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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1882, p. 8

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r,-" MJ-1 and held tb« |XaW,... % '•••i/\rAl"' Hflplfa' «n«-apd. twenty, v, y :~J.. For 1 hi4^«lte a martial turn. •V ' Awl ar«m>»| lh« lowing MtUl) 1|[bnTiM to wo«r* nniforni, llmr drums, and see a haul*, ^ fyWrtMareame; mjr father urged, ^ HaHtiwitlylwiUtwl; ^fr Mster wept, my mother prayed, , V • lint off! went and 'listed. '* - , ;'^h»er m»rrt»cd me «» thmneh vftMKlliy, , • 1 ̂ To tnne» am loud than cluiniHii^^ * . ,4" H«t fnirdes Impmrk, )wx iM iron, t '?«*" Was harper work thaa farming. ' i; ; t ' •/•.• • X. * '• r ^ * W« met the foe--the cannon roared, . The erlmson tide was flowlag, > v , l"he fritrhtfnl death-groan* fitted my N», v" •iv I wished that 1 v»« mowln*. •' ' ** < 1 lost my leg--the foe came m, L *. %,^T , Thev had me In their clutches; if^i t J j| M*rved In prison 'flit the peace, -#0 > j .Then hobbled home on rrtitohM. I'- utnwim iniM Jan. ' other flay it muti want Into * I.lttls Rock Restaurant, nrd sitting <*«wn to an expensive meal. mt* tli* Little Rock Qagcttc* he remarked to the proprietor: ;;' v **Beanl that, little Joke orf my friend. ; . J*# OowM. I mippoaeF' " l' MNo; T haven't hesrd ft joWi Oti mit- Itodr," replied the proprietor ftlrlly. jMitl with an evident lack of Interest. "Good joke on Jay." continued the «twtom«r. ••"AH the neivs paper* pnb- ; llvhed It. Yonwe--waiter, brlnfe me another qtiafl--he went Into an en*lng honse and actnallv had to borrow m<m- . ey to par for the meal. I corldn't , " h|»!p laughing at him. He TOW* that he will even with me, Sncb a thing Is likely to happeh to mo$t any­ body. Don't you think *o?" The proprietor yawned, eald ho had turn ttodled the »nbject. and. looking "C% so»pJctoo*1y at the customer, added that he didn't care, anyway. The cw»- tovser kept handling a kind of endleas chain of words until he finished eating, when he took up the ticket that Im­ parted the Information that he owed thefeonse two dollars. v "By George." he exclaimed, search- luglris **Pt pockets; "hanged if old Jay haanH turned the tables on me. 1 bavn't any money by me. Now. Isn't that ̂ huge joke? Ha! ha! left my money at the hotel. I'll be back * "Don't be in a hurry,'3 §ald the pro­ prietor. "I can appreciate the joke. Bill, tell'Simpklns to come here. 1 have a friend on the police force who will be tickled to death at this fun Ah, here he is." . " The policeman thooght the affair Midi a good joke that he took the man to the city prison, where a crowd of Inn lovers laughed and punched each "r iftr- Carriage and Wagon Factory, BLACKSMITH * RICHMOND. ILL ipli/M"* T""» "• •» farmer wnnts. n^ATFORM SPRING, DB* MV*£RY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES* One, two ami throe sented, from the cele brateii manufactory of J. W. Henry & Co., Kreeport. Blacksmithing, Painting and Repairing Done In a workmanlike manner and *M- ranted. .1 From the tarjro variety of Farm Machinery maruifnetnnvl, we solwt that boat atlapte<t for this scrt.ion, and npon.the BEST TEBMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en- ahlcs us to 8i»m»ly owr patrons wifh just what thev want, an<1 nt lower prices than anv ottier concern northwest of Chicago. Cafl ami make exuirination for vourselves ltefore frivinir your orilers for any plec.f of machinery von nm'v ncci' the coin ins season, and yoiv will find the best an<l mtwt complete line of Farm Machinery fvar before offered in McHenrv Co kemamher that we O&er the VERY BEST MAOHINKRY at the VKRV I.OWKST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. A. P. GRAY, I •- JticAmond, IB, Clotlim: Clothing, ClotMng, At the old reliftble Boot and Shoe House of DWIGHT. "S- Come early and examine, my new goods which are now received and placed upon the market to be sold for very money. little Our Stock is the Largert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp. Drop in and take a look and get my low Cash Prices. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. JOHN B. BLAKE, for Spring and Summsr. A fall line of piece Roods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. CLOTHING! Bigger Stock than ever. I;®*5,' • SMklle Notle*. 2b Pfeamtre Seeker* and Afan Concern. - A* partiea. known ami aaknoirn to me. tave ruthlewily cut and despoiled timber, dug and removed sod, stone grate) and grape vines, and otherwise lawlemfy damped my lot of abont 50 arret, altuated on the eanehnro of the »o«th Y,ake. at Twin Lake*. I hereby wan all pemktis atalnH a continuance «f mob condnet. Neither CHII any per­ son occttpy tald pr«*ml%es witlioue per- tnlatloM from the owner. I ahatl. from and «ftor ihfa date prosecute oflenders !• Ihe full extent or the law. , ^ HAinrAsXKBitMb nuwy a m , ~TW- SUITS AT 84^0. Suits art prices at SUITS AT $5.00 Maiman's . Umbranaa.---W!ft have a good assort­ ment t» styles and prioea. Call apd •eo |fc«m nt Bonry CoVby'a, # Fine Shoes.--The largest |Ipo and le*t styles ever shown in this miriwr. CaM and examine them at Henry Dpi- Two Doors North of Perry A Martin's '^Vhere you will find nil grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People buying c t pie will find all my goods as represented. . td£ Jobbing and Repairing neatly and proitiptly done. UNDERTAKING. thai WonderM .Book. CUIDETOSUCCES& WITH FOR Bnsiiiefs AND SOCIETY- Nltlarbr ten* ofthOBSMMls. ft U,»ho 'WeetenhrerwiIlT naefiit hook ever wMHwl. It teffe enMraletely HOW TO DO KTKHY- THW6 m the best way, How to be YoarOWn ZiMryoVrHow to tto ffa*lne«8 Oerreetiy and aiiee«ssflntly-r How M Act is Society v4fld •rerywhere. AgnMoiiesf yarlod iniprtSA- •Myte »ll claMes for ewUumt reference. JORXT8 WAHTE® for a HOT ipnre ttee. TO know why thia took of REAL aratnS and ItfMaioB* seBs better than any other, aaoly wbi t« h. n. 80AMHELL> a oo.»™t. aCi, Klssouri, '<' »i •" " i mi int f.vSW> A LARGE FISH, IS 0 Bool Hi Wattconda" Dru Store launt We are prepared to tell all of the apparatus for catching the above. The largest and most complete line of fishing goodw ever displayed in Wauconda. Pure Linen Lines» Trolling Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, Jointed Ash Hods, etc.. at a bargain. THEODORE THOMAS will hardly be able to call At W tn.ticonda ibis season, if he does, however, we can give him figures on HAii- flOUICAS and usiral Instru- fuen(a of rU descriptions that Jw©t>l J astonish him. A new line ^nst 11 ceived. Call and examine. P. B. HARRISON. AT WAUCONDA. For anytbiag maitato order, Maimaa!s is th ptaee to go. Ai»o a full line of . " i Gent's Furnishing Goods. HATS, CAPS, &c., Ac- Mrs. Maiman, \ Has mer In this Department I keen a first-olas8 assortment of Caskets, Coffins, and Shrouds ot all jkiuds and quality reasonable rutes. and A Hearse furnished at J r 'i ^ , » H ' . mm# . - '«£l..,_ji StJMMER Hi! SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED -AT HIS-- ANI> JOHN STERBA, Do to" want drat dme.inocliinery somntbin^ we buy ao Y1111'*1 ->< (hat jeet the benefit ot it? We know of some dealers that buy ,*o much that they claim to sell low, hnt you get all then- pi-sces and then come to us ind we will selljyou^he m/K Formerly of McHenrv, Chicago, has returned to Wo dstock, And has now on hand the stqrk of .m any other dealer. - --•.« We have just received the finest car or CARRIAGES, ALL STYLE^ That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't foil to call, as the finish beats them all. A guarantee of our own for que year with each carriage. _ , ^ PLANTERS. •.:? , 'Mm 'AETMM We have six different kinds. Among^h«ni are three different Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and John Deere, all Rotary or ISlide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. We haye eipht kinds. Amonier them you^will find _the, eel- eljratec Bertrand Jb Sames, Standard} Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. Warranted to suit. MINNEAPOLIS SELF-BINDER. • ^e have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. K you look it over yon will find it has more, improvements than any Biiider Out. Nothing to be feaiW from McCormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mowet, the Roice Reaper* Richmond Mower and the Peerless. ^ „ ? Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hoi- lingsworth*, Furst & Bradley and (-ase, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron." For a wood pump We keep the Kenosha, Tetople, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and |or an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can at» ways repair or put them down any depth. Woodfet'Msk lltinob. largeat and READY MADE HARNE3SE3, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found In th® County, and hun ererythinfr mal' ofltfi* BEST MATERIAL. Call an&see-m •. JOHN 8TE9BA. r. J. DACT J. IX)NOV/ N. E. Ml. OWEN & SON. T H I S N E W M A P , IPiovtt* beyond any reason 'ble question that the | CHICAQO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds the beat road;for you to tak hen traveling In either dlroctionbetween CMcap and all flu Priicijal Pofots is the West North & Nortel Carefnlly examine this Mapi.TThe principal Cities In the West and Northwest are (Station; on tliie road. Its through tc|ins make close connections with the trains of all railroude at Junction paintn, It is a lact well known to the Farmers of cHenry County that whenever they have spoken of Dacy to oppositou dealers, that the sound ol his name has caused t hem to Jud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply because the won|d b«* opposition dealers know too well that we ha^b . bought our gotids in much lafger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goods> for less money than the same quality could be bought by maiiy of th-»m and they know it. Again wo have ourTSfsTchoice of iriachiuery in the market, arid always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ot many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the* county. W ^ have by actual count over 1()J) Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag- ons. fCall and count the in ) Also a car- of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth haf rows, seeders-, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a do!lar's worth until the> get our stai vatiou prices, W rite for circulars. T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. McHENRY. ILI^. received a line Stock of Spring and Snm- Millinery jpw 18, a of the latest styles. A nice -lot of Ribboiia. and Plumes. The adlee of Weatern Lake C ountv are eapeciallr n vited to call and exaini ne foods and prices. H. MAIMAN. DEALS* IH TkeTpurntt and Hot Medicine ever liilft Aco" drak km af Hops, Buchu, Man- tianclei ton, with ciiltie best and tivo (nojieitics of all oilb'.-r Bitters, the streattK Blood Purifier, Ulver ant: Lite aixl Health Ueatoring gH vurtJi. i poesiljly long exist where Hop Lod^jo viuit-U axid iiurfoot ore iheir ^3 «&1 vi£3t to ti» ul l£lm. nipiloyiiicatu cause i rn«iuni' uniiuiy r.nnim, or who re» iiml .iW Stimulant, uabie, without Into*- AgUllt No disease < Bilk re are Tiiey fi?e anrli To all vlnne i ty of theTx;welb< quire au Appetizi H up Bitters are inv Icatln^" Ko iuaU«r whatyour fn)^elln(!« or •jrwptwns »r© what the dlauiu t.- or *s u*e "Op Bit­ ters. Unti't waituiitiSy<jii»Jft"c s'clj h«it If you only feel bad or nilserat>le,B|"sei;,10'n *t once. Jt may save hat'K3 & v e<' hundreds, •BOO will M i>ajd for a c«H^e they will not enve <t lii'lpu Do not suCfei^.Horlet your friends suirer.but use and urge U8<-' Hop lieuiember, llop Blttere is no%t Vllc' <lni»rtred drunken nostrum, but the i'nr.>. Medimnecver niwto ; Uje "iiVAJJDti and HOPS" and no person <>r fuiitily should Im uiitiiout theai n I C H an absolute and Irn-si -clble wire | forDi'i'itl'enne.-.s.usc of o;)itKn, tobacco ani. narcotics. AJJ bv ii Send J for ('ireuliir. flop WHffi Sfr. C*k, M K««-li-t"r.V.T. i fii •' raiKM) HE CREAM of all BOOKS of ADYIMTDRE. oneer andI Daring r _ _ I Deeds he tftriHinirarfTflntnrraof nil the hero c - ilorera and frontier ftfrtiter* with ln<liaits ititlatr* and wild ben*t«, over the whole i«antrjrrfrom the earliest times to the ores- nt. Lives nnd famous exploits of J)<>*<,tn nSalle, Boone. Kenton, Itrndv' rr>rkt'tt, B«wfe, Houpton, Careon, Ciinto'/ (alifornia Jo«, W(l<t Bill, Buffalo Bill, Gcncr! le Milt'« and I'rook. (treat Indian ( biefsanil fore# of ollif a GORGEOUSLY I1.LU«. PBATI D w ill TTf fine enpravjngs to the life t« * NTS W A I I tO. Low w«ced nad beats DTthinr to >>e'l. •;STAS DAt I J 00K COt, ST. I iFI», Mo. P a r k e r s H a i r B a 1 s a m tb« n»ost fa^tidiou* n» a Hair JUstor^r an Owwilif. Admired f-r un.Ul.^nt wrluni. Ntrer Falls to IU«tore (irejror taded Hair W tlM jovlhful eokr. siz lit el! (Jluger, liuchu, Mandrake* fctilliiijiia and many of the best medicines known a»c here coin- bincd intoamcdicinc of such varied ardcnccttv^ powers, nstomakei!ie Greatest lilood Pinifieri-. Best Health and Strength Restorer Ever Used. It cures Pvs-cjxh, Khctimatism, ?1eeples«ness. nil diseases of t!ie bi imach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, liiilnrys, and :i!l Fema'e Complaints. If y"U are wailing aw-y wi>U CoiifumpUon or any disease, use the 1ok C tc-Jiy. It wi 1 tiirely iv fpyou. Pc:fciabert jti*fartMt>-riortoBut'15, EbiCnccs of Ginrer and otV.-r '10:11c*, as itb;ii .is upilie srstem wltbutt ir.toiientin?. SfC. an't^i sizes, .itLlld •a!er.-.i:it'ni-^s. ^'<ne^Tenll^.^e'W!tl\ou,. Sl.T.r.turcofl.'l c< V. Se -ii-Jfcircular laiice c.wjra :s bcx:.;g V::s do:x/.r SIZE. f SolMors, Shears, Table and Pooket Cutlery, Spades Shotrels, Forks, Corn Kntvea, Axes, Grindstues Window Glass* GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STORY. Q-. W. feTWLEY, McHenrv, 111., D. B. Maine, Oetioa Jmiction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, 111., and (Jr. E. Dickinson, Nunda, III., sell the reliable and pore medicines called DR. KALCKH0FF 8 MEDICINAL CARAMELS CONTAIN only Ve«table Katiaeta, combined with different aromatic spices, tamarinds, llge, prunes and chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, e&fo and pore tucdicinoa. They are as p" to take m tbc flnuut confection, and therefore take tho place of all medicines which aro soli different names to secure healing effects. These medicines are ao secret preparations, but the formulas for the different kinds have been used extensively for many years throughout the world, b leading physicians, for the various diseases they are recommended (or. They are manufactured wltl the aid of improved machinery, nnder the supervision of a regular educated physician and chemist. od demand, as e ~ ' - We mention Their cheapness alone creates a good demam per box being froas 23 to SO cents. Cattartic Q-itmitiM. tr- cona Canute Throat Cara&ils DR. KALCKJWFF'8 CATHARTIC CARAMELS A* «. ̂ bie, " mild, safe, and certain cathartic medicine; -Cures Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc. _ Price, 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S WORM CARAMELS Hffectuaiiy destroy »•» •» chain, broad, round, spring, tape, and whip worms. Chil­ dren delight to take them. Price 25c. per box. QR, KAUXHOfrS COWH CARAMELS a» a certain cure arid " instant relief lor Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consnmptlon, etc. Price 35c. per bos. |1. KMjCKHOfFS THROAT CARAMELS Are a pleasant, safe and u certain cure for all Throat Affections. Public speakers, clergymen, lawyers, and musicians should not be with* out them. Price 25c. per box. P. KALCKHOFFS FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medi­cine and certain cure and relief for all female diseases. For further particulars, ask your druggist for a circular. Price 50c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFFS DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a pleasant and v permanent cure for all diseases of the Stomach--Dyspep­ sia, Waterbrash, Pain, Vomiting, etc. Price 30c. per box. DR. KAICKHOFF'SKIONEY AND LIVER CARAMELS Are a certain V cure for all Kidney, Heart, and Liver Diseases. Price 60c. per box J DR. KALCKHOFFS NERVE CARAMELS Art, a certain cure for all « Nervous and Hexual Diseases, Nervous and Sexual De­ bility, Sleeplessness, etc. Price 50c. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE. Dr. Kalckhofrs Caramels arc packcd, each twenty in waterproof wrapper. Each Caramel has on oae aide stamped the signature of A, F. Ealckhoff. M. D., and on the other the name of the Caramel. These Caramels arc for salo by all druggists and patent medicine dealers. If your drug* gist does not keep them, send the retail price to the manu­ facturers, and they will forward the same by mall free of female Caramsli Dyspeptic Cara&elt Sidney aid il?er Ciraae'j charge to any address throughout the United States. To all DftCkftKCfl __ Everybody can obtain sample given aw*y. . „ sample package free of charge byr applying to your druggist or by writing to the manufac­ turers and enclosing a three ccnt postage stsmp. Druggists and dealers will pl<*s«e write for Dm "gists' Clrculir. MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO., Manufacturers andefolo Prooriutors. MTLWATTKKE.WIS. Herre Cataack Ante '°fe .Aiilitaika kenr"^ rotc)» Voile rainera FLQRENC CAm3kii Quinnuco TForcnttr ' Spaldit\g Clapton I S d?o\NJ3 I N «. **Oh. _ Ordway antfijHMi' ^APO ood Fi Qrten U' Of •AKKTO SiOU* q Crit&oi, '** RJTTIU V % alcna eepon klWE S t\^C4> d'SS %'n* A, Jfe ti 0% UIVIOIV pA Kta CHICAGO NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. THE CHICAGO &^ORTH-WK8TER$ RAILWAY, ver nil of its principal lines, rnns earn way rtaily from two to fonr or more TAat'ttapr 'rains. It;ts tho onlv ioh<! West, North or Northwest ofChicapo that uses tho ' • IMPERIAL PAUI€E DINING CARS. It is the onlv road that rnns Pnllman Sleeping Cars North*or Northwest of Chirapo. It| hae over 3,000 Miles Of Ro«d« I" ferns, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Kind's. Colorado A California T,lne. . Winons, Minnesota ft Central Pnk-otn Li ne. sioiix Oitv * Northeastern Nebraska Line. • Climigo, St. ft Minneapolis Klfrin, Hockford, Freeport 4 Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, fireea Bay A LnkcSnpe Line. Jim Uiver. Valley, Pievre 9c, Deadwood Line. Waukesha, Madison &;Northein Line Tickets over this road arc solo bv'all Coupon Ticket Aarents in the United St.ate» A Cana<1» Remember to ask for Tickets vla'tiiisfroaa, be sure they rend over It, and take none other J D. LAYNO, Ben'l Snp't Chicago. W.E. iTE^NITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago. Villi, Ag't C. * N. w. R'y, MeH«nry, III. BUY YOUR 1 GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found 6n the West Side, wheae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pure. m Evar brought to McHenry county, anions which, can be found the Bonitar Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp iind a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call aud see then: oefore purchasing. Phy sicians X?i*e«orlptioii« Carefully Com^onnded. Give ir eaCalu C. W BESLEY McHenry, 111, Oct. 20th, 1881. mmt. •irSgJt7KB WI1H THB Mutual Life of New York, WS7? Beraiue It is the oldest Compinv in tliff Uniicd states with thirty-nine years of ex­ perience, Kerause it i.sjlhe largest Companv »'» th*, tvorltl. AshcIs, $94,702,!)5A, nearly double thai of any other Co>np<iny. Beciinseiit is tin; most popular Company. Its policyfholders number over KX>,0(i0. Becnnne everv dollar of the abovu immense sum belongs totnepolicy hotter*, and the sur. plus over what is nctnally rcijuired, is an­ nually. divided amoiijfst them, wlit'di i«tir^liis may lie iipplicd in either of two WIVH: First, to jmy n portion of the annual premium, thus materially redncinir the cost, or it may lie uced to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty.ei^ht policv liolilers of the yenr/ust past, holdinsr tMilici'cs, the I'aeo value of which was #133,500, were cariinl foi an avcrajre terin of 33 years at low rates, anil the additions 'brought the snug sum of a little over :»3(K),000. Many of these policies had befin self sustaining lor "years. Because toe rates ef every other CVmpany are nearly eighteen per cent, higher than those of the Mntnal Life. 'Because Its running expenses are 'owcr than any other. Tne sworn statements of the Equitable Life Assurance of New York, a («<ompany several millions less than half as large as the Mutual Life, show its expenses of nninapre. nient to have averaged 14.23 durlnii the la»t three years, those of the Mutual Lite 7 8 the diflere'nee of first cost.of i»ol'cy,and nianaire- ment expenses alone, are equal to 23 per cent in favor of the Mutnnl Life. Because it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest­ ment of any Company iri the world. As it will be impossible for nie to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual cost, 1 will siiy to such that a postal, card will always reatli me at this place nnr| on receipt of same I .will forward different plans and actual results (not estimates) whirl! are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history ot J.ife Insurance. Thia'Conipany issues only regular Life and Endowment policies and likeotlier Companyi of the highest standard refuses to have any­ thing to do with Tontine gambling. C. H. MOKKY, Agent, For McHenry County and westeru 'part ot Lake Connty. McHKNRY, ILL. FITS EPILEPSY -OR-- • Fallen Sickness. Permanently cured--no humbug--by on« month's usuage of Dr. tJoulard'a Celebrated Infallible Fit Powders.' To convince suffer­ ers that these powiers will do all we claim for them we will send tiicm<tigrmiil postpaid a free Trial box. As Dr,"Goulard Is tne only physician that has mace t his disei^e a spec, ial study, and as to our knowledge tlionsandt have been permanently cuVed by tins use ol these Powders, we will guarantee a perma­ nent cure in every caae, or refund you a'l money expended. All sufferers s'lmild give these Powders an early trial, an I lie con. vinced of their curative powers. Price, lot large box, $3, or 4 boxes forflO, sen1 by mail to any part of the United States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. O D. Ad­ dress, ASH A ROBBINd, »»t'ulton St., Brooklyn, N.T. , CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease that are anx tous to be cured should try Dr, Kissner'a Celebrated Consumptive, Powders. These Powders are the only preparation knowc that will cure Consumption and all disease# of the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong. i« our faith in tiiein, and also to convince von that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial box. -We don't want yonr money until yoa «re perfectly satisfied of their curative pow­ ers. If yo;ir life is worth saving, don't delay ngiving these Powders a trial, as thev will surely cure you. Price, for large box. #S sent to any part of the United Statesor Cana da, l»v mail, on receipt of price. Address, ASH A. ROBBINS. -WOfultoa 3U. Brook lyn, N. Y. * CHEAI MILLIONS OF ACRES for sole in the COLDER BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, «r SM rich Soil m the snm ever ahona •a, with s«ed markets catt mh| weat« For Detrrtptlre and fllmfiaM Jtoef^ (fit* Map*, Sent Free, Addr-- LAN0 COMMISSIONER,--Kan^s D'vMet KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. itm leaf *vd |easjr terHti, in a mild climate, free from heavy snows, blight* lag frokts, and e*- ceiwlve rains. ANDS /

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