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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1882, p. 5

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Wmmm • ' • . { • • ' * - „ ' • • • ' • ' " < - - ' . • • - - ' ; > 'if.. %•"'. ..». *-•.• •, jxt* *.. K«.y;a,mg'.-, • &. jfeOiT «' ~* *-•«*• -~ '••SUv ( * H -- T*- *-> -rr»- %•*•«* >u { vJfi ^ " *?• \ jjejfenry ^laMea!®* WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20. 1881 Railroad Time Table. - • 'i')i*ii SOUTH. R«ncra Lake Pas^emer '"-B *• * Geneva f,nke Kxnress.. :*:20 " ft«n»»va Lakn Freiaht ,1:"5P. * Rteamlxxit Express ......5:16 " aorWinnWl,, T<ak* Freight ,*»....«..'..fl:S> A. >1 Rteambo*t Exwe**.... W:W " (renern I<a1ce Express---- *:«5r. * Banirt Lake Pagaenrer *-r>s ' B. Brss. Asrent. , McHenrv, Til M V»OXIC McllKNRT Lon«R. No. 15' A. F. jnrt A. M.-- Regular Oonmunioations the SsHurrtar on or before the full of the moon and every two weeki thereafter. CHAP. C. OOT.BT, W. M, MrfJKwnr Thaptkr !*o. 34 tt. A. M -- Re?n- 1*r Convocations held on the second an<t fourth FrMava in each moneh. SMITH <*15 \nr,KS, H. P. We are strain under obligations to Mrs. J. Wheeler for the very handsome Bouquet that graces our desk. FoutfD on tlio road between MeHenrv and Volo. a baby. The owner ran have the Mime by calling at this office anrl proving ownership* Thk Elgin 4dvocafe' has h«e»»/pur­ chased by Mr. A . H. Lowry. of A (Irian. Mich., a former professor of Adrian College. The consideration was £8.000. BmCK our last Issue the following In- ase In the census has been reported; r. and Mrs. C. A. Knight, a daughter; Ir. and Mrs. E. W. Howe a daughter; r. and Mrs. Jos. Freund, a daughter. Wk learn that F. W. Mead, of Rich­ mond. had his horse, bngg'r and liar ness Rtolen on Mondav nigh* . No cine had been obtained of the thieves or property at last accounts. Sre the new advertisements of. Fit*-' almmons ft Evansoo, M%Henrvr~ H Malman. Wauconda, and Asa W. Smith. Insurancd Agent. Woodstock, which can be found In another column. Attention is called to the new ad­ vertisement of Henry Rogers. Vofo ; to be found in another place in this paper. He Is ottering rare Inducements to the buying public. Read the advertise­ ment. ' There wljl be a regularCommtinlca- cion of the McHenry Lodge No. 158. A.F. and A. M. on Saturday evening next. Sept. 23d. All member# are ur­ gently requested to-,be present. ,By order of the W. M. ^T. G. Mates wishes to inform the /public that he can be found in his new f store on and after the 27th inst., with [ a full stock of ready made clothing for- aud winter trade. Call and see him. » . The Ladles Literary Club.'Will, meet with Mrs. F. K. Granger. Wednesday afternoon. Sept. 27th, at u*ual hour. , Topics, N. P. Willis, and' Margaret '•T'Fuller. * Kits. Jamks B. Perky, President. " MTbSJuma a. Story, Secretary . T V' 4 Mrs. B. H. Nichols. Is now in the city buying her Fall and Winter stock of Millinery, and in a few days will he ready to show one of the finest stocks ever brought, to this place, l>o;h in quality and style, and invites the la- lies to give her a call. P. Leickkm has sold "hi# building north of Riverside Block, to Stephen P. Smith, and wi(l give .possession October 15th, The price paid we, be­ lieve, was 8750. Leiekem has purchas­ ed the residence of the late Samuel itocker for which he paid § 1000, The Ladies' Cemetery Aid Society will meet at "the residence of Miss Julia Story Friday afternoon, Sept. 22d, at three o'clock, for the purpose of electing new officers for the coming year and to transjjuvt such other' busi­ ness as may coirte before the society. Miss Julia Stout, President. 1|BS, T. J. Walsh, Secretary. TL*E annual conference of the Methodist Church, embracing the northern half of Illinois, called rite Rock River Conference, will meet Ocf_ 4th, at Aurora, Ills. Next Snbhath will be the last of the conference year In this place.- Statistics-of years work will be read. Probationers will he re-, cetved into the church, "and the .Lords Supper administered. RR John I. Story^ while In.. Vermont^ purchased two line full blood .Ter*ey calves. They are from the celebrated herd of ex-Governor Smith, of St. Albans, and are from the best blooded stock, each showing line pedigrees. „ rKKSpNAl,. Mrs. A. D. Ltnn spent the Sabbath with her parents in Mils village. Captain Hill has moved his family ty the Lakes. * Fdson Buksf.r has beep-'vlsltfng friends in Iowa the past week.• Mrs, T. J. Cliptox is visiting with friends in Wisconsin.' Doc McLean arrived home last week after an absence of about two years. Allen Walsh and wife and Wm. Wal«h and wife, spent' Styiday at Delevan, Wis. Will Thurlwell, who *I'S at work in Indiana, fsrhonfe spending a few daj's with his family. Henrt TIooan, oldest son of John Hogau, went to Valparaiso, Monday, to attend school. Mrs. 9arry Stocker, and child1 of Lake City, Minn., are visiting with Mrs. Samuel Sicker, in thlR village. Mr. and Mrs. J. I, Story and daughter have returned from the Orf^n MoNin tains aijd report a splendid time. i Rev.-J. Wheeler, and wire will visit Oshkosh, Wis..'this week, and while ;there will be the guests of Hon. S. F. Berry, who is a nephew of Mrs. Wheel­ ers. and a son of Dr. B. C. S. Berry, of Houlton.Maine. ^ Ind., on dWn, While at the Fair last week we had the pleasure of seeing a squad of Com­ pany G.. under command of Lieut. Geo. Ei'kert, drill, and we must say they showed a proficiency creditable alike to officers and men. We are in­ formed that to Lifnt. Eckert. more than any one .titan* is duo the credit for the proficiency litilrill siiown by this company. He is no honk soldier but gained his knowledge from actual ex­ perience in the field, and consequently* knows just Aflthat to do and the time to <lo It without being obliged t^ refer to anybody's t ictfcs. The members of Company G. are to he congratulated that they have so efficient a man In the company. - We were siioivn yesterday a pair of crutche« made by W. F. Til ton for a son of WI Hard Colby, and we inust.say they \vere as near perfection as an article of this kind could be made. At best it is.not pleasant to be obliged to walk with artificial legs. b»it when it is actually necessary In'order to walk/at all, it is pleasant to know that you have an easy, neat and trusty support in t!;e way of a crutch. They were made of hickory, neatlv shaped, polished, and In every particular were ahead of any­ thing of that kind we ever saw. "Bill" is a workman equaled by few, and whatever lie does he does well, and everv job. like this one, which comes frj>m his hand will bear the closest in­ spection. ^ " The following which we clip from the Harvard Independent of last week, will be good news to t he mAny friend* of Capt. Billings in thls section: *We made a flying visit to Chemung last Monday afternoon, to ascertain if possible, the real condition of* W. G. Billings who was lately the victim of a paralytic siroke. We found the Captain bolstered up in an easy chair and in tolorahle good spirits for onesf? utilicted. We found him in a much better condition than we expected to. He was able to converse as well perhaps1 as lie ever could, an 1 while his left side feet and hands are as warm as the right, side, he has uo n«e ol them, though the sense of feeling i> good. He thinks lie is gaining slow­ ly. He is being eared for by his ol<^ neighbor .facob Wood, Esq , who, \ve have no doubt,, wlII.ttftft* wed as the best." ' He also expects a yearling heifer from V {he same herd next week. These calves can be «een at the farm of N. S. Colby, one half mile west of the vil­ lage, and it will pay any lover "of fine blooded stock to call and see tliem. Excursion 'rickets to the Chicago Exposition will b* sold at this Station 1 on the following days, viz-- September «Bth and Septemlwr 27 good until October 2nd. September 30th, Kood until 0<^tol>er 2nd., October 3rd and October 4th good, until Oc­ tober 9tfc. October 7th good until October 9th.- October 10th and October 11th good until October IBth. October Hth good until October 16th.-^ -- October 17th and October IS Hi good until Oetobor 43r<l. Oetolier 21st good until October*33r<t. ' t > These Tickets good for the ronnrl trip and including admission Tickets Co the Exposition, will be sold at $2.30. "The Farmers Practical Encyclo podia," is the title of a work Just pub­ lished, and as Its name Indicates it: treats of ail matters that Interest the ffcrmer. alphabetically arranged from A. to Z. Its articles are most valuable and practical, and are given on Farms and Farming, the Horse and his diseases the Cow. Sheep, Bee-Keeping, and, •iibrt on e*ery known subject ' t^e farmer is interested Hi. It is a oomplete farmers library, and should be In the possession of every farmer i« the land. The Agent. J. H. Earle, is now canvassing in this and Lake count* and when he comes do not fail to give <*efcook aeareiul examination. y IM.OW TRIAL' f A Plow Trial took place on the farm •of Jos. Sell defter, jnst south of tilits vil- rlage, on Saturday afternoon last, whicu was witnessed by quite a »nmtier i>f farmers. The Trial was between the Hapgood Sulky Plow, and Moline flip per walking flow, and the result wa* limply astonishing. If Im iug provm that the Sulky Plow would cut a furrow sixteen Inches wide ami carry a "driver with eighty poin d* lighter draft thaiv the Walking Plow, i'«* Hug only four- llelusv I* the re |H»rt of the committee: MellKNRV, Ii.l,., <4#pt,' 17th, We the undetslgned, havlijg, been chosen a committee by the. farmers present, to test the draft ami work-of tiie llapgoo I sulk v Plow, as com pared wiili a Moline Clipper Walking Plow report a« follows: The Hapgood Sulky is verv easy to throw out of the ground in rtiriiiug; lays out and finishes a land perfectly-; can he adjusted to any depth or leveled while tlie. team i> in motion. Does excellent work, and is liglite>" fin Hie" team than the Walking Plow. The fol­ lowing is the result of a rarehil lest With ft Fairhauk's'T'vii-iim'niietpr: Hapoooi* Sulky PTOW.--widt'k of <'ut 10 ii-clies. Oep'th ^of Kurrow inches.. Aver.tge-Draft 342 pounds. Walking 5'iow.-- Width of cut 14 inches. Depth of Furrow 6J inches. .Average Draft 422J pounds. - Both Plows were in good order 7 E Tow KM, jAron ^XTDBTI, * s. Mr l>ON4LO, A. WlllTIKO, J. VAX >I.VKK, Comumiee. i i n which MRS. H. H. NICIIOL^ Has just returned friruii the citv with a large aini selected stock of Fall and Winter MHlinery Goods, for the Fall and Winter trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry and vici"ity tiie fiiie«t lot of stylish Hats. Flo«»ers, Feather, Ribbons. Neckwear, etc.. etc.. ever brought, to this town, and wlrhjh she will sell at bottom pric­ es. Do t o\ fail to call and examine her stock nefort purchasing, as. she is sure to plea«e you both in quality style and price. Fanw Cup and Saucer given away with one pound of Tea or two pounds •I Coffee- a^f|ta^«u»«a# * J^u^w's. t The tfair. ^ . The Annual Fair of th« Mclfenrv County Agr'cnltural Society, which w.n< held at. Woodstock last week, was a suo- pess lr» every particular. The show of Horses.Cattle. "Sheep, and Swine never ha« been so large In the history of the Society, and In fact every Department, was well filled and more than up to the standard of excellence. We 4^av§, neither time nor space to particularize If we would, and shall, therefore only notice briefly in general. The weather w?fLl lll tTint could be rleslred and the entries on Tuesday exceeded all expec­ tations. On Wednesday the crowd was good and the programme was carried out to the satisfaction of all. On Thursday morning the crowd began pouring in at an early hour and by noon it was conceded by the "'oldest inhabitant" that Woodstock never saw such a crowd in one day before. It was estimated that full seven 'thousand people were on the Fair grounds atjvne time, and yet the town was full of people. On Friday the crowd was not as large but still there was a good turnout. Of the immense number who^ came to­ gether for the three days we failed to hear one word of fault found. The pro­ gramme was carrle(tout to the letter as near as could he, and all went home visell pleased and awarding the greatest praise to the officers of the Society for their able management. THE NOTABLES, Among-the notables present 'hiring the Fair we noticed the following: Ex Lieut. Governor Shuman," Gen. John C^Sniith Hon. Reuben Ellwood. Geti. Chetlaii'», ,Ex Gov. Oglestiy, the French.Consul at Chicago, whose name we do not. remember, Hendersliot, the Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock, and quite a number of others whose names we cannot row call to mind. Each made short addresses, which listened to with marker! attention by' the large crowd fn attendance. FLORAL HALL. , The beautiful arrangements"of Floral Hall was remarked by all. Everv foot of space wa« occupied and everything was arranged in the most tasty manner The great dlsniav In this Department warned .the Society that an enlarge­ ment, of this building wM "i'llMsessary before another year. * H paintings. • At the North end of Agrlcultiiral Hall were.hung a collection of P/iint- ing* hyMisg Clara B. Owen* and we must say thatsnoone thing uVbe Fair jittracted so much attention or brought out so iriany favorihle comments. The collection comprised the follow! 114 pictures; ••'Cattle going to" labor." "Birth- of tiie Virgins," "Plowing Match,*' "'"Faun and Nymph." "The Gleaners.** •"Fruit Piece." "Flower piece--Daises from St Cloud," "Por­ trait of ' t.^e ( Princess Marguerite, daughter of Philip iv oi Spain," a "Game Piece -- Rabbit and French p!iP! ,„aSBl;'* "I'litfrj!( nf f»l.)j!ils .HmiI.'* "1 landscape." "Va»e and Fruit."1 Each and every one of tiie above were mas-, ter works of Aft. and Miss Owen will have just cause to feel proud "of her work when she learns of the high praise awarded to it by the best judges in the land. We saw fl ,*»» Blue Ribbons, (first premliiiiisjattached to her pic­ tures. ° , There were- :many other things " at the Fair which we would like to not'lee but space would not permit. The offi­ cers of the Society, and especially Sec­ retary Wright anil -Superintendent Palmer, are entitled'" to great praise, for to their personal exerjlons is due Jlie grand success achieved. Thev cer- tainlv were tiie right men in the right place. „ . lOBfU l^o l wms ont with large p1o«ct j H ^•1^ i | g Richmond Departmestt. f Porgkiiw «bd bare taken ox bottles f '* " • . --- i&d to-daj^ I health, all those ugly , W glcers having healed and left my skin in a nat- .'•! • ' - - - CONTRIBUTKDRT H. K. r.KNXKTT. w STRAYED OR STOLEN*. From the premises of the'subscriber, an old buckskin colored mare. 14 or 15 ^•ears oM with gall< under tiie collar, having 1 he appeara-ice of being row- e|-d. A suitable eward will be given for Informal ion that will lead to her dlseovrrv. Ransom Putnam. Nundd; 111., Sebtemher is, |ssj. MONEY TO LOAN. Sixteen Hundred Dollars to I.oan on Real Estate Security.. Apply at this otfloe. • NOTICE. - I am in the mill again, and am pre­ pared to griI'd wheat or feed- on short • ' n o t i c e . - G i v e m e a c a l l . ^ -- 1 HESRV DAYMBNT. Sprjnr Onve, Til., Sept. !i, 18S2, OYSTERS Rv the- Can or Disli. and served tip In Unv'stvle desired, at the Restaurant of II. H. Nichols, next door to the Pos Office. He also keeps Jt fine line of f'onfecflonery. Cigars, Tobacco, etc. r?all and see iiim. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction ai liis residence at >>nlon Milts on Thursda y, Oct. Rt h, 18X'2.eoni tnenci ng at 9 o'clock the following8 property: 28 cows. 0 two year heifers. 3 one year old heifers. 4 yearling steers. 5 heifer calves. 1 five year old grey horse, 1 three year old bay mare. 1 two year old horse. 1 two year old grev ma^e, 1 yearling colt. 1 sucking colt. 1 brood mare, 6 brood sows, a .'number of pigs. 2 wagons. 1 double buggy. 1 Champion reaper. 1 Champion mower. 1 sod cut­ ter. 1 light breaking pj<»w. »pair drags, 2 set double harness, and other articles too iiumeroirs to mention. Also about 60 tons of ha v. I will a<so sell on the same day a t'.irn of 1>) acres with out­ houses and buildings, one half mile fet-om the cheese factory. . # ^ • Terms ok Sale.--Terms' on land made known on the day of sale. On personal property a credit of one year will be given on sums of ten dollars andovei.on .approved notes at 6 per cent. Interest. Under $10 cash. " O11 sums of «10 and aver one per cent, oft for cash. ., . Jamkbs. Overtos. Gko. H. Stkwart."Auctioneer. Thk tine«t line of trunks in town at Henry Colby's, ' ; You told me the other night that, when you had time you would tell me ftome more about the editor. Have you got time tw-nlght? v Yes. my srtu. we will talk abont the editor to-night. * Since yon told tne about the editor he must have hild a good deal'of ' prac­ tice in try! 11 j; to write pie«>es for his paper. Can he write an estray notic^ yet? Hardly, my boy; and T 'am awry to" say that his friends fear that lie will never learn to do It. or write Anything else, poor man. vYmf told'me before that when he wanted.pieces for Ins paper, he called on the "commander of all the troops In Woodstock." the "hero of Elinira" apd the "Public Administrator of tycHenrv Comity." Did they write all the pieces that have been printed In his paper since? - .. No, my child; for about, that Mine he organized a large editorial stsffl • com­ posed of the ones T«told you about, and the " Abstractor," the man who irnag- jnes he owns the mail route between f'hlcago and Fort Howarfl. and the "special" correspondent to the Chicago Time* from Woodstock, who, niy son. is perhaps the most brilliaut writer lit this part of the State, : ̂ 1 was read!ng a piece In hla paper a wliife ago about a "pension ring." Can'you tell me who wrote that piece? I expect that I can. niy hoy. It was the commander of all the troops in Woodstock, who Is the ex-pedagogue and shyster-at-law that I told you about., though there are people who are well posted that sav" they know that the owner of the mail route wrote it. • Do you think that the editor read that piece before it whs printed in his Mrs. J, R. Hyde contentpljitgf , kearly visit to Colorado, an paper! No, my elilUl. he could not have read It'for the editor was an -applicant for an in v.-vHsl pension at. the time, and tiie man whom his paper claimed was chief of this "pension ring" was Ills at torney, hi sides you know that this piece about the "pension ring" stated these men whom they called the "pen­ sion ring" had got pensions fpr men who had passed a rigid examination for life insurance, when the editor himself had passed such an examina­ tion, after he had made his application for au invalid pension iuwhich he had toPswear that he was unsound, which goes, my son, to prove that lie could not have read the piece bcfqre It was printed In his paper. How did these men whom the piece said belonged tci the "pension ring," l i k e i t ? • - f p ' ̂ - They did not like Itfor the attorne'v and ail examining surgeon whom the piece said beiongel to the "pension ring" put some pieces in another paper vvtih*ti tiw eilt%oi^«rtW Not answer and so lie called on the man who wrote it to "go for" them, hut lie went back on »,|ie editor, as dlfi all the others, and the pieces written by tl»e attorney and suf-geon have never been answered, for the editor and his staft had found/that tlie3r were bad men to "go for." Who else belonged to this pension ring? Every soldier In the county who lost au arm or leg, or lost his health while in the service of hi® country, and the widows and orphans who lost a hus­ band or father who died of disease, while in the service, or in consequence of wounds received in battle or was killed while fighting in defense of his country. These, my son. ami the man who represents this district in Congress who did only hfs duty in as­ sisting tlie soldiers iu this matter were considered by the editor's paper as be- lon«Mng to tjie "pension ring."' Did the editor take an active part In the last-campaign? Yes. my hoy. hut not In ills paper? for it only supported one man and he got badly left a< did every man whom lie supported outside of his paper. What did he "say about that? With his usual amount of "gall" he claimed a victory I'or the "combina­ tion." when it I* well known that not a* single man whom Hie "Sonthworth- gleiinon Combination" aupported were nominated. Does this editor's paper always state the truflif If it suits his purpose better than a lle lt sometimes does. thnu.zh during the last campaign lie allowed Ills prej­ udices to get the better of what little judgment lie had and often printed statements that he knew were gross lies, " '. , Is the editor a happy man ? One would think, my boy, to hear him whistle and siifg hymns that he was. I. Is the editor a good singer? He would be, my son. If any one could tell what time lie was trying to sing. My old head is getting, weary mv child, and we will adjourn unti' another evening when I will giye . von a lesson about the "Sent ine l masher." NEW MILLINERY STQEE, A t N u n d a . MRS. G. W. COLBY wofild respect­ fully inform the ladies of Nunda and vicinity that she lias opened a Milli­ nery store in the rooms over the post office and has jnst received a full line of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons. Laces, and Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, of Hie.latest styles, and is confident she can please all who may give her a call. My goods are all new and of the latest styles to he found in the market, and as I buy for cash I am confident that I eau sell as cheap, if not cheaper than any other place.In the ^nunty. Call and see'iny styles and learn prices* be­ fore you purchase MBS, Q. Wp OO&BT , .Robert Hunter joined the. ciir*lon to Nebraska. John Billings has put dnwn * new walk In front of his mirket. R. fJhevlllon has h«*i»n wrestle with "hllllone" fever. Charlev Soaton*s wife has presented him with tw!n gir's. <v ^ •' Mrs. R. F. Bennett, and danghter, of Elgin, are vl*ltlnj5 friends In Rich­ mond. Frank Smith and family, of Lake Comity, visited friends In Richmond on Saturday and Sunday. Rome lots of Earlv Rose 'potatoes, already dnSr and stored, .hare corn- commenced to rot. - j Corn cutting has commenced In tills vicinity, and the early planted al­ ready safe for a large crop. . Mark Starks. jeweler, who. lately held forth in the Cloney bolfdfng. has removed to Waukegatt to engage In business there. E. S. .Johonnott's fine voung horse. Bay-Henry, came oft victorious* at the Fa'r iu a trotting raco against Wero and Maggie W. The latter is better known here as the "Eldredge" mare. Kund*, Sept, 12th, 1882. Frank Potter's new house begins to assume tine proportions. It will make a fine appearance from the road com­ ing into town from the south. A. L. Sherman Is doing the work. Mr.J. W. Merrill, of KansM* <Jlty, lias beer, spending r. few days at Twin Lakes. He claims 100,000 inhabitants for the city and says it is the place to go "for active business." , The campers at Twin Lakes have mostly gone, but about thirty, guest* still,remain at Capt. Ackerman's Twin Lakes House, reluctant to leave SO beautiful and pleasant, resort. The Wizard Oil open air concert, wa« ahont as good as you generally heiir. We had the pleasure of meeting the two gentlemen conducting this busi­ ness, and can vouch for it that they are intelligent and genial fellows. Horace C. Hosktus, brother of Mrs. Robert Hunter, of tills place, com­ mences his second term of school at Selma. Kenosha Co., Wisi. In October. Mr. Hosklns is considered one of our mdsr. promlslng young men'. We are sorry, to announce the death of the Infant son of Charley Kennell. The little «uftersr was taken with dys­ entery. - but. s«on developed all the svmproms of acute meningeal Inflam­ mation and could not. be saved. A little visitor saw. Ah. the other day - - . J*.#" «%>»>» 1 ill' trnr - Poland chickens. Tt \va«"*eyrffent he tiad never seen a crested fowl before. "What is that thing up on that chick­ en?*'he Inquired. "Does she keep it there all the-time?" Can*t she let It down et all?" Richmond was nearly depopulated last week, the exodus being to the McHenry County Fair, at Woodstock. Everybody reports the fair a grand success. Such successes are always due to the judicious use of printers ink. Secretary Wright knows how to advertise, and we nominate blm for Secretary for life. « Robert C. Bennett, (our "Rob") took first.-premium on his llghtjjrahma and "Crested Gold-Spahglcrl Poland" chick­ ens at the McHenry County*. Fair. The Polands. above mentioned, are what we have always heard called Golden Pheasants. The prize chickens were once tiie property of., the editor of the Plaixdealkr. • The prize mare. Belle of Richmond, and foal at her side for sale. This brood mare took second prize at the late McHenry County Fair. She is of the Richmond Bov stock and a good stepper. The foal was ?lred by t trotting stallion Kirkwood. for whom is claimed a private record of Sl26 Inquire of Dr. Bennett, Richmond, . Lonle Peterson has jprone "away up north" among the pine woods to hunt deer, iu company with J. Q« Adams, Esq.. the Marengo Postmaster. Mr, Adams is a veteran hunter, as well as one of tiie first men of McHenry Co., and under his tutelage we expect Louie to be shipping deer, carcasses home by the car-load. Calling at the store of R. Tweed t Son at. Blivins Mills the other day, we found the proprietors amid a wilder- nesH of bales and boxes, unpacking and piiing up goods enough, one would thli^k. to furnish all McHenry Comity. But they do not buy goods to keep-- tbey sell them. The success of Tweed's store, so many years, is a good illustra­ tion of what honest, fair' dealing will do In trade. SEED RYE FOR SALE. The undersigned ha# a quantity of Imported Winter Rvet'which he offers for sale If called for ebon. The seed of this Rye was imported from Europe and ha* yielded tills year fully forty bushels to the aere. on my farm, near the village of McHenrv. This Rye may be sowed In June,cut or pastured in the fall, and will then yield the 11-u- al crop when cut in the spring. OrJt may be sowed in the fall the same as other grain. It is. without d-iuht the finest Rve ever raised in this country, Thos« apply aj once4. . "' - ° Peter Blaki, McHKtrBY, ! " Froa of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthm^, Bronchitis Los* of Voice, or any affection of the I'lino^t hud Lungs, are requested to call at anv Drug Store and 4«t a T'*ial Bottle of Or. King's New Discovery for C011- sumprion, f ree o f charge , which wili convince theni of Its wonderful merits and show what a regular .dollayc liize bottle will do. CKll early. WORTHLESS STUFF. Not so fast, my friend-; if you could see the strong, healthy, blooming men women and children that have beei raised from beds of sickness, suffering, and almost death by the use of Hop Bitters, you wonVd say, "Glorious and iuvaluabie remedy." See another col­ umn. BnsinesH Notlcte*; v , > Go to Mrs. IIow«'8,fo| Aiiliiikery Aftdl Dressmaking. •m Fishing Tackle of all -kladi|r*l Eugelu's, in ilowe's Block, noar new Bnklge, J ^ Overalls--We have a large stock fop i men and hoys. Good and elieap atr« I Henry Colby's. ^ Buckeye Force . Piimps. si lt. H * ^ Owen's. 100 Doz Gents Linen Coll aft at a bar- 5aiu. 10c, each. 3 for 25c, or^fl per oz. latest styles and first class goods at Fitzsimuioiis & Evansou's. for 111. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow sale by L. II. Hartman, ltidgefield. SOR(iHUM MILL AT VOLd. The undorsigned has a Sorghum Mill, situ ited :»i»out three fourths of a mile south of Volo. and is now pje- pared to grind Sorghum for all parties at 20 cents per gallon. My Mill Is In first class order, afiid I invite to call and see nie, „ ' . • Geo. Kiciiardson. - ¥|JW 111., Sept. 2, 1885. . - • . • , BE AU T1 FIE Rsf,),r -1 • T.adles, yoii cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eves with all the cosmetics of Franco or beauti- fiers of the world, \vliile In poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is eer* liftu proof. See another cohunn. _ ' - Buoklen' Arnica 9alv», Tiie best smIvc in the world for.Cuts. Bruises, Burns. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, ('happed Hands, ChilhlainK Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, ami positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Col- b*- _ , FOR SAlyE OR RENT, Gist* acres of land, situated WWtr the Village of Volo. Lake County, known as the Gale Estate. Inquire of H. P. Mkad, Mclteiiry, III. Dated August 3<1, 188i _ Nobby®St vies in Hats f(# all ages at FtU8luimons & Evansou'g. AT A BARGAIN. We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress Goods at prices less than cost. Also a Job Lot of Bovs clothing and Mens coats must be ^oid to make room for Fall stock soon to he on. Pf.khy ft Maktin. The light running' Mlnneapolii^t ,«lMr :;% Binder at E. M. Owtu t| Always Refreshing- A delicious odor is imparted hy 3v| Floi-estou t'ologne.Nvhich is always re» T ' freshing, no matter lu>w ireeiy used. The" finest line of sfiver and Plated ,| Ware to he found in the county, k( (K W , O w e n ' s . . . . . . - Society Rwlle*. s>il On account of -ttj* remarkably del» Icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are l»wid in tlwlt prutiMk Florestou Cologne. „ -F FOB SALE. ^ 40 Acres of land in Section 12, all fenced. Also80.acres of. fattd, with a good bouse and barn thereon, with timber and water in abiutdance, iu Sec­ tion 2"i. Also nsy homestead on the CrystaV Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn and oilier owtbuiidings,-- Apply to . Juits : R'iSf W'I -V 1 FATHER & SON S, For Clothing look at our large ock. For a good suit and » ue MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. . The undersigned has a tew chaice yearling Bucks for s*le at his farm, 1J miles southeast of Spring Grove. Mc­ Henry County, IU. They are the finest lot of Merino Bucks in tiie County. Post office address, Blivln's Mills. 111. AARON Hofvmak. J uly*-m4. Just received--Some Very pretty and desirable st yles of all wool "Lace Buntings which will he sold very cheap. Call »nd examliio them at Henry Colby's. No choke, to the llsrh neapolls Twine BinJer. E. M. Owen ft Son. Mi 11- 1 sold only bjr Jobs nnd Bargains in every depart­ ment at Perry & Martin's. No Binder so light draft as the Mi n- neapolls, running one horse easier than some binders put upon the market. Sash and fancy ribbons in Watered and Brocade at Perry & Martin's. The Minneapolis sold as cheap as any first-class Twiue Binder, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Coralene Corsets to "be had only- at Perry Jb Martin's. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, I offer my house and lot, situated in the village of Mclleiirj', for sale. There is a yood barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises. Will he sold on reasonable terms. Apply to : M. Kngkln Buntings at A nice line of Lai» Stevens A Sclmorr's. Our Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains in tea and'coffee which it will pay the close buver to inspect. Henrt Colbt, An eovalnshle strengthenr#,vthe nerves, muscles, and digestive organs, producing strength and appetite. Is Browu's Iron Bitters. HOSIERY. - /T)o not buy a pair of HOSE unilPyou liaveNlooked our new stock over. Stetkns A schnokk. Paints and Oils--a fuM Ilr"' and pri­ ces low at Henry Colby's. Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con­ firmation Suits, Spring. Summer and Fall Suits. Children's Suits. Boys' Suits Yojitb"s Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to suit at Elenry Colby's. Umbrellas.--W#liave a good assort ment in styles and prices. Call and see tlieui at Henry Colby's. Fine Shoes.--'Uhu largest line and best styles ever siiown Iu this market. Call and examine them at Henry Col­ by's. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man aiid horse, at K., 31* Owen & Son's. A large stock of S?la flue Shoes, Just received at Steveiis «fc Schnorrs. JpD. ' - '• '• A fine hand sewed Morocco ley oalf Boot at Dvt'igilt's. Ely's Cream Balm reduces Inflamma­ tion. Sores in the nasnl passages are healed in a few days. -Ctite-rrhal head- ttclie h dissipated. Senses of smell, taste and hearing are. restored. 50 cents. Apply into nostrils wlin Ilf*; tie finger. ^ Only Two Bottles. Messrs Johnson. Hollo way <& Co^ wholesale druggists' of Philadelphiil,- Pa.. report that some time ago * gen­ t leman handed them a dollar --«th a request to send a good catarrh cine to two armv officers In Arizona lv the same gentlemen told ihem that both the officers and the wife of Gen. Inliii C Frciuont.Gov.. harhbeen tMired o f c a t a r r h h y t h a t w o b o t t l e s o f E l y s Cream Balm. If von want a Silk Dress or Dolman, please call ami examine our line of Silks. We have the Guinet. French. Ch iffanlon, American and several other brands. < Pkkhy A Maktin. SU LK Y, PLOW T IU A L On farm of Will Colby, one half mile North of l.'itv. Saturday. Sept. 16, when .will show thai a Sulky - Plow will «Hl lighter than a Walking plow. siock, Kor a gi>o< call on Stevens Schnorr. new j ueU fit FOR SALE Oil RENT. A house and oue-hnlf acre of M ll tiie village of Ringvood. House cod- taius live rooms. Will !»e srtld reason­ able. Apply to Wealet Lain>. B imowooo, III., April 4th, ISS2, v Look at French Ginghams ens & SelliKu-t's. Stl Spring and Summer ChrereMW at---@ Henry Col by *».' 'Vi <„; * IP you want to buy Clothing at CUI- ' . cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, la Lan- 'M sing's Block. McHenry. si --1-- The finest line of Dress Goods, Lln« /j Ings and TrlmniingS at Stevens # '"'c Sohnorr's. • - " :-v ••?£$ • ' - - Call and oyer look the fine lot «f ^ Carriages' at E. M. Owen A Son's >11 CARRIAGE?*! CARRIAGES! CAR­ RIAGES! Any one In want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail tovj;,' call on E. M. Owen A Son and see the -i large car-load just receive4. The f \ finest finished lot qver couie t«. (!»• V county and will sell them cheap. ^ HEADLIGHT 6lL. <f ^ The best KeroseiK' Oil in t#1 H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. wn at Gossamer CI iculars and Coals for ladies and gentlemen always. Jit stock at Henry Colby's. ^ *•; FENCE POS IS FOR SAM. " / v; 3000 seasoned Burr Oak Feno* -i for sale, inquire of i ;- l JOHS DO RAN. -q Look at our all wool Lac* Bwatlag $1 before buying. ' . STKVKKBftSCHJioas " y m New rfsts in endlifeW vaffety, latest styles and iowest prlces atf Heiiry c«ibr'.. . •• FOR SALE OK HEST.i ' A Blacksmith Shop and' - TfeoJt. " it , Bllven's Mills, McHenry Coonty. III|« n o i s . I n q u i r e o f R . T w k k d S o c . Bi.ivusf's Mills, Augu*t 16th, MS, ; Honey, choice aud cheap at Ie«ry Colby's. •' • •••••• , ,||| New Fall good*' &rri-vii^» "'daUy at 1 PitZftlmmoaS'S' Evanson**. >•:' | | | ^ Cook's Cider MilL Two miles Northwest of WaiMOC^hif' -j is now prepared with T\yo rjiKRi-OfcAiS PKKSSKS. to make your apples into g|| Cider on short notice and the best manner. Give me a call 'and I will guarantee satisfactioiMn every par«lo- * uiar, - WOOD FOR SALC. The undersigned has a loft of *ro*<t for sale, both hard and soft. I«q«iee at tny store near the depot* '* KAWMfa. We have just received ouf-full stoalc |f| of clothing, Call and examine. Kkhkt it Mabmv. -1; 'AH the new shapes in Dress ItatWtaS at Perry A Martin's. Call at E. M. Owen A. Son's ani see . i the celebrated Hapgood Sulkr Flew ..; j that is warranted to run lighter than f Jf a Walking Plow. 5|| 7 ; DREsS SILKS.' The celebrated Am clean Prssa ^1 Sllka at Perry A Martin's. " 5 PIANO TO liEX^ I have a good Piauo to Rent plied for at once. '-" OvW, OvSI Our stock of Drugs. Cltemicals and Patent Medicines was sever ssere com pie te. Goods reliabla aad prices right at Henry Colby 's. \ The Mo Henry Brick Mannfac- tui'inir ("oniprtrty are now ready to supply Brick in quantitieo, •. Jrorti Small Lots > -yro-- . C A R L O A D * . Their Brick are second to i«i« to be found in the market, »sd will be sold at the lowee* market price. ' Persons intemliutf tojbulld, or those handlin<sr Brick, *»ll do vrell to call aad see w before pnr* chasing For furthor ittformtttiow, apply to 6raddrc&». '5- '* '.v '. "• ' Bricl Haisfacttfim te CoiDaay, :< ; McltES.Br - - .-July Stir. ISB. : y

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