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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1882, p. 5

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• > r > ' * ,s> *" *7*. .»••' "» ' " »/4W. »*s *f< .'• i*+ «iff, . pv ' '•••'VW f\ TT. > "T .• -*- » ; *«/ ><r--: Wmrnm: • u ° * -v« -j. "S6» • 4* #*•*„. 0, * . m r ]̂ c|[eap| |Hfiin<leal». WEDNESDAY; SEPT. FT. ISSA. Railroad Time Table. 1011CO SOUTH, geneva Lake Passenger...... Reneva Lal;e Kxitrwis R»n"vn t.ak<* Freiirht .. Steamboat Express <»OTV^ WOK**!. Take Freieht.......i. Rteamhoat Express ... Oenera T<ake Express... Seaeva Lake Passeacer „7:W A. M .«:<» M ..1*5 F. * ..5:i« -- «:lW A. * 10:«W » .•> 4:Wp.'M «:5& " B. Brs*. A cent. McHenry, TH M \«SOVTC THrTTwwRT T.onflK. No. 15* t. F. and A. M.-- Re«nlnr Communication* the Saturday on or before the fall of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. Chas. C. COLBY, W. M, MOHKWRV OHAPTKK SO. 3t R. A. "M --Regu­ lar Convocation s'heVI on the second and fourth Fridays in each moneh. s writ SrcAw,p.s, H. P. Apprentice Wanted. Wanted. lit this office.a hoy from 14 to 18 vears of age to learn the art of Printing. A goorl bov. who mrfans business can find a srood opportunity to learn a trade bv apply in? at once. CONUNDRUM. What Is the use of A blind man taking a lamp to go to bed with? Ask '•Lew" Holmes. THE Dining Hall on, the Fair Grounds Woodstock, is the place to get your dinner. Miller will be there. SAMUEL MCDONALD will please ac­ cept the thanks of the editor and fami­ ly for a basket of vegetables left at our residence. PERSONAL. MRS. S. K. RKID, of Chicago is vlsit- Ing with friends in this village^ Miss CLARA B. OWFN 1I«L8 ofiened a studio at Woodstock. . Miss SARAH THLTUL.VTKLL, of Chica­ go Is visiting friends in tills village. Miss ETTA KKLTER. of Chicago, Is visiting friends In this village and vi­ cinity. Miss FRANK BARTLKTT, of Bartlett Stayon, is visiting with ML*. Benson and E. J. Hanly. Miss EMMA ENGLEMAN, of Chicago, Is visiting with E. Grlswold anil fami­ ly, in this village. MR. SNOW of Boston, uncle of IVfrs Fltzsiminons, has been visiting in this village. MRS. C. A. COBB of bismoijjovpoft Wis., is visiting her mother in this village. JAMES M. STIMPSOK. Secretary of the National Printing Company. Chicago, is rusticating at the Lakes. PETER GAVIN and wife, of Iowa, are visiting with the parents of Mr. Gavin in this village. COL, WM. AVERY, of Marengo, and Capt. James Nlsh* of Woodstock, made us a short call on Wednesday morning last. •*> D. L. .TONES, a former resident of Mc­ Henry. but now of the firm of Gates A Jones, 123 South Clark street. Chicago, has been spending the past week here. He was accompanied by his daugh­ ter. H.N. HOLMES was appointed Mar­ shal of this village, by the Board of Trustees,at their meeting on Monday evening last. MRS. SEARLES has returned from the the City, anil will to-day open a fine stoek of new Fall Millinery and No­ tions, and is now ready to fill orders. F» JACOB HETZEL and Miss Barbara Wendell, of this village, were married at the Catholic Church, in this village, by Rev. Father Q'Neil, on 'Tuesday afternoon of this week. N-e-x-t ! PETER LEICKEM has beer. putting a new roof on his building, repairing the-Walk and awning In front and will Immediately give the building a coat of paint on the outside, which will much improve its appearance. F. A. HRBARD, of tjiis village, has taken the job of building pickle tubs sufficient so hold 20,000 bushels of cu­ cumbers. for 'Murphy & Co., of Wood­ stock. He went over on Monday to commence the work. AN addition to the advertisement, of B.Sherman, Woodstock, will be made next week, which will read as follows: •'Clotlies Wringers Repaired and new Rolls put on. Price par pair, warrant­ ed. •2.Gp. • y OUR I*uhllc SHi'Ool ope«Y?1 on Monday with titf wMftwIng fcorps of TeHfeftoT^. 8. D. ttaldw^ntAPr'ncipal. Miss Torrance, Intermefttate Department, and Miss Bell Stoddard, Primary De­ partment. Rev. L. J. D.insniore, Teacnerof the Gagetown Division. NEXT we shall have a coat-tail flirta­ tion code. Having the tails covered with mud will mean *'I don't, like her' father." And when it is put on the un­ der side a« thou0i a boot had been used, It will mean"tlie old man don't like me." THE Ladles' Literary Club will meet with Mrs. S. D. Baldwin. Wednesday. Sept. I3th. at the usual hour. Topics: "N. P. Willi®," S. Margaret Fuller, (0«- soli), MRS. JAMES B. PEKRV, President. "JIRTIA A. STOUT, secretary. WE are sorry to learn that W. G. Billings, Deputy Internal Revenue Collector, is improving very slowly if at all, and his frier,ds have grave f-ars for Mie result. This will be sad news for his many friends all over the Dis trict. WE hear of a wedding which is to take place in this village on Thursday next, a lady from this village and a gentleman from Chicago being the contracting parties, but as th<* c?re- monj* has not been performed we are SAMPLES of iu>ported.rye and white winter wheat have been left at this •office hv Peter Blak^, which were raised on his farm near this village, and we think that any good judge will say that they are hard to beat. The rye in particular is extra fine, and Mr. Blake is ofleri itg a limited amount of it for sale for seed. See his notice in another place in this paper. WE learn that J. II. larger, son of Peter Burger, of Hebron, has been se­ cured as nrincipal of the Nmida school for the coming year. Mfr. Berger is a teacher of experience, having taught In this county for the past, nine years, and in every place where she has taught has been highly spoken of by both patrons and scholars. We congratu­ late our neighboring village of Nunda, on being able to secure so able and efficient a teacher. AN exchange says that strong pu<!b made of soft soan. is sure death to cab­ bage worms. Save the suds on wash­ ing day and add enough soap to make a very strong suds, sprinkle your cab­ bage with thai and your sauerkraut is safe. It looks reasonable that the suda left from a week's washing for au ordinary family would kill cabbage worms or almost any other pest. For our part we should rather have our cabbage rinsed with clean sud*. J.IST of letters remaining in the Post Office at Mclleijry. 111., for the month ending Aug. 31, 1882. LETTEISS.--Mr>\ Eliza Alexander. A. E. Boone, Mr. Allen J. Croswell. Mrs. Marv Dillev, II. I>. Faxon. 3. Wm. Gould, Andrew flawlev. Nickly«Svelly, ,Mat-hew Lousfyerg. A. Prux<7~Mi&s CTw- zie Parsons, Mrs. Mary Iff Howe. John Toniau, D. M. Thompson and John WaUh. POSTAL CAKI»S.--E, M. Bur*, J. C. Chicks. H. l>. Faxon, Elmer II. Green, L. H. ilartman, Mrs. Annie V. Hodges, James Quinn. Robert Tweed, John Torrance and Jac. Vellek. J AS. B. PEKJV, P. M. No one should fail to rea<l the Pro­ gramme of the Mcllenry Countv Fair, which can be found in another column. The arrangements are all completed and nothing has been left undone to make it one of the most successful and interesting exhibitions ever held In the county, and every man woman and child in tin? county should make it a point to attend. Some of the most dis­ tinguished statesmen of the day an* expected to be present and there will be Baioon Ascensions each day. Trot­ ting and Running Races, and in short tne Committee has spared neither time nor expense to make it the Fair of the. Northwest. Read the pro­ gramme in another column. ill one that trusted him as fully as the girl who. even at this moment, dreamed not permitted to speak outloudl- More her sweet dreams for the future. To particulars next week. destroy them was dishonor--yes, but to THE Tenth Annual Waukegan Fair will be held at Waukegan from Sept. -85th to 30th, inclusive, and promises to be oue of the beU Fairs ever held by that Society. The Patriot, in speak­ ing ef it says: "Many changes and Improvements are being made on the grounds. A new poultry house Is be­ ing constructed a little west of the bridge, which will be large enough to exhibit all the fowls that come to the sjiow, and Iheir number is likely to be legion; a new building is being erect­ ed for the exhibition of carriages, and the old carriage house w(ll be devoted to the exhibition of farm implements and machinery: there are to be twof l:\rge aquariums in Agricultural Hall in which will disport various kinds of lake fish, and the aquarium of last year will be fillftd-with-yvld fish. The show in all department; bids fair to excel that of any previous year, and the add­ itional attractions will be many and various, not the least of which will be the Mardl (Jras migeant--which alone will be worth coming many miles to see. Further particulars will be given from week to week, until, tlie great event transpires." Only a Crap«i m the Door. We have just receives a copy of a new motto song and chorus, called '"On­ ly a Crape on the Door," composed by Ed&ard J. Abraham. This is one of the'most touching and effective songs that evei came to our notice. It Is very easy, and can be played on piano or organ. FIRST VKKSB. Of the many sad scenes In the city, you see, Of tlie |xx»r iffho arc wanting for bread; Of the homeless who wonder eo sadly about. Of the mourners who watch o'er their dead. Of all these s«d scenes, the saddest ot all, Should you travel this wido world all o'er; Just pause in your journey should you chance to soe, Only a Crape on the Door. CHORCS. Only a Crape on the Door-- A friend or lov'd one no more; Just |>aose for Awhile should you happen to see Only a C'rape on the Door. The price of this beitwrifu] song is 40 cents per copy, or tliwe copies for $1.00. Address alt ord^rs\to^ ̂ F. W, Helmick. Music PubliehenTSQL^iu St.. .Cincinnati. O. ^ Arsbl PashM and the James Boys. If Arabi Pasha had a regiment or two of such dare-devils and expert pis. toj shots as the James Boys and the Younger Brothers were, he could make, things very warm for John Bull. The noted American highwaymen could have swept through a British regi­ ment, with tlie bridle reins In their mouths and mowed a swath like a cy­ clone. America beats the world in ev­ erything. not excepting outlawry. Claude Duval. Dick Turpin and other ancient worthies of the highway could not hold a candle to our own Younger and James Brothers. The Historical Publishing Co., of St. Louis, has pub­ lished a history of these renowTied ban­ dits, under the title of "Bcirder Out­ laws." advertised elsewhere in this pi" per. go on deceiving her, now that he knew run the truth, greater dishonor still. You love me? Answer me!" he Walt. Whitman's Leuven *f Grass. The Daily Griiphirjsjjiitur.lay, July JOtli. The edition of^jjilt Whitman's "Leaves of ' Grass,*' about which so much has been written on account of the ahondoument of its publication by ^ Boston firm in consequence of Mr. Anlhony Comstock'sfeHllegatlons that it contained objectionable pass­ ages. has been issued by Rees Welsh «& Co.. Philadelphia. The book con­ tains so much true poetry, so many passages'which stamp their author as a true poet of a high, though certainly not of the highest order, that it is a pity that Mr. Whitman's own good sense has not moved him long ago to cut out the "Children of Adam," words and lines which add nothing at all to the beauty of his work and which cer­ tainly are not structural or vital to it. The author of such a poem as "O Cap­ tain My C iptain." does himself injus­ tice and puts himself at A disadvan­ tage most unnecessarily and most | cruelly tjy tlying in thn face of decent public opinion. Walt Whitman's per­ sonality is too sweet and sound and clear to be put by a mere piece of injmliciousness at so great a disadvan- tage as that under which a few ex- t pressions in his poems--wanton)r and t wilfuly kept there against the ad/Ice vol hi* best friends--cause h'm to labor. F lie wiil not expunge them himself, and i ^ therefore he must pay the penalty; THE Parker House "Buss" will from here to Woodstock three davs during the Fair, Wednesday. Thursday ^ ̂ the flgure tremble as and Friday of next week, leaving the ^ R gudden ehill. The bright Rpot ^ Parker House at 8 o'clock, A. M.. return- on her cheek had faded; even her lips j r but after he ,s ,lea(1 the-v wl" be h,ot* Ing each evening. A limited number had paled. | jj ted out of _ editions, for lovers of the of passengers will be taken. If you Slowly, slowly the veiled lids un- | t, good man will be sure to do for his wish to ride be on hand prompt on closed, and the viqlet eyes were revealed to him. In them he read his answer. For one moment he clasped her in his time. purchased bv embrace--it seemed to him his very soul Hi i .I- opened to receive her--a moment only, £ ,PT then she drew herself away. " "You have forgotten--Helen!" Tfame that which he himself has--we fcare sure, foolishly refused to do for it. NEW seats have been the Board of Directors for the and Primary Departments of ouil «You have forgotten--Helen!" she Public School and it was expected to gaid; and for the first time her voice .put them in before tlie term com-had lost its sweetness in its strained and me need, but owing to the fact that"harsh intensity. they did not arrive in time they were forSot n nothing- ~ ; ^ R "TICKETS! TICKETS!--The price ot unable to do so. They expect to put them In the last part of next week. It was a much needed improvement. PHILIP HACPERISH, at his shop in this village, is finishing up three wag­ ons to take to the County Fair, which will be an honor to the town and the maker. Two of these wagons will be without paint, showing quality of wood and finish of work, and one of the same kind, painted and ready for use. No farmer who attends the Fair should fall to examine th^se wagons. THE Re-Union of the 95th Regiment at Woodstock on Monday last, drew out a large crowd of old soldier boys and their friends and the day being fine a right down old fashioned good time was had. Time and space will not permit us to speak more of this gather­ ing at this time, but suffice to say it was a success in every particular, and all went home feeling better for hay- come out and helped the gallant oUl 95th in her Annual Re-Union. admission to the Mclienry Co. Fair, Sept. 12. 13. 14 and 15, is as follows: Membership tickets, x<x><l for Fair, man wife and children ami children under 6, aMo untitling purchaser to compete for any premium 1 W Single ticket one day; 85 -in^ le t icket one day for all over 6 tmd under 10 10 Carriage ticket* single one rtay 50 do do do season 1 00 do do 2 horse one day 75 rlo do do ssason 1 75 do do 4 horse one day 1 00 Saddle horse one day with rider 5t> Amphitheatre t ickei one day Ift do do season ">5 A. T*. WRIGHT. SEC'T. SEED RYE FOR SALE, j The undersigned has a quantity of 1 Imported Winter Rve. which he oflers for sale if called for soon. The seed iof this Rye was imported from Europe and has yielded this year fully forty bushels to the aere. on my farm, near the village of Mcllenrv. - This Rye may be sowed in June, cut or pastured in the tall, and will then yield the II u- al crop when cut in t he spring. Or it may be sowed in the fall the same as other grain, ft without doubt the finest Rye ever raised in this country. Those wanting seed should apply at once. PETEB BI.AKB. MCHRNRT, Sept. 6, IMS. SOLON MILLS- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The air Is and the weather looks set­ tled this Monday morning. Blackberries are very plentiful this year. All who are not drove with work have started out berrying tills morning. Three teams started for Geneva Lake early this morning to move Z. J. Bashaw down here to start a black­ smith shop in the "Scotta" house. He comes with a good reputation and it Is to be hoped all will patronize him and give him a good support. Mrs. Soulestarted lor a visit to Ver­ mont last Monday morning and Mrs. J. Haidenian for Canada, tier old home, which lias been made sad by death of her father. ,< Miss'Chip Robbing .Chi­ cago last Tuesday to visit friends and will go from there to Iowa, in company with her aunt, to live. C. L. Turner and T. F. Sutton have been up from Indiana, taking a few days rest anil calling on old friends. R. L. Turner is painting his house white, which adds very much to the looks of it. Last Friday was the last day of school. The exercises were good a;id the school a successful one. We suppose Homer Thomas will be happy now that he has a little daugl\. ter, born the latter part of last week. Mi*. Walters and little girl are at Mr. J.\Hodge's visiting, she looks hearty and well and likes to visit the old home occasionally, but thiuits Ge­ neva tlie boss place to live. Mr. George Cross, and daughter, from Canada, stopped at Win. Gardner's over Sunday, on their way home from Winnapeg, Manitoba, where they have been visiting his son George, who is in the banking business there. Mr. Janles Overton will have a sale about four weeks from next Saturday, after which lie and his wife intend to take a trip to Colorado for Mrs. Overton's health, and to visit li!s broth­ er. who lives there. There has been a man looking at the mill property, and has oftered 84.000 for it for a starter. The property has been ofter for #6,000 and it is' to' be hoped it will change hands ajs it is Iv a bill of expense to the owner as it now stands, r.nd a detriment to the village and the surrounding country. It/is acknowledged by all to be the best water power in the country. It is a desirable piece of property. Hurrah for the daily mail which arrives here from Richmond half past eight, and departs for there about twelve, which gives ample time to an­ swer letters by return mail. Two of my items for the PLAIN- DEALER did not sonnd just as I thought they wfruld when 1 came to see them In print. The first was what 1 wrote In regard to the Literary Society, gath­ ered from parties who were dissatis­ fied with some of the by-Ia.vs. and It seems \rere somewhat exaggerated, anil cutting than was really meant.. I'lie other was in regard to the Orvis family. It was the l>r"s. father I meant was the Jolly old gen­ tlemen. SPRING GROVE. EDITOR PLAIKDKALEK:--Some little time lists past since we gave you any items from place, so as the busy times are past we will try and send in something a little o^tenci'. Mr. Gould, of Elgin, was here visit­ ing at Jim Westlake's. Mrs. John Tweed, of Nebraska, is here visiting friends. She says that tiie crops are not so badly damaged as was formerly reported, in that section of the country. We have got a saloon in our great city. A real live saloon, kept by oue Nicholas Freund, in the old mill house, and if you want a glass of anything that puts life in man, just give him a call. By the looks of the crowd the other Saturday night one would say he was doing some business. The "bachelor's hall." Yes we have got oue in our vicinity, and not au old bach either. He was telling us what happened to* him the other Sunday, lie says: "While sitting meditating where I should go to spend the after­ noon, there came a geiitle^np-a-tap-tap at the door and I of course said come in, and lo and behold, what should ap­ pear but the angelic forms of I wo young ladies of this neighborhood. Well, when the usual salutations were passed one of them anjiounced that she came on business. . She commenced ? witli tlie question."dhad you ever g6t lonesomeY You ought get a house­ keeper.' She kept right on and 1 tried lo get a word in edgeways, but it was no go. One word brought on another, tili she assumed that part that was al­ lotted to man, to 'pop' and be reject­ ed." We conld fill columns with this iiduseiise, but will not bother you thU time COLO D. OYSTERS * By the Can or Dish, and served up in any style desired, at tlie Restaurant of H. 11. Nichols, next door to the Post. Office. He also keeps a fine line of Confectionery. Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Call and see him. MII.LER. the "boss" baker, will rim tlie Dining Hall on the Fair Grounds, nt Woodstock, neLXt week, which fact in«urefs everybody a good meal who j sure to please you takes dinner on thb Fair Grounds. I style and price. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS Has just returned from the city with a large ami selected stock of Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, for the Fall and Winter trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry and vicifitv the finest lot of stylish Hats, Flowers, Feather. Ribbons. Neckwear, etc.. etc., ever brought to this town, and which she will sell at bottom pric­ es. Do t ot fail to call and examine | her stock oefort purchasing, as she is both iu quality. side drst Go to Miller's Resturant South of the Square, Woodstock, for a class meal. ^ Remember that Dwight makes a specialty of Men's Boy's' and Youth's Fine and Coarse Boots of every de­ scription. "Good goods" and low cash prices. FOR SALE OK RENT. A Blacksmitli Shop and Tools, at Bliven's Mills, McHenry County. Illi­ nois. Inquire of R. TWEED & SON. BMVEH'S MUX*, August 16th, 1882. "v LOST. A sum of money by a poor man, who was a stranger, aud didnt know that the place to save money in buying Boots and Shoes was at Dwight's, cor­ ner Main St. aud Public Square. New Hats in endless variety, latest styles and .lowest prices at Henry Coiby's. For a pair of Women's Misses and Children's Fine or Coarse Shoes, the best and cheapest in the market for cash.go to Dwight's. M. Selz & Co,'s Boots and Shoes are the best in tlie market, tiold in Wood­ stock only by Dwight. Look at our all wv«l Lace Bunting before buying. STEVEXS FT SCHWOEB Woodstock Department. R. C. Jefferson lias returned from St. Paul, where lie has been on business. Judge 8cully. of Chicago, calledupon friends h«re last Saturday. Prof. Estee, our last year's school superintendent, called upon friends iu this city last week. Mrs. Henry Gritfiug>of Chicago, was the guest of W. H. Dwight, VIM day last week. Colonel Avery and wife, of Marengo, were guests of friends here last Tues­ day. E. R, Smith, of Cold Water, Mich, was the guest of E. FeltJ and family, last week. The Hon. Hank McLean, of McHen­ ry. was full of politics In this el<ty last Saturday. Herbert's Constellation entertained our theatre going people nearly all of lasr week. The Star Alliance Comedy Co. holds forth all oj the fair week. In Murphy's Hall. Do not forget the reunion of the 17th Illinois Cavalry, on the grounds, during, the Fair. Neil' Donnelly, tlie general store man of this city, has gone gast to pur­ chase his fail and winter stock of mer­ chandise. Miss Jennie Leminers, of this city will again take charge of the Ridge- field school, which begau tM* week Monday, Sanford Blodgett and wife, of Santa Cruz, Cal., Is visiting Judge B. N.. Smith and family. Mrs. Blodgett U a sister of Judge Smith. Mrs. Parsons lately arrived In tills city and will soon occupy her house on Jackson street, lately occupied by W. H. Stewart. en. bjf the way he Is piling the' boots, shoes and rubbers Into the store on the corner. It is really wouderfu! where sll the goods of rhis class go to that Mr. Dwight brings to this markst. »nd this fall he has purchased more than ever before, so he tells us, and by the way the sidewalk iu front andhis store inside Is crowded with case after ease of boots, and large boxes filled with shoes of every style and make, from In­ fant's size to a No. 8 for a full grown woman, we have come to the conclu­ sion he expects to just double up his sales this fall, and will be able to sup­ ply the entire county with the cele­ brated Selz hand made boots and shoes, beside many other makes of goods. It^certainly takes Dwight, who Is now a veteran in this line of tr^de, to meet ..Mje requirements of tlM» demand hi his branch of business. Tho*ejktten«l- ing the County Fair next week wonl/l do well to call and see his mammoth stockand learn the extremely low prices which he Is placing upon each article needed to keep the feet warm and dry. Should they fail to do so they will miss one of the leading featores In connection with the Fair. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow for sale by L. H. Hartinan, Ridge tie Id. III. Go to Mrs. Howe's for MtlUi* Dressmaking. Fishing Tackle of all kinds at Eugeill's. In Howe's Block, near new Bridge. Overalls--We have a large stock ineu and boys. Good aud cheap Henry Colby's. Buckeye Force Pimps, at Slf Owen's. The light rtmnitig Mii»«eapoH»Twt«» Bluder at K. M. Owen & Son's. Shnyi RcfrMUn. A delicious odor is imparted bjr Florestof* Cotogae, which is always re­ freshing, no matter how lively used. The finest line of Stiver Ware to be fovmHa the« W. Owen's. and Platodl nty, al O. SORGHUM MILL AT YOLO. The undersigned has a Sorghum Mill, situated about three fourths of a mile south of Volo, and Is now pre­ pared to grind Sorghum for all parties at 20 cents per gallon. My Mill is In first class order, and I invite all to call and see me. GEO. RICHARDSOK. VOLO, III., Sept i, 1832. the C. T. Hopkins.of White Plalns.N.Y., was in this city last week. Mr. Hop­ kins was the first man that started the farmers to raising cucumbers In this locality. Mrs. M. D. Hoy and daughter Kittle went to New York last week Tuesday. We believe the trip is intended for the benefit of Miss Kittle's health, which |s far from being good. Mrs. Day find Mrs. Foss, of Chicago, are guests at the Richmond House and are drinking of the mineral water (not­ ed for Its curative qualities) for tlie benefit of their health. Dr. A. E. Baldwin and family left this city for California last Monday. The Doctor left many warm friends in this ci ly. who wish him God speed on his'Journey and success in all future undertakings, as Regards business, etc. The Harvest Picnic, which was to have taken place at Senger's Grove, In Greenwood, last Tlinrsday. was post­ poned until last Saturday, on account of the rainy weather, when, we under­ stand, it came otl, but we have learned no further particulars at this writing. The public school opened nn last Monday morning, with the new princi­ pal. Prof. C. R. Buchanan, In charge, and now the little folks may be* «een wending th«»lr way to and from one of the best schools in the Northwest. We believe tlie balance of the teachers aro the same who taught last year. Messrs. Domire & Sprlggs. Wood­ stock's leading harness makers and dealers, have removed thnir shop and place of business to the basement of the new brick store just complefed by Ed. Furer. The location is one of the best in the city, and is in keeping with the increased business tills enterpris­ ing Arm Is doing. TH^re were those foolish enough to believe that McChnrch would accept the Democratic nomination for Sheriff last Saturday. Mac. is not that kind ot a rooster, when so good a man .as Asad Udell would be pitted against him. Mac. expects to deJlveT the keys to Asad next December, as badly as he hates to do so. Charles Lemmers, who h*s -just sev­ ered his business connections with the proprietors of the Geneva Lake Her­ ald, lias been appointed foreman to tak^charge of a paper published at thejDeaf Mute asylum, at Oelavan, Wis, Success to yon Charles. We al­ ways thought you would improve your opportunity and become mastpr of your profession. j The Democrats met In convention in this city last Saturday, and nominated the following named fo,r County officesr County Clerk. J. D. Slioi^, of Wood-, stock; County Judge,Carlvle Hastings, of Coral; County Treasurer, E. M. Lamb, Woodstock; Superintendent of Schools, Rev, Wheeler, Mnrengo; Cor­ oner, Dr. C, H. Fegers, of McHentry. Thus ended another farce, but then they are used to It. And now the County Fair, which. If the weather holds pleasant, will no doubt prove to be the best and most largely attended fair ever held in Mc­ Henry County. Nothing has been left undone by all concerned to make It something that shall long be remem­ bered by those who attend. The bill of fare is much too long and the attrao tions too numerous for us to attempt to quote one half of them,. If you fail to come to tlie Fair every day next week you will miss the greatest event of your lives. Every day Will be the best day. so attend from the comment" mo nt. Old Mien's easy Calf Boots, of Selz make, at Dwight's. People of McHenry Co, we will wake it pay you to trade with us when ill want of anything in the Boot aud Shoe Line. W. H. DWIGHT. AT A BARGAIN. We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress Goods at prices less than cost. Also a Job Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coats must be sold to make room for Fall stock soon to be on. PBBBT A MAKTUT. The best Calf. Fine Kip, Veal Calf and Stoga Kip Boot to be found In tlie market, at Dwight's. MERINO BUCKS FOR SALS. The undersigned has a tew chaice yearling Bucks for s*le at his farm, 1} miles southeast of Spring Grove. Mc­ Henry County, III. They are the finest lot of Merino Bucks in the County. Post ottico address, Blivin's Mills. 111. * AASOK HorriiAV. July5-m4- An immense stock of Men's, Boy's and Youth's Rubber Boots at Dwight's. corner Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock. jsny Owen A Sou's. Coralene Corsets to be bad only at Perry & Martin's. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I ofter my house and lot, situated in tlie village of McHenry, for sale. There Is a good barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises, W||| be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. EMOKUT Just received--Some wry pretty and desirable styles of all wool Lace Buntings which wiil be sold very cheap. Call and examine them at Henry Colby's. No choke to the light running Min­ neapolis Twine Binder, sold only by FT. M. Owen A Son. - Jobs and Bargains In every depart" meut at Perry A Martin's. No Binder so light draft as the Min­ neapolis, running one horse easier than some binders put upon the market. Sash and fancy ribbons in Watered and Brocade at Perry A Martin's. The Minneapolis sold as cheap iy first-class Twiue Binder, at £. A nice line of Lace Stevens A Sclinorr's. Buntings at Our Grocery Department Is now complete, and have some bargains In tea aui coffee which it will pay the close buver to inspect. HENBY COLBT. HOSIERY. Do not buy a pair of HOSE until yon have looked our new stock over. STEVENS ft SCHKOBB. Paints and Oils--a fu!l llr" and pri­ ces low at JHenry Colby's. Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con­ firmation Suits, Spring. Summer aud Fall Suits. Children's Suits, Boys' Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to suit at Henry Colby's. Umbrellas.--We have a good assort' ment in styles and prices. Call and Bee them at Henry Colby's. Flue Shoes.--The largest line and best styles ever shown lit' this mailiet. Call aud examine them at Henry Qol- by's. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest, thing out. on man and horse, at E. M. Owen A Son's. A large stock of Selz flue Shoes, just received at Stevens A Schnorr's. W. H. Dwight. Woodstock's leading boot and shoe dealer, comes to the front much earlier than, usual this fall, with his stock of boots aud shoes for fall aud winter use. He cannnit be one of those that believe there will be no corn crop this year, or In fact any otll- er crop of importance will be short ev- A fine hand sewed Morocco leg calf Boot at Dwight's. Ely's Cream Balm reduces inflamma­ tion. Sores in the nasal passages are healed in a few days. Catarrhal head­ ache is dissipated. Senses of smell, taste and hearing are restored, i'rlce 60 cents. Apply into nostrils wit'« lit­ tle finger. Only Two Bottles. ̂ Messrs. Johnson, nplloway A Co„, wholesale druggists of Philadelphia, Pa., report that some time ago a gen­ tleman handed them a dollar, -with a request to send a good catarrh cure to two army officers in Arizona, Recent­ ly the saine gentlemen told ihem that both the officers and the wife of Gen. John C. Fremont. Gov., had been cured of catarrh by the two bottles of Ely's Cream Balm. 0 If you want a Silk Dress or Dolman, please call and examine our line of Silks. We have the Guloet, French. Chaffanion, American and several other brands. PERRY A MABTIN. SULKY PLOW TRIAL On (tor*ii of Will Colby, oue h»lf nlit North ot Jity. Saturday, Sept. 16, when wlH show that a Sulky Plow will rua lighter than a Walking plow. IMIn. On aceoant of its remarkably del­ icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loml in their p»iiiee< of Florrston Cologne. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 11 all fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with » good house and barn thereon, with timber aud water la abundance, in Sec* tion 92. Also my homestead on the Crystal, Lake and Nun da road. Good new house, barn aud otlier outbuilding*.--- Apply to JOHN FLVIKT. FATHER A SONS, For Clothing look at our large new stock. For a good stilt and a, nest fit call on Stevens & Schnorr. FOR SALE OR RENT. . A honse and one-half acre of laad Is the village of Ringwood. House con­ tains five rooms. -Will he sold reason­ able. Apply to WESLET LADD. RIHQWOOD, III., April 4tb, Mat, * Look at French Ginghams at Stev­ ens A Schnorr's. Spring and Smaaaer Overcoats at Henry Colby's. : IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call oh E. Lawlus, I a Lan­ sing's Block. Mclienry. The finest line of Drees Goods, Lin- Ingb and Trimfoings at Stevens A Sclinorr's. Call and over look the fine lot of Carriages at E. M. Owen A Son's CARRIAGE^! CARRIAGES! CAJl- MIAGES1 Any one In want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail t* call on E. M„Oweuv& Son aud see tli* large car-load jnst received. The finest finished lot ever come to the county and will-eel! them cheap. HEADLIGHT OIL.' The host Kerosene Oil In town at H. H. Nichols. ITS Fire Test. Gossamer Circulars and Coats for ladles and gentlemen always in stock at Henry Colby's. FENCE POSITS FOB SALS. 9000 seasoned $urr Oak Fence Posts for sale, inquire of . JOHN DOBAN. Free of Cost. * All peaifens wishing to test Mer­ its of a great remedy--one that will positively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any af­ fection of the Throat and Lungs'-are requested to • call at Heurv Colby's Drug Store and get a Trial iBottlo of Dr. King's New* Discovery for Con­ sumption, free of cost, which will show you what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Waucaada IcaCraaa Parte-*. E. W. BROOKS, SUCCESSOR TO GOLOING & BROOKS, Would respectfully .announce to the public that he has opened Ills Ice Cream Parlors for the season and Is now prepared to fnrnish Ice Cream every day aud evening, by the dish or quantity. I also ke«t> on hatrd Faacy Groc­ eries of all kind*. Canned Goods, No­ tions, Tobaccos. Cigars. Confectionery, etc.. which I am selling as low or lower than any other house jn the county, quality of goods considered. When iu waut of anything in ray linn I invite you to call, confident that I can please you both In quality and price. -E. W. BROOKS. Wauconda, 111.. May 33d. 1883. All the new shapes in Di at Perry A Martin's.. Buttons Call at E. M.Owen & Son's and see tlie celebrated Mapgood SuMtv Plow that Is warranted to rua llcktsr ti«s a Walking Piow. PRESS SILKS. The celebrated American Silks at P«rry A Martin's. PIANO TO RENT. I have a good Piano to Real If ap» pHed for at once. 'V • O' jr.Own MILLER'S Restaurant, south side of the Square Woodstock, will be In foil blast during the Fair, and warm and cold meals served at all hours. The McHenry Brick Manufac< tutfnsr Company tire now ready to supply Brick in quantities, From Small Lets C A R < L f O A D i B . Their Brick are second to none to b© found in the market* ant! will be sold at the' lowest .market price. Persons intendinv to build, or those handling Brick, will do well to call and see as before par- cha«in<r For further iiiiojrinatioc), apply tooraddreso. MeHenis Brick lasiliKtinv Cup?, McHEN&r . 4 p Vfc ' JalyMh. •«. ' t

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