Nf &V ? 3^ ' •fcf , £ &•' ; f.l': lllljpftoWNI to * ritfslmrgr MMt v w«rn<1ar« fcr# Ml murrHnif Infk I'*' for»r>1o who AM Tr">k Tor *wr»Wnr* «*f Hi" kind fo liapnwn. 35jr»n» po*v «n'l th»>n wp h**r of wm*' • * >Mr n larff* tnrtnn* Vft to ti|i*W» !>r t'»* * rUstant r»»l*- •Wvw^jwistn In 0«Hfnrn?a nr snmp- | 3 »'%*» fclw*. Nrtt long neo a %, ttonn.* rut«hnr)r#r ha'l * alwrnlar t»*»»rH» of lock hfPP^n t« Mm. On« «lnr »1h» rnitnfir e*ntlom«t» In qwM.lon was ^ wilkln* Aovrn Fifth Avpmi^ wh*»n he tmxr kit oM ami rather tfrrrepir. man #1!r> on a crowlnsr *nfl fall b^avlly- W* Mm to rejrnln Ms fnnttnjr and Mm Into » n-isrMwrlnjr drn?- whore the ol<l man hft<1 Ills lejf fe;. wenfleil with sticking plaster, fts he 1 Itnd knocked some of the skin ofF. The 1 old fallow seetneil verr srratefnl for tlif conrte«v that had heen shown him. Mirt nsklnsr the ' name of the young: man who hafl l>een of aervl3« to him. h# wrote It flown In a memorandum 1 1»l*nk. and said, as he shook hands-- "My name Is ; I am from Massa chusetts. Some day, perhaps, yoo inavhear from me.n Time passed on. and all recotlectlort •fcf the occurrence passed from the l^lttsburser's mind. He hpca»ne em- Imfaaaeil li» business and was reduced to extreme povert^-^)ne day, when lie felt «*tremelr doVn-h««arted. and <f!«l not know which way\to for * livelihood, he chanced tJ# plek up a Boston paper, and to hi*\|nten«e as tonishment he saw that the old man Whom he had picked up on Flf'h Ave nue was dead, and by his will, whleh was published In the paper, the Pltts- hnrger saw that a fortune of over three thousand dollars had been left to fMtidA theological seminary. § SICAGVTX HSKTOTOBRBASMW. It Is remarkable how ready birds, even those which seldom frequent the Imnnts of man, may be brought to place some degree of confidence In him; A gentleman on the north const of Corn-wall, England, one morning qt breakfast time threw a piece of bread «»nt. of the window to a stray sea gull, which happened to have n^ade its ap pearance at that moment. The bird ate the bread and departed. The next diy at the same hour he appeared again, was again fed and de From this time for a pekflfj of (eight md years the gnll never failed w^sliow Mm*elf at the window everv mornjlng ^at the same hour, and stalk up and down until he had received his meal (n basin of bread and milk) when he Instantly took leave till the next morn ing The only time that he failed to do this was during the time of the pil chards being on the coast, which lasted about six weeks in each year, and at this time he omitted his morning vis it. At length he brought one of his •wn species with him to partake of hi« meal, and they continued to come gether daily for about a fortrj| When they suddenly disappeared were never seen again afterward. A. P. GRAY Always Ahead. ; : SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED -r-AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, AMD ;v.f£«-i BLACKSMITH SHOP, RICHMOND, ILL. ° I roll everv Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. H, ATFORM SPRING, DE LIVERY AND FARM WAUON8. TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and three seated, from the eele brntoil manufactory of J. W. Henry ft Co., Freeport. Blacksmithing, Painting and Repairing Done in a workmanlike manner and war ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best, adapted for this section, and upon the'BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en- nbles ns to supply our patrons with just what they want, and at lower prices than anv other concern northwest of Chicago. Cat! and make exan' inatioA for yourselves before giv>ng your orders for any piece of machinery you may need the coining season, and yoii will tind the best and most complete lino of Farm Machinery ever before offered in Mcifenry Co Remember that we offer the VKRV BEST MACHINERY at the VERY I.OWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. A. P. QUAY, Richmond^ Hi, trs: ••m--OF- £ Clothing, Clothing, « Clothing, SPRING AND UrM'Sk ^ 4 '• ' ••'.s- ' -V'-? " =, ^ At the old reliable Boot and Shoo House ot Come early and examine my new goods which are now being received and placed upon the market to be Bold for ven^ little money. » * y Our Stock is the Largert, tho Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the .Northwestp. Drop iu aud take a looK and get my low Cash Prices. ? W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111 Farmers^: |>o you want first class machinery something we buy so much ni that vo« get the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy fso much that they claim to sell low, but you get a|l their prsces and ithen come to us and we will sell'youjthe same good# oheape^ taHn any other dealer " ' We have just received the finest car of ^ , CARRIAfJES. AI L STYLES, 'ail to call, oue year Established in 186IS« JOHhSTERBA, roMHWly -of McHenry, Woods'odt Chicago, has returned to W oodstock, Illinois, And lias now on hand the larreat and heat. sto^k of READY MABE HARNESSES^ COLLARS, WHIPS, 4c., to be fonnd In ths rnnnty, and has evervthinjr made of th» BKST MATERIAL. Call ancf see me. JOHN 8T1RBA. JOHN B. BLAKE, STORE Two Doors Ncrth of Perry &» Martinis A full line of piece goods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. S®"Twn hundred refugees were (1 during the bombardment of Al* •xandria in the Catholic rhapel thmugh the Ingenuity of the Arab doorkeeper, who told the soldiers that the place was empty and that ttiere WHS nothing to steal or be would iMve taken It himself. f^Finger nails a foot long are Worn by some of the Chinese. TJje fcdj who can display the longest finger Mils Is considered very attractive. Bat of course this is previous to mar. irfage and before she has learned to Watch. AT WAUCONDA. * For any thiag made to order, Maiman'a lath place to go, Aiao a fall line ot « Gent's) Furnishing Goods. HAT& CAPS, &C-, &c. .THE GRAND NEW BOOK, Theatrical anil Circus Li! OR vavECBm Agents Green Boom AXD SAW DUST 8TACE, Wanted Arena. Rcveolintr the mysteries of the Theatre, Srcus, Varietj Show, Concert Dive, 4c., A<\ tme and Private Life of Artors and Ac. tresses. Most wonderful and interesting liook ever published. Expocinfr the secret doings of Giddy BalletOirls, Back Door Mash ers. Matinees,"Midnight Suppers. 4c. Ac. The veil lifted from the HLA.CK:ART. How Women are fired from cannon; men eat Are; Bfitdf! are cut off and hundreds of other mys teries performed. 150 Beautiful Illustrations, atid Elegant Colored Plates. Positively the Jfcstest selling hook ever published. Agents Mnvasting outfit, 150 cents. Illustrated cir cular anil full particulars FREE. Agents set uuiofc and secure territory l>y addressing WN PUBLISHING CO., tlO A 213 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. C T' . O T™* JT T N Ct 1 Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair np to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People bu\in<* A Bigger* Stock than ever. C' me Wi" fiud a11 ̂ «ood» as represented. SUITS SUITS •4Jo. Su,U *n prlce8 at 95.00 * Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done, Maim an s UNDER,TAKJNG. HQTJSE ^9 Department ke«p a first-class assortment of Caskets, and • C offins, and Shrouds of all kinds and quality A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. Maiman, JACOB STORY, McHENKY. ILL. ed a fine Stock of Spicing and Sam- gry goods, and of the latest styles. A nice lot wf. Ribbons and Plumes. The adies of Western Lake Coiihtv are especiallv nvited to call and exam ip4 goods and prices. DEALER IN H. MAIMAN. H. WIER, WAUCONDA - ILL Being about to remove from Waueonda, I am offe ring my stock of Boots and Shoes AT COST, In order to close them out. They are all handmade, of the best-material, and war ranted a No. 1 article. I have a good assort ment of sites, and now is the time to put in your W inter Foot-wear Cheap. • % m i Call and see me and I will make It an object for you to buy . Don't X )eltiy As 1 shall not remain here over two weeks The nPurcst and ltei«t .Medicine ever Made. Acornmbination, of Hops, Buchu, Man* drakme aini Dandeiran, with cu tuefeast and most c»urative jiruiwrtius of all other Bitters, 3i w i i>\the greatest Biood Purifier, Liver Res u l\a tor, and Life awl Health Ilestoring Agent earth. No disease c^kan poanibly long: exist where nop Bitters are ns^edfW viu'ieU aud iwrfoat are their oiieratioos Tie? mw li |kt» aad Tiger to the igel *a4 iitea. To all whose •iH'jutscaiwa lri*i!Uji r tj of tliebuweleor^ urinary onfaiw, or wlio re quire an Appetlzer^Tonic ainl mild .Stimulant, Hop Hitters are invarVua"le> without intox icating. So matter what your fe^eHngs or symptomn are what the disease or ailwnert Is am Hop Hit ters. Don't wait until y<wa%re ilclc but if you only feel bod or miserable)® '-'" t'»?ra at once. It may «a»o hasH9 s v «d hundreds. $500 will bepaid foraca»se tiiey will not cure or help. IX> nut sufferSorlet your friemls •ulTer.but use and ur«e tliem^ 40 Hop B Kemetubrr, Hop Bitters is dru^'erl drunken nostrum,but the l'ur , n J }u st Medicine ever madethe "INV ITUi^IS and HOPS" and no person or fatu eliould l»e without them. D.I.C.i-i an absolute and trrerfrtible fu; lJruniierine;«,u*e of opiUMi, t.iljaoco a narvoticK. Al/ sold Ijv !s. for Cirrular. Hop Klltvn flfr. Co. Scissors, Shears, Table and Pooket Cutlery, Spades Shore Is, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass. GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. 8TORY. Wauronda, Ang. 1,1882. H. WIER. The Highest Rank aiul , 'Wade from liarmle^B materials, 'adapted to the needs of lading and falling; n:iir. I'aikei> Hair Bal^ttn litif taken Hit-highest rank, as* hii eifgaitt and reliable liair restorative. G. W. BKSLEY, McIIenry., 111., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, III., and G. E. Dickinson, Nunda, III., sell th? reliable and pure medicines called DR. piGKHOFF S MEDICINAL CARAMELS CON i AIN oai.v \ enetaitle J., >. tract b, combined with different aromatic epiceg, tamarind^, flee prunes anil chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, safe and pure medicines. They are as pleasant to take ae the iiiierf confection, and therefore take the place of all mediciaee which are sold nnder different name a to secure healing effcct*. These medicines are no secret preparations, but tho formulas for the different kinds have been used extensively for many years throughout the world b< leading physicians, for the various diseases they are recommended for. They are manufactured wit] the aid of improved machinery, under the supervision of a veRnlar educated physician and chemist. Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each bo* contains 20 Caramels (90 doses), the price Parker s Hair Balsam Sitilfle* the tnoit fmlldloul U a prrfe-1 Hair ItMtnrrr and Dressing. Admired for lUilraoliiwM and rlnrjnlp«r(nin». *«Ter F*!1? to Bestore CJrey or Faded Hair tothsynOUalcihr. Mcta.nd|l «lre. nt Best zm Ginger. Bucltu, Mandrake, 8tllliiiitia and many of the best medicines known are here com bined into a medicine of such varied ami effective powers, as to make the Greatest I'loo J Punfitrcithc Best Health and Strength Restorer Cver Used, it cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Mei-pUr . all diseases of the Stomach, Bowel*, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and all female Complaints. if yon are wasting away with Consumption or any disease, use the Tonic to-day. It wiil mrrjly hijpyou. Remember! it is far superior to titters, Essences of Giacer and other Tonics, as it builds up the system without intoxicating. 50c. and $1 sizes, at all dealers in drugs. None genuine without sijinrtureof Hi cox ft Co., N Y. Se d l ir circular LAI'.o'K SAVING IN IiUYINtt THE POIXAR SIZE. per box teapne being Cathartic Canada Won fiw'1' from 35 to 50 cents. We mention ' QR. KALCKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS AM an agreeable, " mlla, sale, and certain cathartic medicine. Cures Consti pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, ctc. _ Price, 25c. per box. DR. KALCKHOFF'S WORM CARAMELS Effectually destroy all •* chain, broad, sound, spring, tape, and whip worms. Chil- dren delight to take them. Price 23c. per bo*. QR. KALCKHOFF'S COUCH CARAMELS Are a certain cure and ** instant relief for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, ctc. Price 23c. per box.: QR. KALUKHOFF' S THROAT CARAiELS Ai« a pleasant, safe and I •» esrtain cure, for all Throat Affect ions. Public speakers, clergymen, lawyers, and musicians should not be with out tnem. Price 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medi- •» cine and certain core and relief for all female diseases. For further particulars, ask your drnsgist for a circular. " Prlc " GOEll Cara&tla Female Carasoek Throat Cua&ali _ ce 00c. per bo*. QR. KALCKHOFF'S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a pleasant and " permanent cure for ail diseases of the Stomach--Dyspep sia, Waterbraeh, Pain, Vomitinp, etc. Price 50c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S KIDNEY AND LIVER CARAMELS Are a certain " cure for all Kidney, Heart, and Liver Diseases. Price 50c. per box. nR. KALCKHOFF'S NERVE CARAMELS Are a certain cure for ail " Nervous and beznal UlseaueK, Nervous and Bezual De bility, Sleeplessness, etc. Price 50c. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE. Dr.' KalckbolTw Caramels arc packed, eaeh twenty in a waterproof wrapper. Each Caramel has on one side stamped the signature of A. P. Kalcktiofi'. M. I)., and on the other side tfie namo of tho Caramel. These Canine}# are for sale by all drngalMts aud patent medicine dealers. If your drug, kdst does not keep them, send the retail price to the manu facturer*,, and they will forward tho name by mail free of charge to anv address throughout tho Usiited States. GIVEN AWAY I" To all dr V E' D7suertic Cafaaels Sidney aiifl Liver Safine'.a To all druggists and dealers in patent, medicines, Mmplo ackaces of Dr. KalckholTs Carair.elu aro ^iven sway. . .' . agf! frco of charge by applyini? to your druggist or bv writing to the m.mufac- verybody can obtain a sample packa turers and eticlofiing a three cent postage stamp. Drnggigts and dealers wlM please write for Druwlsts' Circular. MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO., Manufacturers and Sole i'roin tetors. • Mil,.A I:KF.K.V.'IS. ------IBigl -- ~ mm Sartmeli That ever came to this county. If in want of one don t fiii as the finish beats them all. A guarantee of our own lor with each carria «» v &T ĵL3xrjyEnEis. We have six different kinds. Among them are three different Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and John Deere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. 1 . We|fhave eigrht kinds. Anions' them you will find the cel- ebratec Bertrand & Sanies, Standard, Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. Warranted to suit. \ , .MINNEAPOLIS SELF-BINDER. ¥e have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. If you look it ovekyon will find it has more improvements than any Binder out; Nothing to be feared from Mcf-ormick's threats. , For R^apepand Mowers wa have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mqwer and the Peerless. Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hoi- lings worth, Furst & Bradley and ('use, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood ancf iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and jor an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can al ways repair or put them down any depth, E. M. OWEN & SON. T H I S N E W M A P , PiotttS beyond a:ly reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds the best roadjfor you to tak hen traveling in either directionbetwecn Chicap and all tie Principal Points in the West North & NortM Carefully examine this Map.'! The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are (Station! on tlii8 road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of All railroads at Junction paints, T. J DACY #. DONOVAN* It is a tact well known to the Fanhers of McIIenry ^County that whenever they have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound ot his name has caused 1 hem to shud der and their bones to rattle, simply ^ because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goods for less money than the same quality could be bought by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ot many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring W'ag- ons and three spring Milk Wag ons. fCal! and count them.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, gpring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm ers who consult their owii inter ests will not buy a dollar's wortb until the> get our starvation prices. Write for circulars* T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. ZS«J£JB YORfHtFS Ante j __Asl)1ari3 egaunes -JJrifrkenri1*1' ilraineril FLQRENC Quinneieo Spaldirig Orrfway Claud Claflem 7 I S d fO\NJS I N sr.„ _c\*xV ">6! ctndiytJi $' 'VEAPQ ool i"t J:/,."* "WAtertow oux Fails V»CV.W^Tma,^'>fSON ^lgona T>NKT0 Stou* Crnyt0n _ '{ yNeitt Citv Galena IWESTV* Ot UNIOJ* PA CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY a 1A^C° THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, Over nil of It.s principal lines, runs eacli wn* flatly from t^vo to fonr or more Fast Espr Trains. It is the onlv road West, North.or Jlorthwest ofChicago that uses the IMPERIAL PALACE DININC CARS. It is the'onlv rond Min^t vttns Pullman Sloepinp Cars North or Northwest of Chirapo. ItJ has over 3,000'Mtles |of Road- In forms, amongst others, the following^rrnnk Lines: Connoil Blitil's, Colorado A Cnlit'ornia I.ine. Winons, Minnesorn ft Centrnl P.iKota Li we. Sionx Citv ^ Northeastern Nebraska Lino. Ohiessjro, St. PP.UI & Minneapolis Line, Eljrin, Rorkfor<l, Freeport A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Green Bay & LakeSnpe Line. Jim KiveriValley, Tierre & Dead wood. Line. Waukesha, Madison AiNorlhein Line Tickets over this road are solri bvfnll Coupon Ticket Ajrents in the United Staten A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via'this'roaa, be sure they read over it, and take none other J D. IAYNG, Gen'l Sup't Chicago. W.H. STESNITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago B BU8S, Ag't C. A N- W. tty, McHenry, III. BUY YOUR , Paints, Oils, OF GEORGExV. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on the West Side, wbeae everything i» thi» line can be found, Fresh and Pure. Xn Evffr brought to McHenry connty, among which can be found the Bonnflr Library, Princess Library, Harrison A Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. see their oefore purchasing. Physicianii Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give n eaCal«. c. W BESLEY Mcflenvj, IIOct. 20th, 1881. I^SUHE wim m Mutual Life of New York, WHYf-- Because It is the oldest Company In the United Stales with thirty-nine years of exJ perience, ] Kei-aiine it isgthe largest Compsnv in Ut4 v'mrld. Assets, nearly doiible thai of any other Company. 1 Becanseiit is tlic liiosi popular Company J Its policyholders number orer 100,000. Becanae evcrv dollar of the above iminens^ sum belongs to the policy hoMern, and the •iirl plus over what is actually required, is anl nually divided amongst them, which surplus may be applied in either of two ways: firs tl to pay a portion of the annual premium, thnf materially reducinsr tho cost, or it may l»r n»ed to purrhasf additional insurance, in the latter way forty-eisrbt policy holders oi the year just paet, lioldinj; pnlicfes, the facd value of which wss #i:i'J,5«t0, were carried fo« an avernpe term of 38 years at low rates, and the addition# brought the snupr sum of n 1 iI tie over f300,000. Many of these policies had been self sutitaininft tor years. Because the rates ef every other Com pan J are nearly eighteen p«r rent, higher thai those of the Mutual Life. Because Its running expenses are 'owe! than any other. r The sworn statements of the Equitabll Life Assurance of New York, a|coinpan| several millions less than half as large as tli Mutual Life, show its expenses of ntanagq ment to have averaged 14.23 during the lai three years, those of the Mutual LiTe 7.8 th diflerenee of first cost of pol'ey.and manari ment expenses alone,.are equal to 99 per cer in favor of the Mutual Life. Because it can and does afford thecheapes safest ami most saiitlhrtorv insnrance inves| ment of any Company in the world. As will he unttosslTiIe for me to see all who desirons .of obtaining; Life insurance actaa) .m*t, J will say to such that a postl card will always reach me nt. this place ail on receipt of same I will forward diifereil plans and rretiml (not estimates) whit] are certainly uNtonishinir and ont do anythir in the history of l.rfe Insnrance. > TiiislCompan* rssnes only regnlar I.lfe ad Endowment policies and likeother Oompan] of the highest standard refuses to have an] thing to do with Tontine gambling. C. H. MORKY, Agent, For MeHenry.Oounty ami-western 'part Lake County. McHKNRY. ILL.] That Wonderful Boo) CUIDET0SUOCES WITH FOB Busines AND SOCIETY. Is selling hy tens of thonsRMts. It is most universally iwefol hook ever pnblish It tells completely ITOW TO DO KVKN THING in the best war. How to be YourO Lawyer, How to Do Btisfnesa Correctly a Successful)?-, How to Act in Society a everywhere*. A gold n«ine of varied inforr tion to all classes for constant referent AUKXTS WANTED for all or spare tii To know why this book of REAL value i attractions sells better tiian any other, ap for terms to H. B. 8CAMMKLL A CO., Louis, Missouri. A LARGE FISH, --AT THE-- Waueonda Drug 8t«re Book Haunt We are prepared to sell all the apparatus for catch? 1 above. The largest and m complete line of fishing got ever displayed in Waucon Pure Linen Lines, Trolli Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, Join Ash Kods, etc.. at a bargain. THEODORE THOMAS will hardly be able to call - A . t " V V a u c o n d . this season, if he does, howev we can give him figures on HA MOUICAS and usieal Inst ment a .of fll descriptions t woul f astonish him. A new just i! ceived. Call and ox»m^ F, B. HARRISO I