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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1882, p. 1

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- r ' • • : • • ' - • • . . - :J!S>7;«. •M-WlMy*.^ MrMtfftM*Me .&*,)(#»,, ,«WW1»WWIIW-* *-u«tal«/p^.MM: (*< -A'J •;• '«sf(« » >» JSC, . v>gA »,i - ,- r u **h) , ^*,4 ^ %?ii ' frupk * - ('•.» ^vrsr**-* **»£ * v<r?X" t^Vv^ 1 I - X*? \f | Vfj rj^Mt'1^'"" " ' " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty aria Uawj No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WFDN ESP AY. 0CT0¥ERTLI8827 n •*>'«.»> VOL. 8. BUSINESS S. F*. BENNETT, CARDS. f Pub -lied Every Wednesday by J,VAASLYK|3, v"!3|iil*QiJ AND,,PIJBl.ISJHriSB. ' * lliflce in Old P. (>. Block, --prPOSITH :i VEBSTUfK .HOU.SK.-- . : ; flKlMSOP SUBSCRIPTION. ' in#'Year fin' ... „ .......... If V»t »iit WtvsrlntHiw ra*,9iv«iI -'c>r 't'ir.jfc*'.nr' l* in t.hfl sin1* nMnpHfln. .•1.50 six -a=- BUSINESS ; •. C& "'- "j&fc oAnn* * , •T. t_ i»r>nvr\. M.'» DHT«iPT \v \vn S^rofox.: At ^tbe Post OT)p.o,,oiV«o«lte Vpyt $ Store m» stair*. "cHcnrv, 111. s#S yrf; pwv« 1 ins.- W. PHO'v.'K x. ti; , IClAV AND ^TIKJ^ON. IllS.-Ofllre bourn S to in, A. M., O. .T. ITOW.\T?t\ V. n. tVfrsTciAN \\n ^TTTmKnv. " mv resHonco, onposfte V. W. WeTIcnry. Til. .-. . . , . G. KERKAHAX, M. D. ISncrEBSOB TO DR. A. E. BAIDWTN.] PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offline and residencs on <3lav St., Woodstock, 111. Prompt attention given to professional ealls at all hours. && GRKKN. -y-ETERINAKY SUJJG«OW. Bietimond, JESSE A. BALDWIN, rAWYER. Law business in any pari;ol J th" State receives prompt "attention. Offli*e room 41, new Custom House,'Chicago Illinois. SIDNEY" DISBKOW, NOT ARY PUBLIC anrt Conveyancer, Al-«len. 111. DR. O. EI WILLI \MS. ENTIST. item lenc»» n-indee. Wilt be at Waiiconda t.i.e VHh mi iSth; of ,nth.^. When dates occur ^a fur-lav or Snn- -day I "make my visi t f ol H w i n g Mpnd1> y . T> .TOIIV KI.EIF(fE< ' TT rl 'T ' !R P iiiitpr. C.riinor. CMlriniinT and ' 1 Punnp Rinucp. '{"si nn« Ttlock Wf>st of Riv<»r«i<<p IToiisp. Work attemterl to prom pi v and r»p r»rtsonahlp terms. -fr:' e. v. \Nn":T!ov4 h. t>. l^lt 'V'STOT AN ttcI < '<i '*7( ,on. » Bes'or's T>rn" Sfnr(», Oiwlte PflvVer IVonan, MeHehrv, Illinois. J. .T. MY En"*, Saloon and Rostanrant, P BASEMENT of Knhnprt's Unr(», Johnn. bnrsrh, Til. The oh^ippct brands Of >Yifirs, on hand. •f.lqnorsand C'iarars always tnd see mn. Call PRATT TIO 'TTSE. T A. PI ATT, Pronvletor. Fi"st olasa nr. 'i c.o-nmoflM tions. (loo l Barn in eonneetion Waucon«la, 111. JO". J. F RETT'S 5AT MARKET , r»e»r >,h« Bridw, Me. Henrv, HI. Kresb and Suit. Meats, SSIM- »>"(re. Smoked Merits, ot<\, always on hand. Ke«ps none b>it the best. B AR P.I AN BRO^. Or- Oid .MetTppvr, M Keiter nioek, two doors west of PLAI 'N- JEALF.U Office. rlTGAB Manufac tiirer^, Mo Tie wry, 1H. ' d"fe»*9 solicited. Sb<>p, MOHBNRY- HOUSE. tMTTER SMITH. PROPRIETOR. G'*OD Roar^by the dav or week at reason, able rates The choicest hran'li of Wines, Liqnors.and fiff^rs. Good Stabling fov-llfjraes. A flno Pl-/e«n ?To!« Tattle in connection witb Die House. Cive me a eaii. PETERSMITn . NO. 12. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, AUOUNITED States Examining Surgeon, lticbinond, Illinois. M. M. CLOTHIER, " HEBRON, ILLINOIS- ROTARY PUBLIC and Convevancer.-- Prosecute claim* in all Bureaus in De­ partment of Interior. Letters must contain stamp f«>r reply. Post Office, Richmond, III, JOSEPH N. FREUND. CALOO'S AND RET A UltANT Bonslett 's O "Id stand, opposite Itlsbop's Mill. Mc- Henrv. III. The c loicest Wines, Liqv.ors 1>- E. LAWLUS, and -ijrars to l>e foumi in the county. Oysters in their season served up shwp@ desired or for sale by the C*n. Fresh ®y ,GOOD iiTABLING FOR HORSES. v ANTONY ENGEI N, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand • Mclfenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, "\<yir Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell nt Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. Ml. CHURCH, Watoliinnkor and Jeweler Nfl. •HT RANDOLPH STREET, (Briars* Ho-iso.) Ohuvt'jf i, lll^ Special attention pairing Fine W'it"'io4 an I O)ii 'oiinm<ter3. <>V\ Full'Assortment of Goods in his line. RICHARD COM^TON. . TITSTICK of the Peaceand Oon^(Bvaticer.-- Will attend promntlv to the collection of lebta. Volo, l^ake County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS HASa complete Abstractor Titles to land in M Henrv County, Ill-noip. Office witb donnty Clerk, Woodstock, III. ENERAT, E. M. OWEN Dealer and MnnnfaetOMES and terms favoraJtlc. N. S. COLBY. III. Breeder of and P o l a n d China ewine. .v cnoice "u "> yonne Bunk stock for sale. Pleasecall and examine before buying elsewhere. • foHENRY, McHenrv Co., III. Rree'lei !M Spanish Merino Sbe-jp. R , ( ' r .k ' Poland China ewine. A choice lot «f GEORfiE CURTIS, House and Si«?n Painter, MIcHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry Sl Martin's. Will attend !>i-«>mptU* to ai4-ww% ami -griar- antee s-itisfiction Prices as low aa good work can be done.aiiv where. FINE CftAINtNC A SPECIALTY MIXED iPAINTS. I am prepared to furnish Mived Paints of «all kinds at the lowest living prices, and fur- ish an article far superior to the common lixed Paints being so'd. Call and s.r o me. Richmbnd House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. ST. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently nitffthftfied the above House, I have put it in thorough repair, with new fumitue throughort, and woulrl respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav. eling iiultlic and others. The tables will al- \vn vs be [ivovi'leil witb the lw>st that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will lx» in readiness at all times to attend to the -vantsof guests. No puns will be spared to mi'.ke tHis a First Class House. Large and conm mlions barns on the premiees. Free Omni';us to and from all trains. Sample Room ion first floor, Merchant Tailoi, r" '; " . KBK|*S ' Foreign smd DVmstfc Cloiiis. WARRANTS A FIT, OBCI^OI SALE. AL Soldiers Department, CONDUCTED BY DR. . F. BENNETT ('LOTHINGr, M&i's Children's sizes, the best qual ity and at Chicaaro prices. B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL, "'•-Duut^n- ' T"' Breech and Muzzle Loading Shot Gins. Powder, shot. Caps, W(jjl«, and Oftrtridges tor sale. Fishing Tackle^h -- Heap. All kinds of STA^p TT E. WK-JHTM AN, Proprietor. First ••'ass rigs,* with or without drivers, fiunished at reasonable frates. Teaming ot nil kinds done on short notice. twenty, CEO. CURTIS. April 13, 1882.' jl m Sjaioon ana r-esiauraav NEAR THIS DEPOT, McHElMRY, - ILLINOIS 31. M. CLOTHIER, RICHMOND - , ILLINOIS, ' McHENfef" COUNTY. Prosecutes all claims ^n all bureaus in the Department of the Interior. Special iitten. tion siren to difficult or re.lo.eted claims. Careful attention siven to nil matters ofim- i>ortnii«-e Office at of Win. II. >)wlin, Womlstock, 111. Business will bo at. tended to l»v Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I shall HIWA vs be there on Saturdays, and shall I>e a t the o.Mc.e of .1. T. Beldin, Es»|., Marengo, on the iirst Friday ill each montli. All letters of a lmsine.5s nature must contain stamp for reply. Sporting' t Goods, AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Breech i/iadin*, Double Barreled 6nn. warranted Twist, JflR, Wir.choster Rifle, Til model, 15 shots, 92Sw Nickel Plated A shot Revolver, #0.50. Self cocking Pritish BuM Do? Pistol, fR.«H A good Single Itarrel, Hreecli Loading, Single Gun. warranted, f5. ' I will undersell any house m the countv in Guns and Sporting Goo-Is. If vou want a good gun it will nav vou tocull and ®ee me. I warrant every gun I sell, Clothes Wrin«reri repaired and new Kolls put oft.. Pi-ice pair warranted, $2.|0. Woodstock, July ISth.S^^® per A. WENDELL, JOS.^ ypEffiRSl aTJM ,x-; je*6r«»*'e« »W" WiaBitf SMITH- Promot attei)- ROOT AND SHOE M \KKR tlon given to Repairing. Shop In J lilies'bnilding, Henry, Illtnois f c to river bridge, ^Ic PETER LEICKEM. REP AIRS Watches, Clocks and °J all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible manner, on sh?vt notice> and at rea- Ltn.%iriP rato8. \l«o Violins for wnnr> flrst door North of Riverside Block, Mcllenxj^ III. w. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor In the store of C. H. Diekinsori, Kaststde of public Square, WOOI>STOCK, ITiTi. A *ood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- jrays on hand. Suits made to order and a (It warranted. Give me a call. W. II. s ANfORD. Woodstock, Ill .i Sept. 27th. 1S7S. . J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTT< )NI3 EU AND API'BAIREK, Algonquin, III. a ALES of «toek, FarmlngTools and Goodi "IJ- of all kinds promptly attended, to. Farm tales a specialty. Dfflceaddr Terms reasonable, ess: Algonquin, I1L- - GERMAN Tlie best BrafldS of Wines, Cigars always on Hand. Good Horses. Liquors and Sta'bling for ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's • MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, R«er in Large or S-uall Kogs orJBottles ill ways on hand cheaper than any other, quail • considered. . . This iteer has a world wide reputation, and trooVl iudges acknowtedge it cannot oe stir, asseil In the world. Ordors by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. li^Henry, 111. Atlgy/Wth. 1.188 JOHNS3URCM WlcHenry, III. WUi take <'onfrncts f.»r put»|«Sf lip a.n<l jfiiftranfe« inv work will pom pare with any man in the State. I can and will tlo work from 15 to '2*. per cent.cheaper i.lian other carpentere. as I have two of my boys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so. All .Jobs in the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me ajcall. A. WENDELL. S14 FOR $4. Upon receipt of W.oo I wHl send to any ad dress in the United Suites tfce ' Rocky Mountain Mining Review# the leading mining journal of.the conntrv containinj? KACH WKEK the latest news troiii all the camps of Colorado and the adjoining Territories, for one year, and OA7? TEN DOLLAR STTA HE OF XOX. ASSESS A TiLE STOCK IHf THE SPRUCE CREEK MIXI.XO COM PA XV. Thc 'propertios of this corn^nv are located in Summit Countv, Colorado, %»ML^C0DSi»t4oJ tinusnallv irooil tleld for nice-itnu^iit. The publisher of this paper ,.nys for sto-k given ! Ji tii! wr r11 uii 's 1 y" n il 1 •) i- ' t ?' '1 ' ' ' '"1 - panv's ollico. For intormation regarding the mine- or stock, address the secretary, D. "R. CLAY, 132 Curtis' St. Send check, money order or registered letter to JAMFS R. IVJ S\ Pub, Rocky Mountain Mininq Review, Denver. Cat". B. RAINTH9RP, Rinfifwood • ~ Illinois, To tbe people of Rinjsrwood and vioinitv I would rospectt'.illy .suy that I'have opened a store Bear the Depot, where 1 will pay the hiffhest market valvie for Ivajrs. Butter, and other pnxluce, cash or trade '^ein*r immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select Work of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < i- fftirs and Tobacco, I am jroinff to sell at-prirest-o defy competition, und thous li I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected,.I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. I$AINTH0RP. Bikowood, III.. June 13th, 1382. ^ THE CRANOiNEW BOOK, leatrical and Circus Life! OR I Agents Boom THE SECRETS AND OF THE SAW OU8T afXtslt, ' Wanted | Arepa. Revealing »be mysteries of the Theatre, Circus, Variett Show, Concert Dive, ftc., ftn. Home and Private Lite of Actors and Ao. tresses. Most wonderful and interesting hook ever published. Exposing the secret doings of Gidd v BalletGirls, Back Door Math­ ers. Matinees. Midniiriit Suppers, Ac. ftc The veil lifted from the BLACK-.ART. How Women are tlrtd from caftnon; men eat lire, Heads are cut off mid hundreds of other mys. teries performed. 150 Beautiful Illustrations, and Elegant C'Ol >re<i Plates. Positively the fastest selling I <ok ever published . Agents canvassing outtit, .V) cents. I * I« s t r a t e*t cu'ar and full ,articulHrs B RLb. AKents act quick andT«o ^O. 21'; 4 i II iae St., St, I.ouis, Mo. ORDlvKKO FOR EXAMINATION. We republish a few of the names of claimants for pension ordered to Rich­ mond, III., for examination, with others whose orders have been received since last report in this department Tlie&t men should report at otlcc, although thev are allowed three month*' time in whiolv to do so. By not reporting at OU?58 it may make a year's difference in the adjustment of a soldiers claim, h«- cau»e. vvhAn a ohrim is reached in its t'jru in the pension office, if the report of examination is not on Hie, that claim is passed over, ar.d must wait its turn Jtgsin, ,which tnay be in ope or two yearfi. v Wlifn we consider the enor­ mous number of claims yet to he passed upon, the necessity ol having all the proofs in when a case is reaoherl is ap- paroifj. It would be well for soldiers who see this notice to notify comrades of their acquaintance whoso names ap­ pear In this list. And another^ensible tiling to do would be to advise such comrades to subscribe for the PLAIN- DEALKR. and keep posted l>y vending the Soldiers* Department, r ' Henry C. Eddy, E, 93th 111.'vol., orig­ inal, No. 379,270. \ Ardlzeman Stanley, D. 98th 111. vol., increase. No. 99,935, -- -- Henry U\ Transue, I, 52niHttr^ol8., original, Xo. 303.469; Hiram King. A, 4th Wis, vols., orlg- nal. No. 449.20:$. William II. .Torips, E, 3d Vtf tuft., original, Xo. 457,897. > George L. Sherman, A,134th fl1. vol., original. No. 458.123. „ Asa Little, H, lo3cl IH. lnft.,original, No, 458,230. James II, Stnallrldge, A, 49th N. Y., vols, increase, No. 55.503. Jacob BiKhop, A and K, 13th 111. cav„ original. No. 457.497. Thorndyke Symotids, D,30tli 111. vols* Original, No. 448.242. Charles T„ Sti-ickland. I, 130th N, Y„ inft., original. No. 458,039. * James H. Scott, O, 95th lll.?0lfl.,0rig- t:inl. No. 455.159. -f Leonard T. Hitchcock, K, 23th Wis. vols,. orighiaL. No. 307At laMUK Lferoy f\ Spencer, 1), 15tii 111. vol., or* N'». -10S.741. , Frank Willianfs, Jl, 6th Mich, vols., original, No. 3fi8,499, Theodore W. Ooodsell, C, 95th 111. vols., original. No, 402.7*20. John L. Corey, A, 3lit Mass, Inft., original. No. 45fi.282. Manufactured by Jp. MARCUS, . --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQU0 8 AND CISARS. " Woodstock Wiebest'Ton Pint and (j nar I P. MARCUS, Patentee. III. the world. Put 1 IMleJorts. H E N R Y V I I L L E l t , --DEALER IN-- Aierta and Foreip MarMfi. donainents, Hetdstones, Kl'C.. ETC.. ETC. American Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Sliop L'wo miles North ot . Mc Henvy, 111. ^ p . lntinsOurgb Aug. iwilu l^- Ii. Bonslett, Neur the Depot, . v NI^H#NRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keeps constantly on hand the tlnest brands oft 'lourand Feed of all kinds, which be will £qU Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Tire different brands of Piour always on baud and warranted as represented. WFIotir delivered anywhere In the Cor oration. Orders may be giveu by Postal , Box 107, Post Office. GIVK MB A CALL. j- . ^ L. BONSlEf?: McUenry, Xarcli Stli, 1381. THE CREAM of all BOOKS of Pioneer Daring Deeds GROCERIES! GROCERIES! M. Engeln, Having removed bis store to Colby's Bricli Block is no-.v prepared to offer to tne buying public a lull line ot CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, Canned Goods. ClOAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, <&c.. My Goods are ail tresh aud wlH be sold at tlie lowest living prices. < '• ' I also keep a lull stock of Gun Material Hishing Tackle, Minnow Scins, Hammock*, ami in fact everything pertainiug to l-isltirg aud Hunting, caii be found at uiy Store {t reasonable Prices. Violins, Ac.ordeons, Picaias, Hutes. V lolin Strings, ami all other extras for Violilis. M)" stock-of riNWARK is eomplett. Call and examine it. . all competition. ; ̂ M. ENGEjLK Carriage A MW and Shop, Wagon ON THE W EST SIDE. and i Have brought a fine fttock ot Wapon material to town, and are prepared to do all kinds ol Repairing on short notice, w i l l ® PUT UP NEW WORK in the best of style. CHEAI The thriliin ulorers and frontier tigmers wi" outlaws and wild beasts, over tl conntrv, from the earl.ej-t l f ent. Lives and exploits of AND W ̂ l^^^-^lv'pntures of all Lhe licro l.\- tightors with Indians, the whole the pres- of Desoto, LaSalle, Standisi, Boone. Cal'i ' torni'i . 'ocT ^ |t-, J^ C'ViiT-^ii ' ' i Tlt.YTKD will li ' line engravings t > the l.te. AGKN'TS WAl I t D. Low priced and beats anything to as! I. on long ereoic rol easy terms, in a mild ciimatf, free from heavy saoni, blight­ ing frosts, and ex­ cessive rains. ANDS aXANDAKD BOOK Ca SV. *r MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale in the GOLDEN 3ELT of Kansas, liy the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •f ca rich Coil aa tbe inn ever shons •a, with ffowl markets east and V est, For Descriptive and Illustrated Boo*", with- Map*, Sent Free, Atldref LAND COMMISSIONER,--Kansas 0'Vt«ici «AN9AS CITY, IM860UHI, <v . " WATER TANKS J$i ORDER. TO Tall and see us. nhop, rear ot Carpenter's Blaeksmitli Shop, opposile the Parker House. 11 TRIPP BROS. Mc Henry. III., April l 'i , lt«2. AGENTS W Ali TED, And .1 HOMES Home Life. How to attain Good Health, Long Life and jHappv Homes. How to prevent disease. How. when, and wha t to eat. Clothing Ac­ cidents. Care of the sick. Marriage-Its pur. Vse .luties and pleasures. Birth and CA re ot iVi'ibiren --their physical, intellectual and <*r>il Lruinmc «in<< irovernment. social ana siness "i " The laws of Health. Signs and •reatment of -iisease. _ represents the life k'ork experience and obfctivatlons of an eni- ,ent i.hpc-^iu.and contains important In ' .rmation that Fathers, Mothers, Husbands Vives Young Men and Ladie», l>o\s and iirls ought to know. Nothing nke it ever ublishett. Sellsat sight send t.-r Circulars «H tftrmg 1*. W. ZlEGLEtt ̂ v'M _aa nd terias. ^ ^ums St., Chicago, Jll, Justloe Too LOII( Difmeil, From the National Tribune. In the last issue of the National Tri­ bune we took occasion to present some reasons why. in our judgment, the agi­ tation for the passage of the "Equaliza­ tion of bounties b'll ought now to'be renewed with all possible vigor aiul maintained until its purpose has been fully accomplished. One of these rea­ sons was that the enactment of this .measure of justice to the soldier has been too long deferred already'. More than twenty years have elapsed since Congress entered into the first contract to pay a bounty to volunteers in the war Of the rebellion, yet that contract still'remains but partially executed. The men who served'out their terms of service have received the bounty due them. It Is true.but the claims of those who. by reason of disability incurred in the line of duty, or for other like, causes beyond their control, were pre­ vented from'serving out their full term df Enlistment, still remain unsatisfied. It is ^burning disgrace, but it is never thelesPthe plain, unvarnished truth, that the Government took advantage of a technicality in the law to escape the payment of bounty to Its soldiers In all oases of tliis description, aud ha? steadily refused to be influenced by any consideration of equity. It ex- HCled from the soldier all that was '"nominated in the bond," aud, like Shylock, Insisted that It was itself iin- f der no obligation beyond that espress- I ad In the letter of its contract. When one considers that the injustice of this action has been a matter of public dis­ cussion during all these years It ?eenis almost Incredible that it should not long ago have been corrected, but such, as we have snid, Is the humiliating fact, that we cannot but feel that this shameful delay now constitutes ore of tliVmoftt potent elements of the claim which our ex-soldiers have upon the Government. The responsibility for the dslay rests of course, *Htl> Congress, but it should be said that there has never been want­ ing in either House brave and earnest advocates of the rights of the soldier, and the inaction of that body cannot be imputed to any want of zeal on their part. Once, as our readers arp aware.a presidential veto prevented the recog­ nition of those rights, lint as a rule the opposition manifested in the Son ate to tho equalization of. bounties has. been the immediate cause ot the repeated failure of the bill. Senator Logan t>ut the case tersely as long ago as Jnlv 8th, 1876. when, after a vain attempt to call up the the bill In the Senate, he said: "I desire to say to the Senate that, this bill has pawl the House since 11 he venn 1868 five different time#, and the Senate one. ami it is now before the Senate agajn, having tossed the >Joq*e by a great majority at this session [the first session r«f, the Fourty-fonpth Con­ gress]. I deem it Just to tjie soldiers of the country who were defrauded out of their bounty, that this Government should pay ft at the same time, and I think that they have, waited long en­ ough for it." "" That wsu six years ago, and the sol­ diers of the country are waiting still. The Equalization of Bounties bill lias never reached a ,*bte te»t -4*. the Sen at*'. :^v_; "A Now, wo should pot have a word to say against this delay, hard as itiffias 1 been to endure, were there any reason­ able doubt, remaining as to the equity of the principle involved in the bill, but the record shows that for the last ten years there has been no dispute on this point, the Representatives of both political parties haying affirme 1 their belief in its righteousness by their votes, and the conclusion* is irresisi ible ; that the moral cowardice of Congress and nothing else Ita3 been the catise of the delay. Uur Senators have neither dared to deny the Justice of the bill, nor to goon record in its favor. They have persistently and intentionally dodged the issue. It Is this fact which makes the delay unendurable and which gives the demand of oursoldier for the enactment of the bill fmoh force at the present time. They have a right,to be indignant when Congress refuses either to pass or reject the measure, and we say to them that the time has pome to ongress to take decisive ac- Patience lofig* since ceased to be on their part, and they should now assert their right to have the question settled at once and "forever,. If our Senators and Kepreset'.talives do not believe that their claim to th^ bounty, out of which, as Senator Logan says, they have heeil "defrauded," Is a valid claim, let them so declare their votes. If, on the other hand, thev think it Is an equitable claim, let them make provision for lt« payment. No middle oonrse is open to them. The cla'.m is either unjust or just; if the former, it ought to be promptly rejected, a»d If the latier. it ought to-be as promptly allowed. That is the direct issue and Congrtfcs must be made to face It. now ? Rv bringing to bear upon it all the in­ fluence which our ex-sold'.ers have at ; votes solidly against every ,vl ;c> 5g •.« ;|>"C?SrP his , this question. Let them exert it ilr the form of petitions and memorials to their Representatives and Senators^ And last, but not least, let them exert It through the National Tribune, by rallying as one man to its support and endowing it with .their own strength and Influence. Its subscription rolls should contain the name of every tjX- solilier in the land. When it speaks it will then speak tor hundreds of tho^ sands, instead of thousands, and con­ gress will listen. Aye. and it will heed» too. for in this country legislators are still tbe servants, not the masters, of the people! eomup+TJr tiotC Pat aMrtue oi some time a drummer hoy. belonging to Boone's regiment, had made himself conspicuous in annoying the Writer «»f this article. " ' 'Why don't von whaki him?" the bovs wouldsav. *"Ji«»t wait." J the hero.would reply,"Just hold" on V" while till I get a good chance. He'* got a lot of soldiers to back him iwijllf: but wait, will you >" -While, a party of bJJVs. including tho hero, were standing around, watching tlie process of paroHngsoldiers, an ii|« , pudent little scamp said to the her** "There's vour druulmer over yonitoiw Why don't you give it jo him?" "1*11' citch h ;.rt one of these days;** reJolnc>«I i the hew. ami luoklesjily^endeavnrinf |o chinge the subject, he made tome n4 .mark' about going Imme-ttliat hl«l mother wanted him, "He's afraid (#•,- bounce hlm,"sald another IH»V. "Dldn*t I tell you he wouldn't fight?" Th« •drummer-boy approaohed the tree der which the hero an^l the party of wonld-he avengers standing. •"Now's your time " was whispered, "Say,"exclaimed tliohero.a«lvanol*i|j|>« "I told you "that I was going to whipi... >you when I caught you out. Ynu'v# b^en trying to run over me enough, and dog-gone if I dou't whlfi you right here. Mv pa told me not *|| let you rmi over me no longer, dng-foni ' you." ' "IMtclj into hlRi,* r®Hed thtf avt ers, • '1 "What cfyeir want outen me?* ask* the drummer, ^. "You've got to take that back tlia§ yon called me." " ^ "Put it to hlm."yetle«l the avengers*" "What d'l call yoaf** » H * ^ f"| "Put It to htal!" . : "1 dun forgot now, bnt IF called me anything wilt you take i| ? back?" . ' _r- "Oh, it' you're after a iight, here's ' your chance." . ' sil The conflict was desperate. 'Pederat ' ; and confederate soldiers gathereit t\ around. Within three minutes fron|^f'|%; the tlmh the engagement began th4 • hero was in ^ad shape. The dramme* ,J. climbed all over him. Several ptiesanj ^ who were present declare that the her<| ? ^ f hoivled. Perhap3 he did., but anywa\* •; this is the fight that Ellsworth failei] ,, f'- to mention.-- East St. Louis Qagetfe, . •:y./yv.w-..,4b- '8nsuiww" 'I'wt'iieiwm ' • > spw""1^ atidtdate . . | The Agrici A TV \R ITic'MISFSCKNCK. A Noted Fifthf which hap been Entirely Overlooked by Literary Soldiers--An Historical Link, Qfcorge A. Ellsworth, (Jeneral Mor­ gan's telegrapli operator, lis's outri- buted several interesting chapters to the newspaper library, which, 'Jiough they can claim no place in literature or even gain recognition as thrilling nar­ ratives, are lull of interest for small bovs and replete with memory food lor the daring soldier who participated in the exploits described. Although Mr. Ells­ worth writes with that precision which makes as§ertio*i» as though a well-kept diary were In the back ground, yet his description of Morgan's capture ol Boone, at Gallatin, is incomplete If not Inaccurate. It is true that Morgan entered the town quietly, having evaded the pickets, proceeded to the hotel, captured Col. Boone, and then, took possession of the fairgrounds and Booth's regiment which was quartered tlifn'e, But nowhere does Mr. Ellsworth describe a tight, of decided warmth, which occurred shortly after th-i sur­ render of tbe troops, Perhaps it is well for us to fill in this missing link of history. When the sun arose that memorable morining and exchanged glances with the dew-jeweled lawns surrounding the town, there seemed to be a glorified beauty of existence which every day did not possess. The restless drum had not rolled its morning call, when the "pike" ,a dust arose. Women\md children gathered in the streets and "whispered with white lips.' Tlitf dust rose' higher, and amid its ffiouds sunlight leaped in and greeted the gleaming sabre, in a moment more Boone was a prisoner, aud the streets, just arousing from the quiet ot a summer night, rang with iron hoof. The town cow came down the street--a rude piece ot architecture compared with the warrior's horse, but awhiflfrom the weeds wtfiicli| she had been chewing all "ight in preference to sweet grasses would make the war horse b6w in submission. The bovs of the town were -delighted. V ith them, the southern confederacy had gained every tiling. The cartridge boxes and belts strewn around were tangible evi­ dences that the war had come to a close. Just here, among those tangled munitions of war. occurred Wliititi Jills worth I14U pmittctj. F** ricultural papers are teeming with reports of large yields of butter^ chii-flv from cows of Jersey blood. In* iieating the strong Interest whtah th*- subject of Improved stock of this atnd§£ has obtained upon the agricultural community. In breeding for u#efn|-. qualities, the claim that "blood telU'f in cows as well as In all other br*nohe^ of breeding, has recently received forcible demonstration In the case of v the young cow Bomba, 10.330, that lu| ^ 'J year accomplished a two montha(«ixty* ^ two days) which she gave fof* the first mouth 89 pounds 14 ounces^ \nd for the second. 84 pounds 5 ounce# of thoroughly worked butler, weiglie# before salting, She is less than fouf years old, has had two caWes, and aftei being four mouths In milk, is fepopte^l to he stijl making two and a ItalfF pounds of butter a day. As the yielft eixo^eds any heretofore reported of s^|v young a cow. bet owner, Mr. A. Bj» Darling has alldressed a request to tb# llrecioi* of the American Jersejf Cattle (vlub for the appointment of i disinterested committee to inppeot n special test of the cow. She Is th» result of a peculiarly strong combing tion of the blood of these great buttef cows, Beginning back four generic tions with Colonel Hoe's Alpha, wliost incomplete tests uniformly indicate^: over twenty pounds a week, her peifc* igree takes in Europa, thatyluade ovef fifteen |\puuds a week; Eurotas, thSS made 774l>°ua«ls in a year; Imported Violet, whose partial tests were equil* alent to nearly twenty pounds a week| hrid also derives tbe J5»glteh Rioter blood, which was the crowning success of forty years careful breeding froBT tested cows by Mr. Philip D^moy. of Hcrwood", Eng., whose dairy lor J ears 4 •a -j supplied tlie Queen's table, and whosil stock, descended from Ids bull, Riotef^, has brought hv far the highest ayctiflll prices reached HI England, long befors Eurotas and other great butter cows had demonstrated its value in this country. By such methods of breeding for a direct-purpose as Bomba Illus­ trates, American breeders expect to gradually establish a fixed quality. co|»~ tinned bv the generations- of especial merit', that will transmit useful r*m suits, and raise^Jersey from her »*•*• age standing ast merely omi»iuei)ta| cow to one of unsurpassed value iu bsv specialty. ••'•ii rr̂ asgnr̂ st gigy-It Is the hope that the p**ral«i|f but distressing rust out of inserting "cards of thauk»" wijl at an early dajr cease to he oractffied. They are out of place, to sav the least, and under a||, clryuinsmnces are bores to the reader, ' If a friend dies »n*l the friends and ueighbet** of the deceased bestow maitr kindnesses "in the hour of grief aiu| afiiiction,"' those kindnesses are private atteu 'ious; they are personally te»* tiered and should be personally «»• kuowledge-d by the family In affliction* If-not, let them pass; tlie gratitude wll| be interred, it is a poor practice, this public advertise me nt of your ^tb»»|«^ y«Kv. - , , _ Jliliil :.affiHSt. "••Skt

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