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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1882, p. 4

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*;i . •< - l«k.>^. ' ' - '> " i* " jX I ••?*. i !» *v ^ x A '4V, ' - ft!;-:-; --•» r W^ftAlfrjiiYiir, iftfjaLkiMtfiM 1 iVrfTnr^iA • •• -»im'tiiiMiMair 'wtofe' . L ' '-if¥^'^rTrw>vr^iat^ t *'^ --^ 1: v&; JK.^ypy n ,1 -• *.„• ANDNOW Wauconda Department. AM IJLIONS AMES ryilKKDKRof Xfiorftushbred 'Ptflanft C1 l i n W HIIRS . Residence: . 'Hi miles south of VulOj LaTse Count v. i l l . >fl.ork f<>r sale. iWiXTllSORlPTIOX^ for the Pt,Aisr>KAT.Ei{ will Ivc received in Waneonda at F. H.. Hai^ rison'a Drug i^tore aj»rt By John Goldlng e$K.'-:T C. N. CULVER, WRDJTESDAY, OCT. 1.1, Miss Khtte McMulioii wilt ie^cn Fox. Lake next vein*. We Have It ! *1. VAN SLYKE, STATE TICKEl; ForSinte Treasurer: t J. C. SMITH, or Chicago. Stat* Superintendent of Schools: CttAKLE* J. STEATTOS, of Ml. ••$ li CONGRESSIONAL. ' |W Member of Congress, 5th District: BR^CBF.N ELLWOOI>, of Sycamore. far miben of the .Legislature, 8th District, CHARLES H. TRVON, Mcllenry County. ©SARI.KS £. FULLER, Boone County. BOUNTY TICKET. i •> >S-:" t- 4 fsr^Connty Clerk, ©OL. WILLIAM AVERT of Marenji For County Treasurer. $AFT. JAMES NISH, of Aljjonquin. c For Oonnty Judge. OL H. GILMOItE, of Woods«*»lii • For Sheriff. ' ' A^AD UDELL, of Chcmui)^. ^ - ^ >*or8npenntendcnt of School*. L D. BALOW IN, of McHenry. For Coroner,, • W. W. COOK, of Woodstoe*. j%^<t S-'.'v; . A' I* * »i' ' a~ !* y«*« i Vt - "f S-v- FOR KKPItKSKNTATlVKS. Thft qneotlnn as to who PhalJ re pre- •ont (III*, the 8tli District, in the next General Assembly, seems to be «ow tl*e •M tliat most interests the ir.imls of the peopl*, and more especially the politicians. The regular conventions have been held. bnt. still the soreheads were not. satisfied, and the result is then* are now six candidates In the Held, viz: ('apt. 0. H. Tryon and Hon. C. E. Fuller. rtfrnlarjgsjnihliean nomi­ ne**, Jsis. M. ThofSfpsou. Democrat. Mr. Allen, GreenhacV. E. M. Haines and t). CJ. Cowan. Independents. Haines is an Independent Democrat., bnt what Oow- ftj's former political affiliations were wo do notjsnow. With this number of candidates, that there will be a sharp tight no one MB doubt. K. M. Haines, ona of the MMt nnscrupulons politicians and wire pollers in the District., will skirmish all along the line, but while the' war is waxed between Democrats and Inde­ pendents fc'e care little who wins. Haines' object in running is his eternal hankering after office and the spoils thereof, while as to Cowan^ he afppears to be pushed on by friends whose heads •re *ore because they could not run the politic* of Boone County to .suit their own aims and ends. But Republicans have no Interest in the mongrel crowd, and should be care- fnl how they lend them a helping hand, either by word or deed. The Repub* lloan nominees are tried and true. num. and should receive the undivided sup- - §»rt of every Republican voter. CAPT. C. H. TRYOS - ' 7>nlT6"Hiifrr" ' COMIi TO CKIHF. The most arrogant, impudent and corrupt politician that ever disgraced the feeptihlloanparty west of the Mis­ sissippi. has come to grief at last. Channeey I. Filiev^. late chairman of the Republican State Committee, of Missouri, attempted the role of a polit­ ical despot. He , ruled with such n complete disregard of the Interests of' the party. the wishes of honest Repiib- ctins, and the. principals of political -ethics that- he became intolerable. The people professing the Republican faith, rose in a.mass. and. with % shout of triumph, hurled him from his throne. The events leading to this glorious climax are interesting. They are in­ structive-, roo. They warn every man who permits political ambltiofi and khameiess selfiehness to^seire his soul, ijthat there is a limit. For a time he may arrogate to" himself all wisdom jind all power; tre%t men with whom he ifchouMconsoltwith'cnntemptibelie their 'motives and extol In himself a patriot- Ism that lie does not possess; but Ir­ responsible power, flagrant, mendacity- And disgusting hypocrisy do hot reign •forever. The events also reveal the potency of the people. There Is no apolitical slavery from which they, can- hot emancipate themselves. The Re­ publicans of Missouri have won a great victory. Let would-be leaders, of the- smaller fry. in McHeiiry County, who have had their memory so eflectuallv jogged in the pa«t year, take \yarnlng. ILLINOIS CONT.RKS.SMKS. The Itet of Republican nominations for the next Congress in Illinois is now complete, the choice of Mr. Dunham by the First District Convention day being the last. The list of Repub­ lican candidates is as follow^: Candidares.. ,Ransotv> \V. Dunham . . . .Sylvester Artley. . .fleoi-jre R Duvi's. . t .r . t ieorce K Ailams . .... lll'lltll'Tl Kll WOOI1 , . . .1!ol»ort K Hitt . \ Thomas J lU ' iulerson v:. , . . . . .William Cullen Lewis K l ' i iyton Jirtm E I.e\*is .Benjamin K M:iv«h . . .(No nomination) . . . .^. . . . . Deitrich C sntilli . .Jenatlian H R<>\v(ill Joseph <» Cannon . . . . . . . E 15 Grae 11 . . . . . . . . .William H r»;irlo\v , . ' v. .- . .William C Kneflfner Georvre (1 Ross . . . . . . . . John R Thomas V M; v BSt.,;: jbQen a resident 4«minty for over forty years, and Is too well known to need aiiy encomiums from as. He is honest, upright, and -+t«rr Inch a man. Intelligent and. Iieea, he knows the wants of his county aad district, and "will make a good legislator. HON. C. E. H I.l.ER, ' Although comparative]^ a young ntan ( has a head very seldom seen on the ahoulders persons many years his senior, lie filled the office of State Senator for feof years, and in every Instance cast his vote for the best interest of his constituents. lie is a vigorous and' effective |>ubiic orator, and will make his mark in the balls pf our State Legis- latnre. Bepubllcans, there 1J» skirmishing all along the iine, and I the hooves you to be on your guard. Let no false friend­ ship or stay-at-home policy cheat yon oot of j'our vote on election day. The •nemy are secretly at work. Meet them at the polls with a solid front. t9*The notorious E. M. Haines, was at the Llbcrtyville Fair last week, for the purpose. It was said, of working up a^bcon)" to nominate Jiimself as' a candidate for the Legislature, which we learn he succeeded In doing at an Inde­ pendent Convention.held at Waukegan on Saturday. Haines is one of the thost unscrupulous wire-pullers in the District, and from now until election a regular Kilkenny fight will be waged between TJiompson, Democrat, Haiue§. 'Independent Democrat, and the °bal- ance of the Democratic crowd. Let the fig tit go ou.~ lie publicans liavelio Interest in It, ami. cure little which Win*< Ever}' Republican should see that Ills vote reads one and a half votes «a«h for Capt. C. II. Tryon and lion, (jhas, E. Fuller, and let the Democratic fossils take care of themselves. Dirtrict*. First. . . . . . . ; .v. Second i Thir«l Fourth., F i l ' t h. . . . . . . . . . *-. Sixth. , Sovonth,.. Eiirhth t...... Ninth . . . . Tenth. Eleventh' Twelfth.. , . . .MAjtaii Thirteenth F<>N i tcen th.... . J-.-TT Fifteenth . . . .* Six;eenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth.. . Ot these, Davis, Henderson, Cullen, Payton, liewis, Marsli. Smith, Cannon, and Thomas are members of the present Congress, aud Davis, Henderson. Marsh af.d Cannon have served more than one term. The list of candidates, taken as a wholejvis unusually strong and popular, and there is reason to antici­ pate that the Republicans will elect-at least fifteen of the twenty Congressmen this Fall. In the Twelfth District, the Republicans are supporting General James W. Singleton, the independent candidate, who. if elected, would, it is believed, act- with the Republicans' in Congress in preference to the. r^ular Democrats. The real contest at the November election in this Slate w ill be for Con gressmen and members of the Legisla­ ture. and the Republicans owe it to their party and to the best i lire rests of the State to do their utmost in behalf of the regular Republican nominees.-- Journal. Mr. Henry Ooiding. who was getting about on crutchesVhad the1 -misfortune to fall. Tuesday, tearing Uio wouud open again. / 5 . The Libentyvllle Fal^'witt##' town to be nearly deserted Friday. The Visitors report the fair as being very satisfactory. " - Mr..Chas. Barker has boug-ht of • Mr. W. II. Ford the «property upon which hi* harness shofois "located, with the exception of the lower portion of t ie lot, which was sold to Mrs. Slociind. Dr. Hubbard has left Waueotida to the tender mercies of 'Drs. AV»*lls and McChesney and gone to Watikegan. Dr. McChesney has taken possession, of Dr. Hubbard's former office. The po«t office was moired back to its old quarters in Mr. Hughes furni­ ture store Monday morning. The rea­ son of the change is said to be that it toqk up room which. Mr. Wyinan need­ ed for goods. , , .v f TIIK D*lltY MAICK«T. : From the Elitin News, Oct. 10. • ,*••. On the call board, Monday; 491 ; tubs of butter were offered. an<l 567 tubs: found regular sale on the floor during the day nt "32@33J ^ents,' nearly all at 33. This is advance of one cent over last week, but falls two cents behind the flguK&Oftlift correspond!ng^le in lssi. Cheese also made an advance of half a cent in ruling price, nearly all regu­ lar sales going at 10 cents, the range being from 9 to 10|. The ruling price las*, year was 11 cents, a few lots reach­ ing 1.1'J. and none going beloty the. for­ mer figure 4 .] Saturday's New York quotations rated both butter and cheese as active, the lonwer .selling- at 32<®34. and the latter at, 12J@12J for full creams. -Skiins were quoted at 3@7j. aiKl the-Liver­ pool market at fifi shillings. Very little product remains in tlie hands of faetorymen, and ..with' the present cool weather prices are again bound to advance. Under present fa­ vorable conditions goods can be ship­ ped to the Southern markets,where the demand is sharp, and if New York and Boston secure t-hem they must keep up prices. Factorymen are now enabled to-store, their goods at home for short perimltt with safety, and are not at the inercy of dealers. V AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at. Public Auction on, the farms formerly owned by the late Sawf&el H. Walker.a«U now, occupied by Pet^r We id rick and Fred Weijji'ick four.uiiles youth of IUcIjunonO on Wednesday,Nov. 1st at 10 o'ciock. *~iiufu ~ o year old steers. 6 Richmond, 11 li noiSb Sales 6f Stock, Tools and Goods ot all kintV atf ipndod to on the most Reasonable'1 Terms and .satisfaction guarautewl. Post Oiiiee address, ' : lucumuXD, ihU- x THE m m ± Cp, co o ft 2. o & Of tlio Season. An extra heavy W tie Pnni, 32 inches wide at 8 cents per yard. We have also the larirest and best as.«ovt."ed stock of j?oods of all Kinds that have ever shown. We have a srood many ba. to show you. Call and see. Henry roglrs. Volo, Sept. 18, 1882..- - . WAUCONDA - ILLINOIS, ^fTlie enemies of Mr, Stephenson a candidate for Congress in Northern Wisconsin, are using the argument against him that he was once an ox driver. That is strange only in this fact, that any mHn who ever possessed the courage pud executive ability to drive oxen successfully would ever give it up to enter Congress. The country is chuck full of poor Congress­ men, but men who can engineer a fractious yoke of oxen are scarce, and perhaps there is a demand for thejri in Congress. But it seems too bad- to spoil a good ox teamster to make a Congressman when timber for the for­ mer is so scarce. It requires a great deal of force and mental acumen to drive oxen, and Mr. Stephenson should be proufi of his record, even if that is the only record lie has got,--PecPs Sun. Five Fiz. s for Family Pairing. Tive sinus lor 1'actuiy uso. fenVct stuck aiul the beet work. Strung, simple, efficient, convenient aud dur- alale. Tliey continue to bo THE STANDARD CHURN- OF THE COUNTRY. T R Y O N E . Send for full Descriptive Circulars to PORTER BLANCHARD'S SONS, CONCORD, N. H.. 3T UTTTCIT <JU »V 5 , I M Bulls, 5 three year year oid strers; 3 two year 9. yearlings. (Mil two old heifers, « ' . j A TKHMS OF SALE.--Cash.or one ye9rs- time on approved notes at 7 per cent, interests. No stock to be removed until settled for. J. W f*ltI«TT, Executor of s. H. Walker Eatate, AU<rriON SALE. V The undersigned will sell, on his farm four miles west ot Mcllenry, 011 Tuesday, October 31st, 1882, at. 10 o'clock, A. if.. 10 good cows, 6 steers,- 10 three year old heifers, 10 calves, 2 brood mares, 1 lior«e. ^ ~ TKIJMS--One year on good approved notes at 7 per cent. Two per cent, off for cash. * PHILIP GIESELEU. Good -Goods, Real Merit the Basis! C. LVPEATT,- WAUCOriDA, ILLINOIS, ^"Wonl. ' t vespee.tfnlly inform the citizens of Wane-on flit and stirronniHnjr <;oun.try that he Iras ;i hu'^e and v.ell *ele<uet| stock of G joiIs in* hin line, f >r the Fall and Winter trade; eunsistiing, in part of. Dissolution Notice. I, ;} f pHK Copnrt nershin heretofore existinjr 1 under Ihelirni name of Stevens & so jiiiofr is tl i is dfiy dissolved l)y i t iutnal ctmsent, F. A. Sehnorr retiring. All indebtedness of the late; flrtn will be assumed by C. V. Stevens, .10 whom all noted and book accounts owiiij; lo said fiint will be paid. | C. V. STEV EN^. • , F.A. SUlINOIMi. McIIenrj ' , IIl . , .Oetobe>*.2(J, 1882. - T'would hereby infoi-m our olfi customers and the imblic, irenerally lhut<f wt}l conlinae the business at thw old" staml, with h Rood stock of aroods in niy line, npd will he ha |» |»v to se6 all who niav'give me a call. C.V.ST EVENS. Never iiiake any misrepresentations. Deal fair, square and up­ right .with all. Sell o^ooda at low prices. "\V*ii> not lie undersold" is their motto.. Can .prove the above iacts if you will call on them Ours; lock of Dry. Goods never was more complete than at present, and in Dress Groods we defy competition in style and price. Our .ine of Prints comprise^ many different patterns, and are. marked way down. Gjod Prints from four to five cents per yard. short our Fall and Win tor stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, BOON a JKI Shoes, Hats and* Caps, Heady-made Clot-hit)#,' Hardware, Crock* eJ*y, etev, nev^i: was.? comm'iee* will be madcr f s . ^ ,y.* Atso^ave a'fine line of : Wood Stoves,.w To Which "wo invite the attentiiMiof the public: Call and see us Wauconda, III , o< t. loth, 1^82. 3 ̂ T.ARF? Directions. Insert witn.iit l l i ' llnjrw a particle of. ba I ID into tjie nos. . trils; draw stvniiir lu-eaths throu^li the nose It will he ali .sorbed. '• 1 Ely's Cm!H Bali.. It e C e c.-.t u a.l 1 y cleanse.* tin' 11 as,-it | iassapres of f!:i . tarrhal virus,cam. ing healtiiv seeretions allnrs inllaimnalion prnteets Mic'membrane from additional eolds, ' I 'omplete' .v heals the sores and restores the senses of ta.stu and .smell. Beneficial resn'ts are realized liy a few ajijil iraiions. A thor. oiif^h treatment as directed, will eurc (utarrh hay fever,"Jfcc. Agreeable to Use. Unequaled for Colds' Head. CJ"c.d UEAIS nasal cC<aSi»c I •t Have just, received the lavirost stock of Dolmans, Cloaks an< Jackets, both for^Ladie? and Misses ever offered by any house it Mcllenry ('ounty. \ fhey were bough't "so low that we are enabled ti soil them at usual wiolesale tiirures. In in the tio(i Tlie Tlahn has gained an onriahle reputa Wf^fruver 6Hu\vjjj , ,dis»luiu!is all other prepi- rations. ' •" • .- • Recognised as a Wondferful -- Bishovcrv It is sol*4 'IT ' I-iTrists af. 5D cents. On re­ ceipt of prtee will mai ' a" ' inoVatfe; s(!ml for circular containing lutl information and relia­ ble testimonials. ELY ORE AM BALM CO., Owej?o, N. Y; "Our farmers, wiio have- seen ^lielr farms groiviug itv value from J|L25 to $50 and 975 an acre, may l»e iu- ^erested in contrasting the change ^•tli that of a Vermont faim at Rye- ~j|j£ale; wiiicii sold for 93,500 twenty years ago. The hem ' is as follows: •"George Webber has • bought the Andrew 'Buchanan farm of 90 acres from John and .laities Miller, for ® 1.275/ They gave in tlie trade 12 tons ot hay, a lot of cedar posts and boards, and an estimated crop of CO bushels of apples, in ail worth «lf»0. The*£one wall on tlie farm would cost now to build about a& much as the farm sold for. It has a iiouse in good repair and two- fair sized barns.'"--Sycamore. Jiejmb- . iiean. JST'Tlie Hon. W. li. Dunham. Presi­ dent of the Cy^ago^oard of Trade, --.was nominated on Wednesday last as tlie Republican candidate for Coiigrepi in tlie First District, to succeed Mr. Aldricli, the present iiiciiiubeut. The iioujination of Mr. Duuliam wan a great ^ surprise, even t«» himself. While there was known to l»e some opposition 10 Mr. Aldricli, It was generally sup- 5»osed that lie would he reiionifiiated. Jut the "black Lorte" \\ .-.s iu thit; i:;;ce* ore than thirty of the pioneers of Lake County gathered near the am­ phitheatre last Thursday afternoon, Capt. Chas, II. Tryon, tlie Ref ublican nominee for Representative in the Legislature, heiug the centre of tlie "group.. The Captain came to Mcllenry County" in 1837 and used to draw wheat to Waukegan while it was yet Little Fort. Mr. I. R. Lvon of this city acted as^master of ceremonles and i turodiiced 1 lie old settlers to Mr. Tyron and to each other. -- Wa,uf:egai 1 Gazette. A Sandwich dispatch says: "Mr. II. F. Blnndgnod". ' the editor of' the Free Pre##. of 1 his city, who got caught in tlie shafting of li'R press ma­ chinery last s.pri 112: and. Was seriously injured, died of blood poisoning Fri­ day. Funeral on Sunday, the. eight li." This news will he received with gen­ uine sorrow by-the fraternity wherever Mr. Bloodgond ^as known. The acci-* d«jnt was a terrible one. yet much '-en­ couragement was fe't for the. victim's recovery. He bore his suflerings pa tientlv. EST HAY. Came into^the enclosure of the un­ dersigned, about Se pfe 111 tier 2fith, one Sow. The owner is-hereby-not!fled' to prove property, pay charges and take her away. PHILIP GIESELER. Mcllenry, September 30, issi. Case.Fnrst & Hraolev. Moline., Hap- good and other Sulky plows at F,; M. Owen & Son's. Fitzsimmohs & Gyanson will give low prices on Clothing thi« week* If you wan; a good Suit.. Overcoat, or lirst class Footwear, it would +1o 110 iiarni -to call in. Butter and Kggs wanted. Fitzsimmoris & Ev- a!:son, l-ome and take out a Hapgood Sulky Plow. Be your own judge. Give it :v thorough test. You all know that it will carrv a BIO man and then run tigliter than any 14 liicli walkiiig |»lo\v made. See on:: at G. M. Owen & Son's. Dry Goods* Notions, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, 5^ Glassware, &c., tVhlch he is bound to sell as cheap as good goods can lie bonjtht any where. : . He also keeps a tine line of Koekfrtrd Hand Made Jioois and Shoes, to which he invites par. t icular attention In sliorl, every tiling that can lie found ina general store will he-kept, and sold a-> low a« the lowest, and every tlung-warrai.t^od as rep- cescntevi, . Chick's Celebrated - flour, rckford ALWAYS ON" HAND. When in want of Goods in my line yon will find it for your Interest to call and sac* mo C. L. PRATT. WAlOOirDA,vOct. 10, 1833. An effective ine<iieine for kidnev diseases.low fere es and nervous pros- tratioiv. and well worthy .of k trial," Is Brown's Iron Bitters, A pore, strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dys­ pepsia and similar diseases. It has never beeu equalled. Brown's Iron Bit ters. Farmers, von want a light ranning *u ky Plow. 1f any. A plow that will run lighter than any walking plow on jd;n*<*. If so. purchase a Hapgood at E. >1". Owen fc Son's. And Dressmaking. IS. . C. -L- B. K. (uccessor to J. W. Cristy) Ringwood. Illinois. r>yfa vinfr re!i I ted the stores lately -occnpieil by ,f. W. Cristy ,.UIJ. I haAMTii? 1!I left i t with a .first j . class stock of Dry* Goods, Notions, Groceries, Boots and Sfioes, Ilats and Caps, 'Etc.,. Iiani now prepared to srivp the buyinsr public as Kood. bnrjrains as can be found 111 any gen­ eral store. I do not claim to sell lower than .anybody, else, but. t do claim to sell pood (ioodsa't l iv- iiifr prices, and . .guarantee everything as rep­ resented. My.stock is ' We "nave an assortuienl foiiiid .nQ.igkfiB^-aBkaJ<i^o^r^, voting especial attention to our ' Me de BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT ^iul keep a complete line of' tlo v:'|i, lieudersoi Is just in, and 111 fit and styles we defy competition. A large step pf Groceries, PainU aad Oils constantly <m hand. Call and exami| our goods. HENRY 7X>LBY! block, Mchenry, *§. Invites an examination of his immense stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods JfGW^ FRESH AND COMPLETE. And comprises everything usually found in a General Oountrv tore ~. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, * \ GIVE ME A CALL. B. K, DUERS. IlINGWOOD. ^.ug. 15th, 1S8Z ; r~ II. C. Mead, a banker of Waupaca. Wis., was shot dead through the win­ dow of his banking house. Saturday night, by 1inkuow.11 assassins, who then entered tlie building. rifted tlie safe-..and carried oft a large amount ^bf gold' and currency. KSTJIAVr Broke into my enclosure 011 Angus 7th. a roan or grayish colored cow. The owner is requested-to call, .prove prop­ erty. pay charges and rake hej- away. N111,da September 21^t. 188*2. - J. K. l$EOiiI>KV. Our stock of Drugs, Chemjeal^ and Patent Medicines Was never more coinph'te. f?oo(H reliable and prices ri^lit at Henrv f*«dhv's. Has jn*treturned from the city, with a full stock of Fail and Winter Millinery, I .adies' Kurnisliing (ioods, etc, , to wldch she invites the attention of I l ie I .adies of Waucnida and vicinii v. Oressmakiiicr prompt I v attendeil ti> anil sutisfactlQn guavant«e<J. BGBDER OUTLAWS CI DEM MILL. Jolnf W, SSinitil's Cider Mill is now in running order, where apples will be made into 'Oh short notice and ti.e. test of satisfaction guaranteed. , .;' ' ^UIIN vr. SMITH/ v. Bttg^aeai AOEWTg WANTED By .T. W. I3nei. The N"w, Thrilling and Authentk, HUtrtrv- 01'the l.ivcR 11,1 \Vonderful Adventure* of, America's gri-at Outlaws, The Youiiffer Brothers, Frank aii<l .Ic.^cJames. .Vn<l their bands of highwnvmen, down to tlie present moment, including the IMOATII of .IKs^k .1 , \ J1 Ks and all , the lute startling and thrilling development*. T.O l i ln straI ions and Portraits; .le>so James before and aftei death: onlv true portrait of Frank .lames cv. ^r published. 12 Fine Colored Plates- skcich ot Quantrel 1; interviews and letters fi-oiii Cole Vounirer; the breaking up of the «•«m! and revp!fttlon» of startling secvets. The Ittark Klag, the terrible '-ll lack Oath," and hundred* of oU»e,r rvMonishing facts. Most M'onderlu 1 and ,(£xciting book in exis. teller! <)utsells l ,evei 'y' .hing! Newand great ly enlarged edition; new lllustraiions; r><l0 {•ages, <>rice-*l 50. Agents' CanvassingOiulil , c. II ' .ustr iied Circulars and full parvlcii . larsfree,. Avents, don't lose this- grand <m. ptouidty. A-I.lress, IHSTOHICAI- IT 15 I-IJIIIN'O CO. ,COI K. 8C! s treeti ".f. Louis,-Mo •P- Waucouda - TH Fancy --DBALBB IK-- Groceries, Goods, Canned which are beino: offered at very low prices. I have the sortment of lilvADY MADE CLOTMIMG ever shown in McHen: which will he sold very cheap for cash. In at-and C aps, %>ots and Shoes, my stock is complete and am confident I can save yon-money on these goods. Paints, Oil Dru^s an 1 Medicines, Crockery, Glassware. W ooden and Willoi ware, a-ikl the largest stock of Groceries to be found in McHenr Prices always as low asjrood Goods can„be sold, hio trouble to sho Goods. (Jail and be convinced. | Novelty and Variety B A Z A A R ! BTATIONERY'NEWSPAPERSy Magazines, Books, Novels, 3*TJ«IO. v . • " ' v.- All Musical Journals, I . ibraries, and Joko Hooks, Letter Wi-iters, <«anios,>'plays, Dream liooks, Motlo Verses and firds, Toys tind Toy Books, Inks, Mucilage, • Writiliar I ' ;u I 'encils, Pens, Seluiol and Ill-ink Hook: Maps, elnxil npplie #38 ell)t articles jiol i iere Collars, Cicars, uicnluiticd, at and the ;Bazaar, McHenry, 111. Choice Confectionery NOTIONS, TINWARE, CUTLERY, CIGARS, • TOBACCOr &c., &e. >fy «tock Is fresh and complete in everv .particular; and T \rii l not he undersold, qual­ ity of goods Consider,»ii I l»ny none l>u.t the l>e»t, and purchasers will And itfln objoct to ca|i and see me before purchasing, » - 0uiek Hales jk Small Profit I s m y motto, aad tt wlVJ be llvcd-ti p to. E. W. BROOKS- ' / / rauoon l - , 4ajf.j6t, 16S2. , 1st. . That the Phoenix, of Ifnrtford is de voted exclusiM-ly to the business of Fire In­ surance • 2nd. That, i\ i l l : two exceptions, the cap­ ital of the Phirnix is double that of any other' Company in the.Un i ted ta tes doing a Fire, Ipsuranse business exclusively. -3d. That its rales of premium are, and \yil- eoiitinneto he; as low as strictly choi«'el first class Insurance can be furnished for i 4th That it . has prosecuted the General. Agency business in the Western and Southern •states and Territories ihrougn the.mear.sot a lie pa rt incut l-lcadijunrl ers in Cine inuati, Ohio, for if period of more than tweniy-live years to-the enl ire sat iffac tion of a vast Tiimber or underwriters ami properly owners . "ith. That Its manner of adjusting and Pay­ ing losses has licen tetled ill every great lire of the period, ami found to be at all timesi til harmony with the principles of^trict justice and libera lit v. , 0th. That it has spent a Iwrge Mint of nionej, carrying-on Jimii• perfecting its present admirable system ol" commercial itnd rural district s. 'whereby it iseni.bled to otter Ihe advantages ami facilities ot genuine ni- demnitv to the people of everv cit-, town, village and county Jn the United Stale*. 7th That its capital is Two Million Oollavs --its Re insurance Reserve, one million, one bundled and eighteen thousand dollars--its Reserve lor»ou«,stimding losses, one hunored and ninetv thousand dollars--ils net surplus, one million dollars and its cash assets. WA DC0ND1 S4.516.426. . 8th. Thai the old IMIOMUX of Harliord is l ive institution and everv wav w ortliy the ex eeedinirlv liberal pa.lrmiage it has received- from the'people in every section of th«J conn, try: i , : A8A W- SMITH, Agent, For Woodcteck and Vieiaity. . Arc open and so is the Wa eonda Drusf Store and Boc Haunt with a complete line of SCHOLARS' SUPPLIES We aim to keep everythir that the, school children nee YVe aim to make low prices ai .ffive good value. We have ju received a supply of Harpei Franklin Square collection songs,"so popular at the Libert ville Teachers' Institute. Ju what is wanted for the scho home circle anc social gathering^ You are invited to compare o| stock and prices wish tho«e | other dealets. | Fr B. HARRISON, ! Druggist and BooklC."* si 8 k about tlie CSratlcUu lAbrary. * » i / '

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