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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1882, p. 8

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fwinx • T«W«* FoIIaw In ** Awfully " KntamMtni Pmlleamoat On* of our vonnt cVrk« last Sunday ulrlit bought * cm jrlaw, bottle of co f ' lopn* w! ft glass Ptopper and pink ' » ribbon, to, present In * yfwnff lady b« ' I In Ve<»p1nsr company with: hnf on r#«eh- tbi hmw he felt * lit Me einbar- ('/ hmhI for fear there were member* of ^ fKmiiv prewnt. and po left tbo fe,;. T»eanHf.ii:glft on the Ptoop and passed ' ^ The movement w(is perceived by- graceless brother of ^h« young lady jf "jjwho appropriated the cologne for bis Awn'mo and refilled tb« bottle with ,j|feil<liartglK»m from tlie family Jar. and I i ' t lion hung around to observe the re- . pult. . In a little while the yonng man allpped out to the stoop and gecuring 'be pplendid ^1 ft, slipped back again 5nto*the parlor, where with A few ap­ propriate word*. he pressed It »pon the blushing glrTf'* Like the good and faltlifnl daughter that she was. she at t>nce hurried Into the presence of ber J'J^ ̂ other; attd the old lady wan charmed. ' * '*They didn't pot up went stuff like that when she was a girl; It whs kept in a ehttu teacup, and It was held together > % t>y aamples of the family's hair. i'&K. , She was very much pleased with ft. he drew out the stopper, laid the eautlfnl petals of her nostrils over the Aperture, and fetched a pull at Its con­ tents that fairly made them bubble. *1* *Phen she laid the bottle down, and '•*" picking up a brass-mounted Are shove! Instead,said; as soon as she conld say jt'J Jlny thing; 1 ^,.X; "Where!* that miserable brat?" 1 y He. all unconscious of what had hap- II '"'|>ened. was infront of * mirror adjust­ ing his necktie and smiling at himself. Jlere site found him and said to him: - «oh. yot are laughing at tb( trick on ' ftn old woman, ire you?*' And then she gave him one on the 7~$je lar. And he, being by nature more elo- "'1.'-* ijuent with his legs than his tongue," , 7" fiastened from thence, howling "like #nad^ and accompanied to the gate by , lhat brass-mounted shovel. He says lie Iff'^ronld give everything on earth If he y ' 4»uld shake oft the Impression that a I stake had been made.--Boston Cour- A. P. GRAY ijUways Ahead. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED --AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, 8HOP, t BLACKSMITH RICHMOND. ILL. r »U trerr Implement. Tool or Machine t fariucr wants. rl> ATKOUM SPRISG, DE LIV3RY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and tliree seated, from the celet brated manufactory of J. W. Henry ft Co., Freeport. Blaoksmlthinff,' Painting and Repairing Done la a workmanlike manner and w*r. ranted./ From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best adapte'd for I his section, and upon the BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en- ables us to supply our patrons with just what they want, and at lower prices than am other concern northwest of Chicago. Cat ami make exan- ination for yourselves before ifivinpr your orders for any piece of machinery von may need the coming 'season, and yon will Hiid the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHonrv Co Remember that we ofl'er the VERY BEST MACHINERY at the VERY LOWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. A. P. OJiA Y, Richmond, IB, Clothing, Clothing, ». Clothing, |0"The boys tell a good story on a ^ (, Atrtfcln member of the board who Is •" Jgreatly interested In pork, and has re- - "turned from Europe. He was at the Sea of Gallilee, and one of those fel- 1 jlows who rent out little pleasure boats s- tf) tourists, asked him to take a boat «nd ride oa water that "Christ walked *ipon." He objected, and they askod ^ fjjhlm where he wa» from. UI am from , • ^Chicago in the United States of Amer- ica " proudly answered the pork man- "\ *' |f.s-lpulator. They reproachfully asked '! ;vhi'n if he was going back without a itf\< .ride opon the lake "where Christ walked," and he gave In. When they anded again the Chicago man asked how much, and was told #25. He • ^ - "thoughtfully pulled out the money, jpft-wlmt remarked, *1 don't wonder that ^Christ walked.--Chicago Herald. .Sr.. M,.1 v >: ! > i Given Away. w® cannot help noticing the liberal , - *, •offer made to all invalids and suflerers ft'*' by Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Con­ sumption. You are requested to call at Henrv Colby*" Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle, free of cost, if you are suffering w$th Consumption, Severe Coughs. Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever. Loss of Voice, Hoarseness; or any Affection of the Throat or Lungs. It will positively cure you. The new Hollingsworth Hay Rake at B.M. Owen & Son's, but have not got •» thelmported Eake Teeth yet. Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs. Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis. Loss of Voice, or any affection of the Throat s and Lungs, are requested to call at anv ^ .Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of ^ ?*i Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption, free of charge. which will i i;"•* convince them of Its wonderful merits Ti- r Mil show what a regular dollar size i* v'v, bottle will do. Call early. |*> *' . f SELF BINDERS, TWINE BINDERS. i Farmerp wishing to purchase a Self Binder will do well to call on E. M. Owen & Son and see the "Minneapolis" -^before buying, as it has two years ad- vance improvements on the binding part that, no other has. J. F. Appleby the inventor of the Twine Binder, superintends the Minneapolis Har- :^vester wotks. There is nothing to be •3 a feared from McCormick's threats. Can < also get you a celebrated Wood Twine ' - Binder If you prefer it. • A Vexed Clergylnan. 15ven the patience of Job would be­ come exhausted were he a preacher I and endeavoring to interest his audi -, 5- ": ence while tliey were keeping up an t - V Incessant couliging, making it impossl- f,f> hie for iiitn to be beard. Yet, how 1 very easy can all this be avoided by , - simply using Dr. King's New Discov- •ft4 vrY f®r Consuniption. Coughs and 4,%$, Colds. Trial Bottles gitcn away at A Henry Colby'g. ) * - lif For Spring and Summer. A full line of piece goods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. CLOTHING! A Bigger Stock than ever. SUITS AT 34.50. Suits all prices at SUITS AT $5.00 Maiman's HOUSE, ATT WAUCONDA. For anything made to order, Maiman's is th place to go, Alao a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, &c., &c. Mr3. iion of Hops, *<wchw, Wlar»- hI Dandeiiori,with alltnehestapii itivo |« tics of all other ilitUrs, ioprrcau:-;t B'ood Purlfia,', Uiver ^ator, an" L'i'e a'«' llialth {lestoHiig taHBasiai iiirUi. t possibly long e*is{ where Hop S,t)U^u Viuibd iukI perltwt ant vUclr The aPurtiit anil lifst Mt-iliciue ever Jlnda. AcoK drak.1 most C !uak e s Regu No < are Tt«7 z-i* sowii^,feani7igjrtctiaae»laniiaSim. To all whose elJe»ivJ«.viiK-nt«causto invu-iUarJ- tjr of tlif howtlsor^ in inury c.r^an.s or who re­ quire an 'T<.!»1c aiidtiiildSiiii.ulaat, Hop IJitterKaieinvji^'ah'e. Without intox- ' ioating. CKiiSk Hi) matter wh«t;x>ur f.^fHnirn or «ym|>tom« &re wlmt the (Ukuim-. or i.Llwr i«uc t» uxe Hop ]ilt- ters. Don't wait until yousfli* sick but If you only fevl bail or miserable,use Uiem at once. Jt may aavo yourlui;.It liapB" a v ed liunHreil^. $900 will bo jihM for a.cawsc tltoy T.fll not ctiro or lit'lp. l)g not *ulfer y°ur frieiula ^uircr,b»t ufnaiiUurtfe k to use Hop B llemewbor. Hop Kittera is v»l«. druuken no^triim. but tlie a '* ' Host Jle<!ioii»e<'vi r made : the FK3em> aiwl HOPS'* and no puraou or funiily^K <ffj| »tM>uld lie wltliontthem. OBq?5e<saH8\ p.l.O.i" an a!)«olii1e nndIrrertrtlMn cui-c fli ..... ' f C'f i Jioltl by l'>iXiCCO < i "t* WWy, » 4AMS m I •; ' •' *• ,rj : ? Those goods we have been selling through the Summer Season at twenty-five cents per yard have been reduce^ W fi^4^18 Per y^id Lace Of latest patterns that were sold at fifteen cents, we are.trying to close out at live cents. Should think it wo$ild pay ^ou to bring a little cash to invest. Also ' NEW GOODS, lf^ being received daily. Prices very moderate. We are also rymg to pay highest market price for Butter and Eggs. OH in. FITZSIMMONS & EVA WON. JOHN B. BLAKE, FURNITURE STORE TwoDoors Ncrth of Perry & Martin's Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People bin ino1 ct me will find all my goods a^represented. ° 1^' Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done. UNDERTAKING. In this Department keep a first-class assortment tff Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds of all .kinds and quality A Hearse furnished at .-easonable rates. JACOB STORY, MoHENRY. ILL. f Has received a fine Stock of Spring and Sum. mer Millinery goods, and of the latest styles. A nice lot of Ribbons and - Plumes. The dies of Western Lake County are especially nvited to call and exam ine goods and prices. H. MAIMAN. DEALER IN cissorsi Shears* Table and Pooket Cutler Spades Shore Is, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grihdstnes Window Glass. GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STORY. 'Circular. Hop Jtlt* Hcuti THE GRAND NEW BOOK, •and Circis Life! A ,V v p * m sscBin fpr THE STAGE, Agents Wanted Onea , Boofe AMD SAW DUST Arena. Parkers Hair BaUam fiatUBM the »K>»t (Mldlout M a perf»ct Hair fl^&torrr and Dressing. Admired for JUclcaoIhtcM and elegant i*rhmje. Kever Falls,to ResMre Crejr or Faded llsir tolks?<wtUidMsr. lOcto. and $1 slxst ctt nil dru^guU. Farmers, :4-' f X>o you want first «?ass machinery iomething WeWf so much- of fhat you get the benefit of it? We know of some dealers that buy f80 much that they claim to sell low, but yoti get all their prsces and •then come to us and we will sell youjthe same goods cheaper^than any "other dealer ^ We h:vv(t ju8t received the finest car of iMaoi:s. allstyles, Established in 1866* JOHN STEfiBA, of McHenry, Obicago. lias returned to Woodstock Woodstock, And lias now on'hand the stor k of Illinois, largest and beat AR That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call, rs the finish beats them all. A guarantee of our ow^ tor oue yeur with each oarria-'se -FTaJkJS TEBS. We have six different kinds. Among them . ̂ re three different Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and .John Deere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. Wo have eight kinds. Anions* them you will find the cel- ebratec Bertrand <fc Sanies, Standard, Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. Warranted to suit. MINNEAPOLIS SELF-BINDER^ We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. It you look it over yon will find it has more improvements than any Binder out. Nothing to be feared from Mccormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand the Manny Light. Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless. Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated ^Tiger." New Hol- lingBworth*, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we k^ep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bnshnell and Mishwaukeee, {Sfnd jor an iron pump the well known Trakcm and Buckeye. Can al­ ways repair or put them down any depth. E. M. OWEN & SON. T H I S E W 3 M C A . F , Piovus beyond any reason 'ble questiofi that the '• CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds tlie best road for you to tak lien traveling in either dircctionbetween CiicTp and all the Principal Points ii tie West North & Irl Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the V^est and Northwest arevStntionsy on this road. . Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railn Junction points, READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in'the Onnntv, and lias everything made of the MA'i'fiHIAI,. Call antljsee'me. JOHN STERBA. DACY DQNOVAII It is a iac' well known to the Farmers of McHenry County that whenever th^y have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound oi his name has caused t hem to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought , our goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have ^always sold goods for less money than the same quality could be bought by many of" them and they know it. Again we havo our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none l>pt the best. Our present stock consists ot~ many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 103 Buggies, Platform Spring VVa?- onswmd three spring Milk Wag­ ons. rCal! and count them.)' Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers* corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their>flwn inter­ ests wilt not buy a do Jar's worth until the} get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, 111. Over all of its Trains. It t» the It Is the only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It has over 3,000 Miles Of Road- In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Lii>es: Council Bluffs, Colorado A California I-ine. Winonn, Minnesota A Central Dakota LJ ne sionx City A Northeastern Nebraska I.ine. Chicago, St. Pr.ul & Minncnpolis Line, • Elgin, Hockford, FreejKirt A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Green Uav A LtikeSupe Line. Jim ltiver Valley, Pierre A Dead wood Line. Waukesha . Madison A Northern Line Tickets over this road are solri liy'all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via'tiiis^roau, be sure tliey read over it, and take none other J D. I^lTlhsGcn'l Sup't Chicago. W.H. gTEfflfrTT, Oen Pass Agt Chicago, B- BUSS, Ag't C. A N W R'y, McHenry, III. Heveallng *he mysteries of the Theatre, Wrens, Variety Show, Concert Dive, Ac., Ac. Home and Private Lite of Actors and Ac­ tresses. Most wonderful and interesting hook ever published. KxpoMng the secret doing" of Uiddy llalletGlrU, Back Poor Mafeh- ers. Matinees, Miilnight Suppers, Ac Ao. The vei< lifted froth the.HI, ACK^ART. How Women are flrcd from cannon: men eat tire; IleadRare cut off and Mind reds of other mys- teries performed. 1R0 Beautiful Illustrations, and Elegant Colored Plates. Positively the fastest selling l»ook ever published. Agents canvassing outfit, M cents. Illustrated cir- cn»arand full particulars FREE. Agents •Ct quick and secure tervitorv by addressing ,*I'N PliBLlSHINii CO., 210 * 2ie Pine St., fit. Louis, Mo. FOE SALE 011 RENT filxtv aciea of land, situated near •Iw Village of Yolo. Lake County known as the Oale TCstate... Inquire of H. C. MEAU. McIIcury, HI. Dated August So, JtJfti.,. u PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger. Vucha, Mandrake, Stllliugia and many of the Lest medicines known are here corn- lined Into a medicine of such varied and effective powers, as to make the Greatest Blood Purificr&the Best Health Mi Strength Restorer Ewer Used. It cures Dyspepsia, Rhemrwatism, Sleeplessness, all diseases of tlie Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and all F«mnls Complaints. If you hie wasting away -wi:h Consumption or any disease, use liia To{. ic to-day. It will surely help you. Femembert itisfarsuperiorto Bitters, Esincesof Cinder and other Tonics, as it builds up the system without intoxicating. 50C. and$i sizes, atail dealers i.i drags. Kouc genuine without signaturcofHlstox&Co.,N Y. tendlorcircular LARUE SAVING IN I'.'JYl NG TtiE DOLLAU SIZE. SXC2B PARASOLS AND FANS. White Goods, NEW STYLE GLOVES, And an exceptionally fine line of Hosiery. Look over the Line Stevens SC Schnorr ) - Have just opened near the Depot Anse 4VC" 1 |N IBroirh Ordwgy | _As!i1aria C * Ckanme eSaunee Jijuinert FLQRENC Quinnescc ^Worcester Spald ifjrnt Cloud Clayton andiyoh O V1 V I <i , A -Algona TAKRTOX ^ >I0U* Q.f Ottyton _ ny CHi rtrm atv VEST KufV RAILWAY CHICAGO NORT THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, principal lines, runs each way daily from two to four or more Fast Eapr the only road Wegti, North or Northwest ofCliieago that uses the IMPERIAL PAL A CE DINING CARS. BUY YOUR OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found 6n the West Side, wheae everything this line can be foutftl, Fresh and Pure. m IIS SUKE Mutual Life of New York Hecause it is the oldest Oomjuany in tit( United Stales with thirty-nine y*ears of ex­ perience, I»«i ' - : i t i^e it is tlio largest Conipnny In ihi world. A8,-nearly double thai of any other Co»<ptuiy. Hecti tiiso it i.s the most popular Company, Its policy holders number over 100,000. Becriusc ovcrv dollar of the above InimenMT sutn Onion;/s lot he policy holderx, and the sut. l)lus over \vh:it is actually required, is an. nu.'illy divvied amonirst, rlicni, which surnltia may Ik; applied ui either or'two ways: Kirst, to pay a portion of the annual premium, thus materially reducing the cost, or it may be used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty.eijrht policy holders 0# the yearjuxt past, holdiusr policies, the faca valiie of which was #l;i:i,5(i0, were carrietl foi an live rape term of .">.'5 years at low rates, and the additions brought the snu$rsum of a little over .*300,000. Many of these policies had beea sell sustaining ior"years. Because the rate's ef every other Company are nearly eighteen per cent, higher thai) those of the Mutual Life. v Because Its running expenses are 'o'wer than any other. The sworn statements of the Kqmtnble Idle Assurance of New York, a fcoinptiny several millions less than half as larjre as tli'e Mutual its expenses of manage- ment to have averaged 14.23 durinir the last three venrs, those of the Mutual Life 7 8 the dillerence of jirst cost of pol'cy, and manti^e- lnent expenses alone, tire equal to 23 per cent in favor of the Mutual l.ife. Because it can and does afford the cheapest, safest ami most sa tiefaetory insurance invest­ ment of any Company in the world. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at .actual cost, 1 will say to such that a postal card will always reatli me at this place and 011 receipt of same I will forward di tie rent plans ami actual rexuttJi (not estimates) wli'rh are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the historjinf l.H'e Insurnnce. This Couipanv issues only reftnlar Life ant) Endowment policies aud li'keoiher Conipanyg pf the highest standard refuses to have anvj. tliiug to do with ToitUiie t/itmbliny, C. H. MOKKY. Agf nt. For McIIenry.County and. western part oi Lake County. Mchenry, i l l . That Wonderful Book. CUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH FOB Hii^iuess AND SOCIETY- Is selling by tens of thonsadds. It is tho most universally useful l>ook ever published. It tells completely HOW TO DO EVKItV-TKIN( t 111 the best way, How to be YotirOwn Lawyer, How to Uo Business Correctly and Successfully, How to Act in Societv .ino everywhere. A (jold n.ine of varied in forma­ tion to all classes for constant reference., AGENTS WANTED for all or spare time. To know why this book of REAL value ana attractions sells better than nny °'he^;J llH"y for terms to H. B. SCAMMELL & CO.. St. Louis, Missouri. 4? Evor brousrht to McHenry county, amon^ which can be found th€ Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lumps of every description which will be sold at prices that dsfy competition. Call aud see their oefore purchasing. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. , Give n ea Call. McHenry, 111, Oct. 20th, 1881. C. W BESLEY A LARGE FISH, -«-AT THE-- WaucomJa Drug Store Book Haunt and We are prepared to eell all ot the apparatus for catching the above. The largest and most complete line of fishing good* ever displayed in Wauconda. Pure Linen Lines, Trolling Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, Jointet Ash Rods, etc.. at a bargain. < THEODORE THOMAS will hardly bo able to call A t W a u c o n d a this season, if he does, however, we can give hini figures on HAli- MOIHCAS and usical Iustru- nienlii of til descriptions that wculi astonish him. A new tine just i; ceived. Call, and examine* F. B. HARRfSOM.

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