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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1882, p. 8

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Mortea ot Andrew Jackson. Wten Jackson was president, Jimmy O^STwIll th« Irish doorkeeper of the Whit* Hotm, was a marked character. He hud his foibles, which often offend­ ed the fastidiousness of the President's nephew and Secretary, Mnj. Donetaon Who caused his dismissal on an average of about once a week. But on appeal •o the higher court the verdict was always reversed by the good nature of the good old General. Once, however. Jimmy was guilty of some flagrant offense, and being summoned before the President himself, was thus ad­ dressed: "Jimmy, I have borne with yon for yeart In spite of all complaints, but this goes beyond my powers of en­ durance," "And do you believe the story?" Certainly f have just heard it from two Senators." "Faith," retort­ ed Jimmy, "If I believed all that twenty Senators say about you, its little Fd think you was fit to be president." 44Pshaw, Jimmy, clear out and go back to your duty, but be more careful hereafter.*' Jimmy not only retained Ills place to the close of Jackson's Presidential term, but accompanied him back to the Hermitage, and was With him to the day of his death. * Q«n. Jackson had'very little love or ftMte for poetry, his favorite author being Dr. Issac Watts, from whose "Psalms and Hymns" he used to make his selections for th£ inscriptions in tbe ladies' albums which were once so fashionable, when they were sent him with a request for his autograph. It is said that while President he never drank any ardent spirits. This wu corroborated by his negro servant, who said tbat"Mac«a Jackson no drink rum, but den he drink his coffee strong enongh to kill de debbil."--Cincinnati Gazette. A. P. GRAY Always Ahead. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED ISPRING AND SUMMER » -<• ( ,y I 1 ' ' »I •< • - «*,> * ,» - ""-jfi,' PATRONIZE home industry and ^bny your Cigars of Barbian Bros. They make four different brands, and are equal to the best. M. M. CLOTHIER, HI OH HON N - ILLINOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. Prosecutes all claims in all bureaus in the Itopartment of the Interior. Special at ten. tlon given to difficult or rejected claims. Careful attention given to all matters of im­ portance Office at the residence of Wm. H. Cowlin, Woodstock, III. Business will be at- tended to by Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I •hall always be there on Saturdays, anil shall lie at the office of J. T. Beldin, Esq., Marengo, on the ilrst Friday in each month. All Jetters of a business nature mnst contain stamp for I A LARGE FISH, --AT THE-- • " \ Waieonda Drug Store and Book Haunt We are prepared to pell all of the apparatus for catchi ng the above. The largest and most complete line of fishing goods ever displayed in Wauconda. Pure Linen Lines, Trolling Hooka, Floats,.* Sinkers, Jointed JUh Ko&, at a bargain. TMpjwBE THOMAS irill hteify be able to call s t: ^W" a, u o o n d a is season, if he does, however, we can give him figures on HAIl MONICAS and Musical lustra stents of f11 descriptions that would astonish him. A new line received. Call and examine /" F, B. HARRISON. Robinson Wagon Co. Manufacturers of iPRmo WAGONS Buggies A Phaetons. •and for designs and price* to . BOBINSON WAOOir CO., __ CINCINNATI, o. THJS HORSE L WAGON. A MEW BOOK on the Horse. His history, structure, uses •ad treatment. AUo giving a few of the most Important and Effective fcr the cure of the diseases of the horse. Yafaabfe to every earner and lover of UM fere. PaMished by the XOSXtfSOV VAOOH CO., an* "»t, pottage paid, to any addreM, on receipt of Tn;ir:r.; "-CENT STAMPS. --AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, AND BLACKSMITH 8HOP, RICHMOND, ILL. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PI, \TKORM SPRING, DE- LIV/CRY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and three seated, from the cele­ brated manufactory of J. W. Henry & Co., Krecport. Blacksmlthing, Painting and Repairing Done In a workman like, manner and war-' ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufacture;!, we select that hest adapted for this section, and upon the BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en­ ables us to supply our patrons with just what they Want, and at lower priccs than anv other concern northwest of Chicago. Cat! ami make examination for yourselves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery you may neei* the coining season, and yon Will iliui the best and most complete lino of Farm Machinery ever before offered in Mcllenrv Co Remember that we offer the VERY hEST MACHINERY at the VERY I,OWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. A. P. ORA Y; Richmond, III, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, For Spring and Summer. . A full line of piece goods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. CLOTHING ! A Bigger Stock than ever. SUITS SUITS' AT Suits all prices at AT $4.50. $5.00 Maiman's CLOTHING AT WAUCONDA. For anything made to order, Maiman's is th place to go, AUo a full line of 6ent's Furnishing Goods. HATS, CAPS, &c Ml 8. Has received a fine Stock of Spring and Sum mcr Millinery goods, all of the "latest styles A ni"C lot of Riblicns and Plumes: The ailies of Western I>ake C ounty are especially nvited to call and exaini ne goods and-'prices, H. MAIMAN. The fai'uci'st nud iti'vt Medicine ever 3Ia<le. n Ac<» ;1i,;nnii< ii if >Sops, Buchu, Han* tlrakfts ;ui'i Dar.cJsiron, witc uUttiobcst and most eft urntivr j>r<ii» rtks of all other Bittern, make Blithe greatest Blood Purifier, l-'ver Res u tor? nnii I'*- ' a!"' Health JtestortuK Agent n<artli. i fKMsiklv lonfr pxlst, where nop keO^co vtuu.-U aud perfeet are Uieir No disease c Bitters ure OlKMOtlOl They g.*e ccwli»i:oai -rf to tha aged sal ld&rm. To all whose e%i'i|il"viii«ut*r»ii'K irrepu.iri" tjroftljel>owilpor% urinary rirans, or »!io re­ quire ai: Ar a"<linild .Stimulant, H.>p Bitters are invf r^ '1,1,;. without Intox­ icating. mmsSk No matter why*your £c\«<Hwrs or flymptom* are wliut tlie disease or ail v Ult- U-rs. Don't wait uutil yyuarS l* fl'.-k but If you •only feel l>a<l or im.^'i'uMv.1.^11*6 tli'-m at ontu. Jt may savo hasS" a v «d huutil e;in. 9500 will be jiald for a ca»le tliey will not cure or help. Do not *Aci I' t your friend* •utler.lMit use and urire tliem^ 1 Hop B lU-inemU'r, Hop Hitt-TJi is no^. vi'ei druuken nuxtruin, but-the ^ I5«st ever luatlo : tlie airtl HOPS*9 und no persou or /CV. should l*i without them. o(&%£*** .UMOLTITO AN»| 1RPES«ISTISH» CUR»TP/FE^JF| forDiuii.tcnuj:.sfi.use of «4,:.r?n, t"bacco an«^ " N * Ml b'.ta t>y ,1 • •<. K, n<! j'J;. , !Jop lllltrr* flfe. Co., / rarlnr. E. lied XCoMMb Diniu£ tloom II. UAU. * Three sheets, 19x24, heavy plate paper, contain- •D^ elevations# plans and details for the above house: •Iso hook of '20 pages, piving specifications, itemised estimate and form of contract--invaluable to ~ carp -arpenter f*r party proposing building, as a guide m Biking hjd% or drawing contracts. ^^ce $1.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of H. E. WALTON, W. Ninth 8t># Cincinnati, fit PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. If you are a m&nl of busit*en<fweak-1 ened by the strain of your duties avoid irtimulautH and uss Hop Bitters. U yoti are youiiK and I ditwretioQ or dU8itMt| riraj 'T tangle, old orl pi)orliealth or lanculsbl Bess,, rely on Ho pi "iVii.wver you are, wteuuver you feel | tttat your igrgtera I needs cleaiwhisr.toa- * liu> «r •tbunuitliiK, w9haa»tilo)ilaaUini, take H»B Bitter*.. Have you diW- peptia, kidney or urinary com­ plaint, disease Of the stomach, Soicelii, blood, Uveromerves 1 Vou will »e cured if you ua» Nop Bitters If you are sim­ ply w «' a k and lowflritiii.try I it i 11 r.i a y save your life, it hae saved hun< dreds. ' If you are a man of let- ters toiling orer mlc work, to res­ tore brain nei veand | wsBte, uhe Hop B. ring1 from any In- \lioii, it you are mar- | voung, HUtferiiiK from lint? on a bed of sick* 1 Bitters. Thousands die an­ nually from some f o r m o f K i d n e y • that livight 1 have presented Lby a \ i in e l y uaeof HopBitters HOP iH! NEVER FAIL I- 0. K. O. Ills an absolute 1 and irreeista- ijble cure for |drunkenfi@@B ( llutK* of opium. Iltobac eo t or '| narcotics. Bold by dru*- Igixts. Head for {Circular. Momma* •»ra I ATomnto, Oat. The F.est, Cleanest and most Economical Hair Dressing. Never Fails to Restore (he youthful color to prey air. 50c and $x sizes at druggists. At'the old reliable Boot and Shoe House ot WM. H. D WIGHT. Come early and examine my new gooiSi which are now being received and placed upon the market to be sold for J very/little money. * ^ Our Stock is [the Largert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp. Drop in and take a I00K and get my low Cash Prices. W. H. DWIGHT, "Woodstock, HI. JOHN B. BLAKE, FURNITURE STORE Two Doors North of Perry & Martin's r- Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People bujin<r ct me will find all my goods as represented. ,, ° 'Jobbing and Bepairing neatly and promptly done. . UNDERTAKING. In this Department J keop 'a first-class assortment of Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds ol all ,kiiida and quality A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JACOB STORY, McHENRY. ILU DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Sliotrels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass, GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STORY. Farmers, ' ?r r-is * ^ ^ * I Doyonwaiit liftrAS^iacWnery s.unetMnsr ire troy w ratwll of that you yet. the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy ISO much that they ciaim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and ,then come to us and we will sell you'the same goods cheaper than any other dealer. We have just received the finest car of CABRIAGES, ALL STYLES, That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call, as the finish beats the|n all. A guarantee of our own tor oue ye&r with each carriage., ( 4 PLANTERS. We have six different kinds. Among them are three different Keystone Planter/a, Standard, Union and John Deere,.all Rotaxy or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. We have eight kinds. Anions them you will find the cel- ebratec Bertrand & Sanies, Standard, Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. Warranted to suit. MINNEAPOLIS 8ELF-BINDER. We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. ^ If you look it over yon will find it has more improvements than any Binder out. Notking to be feared from Mccormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless. Of Hay Racks #e have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hol- lingsworth, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and jor an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can al­ ways repair or put them down any depth. E. M. OWEN & SON. T H I S N E W M A P , Piovea beyond aay reason^' question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds the best road forjyou to tak hen traveling in either direetionbetween Chicap anil all the Principal Point;; in the West North & NortM Carefully examine this'Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Station* on this road. Ua through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads at Junction paints, Established in 1856. *SiOH»i stebbj! rormerTy' of MeHenry, Woodstock Chicago, has returned to > i Woodstock, Illinois, And has now on hand the largest and heat stork of READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be fouwl in the County, .nilI has everything made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call andTsee'me. JOHN STERBA. r. J DACIR If DONOVAN. It is a fact welt known to the Fanners of McIIenry County that whenever they have spoken of Dacy s to oppositon dealers, that the sound ol his name has caused them to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply because the would be oppoeit%>n dealers know too well that tve have bought our, goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goods for less money than the same quality could be bought by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ot many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag­ ons. (Call and count them.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a dollar's worth until the> get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III- Floreston Cologne A new &n<l exceedingly fra­ grant and luting perfume. Price 25 and 1fcc. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Part Faaily Medicine that Never latsxlc&iii, If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out witSs orerwork. or a mother run down by family or house­ hold duties try PARSER'S GINGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or businesi man ex­ hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use PARKER'S GINGER Tome. If you have Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder ofthe lungs, stomach. bowels, blood or nerves you can be cured by PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives- it may save yours. Hisrox A CO., IBS William St.. 1»ew Tork. Sue. aad ae dollar fir**, at all deaUrs EI in*,. ' GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SI7.K. G. W. BTCSLEY, McIIeitry, 111., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, III., and G. E. Dickinson, Nunda, 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called DR. KALGKHOFFS MEDICINAL CARAMELS CONTAIN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic spices, tamarind*, flgs, prunes ami chocolate, lorming agreeable, mild, safe and pure medicines. They are as pleasant to take as the fineet confection, and therefore take the place of all medicines which are sold nndcr different names to eecure healing effects. These medicines are no secret preparations, but the formulas for the different kinds have been used extensively for many years throughout the world, bj leading physicians, for the various diseases they are recommended for. They are manufactured wltfi the »id of improved maclilaery, nnd^r the supervision ©f a regular edacatcd phyelclu and chemist Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each box contain* 90 Caramels CM) dotes), the price per box being from 23 to BO cents. Wo mention P. KALCKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS Are an agreeable, mild, sale, and certain cathartic medicine. Cures Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc/ Price, 25c. per box. DR. KALCKHOFF'S WORM CARAMELS Effectually destroy all u cliaiu, broad, round, spring, tape, and whip worms. (Jhil- dren delight to take them. Price 25c. por bo*. QR. KALCKHOFF'S COUCH CARAMELS Are a certain enre and ** instant relief for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, etc. Price 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S THROAT CARAMELS A>e a pleasant, safe and •* eertain cure for all Throat Affections. Public speakers, clergymen, lawyers, and mnsicSnns should not he with- ont them. Price 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S.FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medi- u cine atul certain cure and relict for all female diseases. For further particulars, ask your drueglst for a circular. _ Price 80c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a pleasant and •* permanent cure for all diueasee of the 8tomach--Dyspep­ sia, Waterbraeh, Pain, Vomiting, etc. Price 50c. per box. DR. KALCKHOFF'S KiDNEY AND LIVER CARAMELS Arc a certain •» core for all Kidney, lloart, and Liver Diseases. Frice 50c. p»:r box. Cathartic Cuimeli Won Canmtli Const Cumeli Throat Oanaels Female Cartaeli Dyspeptic Cuamels DR. KALCKHOFF'S NERVE CARAMELS Are a certain cure far all » Nervous and Sexual Diseases, Nervous and Sexual De­ bility, SleepJeaeaese, etc. Price 50c. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE. Dr. KalckhotTs Caramels are packed, each twenty in a waterproof wrapper. Each Caramel has on one side stamped the signature of A. F. Kalckhoff. M. D., and on the other side the name of the Caramel. These Caramels are for sale by all druggists and patent medicine dealers. If your drug­ gist does not keep them, send the retail price lo the manu­ facturers, and they will forward the same by mall free of charge to any address throughout the United States. „ „ GIVEN AWAY! To all druggist* and dealer* in patent medicines, sample psckaees of Dr. Kaickhofl'H Caramels are given away. Everybody can obtain a sample package free of charge by applying to yonr druggist or by writing to the manufac­ turers and enclosing a thrio cent postage stamp. Druggists and dealers will pW«e write for Druggists' Circular. MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO.. Manufacturers ana Hole Proprietors. , MILWAUKKE.WIS. Sitae? and Liver CuaaeU Hem Cuuuli t i^sMss°i FL^ENC*^^ ^ Chiuutfcr\ Quinnc Jfbrcerttr , | _Ashland irickenT^Sil* jgrainera ifjrrxt Ordway Cloud I S q?OlNJ3 I N muai InSJt.//. *• Green ^'i^kPrln Jiljil??* ?V' v -WAUrto^ lro y x rails Algona T.1KKTO Siou* c> Creifftoi, nM y/reill City*, \» ft L ? NX E 10^R<B] c; ualcna NOR. CHI . WEST C> etc ~ 0,^a\ )1 L L. I CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWA Ktar+'l J ' B.Jttl\.iCJ..Chl. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN \ RAJLWAJ, Over nil of its principal linos, runs eachjnT^rtaily from two to four o Trains. Itjis tlie only road West, Nortliw Northwest ofChicago that i IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS. It is the'only roni! Miut runs Fnllman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It| hat over 3,000]Miles Of Road- In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Colorado A California Line. Winona, Minnesota A Central Dacota Li ne. Sioux Citv ft Northeastern Nebraska Line. Chicago, St. Pr.ul A Minneapolis Line, Elgin, Roekfoul, Freeport A Dtibtique Line. Milwaukee, Green Bay & Lake Stipe Line. Jim River Valley, Pierre & Dead wood Line. Waukesha. Madison & Northern Line Tickets over this road are sold byfall Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via tliis'roaa, be sure they read over it, and take none other J S. LAYHQ. Gen'ISup't Chicago. W.H. 8TESNITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago. B- BUSS, Ag't C. A N W BR'y, McHenry, III. BUY YOUR OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on the West Side, wheae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pure. - - . in Eror broiijorht to McHenry comity, amon«r which can be found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dofy competition. Call and see then: oefore purchasing. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give s ea Cal*. McHenry, 111, Oct. 10th, 18$2* c. wBESLEY IINSURE "Willi THE Mutual Life of New Tork, WETS'? , Because it is the oldest Company in the United stales with thirty-nine years of ex. perience. Because it isQf he Inrgest Compan> in th0 world. A*8e|», #IM,7(1-2,958, nearly double thai of any other Company. Bccauscjit is the most popular Company.' Its policyiholdcrs number over 100,000. Because everv dollar of the above immense sum belong* tothepoticy /tntUcr*, and the sur­ plus over what is actually required, is an­ nually divided amongst tliem, wiiich surplus may lie applied in either ol 1 vv«> Ways: First, to pay a portion ol' the aimutJjdMeiiunnt. tliu» materially reiluciiiii Die cout^HjiMkjrnay liir used to piirchnxf 11 ddiIi«ni%^^^^^H;e. in the latter way forty-eight piflH|^^HHer8 of the year just iKiHt, holding poliPlJI^Rhe laei* value of which WIIS FRW,500, were twrtled lor an average term of 33 years at low rates, anil the additions brought the sang sum of a liitlo over $300,000. Miiny of these policies had been self sustaining tor years. Because tne rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen] per cent, higher thai* those of the Mutual Life. Because Us running expenses are 'ower than any other. ^ Tne sworn statements of the Equitahl# Life Assurance of New York, a {company several millions leu* than half as large as tli'e Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage, mont to have averaged 14.23 1 hiring the hist three years, those of the Mutual Lite 7.8 the diflerenre of ilrst coat of pol'cy, and manage­ ment expenses alone, areeqtnil to 23per cent in favor of the Mutual Life. Becnnse It can and does afford theeheapest. safest and most siUi.«factory insurance invest­ ment ol' any Comnany in the world. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life inmiranec at actual cost, 1 will 'say lo such that a posta* card ->vill always reatsli me at this place and on receipt of same I will forward different plans and actual results (not estimate**) wluclk arc certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. This Coinpiinv issues only regular Life and Endowmeuipolicies and likeother Company® ofthe highest standard refuses to have any­ thing to do with Tonline gambling. C. H. MO HEY, Agent, , For McHenry.County and western part of Lake County. MCHKNKY, ILL. FITS EPILEPSY --OR-- Fallen Sickness. Permanently cured--no humbug--by on« month's usuage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated^ Infallible Fit Powders. To convince suffer, ers that these powlers will do all we clain» for them we will send them by mail postiHtid a free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that has inaiic this disease a spec­ ial'study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanentIv cured by tlie use of these Powders, we will guarantee a perma­ nent cure in every case, or • refund you a » money expended. Arll-satfferers should grvc these Powders an early) trial, and be con. vinced of their ciirativ.e'powers. Price, tor larze bo\, *3, or 4 luxes tor *10, sent by maii to anv part of the United States or Canada on ppcpiut of nrice, or by express. C. O. D- Ad. dressAsft* ROBBIII3, 869Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. \. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferer* from this disease thatare anx lous to be cured should try Dr, Kissner's C'eiebrated Consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known ttiat will cure Consumption and all diseases ot the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward tf» every snfferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial box. We don't want yonr money until yow a<-e perfectly satisfied of their eiirative pow. ers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay ngiving these Powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box. sent 10 any part of the United States or Cani» da, by mail, 011 receipt of priee. Address, jisti^ ROBBINS, 300 Fulton St.. Brook CHEAI MILLIONS OF ££BES for sale in the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the ion long credit *nd | easy terms, in a MIM climate, free . from heavy snows, blight­ ing hosts, and • »*• ceulre rains. ANDS UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •f cs cich Soil ai the sun ever shone on, with good market* east mhI went, for Deteriptive miI TIlu*trmie& B»^i wtth Mapa, Sent JVae, AddrtM* UND COMMISSIONER,-KMBU D'VW®T| KANSAS CITY8 MISSOURI.

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