• V " K ' S i / ' f ' ' ' : r ' r t ' " " ' ' * / • ' • ' " ' - ^ 1 • v* ^ r- JfeJeary 'piaisfeder. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16. 1882. ...7:25 A. X .8:20 " ,..1:<« P. * ...9:16 " Railroad Time Table. (JOINT* SOITTH. Seneva Lake Passenger....,, Geneva Lake Express ftpntva Lake Freisht *. Steamboat Express OITVO WORTH. | Bene*-* Lake Freluht «*.'«.,,....1:33 A. M fl£eamho&t Express, ..........10:0S •• Genera Lake Express w......... .*:S5fc.'K 6en«T* Lake Pasaencer 6:58 " B. Boss, Asrent. McHetirv.'Ill MA*ON*TC MrllKNiiT T.onGE. No. 15^ A. P. and A. M.-- Resfular Communications the Saturday on or before the fnII of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. CHAR. C. COLBY, W. M. MCHENRT CHAPTER N"O. S* n. A. M --ltesru- lar Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in cach monch. • SMITH SEAIU.ES, N. P. MRS. SKARLES' Millinery store will be closed until August 25th. Do not faSI to read the r^»w adver tisement of Henry Rogers, Volo^ to be found in another column. ABOUT twenty-five from this vltlnge, went up on the excursion to Geneva Lake on Thursday last, ami all report a Dleasatit time. PKRSONAL,. DR. G. E. WILLIAMS, of Dundee, made our sanctum a call on Saturday. Miss MAUD VAN SLTKE has been vis iting in Woodstock the past week. FRANK PATTEP.SON and wife, of Chi cago, are the gueStS'Of E. M. Owen and wife. - ,• ; .. V. -• FRANK CUTLER, of Chia^jo. Is spend ing his vaaatlon visiting Kith O N and Eddie Owen. MRS. A. S. WRIGHT* of Woodstock, was visiting with her parents, iu this village, last week. - Miss CLARA B. OWEN arrived home on Saturday evening, after a year and a half's residence in Paris, France. W. P MORSE, one of Uncle Sam's Mail Agents, was oft our streets On Fri day. - H. H.NICHOIS and wife started for Indianapolis, fnd., on Monday. Thejr expect to be gon^ about a week. PETER BLAKE and wire, of Rich Prairie, Minn., are visiting friends in this vicinity. v REV. W. A, ADRIAN and sister, of Al- den. were calling *>n friends^, here on Monday. MR. RUSSELL.and wife, of Chicago, son-in-law of E. La wins, is visiting in ^village. PAU£ BROWN. Chas. Owen, Frank McOmber, Henry Smith, of this village, and Willis Smith, of Clifton, III., are camping on Justen's Point, Pistaqua $e. THE new Johnsburgh bridge will be jF*gko. Owen and wife, and O. N, Ow- flnished and turned over to the Com-#en. of this village. Mis^ Jennie Babbitt, of Elgin. Frank Cutler, of Chicago, with others, are camping at Pitson's£ Point, Pistaqua Lake. MRS. G. W. COLBY and daughter will remove to Nunda this week, where they will make it their home, and will open a first class millinery establish ment, In rooms over the Pwst-oftlce, REV. J. WiiEKLEit and wife havp compli me.iitaries to be in attendance at the great Chicago Evangelistic As sociation. which will continue three days. At its close the^lfavo for Cen- tralla. where the Illinois Baptist Anni versaries are to hold their next session, •rials week they visit friends at Crys tal Luke and vicinity. A LARGE party from this village.'^!* gin and Chicago, took possession of the Elgin Club House, at T'ox Lake, on Saturday, where they propose to stay the next two weeks. The following compose the party: Mrs. O. E. Hins- dell and children, Miss Clara Fish, Miss Ella I limes and Mrs. John Falk. of Elgin; Miss Frank Bartlett. of Bart- lell Station: A. M. Church and familyl imd Mrs. Peck, of Chicago: Mr*. Ben- OUR Base Ball boys mrtent to Waticon- da on Friday and played a game with the elub at that plaoe. The result wai a score of 18 to 14 In favor of McHenry. fnlssioners the last of this week or the first of next. Good judges pronounce It a No. 1 bridge. VERT tew outside *4RE printing bus iness know how much the majority of people think of seeing tireir names In a newspaper--even an Insignificant •'country newspaper.*' THE Excursion to the Lakes on Sun day last drew out the largest crowd of the season, the steamer "Mary Gris- wold" being well loaded. The das- was tine and all seemed to enjoy them selves. DR. O. E. WILLIAMS. Dentist,of Dun dee, contemplates visiting this |jlac<* once in two weeks, for the practice of liis profession. He is a good dent and we predict he will receive oral patronage if he concludes to eom< K.C Ul lentistJ a , lib/ SOMB of'the most experienced phy .firtcians assert that one-hall of the in • fant6 who die from supposed bowei ^complaints during the months of J11I3 and August, are really ctrried off bv soothing syrups and other nostrums. MISS CLARA B. OWEN has brought! liomc a large number of very tine liic-1 son Hanly, Mrs. K» J. Ilanly and ehil- IN speaking of our village and the beautiful Summer Resort at Fox and Pistaqua Lakes, a local bard gets oft the following: He carae from the PLAWDKAER office ; I was pleased vr ith the style of the into, : And I knew from the way he addressedrMlk^ He had had a good visit with Van. 4 ?! He reads the Mc.Henry PLA.RNDE ALEB, ' V ' And )>ays for the same: by the way, " ' And that is the way he keeps posted. On all of the new 8 of the day. He stopped at the Riverside mansion, Found a whole-souled companion in Haak, And then at the Parker House also, Was more than delighted with Frank. He met Captain Hill on the river. Was never more pleased in his life. Than when putting in at the landing, Found every man there with his wife* And they all seemed so happy and chOM^tl, Such a cordial reception was given, He forgot worldly care and vexatious. And dreamed of the angels in Hen ven. He, year after year in succession, His annual pleasnre-trip takes. Never misses our town of McHenry, Or his ride on the boat to the Lakes. Now would you be wise to salvation. And freed from the world's ninful strife, Invite all your friends a«nl relation, To come and be happy for life. So when the last trump Of the Angel Shall summon the just and the*b1esft. The way will be found plain and easy, Which leads to the mansions of rest. waas - ,• it} 7 -*9y « ? ^ \r,7 > ' * •, •»' ? . * - : r • f wmmmm tures painted by herself, which she is ttow unpacking ami arranging so th«jrS •can be seen. We shall try and find time to call anil see them and speak of them In our next. WM. T-AXOHAM. of Ring wood, left at this office a few stocks of wheat, raised 011 the farm of II. C.Allen, that is as flne »s &ny ever raised in this section. The seed Was brought from England a few years ago, and proves to be of su perior quality,. WE wish to impress upon the minds of our correspondents the importance of plainew in writiug proper names. as It is a source of annoyance to com positors, -and often means another from whom the writer intended to to censure praise. WORK is honorable, and no one should be ashamed to do any labor that is honestt. Boys who try to get through the world without working, because they think it degrading to work, will not make the rielit kind of men. TitE nrgfifriifTo rcmrtgsi mefsiiif'wwtf* urday last let the contract, for building a Bridge across the Nippershig near Cogffins Mill, ro Messrs^ Ballard & Yore, tor the sum of SToO. jfXVk acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary to the Annua' Fair of McHenry County Agricultural Board, ivhicli rakes place September 12th to 5th. inclusive, for which the Secretary ill accept thanks. In THE most persevering persons the world are those who persist in sending communications to newspapers without giving their teal name. Though told time and again that with the name omitted they contribute only to the waste basket, tliev persevere In the work with ' a zeal which knows no wavering. THE new National bank notes to be Issued by national banks that have bad their charters extended, are being printed by the bureau of engraving and printing. Their backs are printa with brown instead of I he usmal Ink. They will he known as "brawn backs," which will indicate money is sued by banks whose original charter has expired and been extended. THE Sheridan Independent remarks: The farmers are again warned against patronizing a lot of men who are trav eling around Introducing a riding at tachment to plows and harrows. AS usual, probably this notice will be overlooked oy our granger friends, un til one or two come to the front and report how they have been swindled bytljAse sharpers. • IT will be well for us all. to heed these sensible words from an exchange: "The seeds of fever are prevalent, more prevalent during the month ot August, where sewers breathe out their poisons, and stale fruits and veg etables are taken into the stomach. Perhaps at 110 time in the year - is closer attention to diet required. It is of the highest importance to avoid all food willed is in any degree stale, and to shun noxious vapors as deadly poisons." THE Waukegan Patriot says: "Tin many friends of Miss Emilie Gavi will regret to learn that four years o almost uninterrupted professioiral la. bors have so seriously impaired he health that her phj'sicinns strongly recommend a winter of complete rest to be passed at some point in the South. At present shs is at one of the Wiscon sin summer resorts." Miss Gavin has many warm friends In this county who' will be sorry to learn of her poor health. Her parents reside in this vil lage dren, Mrs. S. Seartes and daughter, Mrs. C. B. Curtis and Mrs. Jos. Fitz- simmons, of McHenry; Mrs. Snow, of Xew Yor\; Mrs. Win. Salisbury aud fatuilv. of Itasca. III. WE were SOITV to lenrn ol the death of the only child of Hart Wolaver. of Dundee, which occurred on Wednesday, morning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wolaver have the sympathy of their friends in this section. THE latest advice from Freeman Going, who we announced last week as being dangerously sick at Cincinnati, are that he Is slowly failing, and no hopes are entertained of his recovery. His death may be looked for at any time. CHICKEN hunting commenced on Tuesday, and now there is firing all along the line. We propose to keep from behind some fellows we saw go ing out with guns on their shoulders. We think there is more danger in the rear than iu front. Nothing personal meant. • ^ ATTENTION IS called to the new ad- ertisement of Fitzsimmons & Evan- son, to be found in another column. They have commenced their annual clearing out sale, and those in search of bargains should not fail to. call and examine their goods and learn pricc. This great slaughter of goods will last only thirty days and buyers will do well to avail themselves of the rare bargains offered. THE Chicago Herald gets oft the fol lowing:* "A sleeper is one w^ho sleeps. A sleeper is ths*t in which the sleeper sleeps. A sleeper is that 011 which the sleeper which the sleeper which carries the sleeper while he sleeps runs* Therefore while the sleeper sleeps on the 6leeper the sleeper carries the sleeper over the sleeper under the sleeper until the sleeper which carries the sleeper jumps oft the sleeper and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper by striking the sleeper under the sleeper, and there is no sleeper iu the sleeper oiiUie sleeper. THE hymeneal noose was successfully cast in Volo, on Tuesday evening, the 8th iust, resulting iu Mr. Wm. Richard son, «f Volo, taking for his partner for life, to share in his joys and sorrows. Miss Ernestine Howard, of Volo. The marriage ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's parents, by tlie bride's uncle. Rev. D. H." Denison, who is at present visiting friends In Volo. The bride was the recipient of a large number ot beautiful and useful presents, among which was an elegant necklace from the bridegroom. The new married couple hav« the best wishes of the people of Volo, for their fulure success in life. A large stock of Selz flue Shoes, j:igt received at Stevens & Schnorr s. Trtic attention of our readers is di rected to the new advertisement of B. K. Duers, Ringwood, who, can be found at the old store of J. W. Cristy with a new sto^k of goods, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Notions, Grocer ies. Boots arid Shoes, Hats and Caps, and iu short everything usually found in a general store. Read his advertise ment and give him a call. OF special interest to ladies ot Mc Henry. See Mrs. H. W. Beecher's opin ion of the Queen of Coo ; Books, the new edition of "Buckeye Cooking." or Practical Housekeeping. It is winning golden opinions everywhere. It is tar superior t«» the "Home," "Marian Har- laiul." or Chase. - Miss I,. A. Clarkson. General Agent for the Buckeye Pub lishing Co.. is taking orders in our city, calling only by reference. TICKETS have been issued for a Har vest Party, to be held at the Parker House, in this village, on Friday even ing, Aug. 25t,h. The Jauesville Light Guard Band will furnish the music, and no one who has heard this popular Band need be told that fljhey have no equal In the northwest. Remember the date, Aug. 2nth, and if you ever dance be 011 hand sure. ^OM E one unknown, either with, 'IB^* lioious intent, or without thought., threw a stone, probably with a sling shot, from the direction of the mill dam, which struck S. Colyer, who was sitting in front of Owen's warehouse, in the forehead, inflicting an ugly bruise. If done on purposfe the perpe trator should* be severely punished, hut if accidental should be taught bet ter. I J; injjfht have occasioned serious injury. #?olyer often $5 f«»r~infor- inatjfly to convict the person who did Special Premium*. At tire County Fair. Stevens & Schnorr. McIIenry. $5 for heavisst man in McHenry County, the winner to occupy a seat on the stand with in- vit*Ml guests. Fitzsimmons & Evanson, McHenry, one pair of Grr.v Bros, kid shoes to the heaviest girl of 16 and under in Mc Henry County. Newel S. Colby, Mcffenry, for. man showing best colt from young Qreet) Mountain Morgan. $10 iu stock. The Queen Ann Harvest Picnic. The Animal Queen Ann Harvest Pic nic will take place upon the old grounds in Mr. M. Singer's grove. Thursday August 3"st. A cordial invitation is Extended to all classes of human indus try to come and spend a dav set apart for social enjoyment. Come with your baskets well filled, your faces all smiles and your stomachs In avl»ngufd condition. A literary programme appropriate for the occasion and music fitted to charm the moat artistic is the order of the day. PEK ORPER OF COMMITTEE. Democratic Caucus. The Democratic voters of the town of McHeurv are requested to meet in town caucus, at the Council Room in the village of McHenry, on Saturday August 20. at three o'clock P. M.. for the purpose .of choosing eleven del egates to represent said town in the County Convention, which will be held at Woodstock September 2, and to transact sucli other business as may come before the meeting. • BY ORI»EU OK COIIMIU KE. Bridge Dance. There will be a Social Dance at John Thalet>'s Hall Johusburgh, 011 Saturday evening, Aug. 19th, 1862. Music by McHenry Quadrille Band. All are in vited. • 85. Reward Will be paid for information that will lead to the conviction of the per son W1K> threw the stone that struck rare on the head, while I was sitting in the door of E. M. Owen & Son's ware house on Saturday last. SHELDOK COLYER. MCHENRY! 111., Aug. 15, 1882 FOR SALE OR RENT. A Blacksmitn Shop and Tools, at B|,lven'* Mills, McHenry County, ' Illi nois. Inquire of R. TWEEI> & SON. Bl.ivEN'8 MIIAS, August I6th, 1B82. STRAYED. From the premises of E. Hubbard, three and one half miles southeast ot McHenry, August 5th, 1882, one three- year-old, dapple iron grey mare colt. Any person knowing of the where abouts of the same, will be suitably re warded by leaving Wbrd at? the post office, in McIIenry. or by writing Elisha Hubbard, McHenry, McHenry County, ill. Wauconda Department. •WB>0RtFTI(ft8 for the PLAINOEALER will be ree4UvegHn Wnnconila at F. B. Har. riaon's Drugstore ana bv John Uoldhtg Mr. Jotf^'Kulr launched » BjfW sail boat last week. ^ Jack Tag'gart has secured a first claps job teaming at Hyde Park. A pleasant party wa8<held Katnrday evening, aj, Mr. ,Warren Power's ne\v barn. >>.,• Mr. Wm. Seymour and family Intend starting for Iowa in a day or, two to be absent some weeks. Mr. Nichols preached la the Baptist church Sunday morning, and Rev. Mr. Fay in Maimau'&IIall in the evening. The base ball boys have recently bought new caps and shoes, and now wish to raise money to complete their uniform. For this purpose an all night dance will take jflace Friday evening^ August 18th, ̂ at jihtimap's Jiall. The McHenry base bajl nine played the Wanconda boys on the latter'* ground Friday afternoon. McHenrv made seven tallies the first inning to Wauconda's one. After that the game was more even. At the close*the score stood 14 to 18 in favor of McHenry. MIS* Katie tMcMahon closed her school in the Devlin district, Friday. July £8th. In the afternoon the school adjourned to enjoy a picnic in the grove near Mr. Devlin's residence, and in the evening a dance took place at the same place. The weather was somewhat of a datopener, but all had a good time nevertheless. Mrs. F. B. Hnrrisou's brother. Dr. W. K. Harrison, who It will be remem bered opened an office here for#a sljort time some years ago, has at last yield ed to Cupid's power. Be was married in Pantucket. R. I„ July 27th! A re ception was given the# by their Chi cago friends 011 their rJturn to the city« Mr. Henry Qolding tiet with a se- vefe accident Friday, He had just completed the purchus^ of some stock at Mr. Paddock's, njfar Volo, and stepped back upon *a, sharp scythe, making a terrible gash just back and above the ankle. He was brought home and is doing well, but will be laid up for soma time. Dr. Thompson, foi the past seventeen years a dentist in W nukegan, proposes to give most of his time to three towns. Wanconda. Antioch *iid Libertyville, giving about two wcelts to each place, lie will remain here through this week and then go to Lihertsvllle, returning here about the middl* of September and remaining here t^fo weeks. Miss Poole also gavt .a picnic to her scholars and friends ovlr on the point, Tuesday. The base ball fever is rag ing witli such violence in W^uconda that even the ladies have fallen vie- tlms,and the ))icnit£ exercises were varied by a match game among them. Their success wa« so great tiiat it is understood that two nines have already been formed, but the names of the officers have not vet been made public, BROOKLYN, X. y., Dee. 4, WW. Buckeye Publisluny Co., Minntapolis, Minn. GENTLEMEN: Some'time'since I had occasion to speak in terms of great praise of "Practical Housekeeping." and am happy to be able to say hon estly, th*t the more I have seen of It and used it. the more 1 feel disposed to recommend It to all^-especially to the young housekeeper--as one of the most thorough in all departments and one of the most reliable domestic guides I have seen. The rules for practical la bor are concise, clear and sensible, and while giving some of the best of re cipe^ there are among them very few that tend toward extravagance. A vein of good, strong, common sense, noticeable in the recipes, rules and di rections is evidence that our New Eng land Yankee housekeepers ajid Buck eye matrons are very near of kin. Having been familiar with boti., we are happy to claim the relationship. The fact that the present edition of your most excellent manual brings it up to the one hundred and twentieth thousand, is alone ample testimony to the true value of the work. The two hundred and six additional pages I find full of very villuable^matter, and I re peat what I said some years ago, that need not fear td trust "Practical Housekeeping." MRS. "a w. BEECHES. Woodstock Department And now there Is to be a fence around the fountain in the park. Mrs. W. H. San ford, of Chicago, is visiting relatives iu this city. Mi«s B. Jay. of St. Thomas, Canada, is visiting at Yankee Sherman's. Judge B. &. Smith and w|fe are home again from Minnesota anil 'Da kota. Miss Dell Brown, of Galesburg, III., is the guest of her friend. Miss Eva Pil^ in tiiis city. Fnsimont Hoy has gone to Kansas. We are not informed whether he in- teuds settling In that State or not. TheGaardsare drilling and other wise preparing for the encampment at Aurora, which soon takes place. Miss Maud Van tjLyke, of McHenry, visited friends in Woodstock last week. and the first part of this week. s- Alderman John Short fe Mayor pro tem. This iR on account of Hon. M. L. Jo&lyn going to Washington, he being Mayor of Woodstock. Miss Julia Dwlght; of Wyoming, Ohio, is visiting at her brother^, W. H. Dwight, the leading boot aud shoe dealer of the county. . . The Rev. D. C. McEwan, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church in this city, but now of Wellington, Kansas, called up<^n friends here last week. C$. T. Barrows goes to Harvard to take charge of tiie new pickle factory which has lately been built iu that city. Miss E. A. Choate, of V1neland.> New Jersey, was the guest of the family of Thomas Whitsou last week. Miss C. was on her way to Minnesota and stopped oft here for a short rest. Andy Malzer will open up his meat market now that beef is getting some what cheaper and easier to procure. This will give Woodstock three meat markets as heretofore^ Leonard Bertshy of Appleton. Wis., died in that city last week Monday. The deceased wa« a former resident of Woodstock, aud was known by a great many of our people. Perry Spooner, whom we spoke of In a former communication as being in sane, and wh6 tried to make a * big blaze, not long since while in jail by setting Are to »ome bedding, etc., was upon our stroets last week, and from appearances we should judge he was recovering from his difficulty. Some clothing found burning In one of the girls' rooms in the Waverly House last. Friday came near being the caude of a fire that would have burned out all or a large portion of Main St.* and perlmps ihuch more. The fire de partment w«re promptly upon the scene, byjDjjieir serrices were not re quired. The damage was slight. How the fire started we have not ascer tained. A Musical World for Angnst Brainards Musical World for August is a charming number. Besides the usual able articles 011 all musical sub jects, the interesting items, correspon dence, etc., there is an entertaining description ot a visit to Liszt, and a fine portrait of the master himself. Indeed, all lovers of music will enjoy the August number, as the songs and other pieces are exceedingly fine--viz : "There's a little vacant chair," song and chorus by Macy; "Over-flte Garden Wall." song and chorus by Fox; "Some Day," a beautiful song by Welllngs; and a March and Waltz from th* new camic opera. "Manola." The publish er will offer a splendid premium list next month. Look out for it! A piano and an organ are among the premiums. Subscription price §1,50 per annum. Single copies 15 cents. S. Rrainard's Sons, 136 Stale Street. Chicago. RUBBER COAT LOST. , Lost, between the Brewery and the Depot, on Tuesday, Aug. ?th. a good rubber coat. The finder will be suita bly rewarded by returning the.same to the Riverside House, PIANOS AFD ORGANS. Mr. Russell, of Chicago, Is now in town and will remain a few days, ready to sell you a first class Organ or Piano at cost price. He <sau be fouud at the store of E. Lawlus. A young man stealing a ride upon a freight train going south last Saturday night or Sunday morning, in some manner fell and was horribly cut to pieces. The remains of the poor fel low were gathered together Sunday morning by Dr. Cook and others, ^nd brought back to this station upon a hand car. At this writing we have learned 110 further particulars in re gard to who the unfortunate individ ual was, or precisely how he met bis terrible death. inai) matur, so anxious are theyfto de v o u r t h e c o n t e n t s o f V a n ' s p a p e r , i JThev do not even look around and catch the smiling countenances of those whom It fines good to see how rapidly the pages of the PLAINOEALEK are turned aud each column traced by the Anger of Che anxious one. who. upon finding his name does not appear this week, and that the little boy has nol been told of their past and present political greatne«», wend tlieir way homeward wearing a sad and dejected air because Van has neglected them yet for another week, and upon reach ing home refuse to be comforted, even when told faintly to be of good cheer, that their ram will surely come. And last, but not least by any means, are the publishers of the Democrat, and especially their political writer of Bourbon proclivities, who does busi ness beneath the otSce of the great unterrifi^d and seems for some reason or other to be greatly adverse to the easy lessons because the "masher" oats so prominent a figure in so many of ilieui and receives such honorable and deserving mention as being so prom inent a Republican and office holder. Ami then the person who wab called upon so suddenly to do the locals for the Democrat last week, (and who, by the way, got out the cleanest and moat respectable newspaper Chat ooncern has Issued for months) -she. of eourse, does not admire tiie boy's questions and the old gent's answers, and who can blame her under the circumstan ces f These, Van, are the "»ome of its readers" to whom the primer lessons are getting old and stale. But we know whereof we speak when we say that the balance of the readers of the PLAINUKAI.KR--which are a host--are pleased with your biographical sketches of great me 11. (jive us one every time the spirit moves you. It is the truth told the boy that cuts the Combination, tiie Democrat publishers and the old man down stairs., Business Noticep, Fishing Tackle of all kinds at V. Eitgrli.X in Howe's tileek. wnf tit new ttri.fge. Overaf 'W i» have a t.>rgrf" stock for men shit wiju. -Gwoit a1*4 vtteap at Heurv OwifnV. r if Buckevc Vntvm Pump*, at S» Owet»V. Tke light rnnnitig MimirnpoUlTvlas Binder at K. M. Oweu & fwuTI^; ' <tlwajr» ltt?fre*bins- A deliclnns o»|«»r IK imparted fcjr Floresiuu CtiW>gin». whhrlt is »I^*>> re freshing. no matter h«>w Ifeelj? n.««d. The finest line »»f Silver and Pla»#<l Ware to he ftrtiud in tbecotiirty, at O. W . O v r e t i V . • > , « * • Sofllrtjr Rt-nm. v On mvoHtif Of iM rema<»iMy""<Mfr icate and iastieg Ira^rnitee. society belles are loud lii lUeir praises of FlorrStou fwlogm*. 'MIS The circus has come and gone and the scarcity of quarters and fifty cent pieces are now to be expected. Tiie head of the family came, in many in stances, several miles for the sake of their better half and--the dear chil dren, who would be so awfully disap pointed if they could not come to the show, themselves, of course, not caring a fig for circuses; sometimes liked to see the wild animals--but would not go a mile to see a hundred circuses. It was awful lonesome waiting around for the children, so pater famillas just took a look Inside the tent to see that the little cherubs were all right and that they did not get trod'on £y the elephants or thrown "from the. trick mule. • \ In this week's issue of the Plaindealer V»ay 1>c found one inorc of those extremely Inter- exting iirirriei lessons, the style of which has appeared many times before and to s^nwtbf its readers are getting rather old and stale. --McHenry County Democrat, of last week. Yes, there is the "editor who cannot even write an estray notice.'" he says they are awful stale, but that he would not mind it so much If the old man would be a little less particular and not tell the boy so much that is only too true, and the old war horse gets worked up Into one of those "antic fits" that he is subject to when he reads them. Then there is the General of the Elmira Camp that does not ap prove of them. Also the Abstractor says some "awful naughty words" after he has carefully perused them. The public administrator turns extremely red in the face for him upon noting them with great care, and gets oft some of his hifalutin which is only un derstood by himself, when he gets through "'reading them. But it !s when it comes to the "ex-pedagogue and shyster at-law" that the real fun comes Iu, because he is almost ticklod to death when his name appears in oue of them, aud Is continually on the lookout to find the writer of them whom he is anxious to meet; says lie has a little business with him, Ac. (It would only cost a little over a dollar to go over and see Van, who would be clad to meet him.) Next we come to the last end of the combination, or 'w at would be termed by some con cerns, the supes. They live in great expectancy, and are very anxious for their turu to come, and who, when they go to the oftice to get their mail, entirely forget their letters aud other 30 ACRES OF OATS TO CUT. I have thirty acres of oats which I want cut with a Self Binder, <?tftl OH or address, B.C. II BAD. FOR SALE OR RENT. Sixty acres of land, situated near the Village of Volo, Lake Coanty. known as the" Gale Estate. Inquire or H. C. MEAD, McHenry, lit Dated August &1,1882. Money Wanted. The subscriber wants to borrow, for thjB town of McHenry, Five Thousand Dollars. Said loan to run two, three and four years. Parties having money to loan at low rate of interest will ad- drew F. K. GRAKOES, Supervisor Tows MeHeavy McHenry III.. Annr. 1st, 1MB. No choke to the light running Min neapolis Twine Binder. sold only by E. M. Owen. A Son. No Binder so light draft as the Min neapolis. running one horse easier thati some binders put upon the market. .SOLDIER'S, ATIUNTION!--Milo B. Stevens & Co., the well known War Claim Attorneys, will be represented at Woodstock. Monday and Tuesday. August 14 and 15, by their special agent, Frank L. Darting. Soldiers and others interested in claims for pension. Increase of pension, or other claims, it is hoped, will give him a call. Mr. Darling's whereabouts may be ascer tained at tiie office ol the Clerk of the Court.1 The Minneapolis sold as cheap a# any first-class Twine Binder, at E. M. Owen A Son's. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery and Dressmaking. THE finest line of trunks In town at Henry Colby's. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easlf st thing out on man and horse, at E. M Owen A Son's. " FOBSALC:,- 4t> Acres of'-fend in V fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good how* and I tarn llterrott. with timiter and water ku abundance, iw Sec tion £2. 1 Aisw mr hoinesiea-l on th* Crystal Laiee imri road. Gnn>l'n«w house, ham am? iHk*r outbuilding*.-- Apply la • JoliK FiXsttY. l I': FATHER Jt SONS„ For Clothing K»ok at onr largo stock. F*»r :»good suit and a nest/fll; call on Steven* A Selnmrr.- ^^ FOR SALE OR REN I\ A h«»u*e and one-half acre of land fa the village ol Ringwood. lloiMe tains rive rooms. WiMbcsold able. APIRFY to W KSMOT LAUD? UiKGwoou, iu., April ith, ltsaz. Look at French Gingham at ens A Srhiwrr**. Overeotttti «» Spring aud Summer Henry Colby's. -- -A 1P VOI» want to buy Clothing at Chi cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, I a Lan sing's Block. McHenry. Tiie finest line of Dress Goods, Lin. lug* and Trimmings at Stevens <flt Schitotr*s. Walking -Shoes.--A twll Han, styles and lirst class. Wo have alsa a lew dose 11 pairs we are ottering at s redtlred price to close. Ask to SCO theai at Henry Colby'*. Call anil overlook the fine tot tf 1 1 Carriages at E. M. Owen A Son\ ^ • I •;}%! CARRIAGE*! CARRIAGES! CAH- ' K1AGES! Auy one in want ol a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, »hnt»ld not fail tS ••all on E.M.Owen A Son and se4 th« large car-load just received, Tlio ' liue*t finished lot ever mine to tho county and will sell tlient ch*apw . < HEAD LIGHT OIL* v .'/ ^ 9 * Tine best Kerosene Oil in town *1n§> H. it. Nichols. 175 Firo Test. • -V • ; ' . • : ? PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. L. E. BENNETT. Has the Photograph Gallery over Perry & Martin's stor%. McHenry. fitted up In first class shape and is now prepared to do all kinds, sizes and styles of work, and warrant satisfaction every time both in quality of work and price. Having had an experience of manv years in the business. I ant confident that I can please all who may give me a trial. Come and get your pictures taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days us well as clear. A share of public patronage solicit ed. No work shall leave this gallery that is not satisfactory, L. K. BXXNKTT. McHenry, August 1st, 1893. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I offer my house and lot. situated in the village of McHenry, for sale. There is a good barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises, Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. KKOSLN Buntings at A nice line of Lace Steveus A Schoorr's. Our Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains in tea aud coSee which It will pay the close buyer to inspect. . HENRY CQLHT. New Hats in endless variety, latest styles aud >owest prices at Henry Coiby's. HOSIERY. Do not buy a pair of HOSE itniii von have looked our new stock over. STEVENS A Sen NO**. Paints and Oils ces low at Henry --a fill I li Coloy's. us and prl- Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con firmation Suits, Spring. Summer and Fall Suits. Children's Suits, Boj^s' Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to 8uit*at Henry Colby's. Umbrellas.--We have a good assort ment in styles and prices. Call aud see them at Henry Colby's, Fine Shoes,-~Th« largest Hue and best styles ever shown in this marker. Call aud examine them at Heury Col by's. • Wool Twlue euough for all at HentV Colby's, * 1 1 < Gossamer Circulars and CWta for ^ ladles and gentlemen always fa sttek ', at Henry Colby's. « FENCE POSTS FOB SALE. 8000 seasoned Burr .Oak Fence prfMM for sale, inquire of * JOHX OORAJT. Wauconda Ice Craam P * «. w. BROOKS, * * r WCCRSSOtt TO tJOLJJtKO fc BROOitS, Would respectfully announce to lbs public that he has opettfd his Ira Cream Parlors for the season and Is now prepared to furuisli Ice Cream every day aud evening, by the dish tor quantity. I also keep on hand Fancy Groe* eries of all kind*. Canned Goods, 2fw tIons, Tobaccos. Cigats. ftoulecllottery, etc., which 1 am selling as low or lower than any otlter house in the county, quality of goods considered. When' In want wf anything iu my iina 1 Invite you to call, confident that I can please j'oa both iu quality M«M) price. K. W. BKUOK% Wanconda, 111- May 33d, 1884. Just received--Some verjr pretty aad desirabio sivtes of all wool Lac* Buntings which will be sold verr cheap. Call aud examine litem w* Henry Colby's. Honey, choice and cheap at Hem Colby V. SELF BINDERS. TWINE BINDERS. Farmers wishing to purchase a Self Binder will do well fo call on E. M. Owen <& Son and see the "Minneapolis" before buying, as It has tw» vears ad vance improvements on the binding part that no other has. J. F. Appleby • he inventor of the Twine Binder, superintends the Minneapolis Har vester w«>iks. There is nothing to l>e feared from McCormick'* threats. Can also get you a celebrated Wood Twin* Binder if you prefer it. •Aicklen* Arnioa Salv*. The best salve the world for Cuts, Bruises. Burns. Sores. Ulcere Salt Rheum. Fever Sore®. Tetter, Chap|ietl Hands, <3iilhlaius. Corns, and all Skin Eruption*, atitl )M»cilively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price H. cents p«r box. For sale by Henry Cat- >»J. The new I lolling* worth tlsy Rake at E. M. Owen & SatnV. hut have not gat on Ihelmpoited Rake TcetU jet. MERINO BUCK.S FOR SALE. The uihh'r*ig»«ril has a tew chatva vearliug Kncks fors*le at his farm, milfs M itiltcust of Spring Uruve. Me- Henry County, ill. Th«y are the ttneat I.it of Merino Bucks in the Couuer, Post ollicc addre ,̂ Bilviti'x Mills, 111. . . . aabu* Uwmui. J uly&-ui4- Free of Charg*. Ail persoits suDuring from CnngfcL Colds. Asthiua, Bronchitis, !,««* mf Voice, or any aftectto:i of the Throat au-i l.iuigs, are requested to vail at an? Drug Store and ««t a T«ial But lie of Dr. King's N'ew Discovery ler Con* sumption, free uf ch'iiyn. which will convince ihetn of ll» wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar «i» bottle will do. Call cart*. , / BOOKS ol all kintU. Magazines. t*»i" pets. News Novviiie-s Fruits, Coa- iect ionery, Ac.. «&c„ at tiie Itasaar. 3$ poslte J. Story>. Mclleury, LTT. Our stock of T>ru^«. ChetnlesH aswl Patent Medidnes was never mora c«»«o|dete. Good** reliable aud priCM ligUi at Heury ^