,T ' 111 "V'"-1- \imuia ;: ai i* i Is' *3*,.. ^ y... :**«?* J-.; r<rt 'jfafri/l •"V^iikit e*T#-nr*iWte ""Vr" '*• ut to ? Mrug^' --"it Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe. ^•v-i-VP' to Liberty and Nasi JULY 12, 1882. VOL. 7. +** M'HENRY, ILLINOI EDNESDAY. BUSINESS CARDS. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. T3HTSICIAW ANI>RUR<iEOK? AIM United JT States Examining Surgeon. ttlnhmnnil. Illinois. E. LA Department. Soldier* Kiolimoml, CONDUCTED BY DR. 8. F. BENNETT. M. M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, - ILLINOIS- tates Exam in in WARRA Ue^enry^WiHetlep. Pub tied Every Wed%«lay W .jr. v̂ v>' slItke, BDlTOitl.vXn PUBliISHER.i Otflce in Old Block, til VRTtSTDB HOl'M.- TKkMS OF fSTTBSCMPTION. i a&tM foe Ycardn A-trdnce)...................il.BO Itf Hit Pill wlthlaTtiros Months, 2.80 8n1»^CPipM*»ns receive! for tlivoo or six nonth* in th« sw proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. jgg N. T. ni?ows. M . I». fVaVStCTAN AND SITRGEOV. Ofllee over I the Post Office, opposite Perry fr Martin • •tore «in etiir*, McHenry, 111. a H. FEfiKUS. M. D- TWTMOlAN AND RTJHOEON. Jolmslrargb, f ills.--Office honrs 8 to 10, A. M. •W -O. J. HOWARD, M. T». ri>MT9TCTAN 'AND S'CTRGKON. Ofllve at I mv residence, opposite M. E. Chnrcli, MeHenry, III. K. V. ANDERSON. M. D., ilTCTAN awl Snrww. Offline at Beslev'* DM^ store, Opposite Parker (lease, McHehry, Illinois. T>HTS1 r Bes CART- CARTAS. SAI-OON nnil Bnnrrtintr Hon BO, .Tohn.tmrsrK. Til. Plensant Rooms for Hunters ani Fishermen. Ice for the use of Hunters.-- Choir,e branrls of Wines and Liquors always M hand. Call and see me. PRATT HOtTSE. J A. PRVTT, Proprietor. First Has* nr. co-nmodations. Uood Barn]in connection Waneowla, III. } JOS. J. FRETT'S MEAT MARKET, near the BrliJjro, Mc. Henry, III. Fresh and Salt Moats, San- n«(te. Smoke I Meats, etc., always on hand. Keeps none but the best. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or-de'# solicited. Shop, i.i Old McHenry, m Keiter Block, two doors west of PLAJN- JEAI.KB Office. RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection lebts. Volo, Ijake County, III. E. E. RICH ARDS. HAS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land in M HenrvCounty, Illinois. OIBcc with County Clerk, Woodstock. 111. * E.M. OWEN fGENERAL Denier and Manufacturers T Apcnt in Leading Farm Machinery Pricet low and terms favorable. McHenry, II'. I' 11 1 ' ' " '• "" N. 9. COLBY. MOHENUr, MftHenry Co.. 111. Spanish Merino slieep. ryUo.,in. Breeder of Slieep, Berki hire and Poland China S wine. A choice lot of young Bnck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. E. G. SMITH. OOT AND SHOE MAKER. ~ ' j. nnop in «i. next to river bridge, Mc-B OOT AND SHOE M AH it it. Prompt at ten- tlon jriven to Repairing. Shop in J._J. 3illes* building, Henry, Illinois. PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Wntche3, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repnlrs Violins in the best possible manner, on short notice and at rea sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHenry Itl. A. K. BALDWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residenc.3 on Clay St., Woodstock, 111. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hours. Also United Surgeon. C. S. GREEN. YETERINABT SURGEON, Illinois. Biclimond, JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan- eerv. Will practice In State and in Fed eral Courts. Office, 8d Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. SIDNEY DI9BROW, J^OTARY^ PUBLIC and Conveyancer, Al. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTTST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Waucnnda the lftth an'l 25th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Snn- dav I make tnv visits the following Monday. Also at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Ofllce at Hotel. McHENRY HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIETOR. CUX1D Board by the dav or week at reason-J able rates The c.hoicftst brands of Wines, Liquors and Cisrars. Goort Stabling for Horses. A lino Pijreon Holo Table in connection with the House. Give me a call. PETER SMITH. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jowcler NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET, (Brisrars House,) Chicago, 111. Special attention pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. W.V Full Assortment of Goods in his line. OEORGE CURTIS, House and Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shop J>pposlte Perry A' Mifertin's. Will attend promptly to all work and guar- antee satisfaction Prices as low aa good work can l>e done anywhere. FINE CHAINING A SPECIALTY MIXED PAINTS, I am prepared to furnish Mixed Paints of all kiwi* at the lowest living prices, rtnd fur nish an article far snperior to the common Mixed Paints being sold. Call and sre me. GEO. CURTIS. McHenry, April 13, 1882. W. H. SAN FORD, Merchant Tailor In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Eastside of P«blio Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Clotha for Snitinga al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a tit warranted. Give me a call. W. H.SANFORD. Woodstock, III., Sept. 27th. 1878. J. A. SHE9WOOD AUCTIONE EH- AND APPRAISER, .Algonquin, III. SALESof Stock, FarmingTools and Goods of all kinds promptly attendod to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post 3fficeadaress: Algonquin, III. MARCUS GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, The best Tonic in the world. Pint and lju.irt Bottles. III. Pat np in P. MARCUS, Patentee £•. Boaslett, iNeur the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. f 'Keens constantly on hand the finest brands of flour and Feed of all kinds, which he»will eel) at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Fi'*e ftiffrtrent brands of Fionr1 always* on "Jiaiirl and warranted as represented. t"S*Flour delivered anywhere in the Cor poration. Orlers irwv be&fiveu by Postal &W.I, Box 107, I'ostJOffice. GiVKjMB A CALL. L BONSLETT. McHenry, Mareh 8th, 1881. JUST OUT! ASDEKSQNVItLEr*~*1)IA5rY. Escape, and List of Dead, «•. BT JOHN L. RANSOM. The Llit of the Dead gives Accnrately the Name. Regiment, Company, pate of Death and Number of Grave in the Cemetery, of all whtt . died in thatdrcad-' A fill l'rlson. 12.912. Nearly 13,000 Victims. The Diarv is an everyday account of Four, teen Months imprisonment written each day. word for word as printed, and tells fully an<l understandin:;ly, happenings in Andcrsonville and other prisons. Valuable to nil those who lost friends there. A volnme ot 304 pages, nicely printed anl illustrated, bound in cloth, with gold trim mings. Price, f 1.50. A. B. Bidwell, of Woodstock, has been ap pointed agent for McHenrv Co. He pnqioses to call npon the people of every tow:i during thesp~iiig. presenting this valuable work for their consideration. Ape-nts wanted for every town in the Send for Circulars. WM. H. COW LIN, Oen. Agent for the Knrthtrr>*t, Woodstock, III. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS The best Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on Hand. Good Stabling for Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali tv considered. This lieer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot oe aur. pasted in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. 111. Aug. i«th, ]. 188 "VtOTARY PUBLIC and Convevancer.-- Prosecute claims iri nil Bureaus in De partment of Interior. Letters must contain stamp fur reply. Post Office, Richmond, 111, Bonslett's Mill. Me JOSEPH N. FREUND. SALOOS AND RE^T VITU VNT old stand, opposite Bishop'g Henry, ill. The c loicest wines. Liquors and Sigarstobe found in the county. Fresh Oyster* in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY 1SNGELN, SALOON and Restaurant. Buck's old stand Mcllenrv, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, ^our Mnsh, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. We buy none but the best. an-1 sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. Richmond House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently mirchated the above House, I have put it in thorough repair, with new fnrnilne throughout, ana would respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav. eling public and others. The tables will al ways ne provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be sparol to make t.'iis a First Class House. Largu and commodious barns on the premiees. Free Omnibus to and from' all trains. Sample Room* on first floor. -ItfN STAfflj. HE. WTUHTMAN, proprietor. First . class rigs, with or without drivers, fiunished at reasonable (rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, CABPEETER AND JQQTCS McHenry, III. Will tnke contracts fur putting up RuiliHiiX* ami guarante* tnv work will compare with any man In the State. I c«m nn«l will ilo work from 15 to per cent choaper than other carpenter*. Hf« I have two c#t my hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so. - All Jobs in the Carpentef ^mie promptly attended to. Give me ajcall. Wanted FOR BOEDER BY J. W. BIT EL. •77I« iVew, Thrlttinff and Authentic JHIstory ot the lives and Wonderful Ail ventures of Amerien's Great Outlaws, The Younger Brothers, Frank and Jesse James. And their bands of hlathwa vinen, down to thfr present moment, including DKATII OK JhWI! JAM ICS, and all the late «narlliug and thrilling deve'opmenls. Fifty Illustration* and i'or- traits, among which are Jesse James after he was shot, and 12 line Colored Pistes. Inter- views and letters from Cole Younger. The brenking up of the band and revelations of STAKTI.IXG SKCKP.TS.gH'hc ltUtek Hag, the teruble "lilack Oath," and hncdreds of other astonishing tacts. Most Wonderful and Ex citing llook in existence! Outsells every- thing! New and greatly enlarged edition; new' illustrations; 500 pages; price 91.fill. Airents' Cunvassinst Ontfit, fioc. Illustrated Circulars and full jmrticulais FliEE. Agents, don't lose tliia'grand opportunity 1 Ail-lress 1IHTOK1CAL PUItLlSUING jCO., 002 N. 4th su, tit. Louis, Mo. CLOTHING, Children's siz< ity and at Chk •&mt" SNI*aiiSk. -TTP CluniS. A FIT, SALE. ?fl's Boys' Riid ;f the best qual- prices. THE Are Invit MILLINER' SADIES visit tlM . 1 , PARLORS MRS. WM. WAUCONDA And Inspect BONNETS AND PLUMES--B1 And other goods in Une of [DMARSHt - ILLINOIS Stock of |ATS--"RLUOANT JT RIBBONS It large WORSTEDS, GERMAL _ ©LOVES, CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, HAIR NETS, BIRTH.DAT CARD**,ft LWR9 OF ALL KIND8, And many other armies tor the ladies. Prices will l»c made law. and work will be neatly and ptmnptly done.v Roses! Rd|is! Plants! B. O'NEIL, Km, lie; ! %f • - f '* - Reliablî || Florist. Begs to inform th« {p4ptn of McIIenrjr Ikd surrounding country tipt his stock of Flowoirtn gc ^tnd Folia ^ Plipts Ts verylsiye. Fo^ ono'dollnr I scfl one do».en Montlily Roses. Korono dollar and llfty cents 1^*11 «'»ne dozen hard? perpetual R«.ses. t 'nnsics and Verlwnas»IH'tv cents per dozen. Cabbnge and Tomato Pmiitf, tuty cents per hundred. Addresss aajnmve. EIAIIR, 111., May Hth,jl88i ' %-zr AND TR. Magnetic Ointment. WARRANTED To Cure Piles and Chafing Sores. Also.Sere Kjes. Sore Throat, Kariiche, Braises, Barns,Cuts, Caras, Skin Disorders, Scrofulous sai all Sores. I to effect in nil Kltfnry, Liver, Bawel Hud lung Diseases, Kkeaasilxin, Back* •eke, Lane nests, Sprains, and Swellings is re-red by the best physicinns a- simply wonder-For«;>l" Hvlniinrists. Pri,*e®5 nrc' -Ssioentd. t. B i r r " . i " • - Wagon Shop. The nndersi?ned, at his Shop Norlh of Perry & Martin's store near the Brick Church, is now prepared to do anything in the line oT Olacksinitliing or Wagon M iking, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best nifl material and flrst-clart workmen we are prepared to get np Buggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable terms anil warvanttas represented. Horse Shoeini & General Joliliiiii promptly|attended to. If in wfinlof a'new Waijon, be sure to cal at my Shop, examine one of my Wagons and learn mice before purchasing. My Wagon* took FIRST IMtlCMIlTM AT THE COUNTY FAIR last Fall over all others. I will notfbe undersold,quality considered. Give Me a Call . ) PHILLIP HAUPERISH. McHenry, 111., March 21st, ISS^J GROCERIES! CROCERIES! M. Engeln. naving removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is nil prepared to offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, Oanucd G oods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c,, &c. My Goods are all fresh and will be sold at the lowest living prices. I a l s o Veep a full stock of Gun Material ishin" Tackle, Minnow Seine, Hammocks, ml in "fact everything pertaining to Fishing Hnd Huntiusr, can be found at my Store at reasonable I'rices. _. Violins, Acerdeons, Picnlas, Flutes, Vio <4trin2S. an<i all other extras for Vielilis. My aUirks of riNWAUE is cortipiett. Call and examiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. ^ ENG*LN BEAUTIFUL Aii STYLISH M I L L I N E H Y Spring Season of 1882. MRS..0. 1 STEVENS, Rfsi^tfully calls th© attention of the public to her stock ot Millinery Goods just received at bet store in Richmond, IllinolSy Where she will be pleased to see all who may favor her with a mil. The varied stock consists in part of HATS', NETS. LA CES. RIBBONS, FLOW E US, LADIES TIES. LADIES' A TVRB OF LOYALTY. General O. O. Howtird is another one •r those men who believe that soldi era were intensely loyal and Fiipromelv nn- Mlfish in their «!t»vorlon to their coun try. In hie Decoration Day address he aald: The Hon. E. P. Smith, once Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, is responsible for the following. I wish he had jfWen the soldier's name. Take this a? a type of our soldier's loyalty to the country's flajf and of unselfiftU devotion to the veryeiHi: "During the charjre np the Ridge (Missionary') fonr soldiers were seen hearing back a comrade on a blan ket. When they laid down their bur den 1 knelt down beside him atid said: 'Sergeant, whore did thev hit yon?' 'Most up the Ridge, sir.' 'I mean. Ser geant, where did the ball strike yon?' 'Within twfnty'yards of the top--al most up.' 4Xo,lno, think of yourself for a moment, te|l me where you are wounded?' And throwing back ih» blanket, I found his upper arm and shoulder mangled and smashed with a shell. Turning his t(jfre to look for the first tlm* upon his wound, the Sergeant «al«l: 'That's what did It. I was hug" glng the standard to my blouse and making tor the top. T was almost np when that ugly shell knocked me over. If thev had let me alone a little !©nger--two minutes longer--I should have planted the colors On the top. Almost up. almost jip.' *i • * * nis own regiment, rallying under the colors that had dropped from his shat tered arm was (then) shouting the vic tory for will oh the poor Sergeant had given his life, hut of which h« was dying without the sight," OLD LALIES' AND WA VES, CHIL DREN'S CAPS, &c., &c. Customers from a distance will find it to their advantage to give me a cull. MRS- O. 8. STEVENS, Richmond, Illinois. A NEW Carriage and Wagon ON THE WEST SIDE. Tripp Bros., Have brought a fine stock ot Wagon Material to town, and are prepared to do all kinds ol Repairing on short notice, and will PUT UP NEW WORK In the best of style. WATER TAKS MADE TO ORDER. Call and see us, Shop, rent of Carpenter's Blacksmith Shop, opposite the Parker House. TRIPP BROS. - McHenry, 111., April «, m*. mm NAvat. iMcrtctfciifefir. Secretary/ Chandler's »p«*r,h before the New Hampshire Cfub at Ronton. * This country to-day, with all Its wealth and Intelligence, with all Jt* sea coast, with all its seaman, with all its saaport*. is not in a condition to enter any International controversy with any one of the great powers of' earth. While we were once rivals of Great Britain npon the ocean, afd while we once had a navy which in the war of 1812 compelled Rrithh naval officer* to Html »lo«r»»H»e"4»r+mi» »f.HU.Oeocge be- fore tlio Stars and Stripes, tereat Brit ain to-dar has 499 vessels in its navy, flR of which are Iron-clad*, and 434 of which are general service vessels, while the United States lias only 111 uessels in all--24 of which are iron-dads and 87 general service vessels--the wretched condition of which yon have heard described by a committee of Congress (which the Secretary read). Npw, I ask you gentlemen, is this coun try In any condition to enter upon a war which. God forbid, may come; but which in the providence of God may come In the future with Great Britain, France Gerinnny. and Russia. Each have Iron-clads superior to our own, and even Italy, although it has not a superior tonnage of naval vessels to ours, has two ships which are equals ot any Iron-clads in the world. Now, gentlemen, these are fasts worthy 'he consideration of American citizens, and the question is: What will Amer ica do in vtew of her naval inferiority as compared with the other great pow ers of the world? Are you willing to proclaim that America retires from the ocean: that we are to be a people that live on Ijind, and that our offlceas and seamen are not to go upon the ocean to demonstrate that th« United States is a great naval p.>wer? or are you deter mined this country shall return to her place among the great nations who not only rule the land, but aspire tin the command of the sea? I do not advo cate the extensive construction of nav al vessels; we want a lew modern steam cruisers. Is there any reason under heaven, gentlemen of the House of Representatives and Senators, why the United States should not own one crusing vessel that is faster than any other vessel that can be built elsewhere On the fa?e of the earth. We can build her in this country. We want not twelve or twenty, but cannot we afford to exhibit one of the fastest ocean and cruising vessels that human ingenuity can construct? I btelieve »o, and I be lieve that we can afford t» build four or five iron-clads for harbor defense, so that we need not bluster and threaten any of the smaller powers of earth, and run the risk of having two or thr*e of their Iron-clads enter the harb»r of San Francisco or Boston, or New York and destrov the commerce of these harbors, and these harbors themselves, while we are getting ready to finish half a dozen iron-clads. which when finished will be the equal of any in the world; but which we have let He unfin- tinished with 83,000,000 or 94.000,000 in vested in them for the last seven years.*' Mr. Chandler then explained the ef fect of the decadence of the American commerce, citing South America, and submitting a statement of the exports and imports with South America, which show we imported over $102,000,- 000 in excess of our exports. "This we had to pay to South America by send ing our gold and our grain and onr cot- 1 torn and our pot role nn^, to Knglaml and to Frarce, while England and France ' send $102,000,000 ©f their manufactured goods to South America to pay onr debts, when, under a wise and conrtig- ous policy, we should have sent that $102,000.000in American manufactured goods. We can beat them, gentlemen. In manufacturing goods. Now,gentle men, I do not say this Is all, because we have nofcommercial steamers, but T do sav the beginning of the acquisi tion of trade in South America should be the restoration of the Ameri can flag to the commercial ma rine of the country. And more than that, this directly concerns the navy of the United States. Every one of these foreign vessels which enter the ports of South America is subsi dized by" European governments, stid is subject to be taken at any moment by the uatlan from which It proceeds and made part of her navy. Our peo ple will not submit to this humiliation, and the sooner we realixe the dnty which is before ns, and arise to its performance, the sooner shall we do ju«tice to ourselves and restore our selves to that position and standing which we are entltled'to in tho eyes of the nations of the world." m MASONRY OP \ croat* . No wise man will set out on A jour ney without providing himself with at least fifty cheap cigars. Those which can he bought for two cents are Just as good as those sold for a dime, and the gilt of one is rewarded with Jntt the same conrtsey. Ton are in a hurry to change trains and re-check baggage. The checkman doesn't care two cents whether you are left or not, and the chances are that you wonld be left but for the cigar. Edge tip to him. drop the cigar Into his fingers, ask him to re-check you to Indianapo lis, sfnd you are flxel In six seconds. Hours later, when he comes to sit down for a smoke, he may remember your phis, and bless it--but you artT far away. The brakeman on a passenger train stndles gruffness. Tort can't of fer him money nor ask hinr out to take a glass of beer; but if /you want to know exactly how long you have to wait at Hanover Junction, and how long it takes you to run from there to Washington, just tender him a two- cent cigar. His granite countenance will instantly melt and run ail over his face, and he will feel himself bound not only to answer all Inqnrics, but to tell you how you can save two dimes In getting yew «sp|»r at the restau rant. In fact, the influence of a two- cent cigar is aimosi boundless. It will stop any citizen of any city, and make him feel happy to answer a dozen ques tions. It will direct you to the best hotels, point out the best sights, make street-car conductor* talk; give you the best seat In the onnnlbns. and compllsh all that gold and silver do. No man should travel without them. THK !CKW9l*AFlbK WAX. The reason why so few men, fe»lW atlvely, succeed In journalism, I* h*- cause so few have for It the tempera ment and the constitution. More than a moiety of mankind ts slow, lacking in alacrity, and devoid of a * sense of proportion. The art of|pnttlng things rapidlv into shape is not well nnder*^ stood by the public. Thlsjls*tlie reas«* f *; why we have long winded sertnun*. lectures promotive of somnolencv. and ^ magazine work which presuppose* that ||| lougevitr vouchsafed to the long-abi<% ^ lug o'd gentlemon and ladies of the Old Testament, The public is not lncon*Herate*-lt la ' only ignorant. The newtpapir Is Jt/. mystery, of the manufacture of wliicfr %* it knows hardly anything. ; Thp*e who • give to it the enthu*iasm of yutfth, th# vigor of manhood and whatever of wisdom and experience, oldi age may / 5 have brought with it. might have ha<l| ; an abiding.fame in this department of literature or the other. In the fleld of ,, / science. !n the arena of pnblle affaire* Taste or accident has betrayed Into humble Sphere of hnman exertion, nof ' do they quarrel with their fortune^ , ; He who drifts into journaTism rarel# ,, ' loaves It; he still plods/on the dall# ; . toi|,,which for him has a rare fasclna^ • tlon. Often there is no fame for bln&|/ The cleverest newspaper man may be - * utterly unknown, and not forgotten bei. cause he h^never been remembered* His hearth however, is stout, at anj|:%./ rate; and come competence or the lacfc of it--come the highest or the hum** ,*• blest position--lie still tolls with lrre» presslble cheerfulness, and hopes, wheif v:; all is over with him. that his aasoelatef who snrvive liim will be reasonably soi* ry or solemn at his funefal.--Circular,:4(- tSFA French photographer hM night sweats and morning fevetf that threat en to wind him np in shortly.*, lie ha^ just got an order from the Sultaife^ The Sultan has 364 wives, and he want* them photographed for his Insldl : vest-pocket. It will not. do to make one wife a thought less beautiful than £ •*5- MEXICO. Mexfeo does not progress very rap idly. There are many reasons for this, but since the development of railroads In that country we are beginning to find out somothing. An American who quite lately came from Neqico states that the Mexicans have few manufactures and no modern machin ery; that he has seen a thousand men and boys at work in a Held harvesting with sickles; that heretofore there have been very few companies and flrim In Mexico, as they have had a great distrust of railway or any other corporations,; that ou account of this distrust, moncv Is accumulated, hoard ed and rendered useless by its owners, and to the communities in which they reside; that he knows of one family that has two hundred and fifty thous and dollars stowed away in barrels; that there is only one bank in Mexico, which is owned by Englishman; and that the only thing approaching In character to i bank authorized or es tablished by tho government is a large pawnshop *v|iich makes advances on various articles. These brief state ments indicate at once the directions in which progress Is most essential and the deficiencies wliiph, to a great extent, will probably be remedied by the enterprises in which a' number of our countrymen are interested. ur Carter gave utterance to one sentence in his speech at Kanka kee that every man fehould clip out and paste in his hat. He said: "Politic ians may be despised, but more than a dfshonest politician I despise the busi ness man who is so wrapped up in the pursuit of the almighty dollar that he has no time to vote." In every com munity the better element of society is in the majority, and in every com munity whose government is rotten and coutrollevl by buiumers and soala- wag? there is no one at fault except those who are so wrapped up in the pursuit of the almighty dollar that they have no time to vote. In this sentence the mayor struck the key-note of good government and political IIQD» esty.--Chicago Netv«. ggrSome Germans were recently tallfihg over the subject of elopement which occured in Chicago when one asked another if he would be oflended if his wife was to elope. **I bade you." said Tlans striking the beer table with iiis fl«t, "of my vlfe should rui avay mlt ano'lfl^r man's vlfe. I vould shirk him out of h*r preeches if she vas mine own fadder.'* |ieces8%r#t maronn# lngott. lous re* another, and it will also to hate a score or two of w lie n the process of takl Of course there will markragainst the sit man is endowed with sufficient patienet to endure nt one and the Same time tho " jibes of rivals and the postures inut > which every well . Informed, photogra- ^^ pher tortures hta subjects. The eonsei. qnonces of such a combination Verse circumstances can be mecl: and as the French has a very vivid iuv sweats and feveis are for. MSTOn Monday aft youth of twenty-two an some forty odd snmme. Justice Peck's ofllce In ^asked to be married. TwCfssaty documents arid the ceremony was immediately performed. The v woman then embraced her husband In a motherly manner, and w*rnln# him to be home th good season, depart ted to attend to some shopping. After her departure a reporter who happen* s ed to be present asked the young man,,-. -J why lie had no( married hla wife's > : daughter. The husband replied that he shout 1 have endeavored to do so If-^ there had been sii2h a person In exls» • tence. As it was he was compelled t4 marry the mature person who had Jost? departed, in as much as s^e agreed to accept hi in in lieu of a three month# board bill, which he had no other meant of paying. ig •Sf"Later particulars from the sea no of the western storms, particularly i»» Iowa, magnify the extent and con«e» quences of the disaster. Some of the details are heart rending. Appeals for aid for the sufferers have been ls*ne«| by Governor Sherman and the editor f of the Des Moines Register. In thesss ^ appeals a terrible picture is presented- | of the death, destruction and d^stltw. . I tlon consequent upon the storm. It I* said 69 persons are known to have be«a| killed and 500 greviously. wounded.^ Of the latter probably a fifth will die« Over 300 families have had their homea : - destroyed, and at least 1.500 persona, are homeless and in want. Tlw K of property in estimated at from 000. to 83.000000. The sum of *100.00$ ts needed at once, and 91,0001000 Is the lowest sum thai, will sufferer# from want and help thereto pot the humblest of roofs over their heads The charitable people of the whole oountry will doubtless respond to theso urgent appeals. t^A son of the late President Tr ier was lately arrested iru Washington for drunkenness. "Although a poor, besotted crea*nre/' says a SyracuaeC/ Journal correspondent, "he «s one of the most courtly and polished men. In demeanor and conversation, to be found in Washington. One who ha# not seen lilm accept aa Invitation t#;^ take a drink, and the air with whlehi he will take it. has never seen a trim Virginia geutlemeo of U»« real style » ••• Tho Highest Rank Made from hsrmle** materials, ad;t it toil t<> th<* •>»'»• tls «>f fading; an<| faUtng nair. Parker"* Hair Balsam-h.* taken tit.- h!g,»e*t r*»k i* an elegant and reliable lufir resioralIte, 4