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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1882, p. 8

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ii i JUST OUT! ANDEBSONVILLE DIARY ** JOM ft. BAWMK. ME jIl JE* w«W Ptorn beyond U7 mmtMs flMrtl*® that tj»a ;iW 1 " w ® w f :v*t; PlOTSBbey* CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY JWJH8TCTBA, rOTBITlT Chicago, has SPRINGS AND SUMMER It by (nil odds the best road ftor yon to take whenft raveling in either direetlonbetween Chican pi all the Principal Points in the West Sortl & Mf est The List of the Dead gives Accurately the Name. Regiment, Company. Date of Andha*l*eW dfchsatrtbe largest ted •tork of Death and stimlwr of Grave la ' f she Cemetery, of all who died in tha id read ful Prison. Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West ami Northwest arc Station! on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads at Junction prints, . Nearly 13,000 COLLAM, WHIPS, to, to be fonnd.ia ronnty,_aad has everything made of fit t . BEST MATERIAL. Call andneehne. JOHN 8TIB A, The Diary is an everyday account of Four­ teen Months imprisonment written cach day At the old re V* '/s- * oe Houseot ,j, word for word as printed, and tells fully and understandin happenings and other prisons. RENC fir Ordw.}y n. >;.< "^1 TiKKTOS Sioux fvji Grttgto* *"ty rMBCUV - ̂ alona CHI. gfifoA66 A: tJORfg-WlfeTirfaT^AILWAY «N.AC».jCM. W m 4e*MMt sociable Thursday evening Rrarybotly Invited. Hr. fWar WiMe marie fSMOD by hl« American lecttir**. New Orleans has pupils enroll* ed 1n her public school#. We hop* jo sea all the patron* of the Mtonl owl to the Aria hie on next Thursday evening. With a varied programme and nearly aU the per­ formers pnpll^Tn the school, we think •II who attend will be pleased. Ad. ' inlssion tit* aame as be Tore--Aye cents" ^apiee*. • w !;• A fldwti Ooniml«*ionerln itie west- m part of the state held Ills first ex­ amination for teacher* recently. One nest ton was, "Give the full name of tie pnet Bryant and the name of hi# jprinel pal work." The answer was: jKlelkti Co?e» Bryant, anil his chief work .'-It Ilk* PtlgrinC» ProgrenH.*' i . Report of MoHenrv achon's for three i ' ending April 22d. 1888: ,-Jf ttttllfKtt n*PJtRTMKNT r.^)|tmlii«r enrolled .... 37 attendance. ».v.490 ' •*' Average dally attendance........» 34 , JHnmber visitors U Number neither absent nor tardy* 18, «lx.: Mabel Ford, Llbble Lee, Cora *• jPalge. Ella, Powers, Minnie Knox. Ooherty, Mattle Smith, Nellie \ IjPhallB, Nellie Bucklln, Millie Walte, ^"|,*v|i Owen, Earl Mead. Howard \ Jherry, Lucy Watson, Kt»le Parke, %!s!« 0a*e, ThooiM O'Neill, William WTBKMTEM A Tit DEPARTMENT, Ktta E. Tobbamcv, Teacher, •mber enrolled.... . (I ya attendance Si-*" 608 •rerage daily attendance.70 Namber neither absent nor tardr. May Wlghtman, Amy Owen, Blackman, B^lle Whiting. Thoe. ybleary.Oora Wheeler, Anna Ay 1 ward, ^WalHe Morey, Mary Madden. Howard tevens. Lewis Walsh. Bertha Tripp, a Malugren, Minnie Daymenl. rUlUART DKPASTUKNT. • Brui STODOiKD. Teacher. fNomber enrolled 33 |Davs attendance ................. 403 verage dally attendance.28 _ On Roll of Honor, 17, •!>.; Lois V f '^Baldwin. Lonnie Bishop, Jessie Bald- "'win, Clyde Curtis, Emma Parke r. Josie ^•V?- * ' Wheeler, Alfred Perry, Katie Henry, Welle, Daisy Hill. Nellie Hill, aeobLeickero. Jolttt Balaton, Harry $4 / , tEMredge. Charlie Nordqnest, Lyle :[Jh " Howe. Florence Soarles. ' tk' 'I' . WEST SIDE Divrsiox. b ? *• : , (For four wk..) £ 'H-, Man. a. W.<Mar« Muliii. ^Number enrolled.. 65 V' .^Days fttteadance 987 7 ; ^~Arerage daily attendance 49 '* 1 Number on Roll of Honor. 14, viz.: y CXJxsio Nlckles. Lillle McNabb, Mag r;"Bowdett, Lizzie Buss, Lillle Brey- ;*;j>r.Geo. McNabb. Jay Gibert. Oeorge f Gilbert, George McDonald, Charles Blackman, Anna Nickles, Lottie Moore, raoe 8terene, William Lawrence. :s •£? ? r: < \ The current reports regarding the ^ 4 poet Whittler's "feeble health must be 9 ~l- >aomewnat exaggerated. He Is very s:^ deaf, and suffers from chronic head> , ache; bnt his general health is quite , Tigorona. He still attends personally ;; •- | to his correspondence, and write al- ' most as firm a h«ad as ever. Certaln- A «ly he must retain his bodily strength > 4,"r or he would not have been able to do * v *"< what 1m did a few days since in Bos- 'ton--namely climb the long stairways ]heading to the editorial rooms of The % ttJmgrerionals-nx. , " •'.-i ijy, Baiph Waldo Emerson died al his *home In Concord Mass.. last Thursday. The following In regard to him Is tak« m ttma th» Herald: 1-yJ In the death of Ralph Waldo Etner< t*'i aon American literature loses the one * pore writer who, for nearly two gener :'v® ations, has been pre-eminent. His ? oesan at once illustrate the wealth of Mk* the English language and his masterly •Atdoymentof it. They are tilled with •trtklng figures, beautiful passages and •rigimu thonghts. Sometimes the teures are overdrawn, the beautiful frees ages superabundant and the 8h\ , • , jr; thooghts fantastical, but they are al- jf/ ^ ways unique with the force ot a brill- t; • <* • lent and powerful mind. Mr. Emerson'* baa been an active life iu tha study and en the platform. He has had an ever Mtlve sympathy with the world in Which he lived, and his speeches and writings have done much to advance liberal thought not only in, America, hut throughout the world. Such an acttve and eccentric thinker as Emer­ son could not be expected to be alwayo right, but he was always in earnest. For some yean his work has thown that the vigor of his intellect was failing, although the will to work re luained. While Longfellow held a WArm place In the '.team of American* Emerson's reign waseulirely over their intelleots. in Andersonviile icr prisons. Valaablf to all those who lost friends there. A volume ot 904 pages, nicely printed as4 Illustrated, bound in cloth, with gold trim, mings. Price, f 1.50l - ' A. B. Bid well, of Woodstock, has been ap. pointed agent for Mr Henry Oo. He propones to cail upon the people of every town during the sp- ing, presenting this valuable work for their consideration. Agents wanted for every town in tb«§«**«. Send for Circulars. m cowtmi (ien. AgvML for the H'oocMocJc, JU. Come early and examiue my new goods which are now being received and placed upon the roarket to be oold for very little money. •_ t J Our Stock is 'the Largert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Nortbwestp. Drop ia aod take a foq^ pnd get my •low Cash Prices. -^ ^ ^ , ;V; ^ - IS NOT DEAD. = -»OT TRiCM^WIIit' •»- H. DWIGHT, ,Woodstock, IU. g^tir in ClotUng For 30 Days, at E. LAWLUS' LANSING'S BLOCK, As he will do nothing but Cus­ tom Tailoring hereafter Keep on your specs and read this bill: Mens Wool Snits, 4 60 Farmers Pants, good,.,.-..,. ........ ., 176 50Splendid Vests, caek, 1 15 Chinuhilia Overcoats, rormerly $18,.... • 00 Gray do do SB, S CO Kine Dress Su'ts, formerly f2i, 16 M Next do do ... IS K Next do do $17,KO M 00 Next do do se.OO 7 00 Eves Open Hats, formerly 1,00, 100 Silk Handkerchiefs, 7ormerly 1.00 60 Two Button Kid Gloves, lormerly 1,15 7S Paper ssosomt formerly 15 ceats, Ot Belfast Fine Linen Shirts, 81 Throe Pairs Good Overalls, 1 9U Hoys Wool Caps SO Bovs Suits, ; IS Boys s„its, 3 IWs Suits' Fine, 8 50 Boys Overcoats, good S 50 Best Linen Colars, 15 y^^Call if in search of good IE. LAWLUS. McHenry, Jan. tOlh, tUB. THE emCAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, Over all of its principal lines, runs each way daily from two to four or more Fast JSsprosS Trains. It is the only road West, North or Northwest of Chicago that nses the IMPERIAL PALACE/ DINING CARS. It Is the'only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chinaao. Tlt has over 3,000?Mltos of Road. In forms, amongst others, the followiog Trtink Lines: Ceuncil Dluflli, Colorado A California T.ine. Winona, Minnesota A Central Datcoka Line. Sionx Oitv ft Northeastern Nebraska Line. Chicago, St. & Minneapolis Line. Elgin, Bockford, Freeport A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Green Bav A I.ake Superior Line. Jim Hirer Valley, Pierre tk Deadwood Line. Waukesha. Madison AJNorthein Line Tickets over this road are sold bv all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States ft Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via "this road, be sure they read over it, and take none other 'Iho npnrmt and llmt Xedlcine ever Msds. AcosmHnatioo ot Hops, Buohu. Man- draKle aua Pandsiion, wtth ialtWWt and mo<it o » or« tivo i«xjpertie» of all otbsr Bitterns, nu& a«\tbe ffroatert BlOOd PltlMar, U*«f ltBaul\ator.andGfeaad HeaMTSmMiag Agent Nodisetttom3QptwiMf long uM wheiiftHop B: uors are ns%c-l^ viuied and pwlMt are Ujelr atv li s&ifigsf tofliii|^iiidSAn> To all whom «VnpW)vi<ieuUc«ws IrreguUH- tv of t!ie bowelsor^k urinary or««n«. or who w» quire an Appetto^W Xaiiie. and mild Stimulant, Ho;) BiMers are iaral^ ̂uahie, without tntO%» Icating. So laatter what your Ce%'llng« or (jmptomi are what the disaUMi or dlWMU Is w Hop Bit­ ters. Lvm't wait antll jwaai* slefc but If jron otdy fetl bail or niiw:rat)telU',*Bt"®ra at once. H may savo ha»BS»r«d hundmla. 9S0O ""ill he paid for a cas*> they will not cure or help. Do not suffer 101 itt your friend, fuller,but use anil urici; them" k tome Hop B lletnembcr. Hop Bitter* is n^^]rU*» druggwd drunken nostrum, but tbe I iiiiiih^^1" n <i Bert Uedlcine ever raado; the nu and HOPE" and no person or family^ aboukl be without tbein. D.t.C.i« an absolute and Irresistible carol forlJraniajnnc^ use of Obium, tobaooo andl narcotics. All sold bv (l-utf-i-t* Send , for Circular. I'.op Bitlcn Xr(. Gs^ ltqchMt^XT Robinson Wagon. Co. Two Doors North of Perry & Martin's Where you will fiirtl all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality . People buying ct me will find all my goods as represented. ET"Jobbing and Repairing neatly fffld promptly done. UNDERTAKING. In McHenry In this Department I keep a first-class afBp offins, and Shrouds ot*N kiud* and quality A Hearse fiirnisl^d al )rtment of Casketsf and D*ALKK IK Stoves, Mi Manufacturers of SPRINe WAGONS. Baggies & Piiaetong. .9m tor desigB® wd prices icn ^ mOBIHSON WAOOH CO., CINCINNATI. O. * iUiU AvJ>vw< You Want a Machine. Sewing p&. THE HOESE L WMOH. A SEW BOOK on the Horse. His history, structure, uses sad treatment. AUo giving a lew of the most , Important and Effective Remedies) for the cure of the diseases ot the hone, rar Valuable to every owner and tow rftki horse. Published hy the &0BIH30H WAOMI CO., SStf, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on teceipt of TiiRriEr-cns r stamps. my It yon do, of course you want the best, as it- costs no mure. Then why bnjr from an Agent who carries but •ne which he has fixed up on purpose ,to show, when by going to the store of O.W.Owen, in McHenry, yon can have your choice of Five, via: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, New Home, Crown, and Singer. We koep all these m a c h i n e s I n s t o c k , a n d a n y l a d y w h o wants a machine can set down and try tttem all. and then select the one which stilts her the best. The best machines •• 'be market, and any one will be cou> Vinced of the fact by oall'ug at Store and trying one themselves. Also a flue s,took of Clocks, Watcltes JFewelrv. Silver and Plated Ware, can ue found at my store. Organs ana J^bttMlor sale or rent. *. ' • - o> i.QMtu, . -c n 't 'y • Free of Charge, AU persons tuBering from Onoir1>s. Qeide, Asthma. Bronchitis, X.otta of Votoe, or any aftectlon of the Throat an iXiitofs, are requested to call at anv Dm* Store and <jet a Trial Bottle of Or, Klsi'i New Discovery for Con- sewnttou. free »f oharye, which will cottrat^e lliein of its wonderlul merits ai*d sliow what a regular dollar lUe InHtle will do. C$11 utarly. tCBMS B. Parl-r. C. Diiiin,* Coosa Bed Boa Three sheets. 10x24, heavy plate paper, contain­ ing elevations. plans and details for the above house: also book ef '.'0 pages, giving specifications, itemized estimate and form of contract--invaluable to every carpcnter nr party proposing building, as a guide ia m^Ving hid j or drawing contracts. Price yi.OO. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of H. E. WALTON, 330 W, Ninth ftU Cineinnatl, • SolMorsy 8hearSf Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grlndstnes Window ffrlwflfti ^ CRANITE-IRON TIN-WARE. J. STORY. G. W. BKSLEY, McHenry, 111., D. B. MAlftev Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, 111., and G. E. Djj^inson, Nunda, 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called DR. KALGKH0FF8 MEDICINAL CARAMELS CONTAIN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic spices, tamarind*, figs, prunes ana chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, safe and pure medicine' Thcf are ae pleasant prunes ana chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, safe and pure medicines. Tliey to take as the finest confection, ana therefore take tho place of all medicines which are sold nndet different names to secure healing effects. These medicines are no secret preparations, bnt the formulas for the different kinds have been used extensively for many years throughout tho world, by ' " i recommended for. They are manufactured with leading physicians, for the various diseases they _ tho aid of unproved machinery, under the supervision of a regular educated physician and chemist. Their ehoapnees alone creates a good demand, aa each box contains 90 Caramels (90 doses), toe pries pet bOK being from 83 to 60 cents. JVe mention lag efrtlt end terms, in amllA ite, me from s, blight, and es» CHEAP™. I £si£%s. LANDS •HUMS V AC8ES § lor sale in the OOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •r oe rich Coll as lbs iaa ever aba oo, with eood mmUetm eoat mm! tni, *isr -ZHwsiiwSs^ XeaS^s mith Jtmp*, Somt Jfreef f ffifrsar LAND 60«MISSI0NEfl>-~KaM BNWMb KMttAt CITY, MIMOtHH. IR. KALCKHOfFS CATHARTIC ag^abie, t mild, safe, and certain cathartic medfeine. Cures Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc. Price, 9Bc. per box. Qtruuis J drcn delight to Uke tkem. Price 23c. per box. BR. KAlGKWlfFS JMUCH CARAMELS Are a certain cure and V instant relief for Cooghst Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, etc. Price 25c. per box. L KALCKHOFFS THMAT CARAMELS A» a pleswrnt, safe and certain cure for all Throat Affections. PaMic speakers, clergymen, lawyers, and arasklans should not be with­ out them. Price 25c. per box. P. KALCKHOFFS FEMALE CWMEtii Am a regulating medi­cine and certain eare and relief for all female dfecases. For further particalars, ask your tlrugglat for a circular. Price 80c. per box, QR. KALCKHOFFS DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS and U permanent cure for an diseases of the Btosnach--Dyspep­ sia, Waterbrash, Pain, Vomit Ing, etc. Price 50c. per box. QR. KAICKHOFF'SKIDNEY AND UVERCARAME1S Are . certain U cure lor all Sidney, Heart, and ldver Disease*. Price 60c. per box. D«-«£3S « t -m. bIHty, Sleeplessness, etc. Price 60c. pet box. (Mil \ IMITATION IHPOSSTBLE^ Carv&tIs ^ . Dr. KalckhofiTs Caramel* are packed, each twenty in a Lorproof wrapper. Bach Caramel has on one side »U i signatiue of A. F. Kalckhoff. M. D., and on the •Ma the name of the CarameS. These Caramels are tat sale by all drvgglsts and patent medicine dealers. If your drug- Worn Q^usels Brspptic Ctnuaels Tkroat llmaels waterproof wrapper. Bach Caramel has on one srlde stamped " " of A. F. Kalckhoff. M. D., and on the other i of the Caramel. _ it« and patent me _ St doesnot keep them, send the retail price to "the manu-tnrers, and they will forward the same by mall free of charge to any address throaghoat tho Halted States. GttTlTEwF AWAY1 md dealers in patent medicine . packages ot Dr. KalckhofTs Caramels are given away. Xversbody flan obtain a sample package free of charge by * • • -- 1 •-* ~ '-- -- - to the manufac- Draggists and dealers will . To all druggists and dealers in patent medicines, oanple of Dr. KalckkoTs Caran: " in oh roar !losln„ . ...... HI please write for Drueglsts' Chrculnr. applylBg 'to your druggist turers and enclosing a three cent postage stamp. - " lBfsf " MILWAUKBB.WI9. M a i m a n ' s 1 s. iAtse. Ben'ISup't Chicago. ' B- r W.H. SIBVIflTT. Gen Pass Agt Chicago. BUSS, Ag't C. A N. W. R'y, WloHenry, III. , AT WAUCONDA, 1 bare the largest stoek of Spring 0 - - - - - - r n i e h I EVER B1 rM ' -1!,' AT HIS TWO STORES^ la now Offering the Largest Lioe of Hardwaffe, Stoves, TiifWr ,̂ &c., ever shown in McHenry County, which we offer io the ing public bnv- BOTTOM PRICE! r'fSifij-1 it' •• ever brought to Lake County, v sollat LOTEB PRICES THAN FORE. Rearly.maie Clothing more numerous tha ever and at prices suited for every puree. For anything made to order, whether a sing garment or a fall suit . Maiman's Is the place to bliy. Also a fail line GENTS' FCBNI8H1NG GOODS. Hats ai Caps, &o. I have a lar^e variety of PIKCK GOOD of the Latest ityteifcsnd ratteras, ait lo Sgnres. Mrs« Msdzxiaii Who conducts tho Millinery Department.! received! a tine stock ot Spring Millinerv, the latest styles to be found in the oil which she invites the Ladies of WanooiM to call and examine, Rats and Bontte Trimmed in the latest itvlosantl at reason hie prices. Dress Making done prompt and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and be convinced that I sell nothli bnt good Goods, and at prices as low as t same qaali^y eaa be bought anywhere. H. MAIMAN. . Waaeoade, JCaroh e, ise^. • ^ ,v.: y*ft H Tads .1* :.-k Our stock is complete and comprises everything usually^kept m s IRrst Class Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer thejbest and most (roods for the least money of any one in the business. WE INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF HIGH PRICES IN BARB WIRE. The Best Barb Wire in the;Market at 9 cts. per Pound, tegf Cull and see us and learn th»t we mean business. Store in S^Henry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. At Nunda in Palmer's Store. Mutual Life of New Yori Beeanse It is the oldest Company In United States with tbirty.nlne years of peHenee, Because it is the largest CoRspany to world. Assets, |M,702,SIH, nearly double th of any other Company. Because it Is tho most popular Com pan Its policy holders number over 100,000. Because everv dollar of the above immen sum belongs Iom . plus over what Is actually BUY YOUR Br®, Micis, faints, Oils, etc. OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on tbe West Side, wheae everything this line can be found, Freeh and Pure. in 1 Ever brought to McHenry county, ^mon<r which can Tie found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafv competition. Call and see their oefara purchasing. * •«';»«*. -" • , ' * VKM - 1 $$ vur 'S't&K* ,4, , "'IVIt-O# F!'-. •>v®, it&f A J «.:• i AV1- f f ' ^ s N. • k: ' Ifc' l^hysiGiaiis Prescrlptionl Carefully Compounded; Oive v es Oali."; ' 4-'^ Q. McHenry, 111, Oct. 10th, 188 ̂ ' o/ii used to purchase aaainonai ih»hit the latter way forty-eight policy h the year lust past, holding policies, value of which was $138,80% wero cr policy hntdera, and the i actually required, is nually divided amongst them, which surnl may be applied in either of two ways: Firs to pay a portion of the annual premium, th materially reducing the cost, or it may used to purchase additional Insurance. . . .. . • • - -- holders the flu carried an a'vVrage" term of 3S years at low rates, ai the additions brought the snug sum of a litt over (jWO,OOG. Many of these policies had be< self sustaining ior years. ' Because the rates ef every other Compai are nearly eighteen per eent. higher liJ those of the Mntual Life. Because its running expenses are 'ov than any other. Tbe sworn statements of the Equitab Life Assurance of New York, a (coinpai several millions less than half as large as tl Mutual Life, show its expenses of manag ment to have averaged 14.23 during the la three years, those of the Mutual Lile 7.8 diOere'nce of Brst coat ef pol'cy, and ma nag ment expenses alone, areequat to25per cei in favor of the Hutaai Life. Becanwe it can iwi dees affonl thechcapes safest and meat sailsIsetery iasumwc iaves meal of any Company in the wortd. As will tee iBSDMSiMe for me in see all who desirous of obtaining Life insurance actual corf. 1 will say io such that a post card will always reath me at this place ai on receipt ef same 1 will forward differei plane and mtmmt remits (not estimates) whw are certainly astonishing and out do any thn In the history of Life Insurance. Thi8|Company issues only regular Life ai Endowment policies and like ether Com pan of the highest standard refuses te have an thlag to do with Timtmc gambhng. C. H. MORKY, Agent, For McHenryiCouaty and western part LakeOounty. MCHKNRY, ILL. FITS EPILEPSY -OR- Fnllen Sioknem. permanently cared--no humbug--bv oi month's usnage of Dr. Goulard's Cclebrau Infallible Fit Powders. To convince sufftf ers that these powiers wi 11 do all we clai for them we will send th«ti» by mall post pa a free Trial box. As Dr. Gonlard is- the on physician that has mace this disease a spe lal study.and as to our kaewledge thousaw luive been permanently enr»d by the use - these Powders, we will guarantee a perm nent cure in every case, «r refund you a money espended. All sufferers should git these P«v ders an early trial, and he coi vhired of their curative powers. Price, large bos, <3, or 4 boxes tor gU), sent by ma to any part of the United states or Canada i receipt of price, or by express, C. Q> D A« CONSUMPTION Poaitlycly Cured All sufferers from this disease that are an tens to be cored should try Dr, KUsner Uaiebrated Oonsiflaptivc Powders. The Powders are tbe only pienumtton know that' will cure Consumptioaraad all diseaa ef the Throat aad Lunga--i*dee«l, so at song our fhlth ia them, and also {to convince vo that they are no humbug, we will forward t every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a/Vee Trls box. We don't •« ant your sSoaey until yo a-e pertdetly snti^tied of their enntlve pow ers. If your life is worth saving, don't dela ngiving these ."owders a trial, aa they will surely cure you. Price, for large box. 4 sent to any part of the United States or Oani da, by mail, on rereinc of price. Addre* AOftitni, m Kt»m *w»l

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