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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1882, p. 5

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• lAyn (.Miw r wifwwifoib •mmiKMtMmm, mm .xmmm »ft<wwwa<Mtn^ i'f-r--ip JIWLI# I IN IKIW^. HI, • - •, V - ' •HMWMHi ** ' js* ; H'llfe." WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23. 1S82. RaiI road Tim e TabSe. GOING SQILTTI,, / Senflv* Lake t>aa9eni;otv,t«.» T® *;,* Geneva Lake Express., -8:2jJ Sen-iva Lake Freisrht.... .1:'« F;,* Steamboat Express .............^W 001*0 XOBTU. * T,ake Crelitht.. •®:S \\* ftteamboat Express..., ....wl®:<» Geneva f^ake Express......... \4lo ,. SrOnova Lake Passenger..... »:»» ft. Btrss, A (rent. McHenry .{III MASONIC MCITKKRT T.OTKJR. NO. 1W \. F. snrt A. Regular Communications the Saturday on or before tlio fn II of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. _ _» ,» CHA8. C. COLBY, W. M. MCFLENBR CHAPTER NO. 34It. A. M --Rejrii- lar Convocations hold on the second and fourth IPfidaya in each moneh. • SMITH SEARLES, IT. P. PRRSONAt,. Miss CtARA WIGHTMAN IS visiting with friends at Libertyvillo,,<„. Miss HAMILTON, ot ciiiengo, Is the guest of Mrs. C. A. Oobh. REV. J. D. MCLEAN, ot Woodstock, made our sanctum a call on Friday., MRS.,GEO. W. BESI.EY returned from her vliit west on Wednesday last. MRS. E^-EAMP~MKRJ^ of Wauconda. wa<rioting at Q.«T Curtis' the peat we^k/ •• - LONM^ICKINSTRY and wife, and Mrs. C. IT. Beers returned from Grant Park on Monday of last week. I*^MISS MAY CKISTY, of Elgin, is . the M.--| guest o village Cemetery Meeting1. The Ladles' Cemetery Aid .Society will meet at the residence of Hon. R* Bishop, thin Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock, sharp. Thio ls the third meet­ ing that has been called since the Ice Cream Festival and there has not been enough preser.t to do business. What Isthe matter? Have the. ladles lost Interest in this work? We certainly hope not. It is important that this meeting be fully attended., as business ®f importance is to be transacted* and the time of year making improvements at the CJemetery is fast drawing to a dose. Let every lady interested be at the meeting this evening. SEE the card of J. J. ̂ lyVrs, .fohn#- %ttrg to be found in another column. WK are again under obligations to Jllrs. Joel Wheeler for a very, hand­ some bouquet, left on our desk. fhai>k«. A MAN! ̂ now called a "temporary ^ridowesf" when his wife is away on a maimer visit. f 1 nR new Store of F. G. Mr>yes & Go., I Is up and almost enclosed. The work \is«bein« done by A. Wendell & Sons. SEE the new advertisement of Perry A Martin,. which." can lie found In another column. . FOR SALE, a good double barrel shot gun. muzzle loader. Will bo sold cheap if applied for at once, at this ,,WE learn that the Lake County Sol- 'tclter>* will hold their annual Re-Union lit Diamond Lake, on. the 6th and 7th of September. ' ' CDCUMBEKS h*»re been coining In lively at the factories for the pa«t few days, hut a little ruin will be required soon as It Is getting very dry. ,ln t this section. WE were over to the residence of C. Beekwith on Tuesday, t ,ut have neither time nor space to speak of what we saw there this week bat shall , jflpso next. A MfcETixtr of the Lake County Agri­ cultural Soplety is called at Liberty- ville. for the 24th Inst. The premium list ft* to be revised and other Import- aut business transacted. .T. V. SAYRE. of the Rljrin Clnb House, Fox Lake, caught a bill fish last week that weighed eleven pound". It was three feet long and had an ugly bill frull ten inches in length. It was acuri- osity. * JOHN KLEIFOEN has just finished the job of painting the house of Wm. Schrelner. inside and out. besides (graining several rooms. It presents n vers n^at appearance and proves that Klelfgen is a No. 1 workman. LOST in this village a Memorandum Book with Red Morocco Cover, and ihe air.e of J. A. Going on the Inside. The finder will confer a favor by re­ turning if to the owner or leaving it at this office. ONE of the greatest necessities of our village at the present time is a Street Sprinkler. The man who will start one will not only make himself popular but put a goodly number of sbekttls in his pocket at the same time. AN exchange truly says: "Everybody frets a vacation except country edi­ tors, who paddle their canoes single- handed. This is the season of the year when Ic is ii<$iidy to have a part­ ner that you can leave to do the work, while you take a couple of weeks rest." guest of Miss tEffle Gilbert* In till** r j 1 MRS. B.NVAij^ER8C>!^of Chica^!!* the gue«t of B®W.. Wheeler tuid fanii- . " f i ? , .v-' Miss MARY L. OWEN returned from her visit to Chicago on Saturday even- ^ing. . G. AL PATTERS<5n and wife, of Chica­ go, are visiting with E. M. Owen- and family, tlits week. ,t CnAS. GOING eitme out from Chicago on Thursday, to Attend the funeral of hh» uncle. f F JOHN GAi>tc, of Chicago, a nephew of Hon. George Gage, of this village* made our sauctufn a pleasant call on Tuesday afternoon. U-TTG. HOLLAND and wife, of Hasfr Sangamon, Mich., are visiting with the father ot Mrs. Holland, Cdl. J. if. Xash. MR. AND MRS, A. A, SLAVTER, and ] Miss Jennie fleunis, of Belvidere, wjpro visiting friends rtnd relatives lb tht# place over Sunday.,, ^ , -s MRS. CHAS. I*. WAIIW and children, of Knnsa* Citr. are" visiting Mrs. Wallet fattier and mother, O, OWen.aud wife, ,V^ MR. and MRS. VAN V*CLSER, of DeJa­ va'1. Wis., was the gtoest of Mrs. IV J. CHfton. one day last week. Mr. Vair Velser Is a brother of Mrs. Clifton* DR. ZEN AS GOING, Mrs. Jmlsorf> Go­ ing, of Warren, ill., and Mrs. Han^Oefc, of liarvard, relatives of Freeman Go­ ing, were Ijere Jto attQJid t lie funera) on Thursday.* , [ a- Miss EtVA McDERttd*, of T.ake Cftyl ^linn., Miiss Eva Wightmait, of Evan-^ ston, and Mis? LiHie, Arnold, of Nunda. are the guests of If. E. Wightman a*d family, of the Riverside House. HENRX; F. GIMFPING, foreman o^ Jno. B. Jeftery's.Sliow Printing House. Chi­ cago, made us a call on Monday. Him­ self and wifo are spending st f«w days in this Villages the guests Of R, A. Howard a^d family. DR. E. R. BENNETT, of the Cook Co. Hospital staft, Chicago. Clinic1*!1. Assis­ tant to tlie chair of Syphllog'-arlhy abd Dermatology, Rush Medical (ijollego, and clinical iusbwictor and physician, diseases of eye and ear. Rush Medical College, spent the 15th and 16th or August in Richmond. J j--4--.• THE Well dlsrgers at* Co's pickle factory struck, water »'t he depth of fifty-one feet, which rose rapidly until there was over forty feet of water. They- were engaged all day. yesterday in pumping it out with a steam pump, in order to he aide to brick It up. When completed they will have one of the finest wells In m county. „ . . I-ORD'S D*Y. THIS 20TH OF 41!GUST. Saturday, the 20th, was the forty fifth anniversary of the first publ? religious service held in the county o McHenry, The first Sabbath School was introduce^ at the =ame meeting. The text was-In Matthew 9--37: "He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted and were scattered as sheep having no shej^jerfl I think the only witnesses there ii attendance, now living, are Esqni John McOmber and family, and M Wm. MeCollnm. The only dwelling on the town plat was a log cabin with two rooms, Thero was another where E. M. Owen resides,and one where O. W.Owen resides. So^also at Mr. B'-ezee's. JOEL WIIEEL^H Wgf were pained to learn ia«t week RKAFKR ACCIDENTS. Adelbert,Whiting, so* of Freeman Whiting, was run <lyer by a reaper on Thursday last, and narrovrly escape! eing killed. The particulars.^ as we learn them, are as follows: The team was standing in the .field, hitched to the reaper, and beingr troubled by the file* were quarreling and biting. Mr. Whiting, who was In the field, went to 'hem. and.succeeded in getting hold of one line, when they started to run. Adelbert then attempted to .seize them by the head, when he was knocked down by the pole and the machine fun over him, tearing the muscles from his arm, and cutting several serere gashes in his hip and tlti^r^t. Fortunately no bones were injured. Dr. Anderson was called, who dressed the wounds, and at the time of writing he is getting along y «<>ll as could be expected. fx)n t! that W. G. Billings, deputy Internal revenue collector of this District,, who reside^ at Chemung, in this County^ F 'On the same day, we believe, a team was^tricken with paralysis on S&tur- attached to a reaper, being driven by da&the 12tJ.i. He drove to Roekford on tmrt-flay to inspect a distillery, and on the way home found he could hot rai«e his arm or speak. He succeeded in attracting the attention of a man whom he met by st.ricklng him with a whip. He was Immediately visited by a physician, who foiriul one half of his body entirely useless. At last accouuts he was reported as slightly better, bftt his1 friends have crave fears for the result. His many friends in this part of the district hope for his speedy recovery. ,v IF there is oh* thing more than another that we like it Is n gAbd piece of cheese. We had the good fortune nwMonday to get just such a piece. It Was a full cream made at the dairy farm of J. N. Mason, of Keystone, near Richmond, and it WHS in fact the finest cheese that we have tasted for many a day. It proves that Mr. Mason is not only a Ko, , t farmer, but a clieese- maker as well, und whoever lias the fortune to buy of him i<< Sure to get an article that is hard to beat.. We sus­ pect. however, that Mrs* M^son Is en­ titled to )ier share of credit In the cheese liuei At all events we unhesi­ tatingly say that this cheese is eqnal to any we ever tasted. If anyone don't believe what we suy let them try for themselves. I'HIS particular portion of the year came logically by the name of **dog days," for as it is the season in which men most easily lose their temper, and have unusually hard -work to find It again, it i» hatoral that dogs, who have the reputation of going angry quicker than llie*^ human animals, should be suspected of getting mad with unusual Case. But this logic, thong i good of its kind. Is very unfair to lhe dog®, for these Imites generally behave far better ?n August than human beings do. Some dogs have to depend on their own exertions for bread and hieat--principally the latter--hut they have no rent to pay no bills to meet, no soiled clothing to replace, nor, as* rule, any family to support. 80 the meanest cur may slumht-r in the shade 011 a hot August day, while a human being, with only half as many feet, innst brave the wilt­ ing heat, enervating atmosphere and had temper of their fellow men. A dog'f lire torotild be luxurioii • to tHfc average man at this season of the vear.p Win. Covell, on the farm of A.L.Howe, near the river, became frightened at •the steamboat and attempted to run way. They ran once or twice around the field, when they were fortunately stopped by Mr. Howe seizing them by the head. Mr. Covell managed t:> keep seat on the reaper and was not in* rirej}. It was a lucky escape. H 1 111 MI 111111 I'IWII milium---- Richmond Department* OOWTRtBCTEB BV S. F. IlKNNKTT. Go to P. G. Skinkle threshing machine. > to buy a ne* Scaroity of Items is, the excus*.for tht* ^disappearance of the Riehnoiid correspondence last week. *. Sac City. Iowa, is the place* where "Perry" and family--we mean Wodell --are going. May they be prospered. Will L. Smith's "Swiss Bell Ringers" gave a concert at Culver Hall 011' Mon­ day evening, August fist. #••*# "" .X"- Threshing is now going^litfej^monf our farmers. The crop of oats Is yield­ ing all the way from 40 to 65 bushels per acre. Those who put in wheat, report, so fur as we have heard, 13 to 20 bushels per acre. Messrs, El dredge, McConncll & Go's, pickle factory l« now in full blast, and the way cucumbers are being delivered is a matter of astonishment to the un­ initiated. The capacity of the factory is somewhere about 25,000 bushels of cucumbers. In Cincinnati, Ans. fi, KHEKMAN CCIVO, vonnsrest son of tlie lato. liov. Klutb Goinsf, in the 51st year of liis age. »e subject of the above notice was well and favorably known in tliis vil­ lage, and from our limited acquain­ tance nothing 1l:at we can say of him will adil to ills good qualities of both "head and heart. Until within the past few years he had visited ids friends in this villas* o«(ce atiwl sometimes twice Newi of hi^jjJjyesS reached his friends on the<7th, and his nephew. J. A. Going, of this village. Immediatly started for hi* bedside, and wa* fol­ lowed the next day by Dr. Zenas Going, of Warren, 111,, the former re^v until .his death, bringing tlio this village for burial, A cluster of incidents seem t.i» attach themselves to this family,- Fourteen years ago last March the golden wed­ ding <of Rev. Eliab Going and wife was celebrated by the family and friends, t h e f a m i l y c o n s i s t i n g o f f o i t * t w o daughters and eleven grandchildren^ at that tlnie death having never entered the family circle. Only three of the sons were present. Judson. with his family. John and family, and Freeman. On May following. Judson, the oUlest son, WHS burled, and the following Sep­ tember John was burled. Rev. Kllab Going and wife died the next Februa­ ry and were buried In the same grave, her death preceding hi* by a few bonus, while Ills health to all appearances was as good as usual. Hence, fourteen years ago, mutual in their voluntary social observances, the parties are now undivided by death. 'IHie fmwral ser­ vices were held from Hie residence of Mrs. J. P. Going on Thursday after­ noon last. Rev. Joel Wheeler officia­ ting. and was attended by a large con- conrse of relatives and f?f£ndR. aiVd~f 1 li» remains were deposited In our beauti­ ful cemetery, beside those of his fath­ er. mother and brother. As the offending party was In a vary .receptive condition-was willing to take all that was £lven him---lie pro­ ceeded to pound his faca in true Tug W ilson style.--liichmonrl Gazette. We would like to be informed what reason that "offending party" had for pounding his own face. On the loth, early in the our local sportsmen were out after the grous*. The bags made were, not very large. So far as we have heard, tlie score is about as follows: *1. R. and R. C, Bennett, 4 grouse; W. Moon and Geo. Hicks, 9 grouse. 2 ducks; H. L. Chevlllou and Tom Wilson, 4 grouse; Ohas. Green and W. Bogart. not a feather. The.fact is, there are few "chickens" in the country. . J Tlie dancing public are doubtless well informed as to the fact of a party at tlie Culver House, Richmond, on Friday evening, August 25th. On that occasion all that can, will, be done to make things pleasant for all partici­ pating. Mrs. Culver Is famous for set­ ting a good table and all will be elab­ orate In that respect on Friday even­ ing. Come up and «M»lebrate the glor­ ious harvest. • 1 - : tills THE dancing public s hould not for* et the Harvest .Party at the Parker House on Friday evening of this week, the 2otli. The Janesville Light Guard Band, furnish the music and all wliO attend are sure of having a good time. Remember the*time. Friday evening of week, August 25th .A. GOING has accepted the - posi­ tion of traveling Agent for the San Francisco Tea Company, of Chicago and will immediately enter upon his duties. He will handle Teas. Coffees. Spices, etc. He has bad a long exper­ ience in this line lit goods, and the company wiU And him Ian efficient salesman. • iM- • A CORKKSPONDENT 'from Chicago writes: '"The farmers lii McHenry County perhaps wonder where the Canada Thistle seed comes"frojn. The whole of the vacant territorv In the north-west part of Chicago Is matted thick as hair on a dog. with the thistles, and no doubt much of the seed is car rled by the wind hunireds of mile from here every fall, yet nothing at al is dqne ahtiut it. The country folk should organize for legislation thai would oblige Chicago tb destroy thest thistles." EVERY reader should peruse the new advertisement of the McHenry County Fair, which can be found in this week*! paper. They are this year ofierinj the largest number of Special I'reini utns ever offered by any society, ant tlie Fair is bound to be a .complete sue oesn in every particular. The societi have al«o made arrangements to hitel three or four hundred teams inside o the Fair Grounds, therefore ail who piuchase carriage tickets will have the privilege of such accommodations, thus avoiding all trouble. Read the advertisement in another column. FRED ALDER, a brake man, r'was squeezed between the bumpers of two cars while at work in the Algonquin •gravel pit Wedtfesday last. He was taken to Elgin, where Dra. Bennett and Burlingame sewed up the not very deep gashes. He was cuc and bruised, but not seriously. Afterwards he was taken to his home at Turner Junction. THE arrivals at. the Elgin Club House Fox Lake. 011 Saturday evening, were Mrs. F. Scales. J. S. Sayrn and A. M. Church, Chicago; Mrs. M. Himes. Mas­ ters ChJirlev Payne and ^|pr,ed Haver, Elgin; Miss Eiina Bartlett. Bartlett Station; E. J. llanly, S. B. Hanly and Frank Hanly. McHenry. It is said that the ladies at the Club House are very expert with the hook apd line, seldom returning from a fishing trip with less than thirty fish. Two of the young ladies caught seventy-five in two hours the other day. We hare an invi­ tation to visit that Club House this week, but as we are a poor, unprotected man. 've don't know about exposing ourself to the wiles of such expert anglers. PINK PAINTINGS. We had the pleasure, yesterday, of looking over the fine paintings ex­ ecuted by Miss Clara B. Owen during her year and a half residence . in Paris, or at. least such of. them as she was able to bring home, and can truly say that, we Were iwfte than repaid for the time so spent. We have thought, and often said, before her journey abroad that pictures that came from under her brush were hard to beat, but the Improvement that she has made In the year and a half past i« simply mar­ velous, and if we ore a judge her paint­ ings' arc now simply perfect. The pictures we saw consist of portraits, fruit pieces, game, farm scenes, etc.. part of which are taken from life and part copied from paintings- by the most famous artists in the world. Miss Owen h:is made flesh colors one of her principal stnuies during her absence and anyone who looks upon the speci­ mens of her handiwork cannot but say she has made a success of it In every particular. Her natural talent as a portrait and landscape painter has strengthened by experience and culti­ vation. and she can now be truly ranked as one of the first artists in the land. !ve woulil like to give a description of each picture we saw, but time and space will not permit. Anything we can say of them will rot half do them justice. They must be seen to bo ap­ preciated. No lover of fine paintings should fail to call and fee them. AT A BARGAIN. We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress Goods at prices less than cost. Also a Job Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coats must be soid to make room for Fall stock soon to be on. Fkrrt * MAKTIIT. Money Wanted. . The subscriber wants t© borrow, for tlie town of McHenry, Five Thousand Dollars. Said loan to run two, three and four years. Parties having money to loan at low rate of interest will ad­ dress ^ F. K. GRANGE*, Supervisor tfrwn JffcBenry Itdfcnry III.. Aup. 1st, Wi, No choke to the light neapolis Twine Binder. E. M. Owen & Son. running Min- »old only by Jobs and Bargains in every>;depart­ ment at Perry & Martin's. No Binder so light draft as tlie Min­ neapolis, nuitiinjr one horse easier than some binders put upon the market. Sash and fancy ribbons in Watered and Brocade at Perrv & Martin's. RTATR OF IT.I.INOIS, * A*ylum tor berMo Minded Children, Sl l'fcKINTENOENT'S OFFICE. . OCCASIONALLY the question is asked why some social or personal event--of equal interest with many that are made public--Is not mentioned in the^e columns. Because it does not happen to be known to the pdltor of this paper. Send in a memorandum of such matters if you deem them of any interest. We are always anxious to get all such items. TliE next school.ferni at the Asylum, for Feeble Minded Children will com­ mence on September 1st, and ail pupils are expected to come in upon that date. 0 Those who desire to make applica­ tion for admission of. pupils for the next school year should do so at once as there are but few vacancies to be filled. New pupils will not be admitted un­ less certificate of admis*Um has b«qn sent them from the Asylum i. Application for admission should' be tpade to <f>ii. C. T. WILBUR, Superintendent, Lincoln, 111. The Queen Ann Harvest Picnic. The Annual Queen Ann Harvest Pic­ nic will take place upon the old grounds in Mr. V. Singer's grove. Thursday August 31st. A cordial invitation is extended to all classes of human indus­ try to come and spend a day set apart for social enjoyment. Come with your baskets well tilled, your faces all smiles and your stomachs in a languid condition. A literary programme appropriate for tlie occasion and inusic fitted to charm the most artistic is the order of the day. PER ORDER OF COMMITTBB. Democratic Caucus. The Democratic voters of the town of McHenry are requested to meet In town caucus, at the Council Room in the village of McIIenry, 011 Saturday August 2G, at three o'clock P. M.. for the" purpose of ' choosing eleven del­ egates to represent said town in tlie County Convention, which will be held at Woodstock September 2, and to transact such other business, as may cuine before the meeting, UY OEDEB OF COMMIT 1 EE. The Minneapolis sold as cheap as any first-class Twine BindeT, at & M. Owen & Son's. Corajene Corsets to be iiid only at Perry Jfc Martin's. The Farmer's Friend Piiblished at South Bend. Indiana. Terms, only fifty cents a year. Circu­ lation. 33,000. The laigest and best agricultural paper. In tln» country. Eight, large pages, forty-eight columns, few advertisements and almost double the reading matter given by the $1.50 and 92 agricultural paper*, but we send it to von for fifty cnits a year. Pre­ miums to every subscriber, premiums to jlub raisers, and 232 splendid pres­ ents given them in addition, consisting of a 8470 New Bi rdseil Clover Iluller, complete, including re-cleaning attach­ ment. which cleans the seed as tltre«hed; a #60 Casaday Sulky Plow ; a 865 Stndebaker farm wagon; Oliver Chilled Plows, Sewing Machine. Silver- .ware, etc./Some of the departments of the Farmers Friend are "Farm Topics," "The Orchard." "Live Stock." "The Poultry Yard," "Home and Health," "Domestic Economy." "Our Young Folks." "The Puzzler," "The Story Teller." "The Funny Place," "Sunday Reading," "The Clover Leaf." "The Apiory."1 "Letter Basket." "Va­ rious Topics," "Corresponden' e." "Hints for tlie Season," "World*" Rec­ ord," etc. Practical farmers and the best writers contribute to it. Agents make money canvassing for It, Any subscriber authorized to act as agent. Send 50 cents tor a year's subscription, or write your name and those of your neighbors 011 a postal card for tree sample copies, and our illustrated pre­ mium list. Address, Farmers' Frlejiul Publishing Co.. South Bend. Ind. When G. P. Wodell and family re turned from the East, wlv-re they had been sojoi^fnTug for the purpose of settling up the estate of Mrs. Wodell's father, all Richmond ^apposed that they had come back to stay, and were greatly rejoiced thereat. Now It ap­ pears chat rejoicing is to be turned to sorrow, for "Perry" has sold out his property here to O. 0. JStevenS, and going to the western country to find a new hoiue. ft Is the wish of a thous­ and fi lends that Mr. and Mrs. Wodell may be prosperous and hippy wher­ ever. •'profugu* frtfc." they may be. Those having planted sugar Cane this season should bear ill^.inlnd the superior advantages offered by Charles Andrews.' "near Spring Grove,n to manufacture sorghuro cane , lute first class syrup. Mr. Andrews has new and expensive machinery, and, with the experience of former seasons, will be able to manufacture such syrup as will be a delight to housewives.. Anybody who is raising cane and has any idea ot' going anywhere else than to Andrews' mill, better "call around" there and see what he has got before settling "for keeps" where bis syrup shall be manu­ factured. : s The Democratic County. a^erttlon is at hand, and we suppose that the august body which-is to represent the sentiment of those opposed to the Re­ publican party, will put in nomination a full ticket to be submitted to the suffrages of tlie voters of the county. Of those mentioned for Sheriff on this ticket, P. K. Allen, of Richmond, Is the prominent man. and will, probably get the nomination, We have this to say of Mr. Alien, ;hat he is a man of good education, first rate business ability, a Ann will, a natural insight Into human uatureanda full degree of physical and moral courage--qualifications which fit him, eminently to fit! the office of Sheriff,should he be so lucky as to be elected to that Important office." ' Dress Buttons All the new shapes iu at Perry & Martin's. : PIANOS AFD QRQAf^ v Mr. Russell, of Chicago, is nqw In town and will remain a few days, is ready to sell you a first class Organ or Piano at cost price. Be can be found at the store of F.. Lawlus, Genoa Junction, In "Auld Lang Syne," used to be a veritable Gretna Green for those Inclined to matrimony. The reason of the above statement is that that village is over the line of Illinois, and couples matri­ monially inclined used to go there to have that knot tied, which, not death but tlie circuit court, could cut asunder. The Rev. Mr. Caldwell usedto be the official before whom those inclined to matrimony used to appear to have legal sanction given to the desire of their hearts. Sliice he left Genoa, has been a sad "interregnum," so to speak, until the Rev. Mr. Van Nest settled in that 'bailiwick--which auspicious matter of settlement we are glad to record.' Now, "all's well." If you want to marry your second wife or your first, you can just drive up to Genoa as or old, when Rev. Caldwell was there, and the Rev. Van Nest will do up the job "neat and handy." We take no credit to our6e]f for thiB item, for, if credit be accorded to anybody, it should be to John Reed, who "posted" the subscriber as to ttie statu qyQi In Genoa. ^ The Saturday Evening Journal Chi­ cago, states that Mrs. Wm. Robbins, of Hinsdale, 111., was thrown from Iwr carriage and killed, August 18. Mis. Robbins was the wife of the brother of James Rabbins, bur townsman, of Solon. We append the Jourwtlnotice: A FATAL CARRIAGE ACCIDENT.--This community was startled yesterday by ithe announcement that Mrs. Kobbins, wife of Mr. Wililaiii Robbins, the founder of Hinsdale, had been killed by a fall from a carriage. The ladies of t AO or tluec families in the neigh horhood were go'ng to drive a few miles north and have a little plcnle. Mrs. Robbins and a friend were on the rear seat of the carriage, which was a light, open buggy, and another lady, a visitor, was driving. In passing out 01" the grounds snrrortudlng the Bobbins homestead, the horse started suddenly and threw the two ladles on the 'ear sent to the ground. Mrs. Robbins wa> picked up unconscious, and died at 1 p m.. two hours after the sad acci­ dent, The.other lady, Mrs. Piatt, of Hillsdale, Mich., was seriously but not dangerously hurt. On Tuesday of the present week the ladies of the Mission­ ary Society received the ladles of Chi­ cago in a grand missionary picnic on the grounds of Mrs. Robhius, ami tlie announcement will shock many who were present. To this community, the Congregational Church and a.large circle of friends' her loss is one that Irreparable. , SOLON MILLS. " i.*- EDITOR PLAIN DEA LER :--To dry for Cucumbers. Splendid weather for har­ vesting. Grain nearly all stacked and In good condition, John Haldennan started np his threshing machine last %«ek Wednes­ day. ' < W. Monear and W. Hodge started np Thursday snd threshed 756 bushels of oats Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hard and Miss King from "Chi­ cago, are visiting friends here. Dr. Hornby has a yontig lady at his residence being treated for a Cancer. Mr. J. Robbins received a dispatch Katijrday morning from his Brother iVnj.. at Hinsdale, near Chicago, stat- tlng that Ins wife was thrown from a carriage and killed. Funeral Sunday 3 OYlock. Jim. and Rozette went in on tlie evening train to attend the fuuer- al. 1 • Mr*. Cv W11 son, of Chicago, came out for a short visit end to take back lier children, who have been spending a few weeks with Mrs. Asa Johnnott. Mrs. Hpadricksoii, from Iowa, is here visiting old friends. She will soon go to Chicago to purchase goods for her store. Miss Gardner/from Dundee. Canada, Is visiting >*r brother William al present. ^4e intends to call on all her trie ids it/the west before she returns. The ifitorary Society will meet at R. Ii. Turner's, Instead of at H. Read­ ing's. a>^flm given ont. ' 1 • Davie Hall, of Ring wood, his pocket-book Saturday, between H. Reading's nitaSkinkle's bridge, with over five dollars in it. After hunting from noon until four o'elcck, some friend came along and found It for h i m , . . . " " , t . Dr* Orvls, from jndlsna, hat -been visiting his par^nTfc and brotfhfci* here. : He and his parents went to Alden to visit friends there. The old gentle­ man i« very soctable .eAd happy <and enjoys company. % Perhvps It is not too Tate'to mention the death of Mr. John Haldeman, Sen., which occurred Aug. 3d, after a long and painful period of suffering, which he bore without a murmur. He was, a member of the M. E. Church of Rich­ mond. His remains were followed to their last resting place by a large pro- cession of relatives and friends. The sermon preached by Rev. Mr. Clark was an excellent one. and made every one jiresent feel It wa* good to llva a chiistain lire. Home time ago we petitioned the Second Assistant Postmaster General, through Ron. J. C. Sherwln, for a daily mall stnrtlng at Richmond via Solon Mills, Bliveil's Mills, to English Prairie, and return by the same route. We are thankful to say that we are going to have a dally MfaiM Sept. lat. but they made a m^tatopjMHput English Prai­ rie ns the staitlflgpoint, instead of Richmond. We hnve written to have this part of the orders changed, signed by the fonr postmasters Interested, and tmst It will be. Thanlu to Sber- win. We notice a new railway project In the Chicago Evening Journal of last Friday, dated Dundee, 111., Aug. 18th. which reads as follows: "The Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul R. R. Co. has ottered to build a branch from Elgin, through this place, to Lake Geneva, providing the towns along the line would contribute pro rafa, Dundee's share being placed at 816.800, If this proposed branch will take in Barre- ville. Old McHenry, Johnsburgh, S0I011 Mill-and Richmond In its >onte, We till 11k the Company will have no trou­ ble in getting the desired amount tab- scribed. Bugineas Notfo**. Go to Mrs. Howe** far Mtlit*rjr Dressmaking. Fishing Tackle or all kladi •( Engelu's, in Howe's Block, sear new Bridge. Overalls--We have a largo atoek fof men and boyi. Good and cheap ai Henry Colby's. % Buckevc Force Pump*, at X. X Owen's. The light runniug MlnneapollfjFwIi#: Binder at E. M. Owen * Son*a.^. ., • Always KefrMMng*' ? ; A delicious odor is imparted fipj Floreston Cologne, which is always re» freshing, 110 matter how Ireely used. , The finest line of Silver ami Ptafill Ware to be found In the conaty, at O* W. Owen's. i k-: '• ' : Sool.tjr ^ On account of Its remarkably del* ^ v icate and lasting fragrance, sorietit r ,!s: ^ belles are loud in their praises of V Floxvtfoji Cologne. ,. ^ ^;,' ,;:»0MAta.;r"\ fi IfHrtlW* t>f land In Settfim ail ^ fenced. Also80 acres of laud,,with a • ; good house and barn thereon, witH timber and water in abundance, in See-1 tion 2*2, _ , Also my homestead on tlie CryitA Lake ai|d Nuuda road. Good house, barn and «*tl»cr ontbni Idlngs.^- Apply to JoHNFLCaKY,, /J j FATHER A SONS, ' v, ForClothing look at onr largo aaiF stock. For a good suit and a flit Wt call on Stevens & Schnorr. , v >« HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I offer my house and lot, situated In the village of, McHenry, for sale. There Is a srood barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises. Will* be sold oi| reasonable terms. Apply'to M. Enqklw Buntiqgs at A nice line of Lace Stevens & Schnorr'*. FOR SALE on A house and one-half acre of land I* the village of Ringwood. Hot AMI EAST* tains five rooms. Will bo sold reaseppf able. Apply to WESLEY LADD..^ RIMOWOOD, IU., April 4th, UMt, LOok at French Ginghams at ens A Schnorr's. . u. 1 h Spring and Stfftitner Overcoats # Henry Colby's. • • ^ . - i t Jiirii IF you want to buy Clothing at. Chi* cago' prices, call on E. Lawlus, i 0 LuK° sing's Block, McHenry. The finest line of Dress Goods, Lin­ ings and Triinmlng8 at Stevens A Schnorr's. Walking ^ipea.--l!# Kflf, styles and first clat>8.^ woi have alio ,* few dozen pairs we are offering at * "1 J reduced price to close. Afk to #0 - them at Henry^Solbv's. . Call and over look tlie ffno lot • Carriages at E. M. Owen A Souls * A »j «A*r >u CARRIAGE*! CARRIAGES! 1 HI AGES 1 I Any one in want ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fall to | call 011 E.M.Owen A Son and see tfio » large car-load just received. The : . finest finished lot ever uoaio to tilt -i-4 couuty ami will sell them cheap. . ,.|J HEADLIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene OH In H.H. Nichols. 175 Fire Teat. - Gossamer Circulars *nd Coat* tar ladies and gentlemen alwaya In Mull at Henry Colby's. FEN^E POSTS FOR SALS. 3000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence for sale, inquire of JOHN DMUV: . f. w. Blboxs, " ' •' 3cc^&stm TO oouHKo'ft Would respectfully announce to public that he has opened his lea Cream Parlors for tint season and la now prepared to furnish Ice Creaai every day aud evening, by the dish or quantity. I also keep on hand ••Giw> eries of all kinds. Canned WKu* Na­ tions, Tobaccos, Cigars. Conmtlonerjr, etc., which I am selling as low ,or lower than any other house in tlio county, quality of goods con«l<terod. When In waut of anything In my lino 1 invite you to call, confident that I can please you both In quality apt price, B. W. BBOOKB4 - Waucotida, Hl^ May 33d, 1883, ;t. Just received--Some very pretty and desirable styles of all wool Loco Buntings which will bo sold MTf cheap. Call and exaanlao tlieai A Henry Colby's. Honey, sliolce and cheap at Colby's. S-'t * •*. «• SELF BINDERS, TWINE BINDER*. Farmers wishing to purchase a Self Binder will do well to mil on E. II. Owen & Son and see the "Minneapolis" before buying, as it has two years ad­ vance improvements on the binding part that, no other has. J.F. Appleby the inventor of tlie Twine Binder, superintends the Minneapolis Hal* vesterwoiks. There Is nothing to bo feared from McCorinlck's threats. Can also get you a celebrated Wood TwtnO ? * ^ if A Onr Grocery Department is now complete, and iiave some bargains in tea and coffee which it will pay the close buyer to Inspect. HENRT COLBY. New Hats in endless variety, latest styles aud iowest prices at Henry Coiby's. HOSIERY. Do not buy a pair of HOSE until von have looked our new stock over. STEVENS A SCHKORR. Paints and Oils--a full llr^ and pri­ ces low at Henry Colby's. Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con­ firmation Suits, Spring, Summer' and Fall Suits. Children's Suits, Boys' Suits Youth's Suits, Men's Suits, all at priees to suit at Henry Colby's. Umbrellas.--We have a good assort meut in styles- and prices. Call aud see them at Henry Colby's. Fine Shoes.--The largest line and best, styles ever showu in this market. Call aud examine them at Henry Col- by'8- : > - The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing our on men and horse, at E. M. Owen A Son's. A large stock of Sela fine Shoes, just received at StcvcurJk SchuCafra, also get you a celebratec Binder if you prefer it. Bueklon' Am loo Satv* * " Tlie best salve in the world for Cnfs, Bruises, Burns. Sores. Ulcer*. Salt Rheum, Fever Sore*, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Cotns, anf all SUo Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis* faction or money refunded. Price SB cents per box. For sale by Henry Oil* *>J- The new Holiingsworth Hay Rake at E. M. Owen A Son's, but have not got on thelmported Bake Teeth yet. >• « MERINO BUCKS FOB SALS, The undersigned has a tew chaleo "% v yearling Bucks for sule at his farm, )| t ; iuilesscutheast of Spring Grove. Mo> a '< Henry County, III. They are the fineat lot of Merino Bucks in the County. ^ Post ofllcc address, Blivln's Mills, lib, Mim Ajuwaemuufc S'S'J* Freef6f €!sargo. All persons suffering from CoaglllL Colds. Asthma. BronciiUis, 1^M« of Voice, or any affection of the Threat and Lungs, are requested to call at aay Drug Store and get a THal Bottle of Dr. King's Nevr Discovery for Con­ sumption. free of churye, which wiU \ convince them of its wonderltd merllB 3isf| aud show what 'a regular dollar al*0 bottle will do. Call early. ; f; z .*• -S BOIIKS of all kinds. Magazine*. FLL ? News Novelties, FROLTA, OWE ^ I'** •! pers, iectiouery. Jbc.. 4c-., at the poslte J. Story's. Melleury, 111. Our stock of Drugs. Chemicals a Patent Medicines was «»ev»*r moro complete, i-ellaMe ai.d prlcef rl*ht at Ucnrj ColbjV, ( " " 1,. J l . ,.d mL* «'i 'M •'i

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