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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1882, p. 5

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Jjefyir; ̂ ltiaiealep. - WEDNESDAY. AUG. 2. 1882. ftallroad Time Table. (KMHO SOUTH. W«ti Like Passenger........ T:W A.* Genera take Express .».< .8:30 9«mtva Lake Freight l:«Sp. it Uteamboet Express &:W " oortro woain. Bmm Tjtk« Freisrlit ®:3S A. M Steamboat Express ,..W:<W " figien Lake Express 4:85 r.'* SSieva Lake Passeaeer..... «:« " B. Brss, Agent. McHenry,Till M ASOVIC •cIlKintT IXMWF, No. IM A. F. and A. M.-- Btgnliir Communications the Saturday on or before the fall of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBY, W. V, •HCHF.NKT CHAPTKK SO. S4 R. A. M --Regu­ lar Oonvooations;hel<t on the second and fourth Fridays in each moneh. SNITH PEARf.KB, H. P. •;#) , • •• . • LETTER from Wauconda, by '•Jus­ tice," caii be found on the first page of this paper: -FOR the very handsome Bouquet which eraces our desk.Mrs. Joel Wheel* •r will please accept our hearty thanks. .6EK the new advertisement of E. "W> Brook* and H. Wier, Wauconda, In toother column. THE word "Loot," used much In the reports of the Egyptian squabble, means, as we understand it. plunder. A'•galoot" Is. therefore,--well, he's a galoot, that's all we know about It. V 'THK original "Star*1 base ball -club, ^tlils village, will play a game with .4 nine from Woodstoek at the grounds on the West Skle on Thursday, August 3d, at two o'clock sharp. A good game may be expected. BT the accidental discharge of a re­ volver, which he was loading, J. W. Orlsty, of.Ringwood< received a pain­ ful wound In hit right hand, ou Satur­ day last. Fortunately it was not of a serious nature. THE Ladies' Cemetery Aid Society jBtlll meet at the residence of Mrs., Ju­ lia Bishop, Thursday evening, Aug. 3d, at 7 o'clock. MIPS JVUA STORT, President. MRS. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. OUR Street Commissioner Is doing1 some good work, grading and gravel­ ing the streets, building and repairing side walks, cutting weeds, etc.. for .which our citizens are extremely thankful. THEKB will be a Harvest Party at the Parker House In three weeks, the exact date of which will he. announced next week. First class Chicago music will he furnished, and all may expect a good time. Look out for the an­ nouncement next week. * -- THE Will L. Smith Bell Ringers and fjomlc Concert Company, who we noticed to appear at Riverside Hall on Monday evening last, were prevent­ ed from doing so by..sickness, but will give an entertainment here some time next week, of which due notice will be given by Posters and Programmes. 1 * IF the parties who exercised their, thieving propensities by picking: flow­ ers front the lots In the Cemeter; can sleep nights their conscience! -must be hardened against all sense of decency. Of all the mean. loi and contemptible acts we think this is the worst. THE second meeting of the Mission­ ary Society of the M. E. Sabhatn School of McHenry. will be held at the M. E. Church, on Sundav evening., August ftth, All are cordially Invited to attend. Mas. J. ft Ittownow .President. Miss CLARA L. BKKUKTT, Serretary. LIST of letters remaining in the Post Offli* at McHenry, III., for the month ending Jnly 31, 1882: LETTERS --Sam Dnckett. Joseph Fisher. Elmer Ingalls, W. H. Lyons. Mrs. E. Little. Hiss Maggie Knop, Ml*s Nora Parsley, Miss Lena Walsh. POSTA<IT\CARDS-- Mr. John Keneser. J j JAMBS IPEIMIT, P. M. ; ( IT IS a remarkable fact thaMhe Pat­ ent Office Is the only jDepiiftment of the Government thalf is seir-snpport- Ing. Inventors and patentees through­ out the country will fflnd their Inter­ ests promoted by placing their busi­ ness In the hands of Presbey & Green, who have had years^ of experience as Solicitors in the various Departments at Washlndton, D. C WE would again remind our subscri­ bers that Volume seven of the PEAIN- DEALER closed July 19th, and that renewals and the pnying of back sub­ scriptions are now in order. Quite a number have responded promptly, as they always do, but yet there are many who think the printer lltes on air. We hope to write out many re­ ceipts before the close of the week. WE would call the attention of the farmers to the circular published on the first page of this paper, from the State Entomologist, requesting that all persons whose crops are injured by Insects would correspond direct with hfeo. If our farmers would read this circular carefully, and take a little pslns to do as directed, great benefit might result therefrom. THE Woodstock correspondent of the Harvard Independent has the follow­ ing: "Up at Geneva Lake when any­ one happens to catch a three pound bass |t makes a big item for the news­ paper* there. One s»ch a string of three to five pound bass as are caught, every day at Fox Lake would furnish material for a column article with startling head lines. Moral-- when you want to catch fish, go where they .are;* JOHN COLBT, of Clifton, 111., our streets on Monday. A. C. MCCRORY and family started for Minnesota last week. Miss ANNA THORNTON and her moth­ er returned from Chicago last week MRS. FREEMAN , of Wauconda, is the guest of Mrs. John Going. CHAS. H. BEERS returned from Grant Park on Saturday evening. MILS ALLIK TUTTLK, of Michigan, is visiting friends here. COOK SON WRIGHT, and bis friend Thps. Wild, of Chicago,fpent last week in this village. COL. WIC. AVERT, Repnhll$M? oandl date for County Clerk, made UV 1 cal on Wednesday^st, O. H. GILMORE, Esq., Republica candidate for County Judge, called at our sanctum on Wednesday last. ED. PATTIANA. and wife, of Chicago, have been visiting friends licre the past week. T ^ MRS. C. T. ELDRIDGE, and |#o Chil­ dren are visiting'with hef parents at Kenosha, Wis. \ WM.'TILTON has been quijte sick for the past few days, but is now reported better. O.G.MAURY, of Nebraska, son-in- law of R, Holly, piade us a call last wee*. MRS.E.J. HANLEY and Mist Ada Granger are visiting with friends at Itasca, 111. GEO. L. SHKRWOOD, and S. E. Gates, of Woodstock, went up to Pistaqua Lake Saturday afternoon. MASTER ADDISON GRANGER, of Mil­ waukee, Wis., is visiting at Hon, F. K. Granger's. J. A. GOING and wife started on Tuesday for a visit with friends at Warren. 111. They will be • abseut about three weeks. R. WAITE and Will Thurlwell, who are building a house for Al. Hankins lit Indiana, spent Sunday with their fami­ lies in this village; MRS. WALKER, mother of Mrs. Geo. A. Bucklin, and her daughter-in-law. who have veeu visiting here for some time, returned to Chicago on Sutur- day. O. W.. OWEN started on Wednesday morning tor New York, where he ex­ pects to meet his daughter. Mist Clara B. Owen, who is on her wdy home from ParlB. MRS. F. K. GRANGER returned from her visit to Chicago on Monday even­ ing. She was accompanied by Mrs. Vehmeyer and Miss Lou Moore, of Chicago, who will spend a few weeks here. Change Can! WM. H. WHITSOX and wife, accom­ panied by Miss.Ida Whltsou, Miss Ein- ma Wliitson and Miss 'Nellie Mills, all of Woodstock, and ye editor and family, spent Sunday at Pistaqua Lake. • THE Foot Race ou Saturday last rrew out quite a cr6wd. especially the P>o v«. In the first race there were ive competitors, the first money being i-on by Antony Barbian, the second by jJohimy Barbian. and the third by Leon­ ard, of Crystal Lake. The second race as between the two Barbian boys and .ll«'n Walsh, and was easily won by falsh. The match between Lew olmes and Almou Granger was wou y Gfanffer. SEVERAL agreeable entertainments re now being enjoyed by the famil y Elder Wheeler, through the polite­ ness of guests who represent four na­ tionalities. In the performance of music all are in unison in the English, supported as they are by the organ. Then each in turn, French. Swedish and German, chant, separately, their verse, each to the •amusement of the other, the medley being concluded by the rehearsal of sentences of Greeji-and ^lebrew. THE McHenry Brick Manufacturing Company havo just opened their sec­ ond kiln of brick, and we cau new tru­ ly say that they are second to no brick manufactured In the Northwest. They have the true ring, are a splendid rich color, and in short are as perfect as a brick can be made. Tills last kiln con- Company are Jy to furnish . brick in'any quantity, and guarantee them satlsfac- tory in every particular. Persons in. want of brick in large or small quanti­ ties should not fail to call at this kiln and see for themselves. , brick can be made. Till "Stained ISf^QQoftnd the 1 will leady to furnish Dedication Dance. There will be a dance for the dedica­ tion of the new Johnsburgh bridge, at Peter Adams" Hall. .Jointsburgh,Satur­ day evening. Aug. 5th. Music by the McHenry Quadrille Baud. Daucp to co.uuuervx at £ o'clock. M ATT ENGELN having remodeled the. store lately purchased by him from F. G. Mayes, has moved his stock Into the sanjo, and now has one of the finest si ml handiest stores tor his business to l>e found in the west. He has a fine stock of Groceries of all kinds. Canned Goods, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes. Guns and Guu Material. Fishing Tackle, Miunow Seius, Hammocks, and a Urge line of other articles, too numerous to mention, which he is selling at such low prices as to defy com­ petition. He is a practical gun-smith, and will do all work in his line prompt­ ly and well, or sell you a new gun of any pattern, and warrant it. Give him a call in his new quarters. EVERY well established newspaper receives subscriptions from large cities' which puzzle the publishers, but which the New York Times lately explained as follows: "A wholesale merchant in this city, who had become rich ac the business,.says his rule is, that when he sells a bill of goods on credit, to im­ mediately subscribe for the local paper of his debtor. So long as his customer advertised liberally and vigorously, lie rested, but as soon as he began to con­ tracts his advertising space lie took the fact as evidence that there was trouble ahead and invariably went tor the debtor. Said he: "The man who i6 too poor to make his business'known is too poor to Uo business/ The with­ drawal of an advertisement is evidence of weakness that business men are not slow to act upon." WE have just been listening to an old gray headed veteran discussing the subject of harvesting as it is done now, as compared witfi the way it was doue when he was a lad, and it is indeed wonderful to contemplate the changes and Improvements that have been made iu farming implements during the last three quarters of a century Start a man out with an old fashioned sickle to cut down a twenty acre fifld of grain, and he'd commit suicide be­ fore he got half way across the Held. He couldn't stand the pressure. -X few acres at most would be all that he could possibly take caro of, but with the latest improved sejjf jpiiider^one man can 20 forth and in a few days he will have saved his ten,t twenty, fifty or a.liundred acres of wheat, .and the work is done neatly aud everything saved, and all without wear tfr tear of the human machine. It is, indeed, a wonderful change for our oldest peo­ ple to think about, more like a dream, uo doubt, than like ̂ reality. THE notice of a disgraceful proceed­ ing at the M.* E. Church, which we published met w«*ek, seems to have been somewhat overdrawn by Otir in­ formant. The act was also charged to Willard Colby, and he asks for space to publish a card in his own defense, which we freely give him. The fol­ lowing is the card.' ,, EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:-- It having been reported 011 '.lie streets and even in the neighboring towns, that I had thrown rotten eggs into the Methodist Church during service, I wish to here brand the repbrt as an infamous lie. I did go to the church ou the night named. When 1 got tilers, in compa­ ny of my hired man. there were two or three boys standing around the door and on entering the church I noticed two egg* on thc^floor in the hall. One was broken ind one not. I spoke to my hir«d man and asked him what he thought the egg$ were brought there for. 1 then picked up the one that was not broken and rolled it inside of' the side door, towards the corner, but not hard enough to break It. iu doing this there was no intention of disturb­ ing tin; meeting, and I do not think a person in the church was disturbed or ever knew I was there. How the eggs came there 1 know not. This was all there was to it as far as I am concerned, aud if there IK anybody who wants to put me through, as I have heard they were going to do. I am ready to Btand the consequences. 4 W ILLARD COLBY. THERE will be a temperauee meet­ ing at the M. E. Church, Saturday ev­ ening, Aug. 5, Tl^e following is the programme for the evening: 1. Song. 2, Prayer, 8. Song. 4. liemarkB by the President. 5. Reading of the constitution. 6. Report of Treasurer. 7. Select reading by Stella Beck- , with. 8. Song, duet by Mr. aud Mrs. Bigc- low. Appeal for pledge. Recitation bv ------. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Select reading by Arcfly Tripp.* Song, solo by Miss Belle Colby. Select reading by Clara Wight- man. Remarks from Rev. Mr. Bigefow. Song. 1 „ t OBITUARY. DIED.-At Solon, Julv 17th, 1883, Miss ADDIK OVERTON, itgeri 25 year*. The pen of attectlon with diffidence writes a tiibute to the memory of one fondly levcd by a large jircloof friouds and relatives, j}iid our warinust praise will find an echo iu the hearts of those who knew her most Intimately. Her sweet, mild, christian manner leaves :t train of sot'lend r»diance behind, and silently the tears of regret fall over the removal from our midst'Of one who leaves the world richer because of her hie, and poorer because of the loss of her presence. A beautiful and unobtrusive piety reigned over all her thoughts from early youth. She was exceptionally high uiinded, and through a fine moral sense, visited with a cool scorn all things and low, indignantly spin uing all inferior ways, being both by nature and grace uot at home in them. Naturally delicate aud fragile, she had been watched with the tenderest care from early childhood to the close of her bright voting womanhood. In a fond mothers heart, what airy castles of coining happy years reared them­ selves in the twilight cloud of imagi­ nation, and in the sunlight of obscurity saw uot the dim outlines of the spec­ tre death, as in the hnslied stillness of midnight's hour again visited the home circle, aud heeding not the wail of an­ guish claims the mother's Idol, the father's clicrlshed daughter and the brother's early playmate and loved sister. All through her brief illness slie was sustained aud soothed by an unfaltering trust iu the Savior, some­ times chanting a well remembered hymn or quietly breathing a whispered prayer, until theclose, when the worn heart throbbed faintly ai}d the death shadows gathered closer. Her outgo­ ing soul could catch a glimpse of the sister who had crossed with the "boat­ man pale" scarcely more than two fleeting years before. Words of sympathy fail to cheer the weary hearts of those who mourn, but may the Ansrel of patience calm their feverish brows aud help them to make their will our Father's, and fiud conso­ lation in the memoryjof her beautiful life. "They are poor thatjhave lost nothing; They are poorer far who, losing, have for. gotten; They most poor of all, who lose ^nd wish tliev niitfht forget: Foi lite is one ami in its 'Vfarp and woof There runs a thread of golu that glitters fair. Ana sometimes in the pattern shows most sweet When Miere arc sombre colors. It is true That we have wept, BqtO! this thread of gold-- Wc woulil not havo it tarnish; let us turn - Oft, and look back upon the wondrous web, And when ii sliinein sometimes, we shall Know that memory is 111 possession." A MO U UN KB. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Pressipakiitg. Millinery and Woodstock Department. Charley Morev, of McHenry, visited Woodstock the latter part of lost week, L, H, Jones came home from Sterl­ ing, III., last Saturday evening, and re­ mained over the Sabbath. He Is over­ seeing the starting of a new pickle factory in that place. The Harvard band and several of the leading citizens of that city were in attendance at the serenade given Hon. M. L. Joslyn, the night before his de­ parture for Ihe national capital, M. M. Morley has just finished a hew barn built upon the property he lately purchased of Weldo Paine. The handsome residence now being built by Dr. L. H. Davis, ou the Mo- Henry and Greenwood roads will soon" be finished. This will add greatly to the appearance of this portton of our city. Hon. M. L. Joslyn ̂ left this city for Washington, D. C., last Friday morn­ ing, to take charge <&f tlie position to which ho was lately appointed. Miss Flora Petjse, of Marengo. Is vis­ iting Mrs, L. IL Jones. Miss Pease al­ ways finds numerous friends to wel­ come her when coming to this city. Lester Brown, foreman of the Senti­ nel office, has gone to Nebraska, to see the country and take a short rest. If anyone is entitled to a vacation It is Lester, who does about all the local writing anVl job work done at this of­ fice, and has worked steadily for some months past. Our ol«l friend and fellow townsman, P. W. Murphy, has t>eeir quite sick late­ ly. We are glad, however, to report that at this writing he is on the mend and will soon be about again Lieutenant M. F. Madigan. of Cleve­ land, Ohio, is visitliig his brother-in- law, W. D. Rlngland. Lieut. Madlgan has been connected with the police force of Cleveland for about seventeen years, Joe Sainpter and wife, , of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, art here (or a few days. The couumdruiiis that appeared in the McHenry County Democrat of last week, acknowledged to be original, coming direct from the maid of all work, who edited that sheet on that occasidn, the walking editor being ab­ sent. They were certainly meant to be immense, just toocunulug for any. thing, and the endeavor to reply to the mistakes that Van showed them to have made Iu one issue of their pa^ per was Just side-split ting. It had so muCh to do with answering *he direct charges of the great learning attribu­ ted to the editors of the Democrat by the boy who Is io extremely Inquisi­ tive, An assault and battery Case came oft before Esq, Baldwin one day last week, a boy |>y the name of Gallagher being the complainant, andoim Eugene Gro­ ver, defendant. It seems that the two were at woik on s farm near this cltv, stacking hap. and that the boy thought he was being imposed upon In some -wanner In the poHlmi of tlie work air lotted to him. and talked back to Gro­ ver, who had been, as the boy thought, rather domineering for one whom he was not at work for. but only like him­ self, aiding iu getling up the hay for another party. We understand that the boy said some very bad things to Mr. Grover, not at all complimentary to that genr.lemnn'8 character, who proceeded to chastise the young man, and It ie said, handled him rather roughly, at least so !t Seemed Esq. Baldwin thought, for lie fined Mr. Gro­ ver 83. and costs for his fun. From all we could learn tlie boy is far from being a saint, and perhaps deserved a part of the dressing down, and that Mr, Grover was justly entitled to the line on general principles. Perry Spooner, a crazy individual, who Is confined in the county jail, thought he would have a little bonfire all by Himself last Thursday night. While Sheriff Churoii was attending tlie doings in honor of tlie departure of Hon. M. L. Joslyn the next morning P**rry gathered some bedding togeth­ er and set it on lire, badly burning himself, and only for timely aid might have caused a terrible conflagration. When help arrived Perry dodged out doors and made for the depot, hoarded a freight train and clung persistently to the brake of one of the cars, and It was with difficulty that he was got oil the car and conveyed back to his lodg1- I ng house. ' OBITUARY. DIED--At her home in Hebron, on Monday, July 17th,'188-2, JKNME, beloved wife of Ellis Hewes. aged 23 years, tt months and 28 days, The deceased was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of this place, and has been from her school girl days the associate and friend of the young people of this com­ munity. She attended school iu Mc­ Henry and Rinjiwood, the last time being about five years ago, when she was, as usual, a favorite with both teacher and scholars. She was married April 9tli, 1879, to Ellis Hewes, and the union was crowned with happiness. Mr. Ilewes being a successful mercan­ tile man, they had secured a home as pleasant as themkolves. where all their'friends were .hospitably wel­ comed. She had lived at Hebron three years and three months, duriug which time she had gained a large circle of friends, who did all in their power to -aid and comfort her iu her last illness. It was not generally known here that she was dangerously ill when her death was announced. The funeral was held at Hebron and was attended by a throng of sympathizers and friends. The Rev. Mr. Cl^rk. of Richmond, de­ livered the diecouree, after which the remains were brought to Rlngwootf for interment. Her death will be sad­ ly remembered by all who knew her, nor will her kind words and mild dis­ position be forgotten,' but will live, ever sacred to IMT memory. She had no fear of death, but met it wi^h that confiding hope and trust which had characterized her pure young life. Shortly before she died she gave to her friends such articles as she desired thetn to have, and which will serve as sad mementos of her they dejtrly cherished. Richmond Department. OOKTSIBrTEDBr S. F. BKWHBTV. Miss Corie Davis, the poetess,, spent the Sabbath in "Richmond. J.R.Hyde and wife are expected home from the seaside this week. Welcome. • V:l! . > That n#w eawlage was bulU hy Phil Kull, of Genoa Junction, and the new harness by G. Hubbard, of Rlngwood. Ain't we pnttlng on srvlef G. P. Wodell and family' have re- turned from their year's residence in New York, and right glad we all are to see them home again. Richmond has never seemed just natural since llerry" left, and he and his family re- ceiye a hearty "welcome home." In the death of Addle Overton Solon lost one of her brightest and best houng women, and uot only her own family, but the whole circle of her ac- quainces as well, deplore her loss. She was not one of the demonstrative kind, who lavish attention where not de­ served, but her friendship \vas quiet, deep and true. Her loss to the family is the more sad from the iact that she was the only dangbter left, a sister having preceded her to the spirit land a few years ago. Words of comfort are weak iu the presence of so great an affliction, but the relations may know that many other hearts beside their own, sincerely aud deeply mourn Ad- die's untimely death. We had uoticed the facr of Mrs. A. L. Brown's call to Chicago on account of the illness of her little grandson. Luty Herrick. ~We sre sorry to know that the child died before Mrs. Brown'n arrival in Chicago, and was laid to rest near tliat'clty. Mrs. Herrick aud a surviving child accompauled Mrs. Brown home, and are now at Mr. Hunt's, Twin Lakes. Luty was a bright manly boy, and by his engaging man­ ners made friends wherever he went, aud it is sad that his bright life is so soon extinguished. By request we publish the following lines to his mem­ ory: Ojmtesof pearl swing gladby back, To let our darling in. White robed he treads the shining track. Ope, poarly gates for hint. It elow, a mother's eyes are b)ia4, And sore her aching heart.1 O lead her baby, angels kind, Once of her life a part. Below, a father sits in grief, A strong heart bendeth low. O loss of rll, this loss the ehlof, Sweet heaven thy bnlm bestow. • Two hesrta are bound by golden chains, To one dear heart in heaven. Two hearts sing sad and mournful strains. To one heaven's song is glrea. Wcsiev A Howard, Elgin; Wm Sinaites, Klgiu; Elias J Goodrich, Marenj?o; Jno Eddy, Usir Ashland. Genoa Junction, Wis; Daniel Wan- nem.M' ftr, Genoa .June. Wis; j b Haix ock, Marengo; M C Mead. McHenry; Wm H Stewart, Woodstock: Thos Odterson, Ma- renp.i; Prank L T.oomis, Maren io; Lyi von P Osrver, Marengo*. Wu Df»v, Che unn;r, Diamond, tyrant, Iowa; W l> Walling Hebron; W Mallorv, Mireugo; Nelson *,iates, itciirwn! D E M.irvln . Ja* IJ TA W IS. Marenen, W Gri«nro|it, llinscwood; Thos.K iiuton. Rich, mond; Orriii Uubbard, Marengo; V SI Gra *. Iwk, Kust \V.ilf, K.'tn; Amos .J Rovinirton, Mareugo; Ja.4 H ^malldridjfe, Union; l!.;iii > barker, Marengo; Erastus Thornton, iu r. monv; Wm J Fillmore, Union; I.iititer t> Fill- more. Union; Jno W Allen, Royal Neb; Anson, P Itoirers, Marengo: Mieliicl 8ulloi», Mnrengo; Jno O Adams, Marengo; Tlios I) ^malldndfte, Harmony; Henrv H Felt, Itidgelleld; Aaron C Perry, oshkosli. Wis; Henry ilrijrtit. Union . " • - • = •-- ll;i ninny; Mellon It Godard, Greenwooa; Chat Merchant, Greenwood. Seth Hill, Kockt'ord; Aimerin Herrick, Wll- mot. Wis; Abel W Noyes, Richmond; P C Woolfrom, Hebron; lliirvcy II ChappeH, He­ bron; O O itviin, Hebron; Krankliii Page, He­ bron; l.yman IJacon, Richmond naniel Pad- dock, Crystal l*ake; Peter I.eiekam, Mctlen- rvr J \V G roes heck, Harvard; Thos F Ror- chere, Win tie Id, Kan: l.awreneo McGuc, Kunda; Wm M Wilcox, Algonquin; Walter P Jewett, Woodstock; Wood- stocL; L. H June*. Woodstock;»Win II Cowlin, Woodstock; Henry M Foote, Woodstock; Jno Ken wick, Marciigo; Chas K Irish, Woodstock; Sherman Rector, Alden; Samuel Cutter, Allien; John, Union; Caspar Wirfs, Mc.llenrv; Frank J Pray, Marengo; Jas A Dntleld, Woodstock; Mathew McCand- lass, Sandwich; Jno Kennedy, Marengo; Phil­ lip Sullivan, Mcllenry; L !> niackman. Mc­ Henry; Jno Leggett, Free port; Jno A lialde- raan, Richmond; Geo Sullivan, Greenwood; Jno D Wallace, ilebron; E A Gore, Sunnner- Ueld; Martin role, Uliveii's Mills; Joh:i Wier. Ilavviirit; Ivtwin Rector, Harvard; Wm Norton, Mcllenry; Kllioti G tiillet to, Maren- , go; Orin W Tyler, Martnisro: Cailos K Rob­ erts, Greenwood ; Leroy C Spencer. Marengo; Business HottefM** Fishing Tackle of Kiigeln's, In Howe's new Bridge. all kind* »t M. Bloqk, near tht 1 Overalls--We have a large l&oek fof Good aud efceap at men and boys. Henry Colby's. Buckeye Force Owen's. Pumps, at S. * The Union Corn Owen 4t Son's. 1'lantMT; tt, "A~'f Always Refc-^SfcMigk,' A delicious odor is imparted bjfc^ Floreston Cologne, which Is always re*- freshing, no matter bow Ireely used. ! j The finest line of Silver aud P|ate<) £ Ware to be found iu the county, at Ou sj W. Owen's. r ;• Society Relist, On account of its reinitrfcably Mi Icate and lasting fragrance, societjf belles nre loud in tlieir praises at Florestou Cologne. v FOR SALE. hem land in S^t#'l#® fenced. Also80 acres of land, ;with » good house and barn thereon. \vitl| timber and water in abundance, in See* tiou 22, Also my homestead on the Crystal: Luke and Nuuda road. Good new Nicholas liai. Ringwood; Jno II 1'nrsoo, C i- h..rn ami other nnthnililinM. i>ron; Jerry smith, Rlngwood; J £ Beck ley, • MO"**. Oan»ai»a ^usner OOUNIIIUin^ Nnnda; llinton Wlieeler, Uluckberry; Win Last week the Sentiriel made a lame attempt to excuse itself for Its gratui­ tous attack ou the soldiers, bur the hundreds of that class who read the PLAINDBAI.KR'8 exposure of the Senti net will hardly be deceived by Mr. Sonthworth's lame afitrtogy. Our quo­ tations from the Sentinel two weeks ago was fust what It printed, and no glossing will suffic<%to bide its malice. To show our readers the character of the medical men whom the Sentinel designates as^'auxiliaries to the pen­ sion ring," we requested Mr. Clothier to make a list of examining surgeons to whom his clients had been ordered for examination. We giv'e below Mr. Clothier's reply in full and bespeak for it a careful reading by tlis Doctors, in connection with the PLAIKDKALKR ex­ pose of July 19th: JULV 16th, 1888. DEAR DOCTOR Herewith find names aud residences of examining surgeons before whom my clients from McHenry County and vicinity liuve appeared for examination. I might increase the list about fifty more in the middle and mid western States, and several in New England and the South If re­ quired to do so, but I think the follow­ ing is what you want: Dr. Rurnsideot Belvldere, Boone Co., III. l>r. Howell, of Aurora, Kane Co., III. Dr, Hager, of Marengo, Mcllenry Co., 111. I»r. Strong, Hclpit, Wis. Dr. Cory, Wankegan, III, Dr. Barrows, Janesville, Wit, IJr. Bennett, Richmond. III. l>r. Reynolds, Geneva, Wis. Dr. Baldwin, Woodstock, III. Properly included with the above are several physicians of more than local repute who are now oft the list. Dr. James Northrup and Dr Green, of Woodstock, and Wade, of Harvard, are among the number. Many of my cli­ ents have appeared before an examin­ ing board of thiee surgeons, in Mil­ waukee. Wis., of which Dr. R. B. Brown Is secretary. Also before the board of three surgeons at Rockferd, Dr. J. B. Lyman, Secretary, and the examining board at Oliicwgo, com­ posed of Drs. Einmons. Hyde and Roler, and it is often the case that a soldier is subjected to two or more examina­ tions, and when ordered before the Board the day and the hour for exam­ ination is fixed by the pension office. M . M. CLOTrtlKB. For the information of the soldiers aud the public we afeo give a list of soldiers for whoii Mr. Clothier Is now or lias been acting as attorney, and in regard to whose claims for pension the Sentinel says s uNo matter what the merits of the case might be; no matter if tlie applicant had immediately be­ fore or could immediately after its receipt pass a successful rigid exami­ nation for admission to a life iu&urance company, his application, when ap­ proved by the examining surgeon-- another auxiliary in the pension rlug-- the pension was granted if in the pow­ er of these worthies to be obtained." Cau any reader of this list of honor­ able citUens, who lost health iu the service of their country, believe that they are receiving pensions obtained from ilia Government by fraud? Read the list: A J Howe, Jnnoau, Wis; Daniel W. Law­ rence, Marengo; Wm H Saaders. Marengo; Jno W Green, Marengo; Wm Avery, Marengo; Henry P Crane, Wallace, Midi; Morris Dick- eroou, Woodstock; B S Hin t, Marengo; Jno. Vennai'd, Marengo; David Govoni, Carpcn- tersville; Jas Wentworth, Hebron; Chas II Bligh, Royal, Neb; S O Stevens, Richmond; Fred Stephen, Richmond; Win Frett, Johns, bnrg; Mathias Kelir, Joltnsbnrg, Jas A Hcai- on, Senoca; A R AicCollum, Woodstock; Root Cain, Richmond; John W Holland, Genoa Junction, Wis; Jas Darling, Genoa Junction Wis; Lewis Uollotv, Genoa June. Wis; Joel Kiliolt, Hebron; Willard J Scott. Harvard; W 1ft lU-njaniiiig, Mareuito; C'ark Rogers, 5ia- reil ' to: Allen lilies, Woodstock; C H Tryon, UcUioiA, ii Union; Miohuei Puacock, RvcIiuioikI-; Geo Browc, Woodstock; Kduiund W Fillmore, Union- Jno D Bliss, Union; Isaac J Smith, Nuuda; Jas Burke, Marengo; Lyman Webster, Woodstock; Lu­ ther Pitrker," Woodstock; Jacob schwamh, Dan'l E Reynolds, Wit mot. Wis; Chas K Hub­ bard, Oswego; Jas Gallagher, Woodstock; Jno H Gionte, Brush Creek", Iowa; Jno Scott, Alden: Jno Ke<H>sel, Hebron: Frank CE Cog- gin, Kingwood; Krastus Tavlor, Richmond; Zebino Young, Ilebron; Joseph La llr"ck, Harvard; Erasmus Seaman, Hebron; Jas Mc- Dona'd, Greenwood! Lowis McOanon, Green, wood; Wui Wallace, Alden; Henry Freeman, Greenwood; 1 A Ryan, Geneva, W'is, Ihe Sentinel cannot crawl out of the bad box it is in by quoting from the Tribune, 7'imes, Journal, or any other papeF. As to its spiteful allusions to tlid writer personally, we have only to say that they will be uo harder to bear than was tlie fabled fly on the horn of the ox. * Public Nottoe. To Pleasure Seekers and Whoever It May Concern. As parties, known and unknown to me. have ruthlessly cut and despoiled timber, dug aud removed sod, stone, gravel aud grape vines, and otherwise lawlessly damaged my lot of about 50 acres, situated on the east shore of the south Lake, at Twin Lakes, 1 hereby warn all persons against a continuance of such conduct. Neither cau any per­ son occupy said premises without per­ mission from tlie owner. I shall, from aud alter this date prosecute offenders to the full extent of the law. HANNAH MBKBIQJC. HKPKOK, III, July U, l&tt. AT TEMPERANCE MEETING NUNDA. Prof. Chas. A. Loothls, the gifted Ten^perauce Poet snd Lecturer will deliver his new Historical and Tem­ perance lecture, "The Seen and the Unseen." with original temperance poems, at the M.^Jtr^Church, Nunda« Monday evening, August 7th, An efficient choir will be In attendanoe. Admission free. Collection for ex penses. ™ MWeyWante^f" ? The subscriber wants to borrow, for tlie town of McHenry, Five Thousand Dollars. Said loan to run two, three and four years. Parties having money to l|>an at low rate of interest wilt ad­ dress F. K. GBAVOB*, Supervisor TVMA MoHflnry McHenry III.. Ang. 1st, <8*2. SOLDIER'S, ATTENTION !->Sf*lo B. Stevens & Co., the well known War Claim Attorneys, will be represented at Woodstock, Monday and Tuesday, August 14 and 15, by their special agent, Frank L. Darling. Soldiers snd others interested in claims for pension, increase of pension, or other claims, it is hoped, will give him a call. Mr. Darling's whereabouts may be ascer­ tained at the office of the Clerk of the Court. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. L. E. BENXRJTT. Has the Photograph Gallery over- Perry & Mart in's store. McHenry, fitted up In first c ass shape and is now prepared to do all kinds, sizes and styles of work; and warrant satisfaction every time both iu quality of work and price. Having had an experience of many years in the business, 1 am confident, that I can please all who may give me a trial. Come and get your pictures taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days as well as clear. A share of public patronage solicit- ed. 4 * No work shall leave this gallery that Is not satisfactory. L. K, BtntSTTi McHcnry. August 1st, 188ft. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I Oder my house and lot, situated in the village of McHenry, for sale. There is a good barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises. Will be sold^on reasonable terms. Apply to M. Kngei^N A nice line of Lace Stevens & Scbnorr's. Buntings at Our Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains in tea an;l coffee which It will pay the close buyer to inspect. HKNRY COLBT. New Hats in endless variety, latest styles aud lowest prices at Henry Coiby^'s, HOSIERY. Do not buy a pair of HOSE until yon have looked our new stock over. STKVKNS A SOHNORR. Paints and Oils--a fuM Una and prt- oes low at Henry Colby's. Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con- ftriii.ttion Suits. Spring. Summer and Fall Suits, Children's Suits, Boys' Suits Youth's Suits, Men's SulU, all at prices to suit at Henry Colby's, Umbrella'.--We have a good assort­ ment in st vies and prices. Call and see them at Henry Colby*#. Fine Shoes.--The largest line and l>ei«t styles ever shown in this market. Call and examine them at Henry Col­ by's. New invoice of Parasols and Sun­ shades at Henry Colby's. Apply tu JOHN FLUSKX. - FATHER & SON S, For Clothing look at our large new stock. For a good suit and a itttt i§ call on Stevens A Schuorr. * FOR SALE OR BRUT. A house anil one-half acre of land If * the village of Rlngwood. House eoiw tnius five rooms. Will bo sold reasoi»»:-< able. Apply to WESLKT LAMH KIKOVOOD) III., April 4th, IMS, Look at French Ginghams at Ste*» : ens & Schuorr's. Spring and Su Henry Colby's. miner Overcoats at Ip you want to buy Clothing at Chl« * cngo prices, call on E. Lawlus, I a Laa* slug's Block, McHenry. The finest line of Dress Goods, Lin* , ings m.d Trimmings at Stevens Schuorr's. Walking Shoes,--A fnll llM, latesifc styles and first class. Wo have also ' few dozen pairs we are ottering at a reduced price to close. Ask to sea them at Henry Colby's, Call and over look tlie ine lat Carriages at E. $1, Owen 6 Son's CARRIAGES CARRIAGES? CAU*' JKIAGES! Any one iu want of a Carriage* Buggy or Wagon, should not fail » call on E. M. Owen & Son and see this large car-load just received, Tha finest finished lot eve? epiue to tha county and will sell them clxtap, . v HEAP LIGHT OCT* TWhest Kerosene Oil in tJiiilf H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. i Wool Twine enough for all ml Bear* Colby's, ________ Gessstner Circulars sad Csati for ladies and gentlemen always la Hoif at Hepry Colby's. A FENCE POSTS FOR SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poet* JOHN DORAN. i ® lor sale. Inquire of 0$ Wauconda Ice Cream Pariorst , S. W. BROOKS. ^ nlOCESSOR TO OOLDINO ll BRQOK8^ • Would respectfully announce to tha public that he lias opened his lei Cream Parlors for the season and if now prepared to furnish Ice Creai* every day and evening, by the dish or quantity. I also keep on hand Fancy Groea eries of all kinds. Canned Goods, Xn* Hons, Tobaccos. Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which I am selling as low or lower than any other limine in tha county, quality of goods oon«i<ierei|% When in want of anvthing In my lina I invite you to call', coutldent that ! oan please you both in quality anil prloe. E. W. RUOI^i, Wauconda, IIU May 23d, ISSj, ^ Just received--Some very prettjr and desirable styles of all wool Laca Buntings which will be sold very cheap. Call and examine tbem M Henry Colby's.^- ™ Honey, choice and cheap at Henrv Colby's. M SELF BINDERS, TWINE BINDERS, Farmers wishing to purehaM a Self Binder will do we'll to call on B. M, Owen & Son and see the "Minneapolis before buying, as it lias two years ad­ vance improvements on the binding part that, no other has. J. F. Appleby the inventor of the Twine Binder, superintends the Minneapolis Har» vester works. There is nothing to b# feared frcom McCormick's threats. Caa also get you a celebrated Wood Twina &intler if you prefer it. « s Bucklen' Arnica 8alv«b' The best salve In the world Bruises. Burns, Sores. Ulcer?. Sals ; Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap|ie4 Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skia Eruptions, And positively cures Piiea. S It is guaranteed to giv« perfect satisi# ^ faction or money refunded. Price 2ft cents per box. For sate by Henry Co|» by. • {. | Money to Loan, In sums of from $100 to Apply at this office. MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE, The undersigned has a tew eh ft tea yearling Bucks for s*le at bis farm, 1& ^ miles southeast of Spring Grove, M<> Henry County, 111. They are tint iinc£| lot of Merino Bucks in the County, •=!§ Post oftice address, Biivin's Mills, 111. Aaawiioaipi^--JulyKoil. Frw of Charge All persons suffering from Cough*- Colds, Asthma. Bronciiitia, of Voice, or any affection of the Throaf aud Lungs, are requested to call at an* Drugstore and get a T<ial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Cua«» snnijition. free of chartjr, 'which w|l| convince them of Its wonderlnl merita and show what a regular dollar sia$i bottle will da. Call early. < '! BOOKS of all kinds. Magasineef1*aa pers. News Novehies, Fruits, Con* / lectionery, at tlie Bazaar. of*» • ; posite J. Story's, Mcllenry^lll. Our stock of Drugs. Cheo)taals aa4 f ' Patent Medicines was never an>r% e«»u»plet«». Goods i-eli iLR- aud I ^riaht at Ueiiry Colby's, r •' ^ x f vj ... »«>. hi

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