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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1882, p. 4

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:• ^ ..* *» w- : ,. L'v /-• •"'••"' ? ̂ 4» f'ifete Wauconda Department. WKDNESDA OCT. 4,1882. fK%«P '• V ••v «tr" ***»*• -*1* '*•* .!» i '•^:-»^/». . , , .,••• ,» •'• . , . m^mmmmmmmmmmâ mmmmmim^mmt̂ mmmmmmm--rn̂ mm ' / Wfc. '-iitJ'nv.* I •t. VAN SLYKE, Kaitor. ^-»ATE TICKK*4 rrg- , For St*tj| Treasurer:^ , . ^!} J. C. SMITH, of Chicago. ^., : "J,^»: fror State Superintendent ofSchoolit 4B JUtLES J. STRATTOK, of Mt. VertC*. % ;T CONGRESSIONAL. '(t^p Member of Congress, 5th Districts » • feKUBEX ELLWOOI), of Sycamord, fW members of the Legislature, 8th District, CHARLE* H. TttTOX, McHenry County. . CHARLES E. FULLER, Boone County. ' /uMi ' ' ^ , COUNTY TICKET. ® For County Clerk, . - 0OL. WILLIAM AVERT of Ttarenira* |v,. For Oountv Treasurer. qCAMV JAMES KISH, of^lganqal* iv' f •- For Oountv Judge. : Vf nm GILMOUK, of Woodstock. For Sheriff. , v - , ' i y ' r ASAP TTDELL. of Chemung. ^ tvr Superintendent of schools. ' ;iy BALDWIN, of McHenry.- For Oomnor. ' : W. W. 600K, of Woodstortfc. " > '.:•& •Sr*Th« Steamer. R. E. Lee, one of •lie m**t noted boats on the Mlspis- •Ippf Hirer, was humeri to the waters ,#dge on Sunday morningr. about thirty* i*e miles below Vicksbuffch. Twenty- •M pemtn* were lost. The boat had be«n freshly painted and bnrnsd rap­ id*. H^The Greenback pafty hnve nomi- •ftted candidates for ̂ this Senatorial •ltd Congressional district. B. N. Denn, of DeKalb county, is their nominee for Congress, and A. H. Allen, of Boone County, for Representative. The Sena­ torial Convention declared very strong­ ly In fayor of prohibition; We learn •hkt Mr. Allen proposes to campaign the District. WA youth named Boss line started ride a bicycte from Danville, 111., to ••fhm Francisco. That is a long way to stliAe one poor little wheel run behind ra big one. and the chances are that the Ibuntaae Judge Xye will look into this <natter when Ross reaches his bai.U- 'Wlck. In this connection Ed Perrin i6*y«b« rode a bicycle twenty feet «nce and tben the bicycle rode him forty feet, and be has allowed the bi- «y)« to have that ranch ttM better of bin ever since. S9"At the meeting of the State Board of Equalization at Springfield, September 14, the following preamble «nd resolution, offered by Mr. Milnor, were adopted: ^Whereas. In many counties of the State the local assessors fail to assess the poles, wires, and other tangible yropsriv be!et;~l«g to t»{« fsreig;; tele­ graph companies: therefore. >, Itesofved, That the Auditor of State be and is hereby requested to caH the attention of the several clerks to the law in the premises and request thetn •« Instruct the local assessors that it is their duty to assess and list all such property In their respective counties, towns, andviisuicte. THK IJKPCBIICAN TICKKT. Kbvember 7th, four weeks from next Tuesday, the election tskes place, at which time are to be filled the offices named at the head of this paper/and yet up to this time wehavehetird^ittle or nothing In relation thereto, ^s this is the "off yeai-" in politics we presume there will /he, as usual, a light vote polled, hut we would right here ask the ltepublicaiis of McHenry Oouiity, if there is not. danger of over-confidence? The Democrats and Greenbackers are at work, and will leave no st6ne tin-1 turned to defeat some portion at least, of the Republican ticket. They are moving In a quiet'fnanner, but are hard at work in every town-in. the county, and if Republicans do not look to it, they may be caught napping oh elec­ tion day. There Is a good round Re­ publican majority in McHenry County, but it wfll bo recollected that but a re'w 'years a;o the Republican ticket came tnear being defeated by over confidence. The Republican ticket, from State Treasurer to Coroner, is a good one, and one that should command the hearty Support of every true Republican. The candidates on the Republican ticket Uiis fall, are, almost without »n Exception*candidates of the people and 4iot of the Ring, and consequently it is not strange that the Ring and ,ma­ chine politicians are lukewarm iu the 'light. Their pets have been laid on the 6helf. and the Republicans of Mc­ Henry County have a ticket which they should be proud to support. The time has come for work. If every Republi­ can does his whole duly for the nexi four weeks the result will be a majority that Republicans need not be ashamed of. Masterly inactivity once came near proving disastrous. Let us not try the experiment ngai»i. Jgf Judge Folger, the lionilnee of the recent Republican Convention of the State of New York, has wrlstej^ a letter accepting the nomination. THh D4IISY MAKKKT-* Fron? the Elgin News. Buyers were plenty on the board of trade, and as this indicated, dairy'pro- ducts were in good demand. About 400 tubs of butter were offered on the call board, and bids opened at 30£, running up to 32--except on two or three lots, which went at 31 J. Cheese was active, and 2,650 .boxes found rgjjular sale at 9i@I0, several lots bringing the half and three-fourtlis in­ termediate. The New York quotations of Satur­ day showed butter at 30@32,and cream cheese at 11J@11 J. Last year's quota­ tions in the same market were: Butter, 34(2^6; cheese, 11J@12J. A year ago,on the Elgin board. 10.320 lbs of butter sold regular at 33@3oo. only one lot going at^the latter figure; cheese sold regular to the amount of 1,280 boxes at 10@13. Value of* total sales reported, 958,132.11. Dissolution Notice. eyStXB^CRIPTIQXS for tlie I'Lmnoicamck : Will lx>. receive* in Wancon.laat F. B. H«r- ri80»'8 |)i (ig Stortj ano by John Gotding : . '• "'---4 : I*'1 ' •' Editor Plaindealsr.--Uarry Tld- rnarsh left Wauoonda Monday morning for Sandy Hill, New York, to be gone for an indeffinate period. It may be for years and it may be forever. Ills de­ parture is a source of unjversaj regret to his acquaintances here.the poet says,- ,f ' 'Some men are octapon, t: «• V,»^ 'fHE Copartnership * heretofore existing -I nntler t!;e Arm r.™;r.ool sterens A Schnorr is Ihis <Iay dissolved l»y mutual consent, F. A. Sfhnorr retiring. Ail indebtedness of the late Arm will be assumed by C. V. Stevens, to whom all notes and l>ook accounts owing to said Arm will lie paid. C-Jf. STEVENS. „„ , , F l 8CHNUBR. SfeHenry.Ilj^Oetober 9d, 188^" •v • I wonltl hereby inform our olcl customer! aud the jtuhlic generally that I will continue the business at, the old" elaml, with a (food stock of goods in inv line, and will be happy to see all who ma? give mo a call. C. V. STEvBNS. »0W»; ^ . - ave And some three sided are,» . ris mighty tonffh to And " Who is exactly s<iuare m. And as Harry seems to be one of these phenomenally square characters,every­ body hates to have him go. Mrs Arthur Graham, and her Hon Harry, started Thursday morning for • visit to friends'in Minnesota. * " Mrs. George Pratt and her s&n, are visiting in Kenosha. During her ab-, sence Mr. Pratt graces the lto|el board witli his presence. ' Earnest Turner liae^ jeone* into the tnerchantile biisinesss in BarreVille. :\ Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Vandy have reopened the millinery store formerly occupied by Mrs. Tldmarsh. Mrs. L. Pratt has also recently, full line of millinerr. % received a H^The Iron workers in Pittsburg and the other smoky cities of the West hw« genfe to work again at the old «r*gas. The begiuning and the end vf Ahe strike a re! in marked contrast. The «aen went oat with great noise atid loud threats of what they would do; they have gone In quietly, thankful to be taken back. They had not the nerve to begin the winter with bare cup- %Aards and empty pocket*. The strike #rs are greaHv to be pUled, notwith standing their folly. Bitter indeed must be their reflections when they think of the summer wasted in a strug­ gle In which they now see they have no chance to win. The wisest of their leaden Cold them so. That makes it worse. They have no one to blame bat themselves. tGFThe California politiehms tonve been happy since the enactment of the anti-phinese bill. The demand for cheap labor threatens to be made soon and then they will sing another song. Already the Chinese in Ban Francisco appreciate the monopoly which they now that no more of their coun­ trymen are permitted to come to this •ounrry. Recently a corporation, wish ing to employ a Chinese contractor to furnish a large number of Chinese la­ borers. was met with this reply: furnisli you men now yon only pay one dollar and one bit; bymbye. no more Buffalo Bill and Sitting Ball Buffalo Ril!, (Hon. W. F. 0,<ly> the renowned scout and aator, has made a decided hit for the coining theatrical season, in employing the celebrated Sitting Bull (the Indian Chief who slew Custer and his command on the Little Big Horn) as one of his chief at­ traction. Buflalo Bill's success as an actor|add& an additional charm to the romance of|his life, as. the greatest of all living scouts and plainsmen. The Historical Publishing Co.. of St, Louis, have issued a life of this remarkable man, whose fame is even greater than that of Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett embracing also the lives of fWild Bill, California Joe. Texas Jack, Kit Carson and other great Indian lighters. It is a book of wild life on the plains, and must meet with great popularity. The name of the a«tJjor, Mr. J. W. Buel, i| a host within itself. Persons desiring agencies will find au advertisement in this paper. H. Malman's custom departurient lias Increased so much . that he iwis, been obliged to employ another workman . The temperance boom continues. Saturday nigh: a Good Templars Lodge was organized, T ^ t i c ;, Dr. Hubbard'swld * poVtibrt <l»§i stock, household goods, and other per- sonal property, at Auction Saturday afternoon. "C = Dr. Thompson, the dentist, will be a.t the Pratt House, Oct. &d, and remain ten-days. ••-vv... The Latest Datee. We have received from the publish­ er, a copy of "The Ripple,^v by Clar­ ence R. Sidney, author of* the popular •'Original Five Step Waltz," anil "Beauties of the West Schottisclie." Mr. Sidney has struck a popular vein in this, his latest success, and .all lovers of Terpsichore will welcome "The Ripple." Sen: po6t-paid to any adr dress on receipt of price, 40 cents, by S, Brainard's Sons, Chicago, 111. Set Back 42 Years. "I was troubled .'or many years I^idnev Complaint, Gravel. &c. blood became thin; I was dull and tive ; could hardly crawl about: old worn out man all ov»r; could Mr. C. Griswold has moved Into his new house near the lake. J, Boomer occupies his former residence. A Teachers Institute is to be held at .Waukegan oil Saturday. Mrs. W. J. McCali, of Garden Grove Iowa, is viliting with tho family of R. F. Johnston, One mile Northwest of this village. - . AUCTION, . -l-i', The undersigned will sell M auction, on his farm, one mile north- *t£ ' west of Wauconda, Wednesday.Oct. 11. 1882, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property: 22 Cows, 19 Shoats, 1 Stock Hog. 2 Yearlings. 1 three-year old" Bull, 22 Acres Corn in shock, 1 Byood Mare with Colt by her side. 1 tepan grey Geldings T years old, and a quantity Of Hay will be sold at private sale. Terms of Sale.--One year's time time will be given on approved notes at 7 percent; 2 per cent oft for cash. No property to be removed until set^» tied for, ' • V- ' ^ It. F. JO^XSTON. : AUCTION SALE. ' ^h« undersigned will sell one bts farm four miles west o| McITewry^'oii Tuesday, October - 31st, 1882, at 10 o'clock, a. m., 10 good caws, G steers, 10 three year olcl heifers, ^|0 calves, 2 brood mares, 1 horse. " "V- \ Terms--One jTear on good approved notes at 7 percent. Two percent, off for cash. Philip Gikskler. .; ' estray. ' Came Into the enclosure of the mi- der.>>igned, about Septe'rnner 2Gth, one Sow. ^JPhe owner ije hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take her away. Philip Gieseler. McHenry, September S«, 1881. .. Bogus Certificates. It is no vile, drugged stuft. pretending to be made of wonderful foreign roots bancs. &c., a^id pulled up by long bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cures, but a simple, pure, effective med­ icine, made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes its own cer­ tificates by its cures. We refer to Hop Bitters, the purest and .best of tnedi- ci ma.--Exchange, tfee another . col­ umn, . > with my inac- was a get nothing to kelp me until I got Hop Bitters, and now I am a boy again. t My blood and kidneys are all right, and Chinamen come, yon no can find'nlentv !4UI HS active :ls : i of 30, although I U'Avl r » i , . , M ... »"> 72. and 1 have no doubt it will do for work, then you give one dollar fifty cen'. I have work now, I no starve; I think I waft for one dollar fifty ceil" Good by." Thus do the Mongolians soke lu tlwdr own way this Chinese pucEle. and they honestly thank con­ gress for decreeing that tbeir employ­ ers aitd the consuming publie must suf fer, while thej* themselves laugh and grow fat. A Socialistic orator frem OWci*- go. whoso naiue will not be mentioned, as his purpose is plainly to seek noto- rlety. has been making a bloodthirsty, •perch at Milwaukee, and has frighten^' •d the quiet peoplo of the Cream Cltv •ery badly, Ainouir ' other new and , uovfcl notion* advanced by him was one that huujjer win the workingmen's best, friend, an it niotixeH him to attack the vaplluibtt.llh brutal force. "The pnly remedy for the working classes," this •xclted urealura said, 'Ms dynamite, powder-, the dagger and rope. To act without wioivy; not to let any smypa- thy cotne up--that is a crime^a bloody Vime, committed by those who show clemency. War to the knife." Tf the workingmen of Milwaukee had shown presence of mind they would have i 'iuIsK" iljp, wild ey» d vfnug i«a» in W«Hver three 1* four Ail extra heavy blue Prints 82 inches wide at 8 "cents per yard. We have also the largest and best assorted stock of goods of all Kinds that we have ever shown. We have a good many bargains to show yoiL Call afocl •• &ENRY IfOQ Volo/aepvftMte. C A t A R R above a u t i f u l new styles of Crockery just received and for sale in large *or small quantities. :i, J. C. CHOATE, Til - U W U d W U W A f i t i i OYSTERS By the Can or Dish, and served up in any style desired, at the Restaurant of H. H. Nichols, next door to the Post. Office. He also keeps a fine line of Confectionery. Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Call and see him. T"-™-- FitzsimmonS & Evansoit Will glye extraordinary low prices on Clothing this week* If you wan; a good Suit, Overcoat or first diss Footwear, it would do no harm to call in. Butter and Eggs wauled. Fitzsimmons & Ev- acson. Novelty and Variety B A Z A A R ! STATIONER YZ^fEWSPAPEKS, Magazines,: Books, Novels* :V MUSIC, „ and All Mnsical Journal.1), Librariefi, Joke l'.ooks, Letter Writers, (;ames, Plays, Dieain UooUn, Motto Versus and onr'ls, Toys an<l Toy Hooks, Inks, Mucilage, Writing Pa- ijers, Pcncils, l'ens. School and Blank Books, Slaps, cliool (i pplies, Collars, Cijfars, and otlie articles not here mentioned, at the Bazaar, McHenry, III, r. J DACY J. DONOVAN doub.t it will do as well for others of my age. It is worth a trial.--Father. The most obstinate cases of Catarrh and Hay Fever are cured by the use of Ely's Cream Balm the only agreeable remedy. Price 50 cents. Apply into nostrils with little finger, Catakkh.--For fifteen years 1 have been greatly annoyed with this disgust­ ing disease, which caused severe pain in u»y head, continual dropping Into my throat and unpleasant breath. Mv sense of smell was much impaired. By a^ thorough use for six months of Ely's Cream Batin I have entirely overcome these troubles. J. B. Case, St. Denis Hotel, Broadvyay and 11th St < N. Y. - My daughter and myself, great suff­ erers from Catarrh, have been cured^by Ely's Cream Balm. My sense of umvil restored and health greatly improved. C. M. Stanley. Dealer in * Boots and Shof^p, Ithaca. N. Y. A General - Stampede. # Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Henry Oolbv's. for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Se­ vere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot­ tle of tht.- great remedy free by calling at above Drug Store. A true assistant to nature in restor­ ing the system to perfect health, thus enabling It to resist disease. Is Brown's Iron Bitters. EST KAY. r Broke Into my enelosyre on jlS^us Tth. a roan or grayish colored cow. The owner is requested to call, prove prop­ erty, pay charges and take her away. Nunda September 21st. 188*2. J. E. BECK LEA'. For aged men, weak ami sickly chil­ dren. without a rival. Will not c^ttbe Ucudaclic. Biowu's liou Iiittetss, AGENTS WANTED FORI ivinbracing the Lives and Wonderful Adventure*of Wild Bill. Buffalo Bill forma Joe Texas General Cutter md oth*r fcreat Indian 'i V i^ht*rp, SroutP, Hunf> r« and -- (in!• left. Thrillini? Adven­ tures on the X^airi?:! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Fights with Indiana! Desperate Adventures! Narrow •Escapes! Wonderful Shooting and Riding. Wild Life in the Far West. One nuudTcT^IunKtUunar'^Txt e"n"'ir u U-^Q^e^>olof» ed Plates! OraTu!o«?t Book foTA^Tnts! OutBCll« Every­ thing! Kiulorst^j hy Buffalo Bi]4!. fm#other -s. CvJ-No Competition! 54* pages, price $2XJ0 Curjvapsin^ Outfit .V>cta., uta/nps or mont-y. Illustrated Cir­ cular* Free. Write at onto for o^ncy (o HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, fi<1 St. ^PLAINS. I By I. W. BUEL, Author of" Border Outlawn,"--MetropoJitaji X,ifo Unveiled."--Etc. _ Qi-aJJ iiWwKSs. iTa oeid flANSAED Hooks. 0. BiEE 01522 and CHEAP. iJtsiid uUiiuii ior Catnioguo. A(idr«i33, », CURIOSITY SHOP; 8. X. te. £& sai £2. LOO, , T. J. Dag & Co. It is a tact well known to the Fanners ©t McHenry County that whenever they have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound ol his name has caused them to shud der and their hones to rattle, simply because the woulc| be opposition dealers know too well that vve have bought Qur goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goods, for less money than the same quality could be. bought by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machinery in the markot, and always- aim to keep none but the bpst.< Our present stock consists of many articles of •machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 liugsjies, Platform JSpring- Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag­ ons. MJal! and count them.) Also a car uf„01idden Barbed Wire Al&o plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a do.lar's worth until the> get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. V T* J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. COLO* ,MCAL3 -- <UMllMtAUs ilioiii. Insert witn littfo finger a particle of bulni into the nos triU; draw stronp liieattis throujrli the nose. It will be absorbed. Ely's' Cream Balm. It Effect u allv cieanaes the nasal UAY"rEVEP passasres of On- •• tarrhal virus, caus­ ing healtny secrt'tions allays inflammation protects the membrane from additional coMk, completely heaUUbe sores and restores the senses of taste and smell. Beneficial resu'ts •-e realized by a few applications. \ thor- igh treatment as directed, will cure c»ta< rh hay fever, Ac. . - • v. * '^7;^ Have jtwt receive*! ih« Wf !>olmans, Clottfrc and Jackets, both fo£ Ladies and Misses ever ofered by any house in McHenry County. They were bought so low that we are enabled ta sell them at usual wholesale figures? In , ~ " ' y 1 We haveao assortment foutxj oowhere else in town. We voting especial attention to 01 BQOi AND mO* OEPARTMEWT. Xnd keep a complete line of tie celebrated Gi, M. Henderson'^. ^Hand Made Goods-. Our Vail Stack of CLOTHIKfi Is just in. and in fit and styles we defy competitioiii^iiA large stock of Groceries, Paint* and Oils constantly on hand., CaH and examine our g-oods. •' v ? >• \ Agreeable to Tlie. Unequaled for Colds in Head. The Balm has gained an enviable reputation wherever bnowii, displacing all other prepa­ rations. Recognized as a Wonderful Discovery. It is sold by .druggists at 30 cents. On re­ ceipt of price will mail a uackage; send for circular containing lull information and relia­ ble testimonials. ELY CREAM BALM CO., Owego, Tf. T. Cfe MARTIN. 1.1 MSB, (nceess^r to J. W. Orlsty) BiiiinofSi ff^ving refitted the utore lately occupied by J. W. Crlsty.and having filled it wUh a first class stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Oroceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cips, Etc., I am now prepared to give the'buving public as good bargains is can tie found in ar.y gen­ eral store, e ' not claim to sell lower- than anybotfy else, but I do claim to sell good Goods a t liv- ing prices, and guarantee every tiling as rep­ resented. My stock is , NEW, FRESH AND COMPLETE, Am! comprises everything usually found in a General Country tore All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, GIVE ME A CALL. B. K. DUERS., 1882. Wauconda - Til. Canned --DEALER Iff* Groceries, Goods, Choice Confectionery NOTIONS, TINWARE, CUTLER Y, CIGARS, TOBACCO, 4c., &c Mv «tock la fresh find cmnnlete in every narlfcnlnr, and T will not 1>i' undersold, qual­ ity of srnod« rnnsi-lor."! T l>nv none l.nt the lieat, and piireba>*ers *vill fl-i|<l il an'object to call and see'me before purchasing. Q«lr>k Nnleti Ar ^mnll "Profit Is ncv motto und'lt. wfll be lived up to. HENRY COLBY! riverside block. Mchenry, Invites an examination of his immense stock of,. . Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Tankee otions, <&o. • ' y ; - • , whiclvare being offered at very low prices. I have the .tartest as- Hortment of KEADY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in McHenry which will be sold very cheap for cash. • ^ , In. at- and Caps, Boots and Shoes, my stock is complete and I am confident I can save you money on these goods.? Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware. Wooden and Willow- ware, and the largest stock of Groceries to be found in Mctlenry, Prices always as low as good Goods can be sold. Ao trouble 10 show Goods. Call and be convinced. FACTS. 1st. That thetPhosnlx, of Hartford Is de voted exclifslvoiy to the business of Fire In- suranee " • '2nd. That, « ith two exceptions, the cap­ ital ofthe Phoenix is double thai of any other Company in the United tates doing a Fire, In$ttranse business exclusively. .'Id. That, its ratos of premium are, and wil continue to lie, an low as strictly ehoicel lir«t class Insurance can be furnished for. 4th That it has prosecuted the General Agency business in the Western and Southern States'and Territories through the means of a Department Headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a period of more than years to the entire satisfaction of a vast vuinber of underwriters and property owners . 5th. That its manner of'ad.iusting and pay. in.g losses has been tested in every great tire of tlie period, and found to be at all times in harmony^with the principles of strict justice and libenvlitv. • 8th. 'That It has spent a large sum of money in organizing, carrying on and perfecting its present admirable system of commercial and rural districts, whereby it is enabled to offer the^advtmtages and facilities ot genuine in­ demnity to the people of everv cit;% town, village and conntv :n the United States. . 7th. That its capital is Two Million Dollars --its IJe in8tirauce Reserve, one million, one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars--its Reserve for outstanding losses, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars--its net surplus, one million dollars and its cash assets. • v: W Ml CO N D A and line Wan- Book? of 8th. TliKt the old Phrenix of Hartford is a live institution and every way w orthy the ex ccedingly liberal patronage it bus received from the'people In every section of the,conn- Try": " ; * A8A W. SMITH,tAgent, « . Vor Woodstock and Vioiaity. ,t- W. BROOKS. Waucond 5, A<ig. 1st, !Sii2. .on long crfiiit »>nd | easy terms, in a mild climate, tote from heavy snows, blight- lug frosts, ant* <.'*•- I'.snive rains. CHEAI MILLIONS OF ACRES (or sale in the GOLDE*} OELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, ofca rieli Moll si tb« kuu ever sbonu <V^f with c<MNlmftrhviii east and west, Far Descriptive and Illtistrated Book^ wlik Map», Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,- Kansas Dfvl««ic« KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. C. L. Pratt, [Successor to R.,K, Duers] WAUCONDA, IL INOIS, Wouli respectfully inform the citizens of Wiiiico n'la and surrounding country that he lias a lorge and well selected stock of H Jods I 'ii-line, for the Spring and Summer trade, consisliing, in part of Dry Goods* Notions, Groceries, HAT3 AND CAPS, Soots, Shoes, Crockery, p Glassware,' Ac., iVhich he is oound to sell as cheap as good goods can be bought anv where. „ . lie also keeps a line Hue of Itock Made Boots and shoes, to which he invites [«r ticular attention , In short, everything th^it can be fou^i.d i:a a general store will lie Kept, and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warrai.teil as rep­ resented. Chick's Celebrated Rockforr i-lour, AJ.WAYS ONT 'AVI). •When in want of floods In my line you will find it for yqur interest to call and see me. c. L. PEAW, WtVCOXDA, May iad, 18S3. Are open and ao is the conda Drujar Store • an< Haunt with a complete " SCHOLARS' SUPPLIES. We aim to keep everything" that the school children need. Wre make low prices mid give good value. We have just received a supply of Harper's Franklin Square collection ot songs, so popular at the Liberty-! viHe Teachers' Institute. Just what is wanted for the school home circle ant' social gatherings.^ You are invited to compare our- stock and prices wish tho*e of other dealeis. y Fr B. HARRISON, "Druggist and Bookls*." WSTAek abo*t the Circulating Library. minted AGE3fTSI For Gen. Dodge's new book, THIRTY-THREE years among OUR WILD INDIANS Introduction by Gen. W. T. Sherman. Contains a truthful and graphic record of the author's observa­ tions, thrilling adventures and cXciting- expcricncca ; during 33 years among the wil Jest tribes of tho Great West. Splendidly illustrated with St> el ; Plates, Fine Engravings and Superb Chromo-Uch. \ ograph Plates in fifteen colors, lias received the' unqualified endorsement of the most eminent men o£ our country. Gen. Grant writes: "The best book: on Indian and Frontier Life ever written." Bishop' Wiley, of Cincinnati, says: "A much'ncedcd book . and one of immense value." Chica go Interior: book of standard and substantial value." Chicarro Adiana: "No other book contiins as full and 1 accurate account of the Indians." Chicago Tribune ? «' It reads like a romance, and is far superior to any book ever published on the subject." The Cfticaqv Inter Ocean : " It vividly portrays the Indian just 939 agents srssstarrar waiting thousands' It is the opportunity of a l:fc« time for rapid money making! Ki-inriub.r, nt-w book, superbly illustrated; 11111111 nse di inam': ex :u- sive territory and Special Terms. Send lor i :s- 'rated circulars, with full particulars, to A. O. NETTLETON A CO., CHieapr 4SR& BORDER OUTLAWS By J. W. Buel. The New, ThrUling arid Authentic History of the Lives and Wonderful Advetttnreg of America's great Outlaws, Th e Yonnger Brothers, Frank and Jess e James. And their bands of highwaymen, down to tha present moment, including the DEATH of .JhSSK JAMES and all the late startling anil thrilling developments. 60 Illustrations an4 Portraits* Jesse Jumes before and aftei death; only true portrait of Frank James ev. published. 12 Fine Colored Plata*, sketch ot Quantrell; interviews and letters troin Cole Younger; tho breaking up of tho ttami and revelations of startling secrets. The Mack Flag, the terrible ' Black Oath," ami hundreds of other astonishing facts. Most Wonderful and Exciting book in exis­ tence! Outsells everything! Newandgreat l> enlarged edition; new Illustrations; 800 pages, price f 1.50. Agents' CanvassineOutfit, 50 c. li lustraied Circulars and full* par;icu. iarsfree. Agents, don't lose tliie grand op. liortunily. Address, HISTORICAL. PIT®- ! Co,, 601X. 3d street, St. 4tm \

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