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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1882, p. 8

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cottrmr 5=5 Baldwin. fwiool report it*xf week. WIS* m&mtm i» * .y ; ^ * jgjl YVlT,'. "*•> ' * J I J: <f, ••<•' •" •" S \? Mr. ind Mm. OhM. Colby rl*lt«*»l the departments of our school last JM«Uy. .' • V 1 Mr. T,ni«|rfel!ftw'ft prop^^» *• •wlupfl fit WRO.OOO, and Mr, Kirereon Is 8 ild to kir* Ipft an estate of *200.000, much of Wtilrii !>• owed to the thrift of hi* wife. Friend Flsk of the Richmond ochool ww nbllrtc) io done school several rlavp last week, on ncconnt. of' poor health. He ?• doing rood work at Richmond, •nd tbe fket seems to he appreciated. There wm but a small attendance at the teacher*' meeting ls*t Saturday. Mis* Cumins gave a claw* exercise In fourth render, and Miss Donnelly Rave a class exercise In object teachlnsr. during the forenoon, after which it was decided to adjourn until next September. Mr. Kstee was requested to prepare a paper for publication upon the "township system^ Also a reqnest was mad# for the former sec­ retary and treasurer to send to the preterit Secretary reports for their Official terms. The other day. In Champaign county, thlaqnestlon wa« asked of an applicant, for a certificate: "What aie diacriticul marks F* Answer:"Don't know. I never li#ard »f them." Yet this applicant •aid he had taught nine terms of school. Another question, "How Is a President, elected r-put to about fifty or more teachers, has not received ten correct answers. This may be partly accounted for from the fact, that a great many who apply for examinations is: the spring are quite young. It shows they have not been taught. ; Maty persons^ are pur/led to under­ stand what Is meant by the terms "fonr penny," "six penny" and "ten penny." aa applied to nails. The Scien­ tific American explains this by saying that "four penny" means four pound to the thousand nails, "six penny" six pottnd to the thousand, and «o on. It is' ait English term, and meant at first "ten pound* nails (the thousand beinj understood), but the old English clip­ ped It to'ten pun," and from that it degenerated until "penny" was substi- tntec for pounds. When 1.000 nails weigh lesi than one pound they are called tacks, brails, etc^ atnl are reck- •ned by ounces. v Through the efforts of See. Wright an tducatlonal exhibit will be added to the many attractions of. our next County Fair. It will be named and «|aas!fied as follows: QompeHfive Public School Examina­ tion*, McHenry County, Illinois. VWORADED SCHOOLS. . 1. Spelling; 2. penmanship; 3. arith­ metic to involution; 4, letter writing; St common things. GRADED SCHOOtf. ~ Primary Departments--1. Spelling; S fienmanstifp; 3. geography of'Illi­ nois; 4. arithmetic through addition of fractions; 5, language. Grammar Drpartmenf*--]. Spelling: S, penmanship:3. geography of Amer­ ica and Europe; 4. language; 6, arith­ metic to Involution. High Schools--1. Arithmetic; 2. grammar; 3, IT. s. history; 4, phy«iol- *<17; natural philosophy; 8, algebra; 7, geometry; 8, coolegy. The Crystal Lake school Closes its year on Friday, June 3rd. 1882. H. R. Baldwin has had charge ef the •hool for three years, and during the entire time has had the hearty support and cooperation of the School Board. Against the wishes of the Board, and contrary to his own Inclinations, he has concluded to sever his connection with the school and give up teaching. This conclusion Is a necessity forced •pon him by continued ill health in the Hiness ^ \The school baa been fortunate In ivliig an able and efficient primary pacher during the time mentioned. The present teacher. Miss Nettle Jtorden. has faithfully carried forward the good work left oft by her predeces- •or.Mlss Carrie Wallace. The Teacher gives his time chiefly to the upbuilding of Character. His work Is original work: he builds from the foundation. He works wltb tJod's material, and If he works according to God's plan, his *york.will never need to he done over, has an advantage orer the lawyer, the do^or and the preacher, in tliot he is not'chiefly oc­ cupied In mending violated law, and can give his strength to tho develop­ ment of mind and strength according to law. Even the preacher docs pot have the opportunity of the teacher for doing good. I believe that to-day the teachers of the country are exer­ cising mere influence over the lives and characters of the people than are the preachers. A teacher whose char­ acter is not worthy of imitation by the children Is a disgrace to tho pro­ fession, and should abandon it. True, the teacher lives by the Ig­ norance of others; but ignorance on the part of children is in accordance with God's law. and therefore right. Teacher magnify your mork--Indiana School Journal. Pres. E. C. Hewett makes tbe follow V log announcement: Tho snmmer term for teachers will f»?,n at the State Norma] University, lilt Normal. Illinois, on Monday. August 7th, 1882, and will continue four weeks All the Faculty will be present to give .Instruction, and all the departments of Ihe institution will be In operation fhe laboratories will be open for the •tudeuts of natural science. Student" |pa fake any studies in our course for Which they are fitted. Tuition Is free ||» all teachers of Illinois who have fljuight not less than three terras. It is Important that students be present An ring the entire term. Heretofore t|ie railroads centering at. Blooiningtou |»ave given our students reduced rates: ft is expected that they will do so this jiear. {Persons intending to attend fhonld send their names as soon as iulyiOt**. ' • vj" DEAD, V 4$#* THKKK WILL BK- Gnat SlstgMet is Clothing For 30 Days, at E. LAWLTIS' jtf LANSING'S BLOCK, As ho will do nothing but Cus­ tom Tailoring hereafter Keep on your specs and read this bill: Mens Wool Suits, Farmers Pants, good. .. SOSplendid Vests, each, Chinchilla Ovcrcoats, formerly S!3,.... Gray <lo do Fine Dress Hu!ts, formerly Hi, ... i? Next do do fW.50 " Next - do Next do fio *0,00...... Kves Open Hats, formerly 1,40,. ..... Silk Handkerchiefs, Tormerly 1.00.. .... Two Button Kid Gloves, formerly ]t8S Paper rsosoms formerly 15 cents,..v«v Belfast Fine Linen Shirts,.. *».i' Three Pairs Good Overalls,. Boys Wool Caps, ... . Boys Suits . Boys Suits Buys Suits' Fine, Boys Overcoats. Rood......... Best Linen Colars, .......... * •••*'» ' •rjefk- 4 60 1 73 1 in 8 00 , r 2 50 |5 00 12 fO 7 00 1 00 -j 00 76 ^ e 8( / I SO 25 2 28 3 sr. ;8 M < S 50 15 I^T'Call if ia search of good Bargain*. E. LAWLUS, McHeary. Jaa. Mtb, 1882. " • ' > 1 L 7 v " Robinson Wasron Cot (Manufacturers of & SIRRING- WAGONS. Buggies A Phaetona. for designs and prices to BOBLNSON WAGON CO. CINCINNATI, O. THE HORSE i WAG01T. A NEW BOOK, on the Horse. His history, structure, uses and trcatment. Al»o giving a lew of the most Important and Effective Bemediea for the cure of the diseases of the horse. v, ? . %-J~ Valuable to every owner and l««r of tke bone. rubiuhcd tjr tko 'sczmscsr waqos cc., eiada- S&ti, o., asd sent, postage p^id, to any address, on receipt of THRns"-ci:xr r:-.*:i»s. 'I &H . E. JJcd B«M Djiiijii Hoora II. Hall. D. Kitchen. E. T'iroo s^:e(s, heavy plate paper, contain­ ing elevations. pl.-.ns and details for the above house: also book of '. Opajres, pivi:-gspecifications, itemized estimate and form of contract--invaluable to every carpenter "r p.irty proposinjr building, as a guide in m 'Iritig^id-. or <*rnwitig contracts. Pnce yj.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of vice. H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati, • The Lawyer's "vork Is '"ctitefly «m- |»lnjrert in making rigbt|what is wrong. 'In dealing with dishonesty, in pettilng the miatinderstaiullng* of people, in interpreting law andfin punishing law Lawyer* live by other .^1 Iwople'e qnarrele. The Doctor gives most of hi* tlm«> the mending of broken physical |ew. While Ite liae otiter Important ^ (flutlee, lilf chief work la to rectore or- |ler wbere law has been violated. F«ir ' the most jiart he is simply a tinker. |> »ctori lire bjr other people'* *11- , The preacher gives his time to iv Claiming people from their sins. Ukr lite doctor, he apends hi« time in mak .' Jug right what la wrong--In savin? ^ f»eople from *tl»e results of violated # law. onljr lie works lit a-different d< ' "• partment. Ife tnust take old, warped, §»imly decajed material uuti uiake it plver again. Freucbers live oil or mther i tfcoi»k's sius. . . . . . ^ r - '" SEEING AND SUMMEB • \ f---; ;• fj?} •vv'" - '"J At the old reliable Boot and Shoe House ot s'-'SvW • Come early tend examine my new gpo^l received and placed upon the niarketlto be sold for now being very little Our Stock is Ithe Largert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwostp. Drop taJkad take a look and get my low Cash Prices. "Woodstock, 111. ••••*. .> </ ,( FURNITURE STORE -B: St' • ' ; ^k' tipT* ' * ^ 1 Two Doors North ofVerry k Mdrllr)?9 h ere yon will find ftll flrrades ofynfhiti up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality c t me will find all my g&ods as represented. a cctfttfnon Chair People bu} ing Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done. in this Dcpnrtmefit I kp«p a first-class asschiment bf Caskets, and .Coffins, and Shrouds ot all kinds and quality A Hearse furnished at .reasonable rates, r":v *\v 'M'oEUSNJEHT, Scissors, Shears, tlfeble a i l^lcef Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Farks, Corn Knives, GriiMlflt^es W Indoor Glas^, • GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE* J. STORY. 'MR i 4 >» • : ^ : *• ft, * %,/f ] I'; I. PARKER'S HAIR BMSIM. A perfect die«r ing, elcgaiuiyper ftioied and harm­ less. Kemovcs Jandniff. restore* natural color and prevents baldne*s< CO rente and $1 tints at driipgifcU. IVSSSKS COLOQM. An eJronS'-'.t<-}y frfi fratit perfnme with exrrfltoftally lMkiuf pro|«rllei. S5 and 1* cnU. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC An Invigoratisg Medicine that H«yer Intoxicates This deiicious cotnbinntion of dinger. Hiichu. Mandrake, StilHngia. and many other o( the best vegetable remedies Ictiowti. cures all disorders ©f the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, &is The Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever U«d. If you are suffering from Female Complaints, Kervoustiess, Wakefulness, l<heumati*ni tlyspep- sia. age or any disease or infirmity, tnlte P;:rker s Ginger 'I onic. It v ill strengthen brain and body and give you new life and vigor. lOO DOLL -A. TtS Paid for anything injurious found iu Ginjjer Ionic or for a failure to lielp or cure. 51V. nu<t *1 »iM« at <l«i!er» In Arnf. 1-tm* MTtorlxiyfyr $E &i«s. Scud for ttrcular ty Hiecox <1 Co., io.St,,J*.Y. FUK5ALE. Twtt good MUU Wttgoitg. almost new. Will 1»<» fcoltl vlu*a|>. Also one two year old liulh^ A very fl»« ttuiuml. Inquire of Tbos. Exoi (3 p different nanus to aecure healing effects. Thene medic formulas for the different kinds have been used extensively for many years throughout the world by leading physicians, for tho various diseases th%> are recommended lor. They are manufactured with the »ld of Improved machinery, under the enperviaion of a regular educated physician and chemist. Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each bo* contains 30 Caramels (90 doses), tbe n«i«« per box being from 23 to 60 cents. We mention *•«» fiR. KAIGKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS Arc »n agreeable, ** n>«ld. Bale, and certain cathartic medicine. Cures Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc. M. KAMSFf S WORM CARAMELS EffecSiiy^^an " chain, broad, round, spring, tape, and whip worms. Chil- aren delight to take them. Price 25c. wer box. DR , KALCKTOFFS COUCH CARAMELS Are a certain Jure and « instant relief for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, vODSUDiptlOB.j otc. price 25c tier Hot ||JR. KALCKH0FF 8 THROAT 8AHAMELS Are a pleaeaut, safe and " certain cure tor all Throat Atiections. Public speakers clergymen, lawyers, and musicians should not be with­ out them. Price Sip hoy m KALCKHOFF S FEMALE CARAMELS Are a wgoSlag m£i- P'foand certain cure and reliuf for all female dfseaseB. For further particulars, ask your druggist for a circular. B«. KALBKHOFfS DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS a*.' ̂ .™„r,Ta U Pcnnaneut cure for all diseases of the Stomal h-Dyspep- Bla, Waterbraeh, Pain, Vomitinp, ere. Price Mc vet box bil ity, SleepieasneaB, etc. Price 00c, per box. ^ IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE. Dr. Kiilckhoff's Caramels are packed, each twenty in a waterproof Wrapper. Each Caramel has on one Blda atimned the signature of A. F. Kulckhoff. M. D., and on theot^er f ii f nan}°.of Caramel. l'he«e Caramels are for safe by all drnesrists and> uatcnt medicine dealers, " m':. '.yk1/*'. A' f-J Catnarnc ua&cli Won 8«aBell Congii Caruaeta nroat Caraaelt ay all drngstists and* p: ?ist does not keep tHeni, send the retail price to the'manS If your drug- factsrw, and they will forward the samtTby^nud?&M°of Charge to any address throughout tho United Stateiu To all druggists and dealers ln^p«^t"^^d?^nls aanot* packages of Dr. Kalckhoffa Caramels are g|v«a away Everybody can obtain a sample pickaca fre j of char-e bv if,1,?.?111" ito yPU; dru^"ist or by writing to tho manufac­ turer* and enclosing a three cent postapo stamp. Druggists and dealers Will please write for l)ru ""i N Clrcnlr* • MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO.. Maauiaciarers and ^oie iJro?>neu>t». iiIkW|g|EC^^ Female C&ruuli Dyspeptic CHICAGO f -H I S IV E W M A P, Piovm ueyond anv reasonable question that the & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY la by an odds the b«it wM for you to tak healtravelinK ia either directionbetw^BB Ciicap anil altthe Principal Points ii tke West Norti & Mwesl Ckrefu'.ly examine this Map. The principal Cities in the W«si and northwest are 8Utk>n& on this road. Its through trains make olose connections with-the trains of all railroad* atr Junction paints, RENCET QalnMMa Spatdi safo' cw J3rainera Morn* ZJSt. Ordway; "jf Clay (cm anaiyohi ooil F • -Algoiut TAMTTON Stou Cr€if/ton riMU City alcna west\®^!jr3 "fiCtCfiOll umcmpA NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CHICAGO v, THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, 9rjfer all of its principal ities, runs each wav daily from two to four or more Fast rains. "l-~ It is < ie only road West, North or Northwest ofChicago that uses the IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS. It is t be'oTily road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. filii over 3,OOd?M f 163 Of Road> In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Winona, Minnesota tc Central Dafcoka Line* Chicago, St. ft Minneapolis Line. Milwaukee, Green Bav ft Lake Superior Line. Waukesha. Miulison &;Northe»n Line Cenncil BhitTs, Colorado & California I.lne. Sioux City & Northeastern Nebraska Line. Elgin, Rock ford, Freeport ft Dubuque Line. Jim ltiver Valley, Pierre A Deadwood Line, . Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents In the United States ft'Cnnada Remember to ask for Tickets via this road,4 be sure they read over it, and take none other 1 D. LATNO. Bon'l Sup't Chicago. W. H. BTEIHITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago, v J » :B08S, Ag't O. * N. W IR'y, MeHenry* «l» In AT HI8 TWO STORES, !cHenry and Nunda, ll now Offering the Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, &c*» ever shown in McHenry County , which we offer to the buv- ing public ^ / X, . / ^ '* * ' . i.' S ^ )-4J vX.t J ^ ' s V l 1 s* ^ a \ Y 4 t >rv: AT BOTTOM PRICES, --- Our stock ib complete and comprises everything nstmtly'keptia * ' First Class Hard-war© Stor®. Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer thabest and moat goods for the least money of any one,iii the business. ? W« INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF IIIG& FRIG^ IN BARB WIRE.7 ".(--i d.i ' Tbe Best Barb Wire in the'Market at 9 ets. per Pound. gcSf Call and see us and learn that we mean business, Store in McHenry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. At Nunda in Italuier's i^ftore. 0 BUY YOUR Gr. W. BKSLEY, McHenry, 111., D. B. Maiiie, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, III., and (jr. |)ickinson, Nundft, 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called /, ' M. KALCKHOFF S MEDICINAL CARAMELS Established in mi ?0H^ STEBBA,' 4 under clues are no secret preparations, but the GEORGE W. hose Store can be found on the West Side, wheae everything in this line c^n be found, Fresh and Pure. • ^ ^ 9hA Em brought to McHenry county, amon^r which can be found the BonUer Library, Princess iJibrarv, Harrison & Smith Safety Laftip and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Oallaud see their oefore purchasing. ' ./ft. ' '}h?.k .ii mm Ornult fctW.?: 'arefully Compounded. eaCal i. tt. s Forrttetly of McHenry, Woodstock aid Chicago, has raturaed to Weedstock, Illinois, Andhastnow on hand: the Urgest and best] stork of ^ 1 • BEADY MASS HARWESSES. COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be foiad in the County, and has evervthinsr made of Ihe BEST MATERIAL. Call aniKseetme. JOHN 8TERBA. r. j dact J. DONOVAN. It is a tact well known to the Farmers of McHenry County that whenever they have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound ot his name has caused them to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goodb for less money than the same quality could be bought, by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machinery in the inarket, and always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ot many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have By actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons (Liul three spring Milk Wag­ ons. (Call and count them.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har­ rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a dollar's worth until the> get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. . '" TV J. DACY & CO.,: " ' Woodstock, §11- INSURE WIM TUfL, • ' sV. * : Mutual Life of New Tor] -- -m# * .A" . Because it Is the oldest Company hi til* United States with thirty-nine years of ex> perience, f> ^ Because it is the laraest Companyyin Mr world. Assets, £H,702,968, nearly double that of any other Company. \ Because it is the most popular Company. Its policy holders number oMr 100,000,/ Because evcrv dollar of the above ilnmens* sum belvnys to the policy holders, and the sur­ plus over what is nctually required, is an. ntially div:<led amongst them, which surplus may be applied in either of two ways: First, to pay a portion of the annual premium, thus materially reducing the cost, or it may bo- used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policy holders of the year juit past, holding policies, the faco= value of which was Sl&VHJO, were carried foi an average term oi':i:i years at low rates, and the additions brought the snug sum of a little^ over {3(H),Many of these policies had beeih sell' sustaining tor years. Because the rates ef every other Company* are nearly eighteen per cent, higher than those of the Mutual Life. Because Its running expense* aro 'ower than any other. „ Tne worn statements of the EqtiitaMo Life Assurance of New "York, accompany several millions less than half as large as tho Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage­ ment to have averaged 14.23 during the last throe years, those of the Mutual Life 7.8 the diflerence of ilrst cost of policy, and manage­ ment expenses alone, are equal to 25 per cent in favor of the Mutual Life. Becanse it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest- ment of any Company in the world. As it will be impossible for me to seo all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual cost, l will say to such that a postal card will always reaah me at this place and on receipt of same I will forward different plans and actual result# (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. ThisJCompany issues only regular Life and Endowment policies and likeother Company* of the highest standard refuses to have any* thing to do with Tontine gambling. C. H. MOREY, Agent, For McHonry,.Coui»ty and western part ol Lake County." MCHKNRY, ILL. FITS EPILEPSY --ok-- • V : . IFallen SiokneM. Permanently cured--no humbug--by one month's usuage of-Dr. Goulard's Celebrated Infallible Fit Powders. To convince suffer­ ers that these pow.lers will do all we claim for them we will send them by mail postpaid a free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that has made this disease a spec, lal study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of {these Powders, we will guarantee a perma. nent cure in every case, or refund you a'I money expended. All sufferers should givo these" Povd'ers an early trial, and be con. vinced of their curative powers.. Price, lor large box, #3, or 4 boxes for *10, slut by maijl to any pa rt of the United States or Canada on receipt of price, or by ex press, C. O. D Ad. dress, ASH A ROBBIN3, 369Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. V. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured , All sufferers from this disease that are aaz tons to be cured should trv Dr, Kismet's Celebrated consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known itiat will cure Consumption and all diseases, of the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince yon that tliey arc no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial box. We don't want your money until yo» are perfectly siuisdled of their eurative pow­ ers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay nglving these Powders a trial, as thev will ° surely cure you. Price, for large box. |S, sent to any part of the United States or Cana matj.°n receipt of price. Address* ASH A ftOBBINS, 380JTuitonSt.. Brook lyn, N. Y. CHEAP LANDS on loag ere<lic rad easy terns, in a n!14 climate, ft-es from, heavy snows, bUgkt* fl leg frosts, and I eesslve rains* MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale in the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of 6a deh Soil aa (be ana ever shone it •a, with root! markets eaal west, For Detcrlptlre and Illustrate^ JMfe •! with Xaps, SvnS Free, Address H LAND COMMISSIONER,- Kansas DfrMNfc ' f, , .KANSAS.mvt mmum - - . . .. . .. *'» ' • _ _ .. *.sAk«..'i.£t-h*i. «..I'J&A

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