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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1882, p. 4

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. <*? , -.y. - 'y m": •AY, APRlf, », 1882. iSktitor. V * ; ¥' ! rii rentiers « of th* "leading (f) mar look out for the an- ^nunwm^ntof the Sowr.lm-«M.hgl«»n»on for <3ongre«, in ft# column* • wi»ek. Gard sar* tjif yJmv« hung . rf*nto hf# e®*t t*lls for the past six '•*&*** 10 tio at lust !fp» rMuctanUto 4o It r#i, what $aer! «<*! m . • ' . J' ' • : «< 'Kyniitrfct Attorney CorkhHI ha* k notiflcHtkHi from Gnlltnu * *lhat JtM»r|le hts portiis*!, not ScovHle; \Mfrtfl fronr ScoVllle tliat ».«? will b<» <ii«4y»lo aryu« rh»» mw in batto by Hie middle of Mfsy. The" Diet Net Attorney difficulty thm present*1*! by liDftOQ RC) ti£ that whoever I* present In M ©winae! n hsn |jip Js^c.|?|ed be recognised. , . *' •• >tavi*et the erf<1lt t»r as«lsrnert to ^•hitWir partfr It may rightfully be- the American people am satis- fled that we hare the bent- wrrency '"•ystere ever derlsed. Politician* may < oake war upon Greenback*, national ^Mnk notes and national bank*, but the ' people will not 3°'*» in the war. Thar* Is no denying or doubting: the that the people are overwhelm- i In favor of the preseht 'system, ami any factions opposition to nation* •1 banks will not meet with favor ftrnonf intelligent men In either of the •jjfrtlee. t ;:|HTThe Ford brother*, w!io"»- aa*a**T- ' "lilted Jes»e James, underwent what VMild have been a rattier exciting ex> patience had they not known, a« prob­ ably they did know, what was to be ||ie final apeiiot of the matter. At soon they were indicted by the grand • Jury for murder In the first degree; an ^nur later tli«y appeared' in eourt. fleaded guilty snd were sentenced to lis hanged; and then came the healing italm in the shape of an unconditional garden frem the Governor of Missouri. The report that the killing of James a put up job between the Governor nljpd'the Ford boys thus receives what If ill generally be accepted as corrobo- •8T?*ew York held a rottslng old Mass meeting last week to protest «faiti«t the imprisonment of Americans is Ireland by English authorities. ;Bpeoeliet were made by Major Grace, 8. S. Cox, Senator Jones, and letters •f tfnpatliy were read from David Da< irts Mid otlitfr eminent men. The reso­ lutions declared tliat "the sycophantic Itsrtsg of James R. Lowell our Minis* Wr at the Ourt of St. Jame's, joined #)t)i his supercilious replies to the ap- tale of our unlawfully imprisoned fel-iMeltiseas. has bern viewed by us <*rttb.4Biagled feelings of dtdfast and lsd||attiea.n In a May or two after §M Imprisoned Americans were relea*- #1, but whether as a result of the meat* lag or of previous action by onr minis­ ter or both baa not yet been MitrttliH •e<L '; * P* :yf: •:* m sT'" i" •f!; * ^Wln the Elgin Envoy of a late -^tt, we Hod the following, which, laying aside what it says about our- eelf personally, goes to show what outsiders who are unprejudiced, think the rickety old Sentinel'. k: We have watched with considerable iillorsst the war of words which has boen waging lately between certain of tbo "'leading'1 papers of Mcllenry Co. last attack was one made on the 4th last, by the Woodstock Sentinel, wherein It fires at the McHenrv JPfcAllTDEAiiEii a something which it «*!{flent!y mistook for a cruHher. but iQik* proved to be a hollow bubble. Tw Sentinel says that Jay Van Slyke. tae present editor of the I* LA IN DEALER. was "kicked out of and compelled to IsiM the Sentinel office." This is father a reflection upon itself, iuas- •a Mr. Van Slyke is editing a . vastly superior to the Sentinel. looks as though the Woodstock flfit was compelled to let him go •a4supply the vacancy with a man of lmnbtlUy. Had tile Sentinel retained Mr. Tan Slyke, that paper might ?tand ^-diy whera the PLAINukalum. does *in the foremost rauk. "The leading *»ader.n newspapera tn 188X. \ | Tho American Newspaper Directory #htch will be Issued next month by 4$ao. P. Bowoll & Co„ will contain the V*ames of 10AH periodicals In the tTnlted States and Territories, which Is a gain of 344 in the year just passed. |'h« number of daily papers has In-' I^Med tn a somewhat larger propor­ tion, and is now represented by 998, •gainst 921 in 1881. The largest in- 4r*m has been in New York--10 |aiii«s.29of all sorti. Illinois and ili&seurl show a percentage of gain which is aveu greater, while Colorado leads all otiienln the percentage of tncrease, both of dally iml weekly ssues. California. Nevada, Nebraska. |>regoii. South Carolina, Tennessee, 0«WfaOnt, and West Virginia, have •jpiMl^n behind 1881 in the total number *f periodicals issued. In Georgia, iMaine and Massachusetts the suspen­ sions have exactly counterbalanced the ventures. In every State not nwntioneil above and in the Terri- there has been an Increaiji^ ^ 'Betty and theThi^r. v P«opl« are reading with much Sfc l»Ures* tiie varying opinions coneern- fiorgeaiit Mason and his sentence of '"iprisounieiit. A Philadelphia corre­ spondent visited the Sergeant's wife. ^Istty." and her baby, and found thew *£ 4 In need of money. When this fact wag known hundreds of contributions were showered upou the familr, and tii? people seem t<? he interested in their ^, welfare. 8. BKAINAUD S SONS, Cleve­ land, have just isfiued a pretty Kong.en- T s - titled "Betty and the Baby," It is bav­ in ; a iarye side, Th* melody and w«r«l» are geod--in laot it is worthy of a place IN your musical portfolio. Send iV tut It. Price 35 cents. "7~ - 1 i __>• -... *•* " n ?" TT", ' sttiiit isllj m*inl«st w®»]fe with another batch low, lyfnjr pewonalltles, and llkis hiany other* of like Ilk think, that by. crying "stop thief** to divert th« rfufentlou of the luihllc frow their own dirty acts. But this we do nbt propone to allow them to do. and If this office-Brokerage jffing AhiltK, as they said last week, that we are getting rired, they will fl«d out tWelr mixtake before the summer is oht. And If "they desire to make it so extremely **interestingM for «« as they claim, they will know where to ftiid «»s every day In the week. Snndays not ex­ cepted. "Nor one cent for trlbn^e," Is our motto in their esse, find the threats of the entir#*£!ing, from Gard to the liigheet "war horse" among them, will not. deter us from our duty of showing to the people '"hat a despicable set of oIKce-hroker* they liave in their midst Personal ionrnaltsm we despise, and hitve not and shall not use It, only in self-defense. But what we have said in that line are Arzrd, solid fadts, and are known to be such by a large majority of the peopln in the county. Cornered at every (toint. convicted of buying and selling the offices of the county, and through the aid of the "old snoop;" Beverage, keeping a Democrat to rep-; resent McHenry county In the Custom Honse in Chicago--we say convicted of all this, the Sentinel, thinking to divert attention from themselvep. commences a low. lying personal attack upon us and others. But it will not work. The people are too well acquainted with this gang to be deceived by this thin covering. At this time we have neither rlie time nor space to follow their personal slurs and Insinuations, but shall speak of them at no distant day as they de­ serve. Bnt they make a remark in rela­ tion to a paper in our possession which we cannot let go by unnoticed. Her* is what they say: - a The reputation of L. H Jones fot truth and veracity has, of late, bceu very seriously impaired, In obtaining by false representations, the signature, of the county ofticOfis. and olht*nv, to a pa|>er. and tti3u using SKid pa(>er and contents in a manner and sense never intended by the signers, all of which tliey promptly repiuiitated when found out. The Editor of the PLAINI»KALKK was also a party iu the trick. 'The statements of tli« above named gentle­ men are not of much Value at present in this community. The above is sfuipiy « Sentinel lie. Now here are the facts: At the time this office brokerage business flrn be­ came known, Gard Southworth, to bolster up his old siuut mill, reported in Chicago that the PLAINUBALER was not a Kepubllcau paper aud Its editor not a Kepublican, hoping thereby to thus early kill anything we might have to say agaiust his pet appointmeut. To show what a despicable liar this tail end of the office-brokerage gang was, we procured the following paper, signed by the county officers aud oth­ ers: lb whom U may concern.- cheerfully btMtu iliat we are iiutrons ot ami acquHinttil with, the otauuiug of the "UCillSNKV- PLAINDBALKK," It lt«pii UllCttn n«vrt)|<a(ier, |>ubti«iie<i in tile Village.ot Alc- Heur;-, iu enu; Conuty. Ttiere Uituca 8:u<iutv of a ii(y 11 Ot l>ui ilutt it is a rtepuultc-tn liewn- pit per cieur tnrun>;li. and xi»o ublv eUitea au«i WM» * good circulation. ' ; February 7ih, jst)i. "' '• 'P E. E. lticHARiid. Clerk Circuit Court, ; P. WHITNEY, Clerk.Coauty Court. ' " y M. C'HCKCU, Sheriff. H. N sMi rn, Oouuty Judge. Tv»Hi . JTOTIKNK & GN,MOKE, Atwroeysf-^'#'S M. L. UOBLVN, Aitoruey. Man, County Xraasurerii'.'^i^'>4;'*"! A. T. BALDWIN, M. i>. •,,•4$ lRA K. Ut'KTi», States Attorney, a-^ ' This paper wuut used for noDti^r pitr- pose than what it states on Its tace( and we now*ay if there is any man whose name appears thereon who re­ pudiate* it, we will cheerfully present hiui the paper and allow him to scratch his name therefrom. The only trick we know of in this connection, was attempted by Gard Southworth, when lie tried to make people believe that the Sentinel was the "leading" an J only iicpublican paper, iu McHeury County. As regards the "leading" part, had lie shown theui a copy they would have known lie lied without prool. Aud as regards Rspubiicauisui. great God, where does "It btgirt? yVhen guts instead of brains make the qualification,Gaid will have his share. We do not wish this slimy gaug to think that we have got through with them, bysjuiy ineaits, for we have uot. ll, as they tay.they intend to "bring us up with a round turn," we Shall he with-tlietu to tlie hitter end. In our next chapter we propose to compare reputations witi Oard South worth and his jjaiig, from a Woodstock "Siiind- poiut. We may not, as he' says, have any reputation to lose, but we Shaill^ see. **Not one cent for tribute^* ^ 'jg?^Tr** I •J. | . IS • 9Sf Someone has sent us a copy of the New Albany, Ind., Ledger, iu which we lind tin; lolipwing marked, to partic­ ularly attract our attention. We give It iu full as It maybe ol interest to some of &ur readers. , "W-."" -.y„', 4 :i THE COBB EiTAT^, ^ The Cobb estate, said to %• n very- large one, is in England, This «»tate is represei^ted. as to the Cobb heirs, by Mr. (^eorge B. CurdwilL a well known young lawyer of New Albany, who will l^ive the matter diligent and iinmedi- ate attention. Mr, Cardwill is nofw trying to And the heir*" of Whitman Cobb*, who form*re­ lived ill Cfizenovia, New York, anil afterwards in McHeury county,Illinois. He and William Cobb, who Jived iu Cook county, Illinois, in 1838. are sup­ posed to be the heirs. The preneut residence of the heirs -- or most of them -- is qiikuown. but Mr. C'ardwill will do all thiit may be done to discover ther whereabouts. It is believed it the heirs can he found there will be no difficulty in es­ tablishing their claims to the estate. The exact value of the estate is not known, but ^t is very large and weli worth an extraordinary effort te re cover. Mr. Cardwlll Is In communica­ tion with able lawyer* in Kngland, so that when the heirs of Whiteman and William Cobb are discovered and their i jentity it-caiiy established, there will be little difficulty" in the way of secur­ ing the fortune to which ..they are en­ titled. The newspper'»< -War In McVTeni^ County continues, regret to note that the Woods tocic Sentinel fan flhd nobler Vine of defense for Its do.nothlrtfc course than the descent to |w?tty p#iF«onalIties and abuse of tthe editor of the McTf^nry PLAiKtikALKR. In doing so however the former jour­ nal took its weakest ground, as Mr. Van Slyke has a dozen points to Its one on that very Hn«* of argument ff). In last, week's Is^ue' the PLAIVDKALER ; gives the Sentinel editor some pretty hard rubs, and, as we happen to vknoUf, has more and harder ones In atfcre. The least said in that l!ne by the Sen­ tinel, the better for It and Us publish­ er. |n taking to personalities, however, the Sentinel only follow* In the foot­ steps of Its patron saint the Elgin Advocate* ^7»r some reasonfe best known to Its editors, the latter paper Irtis conceived a strong dislike to our present member of Congress. % If the Advocate has ever advanced a single clearly defined, open, logical argument against Mr. 3her\y?n's re-nomination we haye failed, to discover It. Its col­ umns ere loaded with low personal flings at him every week--that are far beneath legitimate jburhaiism--and with quotations of personal abuse of the Congressman frpm every demo­ cratic paper in ,the district. It has been presumed that the Advocate failed to manipulate Mr. Sherwln as it desired, but that sheet has never ac­ knowledged or denied ihe truth of it. Perhaps it is jealous of its cotempc«rary editor In the race for the postmast'er- shif*. At any rate, those who are able to read between the lines can see that great pains are taken to avoid the real animus, and--as usual with baseless and II leg leal positions--the only re­ course is to personalities. If the Ad­ vocate is dissatisfied with our con­ gressman's official record, let us have some manly, straightforward argu­ ments or statements of facts in regard to the matter. If he was guilty of wronsr practices In dividing the spoils ol4office, let us who are outside of Elgin hear who was misused aad all the facts In the matter. At any rate do not longer play the boy, or give us any more "you're another's," that are every day-ralslu^; the object in. che es­ timation of fair, winded, thi nking peo­ ple. V If an editor is too Ignorant *or^man­ age his own paper,-tliat'is his misfor­ tune. If lie Is too lazy, that is his own affair. If hjs paper does> not suit ypu, take exceptions to its course, and give your grounds of dissents This has nothing to do with the man as a gen­ tleman and does not prohibit „jrpu'r friendly social grasp of bU hand, Jiext day. . All men havs their foibles, and ed­ itors are no exception to the rule, w.very man makes mistakes and coirt- mits sins, bnt it dpesi not strengthen your argutneut against either his pol­ itics or religion >to twit hUn of them, i seems now pretty evident that the Fifth Congressional District will be composed of the following comities: «... , , .ton.' • McHenry...2t,SuS Jionne w 11.508 "DeKalb 26,788 Kane ,M,9a» Rap. Vote •8a 2,83* 3,MB i£.(i38 4. l-2t 6,180 P V( TOtttl'#.. 129.429 13,724 em, ote *80. 1,7W» 321 1,678 2,831 8,023 Kf-K 7 4 •' t ' 1 JO 4 .0* 21* Republican majority in dist't Ot719. From the foregoing table persons can figure out almost any point they desire to post themselves upon. The assign­ ment of delegates is upon the same basis as that usei by the Republican committee in 1880, i. e.. a delegate to every 400 Republican votes .and for each remaining fraction of 200 -or •oyer. While it Is not at all pfoba.ble that the Democrats will, adopt that basis, the figures above show, the relative strength of the several eountles in both Democrats and Republican conven­ tions, Our district ought to embrace DuPage cpunty. and even then weuld have only a population of 148.590, but It is not likely that DuPage will be counted in with us. From tlie above figures It will be seen thstt.fn a Re pub llcan Co|weutlon Kane and beitalb'or Kane and McHenry could control. A vote of twenty-four gives n majority, and Kane and McHenry together give exactly that. In order to effect any. other controlling would necessitate the union of at least three counties. In the Democratic convention Kane Is even more supreme than in the Republican convention.--Elgin Envoy. A dispatch says prairie fires are raging over portions of Kansas.. When they got through the floods.the drouth and the grasshoppers alive, we all hoped tha*, there was no other calam­ ity which could befall Kftnsa*,' /but It seems now she has got to burn. In about ten days subscriptions will be asked for to keep the burned out set­ tlers of Kansas from starving, and we shall chip in op north here as- readily us we have before on account of the other calamities. If Kansas could skin through one year without taking up a collect Ion. It'would encourage emigra­ tion to that State.-- There Is more truth than poetry In the above. It seems as though not only>Kan*«t>i bnt the western country generally, Is afflicted with one thing or another ei'cry svaton; while In the south epidemics and floods are the trouble. After all this Is about as good ^.ueek ot wood* to inhabit as we know of.--Elgin Envoy. •: 1 Call and look oyer ^liB/JliHi «r l^rriages Bt.K^M; Qwen ; ifcr;^* • • vviM r armers^ Look - Herel f-m-w: 3^ .'J : I. . - V •• ' • • T _ • . • H ( .. • i '-TO Iranifirstc?n«# "w»%Vkioi:]^ of that yo« ffet the benefit of it? We know of some denlora that buy so much t^at they claim to sell low, bnt you get all their precee ana then come to tit and wiH mil you the samc gt»od# cheaper jblian any o^ier dealer. . ^ : , ,s <m*We have just received tlie finest car of ; 1 • CAKRIAGES, ALL That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to as the ̂ finish beats them all. - A Warantee of our own fq| • oue ,yr. ' <i', RIVERSIDE BLOCK. ..'f ; t • ^ Invitei an exaininatioti of his immetiiie gtoek dit%' },TA^ ̂ DressGcxxli with each carriage. call* .year •war-* n nicn are •'•kytfy L'LÂ T EBS, -•/it t'. " We have sixdifferent kinds. 'Araoosr them kr<? t)iree ,different KeyBtone Planters, Standard, Union and John Deerer ali or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, 4 Mm< • ••• 1 •* f V. , (vSI ^ . CORN OULTIVATOHA •; have eiwht ^kinds'. Amonsr them yott trill, fin^ ebratec Bertrand A ^amesc, • Stan^ard^ ^tieK#.' Call before buying. Warranted to suit. > , N » Of MI^i^EAPOLIS SELF-BINDER ' i. wfere4 at verJ ̂ ow prices. I have the largest sortmentofRJEApr MADE CLOTHING ever shown in McHen, which will be sold very cheap for cash. In Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, my stocl^ jw complete and arq confident I can save you mouey on these jsroodft. Paints, Oilj Drugs and Med^cnies, Crockery, G'ass ware. Wooden and Wiilo« ware, and the largest stock of Groceries to b$ foniid in Me Hen r* Pr.™a Mgood goods. Call and be convinced. » e 10 8no1 I. LsJ. ,} ififj If ou look e have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder it over yon will find it has more improvements than any Bintler out. Notfcing to be feared from McCormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers W3 have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Hoice Reaper, Richmond Mpwer and the Peerless.i! • " Of Hay Racks we have five--the .pele^rated Tiger." Kew Hoi lingsworth, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell.and Mishwaukeee, and jor an iron pump the well known Trakem aud Buckeye, i-an al­ ways repair or put them down any depth. *t #' . ow • in, the attention of Judicioui Gash Buyers w ; • -V »•(,; <v .itif'iir h'~, t ««• f,ii .< E. M. OWEN & SON. a (> MOXAOHAX--A.t Wancon'ia, April 16th, of convulsions, Willio, youngest child of James Jr. and Nellie MonaKhan, aged t yen», 5 months aad 4 days. df . ®re sin could bliffht or sorrow fade Death came wiiij friendly care, Thfe opening bud to Heaven conveyed,, ^nd bade it blossom there. T. Af. A. P. GRAY Urged by an irresistible desire to do good to the community in general and the subscriber in part ticular, a few weeks ago a large and miscellaneous assortment of musical instruments was sent to the t'fW aucoii<la>; moe STORE, BOOK S' ieP. AND FANCY GROCERIES, , j CROCKERY, SLCmt*"• f i ^ J n ' t h ' . : : . • ; / » : ! . ' i > AND •:.* • Always Aheacl« SPRIN6 CAMPAIGN OPENED Ji .'i -AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, A N D : . i - BLACKSMITH «HOP, RICHMOND, ILL. I sell every Implement, Tool or MneblBet (V f a r r a w r w a n t s . P L A T F O U M S P R I N G , D R . LIVERY AND FARM WAUONTS, TOP AND OPSN BUGGIES, Prices reasonable, goods| Musical: r Emporitar. reliable ̂ margin will satisfy us. Call in. Slitter and eggs want- ea. One, two and three seated, ffom bmtei! manufactory of J. W. Bet F.reeport. the cele- JHfenry & Co., Blaeks^ithing, Painttxiig- " and Repairing Done In a woVkmanlike manner and war- ranted. From the lahre variety of Farm Machinerv manufactured, we select tliat best U'UmtC't for this section, and upon the BEST TEitMS THAT CASH (5AN P&RCllASB, which en­ ables 113 to supply our pMtrons with just whnt they wnnt, and at lower prices than anv otuer concern -northwest of Chicago. Call and make examination for yourselves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery you may nee1 the coining season, and yon will Hud the best and most Complete line of Farm, Machinery ever before offered In Mcllenry Co Remember that we offer the VBttf &KST MAOHIXBRY at the lT«RY I.OWE3T PKICK that Cash can produce1 anywhere. ttv, A. P. Oh A F, . Richmond, III, 1 USE me To get mure vliable clothing, Or more stylish clothing, ( tlj* better lit ling clothing, •> Or larger 'iMovtment lo choose from, 4 Or#%i«od,value for vour inotiey, ^jllifn is offered -i !.»p = ^w *^STOIRT> TIFK HKI-T \BT,R TAIT.OK, RAVKORD THR RK1.IAIU.K TAII.OIT. SANFOLTD THE RKLIAR1.K TAILOR, WOODSTOCK, II.LINO IS. - « WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS^ -I WOOOHTOCK, ILLINOIS. The humble efforts to theet the demands of the darling public was appreciated and the supply was speedily reduced. A new supply of accordeons, harmon­ icas, and violins has, therefore, just been purchased, makinar the stock ui)usually full. It com­ prises accordeons from 95 cents to $9.50, a larvae assortment of Violins and Violin Fixtures, Banjos, Guitars, Drum*. Flageo­ lets, Flutes, PiccoU/s, Bones, Harmonicas, Jews Harps, &c. Also Violin Boxes, Music Folios, Music ases, Instruction Books and S|IEKT VI J U, V100 copies of w hich have just been received, and will be sold for FIVE KNT 8 EA.H. These last two hiptnents of ffoods were pur­ chased at bargains, and therefore can be, and are, offered very all and be convinced. ^ r. B. HARRISON. TAKE NOTICE. ALLvethatnre in want of Tubs in any form, from one bushel to 500; if you want a Tub made to a bunir-hole, bring it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we san agree. Hhop work of nil kinds done to order 011 short no- tice. ' P. A. HEBARD, : ; IWCHEWRY, tn. JOHNSBURCH , $ ̂ •* wf, Ji. Tiiur\ - • fxtzsimmoits <& bvAnson GOLD AND SILVER , 'ixp • &?. i')1 f > ' » ^ ® i4 « « *" lV t 5%^' .»* 4"*' ^ "K*'I0 ' f'X ' A Rich and ban dso&e Cabinet comprising all the different varie­ ties of Minerals produced' in the Rocky Mountains of Colorable . ^ Specimens of Gold, Silver and Copper Ore, also Lead Zinc, na, Spar, Rose and Rainbow Quartz, Wood Transformations, 1 ' ' A , properiy ill be sent ena Tae above Collection, enclosed in a neat case, properly labeled and <Hvinfffhe name and value of each specimen, will be sent to any ad dress oii receipt'of TWO t)OLLARf>! ($2). ^ Larger Cabinets made to order varying in price trom $5 to $500." ; I COLORADO MumMAL SPECIMEN CO.. < ^v^Lock Box, J, « IDAHO SPRINGS# ? • COLORADOw;...1 ©ISO. W. Xewwp, Prertdeal! > M > \ , L. CR08B0N, Tieasnror. A. BEN IVDICT, Secretary. Grateful to lnvalf#». Floreston <J«lojrne l» grateful to In­ valids hceauee it iit refreshing- without the sickening eftect of most pe if utiles. Millions Given Away, Millions of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ft«d Colds. SiiiTc lieen given away a* Trial Bottle* of the Inrg* *!««. This enormous outlay would bo rU*aMti^u« to the proprietors, were It not fl>r tlj<( rare merits powered by this wonder­ ful medicine. Call at any Drug Store ai»d jjet a trial bottle jree, and trjr for WttikmAi,; it.never f*U« to .::.t To Contractors. ttlGtfWAT NOTICE -- PUBLIC L.KTT1MO OF CONTRACT. , "V^oiire is hereby Riven that nealed propos. X^l rtls will be received by tho unci or signed, Ooiniiiifruioners of lligliwuva of the town of McHenry, county of MeH'enry Hi»d Htate of Illinois, until Thurs'tnj, Mi»y 4th, for the buildlnjr of a wooden ltvidne (eftlier pile or inndrill) across tho Fox.river, near the vll. luge of Johnsburgh, three miles north of Me- Henry village; th<it tho same will be let by contrao,-by public letting, to the lowest re- H)K)nsii)l(' biddor, Ht the liourof 10 o'clock H. tn., at the town clerk's office, in the village of McHenry. Said bridge to bo built, entire, ex- ccpt the abutment*, to IKS 470 feet long, lfi feet wi<l«. to be divided into 8|>un* at ploaMtreOf contractor, excopt center xpan, which shall i>e not lesx tiian W feec. Br'dKo in center to be not lesn than W teet hitth from the bed of . the river. t\»r furtlior particulars Inquire of fthe underslgred. The ^'oniniisftiotiers reserve i'W'rlllM) ¥t Mject an v :n>'t all I)id8^. f l . I I . O O V E L I . . > OASTOlt^iOAM^' ISAAC irVltSH, ; * ^mmUsioner* of liigtnrayi. McHenry, III, April 1st, IStfi. IlENHY MILLER, --DKALER IN-- •' • •' • American aai Foreip HarMe. • Monuments, Headstones, ^ BTC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. . * .• ; \y , • 1 l" >\<h fthopTwo miles North of Mc Henry, 111.; . ^ J < h dohn»bnrgh Ang. lOtK 1877 - Ag<>nt« Wanted for 1 shall continue running m.y &aw mill for a few weeks longer. Purtie8 wishing lumber sawed this spring are requested to set their log« to *he mill as «arly'as possiWb. .v, 1, S. SPENCER. ^ imctiim, w^ vifsSSi'.V *•: . . J h 1$" -• OUTLAWS Bt J. w. BUEL. $*The AT(w, Thrilling and Authentic JHiitorjr of the I ive» and Wonderful Adventure* of America's Great Outlaws, The Younger Brothers* Frank and Jesse James, And their band* of highwaymen, down to the present moment, Including 1>KATH OF JESSE J«\M KS, and all the lat« startling and thrilling developments. Kilty Illustrations and I'or- traits, among which are Jesse Jain«s after he whs shot, and 12 line Colored Plate*. Inter- views and letters from Cole Younger. The breaking uj> of the band and revelations of STARTLING SECItETS. The Black flay, the ten ible "lilark Ot*th," and hundreds of other astonishing facts. Most Wonderful and Ex­ citing Book in existence! Outsell* every- thing! New and greatly enlarged edition; new illustrations: 900 wagea; price 11.50. Agents' Canvassing Outfit, floe. IHo«tr«ted Olrcularsand full |>nrticulftrii FREE. Agents, don't lose this arand ODuortnnUv! AaJi . . this gnui't Don't Platter Yourselves, ̂My Friends,1 *. That .you will have all summer in which you can ayiiil yourselves of tl|8 advantages of buying all kinds ot Merchandise at less than VV holesale PriceSy If jou do, you are de<?^ivin5 Jpnrselves, X am Going; Out of Trade, Mkr-yfo i-fW:' • ' Vfti:: V- " • f. • m - • •• ' * • ; ' t J ' And am twpicWy dlowng out my entire stock at ruinously low prices fpt the purpose ot , making a short job of It. %o$ are invited to '• v - Aooept tHe Proflt tJsnatlyi>aid td the merchant ;in every article you purchase of my remairing stock. j^f-I also wish to sell my Stftre and Fixtitres. Also Fix­ tures for Post Office at very low figures. , < f f f : r; . t T., J. DACY. J. PONOTAN. W. CRI1 Ringwood, lll< Corporation Election THE Annual Village JSloctton lageot McHenry for tM Til*' , will be held at the Connclt Room in the ~ Vtllage of McHenry on Tuesday, the ]8Mi Day of April, 1882. at which time the following oflw* WUI M elected: . Three Trustees and one Clerk, Also One Police Magistrate. . _ The Polls of said Election will be open be­ tween 8 and 9 o'clock In the nornlng.and kept open until 7 o'clock in the evening of said 1 H. H. 9IOHOLI Clerk. i T.J. Dacy& Co. It is a lact well" known to the Farmers of McHenry County that whenever they | have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound ot his name has caused them to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that We have always sold goods for less money than the same quality could be bought by many of^ them and they know it. Again we have our, first choice of machinery in the market, and always Aim to ^ keep none but the best* Our present stock consists ot many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag­ ons. (('all and count them.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also pl9ws, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har­ rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a dollar's worth until the> £et our starvation prices. Write for circulars. 1 T, J, DACY & CO., Woodstock* 4H* m - ... .•mBwnwBswmyraMssms' **< taev aa. ,W; -. SHEEP HEN, ^ P© not fall to procure Ihe Shearing - - Chair. E. M- Qwen, N, 8. polby, Ed. ^ Sutton aud many other? who have used them for tagging and trimining '• feet, say It Is the- only complete way to handle sheep, being easy and worth

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