternoon. Given under my hand, at McHenry, this 15th day at March'A. 1>- )*». J. VAN SLYKE, Town Clerk. CORN WANTKt>. Mj- Wanted, 200 Tons of Bur Corn, for which the highest market price will be P*l«l. F. K. GHANOER. T 1 HABPEE'S WISELY, v UltHPtMted. , iSr-.-X' HARPER'S WEEKLY stands at the head of American Illustrated weekly journal*. Rv >ts unparttMn position in politic*, its ad mirable illustrations, its carefully chosen serials, short felorles, sketches and |>oenis, contritxited by tne foremost avtist* and enthorsot the UJ'y, it curries instruction nnd entertainment lo thousand# of American homes. i • ' It will always be the nim ot the publishers to mtke i/omtr'i Weekly tbe most popular and attractive family newspaper iu tbe world. HARPER'S PERIODICAL. CROCERIESI CROCERIE8I M. Engeln. Having removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is now prepared to offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned GJ oodxi. CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES &c,» &o« My Good* are ml fresh and will be *old at tli'e lowest living price*. I also keep a full slock of Oan Material Fishing Tackle, Minnow Soins, Hummocks, anil in fact everything pertaining to Fishing aud Hunting, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices. Violins, Acordeonc, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, arm nil other extras for Viollhs. M.v stocks of riNXVAKK 1* com pie tt. CsU anil exiimiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy nil coin petition. M. ESGEMT. Per Year: IIAEPKB'S WEEKLY.... H Alt'*Kit'* MAO \ZtNE. ;....... HAMPER'S It.VZAK ... The THUEE alxtve publication*..,...... An> T WO alK>ve named . HARPER'S YOUN<i PE<iPLE ... HARI*Elt'H M \l» AZINK I HARI'Elt'S YOUVU PEOPLE? HARPERS KltANKLIS SQCTAltB LIBRARY, On* Year (W No*.)..... Postage free tn all *ub*erlber» in Out State* or Canada. f 4 Of 4 (W 4 (W 10 0(1 7 00 i ao I 00 le oo Untied PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Tlie Pest. Cleanest and most Economical Hair Dressing. KfiTDr rails to More ihe youthful color to grfiy [hair. 50c and $1 sizes at druggists. ftortsion Colopw. A n«-w- nii.i exceedingly fra-treiit ami l^llag praro. VruY 25 ftml 15c. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Pure Family Ntonclae that licver intoxlcstes If you are a-iaechanic or fanner, worn out *ith ovcworlt, or a mother run down by family or house hold dunes try PAKKKH'* GHCOBK 1'owtc. ' If yon are a lawyer, minister or btisines* man ex haunted by mental strain or anxious cares do not lake intoxicating stimulants, but use PAMICBK'S <JI: GKR TONIC. tfyouhsve Dwpepya. Rheumatism. Kidney or Ursiiriry Complainis. or if you are troubled with any disorderofthelungs.stomach bowels.bloodornerves you can be cured T y PAKKEK'S GINGER TONIC. If vou are wasting away frora age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINTJK* TONIC at once: itwill mvi jorate and build vou up from the first dose but \vl!l never intoxicnte. It lias saved hundreds of lives it may save yours Hisrox * CO.. 1«J William St.. N*w York. toe. aa4 one dollar sizes, at All dealers in intttiU'ioe*. GREAT SATING BUYING DOLLAR MM. ' V> The volume* of the Weekly begin with tbe first number tor January of each year. When no time is mentioned, It will lie ninlerstorxt that the subseriber wishes to commence with the numl>er next alter the receipt ot orUef. The lust twelve annu-tl volumes of T L A R - Flv«*8 WKKKLY, in neat elotb binding, will be sent lir mail, postage p»i<l, or by exprona, free of expense, (provided tiie freSjclitiiJoes not exceed one tloliur per volume), tor §7.<>o each. Cloth Cases for each volume, *uitable for binding, will be sent by nuill, postpaid, ot receipt of (1IKI each. Keuiitt.'ince* should lie made by T-ost-Oflllce Money order or Draft, toavoid clmnce of lo*#. NewxpapKr* are tuit to copy (hit advcftf4<'iiiT>t Without the erpret* oraer of harper <t / >o:t,e. •«. ,'V̂ ' • AW York* ' J*..*. '-r? '$• •-*>,-f, '• f i t* '• f ft ':>.»>*' ri: "WARNING- . %-m t, * • ?%<v. •>.$< .. " tf t > Ottfr ieii *««k in which you ca o sec ure a seTeclion of just such £oods as you need ftnd must have at,w^oles»l© ptkm*. • " -i: •'•4 •' • •» v- 40. >w,{ rtellynal m oU«ing,<«)t K(y Slock d| •• ' "T--,;}:- tVT selves of aflvanta«:es oftWiiigtu'e Vvisje in time. I am ,%$PFR,U,D ̂ very Idm, • - J: ** 'W •4,"i ' BtNOWOOD, III., March 9(th, Mat. Urged by an irresistible desire to do good to the community in general and the subscriber in part ticuUir, a few weeks ago a large aud miscellaneous assortment of musical instruments was sent to the , "Vr auoohda DRUG STORE, BOOK HAUNT, AKD , MUSICAL EMPSMM. The humMe efforts to meet the demands of the darling public was appreciated and the supply was speedily reduced. A netJir supply of aeeordeona, harmon icas, and victius has, therefore, just been purchased, making the stock unusually full. It com prises afcordeons from 95 oefits to $9.5X), a large assortment of Violins' and Violin Fixtures, Banjos, Guitars, Drum*. Flageo lets j Flutes, Piccolos, Bones, Harmonicas, Jews Harps, &c. Also Violin Boxes, Music Folios, Music Cases, Instruction Books and SHEKT MUSK', 100 copies of which havejiust been received, and will be sold for FIVK (JKNTS EACH. These last two, shipments of goods were pur chased at bargains,and' therefore can be, and are, offered very cheap. Call and be convinced. F, B. HARRISON. GOLD AND 4 > *• * Jt V.£ T"r ** rt' ' * * .. ' *V V A Rich and Handsome Cabinet comprising all tile different trtfe- ties of Minerals produced in the .Rocky Mountains of Colorado. :*\ 'Specimens of Gold, Silver and Copper Ore, also Lead Zinc, G*H lena, Spar, Rose and.Rainbow Quartz, Wood Transformations, etc* r Tao above Collection, enclosed in a neat case, pro peri y labeled and ^ giving the name atid value of each specimen, will be sent to any ad* ^ dress on receipt of TWO DOLLARS! ($2). *•/4 i K, Larger Cabinets made to order varying iti prlce irom $5 to $500* Andrea •l t -n iUw 1 CpJLORADO MlN£SAl SPECIMEN Oo., :«oclc Box, J, • . • IDAHO SPRINGS^ BO. W. NEWMND, rresiden^ , Cnoaaow, Tieasurer. BKNKDIOT, Secretary, \\ V *'u'- ^ C *1 ,:r " if.-:; •f#a" 'i&i n* Tlie "Woodstock Boot and! Shoe dealer, is receiving! this week a mammoth, stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. for Spring AN :̂̂ HIMMEI| TRADE A. large stock of Rubber Goods now on hand, : W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, IU. BOERHAAVE'S RECTAL REMEDY ti.oo A nox. The Knife and T.ega- lire nre"7he"Tff?n?- tor Protrinlinir, sovt Pff merits alvT BCS3: 14m: rrien"S Fall BOER^ A A VE'vS t makes the knife the 1 ijr.**MiriniT'iT"itToT-nn«er? HinuMTs.ii rv 11, re I lirns^TFIe'Tl^'T^sT^ilIK ami hefls it. The worst en.se of PII.ES will t»e relieved in Ten Minutes- •Sen'l lis l>y niHilf One Dollar an»1 we wlU mail you a ho'x; after vixhijr Irilf of it, if it fill!* t, > answer the i-eronimen'liition, return the other half, hy mail, and your dollar will be letiirned nt once. No one «vith Keelal Tront>les thou lit lie with out the RHCTAI. KKMKDY, flOl SKllOT.I) SPKCIALTT ^O.. AgentS for the (T. S., ('im-njto. BOERHAAVE'S! KIDNEY CURE. ' • • ' i • i •£ '. '.' ^ ' •' 1'J •1.00 A BOTTI.R. ! to •'Itviithls l>i^eac ""'Ifty Yea-s upward®" wel'IniM '"tifr|«>*'in t H'-c rm-ioiiB K miiTiWw! :ixu\ 'Vvin-irv |>imnrli-ine® •nvT^Toii •) mnin t ion of tt,,."" ftiT^.lTr. mTnfliMI- Ir will eo«t One Hot fl ri TTIT li At Cost FOR JACOB BONSLETT, Opposite Perry A Martin's Store, ]>IcHenry. - Illinois liir, »ent l»v mail, to try a bottle Of "BOERHAAVE'S KIDNEY CURE '1 Relief After using half is warranted in ever* the bottle, it you tliink it is i ot adapted to your Dasi-ane, msiil to us the half which IS loft, in the original jmek^^e and your monev will he returned at once. It ban done wonders durtna; more than llfty years of UHe, IioiiKie, Catheter, and Byrinjre ire di<iearde<l ns harsh and useless. TK^ HOKUM AAVK'S KJOXKY CURE. IIOU8EHOI.fi SPKOtALTY no.. Agent* for the U. 8. * .. Chicago. EX-SOLBIERS, •nd their HEIRS HhnttId nil send for sanude eopv of that won derful paper the World antt Soldier, published at \Vii.iliiii!iton, l>. (;. It contains Storie.s of Lite War, Cump I.ife, scenes from the Battle If'ield, and a lliourtand thlnRS, ot interest tri our couutrv's defenders. It U the Kreat soldiers' paper. It eont»ins all the laws and instruc tions relating to Pensioe# and Bounties fi»r soldiers and their heir#. livery ex-soldier should enroll his name under the World and Holdier banner at one.e K»Kht paxes, forty columns, weekly. il.00aye«r. An tuple free. Address, W«»UI,D AND SOLDIER, Box 588, Washington, D. C. •» Haviuff sold his building, will <>We out his entire stock ot'fur niture at cost, from now until May 1st. His stock in full and com plete, and rare inducements will he ofiered to those wishing to buy Furniture. - Anything from a common Chair to the fiftest Pfti^tbr Set can be tound at tfii« store, and of the best make and finish tobe found in he maikct. Wo iuvitt all »ur friend,, to BONSLETT. McHenry, Mai*ch 15th, 1882. S. W. BKSLBY, tocHetiry. III., t). B. Maini, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, \Vo«Mistook, III., and (i. E. Dickinson! Nunda, III., sell the reliable and pure medicines called f DR. KALCKHOFF S MEDICINAL CAMMEL8 C^iONTATX oulr Yacetable Estrsets, combined wl'h different aromatic «P'ce«, tamarind?, fift. ^ DruncR an raiocolatTforminff agieenhle, mild, safe aud pure raedieloee. Ther are M Plearaat to take as tho fluent confection, and tltreforcUke > to take as tho flue different nam'8 to secnr* healing effects. bnt formulas for the different kinds have been used estunsively for many yeani wo5'^,.^T fo'^llXK far the various dis uses they arc r-commcnded for. the old of improved machinery, under the Biipervi8i.on of a regular innese a!o;ui crcatss a good demaud, as each box contains 20 Caramels wwu), tne pfM* Their cheapueso .. per box being frosa^to SO cents. We maution cattartic OUWBtli. patio'n, Headache, Indlge.Uom DUordered ^wm^. «c. I KALCKHOFF'S flOli CARAMELS Effectually destroy^all chalu. broad, round, spring, tape, r~" dren delight to take (hem. PJSStoMJWK Consumption, etc. _ Price 23c.. per box. Am a certain care and Asthma, lirouchitis. Price '&c. per box. SMALL POX. awirlet Fever and DiphtherU prevented ami cin e:I by the use ot BROMO-CULOMRA. Used In llo.spitftis of New York, lloston, Pliil»<ielphla, Baltimore, Washington,i Chica go. New Oi leans, and other cities, r«tienti> »>bonld be «i»onyed with It, »cwi- in* t<» i.liroi-in.i>e. several li »es a <l«y. Tlie vifiii. of the (ii«eHse is by thte means neutral. i*e«t, «n<t vontaglou prevented; pitmarks are *l»o prevented. One lx»ttle diluted with wa. ter w ill make twelve pints of proper strength for use. PRICE, 00 CENTS I*EP BOTTLE. Seld by *li *«•»«• tnr a Pamphlet ' . ttlAtaertjr Street, Keir Yot* HKS. WM. TIDHAR8H, Fashionable MILLINER * ' ' ' ' AXD DRES8MAKEII, *AVCONt>A I- - ILLINOIS Invites the ladles of Wevoonda and sur- r>nndinf( towns to call, see her goods and learn her prices. Mrs. Tidmarsh has alsrays on hand a fit! line of goods, including millinery aud trlin ming goods. pMUerns. liotta Butteriok'e and Deinorent's. A lull line on hand. • r»n »i>4 gi?»htr».-. jmni • UHA IM| ne . /;* " " • T W V.-'-", V> .J'.; I 'Y; ^ ' 4 etrtftin cute ole»g.vmc« oat them »<• --W-- Aojld S be ,«h. KSFIAIS; Dongli C»u&e>«. medl- seases. Por°further'^'rticnVors, ask yetir draeidst for a circular. r Price 60c. per box. F^Watcrbrnfh, Pn^Vomit|^ Price 50c. per box. ...nu iu ^re a iseases. Price 60c. per box. OR KALGKHCFF'S NERVE CARAMELS Are a certain care for all Nervous and sexnal Diseases, Nervous and genial De bility, Sleeplessness, e t c. Price tSOc. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE. Bt KilckhoiTs Coram 1« are packed, each twenty ta a wnie'rnroof wrapper. Er»rh Caramel has on one side stamped the (dsnstare of A. P. Iv lcl:hoff. M. ])., and on the other •Idatnennmeof the C iramel. These Caramels are for sale Sr all drng dMs and p: tent medicinn daalors. If your drug-st does not keep th<-m «-tid the ret nil price to Um «aas> ctun-r*. and they will forward {ha same by matt toe «f eharK« to anv addr-ss ihrous;hoat the. Unlted States. GI¥EN To all druggists and dealers In patent medicines, SR©sla pn'fe;« "i Or. Kalc'.ihoff's Caramels aru piven away. Evervbody can obtain a saiaple piekase freo of char ;e applying to yonr drng^t rr b / m r'.tinjf t« tho manti'ac- tnrers and enclcsiti? a three c -iit postasre st-sHip, Druggist* HM1 dealers WLL' nt<'T«e write f »r Clreul> WW CARAMEL Cv., urevs nud -cle rronrietoi ail Llrer MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO., Kanufac urur# itud -de rronrietbft. mi . A> .; Vi &