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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1882, p. 5

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W ... :;vf •••^- -/pri'• >- . « > ' Ji'AV MHMW HMH " v~- "••v-WT mtrn "&!•. - f:< •ypr--":- > V- : "̂**l"«j,™Tfbl*- 6e«e M, *l«ieTA tAk#4N«V«H%er ..i *..T«'A. M Geneva MMceiixiraif.... *.. -8:» " •^mh Lake rrlifii..;. .,-v^ I:*!*. « ootpo »omia. »«.« • * « A* M Jjtoneve L*fc« E* press 4.. .4:.«p, x '••fcaeva Uk«|Ptueneer. .«:&» " -' 4k Brss, Asrcnt. McH1 enry, ni !:V 1 tjj| HASOWIC '*.«&>1fKflaRaT CHAPTER KO. S* It --Raga- f *'jfcr Con vocation • held on the tenoad atd fourth t ,JPrifla?B In each, mo neb. /' . . *,X ... SMITHSEANTKS,H.P. >• k ^ « i- ||g;f ;ii' '1 ' 'before the full of the moon and every two 4week« thereafter. * . CH AS. C, OOLBY, Vf. M, „ * f . . 1 - * 'HoOaynr T-ooo*. No. is* \. p. ami A. SR.-- Ttefcolar Communications the Saturflar on or FOR soma unknown reason several of -X:Mfir regular correspondence have failed M jbo reach us this week. \ ;. H-w . * '• " ' " 11 . ;«*.•• .. SEE the new advertisement of.jB. M. "Owe a A Son to be found III another ooiumn. , 1 >' ; "1,". ̂ f* '• • 71 • • •'.">> •"" •»• '*'•* A. L. Howe had the misfortune t<» \ - ifw a valuable young horse on Friday list. Inflammation of the luaige, we believe. Was the cause; . (jPv: „ " ' V. ^ . THE Mheep Shearing Festival will lake place at Woodstock* this week, Wednesday and Thursday. A large turnout Is expected. "THE Chamber of will he ii»e of the attractions shown by Mrs. 2* A % • s4"-iS>'^ u' '-i? 4 |lrt«)r. at Riverside Hall, on Thursday d Friday evenlnfa. De not Ml t« I,??'-" L v min-* fe* ^, ji P; IJBRR will be a Social Party at the de Hall, in tlila village, on Frl- _Owning, May 19th. Mtialcby the Jltne«vl!le Light Guard Band. Further (l^rticulars hereafter. F. A. HKBARD has commenced the Mjj|(»r|c of putting a new fence around the rt *t»ldence property of Hi 11 ton Wheeler, " -I* tills village. It will much Improve Its appearance.,+ /W*: CovKti Mid hi* heavy' firm! " ranm on>londay for three hundred! Vjollar^I We did not learn who the pur- jcliaser was. They were shipped from] at .Cdflt station on Tuesday. . t i ' u P . F s n o u s o M a d v e r t U e a a r . a u c t i o n »f a cirload of cows. at. Algouqulu. chi •pr-v Saturday next, the 29th. J. A. Sher- #ood wlH be «pokc«aiiMi for tlie occa* trifcon.^ . l you decided to go and see Mh». Jarley on Thursday and Friday even- lng«. If not y«»n should (lo so at once. ^ will be one on tlie rldhent treats " oyer given In Riverside Hall. ^NOTICE.--The Woman's Foreign Mia- !|^i»nary Society of Ringwood will meet with Mrs. ^ H, Walker. Tuesday, May .$$, from 2 until 6 o'clock p. m. ^ ~ »T OBDEtUrPEEeUfeKT. THR front of the post office and E. M. Owen & Son's warehouse have each ived a new coat of paint, whidi is tainly an improvement and makes ^^ i#a think tiiat spring is surely coming. Mfl '.^p' --' "•1 ?-- 1 A RKGCLAR Convocation of McHenry w -ifehapter, No. 34 R. A. Masons, will be held on Friday evening of -this week, I® April 28th. Every member is earnestly reqne&led to be present. By order of t r^' :MR8. S. SEARLES, having returned f the city, her stock of Millinery, Collars. Laces, Dolmant. Mantles, and ,* «H kinds of Fancy Waar Is now 00m- plete. Please call and let n« show you through our store ̂ before you purchase, F WE learn that a Mr. Smith, from l Hainesviile, has leased the new build- | Ing of J.J. Gill^s, and will immediately . loptn therein a Boot and Shoe »bo|. He conies well recommended as a good workman, and We hare no douh$ will ttcelvc a!H>erai patrowa^a^ | HALL At DERBY'S Parlor enteptain- ment, which was at River#!de Hall 011 Friday evening Uk|t. ws« very .poorly attended, and not highly spokjgn of by those who did attond. Had *they had a better htmae Oiey might l^ave done better. a mnmmmn. . . . . I • J. I. STORY and Thos. Knox arer mov­ ing their barns, which have heretofore stood .dose to the street, Setting tliem back, improving not only their own premises but the whole street. T^iis is an improvement that has long theen needed in that section, and we ar+glad uM Me It commenced. WHILE winter is lingering selfishly |«f the lap of spring, it ia aggrwvltin^ to learn that more than a fortnight ago ia England the fields were brilliant with daflodils, and the gardens rich In violets and pansies; that honeysuckles Were in full leaf in the hedgegrows and plum trees everywhere In blossom. THE new members of the Board of Trustees were sworn in on Monday •teuing last, and tlie Board was organ­ ised by eleeting Antony Wefter Presi- id»iit for the coming yearly They will probably mth at an earlvday and fix tlie license for this year, appoint a 8tr*at Commissioner and Mfrshal, aud other necessary bus!new. * t the Iffe of a paper ia Hi advar- tlaements, we refer to our ooluatna as evidence of success in that direction, #ad every advertisement is Inserted by authority--no ruin, claptrap bait to troll advertisers. We have never so- Jioited an advertisement unless we were certain it would' pay lus ndver* tiMir, and we Invariably state that wliou W* soliolt-*rif not to our mutual benefit we do not want It. Our circulation it steadily oti the Increase, and stands to- second to none tit the county, and WhlN we offer 110 f*retuiuu>s, shall in fhe future, as in the past give our pat* rons the worth of, their money iualive local newspaper. Send in yonr feub- suribtien3 and tdvettlsing for the h t {-" - - ?r r » • - ' . #3 i ' Pr.ttSOSAL.' ;;' JAXKS BOBBINS, J».« of the SIkhorn Independent, made the P^UXDkun *' pleasant call on Monday. KOBT. ScoTT.aoa of Prof.'R. D. Scott, la spending a few days with friends hare. . > ' * • GEX. DUSTIN, Gen. E. F. Dntton end R. Eli wood, of Sycamore, I»eKalb Co., were callers at this office on Thursday last. They were looking up the inte­ rests of Mr. Ellwood as a Congressional candidate. MRS. JARLKT will arrive at Rivera!de Hall on Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. She will be accompanied by Capt. Kid, Jack Spratt and other celebrities. DR. F. J. CROSS started for Ms new home In Wisconsin, on Thursday last. CHAS. GOING went to Chicago on Monday, where ha will remain during the summer. ' • A A, MARTIH, of,tl»e firm of Perry A Martin, accompanied by his wife, start­ ed for themines in Colorado, 011 Thurs­ day last. We understand he expects to b« gone about six months. JOHN LTIMM, JR., of Algonquin, was on our streets 011 Monday. r DR. BRADBECK, of Indiana, a'gradu­ ate of tlie Indianapolis Medical School, has been tlie guest of H. H.Nichols, the past few days. He Is looking up a lo­ cation to practice his profession: Miss NELLIE MORRISON of Paxton, III., is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Stocket , in this village. MRS. OSTRANDER lias been danger­ ously ill the past wepk, but at the time of writing Is reported better., She Is under the care of Dr. Howard. *Av exchange says. In washing dishes use milk instead of soap. Fill a dish- pan full of hot water aud add a half a cup of milk. It ftoftena tlie hardest water, gives the dishes a clear bright look, and. preserves hauds from the roSigh skin or chapping which comes from using soap.^ It cleans the greas­ iest dishes without leaviug the water with a scum. E learn that the"new* Bride Yard of which we spoke some weeks Muc<* Is a fixed fact, aud that work will be commenced in a short time. ISAAC Weutworth. one of tlie best Brick Matt­ ers in {he Northwest, will have oharge of the works, which fact is a guarentee that the Brick coining from this' yard KJVIII have no superior-, As soon as they commence operations we wlll£iv« full particulars. ; WE would call the attention of our readers, and especially the farmers, to the notice elsewhere by Fitissimmons A Evanson, wljo are offering for sale 6(H) bushels of potatoes. Just Imported from Scotland. This Is a change that farmers may not get again in a genera­ tion. of securing potatoes for seed di­ rect from Scotland, at the extremely low price of 80 cents per bushel. They art? of tlie choicest variety, and every farmer should avail himself of tl)l$ op­ portunity to secure some for need. WE hj$e had a communication pre­ sented us from Greenwood wit h a re­ quest to publish, which, on account of its personal nature, we were obliged to decline. The writer claimed a right to be heard on the ground of so.nething onr regular correspendent .had said, but we have failed to discover any­ thing to warrant the charge made. <$^one thing people must learn that no threats can induce ns to take up. or allow others to do so through these columns, any neighborhood quarrel. We therefore again give notice, that all 6uch communications will ouly find their way to the waste basket. WE have Inadvertently omitted Jto notice that M. M. Clothier, the "bosi** Pension A{ent. had established an office at the residence of Wm. H. Oowiln, Woodstock, where he can be found every Saturday, ready to attend to ail business of this kind. During his absence Mr. Cewlln, who Is also well ppsted in these matters, will at­ tend to his business. Mr. Olothier. is one- of the most successful pension agents in the United States, as many a soldier who has received his reward through his efforts, will testify. He makes no mistakes and claims put ia his hands are 'pushed through as promptly as the circumstances will admit. Soldiers who have claims to make f]or pensions should not qptolay, but call on Mr. Clothier at onee. - ».WE have received the first number of thfc Original Engtinh Chatterbox from the American publishers, Messrs. Estes •fe Lsurlat, Boston. Mass. Till* is the children's magazine, par excellence; containing 32 pages, and 16 full-page Illustrations each month. It has more than a million readers In Englaud and America. For one dollar sent by a new subscriber, directly to tho pub­ lishers, they will send postpaid. Chat­ terbox for one year and a beautiful steel engraving of a little girl puzzling Over her first sum and entitled " Ought and Carry One." The engraving is 18x24 Inehas. aud sells for 93, thus giv­ ing every new subscribe!- 91 worth for Assessors Take Hot&eefst* The assessors of tlie several towns of McHenry County-will hold their an­ nual meeting at the office of the County Clerk, in Woodstock, Monday, May 1st, 1882, at one o'clock, to re­ ceive their books and blank* and agree on a uniform plan of assessment for the currentj^ear. , ?. WHITMKT, Coquty Clerk, HOUSE TO fcEXT, I have a good house for rent In this village. There is a good barn, Urge garden, and fine orchard fn connection. Further particulars by calling on me, at my store. 1 V, ^ MoReftry. AprilWfc, ttfe. J Don't fail to see the finest twine binder invested at S. M, Owen St MARKirab. WHILE in Marensro, a few days sine*, we had occasion to visit the post office, and could not help but notice the ef­ ficient assistants of Postmaster Adams. Misses Sarah aud Flora Peterson, frem Richmond. These two young ladies are evidently the right persons In the rigiit placet Everything in aud around the office lit in apple-pie order, and the mauner in which the business Is done can be but pleasing to the patrons as well as the Government^ Dr. Adama il certainly fortunate in being able to se­ cure such efficient help. In fatft we heard it repeatedly stated during our short stay, that the Marengo pos.t office had never been run so well as since1 un­ der the care of Dr. Adams. Another thing we noticed while at Marengo, aud that is that they have in the Ryder House one of the best lintels in the county. Mr. §mith, the landlord, spares no pains to please his guests, and when one aits down to his table he is bound to acknowledge that if tlie way to a man's heart Is down his throat Smith will find It every time. The citizens of Marengo have just cause to feel proud of their hotel. During our short;stay w4 Itad the pleasure of taking by the hanrt many acquaintances and friends, among which Pwere Col. Avery, States Attorney Cur­ tis'. Brother Babcotik of th• Republican. Ex-Sheriff Stedman. that spiteful In­ dividual, but prince of story tellers. Hon. A, B. Coon, and last but not least that nervous, exciteable and revenge­ ful individual. Win. Stewart, ex-P. M., "wteh tocrtftiPostmaster." While our greeting by this latter gentleman w« not what we would call flattery, still we left him with the kindest of feeling, smoking one of his.btsst Havannas. with a promise to call again when lie was better natured. This was Our first visit to Marengo for several years, and we can truly say she is not behind her sister towns In improvements of auy kind. The build­ ing boom has started this spring to quite en extent. t- THE following is the programme for the entertainments to be given at Riverside Uall, by Mrs; Jar ley. nu Thursday and Friday evenings of thl* week for th«; benefit of the Cemetery, and which promises to be one of the richest treats of the season. THURSDAY EVENING, , ? 1--Instrunien tal Music, Mies KluiU Waite. 8--Mrs. Jarlcv's Chamber of Be* tit v. * Jj 8--Ouet--Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Baldwin, 4-- Reading--C. H. Morov*. I,1 5-- Music-- I'rof. Trimble and Mis*Owen, 6--Mrs. Jarlev'f> Chamber of Horrors. 7--Solo--Miss Bertha Holii«ter. 8--Reading--Prof. s. D. Hajdwin. : 9--Mis. Jar ley's Chambur of Curiosities.'.' FRIDAY EVENING. f On till*feveiling, iu addition to ex­ hibiting Mrs. Jarley'a Cnriosltlos a* on, the first evenings wfU bto presented the following: 1; Instrumental Musio--JJfss 'EloJse Waltc.3 Duet--Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stevens. Reading-- H- U, Baldwin. Music--Prof. Triintde and Miss Owen. Sonp--s. I»., H. R. and Mrs. Baldwin. " Reading--Miss Kffle Til ton. We hope our citizeiis WlfT 'ttirn out and fill Riverside Hall to Its utmost capacity. The ladies have worked hard to get up t(iIs^ntcrtaiuuiiB|it, and deserve, as they will so doubt receive, a rousing lie tit fit. Wonder TAT Bargalna ta sheet NB«I«. Latest and most populat* Sheet Music, full siae, clean and new, for only two cents per copy. Sond twelve cents in stamps for the first five copies mailed post paid. Sold only in lots of five pieces. This music wonhl cost, at regular rates, from 91.50 to 92.00, Positively the greatest offer ever made. Please state where you saw this notioe. Address all orders lo W. F. Albright. Musitv Dealer aujjLJtfU'b- llsher, Kloomiugton. 111. Death of Jesse James- Tlie death of Jesse James and,the disintegration of his baud of outlaws have aroused a uew interest in this subject; aud the Historical Publisliing Co., of St. Louis, auiioniice a timely uew edition of their famous "Border Outlaws." containing all the late start­ ling developments, a lull account of tiie death of Jesse James,and the fine piece of detective work that led to that re­ sult, with a portrait of the dead outlaw after he was shot. Book agents and the rest of mankind will find tlie advertise­ ment In another column of this paper. EDITOR PLAINDEALBR: -- Some nine young men broke iuto the shop of Mr; Muir, between two days, about the lCth lust., and turned thlugs upside down generally. They are nice young men aud ought to be in better business. But as their moral intellect is small we suppose they think it is a joke, while to us it looks like an insult. To cap the whole they got their genial lieadf together the following, div and ma^e up another insulting joke and published it in oue of our county papers. The parties are known,* and we hope here­ after these youug men will brace up and have some man .about them. If- they do no!, they may get their namiS In full next time. SILENT WATCHER. NEW SPRING MILLINERY. Mrs. E. W. Howe has just received a full line of Spring Millinery to wlil«h she invites the attention of the Ladies. The latest and uabbiest styles can be found at iter store, and prices to suit the times* 'A fine lot of triti­ med Hats for Easter. Call and «eo them, and learh prices. Mas. E, W. HOWE. - CARRIAGE*)! CARRIAGES! CAR­ RIAGES! Any one in want oi a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call on E.M.Owen & Sou and see the large car-load just received. The finest finished lot ever come to tlie county and will sell them cheap. Vienna Bread, Rye Biead, Graham Bread and Buus, at H. H. Nichols, Thtf Standard Planter at S, It Owen 6 Son's, Richmond Department. OOHTOtBUTSn BT Sk P. BSHKBTT. The annual meeting of the board of highwaycommisftlaners of the town o£ Richmond Met at the office of A. R. Alexander, Town Clerk.' 011 Tuesday April 18th. E. S. Johonnott was elect­ ed Treasurer of tlie board. The certi­ ficate for road and bridge tax was signed, the assessment agreed on being 25 cents on each one hundred dollars j if real aud personal property. Out days labor was assessed to each male, inhabitant liable to be assessed for highway labor. 'An order was given for the purchase of Treasurers account book. Highway Commissioner's order on Treasurer, > and Commissioner'* Record. Also for the purchase of a road gra ting machine which Is said to do the work of Q30 men. at a cost of about 9150. If the machine will do one half what Is claimed for It, the investment will be the best 0110 the town ever made. Ladies, A Mention! * THE LARGEST STOCK 6# /SPRING AND SUMMER* i MXLLIITERT In McHenry couuty. ' THE LATEST STYLES and LOW- AST PRICKS. MRS, ij. H. NICHOLS would respect­ fully Inform the citizens of McHenry and the public generally that she has just returned from the city with the largest stock of Spring and Summer Millinery and Fancy Goods ever brought to this section, which she pro­ poses tfo sell at tlie lowest living prices. I keep uone but the best of goods in •his line, which I have selected with grest care, with especial reference to the wants of the Indies of this village and surrounding country, and feel con­ fident that I can please lu quality of goods, style and price. In Fancy Goods w£ tyiVe a very full stock, consisting of ties, handkerchiefs, ribbons, plumes, ornaments, and in short anything and everything in the line or ladlea wear to lie found in the market, all of the latest styles and most approved patterns. I have also in my dress making d«^< l>artuiQiit ready made dreises. for sum­ mer wear, of all sizes, to which I invite attention. I also have a large stock of Summer Dolmans, of the latest styles, which the ladles will do well to call and examine. These will nil be sold at living prices. My motto Is, "Live and let live.** When In want of millinery, dresses, "ElftTbR PLAiNDEALERt-rNofl&elng Dolmans, or fancy- goods, do not fill anything from this place for some.time to cn'- a,,d examine my goodsand learn I will fend \t»u a few items for public- l^'cee. before purchasing. Store, two at ion hoping jj^,. utav be of .soiue ii)- Joor^nortli of Perry Matins, M^» terest t« your inany readers. *S^_ ( RIHCWOOO- EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--Many of the readers of tlie PLAIKDEALER were heard to remark thai they were highly pleased with your last Issue, because of the increase of local new*. We like Uie idea aud will eudeavor to fnrnish a few Items, which, though known to most of our people, may interest those lu adjoining towns. O; E. Churchill Is dofng carpecter work In .McHenry. and. like the girl who made the tea. he works, conse­ quently he is never idle. At the school election held on the 15th, M. M. Chase, who has been a very efficient director for a term of years* was elected his own successor. Charles French has, improved the condition of some of the lots In our cemetery, aud there are quite a num­ ber of others much lu need. Just speak to Charlie and hava It tended to at ouoe as graves sodded at this season are much more easily kept in good condition hereafter. We received a card from J, J. Vasey last week and it is very satisfactory, as J. has gone to Vatparlso. Iud., in­ stead of Lebanon, 111, He will supply a catalogue soon. Parties wishing instruction in violin moslc or parties who desire to learn to play should consult Jerry Smith. He hsus a small class and they are improv­ ing rapidly. A larger class would not only make It mote profitable to hint but would make it more Interesting to the class. He can learn yon to play tlie violin for a small sum, snpply you an elegant sfwed call shoe for 98, and boots would be no object to Jerry If a scholar didn't have his lesson.1 Parties wishing draining or ditching done tills season should talk te Thomas Lumley or B. Bacon. The boys do a good job and quite reasonable. For a few minutes last Sunday even­ ing we'were really startled and terri­ fied. It seemed to us just as if a buggy was actually running away with a woman. From her apparent compos­ ure it looked a trifle amusing, but when she frantically screamed "whoa. Jack!" the joke started tor the PLAIN- .DEALER at once. Charles Harrison has the finest work­ ing hay press we have ever seen. It Is one of the P. K. Dederick perpetual bale lug machines, and works well, bael- lug from six to nine tons per day with ouly one te^tn. He has just finished his job here and will now work by day or job tor parties desiring his services. He guarantees satisfaction and gi4@ It every time. , O. W.Owen was in toitn delivering sewing maehln^s one dtVjr last week. He *ells the must because he Sells but ,|b| teH*. ' .FST :;*?• -- . ~ST, T\ ••• TIFTTSWOLO Furniture at Ousts In order to reduce stock we will for tho next Sixty Days, give better bar- gin* lu Furniture than was ever before offered in this eounty^ This is no hum- bug.and If you want Furniture of any kind cheap now is the tim« to buy. Call Mid examine my stock and learn price?. I am confident I can make it an object for you to come tweuty miles to trade with me. Call at once aud save money. ;<iomi.iuKa SfoWenrjr, Marok Wtiu MSS. _ WANTED. X.,: To contract at once for Fifteen Acres Ouion? and5 Five Acres Csibbasfe. Shall close otir pitr- chnsinjr contracts for Cucumbers Mi ireh 15th. Salting Contracts at ten cents per bushel will be held open until April 1st. Please remember the time. , * f \ Respectfully. ^ ,\r. J^ CRISTY. WAtlrifoWfcii^'^ "Now Don't You Forget/* To come to the Ringwood Nursery this Spring with your teams, and for a little money take a load of Trees to adorn your homes and make old and young in the neighborhood contented and happy. Very Respectfully Yours, - ̂ R. A. BUCKLAND. Ringwood, 111., March 7th, 1881. • /• • FOR SA LE OR RENT. Tlie undersigned offers for sale or rent his farm, situated about | mile east of Ringwood. Contains 235 acres good buildings and good tmprovtl uients. Will be sold or rented on reas­ onable terms. Apply to Joe Weldeman, McHenry, or t» lib* ttttdersigned at Geneva Lake. .X-. TWINE BINDERS. FARMERS intending ta buy "TWIM Binders" Will do well to look over very carefully Geo. Esterly's Automatic Twine Binding Harvester before buy­ ing. It will bear very close inspec­ tion. Sample at McHenry YlUage on or before the 15th of April. .. Fanners need have no fears of c Royalty business, as the Esterly i 1 pany will back up all who purchase t lr machine. VEDDEK SLOCUM, J k f n L Reed's Silt Edgo Toato H* appetite. : ' " TbeMotlae Sulky Plow at Mi Owen's. Fishing Tackle ofall kinds at| EngelnX tB Howe's Block, mar new Bride*. The Font« Bndtojr Sulky Tl E. M. Owen's. ex-50,000 Do^en Eggs wanted In NiQbSkf°r a' E. II. Wood Is preparing to remove to Janesville, Wis., where lie will wake Ins future home. L. (!. Bcach who has resided in the Mudgett cheese factory for the past yenr,-Ins removed to his farm south of here.' Whi:* Mudgett Is visiting at Fox Lake m^resent. James Kittle ha* procured one of the Fitrst & Bradley sulky plows bought of E.M, Owen, of McHenry, which is un­ questionably one of the best plows on the market. Mr. Edward AUensby and family has moved into our clieeiie faetory. Our faotory meeting passed off quiet* ly. nil the olHcer« of the past year being reelected as their own successors. • Miss Etta Kittle, of this placed is visiting In Ringwood at present. John declares that he Will never ride that pony again. For particulars 'uquire of him. Owing to bad Weather the farmers have not advanced very much with their springs work at present. "aremco,. IBOTTOR PLAINDEALEB:--E. S. Ci)[d well has sold out his interest lu the ' well business to Mr. Bright. We 1111 derstana that Mr. Cadwell will engage in other business in this place. ^ D. L. Fen ton lias been awarded the |*ntract for the otre of the town poor for the snsuing year, at 9575. We understand that Mr. Geo. Samter. our *S«heiip clodings'* merchant, will mwlte Ciiicago his future home. Charley Warue and his tuotker started. 011 tVldnescUy of last week, for Iowa, where tfiey will visit with friends. They will be absent about a n»o:itlu « Dan Hplain has closed' his engage­ ment with Teeple A Co.v j ^ Mr. Griffin has sold his Store aiyd ^is closing out Ills stock of groceries, lie will go to Dakota. Mike McDonald has torn a#*y the old stable on his lot^uid Is putting up a new barn on the same ground. LawyerMarks, of Cliicago, visited a ffew days with relatives aud trieuds last week. M. M. Clothier, of Richmond, was the guest of Postmaster Adapts over the * - ESTRAY. Came Into the enclosure of the un­ dersigned. April Ifttli, 1889, three Shoats. The owner is hereby notified to prove propertyj pay charges sad take them away, ' • . . L. A. PARRXB, . piatcd April 28th, MRS. H. IT. NICHOLS. O# To alt Pickle Growers • McHenry County. ^#10 Globe Pickle Co. of Chicago (formerly Zott & Kollinorgen). are now rcatly to contract cucumbcrf* to be de­ livered at the Crystal Lake Factory, and will pay FIVE SHILLINGS per bushel cash. For contracts .and further particulars, apply to ~ ' Q. H. CLATSOW, v - * KVXDA, lu. "Oh. my. where did 3:011 get the el­ egant. bread. Marie?" it at Nichols', "Why, I bought Table Oil Cloth, very good. 20 ceUts per yard at FitKMtumour & Evanson's HEAD LIGHT OIL. j best Kerosene Oil in tOWO ^»t % H. Nichols, 175 Fire Test. f All th« different Keystoue Planters at El. M. Owen & Son's. T,.* ... > We knew he would cons,- and>I am awful glad of it. Why, what are you talking about? Why the Boss. Miller's Bread, Cakes, Bi^ns f^d Rolls jaie for sale at Nloiiols'i ' -- - r r ^ r ^ , 7 ^ ' • Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sore». Tetter, Chaoped Hands, Chiildaius. Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cures piles. ]t- is guranteed to give perlect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 45 cents, per bottle. For sale by all Druggists MILLINERY! MILLINERY! ^ Another new stock of Millinery and toadies Furnishing Goods, just received at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. Which the La­ dies are cordially invited to call and examine and learh prices. Also a new lot of Hats, of the latest- and nobbiest styles. Gall aud see tiiem before buy- i»g. 4 : MRS.JH. H. NICHOLS. BARBIAN BROS. OWN,** the MAmer|- Queen," and '•Trade." They haws superiors. Smokers should bear 0 ni this iii miud. Our books are open to receive con tracts for sal tin jr cucumbers at ten cents pel bushel Cill aaid ' SCC us. . ' V yi;; CRISTY. WALKER A CO. ' M * * FOR SALE. I have elglit fine Sows with Pig for sale, Persout wsntlng them should coUatoaca* Jews POatANl Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewel­ ry. Silverware, Books and Sewing Ma­ chines during the next 30 days M 0 W. Owen's ; I5 Buckeyo Foroe Piraspa, at 1«! Owen's. All the im daw Plow* at OwenV Whole Suits and extra good at simmons A .Evausoom, The Henderson Boot, ita At Perry A Martin's. New styles Wall Paper n#W 1»: Fltxslmmons A EvansoVs* ^ ' v Kid to any two dollar closed out at 50 cents perpairat siasmn A K¥aason*s. ^ * \ CLOfHfNO, rrrsMnaon * Ladlea and ChildrHns Underweai.' cheap,at J.R. Weill*Son's WawMtfr da. Tho finoat line of Silver and 'Plated Wnre to be found la the connQi at O. W. Owen's. AnmqrttM AvaMed.'. Gray hairs are honorable, Premature appearanoe te ^mmrnm arker's Hair Balfatn prevents the uoyance by promptly reetorliMr Its youthful color. The finest line of Dress this market can be foond as A Snhnorrt. Hams. Shoalders, Baeea, Salt Pork Lard and Corned Beef, at HowatiTa Market, near the Depot. Just Boys at F. G. Maye^ Clotblai near the new Bridge. Cheap as the cheapest. rawiyedjonmais forlfoaand it F. G. Maye^Clotblog Store, FOR SALE OR RENT. A house and one-half acre of land In the villngeof Ringwood. House con­ tains five rofems. Will be sold reason­ able. Apply to W Eg LET L ADD. BINUWOOD, III., April 4th, ls&v Fresh and Salt Frett's Market. Meats, all kinds, at TKT one of Bar hi an Bros, "New Stodi," It will compare with aojr OI* gar in the market. Tlie best cough medicine fn tfiS world. Sample free of charge. Call at Besley's Drug Store and get a sample bottle of Brown's Expectorant free of charge. It cures coughs, horse- ness. whooping-cough and consump­ tion In its early stages. It Is a scientific preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of all throat and Inner diseases. It is pleas tint to take and entirely harmless. Try it. It costs you noth­ ing. Regular size bottles, 9.50 and 91. Fer sale by G. W. Besley. Tlie Union Ooru Oweu & Son's. PiantoT alr$. M. Try the Great Western H. Nichols' Reeturaut. Best full Nichols. - ' • ••of • igar. at H. Cream £heeac atr^ll. 4 Foolish Mistake#' Don't inafee the mistake of confound­ ing a remedy of merit with quack med­ icines. We speak from expcilenee when we say that Parker's Ginger Tonic is a sterling restorative which will do'all that isclalme<l for it. We have used it ourselves with the hap­ piest results for rheumatism and when worn out by overwork. See adyfr- tlsemeut.-- • - • •«' 'i - •.H-'- FOR SALE- • f'.'Tt-i • 600 Bushels Potatoes. Imported from Scotland. Choice Stoek either for Seed or'i'ajklo use. Price 80 cents per bushel. %:"!( t >, FITZSIMMOMS EVAKSOS; T: Woods'toiolt 'Bread a. Nichols. and Cakes at H. Fitxslmmons A Evnusor. are showing an elegant Hue of the Gray Brothers' Shoes. Prices very moderate. Y 1 TZSIVISIONS & £VANSO*. Kirk's English Standard Ban So^p. at H. H Nichols, opposite Perry Jfc Martin's, McHeiu v. y * - ^ ' • 1 1 TO . } A'wkjrd Itefr«ahi^||. ^ *, A iieliclous odor is imparted by jfloreston Cologue, which is alwity* re^ freshing, ue matter how Ireely used. I XHJFI CELEBRATED STALLIOK ALHAMBliA MESSENGER Wtll be kept at the stable of the sub­ scriber the present season, where those who desire can get his services at a moderate price, lie was sired by Dole's .Alhamb.fti. and is one of the best stock flfeileni iu the couuLrv. • }OW w, BM^H. SELF BINDERS, TWINE BINDERS. Farmers wishing to purchase a Self Binder will do well to call on E. M. Owen A Sou and see the "Minneapolis" before buying, as it lias two years ad­ vance improvements on the binding part that no other lias. J. F. Appleby the Inventor of the Twine Binder, superintends the Minneapolis Har­ vester woiks. There is nothing to be feared from McCnrinlck's threats. Can also get you a celebrated Wood Twine Binder If you prefer it. Best Woven Wire Mattress, tor SfjOO at John B. Blake's, F. G. tfajpas says he cannot ba aoder- sold. PATRONIZE home Industry and buy your Cigars of Barbian Bros. They make four dlffereut brands, and art equal to the best. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Posts for sale, inquire of ZJOHN DORAW. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We have a large stock of the choic­ est Candies manufactured. • STKVKNS A aoBwooa. FOR S ALE. Two good Milk Wagons, almost new. Will be sold cheap. Also one two year old Bull, A ver; flue animal. Inquire of TBOL Kaox. XeHenrr, Ainil 8th, MSI." Our Spring stock Is now In and do- mauds the attention of judicious cash boyeri>. Dry Goods. Notions, fiats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Staple and Frncy Groceries, Crockery. &«\, 4i', Prices reasonable, goods reliable. A small living margin will satisfy as. Call, la, Butter aud eggs wanted, RIT*SIM*ONS £ EVAITMMI. Jointed Fish Poles, a very flae artld»« at Besleys Drug Store. , Choice Candles, all klnda, at Besley's, CLOTHING, Just la. Spring styles at. Perry A Martin's. The Randall Pulverlafr Harrow at SEWING Jfachtne lfoedlee for every machine made, can befMtRd atM. En- geln'e. In Howe's BloMc, tear tho bridge. • Call and see our H §4 aod fil Om» , coats. The largest Hue in tow*. - : ; ootst Baoeb ;:i JEALOUSY. Some poet has said that •"All tor- menu or tlie damned mind." This Is gnu»4>f magnificently InaceniateT^ly^ ferer from tadlpatNNi kaows iwthe contrary. IndlgMtlon tDe YtBala of the tragedy plated' aiBrmf ' gastio juices of the stomasli mm, aa* does double discount the hotrof* •flMonsy, Jealousy is oftea aa attwdm spon the latter, and whoa ladigeetlea n 10- moved this jauodiced compaaleo of a deransed liver files. Tsnimlitlis beat known remedy ettant Ibr im­ paired digestion, deranced liver, «ntf diseases of the bsetka^MAiMi Price 9̂ 0 and 91. o. W. Baai.Br., Yvyoa want s good smoke try MBarblaa Era*. BesC They No.l, Slriil •« On aeoowit of lu nmarkaMy del- Icato aad lasting fvagvaaea, society belies are load fa tMr praiees of Florestoa Celogne. ¥OR KALE. 49 Acres of land fn Seetloa IS. all fenced. Also SO aeres of iand, with a good house and barn *ltfc l|«nh®r and water in abnadaiMc, ta Sec­ tion 32. Also my iKMaestead oa Iks Oqetal w Lake aud Nunda road. Good wow house, barn and other oathoHMut.- ̂ " Apply to JOHN FUJ«KT. The well-known author of "Medical. ! Common Sense," Dr. 9V,ft. Wslti,of ̂ Cicinnatl. 0M has just pahltsMd a aew . Hook, called »*M©r#s light about tho . house w]lwjn^»WJ*iWti»tlr % lllustr atod, aad abouudt Is jsUS talk but trm* aya hut swallowiaf dr^gs tn- % to the stomach, for aay dlSfiae of the nose, throat or laaga. ia who.'e- ̂ some little volume to ca£Kp#a4 MMHM T TTr Tiwn-' iiTfTsahsai Iksi ii % this paper, but eipidsllr t^eae who have suytrouhle IwSS^waaS ̂ khelr , throat or tftelr lu^gs.Sea^tM ma I to the Doctor, and got a copy of tt Am by return mat!. Address | If you want to buy Clothing at Chf. I <mgo prloes, call op E. Lawlus, t« Loo. ]i silly's Block, McHenry. -- -- " " a Wore to Matters, -, 'Mother s s h o u l d r e m e m b e r f t I s . moat Important duty at thia seasna so look after the health of their faaHliee and cleanse the malaria aad imparitlea ! from their systems, and that nothing • , will tone up the itMuA and llvor. 1 regulate the bowels aad pmr% the | blood so iierlectly as Parker's Ginger | Tonic, advertised in oar columr1* -- ' Pfct. See other .column. Best Brands of Nichols. Tobiaift' at 1&M A few bargains In Dress Goods at 7 cents per yard at JFltssimiaoas A Evanson's. a AHmoklas Arlcsa Coffee at Nlefcokj*, Qulok and Sum- Many miserable people dtag tl|ea» selves about with fallingtltoagth. ied% Ing that they are s|ead|Qp slaklag l»ts their graves, wh»o hy aslur Patkei'a Singer Tonlo they WOMld ted a aura commencing with tM firsi dosl̂ apd fl- tality and strength Mlifely aad aurely uomiug back to thaes. The Hlfh9H"*unk Hade from harmless makCi adapted to the aae4s of falling nalr. Parkei*a Bair taken the Mgheet saadt as ii and reliable hair netotstlsii QDORGE Houae and Sign Tfciuteiy MoNCNpV| IM« •Hap Qpp--19a Pswf A wm utwl p.«>snptly»eall w«* aa aatoe satfcfcf Vrtsss aa law work eaahsd<w«» «aywlM% PIHC <MKAIMINQ A .€&>?•

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